View Full Version : The Continuing Adventures of Fistbeard Beardfist

Deth Muncher
2011-06-22, 04:06 AM
-puts on top hat, grabs speaking cone-

Ladiiiiiiiiiies and gentlemeeeeeeeeeeeeeen! Have you heard, the word, about the beard? That's right folks, there's a warrior who's beard is made of fists and his fists are made of beards, the mighty dwarven hero Fistbeeeeeeard Beaaaaardfiiiiiiiist (http://www.thetangledweb.net/forums/profiler/view_char.php?cid=35240)! We sing your praise, oh bearded one!

When you're in trouble who do you call?
Who do you need when you're in a brawl?
Who is the drunkest dwarf of all?
Fistbeard Beardfist, of course!

Fists of iron! Abs of stone!
Balls of brass and beard of roan!
Fistbeard! Beardfist! Fistbeard Beardfist!

When orcs are invading who do you find?
When tentacled monsters attack your mind?
When elves are being snobby and unkind?
Fistbeard Beardfist, of course!

Knuckles like steel! Ale that's blessed!
Fist of beard and beard of fist!
Fistbeard! Beardfist! Fistbeard Beardfist!

-takes off top hat, stomps on speaking cone-

Anyway. So, if you've not heard of Fistbeard before, he's a character in a series of short stories, and there's been a new one released recently. So, without further adieu, and for your pleasure, I present the Continuing Adventures of Fistbeard Beardfist.

Book the Fi(r)st: Fistbeard Beardfist and the Fountain of Unlikely Chance (https://docs.google.com/document/d/13JLAXnW1kHiilleXS1utmZI1ciUCxYcsRRAxPswN1So/edit?hl=en_US)

Book the Second: Fistbeard Beardfist and the Invaders From The 8th Dimension (https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ASbI04-MNsvLZGZiNTgyYjdfMTBmbXA3N3o2cg&hl=en_US&pli=1)

Book the Third: Devil Dogs (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QhOsmJV8L50GRmC3pbN4WutXoyFbCHjZpeSAlurUDKE/edit?hl=en_US&authkey=CLSww_oP&pli=1) EDIT: Not ACTUALLY a Fistbeard story, but it does have him as a supporting character. It counts.


Keld Denar
2011-06-23, 12:04 AM
Yes, the story behind the beard (behind the fist, behind the beard)!
