View Full Version : 100 Famous Game Spoilers in 1 Thread

2011-06-24, 01:37 AM
I remember once seeing a video "100 movie spoilers in 3 minutes" or something like that. I think it would be fun to make a list of the most famous game spoilers, but I think we'll easily end up with more than 100.
And even though "spoiler" is in the threat title, remember to put everything into spoilers with a note on which game gets spoiled! Especially when discussing anything mentioned here. :smallamused:

Final Fantasy VII
Aerith dies.
System Shock 2
Shodan lives.
Alexander is a century old alien.
Amnesia - Justine DLC
You are Justine.
Baldur's Gate
You're the child of an evil god.
You were mind-controlled the whole time.
Diablo 2
Marius' visitor is Baal.
The Princess is really a monster.
And so are you.
Alma is going to rape you.
Final Fantasy X
Tidus was just a projection of the Fayeth' dreams.
Half-Life 2, Episode 2
1. Eli gets his brain eaten.
2. GMan was behind everything!
Icewind Dale
The Ilmater priest Poquelin is a demon and the main villain.
Metal Gear Solid
Ocelot was behind everything, on orders of the US president.
Metal Gear Solid 2
The Patriots control America and most of the world.
Metal Gear Solid 3
Boss was never a traitor, but EVA was a double agent.
Metal Gear Solid 4
Big Boss was alive the whole time.
Mirror's Edge
Celeste is the traitor.
Resident Evil
Wesker was behind everything.
Shadow of the Colossus
Mono lives, but Wanda dies.
Silent Hill 2
James killed his wife.
Silent Hill 3
You are Alessa.
The Zone is man made. On purpose.
Warcraft III
The Seer is Medivh.

2011-06-24, 08:29 AM
The one for SH3 isn't really a spoiler, not if you got teh good ending in SH1.

Zen Monkey
2011-06-24, 08:32 AM
I'd also argue that the spoiler for STALKER isn't really the key one, but secondary to the same spoiler that was in Knights of the Old Republic.

2011-06-24, 08:34 AM
Portal 2:

GLaDOS used to be a human woman, Caroline

2011-06-24, 09:16 AM
Acctually, for STALKER

The Zone is purposefully made? It's pretty clear its out of control[/ and the makers want to stop it. Also, you are Strelok

2011-06-24, 09:24 AM
Shadow of the Colossus
Mono lives, but Wanda dies.

Less "dies" and more "is reborn as an infant with horns".

2011-06-24, 10:09 AM
Missed a classic

Samus is a girl.

You're the badguy.
Also, the princess is a bomb.

2011-06-24, 10:54 AM
Dead Space

Nicole died weeks ago. You're being manipulated by the Marker.

Dead Space 2

Nicole is still dead and you're still being manipulated by the Marker.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories

Everything that's happening is a fantasy created by Cheryl to cope with her father's death.

Actually, I feel like I've done a disservice to fans with the last one, as the actual reveal is incredibly powerful storytelling and it's worth reaching that point without knowing.

Modern Warfare

The US invasion was a trap!

Modern Warfare 2

General Shepard orchestrated the whole thing, including the invasion of America.

2011-06-24, 10:55 AM
Star wars KOTOR

You are revan

Jade empire

master li wanted you to kill his brother so he could take the throne

God of war

kratos becomes the god of war


kerrigan is in the crystalis

Heavy Rain

Scott Shelby is the origami killer

American Mcgee's Alice

the cat knocked over the lamp that started the fire

Alice: madness returns

Actually it was doctor bumby. who raped your sister and started the fire so to leave no trace. also his practice is front to brain wash kids to a prostitution ring.

Tales of symphonia

the chosen one is really a front to make them soulless vessal so that mithos can put his sister's soul into it

deus EX

the gray death virus and it is vaccine are both manufacture by majestic 12 to control the world leaders

Legend of zelda twilight princess

it was ganon all along.

midna is the twilight princess

Beyond good & evil

the alpha section works for the domz

jade is the domz old lost power thing

Prince of persia (newest)

elika is actually a resurrected corpse powered by the magic that kept the big bad contained. also the big evil is free because you ressurected her again.

