View Full Version : [Exalted] A Cold Night in Nexus

2011-06-22, 05:29 AM
Who would of ever thought that events so far away would ever impact on the City of a Thousand Lice? Such dread impact...

Tonight a lord of the Hundred Kingdoms lies dead along with all his subjects, slain by his dead daughter. Together with a court fool, she walks the long walk to Nexus. She does not know why she must go, only that se must.

Two brothers from the North, shrouded in fur and mystery, pull into the docks. The instant they step off of their longboat it sinks into the Grey River, gone forever. They have lost everything but each other, and a price must be payed in blood.

Lastly, a haunted man lies awake on the floor of the poor house, staring at the ceiling. He is so close to home, so close to the forests that bore him. But he must stay here. His tribe is gone, and a man he cannot remember must answer for his treachery. Not for his sake, but for the generations of his kin-folk who were forced to leave their forest, to die in a trap decades in the making.

Now I see before me the Chosen of the Sun. I see in them the power to save this city of filth.Or to destroy it. Who can tell? Who can read their stars? They are dim compared to the fury of the Daystar.I shall keep watch. Time will tell. Time will tell...

2011-06-22, 05:45 AM
It is unseasonably cold in Nexus. Frost coats the ground, and mist fills the air. But for three Exalted of the Unconquered Sun, there are most important matters at hand. We join them on the boundary of Nexus' infamous Firewander District.

"Here are my demands!"

The shout emanates from a tall and impossibly beautiful young man, who has instead of hair, a mane of sky blue feathers. on his forehead the is a third eye that remains closed, and in his lower pair of arms he holds a young, filthy boy. In his upper pair he holds a flame piece and a bottle of cheap wine.

"I want the boys weight in jade! And a slow horse! And three... no five beautiful young women! And an ugly old one!"

He takes a heavy slug from the wine and continues his rant.

"And if I don't get what I want, I throw the boy into Firewander!"

2011-06-22, 12:59 PM
It was a pleasant night, albeit a bit chilly here in Nexus. At least the cold breeze was always a pleasant sensation to his face. Calming him, helping him forget his various duties. Coupled with a glass of wine and the fine company of a pretty lady and Ishiro could be in what he considered a personal heaven. So calming, so nice....and now this....Oh, why does always someone has to drink more than he can stomach? And why do they have to threaten innocents and pose extravagant demands? While being afflicted by what seems quite a few horrible mutations themselves that is....

People tend to overreact and forget. Forget in which city they live, forget what laws exist in it, and what's more, forget who it is that enforces those laws. And in these case, they should be gently reminded of certain facts, lest worse events happen. Reminded, yes of course, with a calm and amiable attitude. After all, it may be their funeral but when innocents are dragged down as well it is not acceptable. At least not while you're trying to make Creation better and help its people suffer less.

Damn...why does this have to happen on such a calm night....

Ishiro, took a deep breath, set his clothes properly and walked towards the drunk and threatening man. He looked at him , with a smile on his face and calmly answered.

"My fellow citizen of Nexus, why all this shouting? Has the wine become sour or the embrace of ladies any less comforting? Has the world turned to a darker shade for you? Is this how you wish to declare your antithesis to the state of things in our beloved Nexus? Does this jewel of a city not please you anymore?

Please, let the boy down and be reasonable. This is no way for a grown man to behave. Especially when your actions are close to violating the vaunted Incunabulum, the Dogma, the basic laws of Nexus. By making all that noise and threats you are dangerously close to impede the trade in this district as people might get afraid and storekeepers close shops out of fear for their merchandise. And if anyone handed you all those things you ask without you giving back something in return that would most certainly violate the trading laws. Not to mention that if you harm that innocent boy, you'll have broken yet another law, by commiting wanton violence. And this my friend is something that you'd never wish to do, trust me.

For, you see, in case you're new to Nexus maybe things were not explained adequately to you, but this city is governed by laws, and those laws are enforced. Not only by the various bands of mercenaries you may have seen around, mind you but - especially if things get out of hand - by the Emissary himself. And well, you might be what passes for tough around this district but it is never wise - my friend - to test the patience of beings far more powerful than you. For that I implore you. Leave that boy down so he can return to his home and please, be reasonable and calm down. If you want I'll buy you a meal and a drink and talk all this thing over. You can tell me what is your problem, what has brought you to this state and we can work it over. Who knows, it might work out and you may very well begin to see life in Nexus with a new perspective.

Well, what say you?"

2011-06-23, 01:10 AM
Manus shakes his head as Ishiro speaks, skeptical at his interpretation of the Dogma and the chances of influencing the mutant. He quietly moves to place himself behind the mutant, far enough away not to seem a threat. He reaches into the pocket of his cloak for his sling but does not withdraw it, watching the boy and mutant closely.

2011-06-23, 10:20 PM
Dexterity+Stealth roll for moving without attracting the mutant's attention:
3 successes.

2011-06-24, 01:17 AM
"I don't talk that much even when I'm playing to the crowd, Ichiro," says Handsome Tiger, fastening his tiger claws into place.

His weapons strapped into place, Tiger steps out into the moonlight, and thrusts an accusing finger at the mutant.


2011-06-24, 07:51 AM
There is a excited murmuring from the crowd. Is it really him, Handsome Tiger?

"A celebrity, oh how exciting! Who cares about the women?"

The tall man casts aside the wine, the flame piece and the boy and pulls four leather straps studded with silver bells from a small pouch at his waist. He ties one to each wrist and assumes a combative stance.

"Let's give the people some entertainment while we discuss this city's boring laws!"

2011-06-24, 01:35 PM
Ishiro noetically almost slaps his face with his palm, after hearing Tiger's intenrvention...Bah...that's a dawn caste and a gladiator for you...why solve it with words when you can literally hammer it in his head. Well at least he released the child, the young Eclipse thought with amusement.

