View Full Version : arena druid exhibition

2011-06-22, 07:50 PM

declare final purchases if any. and roll initiative

Il take red circle
mysterious grab the other.

just to note, im unsure on the arena legality of wild cohort, it may fall under the no leadership or its varients rules.

unnamed (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=306307)
eldon (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=307520)

2011-06-22, 07:52 PM
initiative [roll0]

2011-06-22, 07:53 PM
Saw it in a free-for-all match currently going on (or maybe just ended). In fact that's where I learned about it.

Initiative: [roll0]

No purchases.

Edit: Can I go?

2011-06-22, 08:00 PM
ya. starting in M4 unmounted mount is in N4
edit* holding a loaded sling in one hand shield in the other.

2011-06-22, 08:14 PM
Unnamed the Dreamsight Shifter, Round 1

Spells Prepared:

Level 0: Cure Minor Wounds x3

Level 1: Conjure Ice Beast I x2

Start on M-23/N-24 mounted on Mr. Carrots, holding nothing.

Spitting Joey on O-23, Sidearm Max on L-23 (can I, since my starting area is too small for them?)


Free action to shift.

Free action to direct the other animals (can now speak to animals).

Standard action to take total defense.


Double move to S-17/T-18.


Double move to W-18.


Double move to U-19.

Done (stats when I need 'em).

2011-06-22, 08:30 PM
ugh this is gonna be painful... built this guy for 1-2 round kos.. not fighting 3+ guys haha, and swindlespitters should not be lvl 1 companions lol.

ok round 1.

move action move to G4

standard ready action
shoot sling bullet if any of the creatures (character included) come within 50 feet standing next to the glass. he ends turn with one of them in los/loe, or unnamed enters los/loe and within 50 feet.


stats when needed.

2011-06-22, 08:50 PM
Hmmm, I just realized it would be very difficult getting a mule to the other side of the map. Any chance you could get over here instead? :smalltongue:

Unnamed, Round 2


Free to direct.

Standard for total defense.


Move to U-17/V-18.


Move to X-17.


Spit on any foe that comes within Los, Loe and range.


Move to Y-17.


Move if any foe comes within 40 feet.

Done (stats when I need 'em).

2011-06-22, 08:56 PM
You know that's just a. Squeezing situation at that point yes?

And be careful with your directions, on this mapp you need loe to just auto direct, otherwise listen checks start coming up.

Im actually going out with some freinds now, so il get my turn up in the morning.

2011-06-23, 02:41 PM
ok turn 2

swift: shapeshift to predatory form
standard: manifest aberrant dragonmark for shield
move: 60 foot movment to B14

spells prepared
all cure spells


hp 9/9
ac 22/15/18

rageclaws shaped
shield 1/10

2011-06-23, 03:43 PM
Unnamed, Round 3


Double move to J-15/K-16.


Double move to L-17.


Double move to I-18.


Standard to use total defense.

Free to direct.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (6 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 25/25; AC: 16/11/14

Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13

Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14


2011-06-23, 03:51 PM
its round 3 first of all :smallwink:

also are you sure you meant a double move 1 square?

2011-06-23, 03:54 PM
Oh yeah, thank you, that is fixed. Someone with less sportsmanship might have taken advantage. :smallsmile:

2011-06-23, 03:56 PM
if it was an actual round i would have, but this is for fun. in an actual round i would also hopefully have nough money to buy a synstesa tatoo to ignore the swindlspitter :smallwink: just something to think about.

2011-06-23, 04:04 PM

move to E5
swift shift back to humanoid form.
standard ready action shoot the glass if unnamed walks next to it. or if turn ends with any of the creatures next to the glass. or if thy all move away from the glass


see above.
shild 2/10

2011-06-23, 05:39 PM
Unnamed, Round 4


No actions.


Move to F-17.


Move if Eldon comes within 40 ft of unnamed.


Move to E-16.


Move if Eldon comes within 40 ft of unnamed.


Standard to use total defense.