Mass effect

the relays aren't made by the protheans but by the reapers who are intelligent spaceships. also the citadel is a huge relay

Mass effect 2

the collectors are protheans

The world ends with you

Joshua made the reaper game to test if humanity was worth it. he also killed neku

Ghost trick

Sissel is the cat and the ray the lamp is Missile the dog

Max payne

Horne, ceo of Aesir corp, sent the druggies to kill max's wife to silence her.

added more to valkyria chronicles
valkyria chronicles

alicia is a valkyrie. isara dies. valkryies did the darcen calamity.

that is it for now

2011-06-24, 03:04 PM
Nice idea for a thread, it brings back lots of good memories about my favourite games :smallsmile:

Tales of Phantasia
Dhaos, though an extremist, is not evil for evil's sake, but trying to save his home. And you're trying to kill him for it.

Neverwinter Nights
Aribeth turns her back on Tyr and joins the enemy, who are prehistoric lizardmen that survived the last Ice Age by hiding inside the Neverwinter artifact.

Final Fantasy VIII
Rinoa is a Sorceress. Also, all of the party grew up together in an orphanage which was originally owned and run by Sorceress Edea and her lover, Headmaster Cid.

Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal
Melissan is the former High Priestess of Bhaal, who is gathering Bhaalspawn together in one place so that she can make sure that they die. When they're all dead, she wants to steal the power of Bhaal for herself.

The Cathedral of Light is a front for the Master's army of Super Mutants, using it gather 'recruits'.

Fallout 3
You weren't born in the Vault. Your father brought you there for safety because Project Purity was dangerously close to completion.

Red Dead Redemption
After killing Dutch and saving his family, John Marsden goes back to farming. It doesn't last very long, as Edgar Ross and an entire battalion of the US Army soon come back and gun him down as the last surviving 'member' of the Gang that Marsden was sent to assassinate.

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Viktor Reznov died years ago. You're only seeing him because he has brainwashed you to make you a sleeper agent with the goal of killing the three men responsible for his crappy life and, ultimately his death.

Batman: Arkham Asylum
Warden Sharp is the author of the 'Secret Story of Arkham' messages.

2011-06-24, 03:35 PM
valkyria chronicles

alicia is a valkyrie

What about the really big one that I know I didn't suspect. For Valkyria Chronicles just to be sure to say which game.
Isara dies! :smallfrown:

2011-06-24, 03:57 PM
What about the really big one that I know I didn't suspect. For Valkyria Chronicles just to be sure to say which game.
Isara dies! :smallfrown:

true that is one major plot point i forgot to add

3 more from me

No more heroes

the UAA was to train travis to kill his half sister, who killed his family because their mutual father molested her.
also silvia is married to travis' twin brother.

No more heroes 2: desparate struggle

the girl that relating the story is actually silvia and the listener is travis

Valkryia chronicles 2

the school uses the students for artificial valkryia weaponization and testing. dirk is actually leon brainwashed. also julianna dies

2011-06-24, 06:03 PM
For Icewind Dale I'd say Narrator is the big bad cos that other one is meh, whereas this is actually surprising.
I Wanna Be The GuyThe Guy is The Kid's father.

Smiling Knight
2011-06-24, 07:25 PM
The Shades are people (the original humans)!

Persona 4:
The nameless gas station attendant is actually the goddess Izanami. And behind it all.

2011-06-24, 07:41 PM
Persona 4:
The nameless gas station attendant is actually the goddess Izanami. And behind it all.

Your uncle's incompetent comic relief sidekick is the real killer.

2011-06-24, 09:25 PM
Metal Walker
Meta Ball is the world's fattest USB drive and has an antivirus program which will make all the evil robots good again.

Super Mario Bros. 2 (Dream Machine Doki Doki Panic)
It was a dream all along.

Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening
It was a dream all along.

World of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
It was a dream all along.

Sonic and the Black Knight
It was a dream all along.

The spaceship gets built and you get to see people dance.

Bubble Bobble
The Giant Drunk is your father.

