View Full Version : Walufar; Nations in the Balance; Chapter 1: A Tale of Stone and Steel

2011-06-24, 07:47 AM
It was a dark and stormy night... Well, for an hour or two. It still rained throughout the dawn, but the sun is shining yet again. At the very least, after the storm this day will not be as damn hot as the prevous one, making it a fine day for travelling and work.

Lewarur. The Triple Kingdom. The Alliance which grew into one. A nation of honourable knights, and honest merchants, or so they claim. In control of the Glimmering Hills, the Fairwood and the little lake of Taetafr. Lewarur is not by any stretch a horrible place to live, for non-goblinoids at any rate, nor is it the most wonderful place in the world. Lewarur is a nation, a place like many others in most ways but unique enough in several others. As is the norm in these modern times, the ever-increasing struggles and arguments between nouveau-riche merchants and long-standing noble lines have made some fractures into the otherwise rather stable Triarchy. The loss of the trade cities along the Nilfaen is certainly keenly felt, but the people still stick together, mostly.

Ailenkav is a small township close to the very centre of this land. Situated between Taetafr and the Glimmering hills, it is in some ways more of a hamlet than a true town. The lake, while not quite next to the township proper, is close enough that locals who head there to catch Arielns (http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS0Im_w-2_m_89FEWUgNST-UoAdmdP7b22qbZ5JjaX8xBZgeOV-&t=1) – a type of codfish common in Nilfaen and its tributaries, are rarely away for long. The actual town itself has only 400 residents and thus can be argued to be nothing but a fortified village, but given that there are plenty of farms and orchards around the palisade, which themselves house over three hundred people, the settlement is generally considered a proper town. The orchards which until the River Lords' rebellion were the main source of the town's outcome mostly grow persimmons, dates and lychees. Over half of the fruit is sent abroad, as dates and lychees do not grow as well in most parts of Nekrer or Kopshirar, while persimmons are rarer down south.

The old keep which could once protect one and a half thousand people from assailants is in disrepair - even some of the old stonework has been removed by the locals for their own building projects. Instead, the nobility lives in a more opulent but in truth smaller palace constructed under orders of the current lord’s mother, Maegrun of the Persimmontree. Some say that monsters have moved into the old keep, but most consider that an old wives tale and claim that at most it houses some drifters and vagabonds. Given that local children have often ventured into the keep to scavenge any scraps the nobles might have left behind and most of them have come back, it is probably not a home to too many deadly monsters.

A major road called the Path of Stone passes through Ailenkav, one end of it reaching the Glimmering Hills, the other heading north, eventually to Vir Shar. Since the rebellion, this road has seen a lot of traffic, as many things taken from Lewarur's southern regions northward by riverboat must now be carted north. The northern road branches off, with a path to Lewarisaer as well.

There are four taverns in the town - Pink Owl by North Gate, Malenav's Den by the South Gate, Twelve Kegs on a major intersection within and Ettin Heads by the town square. Malenav's Den and Ettin Heads are licensed inns, which may provide lodgings for travellers, but most people prefer Twelve Kegs if they care about the quality of their drink. There are a few boarding houses in town as well, the largest run by one Haelgrav son of Verman and Tufana, the cleanest and most expensive in the possession of the noble house of Hestral.

The largest temple in the town is a stocky step pyramid dedicated to Kral, the god of Earth. There is also a brand new and ornate temple to Nop by the palace, a small temple to Helm close to the south gate and an old temple with shrines to Nop, Amus, Kral, Leen and Puak by the town square. With increasing trade from this place to Nekrer so common, there is talk that a temple to Wee Jas might also be built soon.

Midday is still three hours from now, but the town is bustling, especially as the next day is due to be the summer solstice, the new year according to the calendar of the Old Gods. The ground is still wet, as it only stopped raining less than an hour ago, but already there are many children playing outside in the last few remaining puddles, street vendors setting up their stalls to flog convenient foodstuffs, cheap trinkets and simple crafts to passers-by. A large caravan is due to pass through, in fact already entering through the south gate, so the most people offering the most expensive snacks congregate in that area. Cries of ‘Fresh lychees, two bulls apiece!’, ‘Hot snake eggs, warm up your belly!’. The market, set up on Trader’s Street, which connects the Path of Stone to the town square, is likewise busy, though the prices there are a bit more reasonable thanks to glorious capitalism. Hoping that the torrential rains would not return for more than a day (as if there is ever a new year’s party which isn’t rained upon), plenty of people are decorating their houses for the Day of Sun. Street performers are (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUrHLwNRX48&feature=related) practicing folk songs (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY1pcEtHI_w&feature=related), with several townies without any tasks at hand stopping to listen.

