View Full Version : Help with the Ultimate ALchemist (Pathfinder)

2011-06-23, 05:37 PM
Batman Alchemist (https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BxPtqo6TmxERNTQwYmJjNzktM2ExZS00OTQyLTg0MWI tODVmOTNjMzI2NjI4&hl=en_US)

Any possible methods to make him better? I do want to stick with vivisection.

Also his alchemy skill is what he would have if he was making an alchemical item.

This is at level 4, we where given 9000 gold to spend. Shocking grasp wand+sneak attack= :D

For those of you who are wondering, Our party consists of a fail bard, beast lord, two-handed fighter, barbarian and a fey sorcerer.

I'm not sure if there is much more I could do with getting more UMD right now, but I do have contagen to give me a +2 more later on.

Oh! I should get a potion or two to actually use alchemical allocation.