Bubble Symphony
The Holy Drunk was pulling the strings all along.

Sonic Heroes
Metal Sonic overthrows Eggman because he's evil, everyone beats him because they're Sonic Heroes.

Kirby's Adventure
King Dedede was just hiding the Star Rod from Dark Matter and was really the good guy all along.

Blaster Master
You find your frog.

Blaster Master (Japan)
You save your planet and get a military commendation.

Sonic Adventure 2
Shadow dies.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Shadow was rescued by Eggman in Sonic Adventure 2, also, he has alien blood inside him.

Sonic 2006
Everything in this game did not happen.

The Simpsons Arcade Game
The diamond gets thrown away.

Kingdom of Loathing
The Sorceress wasn't actually making monsters attack the kingdom, the monsters just hate you.

Final Fantasy 4: The After Years
Kain is Kain's evil side, The Mysterious Man is Kain, The Man in Black is Golbez, the Mysterious Girl is "The Borg," and "The Borg" were made by "Lavos" (who is The Creator) who is using the crystals to record Earth's evolutional behaviors.

Mega Man 4
Dr. Cossack isn't really evil, Dr. Wily just kidnapped his daughter.

Mega Man 5
Proto Man isn't really evil, Dr. Wily just built a robot that impersonated him.

Mega Man 6
Dr. X was Dr. Wily all along.

2011-06-24, 11:34 PM
Let's see what spoilers I can remember.

Deus Ex: Invisible War
Queequeg's and Pequod's rival coffee chains are owned by the same corporation.

This just preps you to find out The TWO and The Order are parts of the new Illuminati.

Secret of Mana 2 (Seiken Densetsu 3)
Your quest to obtain the Mana Sword plays exactly into your enemies' plans. All three of them.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time
You and the Big Bad are unwittingly tying off a stable time loop.

Final Fantasy 1
You and the Big Bad are tying off a stable time loop, and he knows it. Your job this time is to break the loop.

Final Fantasy 2
The Emperor is only mostly dead.

Final Fantasy 3
The known world is only a floating island above the actual world.

Final Fantasy 4
Your best friend is being mind-controlled by the brother you never knew, who is in turn being mind-controlled by the real Big Bad.

Final Fantasy 5
The Big Bad was originally a tree. ...Don't ask.

Final Fantasy 6
The Emperor isn't the Big Bad this time. Instead, it's the clown general, who does a terrific job devastating the world. Your task is to save what's left.

These are getting lengthier as I go on.

Your colleague/boss tried to kill you, and will succeed if you don't put your mind back together in time.

The first new-gen Ghostbusters
The mayor was the Big Bad all along. ...Sort of.

Magical Starsign
The galaxy will reach its foretold end of existence very, very soon.

2011-06-25, 03:14 PM
Final Fantasy Legend
There's no paradise at the top of the tower, God created it just because he's a jerk. Also, you kill God.

Final Fantasy Legend II
Apollo is evil. Also, the world was hastily thrown together overnight and getting all the Magi just summons tech support to power cycle the router.

Final Fantasy Legend III
Your father becomes a spaceship and you watch yourself get born.

Chrono Trigger
Millions of years ago, an alien crashed into the planet and made things evolve so he could absorb their DNA and make babies. Also, Crono dies but gets better, Marle is the princess, Lucca saves her mother from being crippled for life, the Masamune is powered by Lavos, Robo ceases to exist but not really, and Magus is from the Ice Ages which actually had a super-advanced and enlightened civilization that tried to use Lavos as a power source and was obliterated for it.

Flea is a guy.

Chrono Cross
Lynx is your father who is also a computer who was made by Lucca and Melchior to fight Lavos and rescue Schala. Also Lynx wants your body because only you can open the door to the computer that is himself.

Mega Man Battle Network
MegaMan.exe is your brother.

Mega Man Battle Network 2
Building computer programs out of bugs is not a wise idea.

Mega Man Battle Network 3
The internet is powered by the internet, who is also your grandfather.

Mega Man Battle Network 4
The asteroid that is going to hit Earth is a giant computer that's trying to obliterate all the evil in the universe.