Free to direct.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (6 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 25/25; AC: 16/11/14

Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13

Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14


2011-06-23, 05:49 PM
turn 4

swift shift to predator form

move to Q5
ready action
move if any of them come within 40 feet of endon, or if they end turn.


see above
shield 3/10

2011-06-23, 06:12 PM
Unnamed, Round 5

Joey double moves to R-17.

Max moves to I-16 and readies:

Move if Endon comes within 40 ft of unnamed.

Unnamed uses total defense and free action to direct.

Carrots does nothing.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (6 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 25/25; AC: 16/11/14

Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13

Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14


By the way, allies can enter other allies' squares without penalty, correct? (not that it applies to this round)

2011-06-23, 06:18 PM
they can pass through squares yes. they cannot end in the same square unless they are of tiny size or smaller

also your gonna start needing listen checks for these orders, especially in an actual match. (youve got a glass wall bettween you so its - 20 i think)

for now il just assume you gave it a significant enough order list co compensate for things that may happen.

2011-06-23, 06:25 PM
Hm, I thought if you could see something you could hear it automatically? Gonna have to try and find the entry, if it exists...

Edit: Also, I don't see where glass walls are listed, though stone ones appear as a -15. Unlikely glass could be worse than stone, I think?

2011-06-23, 06:44 PM
meh i dont know.
anyway ending turn triggers readied action move: Q5->Q9->T9->U11->U12

2011-06-23, 06:53 PM
that was supposed to be V12*

2011-06-23, 06:57 PM

turn 5
move to Y21
standard ready action attack anything that comes next to him.

same as above again
shield 4/10

2011-06-24, 04:12 PM
Unnamed, Round 6

Carrots moves to Q-15/R-16

Unnamed begins to cast spell (Spellcraft 15):

Conjure Ice Beast I

Max double moves to V-17.

Joey moves to S-23 and readies:

Move if Endon moves, attacks, casts spell or ends turn.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (3 rounds)

Carrots: HP: 25/25; AC: 16/11/14

Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13

Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14


2011-06-24, 04:15 PM
I think you need a concentration check there to cast a spell while riding a horse.

Also you can't direct the pets if your casting. So they wont do anything..

2011-06-24, 04:21 PM
If my mount only moves a move action instead of a double move, I don't.

As for the second, I thought you could do free actions in the middle of other stuff, but just move them to before the spell then, I guess.

2011-06-26, 11:36 PM
hmm the dog readies an action and dosn't come near me. guess its gonna come try to provoke AoOs...

round 6
full round action retreat action to S2 (straight north passed the wall then angles and west words)


shield 5/10

2011-06-28, 10:06 AM
Did half-expect you to try and wait out my shifting. Guess I'm just gonna have to try and pin you down, eh?

Unnamed, Round 7

Your movement triggers a redied move from Joey, who moves to N-21.

Unnamed finishes casting Conjure Ice Beast I, summoning an Ice Beast Wolf on the W-15 square.

Frosty (the wolf) double moves to T-2.

Carrots double moves to W-11/X-12.

Max double moves to Q-8.

Joey double moves to D-17.

Unnamed takes a total defense.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (2 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 25/25; AC: 16/11/14

Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13

Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14

Ice Beast Wolf (2 rounds): HP: 31/31; AC: 16/12/14
Speed: 50ft; Special Attack: Cold Aura; Construct Traits


2011-06-28, 01:03 PM
hehe, what gave that away :smallwink:

ok stick with me now this gets a little longwinded for movement, but it checks out. and dosn't provoke any AoOs :smallbiggrin:

endon turn 7
full round retreat action. (120ft)
starting S2-R3-R15-S6(25total)-S9-T10-U12(60ft total)-T13-Q13(90)-Q14-U16(120)

see above,
shield 6/10

2011-06-28, 02:10 PM
Unnamed, Round 8

Joey moves to J-16 and readies:

Spit if Endon comes within 15ft.

Max double moves to W-16 (through the east).

