View Full Version : [PF] Question about natural weapons (again)

2011-06-24, 04:04 PM
I need some clarification on the way natural weapons work in Pathfinder. I've used the search and found some old threads, but neither was specifically answering my questions.

Here's the relevant text from the PRD:
Natural Attacks: Attacks made with natural weapons, such as claws and bites, are melee attacks that can be made against any creature within your reach (usually 5 feet). These attacks are made using your full attack bonus and deal an amount of damage that depends on their type (plus your Strength modifier, as normal). You do not receive additional natural attacks for a high base attack bonus. Instead, you receive additional attack rolls for multiple limb and body parts capable of making the attack (as noted by the race or ability that grants the attacks). If you possess only one natural attack (such as a bite—two claw attacks do not qualify), you add 1–1/2 times your Strength bonus on damage rolls made with that attack.

If it matters, my question specifically refers to the Dragon Disciple's natural attacks (2 claws and 1 bite).
1) As a full-round action I can attack with both claws and my bite attack, adding my BAB and Strength bonus, correct?
2) If I chose not to use my claws but my bite attack (maybe I'm using a normal action), do I add 1˝ times my Strength bonus? After all, I do possess more natural weapons.
3) Then there is the part about mixing armed and natural attacks. According to the FAQ (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/extras/pathfinder-faq#TOC-Natural-Attacks-and-Weapon-Attacks-), the Core Book uses a wrong rule here and the Bestiary contains the correct one. Can someone point me to the relevant chapter, please?

Keld Denar
2011-06-24, 05:54 PM
Natural attacks in PF work just the same as in 3.5. I'm posting this from my phone, so I can't post the link, but Google "Natural Weapons and you: a miniguide". It has the answers you seek. I cowrote it.

Primarily, if you have multiple natural attacks, you don't get the benefit of 1.5x str. That rule is for things like dogs that only ever get one attack. You can attack with all of your natural weapons once in a full attack. Your primary weapon is at full BAB us str, while all of your secondary attacks are at -5 unless you have Multiattack.

The guide has all of the details about the interaction between manufactured and natural weapons. Look it up.

2011-06-24, 10:05 PM
1) yes

2) The draconic bloodline gives you a bloodline power to grow claws as a free action. If you haven't ever used the power, you can bite with STR bonus x 1,5, because it will be your only natural attack. Unfortunately the claws can't be "ungrown" by RAW, so you won't be able to apply 1,5 STR bonus if you have already used them. Of course, maybe you don't plan on using the claws because you dislike full attacks or are too squishy to be on the frontline and rather cast, so you could forfeit your claws and keep the bite as your sole natural attack. Or just ask your DM to let you dismiss the claws.


2011-06-25, 03:30 AM
Thanks a lot you two.

2) The draconic bloodline gives you a bloodline power to grow claws as a free action. If you haven't ever used the power, you can bite with STR bonus x 1,5, because it will be your only natural attack.

You only get the bite attack while your claws are out =(
Question's answered anyway.

Edit: I'm still a bit unsure about the combination of weapons and natural attacks. (Maybe my English just isn't good enough :S)
Creatures with natural attacks and attacks made with weapons can use both as part of a full attack action (although often a creature must forgo one natural attack for each weapon clutched in that limb, be it a claw, tentacle, or slam). Such creatures attack with their weapons normally but treat all of their available natural attacks as secondary attacks during that attack, regardless of the attack’s original type. [emphasis mine]
Say I have a BAB of +6, two claws an one bite attack. I hold a weapon in one of my hands and make a full round attack. Ignoring strength for a moment, what is correct?

1 attack at full BAB (+6) with the weapon and 1 attack at BAB-5 for one claw and the bite respectively.
Same as above but with just the claw or the bite, "because my BAB allows only 1 secondary attack".
2 attacks with the weapon at +6 and +1, and 1 attack at BAB-5 for one claw and the bite respectively.

Nevermind. I found the answer in this guide (http://www.enworld.org/forum/pathfinder-rpg-discussion/271703-pcs-natural-attacks-how-do-you-maximize-number-attacks-round.html).