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View Full Version : Need some advice on a goblin adventure

2011-06-23, 01:06 AM

I have played dnd 3.5 and some pathfinder for about a year and did my first ever DM/GM'ing yesterday. I ran a one-shot pathfinder adventure from the newly released We Be Goblins (http://paizo.com/store/games/roleplayingGames/p/pathfinderRPG/paizo/pathfinderModules/v5748btpy8j5w). It was a blast! I had a real good time with the setting and I think the players did to having to play goblins.
There were only two players but they are experienced players and did'nt have any problem with the "dangers" the adventure threw at them.

Now to what this thread is realy about.
I would realy love to make this into an goblin campaign but are a little unsure of what to do next.

If you havent played We Be Goblins yet and are planning on doing so don't keep reading.
Now the goblins have gotten there hands on some fireworks, they have killed the most feared monster in the marsh (...that they know of) and I am thinking that they should start preparing for a raid on the nearest town. So I thought it would be cool to give them some small "resource gathering" quests first, like steal or barter some goblin dogs from another goblin tribe so they would have riders in the raid and increasing their chance of success

They also gathered quite a few valuble items from the theyr last adventure and I don't want them to become rich goblins. So I will have to find a way to make them eather spend it all or loose it. Maybe a revenge raid from the goblin tribe they propably will steal the goblin dogs from.

Any other suggestions or comments?

Remember this is the first time I make a campaign/adventure.

2011-06-23, 01:13 AM
About the items, at least:
I find simply taking the items might leave your Players angry. Perhaps get the Shaman of the tribe to take the items, sacrifice to [whatever god] and in the raid have the god do some minor thing? A mass cure-light wounds on their troops?

2011-06-23, 02:12 AM
Yeah you are probably right about them getting a bit angry if I just take their valubles, but maybe if I make some other goblins (ether from their own tribe or from a competing tribe) steal their treasure and make the PCs chase them and try to get it back, maybe even postponing their raid on the human town to wage a small war against the other goblins.

The idea with the tribe shaman sacrificing the items to a god for a small favor during the raid could be a good solution, but at this point im not sure if I want their raid to be successful or not.
Im thinking maybe slaghter their intire tribe in the raid and leaving them the only survivors.

2011-06-23, 02:15 AM
Now I don't know how much pathfinder has screwed over the goblins.

But in D&D there was no individual riches for goblins. Everything belonged to the tribe not the individual
In fact unless you are the tribes chief or shaman you wouldn't even have a room of your own.

Also...are you sure those are items that goblins would see valuable?
(gold and gems are worthless within goblin communities for example and I think Pathfinder goblins don't have healthy trade relations that would make it usable because some stupid other races would give up valuable stuff for those worthless bubbles)

And magic weapons....don't they have a poorly locked treasure chest
(Wait those were Thunts goblins not Pathfinders)

2011-06-23, 05:13 AM
Maybe the goblins use their riches to upgrade their equipment and loggings. They'd probably spend it on things that benefit all of them equally. Maybe another house/tent/whatever, maybe some traps. Maybe some more food. Or maybe better equipment for all of them.

Perhaps the adventurers will be surprised when they see the goblins wearing breastplates and using longswords (small size of course).

Maybe gotten some kind of "heavy infantry" riding on wolves.

Or perhaps some kind of heavy duty anti-infantry siege weapon, a hail caster of some sort, firing hundreds of crossbow bolts per minute and providing cover to the operators of the hail caster.

Don't make them lose their stuff or have it be for nothing, if you punish the goblins for being resourceful then you're babying the players. The players are resourceful to. Maybe if you give the goblins enough firepower and ingenuity the players might have to think long and hard instead of just rushing in guns ablazing.

2011-06-23, 06:01 AM
What good is treasure to goblins anyway? They can't go to a real town to buy things with it, the other goblins in the tribe don't have anything worth buying with it, and if they try to trade with a monster who has something worth having, it'll just kill them for the treasure.

2011-06-23, 06:34 AM
Don't hobgoblins, bugbears and orcs have things of value and the possibility of trading for it with goblins?

2011-06-23, 07:07 AM
Thanks for input guys.
I will porbably make them trade with orcs or hobgoblins for military equipment or some kind of siege-like weapon

And for why they took the items. I just told the PCs what they found and they took the desicion to take it with them along with all the fireworks they were sent to collect. but they dont know exactly how much these items are worth (yet).

I will most likely make them choose between going with the goblins that are gonna trade with the orcs, hobgoblins or whatever, join a hunting party to try to catch a few boars, wolfs or other animals they see fit for riding (and they of course need to train them wich takes a few weeks) or go steal a few goblin dogs for riding from a nearby goblin tribe (and risk a goblin war if they are cought)

2011-06-24, 02:10 PM
Tie the firecrackers to the boars tail and set them loose against the town. they will gut anything in their path to get away from the booms, and maybe even lit stuff on fire. Better than riding them, although kinda cruel.

Another idea would be, since they seem to be going for worldbuilding at the moment, to search for know-how. Maybe there is a reclusive "intelligent monster" somewhere that knows things like making metal stuff, or stone buildings, etc; kind of specialists, that they need to bring along to their tribe so they get an edge over other tribes? Maybe even someone who can do actually powerful magic (like a drunken ex-mage with 3rd level spells living by a swamp) to be used to teach them stuff?

Also, I assume for goblins the aid of big things would be like having a nuke. Maybe they do something for ogres / trolls / giants to get them on their side?

2011-06-24, 02:23 PM
Well in the back of that module there is an ad for 1) A new Goblin book/setting coming out and 2) A sequel to that very module.

They should be out within a month I think?

2011-06-24, 02:55 PM
They are releasing an adventure path "Jade Regent". But as I understands It is not from the goblins view anymore.
And the "Goblins of Goalrion" is aimed at giving more information about goblins and does not contain any adventures (as far as I understand the product description)