Unnamed uses a move action to spur mount, and a standard to take a total defense.

Ride: [roll0] (DC 15)

Assuming success, Carrots moves to T-14/U-15, attacking Endon (considered flanked).

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Frosty begins to melt...


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (1 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 24/25; AC: 16/11/14

Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13

Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14

Ice Beast Wolf (1 rounds): HP: 31/31; AC: 16/12/14
Speed: 50ft; Special Attack: Cold Aura; Construct Traits


2011-06-29, 08:13 PM
how is he considered flanked now?( not that it matters it still misses)

round 8

ice beast should melt at end of my turn yes?(2 round duration for conjure magic if i recall your sheet correctly.)

full round action withdraw:
start U16-U18-Y18-Y13(55ft)-U9-N9-N8

hp 9/9
shield 7/10

2011-06-29, 09:20 PM
Hm, I appear to be unable to read a map correctly... (that was supposed to be a nice tight dogpile on you, but guess I'll have to try that again).

Unnamed, Round 9

Unnamed takes free action to shift again (I've got two :smallamused: ), and begins to cast spell:

Conjure Ice Beast I

Carrots moves to X-12/Y-13.

Max moves to S-9.

Joey double moves to C-12.

Stats as above.


2011-06-29, 11:33 PM
ok ya, i was looking at the PH and you do need to make a concentration check to cast that spell if your mount moves at all, not just a double move.

Vigorous Motion: If you are riding on a moving mount, taking a
bouncy ride in a wagon, on a small boat in rough water, below-decks
in a storm-tossed ship, or simply being jostled in a similar fashion,
you must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + the level of the spell
you’re casting) or lose the spell.

so dc 11 concentration check please.

2011-06-30, 04:31 AM
Incorrrect (due to incorrect interpretation :smalltongue: ). Try the more relevant section, Mounted Combat:

Casting Spells while Mounted: You can cast a spell normally if your mount moves up to a normal move (its speed) either before or after you cast.

2011-06-30, 01:48 PM
Yes, before or after. Not while, its the since this is a 1 round casting time (assuming that since it didn't go off on your turn) it gets kicked over to the concentration skill, to not lose the spell during casting.

so incorect due to incorect interpretation of Cast time vs when cast. Make the check :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-30, 02:12 PM
So you're admiting you were wrong in your original post? :smallconfused:

Oh well. It's a solid piece of RAI. Let's leave it at: you were wrong, then I was wrong, and then you were right based on my wrong reply! A joint effort to find the truth! :smalltongue:

Ride: [roll0] (oh yeah, it's an auto-success, probably should have lead with that)

2011-06-30, 02:27 PM
concentration check not ride check >.<

2011-06-30, 02:34 PM
My profusest of apologies, it would appear I have no idea what I'm doing. Can you forgive me?

Concentration: [roll0]

So what about what came before the roll? I would hate for you to have disagreed with any of it.

Your turn.

2011-06-30, 02:37 PM
you are correct in the mounted casting section for spells shorter then 1 round casting. i was correct on the concentration for 1 round and longer, so together we got the whole thing covered :smallsmile:

turn will be up later today when im at my computer with current battle map on it.

2011-07-02, 07:14 PM
opps forgot to post turn.

well now that i know this guy can evade 3 characters at once, i think il take a chance and see if it pays off..

eldon turn 3
move to D11
standard attempt his death attack on the spitting monstrosity
touch attack to hit [roll0]
if hit death dice rolls [roll1] if higher then current Hp of the spitter it dies (no save)
if miss dosn't expend the usage for the day.

hp 9/9
shield 8/10

*edit*.. wow.. 2 ones and a 2 for the death roll... crud... well he can kill a mage effectivly :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-03, 10:51 AM
Woah, nice ability. But does it still do hitpoint damage if it doesn't kill him?

Unnamed, Round 10

Joey sprays poison at Eldon (DC 12 Fort or blinded for [roll0] minutes primary and [roll1] Con secondary).

