View Full Version : Test of Spite: Tavar vs knightMARE

2011-06-24, 11:17 PM
The arena is a large circle with a radius of 2 miles, centered around a set of abandoned jungle ruins. The ruins take up approximately a smaller circle of 1 mile. In the center is a overgrown courtyard, with a fountain/shrine in the center. Square in shape, it has an east-west and north-south road bisecting its sides, with each side being 75 yards across. The fountain takes up a 5 yard area, with an additional 5 yards consisting of mud.

There are some auxiliary roads and alleys, as well as holes in the buildings. None of the buildings are over 3 stories high.

Additional scenery may be added/altered per usual with stunts.

Combatants start out on the north-south bisecting road. One is on the northernmost edge of the courtyard. The other is on the southernmost. The fountain currently provides 90% hard cover.

Charms/effects with a duration of one scene or longer may be started before the battle begins. Otherwise, you start uninjured, with full motes, willpower, etc., etc.

I'm guessing you both just want to go with me adjudicating stunts like we've been doing?

So, first order of business: Join Battle, and declare any charms you want to preemptively activate.

2011-06-24, 11:20 PM
Here's the Map. Everyone should be able to see this:http://i189.photobucket.com/albums/z77/Ilavator/BasicArena.jpg

2011-06-25, 12:15 AM
Entering the plaza, Ruinous catches sight of a glimmer of gold. Straining his eyes, he immediately realizes his mistake. Not gold, orichalcum. A sword, shield, and most impressively, armor. Another such as he, then. Perhaps this one would finally give him a hunt to remember. Keeping the armored being in sight, his hands leap to his bow, drawing and notching it in one, mighty action.

"Ho there, traveler. Want to hunt the most dangerous game?"

Using my Join Battle Combo-Panoptic Fusion Discipline, Keen Eye Eye Technique, Unsurpassed Eye Discipline.
Join Battle:[roll0]+2, doubling successes.
Also, there's a question. Flashing Vengeance draw has errata to it. The permanent keyword was added, as was a totally different ability. Does the ability replace the old one, or is the old ability still there? If it is, I activate it(permanent effects do not count as charm, but as innate abilities) for an additional 3 motes. If so, I add my essence(3) in successes.

Question regarding charms that 'double successes'. Does this work on all automatic successes added by charms, for instance Keen (sense) Technique? Or does it only work on those added by charms that interact with dice caps(like the second Excellency)?

Combat Stats:
Join Combat:

Powerbow: Speed 6 Acc: 19 | Damage: 11+ammo |Range 300| Rate: 2

Acc: X [(((Dex+Martial Arts)+1)+Any other dice bonuses)] | Damage: [Str+0B] | Parry DV: [(((Dex+Ability)+2)= X /2 round up) = Base + Modifiers] | Rate: 3

Acc: X [(((Dex+Martial Arts)+0)+Any other dice bonuses)] | Damage: [Str+3B] | Parry DV: [(((Dex+Ability)-2)= X /2 round up) = Base + Modifiers] | Rate: 2

Acc: X [(((Dex+Martial Arts)+0)+Any other dice bonuses)] | Damage: [Str+0B] | Parry DV: - | Rate: 3
Dodge DV: X [((((Dex+Ability)+Essence)+Bonus Dice From Equipment) = X /2 round up) = Base + Modifiers]

Permanent Charms (Effects)

Bashing: [9]
Lethal: [8]
Aggravated: [7]

Bashing: 3
Lethal: 3
Aggravated: 3

-0 [ ][ ]
-1 [ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
-2 [ ][ ]
-4 [ ]
X [ ]

Mental Defenses:
Dodge MDV: 4
Charisma Parry MDV:
>Presence: [(((Charisma+Presence)+Relevant Specialty)+Any other dice modifiers) /2 round up) + Any other bonuses.]
>Performance: [(((Charisma+Performance)+Relevant Specialty)+Any other dice modifiers) /2 round up) + Any other bonuses.]
Manipulation Parry MDV:
>Presence: [(((Manipulation+Presence)+Relevant Specialty)+Any other dice modifiers) /2 round up) + Any other bonuses.]
>Performance: [(((Manipulation+Performance)+Relevant Specialty)+Any other dice modifiers) /2 round up) + Any other bonuses.]

Compassion ●
Conviction ●●
Temperance ●●●
Valor ●●●

Virtue Flaw/Flawed Virtue:


??? (Native)

Willpower: ●●●●●
4/5 temp

Permanent: ●●●
Personal: Current (5/14)
Peripheral: Current (25) (10)
Bonus Points and XP:
Bonus Points:

7 points on Essence 3.
5 points on combos.
Shadow Over Water
18/18 | Flaws:

Experience Points. Spent: X | Left: Y | Total: Z

2011-06-25, 12:51 AM
Trudging through the now familiar scenery, the armoured solar notices a strange figure entering from the plaza from the opposite side

"Not again"

Reading his shield and drawing his Daiklave, the Solar digs his feet into the ground, ready to kick off at a moments notice

I start with no charms. Join Battle: [roll0]

As your probably aware, -1 Dice on combat related dice pools while within a mile of me.

2011-06-25, 12:04 PM
knightMARE; I either have 8, 10, 11, or 16 sucesses, largely depending on the following question;
Question regarding charms that 'double successes'. Does this work on all automatic successes added by charms, for instance Keen (sense) Technique? Or does it only work on those added by charms that interact with dice caps(like the second Excellency)?

2011-06-25, 12:10 PM
I got a measly 5. Please tell me there's a cap on how many ticks you get before me :P

2011-06-25, 12:18 PM
I got a measly 5. Please tell me there's a cap on how many ticks you get before me :P

Yeah, maximum starting tick is 6. Note that those rolls take into account that I only rolled 3 natural successes, too. It could have been much, much worse.

2011-06-25, 04:19 PM
I have no idea if this is the official ruling, but in the interest of expediency I'll just say that dice added by Charms are not doubled.

The errata ability on Flashing Vengeance Draw adds to the original effects of the Charm.

You also should have rolled 10 dice there, due to the -1 internal penalty, but that's my fault for not pointing it out. Doesn't really matter, though.

You have 11 successes on the Join Battle roll. Your first attack will be unexpected.

2m+25m, 4wp left.

5 successes, but then you already knew that.

?m+?m, ?wp remaining.

Tavar goes on tick 0, knightMARE goes on tick 6.

2011-06-25, 05:10 PM
Tick 0:
Already he's bent the ivory and orichalcum bow more than any mortal could hope, but he now draws it even further, storing up a terrible power inside.

Bookworm:fine with the ruling.

I activate my second combo, paying 12 motes and 1 wp for 3 purchases of Strength increasing Exercise(adding 3 to my strength for one scene) and one of Lightning speed. This is a speed 6 action, so I act again on tick 6.

In addition, I believe Storm Gathering practice begins to add motes to my pool, at one mote per action, to a maximum of 5 mots. It is currently at 1 mote.

Tick 6:
Holding the bow fully drawn, Runious seems to merely wait, biding his time for the perfect shot.
Bookworm:Spending 3 ticks aiming, each tick converting 1 die given by Panoptic Fusion Discipline into 1 success.

Storm Gathering Practice is at 2 motes.

2011-06-25, 09:30 PM
Tick 6

Activating my CBA's wings and Essence Shield. 9m out of peripheral, leaving me 1 peripheral, 14 personal and 5wp

Parry DV now 13. Movin 20 yards up into the air, then moving 20 yards a tick directly at my foe. Aiming until I get there

Golden essence explodes out of patterns in the armour, and ghostly wings appear behind the Solar, swords in place of feathers spanning 10 feet. Solid light extends from the edges of the shield, extending its cover to most of the body. As the essence begins to calm, it congeals into the form of ghostly, winged swordsmen, taking up defensive positions around their master. The armoured exalt crouches, then leaps 20 yards up into the air, before levelling out and bolting directly at his target at a blinding speed

Tick 6 I move up 20 yards, then the following ticks are me moving directly at you, 20 yards a tick

2011-06-25, 11:14 PM
Change for ticks 7 and 8; I'll be using my reflexive move to retreat down the road, moving a total of 26 yards over the 2 ticks.

Slowly letting out a breathe, the hunters eyes track the suit as it flies up, over the fountain. Backing down the alley, he looks for places to duck into, breaking sight if needed. He doesn't think it will, though. Pity, but it seems he'll need another day to truly test his skill.

Bow bent, he waits. Then, suddenly, there's no arrow notched. Instead, a fiery bolt flashes toward the flying solar.

One unexpected archery attack; Augmenting it with Essence Arrow Attack(through my overdrive) and the First archery excellency(10 dice, +1 mote to keep my banner from flaring). [roll0]+3(normally it would be 29 dice, but the internal penalty....)

The arrow is a target arrow.Base damage is 17(Str 7+bow 3+Hearthstone 3+Essence Arrow Attack 3+1 armor), and it is piercing. Also add threshold success to raw damage.
Mote pools; 1m+15m, 3wp left. 1 mote in Overdrive

knightMAREYou have an unexpected attack coming your way. Can you respond to that?

2011-06-25, 11:16 PM
I thought I'd bought the dodge charm for that, but apparently not. Crap. Do I get a roll against this suddenly unexpected attack?

2011-06-25, 11:21 PM
knightMAREUnless you have a charm that would allow you do do so, no. The effect was granted to me by a charm, so you'd need another to contest it.

I'll have to ask, what's your Lethal soak? Divided between natural soak, and armor soak?

Note, however, that cover bonuses and the like still apply.