Mega Man Battle Network 5
Baryl is friends with Dr. Wily, Dr. Wily lobotomizes Dr. Regal.

Mega Man Battle Network 6
Iris is Colonel.exe.

Golden Sun
You fail to prevent two lighthouses from being lit, TO BE CONTINUED IN GOLDEN SUN 2

Golden Sun 2: The Lost Age
You need to light the lighthouses because the world's going to fall apart.

Dragon Warrior
Thou must marry thy princess.

Dragon Warrior II
The princess is a dog.

Dragon Warrior III
You become your own Grandfather.

Dragon Warrior IV
Rosa dies.

Lunix Vandal
2011-06-25, 10:59 PM
Commander KeenAll 6 canon games -- the Invasion of the Vorticons trilogy, Goodbye Galaxy pair, and Aliens Ate My Babysitter standalone -- are plots by Mortimer to distract you from his ultimate universe-shattering plan. Said plan does not exist outside of fan-made mods.
Guild Wars: PropheciesPrince Rurik dies.
Vizier Khilbron is the Undead Lich.
The latter reanimates the former.
Guild Wars: FactionsShiro kills Master Togo.
Guild Wars: NightfallKormir woke up the Apocrypha.
Kormir replaces Abaddon as the God of Secrets.
By helping Palawa Joko retake the Desolation, you are directly responsible for the southern quarter of Tyria and all of Elona being an uninhabitable hellhole run by an unkillable lich-king in GW2.
IjiMia's ribbons are figments of your imagination.
Dan dies if Asha shocks him (you hallucinate otherwise).
The Komato started the Tasen-Komato war.
Komato General Tor commits suicide.
There are other (human) survivors.
PsychonautsCoach Oleander is behind the brain-stealing plot, for reasons of his dad butchered his pet rabbits.
Your dad is also psychic.
Second SightThe odd-numbered levels are possible futures. The even-numbered levels are your present self ensuring that the unfavorable events in them cannot happen.

2011-06-27, 01:49 AM
System Shock 2
Shodan lives.
Dr Janice Polito was dead all along; SHODAN had been manipulating you the entire time.

2011-06-27, 03:50 AM
Dragon Age 2
Isabella stole the artifact the Qunari are looking for. And Anders will destroy the Chantry and kill the Grand Cleric

Kris Strife
2011-06-27, 04:23 AM
Fallout 3
You weren't born in the Vault. Your father brought you there for safety because Project Purity was dangerously close to completion.

I thought it was because your mother died, and your father wanted to hide away from it all/Project Purity wasn't going well anyways.

Disgaea: Vulcanus is the big bad who manipulated the humans, Mid-Boss is Krichevskoy, Prinnies are people, and the whole thing was orchestrated by King Krichevskoy and Master Lamington to unite the Netherworld and Celestia.

Disgaea 2: Adell is a demon and the son of the two demons who wear masks, Rozalin is actually Zenon and her "father" is actually a demon who was jealous of Zenon who manipulated her when she reincarnated.

Disgaea 3: The butler is actually a hero that used Mao to gain an advantage over the Overlord (who is dead the whole time), and then started to train Mao to be an even bigger threat for him to defeat.

2011-06-27, 05:51 AM
Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
The only cure for Kain's vampirism is death.

Soul Reaver
Raziel was a Sarafan vampire slayer when he was alive.

Soul Reaver 2
The human vampire slayer Raziel was a cruel bastard and he was killed by his future vampire self.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
There is no Antediluvian in the Ankaran Sarcophagus. The Sarcophagus is filled with C4 and it was all a trick by Smiling Jack

2011-06-27, 06:41 AM
Grandia 2.

The Pope is evil.
You're gathering the parts of the Devil so he can resurrect it, not seal them.
Oh, and God is dead.

2011-06-27, 06:57 AM
I thought it was because your mother died, and your father wanted to hide away from it all/Project Purity wasn't going well anyways.