Resolve that and if not blinded open spoiler: Max double moves to E-10.

Unnamed finishes casting Conjure Ice Beast I and summons an Ice Beast Wolf on U-10.

Ice Beast double moves F-10 -> E-9 -> C-9 -> C-10.

Unnamed uses standard for total defense and move action to spur mount (DC 15): [roll2]

If successful Carrots charges Eldon, moving to E-11/F-12, and attacking with hoof (flanked).

Attack: [roll3] (edit: a day for low rolls, eh? :smalltongue: )
Damage: [roll4]

If blinded I'll assume you can make a whole lot of listen checks, and say you:

Hear movement from your northeast to your northwest. Hear movement from your east. Hear movement from your east and is failedly attacked from your east.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 19/19/11

Shifting (7 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)
Charging (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 23/25; AC: 14/9/12
Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13
Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14

Ice Beast Wolf (2 rounds): HP: 31/31; AC: 16/12/14
Speed: 50ft; Special Attack: Engulf; Construct Traits


2011-07-03, 12:49 PM
No, no damage if it dosn't kill.. but it does use his only usage of that for the day
ok fort save time.

*edit* pheww by a hair

2011-07-05, 01:25 AM
hmm.. well this is bad.
full round action withdraw action.
move south to D13 then west to B13 then south to B14 ending turn their
you get an Aoo from the horse, unnamed(unless total defense does not allow aoos to be made during usage), and the spitting thing that he failed to kill.

as above
shield 9/10

2011-07-05, 09:00 AM
You know, I'm considering turning unnamed into a gnome and getting Animal Friendship. With it I could get all sorts of tiny little support creatures, situationally useful and good for when I need to surround a foe completely...thoughts?


Attack (flanking with Joey): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]


Attack (flanking with Carrots): [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

By the way, are you sure you mean B-14? Turn after you confirm that.

2011-07-05, 02:13 PM
nope meant k23* :smallbiggrin:

had been drinking a bit last night when i posted that, my apologizes.
and fudge you take first blood.

as for the RoF feat, i don't have that book, so i can't comment to much.
but if the creatures are tiny they may not stop folks from moving past/ through them.

and be wary of dropping so many feats into just animals with you, they can still all be glitterdusted/ aoe damaged just the same.

basically i feel your gonna have issues with casters.

2011-07-05, 04:04 PM
Unnamed, Round 11 (you should be at 8 HP from Joey's hit, I think?)

Joey double moves to J-19.

Max double moves to K-18

Ice Beast double moves to K-22.

Unnamed uses move to spur mount and standard for total defense.

Ride (DC 15): [roll0]

If successful Carrots double moves to X-12/Y-13. Carrots runs to X-11/Y-12.


Unnamed: HP: 11/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (6 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 23/25; AC: 16/11/14
Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13
Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14

Ice Beast Wolf (1 rounds): HP: 31/31; AC: 16/12/14
Speed: 50ft; Special Attack: Engulf; Construct Traits


2011-07-05, 04:18 PM
sigh yet more running on endons part, theres just too any guys running around this. luckily no more ice beasts after this turn i think.

round i don't know anymore :smallcool:
full round retreat action (again)
K23-M24-then makes his way to W13 provoking AoOs from the horse again, and no aoo form unnamed

hp 8/9
ac 22/15/18
shield 10/10

2011-07-05, 05:32 PM

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-05, 06:01 PM
Unnamed, Round 12

Joey double moves to U-16.

Max double moves to Y-13.

Unnamed takes total defense.

Carrots takes 5-foot step to W-11/X-12 and full attacks Endon.

Attack (hoof): [roll0]
Attack (hoof): [roll1]
Attack (bite): [roll2]

Damage (hoof): [roll3]
Damage (hoof): [roll4]
Damage (bite): [roll5]

Stats as above.


