View Full Version : roleplaying to the max

2011-06-24, 10:06 AM
What have you done in roleplaying that you thought, wow, that was awesome! (in caombat can, as long as it is still mainly roleplay...

For me my most awesome (until now) was when in a dungeon I was archivist in an egyptian setting. When 2 of my partymembers had been destroyed (we were all undead, part of the campaign) I was supposed to get them back using the books of life and death. So by dual wielding the books is sat through 30 minutes of ritual casting, while the party boss (he was the Pharaoh) said **** ranking, I'll be your bitch for the ritual helpping you :). After i revived my cleric, i tried to revive one of my wizard partymembers, who made the wrong save sometime (he was supposed to make his saves to be able to come back) so after a lot of hard knowledge arcana and spellcraft checks (only 5 out of 25 failed) i got him back, but not without getting called by the gods to speak on behalf of our party wizard (me being a lawyer had helped with the situation). Up until now I have never encountered such a great roleplaying experience in DnD.

Also I was thankful for watching and reading about ancient egypt, it seriously helped me (slightly meta) through the ritual casting :smallyuk:

2011-06-24, 10:44 AM
What have you done in roleplaying (so out of combat) that you thought, wow, that was awesome!

So I shouldn't list my epic in-combat RP? :smallbiggrin:

Seriously though, I had an awesome time with Red Hand of Doom doing RP. The Keep you assault in the beginning of the adventure made for a great encounter between my Paladin and another player over whether we should kill a goblin that surrendered to me...

2011-06-24, 10:46 AM
So I shouldn't list my epic in-combat RP?

in cambat can, as long as it's not something like: "I did xyz dmg and I totally wtfpwnd the enemy lulz w00t" or something liek that :smallwink:

also, editing op

2011-06-24, 11:18 AM
It wasn't me, but at GenCon I saw the best roleplaying I'd ever seen:

It was second ed, we had just summoned a greater ice devil to help us out, knowing that it would be dangerous, but we were desperate.

The DM pulls out the stat card for the devil looks at the party and says "alright which one of you wants to control the devil" we gave him puzzled looks. He explained that much more hilarious scenarios happened when he let players play the devil.

So one guy agreed to it, and I was the warlock that summoned it, so it turned to me and this ensued:

I agreed to give him another party members 7 year old daughter to help us if he "killed some dwarves" so the player smiled and then had the devil ice storm the 300+ dwarves, only killing around 20, and then say "alright I killed some dwarves, I'm done". Knowing we would tpk if the devil left us the another party member playing a dwarf, said "HEY snowball, how bout ye help us out or I'll put my axe in yer face!" The player then gave the most slow, angry, did you really just say that head turn I'd ever seen towards the player of the dwarf and said "Oops, I missed one of the dwarves" and summoned about 20 zombies surrounding him (which began nomnoming). He helped us out a little bit more (The BBEG showed up and challenged him directly) but then suddenly soarded back into our cavern without warning after the BBEG was ddefeated and grabbed the other players child that I promised, and flew away.

It was the best roleplaying of a greater devil I'd ever seen, lawful, but evil.

2011-06-24, 11:56 AM
Some of my best roleplaying was actually fairly recent. We were employed to get a relic from a group of thieves working in the capital city of a small country. The party wanted to start making gather information checks to find the thieves but I told them to leave it to me.

I went to the kings castle and convinced the guards to let me into the audience chamber immedietly (ah, glibness, how I love you so) and proceeded to inform the king that he would send all his troops to find the relic I seek.

He laughed and asked why he would do that, to which I cast Major Image with Conceal Spellcasting to make myself appear to grow until I was an Ancient Red Dragon that filled his entire audience chamber. I then declared in a deep booming voice that if he didn't do as I said I would burn his pathetic city to the ground.

I then made the image shrink until it was just me again, but kept faint tendrils of smoke and flame escaping from my lips as I gave him until the same time tommorow to find what I wanted. I also informed him that if he succeeded in finding what I was looking for I would repay him by hold a single favour in dept and then left.

Strangly enough, every guard went and rounded up every known thief and criminal that night and the next day the king had the relic waiting for me.

2011-06-24, 03:30 PM
in cambat can, as long as it's not something like: "I did xyz dmg and I totally wtfpwnd the enemy lulz w00t" or something liek that :smallwink:

also, editing op

dude please please spellcheck you posts are rather hard to read.

Edit: if you aren't a native English speaker sorry, but it should still be fairly easy to set firefox to spellcheck for you.

2011-06-24, 04:05 PM
So warforged are very rare in my setting, theya re the product of an ancient civilization, and while some kingdoms started replicating the basic and adamantine ones, the more exotic ones are only the rare ones you can find on preserved ruins and turn on (instead of the ones who rusted).

So the party was with this Aurorun warfoged PC they activated, left the artificer, who loved mechanic, back in town to make items for him and went to adventure. he died, and they left his corpse there.

Back in town, with a tenser's disk full of gold after killing a dragon, bones, shrunk itens and other things, they explain to her. She spent the last week making incredible discoveries based on what she studied of his body, improved her firearms and made some incredible items.

Artificer: How did you left him???
Sorceress: Well, he was heavy, treasure comes first.
Sorceress: Oh... yeah. True...

So the artificer flies into a rage, yelling at everyone and using her pistol to shoot salt non-lethal shots on everyone (shooting build)! Next thing we know the artificer is yelling while running after them, while they try to hide in the workshop and receive rock-salt shots on their asses. No one really tries to stop her while she shoots them and throws warforged parts on everyone, everyone freaks and runs and hides, and let her rage, since, well, they WERE stupid to let the sorceress decide, anyway.

Funniest goddamn rp in a whole lot while.

2011-06-24, 04:17 PM
dude please please spellcheck you posts are rather hard to read.

Edit: if you aren't a native English speaker sorry, but it should still be fairly easy to set firefox to spellcheck for you.

But everything he is spelling does sound like the word he's trying to say. If anything its the sentence structure...I'm not sure how firefox would help there. :smallbiggrin:

This is also something that should be PM'd instead of broadcast to the general public. Just sayin'.

2011-06-24, 04:21 PM
In Star Wars, I played a dual wielding gun bunny soldier, that worked for the Emipre. I was to go to a town that was Rebel friendly & eliminate it. Long story short; I got into a bar shoot out; rigged grenades onto a speeder to take out an E-web emplacement. & played hot potato with a thermal detonator with the enemy CO.

In the same game, my soldier took over an enemy ship by having the boarding parties dock at the evac bays & set up E-Webs, then I sneaked into a data terminal & tricked the computer into thinking that there was an air leak, which signaled an alarm for all personnel to go to the evac bays... I strolled on to the bridge without (personally) killing a single person. It's one of my most noteable adventures.

2011-06-24, 04:25 PM
Hot potato with a thermal detonator sounds pretty pimp. Those sort of crazy stand offs always make for fun RP.

I was in an evil drow campaign once. We had just breached the surface and were moving into this forest when we were ambushed by a tribe of surface elves. One of my fellow players had ended up taking an elf hostage and holding him behind a tree while other elves tried to manuever into sniping positions. I rushed in to help my fellow and was dropped to negative HP with a couple crits.

That same session I used the drow faerie fire to outline a fellow party member who had earlier tried to betray me...he was seen by the elves (we were running away at that point) and killed.