2011-06-25, 11:29 PM
19, 17 armour 2 natural. 11 Hardness
If this kills me, mind telling me what that charm is? Sounds fun but I'm not familiar with it I don't think

2011-06-25, 11:44 PM
You only hear two words as you see the arrow streak in Boom. Headshot. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9NZDwZbyDus).

EveryoneOkay, base damage is 17, so hardness is a wash. Attack is piercing, so the armor soak is cut in halve, from 17 to 8(rounded down). Total of 10. Against a DV of 0, I had 18 successes, thus a total raw damage of 35, -10 from soak, so 25 dice of damage. Final value:[roll0]-9 total levels of lethal damage.

I knew I should have done the other Essence Arrow attack. Well, that's it for this attack. I'm going to continue moving away, what are you going to do?

2011-06-26, 01:11 AM

Well, I probably should forfeit, as you can likely get another one of those off before I can get close

But not for lack of trying!

I keep moving foward at 20 yards a tick. When do I get within 10 yards?

2011-06-26, 09:24 AM
Well, let's see. You're moving 20 yards a tick, yes? I move 13 per tick, so that's a difference of 7 yards. Now, I assume 9 levels of damage have dealt a wound penalty, so that should lower your speed somewhat. Still, you closed to be within 68 yards before the attack did damage(tick 10). There are 6 more ticks before I can take a non-reflexive action, so that should give you more time to close. Of course, because you're 20ft up you'll also have to descend to be able to fight me.

2011-06-26, 09:35 AM
Well, I get within 26 yards, 20 yards up on your next action. Fire away.

2011-06-26, 10:55 AM
Is that factoring in wound penalties?

Runious lets one more arrow fly, and then turns to run. No sense letting his prey catch him.

The attack is completely normal. Flurry penalty of -2, -3 including the sword's penalty.

Ruinous will then dash, trying to increase the distance between the two of them. Dash action, moving a total of 22 yards per tick, total of 66 yards over 3 ticks.

2011-06-26, 08:24 PM
CBA's Essence wings say you fly at 20 yards a tick. Does this mean you can dash for 26, and/or do you take wound penalties

Also, since I'm having a mental blank while AFB, how do wound penalties interact with DV's?

2011-06-26, 08:43 PM
They subtract directly from your DV's. Not sure about the wings.

2011-06-26, 10:20 PM
Well, Parry DV of 12 VS that attack
Final Sunset Stance

2011-06-26, 10:32 PM
The attack:[roll0] herpderp

2011-06-26, 10:34 PM
The attack, Take 2.
Okay, total of 11 successes.

2011-06-27, 04:36 AM
Parried I do so believe.

Can I get a ruling on my movement question?

2011-06-27, 11:43 AM
Mr. Bookworm? There's a request for a ruling!

2011-06-27, 04:37 PM
Can I get a ruling on my movement question?

You two seem to have it pretty well in hand. :smalltongue:

But anyway, I would say "no". You generally can't sprint while flying (at least as I remember, but I could be wrong), particularly as it's the armor doing the flying, not you physically flapping your arms or something.

On a similar note, wound penalties shouldn't apply to the flying movement rate, because again, the armor is doing the work, not you.

2011-06-27, 07:44 PM
Well, I'll keep on moving foward at 20 yards a tick until I die or get in range. Not much else I can do

2011-06-27, 08:21 PM
Ruinous will also continue onward, dashing, until he's a total of 60 yards away. He'll then attempt to reestablish surprise, darting into alleys, and generally just being hard to track. knightMARE, you need a Wits+Awareness+2 roll to keep him in sight.


2011-06-27, 08:54 PM

2011-06-27, 09:05 PM
Okay, I got 6 sucesses, how about you?

2011-06-27, 11:01 PM
Forgot the +2


EDIT: Awful. Total of 7

2011-06-27, 11:45 PM
Still beat mine. Okay, he's going to try and get the distance back up to 60 yards. You going to do anything different?

2011-06-28, 09:48 AM
Duck down into the alleyways also, as I can't go faster than 20 a tick

Activating Essence Sight for 3m, bringing my banner to the 11+ range, increasing my parry DV's by 2.
Will Essence sight allow me to keep track of him despite not having actual sight of him?

-1 External Penalty on attack rolls, 5WP to resist

2011-06-28, 10:52 AM
No. Essence sight doesn't let you see through walls.

2011-06-28, 01:21 PM
Ruinous doesn't resist. After he's about 60 yards away, he'll try to lose his pursuer again. Darn Solar's lacking any decent stealth charm.:smallmad:

The Roll:[roll0]

2011-06-28, 01:24 PM
Ruinous doesn't resist. After he's about 60 yards away, he'll try to lose his pursuer again. Darn Solar's lacking any decent stealth charm.:smallmad:

The Roll:[roll0]

Sorry about that, forgot the v command.