2011-07-05, 06:03 PM
Crit confirmation: [roll0]
Extra damage (if applicable): [roll1]

*fingers crossed*

2011-07-07, 02:50 PM
fyi mules don't have a bite attack. only 2 hooves.
and ouch... at -6 right now haha. just 4 more to go hmm. (funny thing is my horse is still in the starting gates, haha. prolly an aoo or two have been forgoten along the way :smallbiggrin:)

oh well could try to slink away and heal but ive got ideas to try on this guy now, lets see how this pans out shall we.

turn who knows.
standard attack unnamed. [roll0]
damage [roll1]

if crit threat [roll2]
damage [roll3]
tumble away half speed dc 15 to ignore AoO from mule.
if pass
attempting to move 30 feet to S10 going around the mule to the west with a 5 foot margin between them.

if fails check move provokes 1 AoO from horse.

hp -6/9
ac 18/15/14

2011-07-07, 02:52 PM
gahhh off by one point on the attack roll :smallamused:

acutally i just noticed your 23 attack roll dosn't hit endon. mis calculated his ac in pred form with shield its actually 23. so it was a miss his hp is at 2/9 not -6

and shield has now expired.. so hit away at his 19 ac.

2011-07-07, 03:34 PM
The AC is like a DC to hit something. It's 23, I rolled 23, I "passed". Agreed?

Edit: That also means you hit Unnamed with your attack. He is now at 3 Hp.

2011-07-07, 03:39 PM
Ya your right.

2011-07-07, 04:56 PM
Regretting that I could have totally avoided that hit by actually using one of the things I designed the character for. :smalltongue:

Unnamed, Round 13

Carrots moves to T-8/U-9.

Carrots standard attacks Eldon.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Unnamed takes total defense and free action to use mount as cover.

Ride (DC 15): [roll2]

Max moves to T-10 and attacks Endon.

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]

Joey runs to B-15.


Unnamed: HP: 3/11; AC: 21/21/13

Shifting (4 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 23/25; AC: 16/11/14
Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13
Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14


2011-07-07, 07:40 PM
CHance time! (please dice roller show me the love!)
five foot step to S9 and attack the glass at S8/T8
attack vc dc 10? [roll0]
damage vs hardness 1 and hp 3 is auto break (+4 damage on bite attack)

if it hits(causing a broken pane) since unnamed/horse is in an adjacent square to it (T8) you take [roll1] slashing damage dc 15 reflex for half
horse takes [roll2]

same as above

2011-07-07, 08:23 PM
As soon as I posted that I knew. :smalltongue:

Reflex: [roll0]
Mount Reflex: [roll1]

2011-07-07, 08:25 PM
so 4 to both of you.
now just need to out run you for ... 3 rounds now is it? on the second shift?

2011-07-07, 08:33 PM
Unnamed, Round 14

Joey double moves to K-10.

Max takes 5-foot step to S-10 and attacks Eldon.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Trip attack if hit: [roll2]

Unnamed takes total defense and free action to use mount as cover.

Ride (DC 15): [roll3]

Carrots takes full-rounder to full-attack Eldon.

Attack (hoof): [roll4]
Attack (hoof): [roll5]

Damage (hoof): [roll6]
Damage (hoof): [roll7]


Unnamed: HP: -2/11; AC: 25/25/17

Shifting (3 rounds)
Total Defense (1 round)

Carrots: HP: 19/25; AC: 16/11/14
Joey: HP: 11/11; AC: 18/16/13
Max: HP: 13/13; AC: 16/12/14


Edit: Yep, 3 rounds unless Max hits. Need a confirmation on that.

2011-07-07, 08:37 PM
ya that barrage will down endon.

2011-07-07, 08:44 PM
Well then, whew, if you took the chance to bolt instead of trying for a glass-kill, Unnamed would now be wondering why his pets are just staring at him while he's trying to tell them something. :smalltongue:

Good game, Dark, it has been both enlightening and amusing.