Upon hearing the challenges being issued from the man and Tiger, Ishiro stepped aside and approached the little boy, trying to find out what could have happened before this incident. It was most certainly not in his intention to participate in a fight while in Nexus, considering the city's laws, as well as his personal modus operandi, his way of handling such cases. Perhaps he could learn a useful thing or two about this strange man, while Tiger kept him busy by trading blows with him for the crowd's pleasure.

2011-06-25, 01:02 AM
Manus relaxes as the boy escapes, and lets go of the sling. He walks over to Ishiro and the boy, not bothering to be stealthy.

2011-06-27, 05:03 AM
"Absolutely," responds Handsome Tiger, a well-known grin spreading across his lips.


Join Battle: [roll0]

2011-06-27, 11:21 PM
The pretty mutant leaps at Tiger, swinging at him with both left fists! But the champion gladiator slips nimbly to the side, spinning around and raking his golden claws down the terrorist's back!

Accuracy: [roll0] 6 successes
Damage: [roll1] 6 successes

That damage is before extra successes, add any stunt dice as applies!

2011-06-28, 05:37 PM
Manus reaches the boy and kneels down to speak to him, ignoring the fight.
Are you hurt? Where are your parents?

2011-06-29, 11:17 AM
The beautiful man spins as he recovers from Tiger's powerful blow, a movement that is fluid and graceful, almost a dance. He smiles and re-assumes his battle stance.

"Why would anyone pay attention to anything so restrictive as rules? Would a sane man willingly be bound by iron chains? Does a bird freely fly into his gilded cage?"

He jumps in a high arc and comes flying towards Tiger, all four fists ready to strike.

"Laws are a form of insanity!"

His four fists make rapid strikes at an almost impossible speed.


damage: 6 STR - 9 Bashing soak = 2 (minimum)

2011-06-29, 12:55 PM
The boy slowly opens his eyes...

"M-m-master Monkey? Is that you?"

2011-06-29, 02:29 PM
Ishiro touches gently the young boy's shoulders, steadying him.
"Calm down boy, it's ok. Take a breath and when you feel ready, please, tell us what happened here that led to this four-armed man grabbing you and threatening to toss you in the river".

2011-06-29, 04:05 PM
"You mean Master Monkey? He was jus' havin' his normal few cups of wine before supper time when he started goin' on 'bout how crazy rules is an' some such. Started talkin' bout some fellas he called the New Dawn, an' that's when he got real mad. Said it ent fair that some folks should get to be free just cause of chance. Said he wouldn't stand for it. That's when he grabbed me and we ran out of Firewander..."

A voice shouts above the excitement of the crowd.

"This is it folks! The street fight of the Age! The Shing Face of Nexus, Handsome Tiger, faces off against The Thing that Came from Firewander! I'm giving good odds on the freak!"

2011-06-29, 09:02 PM
Manus turns back to the fight as the voice calls out. He's surprised to see the mutant still fighting.

Ishiro, shouldn't Tiger have been able to take him down with one punch? What do you think this guy is?

He turns back to the boy.

Has Master Monkey always been able to fight like that?

2011-06-30, 04:41 AM
"You fight well, for a coward who threatens children," taunts Tiger, as he brushes aside most of the mutant's blows, "but you've made a classic blunder!"

Tiger stops dead, allowing a blow to strike him and countering with a deadly right cross!


Spending 1 mote personal to activate Fists of Iron Technique again.

Accuracy: [roll0] 7 successes
Damage: 10 dice + threshold successes (I have realized that I shouldn't roll it since I don't know his soak.)

2011-06-30, 04:48 AM
"Indeed, this man seems much more competent than his appearance would denote, and this - combined with the boy's words - is why we should look further into the matter". answered Ishiro.

Then he turned to the boy again.
"This man, boy is your master? Master Monkey as you called him? And if he didn't mean to hurt you why do all this, merely to draw attention? If so we should stop this fight immediately before someone gets hurt".

Have we ever heard about any organization/team/mercenary company etc being called "New Dawn"?
If a roll is required say so and i'll roll in the OOC thread.

2011-07-07, 02:48 PM
Tiger's counter attack sends Master Monkey to the ground.

"Damn it! What's happened to me?"

He drags himself to his feet and brushes the dust from his clothes.

2011-07-07, 10:43 PM
As Master Monkey falls to the ground, Manus calls out to Tiger.
Tiger! Wait a second, let me talk to him!

He turns to Ishiro.
I think I know what he is. Follow my lead.

Manus pushes through the crowd until he is face-to-face with Master Monkey. He clears his throat, ready to make an announcement.

Join debate, Wits+Awareness: [roll0]

2011-07-07, 10:45 PM
Let's try those rolls again. Join Debate (7d10) [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] 4 successes.

2011-07-09, 01:04 AM
Handsome Tiger holds, but stands ready to land the killing blow.

2011-07-09, 05:10 AM
With no interruption from Monkey, Manus starts to speak.

Look at me, Monkey. I'm going to tell you a story. When I was a boy, my parents were killed in front of me by a robber on the streets of Nexus. I swore that day that I would devote every waking moment and every trace of my family's fortune to bringing justice to this city.

He steps closer.

For two-thirds of my life, that robber has defined my entire existance. I have sacrificed any chance at a family or a career to fight against everything he represents. If my life is a story, he is by far the most important character in it. I never saw the man's face. But he had four arms.

Assuming that nothing interrupts it, this is Manus' first attack in social combat. It's a complete lie, of course - see his character sheet for his real backstory.
Manipulation + Performance (7d10) [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] Five successes.