As for the caravan just passing through the south gate, it is said to contain the marble and dwarven crafts from Caenbrur heading to Nekrer are piled onto five huge carts, each pulled by a pair of Gronvei. A jaunting cart pulled by a single Gronvei is leading the caravan, alongside an armoured man in a Bascinet riding a large spotted Moropus. Further behind the marble carts. Two more carts pulled by singular gronvei are behind them, one pulling yet more goods and Caenbri metalcrafts and one with four guards riding on it. Two more moropus-mounted guards and two with emus are riding in alongside the caravan. As, unlike the people who were in the town in the wee hours of the morning, they had virtually no shelter from the rain, none of the members of this caravan look particularly happy. They are not dragging corpses behind themselves though, so that may be deemed a plus.

An another caravan had entered the town the previous day. This one a lot smaller, it brought mostly seafood, pearls and amber from Nekrer, though there are probably some magical trinkets in the mix as well. They are still in the town, debating if they should leave now and hope to reach one of the larger towns in the Glimmering Hills by the evening, or stay for the New Year's celebrations.

2011-06-24, 05:22 PM
The crisp damp air had woken Nood quickly that morning. The day before had been hot, the evening storming with drenching rain. He'd had to carry all of his equipment with him to Ettin Heads lest it be drenched in the storm. As such he'd not been in a good mood thinking of dragging his belongings back to the stinky ill tempered nag he'd bought back in Aluser. But the cool morning air and the sunlights brilliance reflecting off of the droplets from the nights downpour had made his saddle bags seem lighter. An even better lift to his mood was the arrival of the caravan from Caenbri. He would not have to wait days hoping for news of the armor he was supposed to be escorting. It was as simple as making himself known and going about his job. Hopefully the trip to Vir Shar wouldn't be too eventful. He could simply get paid and then start finding clients.

"That's when I'll make some real money and I can find you a more fetching and affable replacement. Isn't that right girl?" he had began shifting the saddle on the moropus' back. Locking in the saddle bags he spoke to the beast again "Now all I need is some muscle so I'm not alone in this mess." He pulled his crossbow out and loaded a bolt, shoving it into a saddle bag before mounting himself. "Let see who we can find to come along before we go about work shall we?"

2011-06-25, 02:43 AM
After eating his breakfast at the Ettin Heads, Edmundr headed out into the city, making his way towards the caravan that had just entered town.
On his way out, he made sure to check in on his moa. It had been a hard ride yesterday, but he had to make it to Ailenkav before nightfall. He knew the poacher he was hunting had to sell his echal plates somewhere, and he figured that a caravan would be the safest place to do that.
When he were sure that his moa had not taken any permanent damage, he continued outside, towards the
nearest caravan.

I don't want to approach the caravan right away. I'd rather watch them for a couple of minutes, hoping to spot someone who could possibly buy and transport echal plates

Othniel Edden
2011-06-26, 12:04 AM
"Brother, I think we should stay here for the New Year's celebration, as we have been traveling for quite a while. What say you?" Aolabor asked his brother. Gold sky, Aolabor's mount was looking tired, and he felt it would be better to discuss father's offers for this town now instead of on the way back. Ailenkav's Twelve Kings had a good reputation among travelers as well, so this felt as good a place as any to stop for him.

2011-06-27, 12:18 AM
Otisance woke from a fitful sleep in a cheap room of the Ettin's Head. He never seemed to sleep soundly anymore, the thought of his next spell or discovery never leaving him, even after the exhausting days of travel that brought him here. The mage took his time preparing his spells, the castle wasn't going anywhere anytime soon, and even if it did whatever magical residue it must leave behind would likely be at least as interesting as whatever scrolls he might find.

After finishing his rituals Otisance emerged onto the street, seemingly prepared to do anything save look inconspicuous, his clothing covered in pockets and pouches, a crossbow and morningstar hanging from his belt and a bulging backpack completing the image. Otisance set off towards the ruined castle, hoping to get a better idea of the place before he started looking for anything previous looters may have missed.

2011-06-27, 05:55 AM
As Noodeathe, Edmundr and Otisance probably all noticed, Ettin Heads is one of the most old-fashioned taverns they've visited. While the outside facade seemed modern and beautifully decorated, the inside of the building revealed brickwork thick enough to withstand the lighter class of siege weaponry, windows so small that candles are mandatory to see anything even during broad daylight and, last but probably not the least, a pair of actual enormous heads preserved in clear jars. This structure, indeed probably its function as an inn, probably predate the town's palisade wall or at least the current iteration thereof.

Unlike the atmosphere, the breakfast was nothing to advertise abroad. There were some strips of Listroi meat prepared in a manner similar to bacon, but those were not burnt and hardened enough to start crumbing as is the method used to prepare such in Kopshirar, resulting in something so tough that one might almost spend more energy chewing than one actually receives from this food. The Haskal which made up the entirety of the side dish was at least fresh, since seasoning was minimal. There was more than one patron who merely went only for the bread, as the socca from the nearby Kormelan bakery was still warm and indeed well made. The barkeep seemed not to mind the pickyness too much, which is good since his appearance suggests that he might be a retired soldier who has come out of several pitched battles alive, if with a few digits and half a foot less than he started with.

The stables closest by far to the Ettin Heads are located by a secondary alley reached through the narrow Whitewall Passage. Edmundr enters the building just as Noodeathe is finishing his little chat with the moropus. While the different species are kept in separate parts of the stables, the main entrance is within sight of most of the stalls. Thus, it is probable that they spotted one another, even though actually paying attention is probably an another matter.

The town square and Trader's Street are already bustling with merchants when Otisance leaves the tavern, never mind when Edmundr returns from the stables. While one would not think that contraband is peddled out in the open, who knows what sort of shady businessfolk might hide among the crowd. The Echal plates might not be displayed on a stall, but that does not mean that there would not be someone who knows someone who might possibly set a nice man up with such nice things.

As Otisance heads northeast, up the hill towards the old keep, the cries of peddlers and entertainers is left behind him. There are people around him still, but there is actual room to breathe and most of them are heading off to the market or to some workshop themselves. As Otisance can tell, this used to be a very rich neighbourhood not long ago, but with the town's expansion, most nobles tried to go for larger manses with actual gardens, their townhouses kept as storage, maintained by only a skeleton staff (in the figurative sense, not literally as is the norm in Nekrer) or rented out as the Hestral family did. There are one or two beggars here, one of them coming up to the archivist.

'I am a ruined man. Have mercy, please, kind lord.'

I will reply to Othniel shortly. Also, I would prefer if anyone who has not yet done so stop showing signatures as part of in character posts.

2011-06-27, 02:23 PM
Vyn the Suogeli (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=306573)

Vyn was in a splendid mood. He was finally starting his career! And better yet, he could worship at the temple of Nop for luck before he went!

The day, at least to Vyn's eyes was a good day.

He clapped Nood on the back boisterously when he arrived at Nood's location.

"Nood, is it? It is a fine day for our task, which your superiors have informed you of, yes? I am Vyn, of Suogeli ancestry."

The darkly depressed, but upbeat Suogeli extends his hand in greetings to Nood. Vyn's weapons and armor, colored in the Nekrerese style, but polished to a fine shine, clank as he rustles about.

2011-06-28, 01:21 AM
Alya Rin Nyr Aurum (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=306231)
Alya rose her head. This mornings fresh rainfall had woken her earlier than normal. Malenav's Den was... not as she pictured from what she was told by a fellow follower of Helm, but it was suitable enough for her. She was in Ailenkav to gather information, not for comfort.

Alya used this earlier time to prepare for her prayers to Helm, her patron deity. Thankfully for her, the Temple of Helm was close. She made her way from Malenav's Den out into the street, towards the temple.

2011-06-28, 02:53 PM
”Hmm, this may turn out to be a lot harder than I had initially thought…”
Edmundr scans the marketplace for any children who looked like they would know what was going on in the town.

“Hey there kid, would you be interested in earning a bull, and maybe a hound if you do a good enough job?”

Edmundr bounces a single bull in his hand, just to show the boy that he isn’t joking, and motions the boy to follow.

When they are far enough from the caravans to talk without being overheard, he adds
“Someone has been hunting echals near town, I want to know who. If you find someone trying to sell echal plates, or hear about someone who might fit the bill, come tell me about it. I’m staying at the Ettin heads. I’ll let the innkeep know I’m expecting you.
If you help me find this man, I’ll give you a hound for the trouble, two if you’re quick about it, got that?”

If the boy agrees, Edmundr throws him the bull.
After that, he returns to the Ettin heads, to talk with the innkeeper.

2011-06-29, 03:25 PM
The Opti pulled his mount to a halt. He had almost forgotten about the Suogeli who he was intending to hire as a bodyguard. It was a slight trace of natural Nerker arrogance coupled with the fact that Suogeli so closely mirror the Aluser, the dominated people of Noodeathes home town.

"Ah forgive me." shaking the mans hand "I am anxious to get this over with. I am unaccustomed to such simple surroundings." the artificer said dryly. "As of yet I know very little. All I know is that the caravan arriving just now closely matches the description of the one I am supposed to be following. If would like to accompany while I inquire, you are more than welcome." he shifted uncomfortably on the beast. Nood begins to ride off toward the head cart in the caravan to ask about their destination. Hopefully this will be the right one.

2011-06-30, 05:16 PM
Malenav's Den is by no means as old and well-known as Ettin Heads, but unlike the sturdy and bravado-infused decor of Ettin Heads, the current proprietor of Malenav's Den, Aldrora, daughter of Malenav and Manbrun, is more interested in making the place feel a bit cozy. It is by no means luxurious or beautiful, but there is a definite impression that the staff try to care about every visitor. Malenav's Den largely succeeds in holding onto patrons who could instead stay in one of the boarding houses through slight but obvious personal touches.

For instance, last night the priestess was offered spices and foodstuffs closer to what an agatian might be used to. This would have increased the amount she'd have had to pay, but it was the thought which counted, hopefully.

Alya is among the first people who meet the incoming caravan. Should she stop and take a look for more than a fraction of a second, she would no doubt notice that most of the people in the caravan are a bit on the cross side. Given how they rode in through the torrential rain, through terrain where whatever forest canopy existed was far from dense enough to keep anyone dry, it should not be too kind to laugh at them. Given how most of the men look like they know perfectly well how to use whatever weapons they might have, it might not be too wise either.

The lead rider, who has taken off his helmet to reveal a scarred but not old face and a mass of tangled curls, is conversing with one of the men on the jaunting cart, but not quite loudly enough to listen in from across the street. As for the soldiers' painted shields, she can remember seeing that sybol before, but has little idea on local mercenary bands' colours.

The main doors of the temple of Helm are ajar. This probably indicates that high priest Malangir has not yet arrived.


Edmundr does notice a few boys in the street, though if he can actually get one alone enough to show off his coinage without several others trying to cut his purse is an another matter.

He appears to be fortunate enough. He manages to find and call out to a likely wily street youth, who will follow him and the offered coin. Though the boy does not head too far from the centre of the market, Edmundr does end up in place where there is simply too much talk, shouting and bartering to be overheard by anyone who does not sidle up to him.

"Don't know 'bout no Echalscale seller firsthand, but have heard it being sold. Probably one of the side streets. I can look into it for them Dancies, sure."

Edmundr luck [roll0]
Edmundr sense motive [roll1]
Edmundr diplomacy (http://www.giantitp.com/articles/jFppYwv7OUkegKhONNF.html) [roll2]

For their part, Nood and Vyn do not see much of interest by the stables. Some people do enter, one or two leave at around the same time Nood does, but they are not really all that interesting. Among them are a minor noble wearing a green vest and a skinny fellow dressed like the average merchant, as well as a few peasants and grooms. Thus, they leave that behind them without incident.

Noodeathe does manage to get utterly lost trying to take the back roads to the Path of Stone to avoid getting stuck in the market, which his large mount probably could not fit through with ease. However, Vyn's sense of direction, likely gained from learning alongside many a prospective mariner, ensures that the artificer does not end up wandering into the worst part of the town's slums quite yet. The pair find their way to the caravan just as several of the soldiers and travellers are dismounting, still close by to the temple of Helm.

2011-07-02, 08:45 AM
"Exellent. I appreciate your help Vyn. Outside of Nerker my navigation skills are useless."

Nood dismounts the smelly nag and struggles while he pulls her about. Warily he approaches the lead rider of the caravan. "Hello sir" he says in Lewari "I am Noodeathe. My guildmaster has sent me to keep track of an item of great importance within your caravan. I am an artificer or you may know it better by the word zannur. We're you informed of my arrival?"

2011-07-02, 10:25 PM
Vyn simply smiles at Nood's lack of direction. He keeps silent, intending to appear as the "dumb muscle" for the artificer.

2011-07-03, 12:14 AM
Otisance glances grimly at the beggar, wanting to help but still aware that he won't really change anything by giving out a few coins on the street. The mage slows but does not stop and gestures for the beggar to follow, hoping to work out the situation to better both of them.

Really? And what has ruined you?

2011-07-03, 09:29 AM
When Edmundr makes it back to the Ettin Heads, he gives the innkeeper a short description of the boy he talked to earlier.

I had a local boy search for something for me. Told him to meet me here when he had found it. If I'm not here when he gets here, have him wait for me in the common room until I return

Oh, and give him a meal, this should cover it

Edmundr hands the innkeeper a hound to pay for the boys meal.

Since he now has some free time on his hands, Edmundr returns outside to look for the newly arrived caravan, to hear if it has any news from the south.

2011-07-04, 12:30 PM
Liam is one of the patrons of the Ettin's head. It's doubtful he's any older than twenty years. He has a head full of coppery blond hair that hangs shaggily around his head, and a pair of piercing yellow eyes look at the world around him, his features setting his heritage out as Nekrerese. Despite his family working in the orchards around here, he doesn't appear to have the strength of body necessary for working long periods. Odd.

As Edmundr leaves the building, having overheard him, Liam will follow, and attempt to stop him by saying, "You're looking for Echal scales, right? I can't think of anything else you'd have to hire a local to look for in the market, and if that's the case, we may be able to help each other."

This is fairly presumptuous on Liam's part, and most wouldn't jump to that conclusion, but Liam's been considering how to go after the poacher himself. So far, he hasn't found a way to do so - maybe working with this person?

2011-07-05, 12:33 AM
As Alya approached the Temple of Helm, she noticed that the head priest had not yet arrived.

The caravan caught her eye, something seemed familiar to her, but she could not recall what. This feeling of familiarity caused her, against her better judgement, to slowly approach the caravan. She was however, apprehensively approaching them. These men were still mercenaries, not lawmen.

2011-07-05, 04:49 AM
Stopping at the mention of echal scales, Edmundr turns to address the man who talked to him

Suppose I am searching for echal scales, what kind of help could you provide?

2011-07-05, 12:09 PM
Liam smiles, "There's a poacher in the area and I was going to gather a group to go after him. I happen to be an arcanist, so I can be quite useful in a fight."

2011-07-05, 12:33 PM
Hmm, you don't look like much, but I suppose it won't hurt to bring you along. Come, we can talk more privately inside.

When they are seated at an isolated table, Edmundr says in a low voice

Do you have any information about this poacher? As far as I know, it should be possible to buy the scales in some side street, which would indicate that the poacher needs the money from the sale. Secondly, since he has thus far eluded capture, he obviously knows some woodcraft, which would mean we're dealing with a hunter... Do you know anyone in the area who might fit that description?

2011-07-05, 12:41 PM
Liam shakes his head, "No, I don't. We pretty well had the same idea for finding him though - find the merchants, they can lead us to the supplier. I have to ask though, what's your stake in this? Why go out of your way to hunt this poacher?"

2011-07-05, 02:18 PM
Well, besides the fact that the echals are needed by the local orchards, I'm trying to get noticed by the right people and build a reputation for myself.

What about you?

2011-07-05, 06:21 PM
The old barkeep accepts the large coin Edmundr plops on the counter without so much as a m'lord. He does nod, but probably does not appreciate being treated as a common servant. Still, what can he do - Edmundr is after all his patron.

As the pair talk, one of the serving wenches walks up to them. She is hardly the comeliest servant girl they have seen, but by no means is she ugly -rather, the wench is mostly just plain. One could hope that this means that she is good at taking orders.

"What'll you have?"

Alya is the first person dressed as something other than a commoner or guardsman to approach the caravan. As such, the portly (as the people who expect money from him would say, at least) and most well-dressed merchant beckons her to approach. Some mercenaries might glare at her a slight bit, but that is probably of little importance.

Perhaps surprisingly, it is one of the mercenaries - the one riding the spotted moropus, who speaks up first. He is still holding his helmet under his arm. The soldier's voice is clear, loud and manly. He speaks Lewari with a noticable accent, though she cannot very well tell which.

'Ha single priest is here ta meet us? The old lord has truly grauwn complecint.'

To this, the black-bearded merchant (http://www.lib-art.com/artgallery/13273-architect-lorenzo-lotto.html) replies hastily. Alya can tell that he is more than a bit nervous. While she cannot quite well tell what the rest of the men are murmuring, few are angry at her, but they do seem quite agitated, even accounting for the rain.

"The seneschal is late, probably all there is to it."

Noodeathe Bertran Tulumelata Zannur and Vyn Aneman-Lan-Pari of Laiban arrive on the main road just late enough to miss most of that exhance, but in time to draw the attention of the knight enough to stop him from replying.

He listens to their words and replies curtly. He does not sound too courteous, seeming disinterested more than anything. Unlike Nood and Alya, Vyn can recognize the symbol on their shields. The Burnthand company are among the most famous and pricey mercenaries in the region. If they are part of this caravan, it begs the question what else valuable is part of the shipment.

'Every'n says theirs is the valuable goods on those carts. Ya'll have to talk to my empliyer bout what we've actcially got here.'

The head merchant, whose hat and black shirt suggest that he at least dresses like someone from Nekrer, is distracted by yet another person, however - a young but very well-dressed man coming down the street on a moropus, waving and shouting greetings. They might certainly intrude, but this might leave a bad impression of them on the wrong people. There are after all other merchants on other carts. Indeed, one of them gets off the lead cast and approaches the pair.

'You were saying? I couldn't help overhearing - which guild and master are we talking about?'


The man Otisance is talking to, satisfied that he's being paid attention to, replies immediately.

'The rebels, who else. I was on one of the riverboats not long ago, an officer not just some git scrubbing the floorboards. I know every bend of the Nilfaen, but as a loyal Lewari, I could do nothing but walk away from my home and possessions. Help me, please. I don't even fit in with the common, well, other beggars.'

He does sound sincere, for what it's worth. Still, given just how many people have been ruined by such recent events, taking pity on one might bring about a veritable deluge of beggars.

Sense Motive (Alya) [roll0]
Sense Motive (Otisance) [roll0]
Knowledge (Military; Vyn) [roll1]

2011-07-05, 06:38 PM
"My family works one of the orchards, so I have something a vested interest in seeing this poacher brought to justice."

And then a serving girl comes up to them. Liam smiles charmingly to her, "Just some ale for me, please."

2011-07-06, 03:55 AM
As the serving girl takes their orders, Edmundr gives her a shy, but warm, smile

An ale for me as well. I hope i didn't offend your employer, my mind was somewhere else at the time.

2011-07-06, 07:39 AM
The waitress nods, but does not leave yet.

"Will that be Harvkan, Rakoper or something more specific?"

Rakoper is a traditionally Punusei apricot-based lambic (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambic), while Harvkan is an amber ale of Kopshi origin. There are some forms of mostly beerlike drinks made from southern grains in Kakur and Suogelia as well. Edmundr can also recall that some of the somewhat more Sake-like drinks most loved by the goblinoids can be likened to beer and that the Ebandei from Agatia is more or less equivalent. Due to a relative lack of grain-like plants in Walufar, beers tend to be rarer and pricier than ciders. Liam, who has lived in this town for a while, knows that the Rakoper they tend to store is of a higher quality and somewhat cheaper, though very sweet.

knowledge(local) (Edmundr) 1d20+3+5
knowledge(local) (Liam) 1d20+2+5

2011-07-06, 08:09 AM
Well, guess I'll try the harvkan this time Edmundr says with a smile.

2011-07-06, 10:39 AM
"I'll go for the Rakoper," Liam says, "And thank you."

2011-07-08, 06:43 AM
When the girl leaves for their drinks, he turns his attention back to Liam.

Alright, so we're both interested in finding this poacher as fast as possible. The boy I hired will hopefully discover who is selling the scales. That leaves the buyers to us... The only thing I can think of you can use the scales for are armor, and I doubt common villagers are interested in that.

2011-07-08, 01:21 PM
"The seller won't be much a problem - I've got a spell that'll make him happy tell us everything he knows." Liam says, grinning, "We do, however, need to work out a plan for when we track this man down. If he's taking down Echals, he won't be a pushover, near as I can tell. It's why I was hesitant to go without recruiting someone else to help."

2011-07-09, 05:17 AM
I am pretty confident that we can handle him. Besides, we don't even know if the seller is also the poacher, or just a middleman...

Anyway, wouldn't whoever bought the scales need some help in manufacturing something from them? I know I would need help in creating something useful from them Edmundr says with a grin

It's a small town, there can't be that many capable of making armor from echal scales. Do you or anyone in your family know who might fit that description?

2011-07-09, 10:38 AM
Liam shakes his head, "I don't. Besides, My family works the orchards, as I said. They wouldn't go out of their way to help someone like that, even if they had the crafting skills for it. Keep in mind, though, that either the seller or the poacher may be doing it himself. We just don't have that much information."

2011-07-11, 07:34 AM
Nood was taken aback by the rough speech of the guard. He was by no means as fluent in Lewari as it highest scholars but the sheer vulgarity off the mans voice was off putting and stood in stark contrast to his own more intelligent muscle.

"Yes well hrm, I'll talk to your employer then..."

However before he could search he was approached by a member of the caravan

"You were saying? I couldn't help overhearing - which guild and master are we talking about?"

He turned to the man, dressed in the Nerker style. It was a relief. Someone around this place was civilized. He switched to his native Opti when he spoke. He was not afraid of offending Vyn, since he knew Optikan almost as well as he; however he preferred that their conversation be a little bit less conspicuous.

(In opti) "Greetings sir. My name is Noodeathe. I am of the guild of zannur or artificers. We are a very discrete organization. We've only just been taking clients. There is a suit of armor I believe with your caravan heading to a wealthy duke who's name escapes me. It was crafted Caebavir. My master Resetti is supposed to make certain improvements on it. He was due to rendezvous with your caravan personally however matters of the guild kept him busy. I was instead sent to ensure that the armor was in fact here and that it arrived safely at Vir Shar where a senior of mine would take it across the border. Have you heard anything of this?"

2011-07-12, 12:14 AM
Alya approaches the black-bearded merchant. She politely asks him

"May I ask what goods you are bringing into Ailenkav?", while carefully observing the merchant and the surroundings.

2011-07-12, 10:21 PM
Vyn thinks quickly over the fact that the Burnthand company is involved with Nood's task.

Hmm... Interesting... But nothing can be done about it. Though, it does give me an idea for an entry for that treatise I've been thinking about.

He merely keeps quiet, preferring the opportunity to observe. Better to be seen as a dumb, foreign guard and be underestimated.

2011-07-13, 06:56 AM
The waitress returns to the pair shortly, carrying two pint-sized mugs. The Rakoper is frothy, the Harvkan less so.

"The Rakoper is four Bulls, the Harvkan five Bulls two Weights. Sir has a room, so he may wanta pay when he leaves, but we'd appreciate now."

As Liam thinks, he does come up with some theories as to what sort of people might have sufficient bone-crafting skills to make something from Echals. He can by no means pinpoint any one person, but he does know that there are at least three people in the town with skills enough to work bones. The best of the lot would be Mardrun the Skullman, whose Gronvei-skull helms are widely considered the best in the central parts of Lewarur - enough that some warriors from Lewarsaer have purchased their parade gear from him.


The black-bearded merchant leader stares at the rider, awaiting him eagerly. He does grant a quick reply to the priestess, but his eyes only dart back to her for a moment.

"We're mostly just passing through, Your Honour, but will sell some metalcrafts here most likely."

He then turns back to the newcomer, who as he approaches leaves a rather ostentatious impression by Lewari or Opti standards. His garb looks more like what a nobleman or wealthy knight might wear to some ceremony, if not perhaps obviously to Vyn or Alya.

The merchant talking to Vyn and Noodeathe is not quite as wholly given to Nekrer-style dress as the fatter superior, though unlike that man he is clean-shaven. While his robe and trousers are black, he does go about bare-headed, as is traditional in Lewarur. Still, the assumption is not inherently bad.

It does sound like his Opti is less polished than his Lewari - though his reply lacks any glaring pronounciation errors, he does use a demonstrably simple set of words.

'You do seem to know so much that you are legitimate. We have goods from Caebavir, yes. We probably have what you are looking for. Come, let's talk away from wagons.'

As he finishes talking, he waves an another merchant to follow. This fellow is a bit odd - due to height and beard, he could be a tall dwarf or simply a bearded man. He too has a bare head, but he dresses mostly in maroon. Since several mercenaries have drifted to Malenav's Den, the merchant heads to the other side of the street, close by to the temple. One of the soldiers of fortune heads that way as well, but does enter the building. They can't all be godless sellswords, apparently. The most of them, including the knight, remain by the carts, however.

Meanwhile, The young rider reaches the group soon and immediately addresses the lead merchant. He has a wispy handlebar moustache and a mane of reddish-brown hair. While not obese, he is by no means thin.

Good day, Ungmar!

"Greetings, sir Kandar! How are things in this fine city?"

Alya has not been in town for a long time, but she does know that this Sir Kandar is the seneschal of Taremal the Fortune-Favoured. While only recently appointed, the young man has been coping with his tasks, insofar. That this is the man sent to treat with the merchants does indicate the importance of these caravans to the local lord, at least.

Knowledge(local) (Liam) [roll0]
Knowledge(local, Lewarur) (Nood) [roll1]
Knowledge(local, Lewarur) (Alya) [roll2]

2011-07-14, 04:43 PM
Edmundr hands the girl 6 bulls

Thanks, and please, keep the change he says, before turning his attention back to Liam

So, do you have any suggestions as to what we can do while we wait for that boy?

2011-07-14, 04:51 PM
"I'll pay when I leave, thanks." Liam says

"we can go over what each of us can do. How good are you in a fight?"

Liam doesn't tell Edmundr about his thoughts on the craftsmen just yet. He'll tell the man soon.

2011-07-15, 11:28 AM
Well, the primary focus of my military training was holding ground, but I am quite capable of a more offensive approach when neccesary.
Depending on were we corner our prey, he should not pose any problem for me.
Are you any good in a fight? Or do you have some tracking skills that can help us if he tries to hide in the forest?

2011-07-15, 02:26 PM
"I don't have any tracking skills, no, but A spell I have can make people view me as a trusted friend. Another is to let me toss a ball of fire at people, so I'm fairly good in a fight - not to mention I can transform my body into other humanoids."

2011-07-15, 04:33 PM
Allright, I guess we can find someone to track for us if the need should arise... I suppose all there is to do is either wait here, or go out and search for that poacher.

Maybe you should make it a rule to change your appearence before searching for him, just to be on the safe side, since your family lives in the area...

2011-07-15, 04:49 PM
"It's a rather short duration, so using that spell as a disguise won't be very effective. Still a good idea, of course, but I'll just have to use mundane means for it."

2011-07-17, 12:44 AM
"Most excellent." Nood exclaims. Following the merchant he asks, "So what exactly do you have to show me? I don't mean to rush you but I'm anxious to ensure that my job, at least this part of it, is successful."