2011-07-07, 08:46 PM
indead it has been :smallbiggrin: shoulda saved the death attack for you like i had been planning on it.

baisicly put that on their for the anoyance that is rage claws thats appereing on every arena character.

plus i guess it gives him the ability to summon some nasty vermin with summon natures ally.. (posions... mostly con damage haha)...only costs 3 feats lol.

i don't know if i want to keep rageclaws on him though.. seeing about any decent replacements. or if i just want to switch to another race and drop the feat.

question for you, what round you putting unnamed in?

2011-07-07, 08:56 PM
Hm, thinking about going for the 2 vs. 2, actually.

Hey if you manage to get Eldon running the way you want him, we could even enter them together. I can distract the opponents with sheer numbers while you go and set them up with a quick, clean kill. :smallbiggrin:

Edit: And it also covers the casting deficiency you spotted on Unnamed quite elegantly, no? :smalltongue:

2011-07-07, 09:27 PM
i was debating rebuilding jim the slim as an improved DFA and entering him there, but this idea has merit, im going back and forth between law devotion, travel devotion, and rage claw. prolly sticking law devotion on him i think..
with his shield sla on and law devotion. in shifted form grants him a 26 ac, or a 23 ac and +8 to hit.. only gotta worry about spells at that point.

you mentioned a spell casting deficiency? what did i say that brought that up since i cannot remember it.

unless you mean the concentration checks for summon spells.

edit* more think about it more i like the dual druid team. if your up for it il finish this guy up tomorrow or next day.

2011-07-07, 09:41 PM
I meant how Unnamed has a vulnerability to casters. Which works perfectly since your character is the ultimate caster killer! (even the ones with rageclaws thinking they're safe, as rage doesn't factor in) :smalltongue:

Anyway, I too am intrigued by the idea, so yeah I'm up for it! Just have to withdraw a character from checking and buy Unnamed some slings (which I really really should have already gotten :smalltongue: )

2011-07-07, 09:43 PM
you also need a name :smallwink: unless your sticking with unnamed hahaha.

also gonna pick up the spontaneus rejuvenation acf on him, all allys within 30 feet gain fast healing x for 3 rounds where x is the spell level sacrificed.

nothing about not being able to use it while shapeshifted (since its not a spell haha)

2011-07-07, 10:04 PM
I don't know, I'm so used to calling him that I just might! :smalltongue:

Anyway, fast healing sounds good. One thing I'm thinking of: would Unnamed be able to direct Eldon's mount while he's not riding it? If so we'd be like a CR 6 encounter overall. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-07, 10:07 PM
haha, i actually was thinking of getting rid of the mount. i ended up not using it at all, and it is a bit of money investment that seems wasted on eldon.

realzied i cant take the rejuv acf, it invalidates my 3 feat chain. since spontaneus cast is a prereq

2011-07-07, 10:17 PM
if you plan on summoning alot of characters, check out the ashbound feat in the erberon campaign setting book.

prereq is spontaneous summon natures ally ability and summon natures ally creautres(not ice creature sadly) is doubled and those creatures gain a +3 luck bonus on attack rolls.

you could have alot of animals at once haha.

2011-07-11, 09:03 PM
you still up for the double druid team?

2011-07-11, 09:10 PM
Oh yeah, definitely. I've been changing into and out of Ashborn for a while, but I think the benefit doesn't outweigh the cost (Max and the ice creatures) as much as I'd like on this particular character...

So I think Unnamed is good to go. One's a nature-bound army of many, one's a one-shot, coldhearted (literally) killer. They fight crime! :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-11, 09:12 PM
gah im still bouncing(very little on rage claws vrs travel devotion)

mainly on the fact he already eldon already burns his first turn's swift action shifting into pred form. and standard on using his shield ability.

didn't want him getting too vested on swift actions in this case he wouldnt even be able to use travel until round 3, which by then he hopefully has killed some one...

ok rageclaws it is. hes good to go.

2011-07-11, 09:32 PM
Alright then, Unnamed has been submitted. Now to wait a long time for the round to fill up, and then rock the arena floor. :smallamused: