View Full Version : help with Rakshasa ToB character

Kol Korran
2011-06-24, 07:09 AM
Tomer. Guy, Alon and Ariel, don't read this.

So dear Playground, i come for you in request for help. in my Campaign one of the villains is supposed to be a Rakshasa martial artist (based on the Zakya Rakshasa in ECS, but with ToB levels instead of regular class levels). however, the only experience i have with ToB is helping one of my characters build a low level swordsage.

i am reading the book when i can, but i thought to ask the playground's help. with what? well, mostly maneuvers, stances, maybe feats and equipment?
what are the requirements:
- this villain needs to have 10 levels of a ToB class, preferably NOT a swordsage (the player whom i helped? his character turned to the villains side, he is fighting with him)
- if possible, i'd like to have him not easily pinned down- able to escape grapples mostly.
- the one who is working with him is not leveled up yet, but he's a poison dusk lizardfolk of level 7-8 of swordsage, focusing on shadow hand, tiger and stone. (he is mostly built. i'll deal with him). he'll most likely get the half fiend template.
- if possible, have it loosely based on the Mockery from Eberron. this is far from crucial though.
- a focus on damage output, and shaking of/ saving against dibilitating effects. (it allready has SR 24, but still...)
- not overly optimized- effective an a menace yes, but not unhittable.

thanks in advance, from the ToB befuddled

2011-06-24, 07:41 AM
TOB page 151 gives details on the Naityan Rakshasha(the sample is a CR 7)

now it's Favoured class is a swordsage but that doens't mean you can't make him a warblade or similar...would certainly make a good base, which you can build on, if nothing else

2011-06-24, 09:03 AM
Do you have a cr range in mind?

For damage/defense, you can't go wrong with diamond mind.

One trick you can do with monster npcs is to first have them spend feats on martial study to nab 3 maneuvers each useable 1/encounter, which is tracked separately from warblade's normal allotment. This effectively gives you an extra 3 maneuvers to use in the fight.

For example, a zakhya raksasha fighter1/warblade1 would have 6 maneuvers (granted, they are very low level, but many remain viable even at higher lvs).