View Full Version : Goodies

2011-06-23, 12:33 PM
So I'm finally getting down to the fine details of the campaign that I'm running (hopefully) this weekend and it has all sorts of fun stuff in it so far.
Pirates of the Carribean- Necropolitan Swashbuckle
Beast Wars-Warforged Druids
Aliens- Grays, their a homebrewed race that get massive Int but equal penalties to strength and con. Naturally Psionic Free Telepathy so long as they still have one power point though.
Size-Shifting Humanoids a la Janet and Hank Pym,
Faeries, Half-Mermaids
But I wish to toss in something else, something bizare, something cool, something that's kind of useless.
A Slowpoke, here's what I know of what I'd do with it so far. It's a Magical Beast that's naturally psionic. What I need is someway to represent it being slow, other than speed. And someway to evolve it, (I was thinking just straight HD but 37HD is a little high, Also there's the issue of Slowking. This is a brainstorm thread not an actual build thread, hence here not in Homebrew.

2011-06-23, 12:35 PM
You could give it that ability that zombies have that reduces the number of actions they can take. (Zombies have that, right? Regardless, you could reduce the number of actions it can take.)

By the way, the beastwars thing is brilliant =)

2011-06-23, 12:42 PM
You could give it that ability that zombies have that reduces the number of actions they can take. (Zombies have that, right? Regardless, you could reduce the number of actions it can take.)

By the way, the beastwars thing is brilliant =)

The Single Action per turn thing would work quite well, And would allow the manifesting of the less complicated powers.

And thank you, It wasn't intended at first for the campaign but I found it entertaining I've been devising some way of having a favored wildshape so they give up all other forms in order for the form to increase like a companion. So it has more of a true transformer feel.

2011-06-23, 12:59 PM
Aliens- Grays, their a homebrewed race that get massive Int but equal penalties to strength and con. Naturally Psionic Free Telepathy so long as they still have one power point though.

I like the rest of your fun setting ideas, but this is a bit too good. For one thing, be prepared to see Gray PCs with Mindsight, a virtually undefeatable detection feat using Telepathy from LoM. Making the telepathy short-ranged (like 10 feet) or usable only in short bursts would combat this somewhat - or combine the two, like using PP to fuel a very short-lived range extension to the always-on small version.

Also be wary of handing out large stat bonuses and expecting other stat penalties to be a fair trade; no one will use it on characters that would even care about a Str penalty, and care less about Con than others. I'm talking about Wizards, Psions, Archivists and such. Make the Con penalty one step larger than the Int bonus or you may wind up with an autopicked race for certain already-rigged classes.

2011-06-24, 11:26 AM
I like the rest of your fun setting ideas, but this is a bit too good. For one thing, be prepared to see Gray PCs with Mindsight, a virtually undefeatable detection feat using Telepathy from LoM. Making the telepathy short-ranged (like 10 feet) or usable only in short bursts would combat this somewhat - or combine the two, like using PP to fuel a very short-lived range extension to the always-on small version.

Also be wary of handing out large stat bonuses and expecting other stat penalties to be a fair trade; no one will use it on characters that would even care about a Str penalty, and care less about Con than others. I'm talking about Wizards, Psions, Archivists and such. Make the Con penalty one step larger than the Int bonus or you may wind up with an autopicked race for certain already-rigged classes.

It's not a race I'm letting the players use, it's something they're jsut discovering, there's six in total all are psions (each of a different Discipline) and I wouldn't let the players use them. Let them being played as some other DM's problem.

Although I will give them a chance to get a mount, provided they can handle it.

Legendary Magrebred Warbeast Dire Horse
Hit Dice: 21d8+252
Initiative: +17
Speed: 100ft
Ac: 26 (-1 size, +5 Dex, +12 Natural), Touch 14, Flat-Footed 21
Attacks: 2 hooves +30 melee and bite +25 melee
Damage: Hoof 3d6+14, bite 1d8+7
Face/Reach: 5ft by 10ft/5ft
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Low-Light Vision, Scent, Excellent Learner, Swift Breed, Combative Mount
Saves: Fort +24, Ref +17, Will +13
Abilities: Str 38, Dex 20, Con 34, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +(6+?), Spot +(6+?)
Feats: Alertness, Endurance, Run, Improved Initiative(x3), Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Natural Attack (Hoof), Athletic(B)
Climate/Terrain: Any Land
Organization: Solitary or Herd (6-30)
Challenge Rating: 10
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always Neutral

Yeah, the horses in my campaign are kind of badasses.