You're probably right, but that's the way I understood it. EVERYONE was looking for it, after all, and it only took a few days to get running when you finally find out about it.... :smallsmile:

Gaius Marius
2011-06-27, 07:57 AM
Dawn of War
Lord Bane is betrayed by his sorcerer

Your Librarian betrays you

Gabriel uses the Idiot Ball to free a Greater Daemon

Dawn of War II
Thule comes back as a Dreadnought

House Vandis kept Terminator Armors in their holds

Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising
the Chaptermaster is a long-converted traitor to Chaos, he staged everything since Game 1

There is a traitor among you team

The traitor is X

Dawn of War II: Retribution
Lord General Castor is actually brillant and surprinsingly competent

That last one was a genuine surprise for me.

2011-06-27, 10:26 AM
Battle for Wesnoth: Heir to the ThroneKonrad isn't one of the king's nephews, the real Konrad was killed with the rest of the heirs.

Vent Reynolt
2011-06-27, 12:28 PM
Final Fantasy Legend
There's no paradise at the top of the tower, God created it just because he's a jerk. Also, you kill God.

Final Fantasy Legend II
Apollo is evil. Also, the world was hastily thrown together overnight and getting all the Magi just summons tech support to power cycle the router.

Final Fantasy Legend III
Your father becomes a spaceship and you watch yourself get born.


Holy crap! Someone else who has actually played these games.
Also for Final Fantasy Legend II
Dad dies...twice (he gets better) and he is not having an affair with another woman.

Kingdom Hearts
Kairi is the seventh Princess of Heart. Also, Ansem's behind it all.

Kingdom Hearts 2
Ansem is not really Ansem, but the real Ansem's apprentice. Also, he's still behind it all.

2011-06-27, 12:32 PM
Left 4 Dead 2
The survivors aren't really immune. They are non-symptomatic carriers much like Typhoid Mary.

2011-06-27, 12:44 PM
PsychonautsCoach Oleander is behind the brain-stealing plot, for reasons of his dad butchered his pet rabbits.
Your dad is also psychic and loves you.

Fixed it:smalltongue:.

Kris Strife
2011-06-27, 01:23 PM
You're probably right, but that's the way I understood it. EVERYONE was looking for it, after all, and it only took a few days to get running when you finally find out about it.... :smallsmile:

Yeah, but that's only because
Your dad found the secret to making it work in the Vault 101 computers. He lost his motivation to stay when your mom died, but he kept working on it in secret. Finding out about the GECK (while drunk) gave him the key to solve it, which is why he left the vault and tried to restart it. They were completely stumped before they found out about the GECK, Project Purity only worked in small quantities without it.

2011-06-27, 02:56 PM
Yeah, but that's only because
Your dad found the secret to making it work in the Vault 101 computers. He lost his motivation to stay when your mom died, but he kept working on it in secret. Finding out about the GECK (while drunk) gave him the key to solve it, which is why he left the vault and tried to restart it. They were completely stumped before they found out about the GECK, Project Purity only worked in small quantities without it.

When you think about it, it makes no sense for Project Purity to still be intact after 16 years. It's full of high tech stuff and there's probably a lot of water purification equipment lying around. The Brotherhood should have stripped that place clean when the project was abandoned and scavengers should have taken whatever was left.

Kris Strife
2011-06-27, 05:21 PM
When you think about it, it makes no sense for Project Purity to still be intact after 16 years. It's full of high tech stuff and there's probably a lot of water purification equipment lying around. The Brotherhood should have striped that place clean when the project was abandoned and scavengers should have taken whatever was left.

Supermutants moved in.

Lunix Vandal
2011-06-27, 06:12 PM
Soul Reaver 2
The human vampire slayer Raziel was a cruel bastard and he was killed by his future vampire self.The Soul Reaver was made by vampire!Raziel tearing out his own soul ... using the Soul Reaver.

Really, half the series is built on wallbanging paradoxes like this, so it shouldn't be that surprising.

2011-06-27, 06:37 PM
IjiMia's ribbons are figments of your imagination.
Dan dies if Asha shocks him (you hallucinate otherwise).
The Komato started the Tasen-Komato war.
Komato General Tor commits suicide.
There are other (human) survivors.

The fact that there is someone else here who has played this makes me feel warm inside. :smalltongue:


More Iji:

Komato General Tor has a massive crush on Annihilator Iosa. It may or may not have been mutual.

The Tasen are the same race as the Komato, the Tasen just refused to modify their bodies any further.

Both the Tasen and Komato are originally from Earth. They call it Origin. The Tasen are nearly-human.

Asha is very obsessed with Iji, which proves his downfall. If you don't kill him, he commits suicide because you escaped him.

2011-06-27, 06:40 PM
Kessler is you from the future. Trish also dies, and Zeke betrays you
Infamous 2
In the good ending, you activate the Ray Field Inhibitor. Every conduit on the planet, including you and the Beast, dies instantly. In the evil ending, you get this device to activate the conduit gene. The Beast grants you his powers and vanishes, and you create an army of conduits and take over the earth.
Fable 3
It turns out Logan was a tyrant so he can raise funds for a suitable army to defeat the Crawler and his evil army.

((Ironically, out of all the games from this list, I only have InFamous))

Yuki Akuma
2011-06-27, 06:46 PM
Sonic Adventure
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Sonic Adventure 2
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Sonic Heroes
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Sonic Riders
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Shadow the Hedgehog
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Sonic Unleash
Eggman isn't the final boss.

Sonic Colours
Eggman is the final boss.


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Sheik is Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Tetra is Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Tetra is still Zelda.

The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Zelda is Zelda.

Gaius Marius
2011-06-27, 09:35 PM
When you think about it, it makes no sense for Project Purity to still be intact after 16 years. It's full of high tech stuff and there's probably a lot of water purification equipment lying around. The Brotherhood should have striped that place clean when the project was abandoned and scavengers should have taken whatever was left.

Here is a REAL Fallout 3 spoiler. I am surprised so many people haven't picked it up yet..

The story makes not god darn sense

2011-06-28, 12:30 AM
Supermutants moved in.

The BoS should have taken most of the valuable stuff when they left. It's got a power generator, computers, equipment that can remove radiation, all sorts of tech that even the BoS would have a hard time finding/making.

As for the super mutants, people in the DC wasteland can't be that pathetic. The Hub, the largest trading city in California, was established 17 years after the Great War. Harold and a band of mercenaries went after the source of mutant infestation in California 9 years after the Hub was founded. Basically, people in California already formed a large self sufficient city that could defend itself from mutant hordes less than 30 years after the world got nuked. You'd think that people in the DC wasteland would at least be able to protect themselves from a couple of super mutants 200 years later.

2011-06-28, 04:23 AM
Viewtiful Joe
Your girlfriend's father is the Big Bad

Viewtiful Joe 2
Your father is the Big Bad.

That one Viewtiful Joe on the DS that wasn't very good

Your (deceased) mother is the Big Bad

2011-06-28, 09:26 AM
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks
Zelda is Zelda.

You know, after several games where this isn't true, this is a spoiler.

2011-06-28, 10:14 AM
Dungeons and Dragons Daggerdale
The game never ends.
Kingdom hearts 358/2 days

Roxas beats up Saix, then kill Xion, taking her Keyblade and then one keyblade gets stolen by Riku and beaten the crap out of by it. And Ansems heartless that carrys him around in Kingdom Hearts 1 for a while towards the last fight.

2011-06-28, 10:33 AM
Mortal Kombat 9
The vision that Raiden sent himself was that Shao Kahn needed to win so the Elder Gods would punish him

2011-06-28, 01:07 PM
You know, after several games where this isn't true, this is a spoiler.

New characters can be Zelda, but Zelda is always Zelda...

TloZ : Twilight Princess
... except when she's Ganon.

TloZ : Spirit Tracks
Or Malladus.

The Legend of Zelda
Or another princess Zelda from the past.

TloZ : Link's Awakening
Or... a freaky seagull-girl who sings that amazing theme song, apparently.

2011-06-28, 01:20 PM
You are actually one of the heroes who was left for dead after his companions defeated the previous Overlord.

Overlord Raising Hell
You get trapped in Hell after defeating the Forgotten God.
Overlord 2
The emperor is really that annoying elf, Florian