2011-07-18, 05:28 AM
Away from the mercenaries, the merchant shakes his head. He is speaking in Lewari now, which does come off as the more likely native language for him.

'Oh, there is nothing specific to show you per se. However, the mercenaries with us could be cross if they found out about any high-quality weapons and armour that we carries, seeing as we were ambushed on the way here and several of them were wounded. They have healed well enough due to their assets, but the brigands' bolts were barbed and nearly slew one of the men.'

The other merchant, the one whose heritage seems a mystery, speaks up. He too speaks in perfect Lewari, but that means little given the location.

'Your master's armour is in the second to last cart, in the crate near the bottom next to a few slabs of marble. We can't really pry it open to show you yet, but if we are to leave tomorrow, we might get a chance to show you the goods in the evening.'

Meanwhile, the seneschal and merchant leader continue to converse.

We are quite fine. The rains keep the harvest from drying, but do not smash it apart either, so we should have plenty of fruit for sale. How was your trip?

"Ah, fine. Fine enough. The usual rabble of would-be thieves, but dealt with easily by Burnthand's boys. How fares your master?"

The young knight smiles, as does the merchant. Alya does hear some grumblings from near the back of the caravan, however.

Milord is doing well...

By now, the mercenary leader has grown impatient and moves in closer.

'Da we havf to stay in place here? Mah men are thired. Aren't yers, sir?'

There is nothing particularly interesting going on in the Ettin's Heads. The bartender has left the counter and went to the back room, but given how no patrons are currently exiting their rooms or asking for anything that the two waitresses cannot handle themselves, that seems not to be that much of a problem.

[roll0] Listen (Alya)

2011-07-21, 02:20 AM
Hmm, maybe we could ask the innkeeper if he knows anyone who can work with echal scales, although I would like to keep what we are doing known to a minimum of people...

2011-07-21, 02:50 AM
"I know of a few people we can talk to about those before we go telling everybody in town what we're looking for. I think our first stop should be Mardrun - He works with bone a lot. might as well ask him about it, right?"

2011-07-21, 06:57 AM
Your master's armour is in the second to last cart, in the crate near the bottom next to a few slabs of marble. We can't really pry it open to show you yet, but if we are to leave tomorrow, we might get a chance to show you the goods in the evening.

Nood is elated. "Excellent" he responds, switching back to Lewari. "I fully intend to travel with you on the morrow if in fact this is the armor Resetti spoke of. I suppose then I will prepare for yet another nights stay in this town. Where are you lodging sir, at one of the inns? I would prefer to stay close by, if not only for the ease of communication but I don't want any of these mercenaries messing up my mission. Vyn. I think it would be prudent for you to keep an eye on them while I handle things on the merchant end. I don't mean any insult but I'm not generally good with military types..."

2011-07-21, 08:02 AM
Excellent! Well, no time like the present, should we go talk to him?

2011-07-22, 02:04 PM
"Yeah, let's go," Liam says, standing and he'll move to leave, heading in the direction of Mardrun's workplace - it was the likeliest place to find the man, after all.

2011-07-22, 11:42 PM
Well, I'm afraid I can't just give you money for nothing, the common beggars would be all over me. But maybe we can work out a deal. I came into town hoping to learn something about the old castle, and I could use a guide who could tell me a bit about it and maybe show me around. Common knowledge, rumors, past explorations, anything really.
Otisance turns to face the man and offers him a smile.

2011-07-23, 04:14 AM
Lead the way
Edmundr will follow Liam to Mardrun's workplace. On the way he will keep an eye out for the boy he hired.

2011-07-24, 01:20 PM
As Edmundr and Liam start to leave, the waitress points at the sorcerer.

"Hey! You haven't paid yet!."

At this, the bartender too returns, glaring.

They are within the doorway and while the town square is not quite as full of people as the market street is, it should be possible to flee into the crowd, if they so choose.

Meanwhile, the young merchant replies to the artificer.

'We're staying at one of the boarding houses, the one run by Haelgrav, son of Verman and Tufana. Do you know where it is?'

The beggar's response to Otisance takes a slight bit of thought, but he relents swiftly enough.

'There's not all that much to tell about it. It still belongs to the local lordship, it does, but for the most part it's empty. The local men and women looked through it when the guards left or so they tell me, didn't find all that many valuables. Kids, beggars and some travellers still go inside, but few find anything.'

[roll0]Diplomacy (otisance)

2011-07-25, 07:52 AM
Edmundr stops when he hears the waitress, and puts a hand on Liam's arm Hold on friend, guess we were a little too fast... Pay the girl and we'll be on our way.

2011-07-26, 01:21 AM
Not much, but it's something.
Otisance takes two bulls from his coin purse and presses them into the beggars hand.
For your troubles.
With that the mage picks up his pace again, continuing on towards the castle.