View Full Version : Mechanikal Innovation (Iron Kingdoms)

2011-06-24, 07:20 PM
I am playing in an Iron Kingdoms (Privateer Press) game - I am Gobber Arcane Mechanik - and I am having no luck on what to make with my Mechanikal Innovations. The best I have come up with is making an Ironborn from 3e The Book of Iron Might (Malhavoc Press) and an alternate energy stormchamber, the Furnace or Flame Sphere (fire). I was considering some kind of magically conductive serricsteel, or maybe vulcanized rubber to cushion joints and increase time between repairs.

As you can see, nothing really that great or innovative. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.

2011-06-24, 08:21 PM
It's been a few years, but I had a Gobber Bodger that constructed a clockwerk exo-suit (a la the Loader from Aliens), and successfully used it in a PbP game. I had the stats on Privateer Press's forums, but it's been a LONG time. Give me a few minutes, and I'll see if I can dig it up.

Apparently it's been even longer than I thought. It was on the old forum, and I can't find any links to that one anymore. It's a shame too, since I had some feedback in the post from Doug Seacat. Negative feedback to be sure, but still. Contribution from one of the game's creators. The closest I will ever get to fame.

2011-06-25, 11:58 AM
The Mechanik's Union (http://www.hecate.ca/union/) is a good source. And this forum (http://privateerpressforums.com/forumdisplay.php?43-Iron-Kingdoms-Role-playing-Game&) maybe?