View Full Version : Need help finding an item to imporve feint

2011-06-23, 02:30 PM
So I’m trying to build a treasure for my group and I would like to add an item that helps increase a player’s feint and/or bluff checks for her. However it needs to be at around 2000 gp. I’ve had no luck finding anything yet, so I was wondering if anyone knew anything useful. Thanks in advance.

2011-06-23, 02:37 PM
A plus skill item is generally bonus squared x 100, so a +4 item for 1600, +5 for 2500, etc.

2011-06-23, 03:42 PM
In our group, we've got situational bonuses as well. You could make it an item, like a shiny platinum coin, that gives a static +4 to feint for ~2000g. But if the player can RP it in his characters feint attempt, like toss it in the air to catch the opponents eye or reflect a beam of light laser pointer style to distract a guard, then it's doubled.

Make up something, in other words.