View Full Version : Wai It Al So Amine!?!?!

2011-06-26, 04:37 PM
Inspired by this (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=10832.0) thread, and apologies if this has already been done, my goal with this thread is to list every single base class besides the fullcasters and ToB, and expound upon how WotC is taking my precious D&D and turning it into a goddamned Shonen manga!



Okay, first class alphabetically in the PHB, and already they're taking my Conan and making him some pretty-boy bishi weakling. I mean, starting off at first level he's already running faster than everyone else because his time in the woods being raised by wolves makes him as swift as a deer. I think Princess Mononoke would like to have a word with you. Then they have this "rage" ability. Way to try and fluff Shonen's "Ultra Battle Focus" as being really angry! I think we can all see through your pathetic ruse. I mean, getting so "angry" you become better at resisting mind control? What kinda BS is that? And he gets more HP because of it? Can you say Nine Tailed Fox anyone? And don't even get me started on the Totems they introduced later! You take on the "Animal Spirit" of a creature, and you get a weakened form of its abilities? Jinchuriki right there, Wizards. Nice try.

Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11394203&postcount=65) (More in-depth description by Kaeso)
Oh, now here's a good one. You're so "Inspiring" you make your friends fight better? Psh, like that's realistic! And you can make your friend's weapons light up through your interperative dance moves? Ha, sounds just like some of the crazy stuff those writers over at Jump Comics would come up with. Then, because you tell your fellow adventurers about the power of friendship, they can suddenly jump over a friggin' canyon! Not to mention the fact that he's so good at playing his pied pipe he can make all the little animals friends with him. Where is that in Western culture? Huh? This anime stuff is really starting to bug me.


Finally, a Western PC class. I thought we'd never get to them. A priest of one god, not a whole truckload of spirits, whos only real ability is to be able to channel that god's power through a symbol of his faith into real, tangible effects on the world. This makes so much more sense than all that weaboo Shonen nonsense. I know for a fact that St. Augustine was a full-plate wearing priest worshipping his god by growing to twice his size and smashing heretics with his holy might.


Oh, good, another staple of actual Western fantasy, the Druid! I mean, the Celts were totally the only ones who believed that there could be people who befriended wolves, could summon wolves, and could turn into wolves in a pinch. (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://animewallpapers.ru/Anime/start.gif&imgrefurl=http://forums.screwattack.com/viewtopic.php%3Ff%3D13%26t%3D6948%26start%3D0&usg=__Nz2mfTxZ8XuKRSaJnnL-90yiGEg=&h=233&w=431&sz=14&hl=en&start=24&zoom=1&tbnid=KzgmHw_PjhGN-M:&tbnh=116&tbnw=214&ei=hJ0HTpOIKarZ0QGI9dneCw&prev=/search%3Fq%3Danime%2Bdruid%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa %3DN%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26biw%3D1441%26bih%3D650%26tbm%3Disch&um=1&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=574&vpy=368&dur=936&hovh=165&hovw=306&tx=201&ty=123&page=2&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:20,s:24&biw=1441&bih=650) And it was never adapted to anime! Thank goodness this staple has remained free from that dirty anime influence!


Hoo boy, now here's not only an example of anime, but so much OP! You see that "Special" column? That's one of the fullest ones I've seen! Who needs so many bonus feats? I'll tell you who, those gosh-darned anime warriors! To paraphrase that other thread, it's just to wield a katana on every single digit. I mean seriously, they're just built like that so they can "Master every combat form." I mean, talk about Avatar, the anime-est anime. And they have so much splat support to make them even more anime! There's an item that lets them wield bigger swords, and a feat lets them practically stick "Cloud" right onto their sheets. I mean, with all those feats it's trivial to fit in a "EWP: Drill to Pierce the Heavens" in there.


Do I even need to say anything about anime here? No, I'm gonna talk about how OP it is. Remeber what I said about the Fighter's "Special" column? Well take a look at the Monk's. Every level it gets a new ability. EVERY LEVEL. That's right, it's literally an FF character. It powers up every level, unlike Wizards or Clerics. They barely get any class features at all! And then their fists are so powerful they're actually MORE EFFECTIVE THAN GREATSWORDS by level 16. I mean seriously, why wouldn't someone want to take monk for 20 levels? Plus they get to wall slide for an unlimited distance? I'm sure Link would want to have a word with this Monk. Throw on a 60ft. bonus to speed and they're even faster than that bishi Barbarian. So friggin' OP!


Oh gods, do I even want to go here? Firstly they're so moral that they actually draw power from their warrior spirit. Then they get some sort of soul sight, where they can see the morals of those around them, and, wait for it, to other people who have that "Special Sight" they actually look so shiny they practically blind people who try to look at them too closely! Throw in a "I vanquish evil with my blade" ability that makes them even more effective against demons and devils, and you've got one of the most anime classes in the PHB right here. Glittering skinned punk-ass paladins, so friggin' anime ... Oh, and at fifth level they get access to the summon jutsu. 'Nuff said, I think.


Hai guiise, my 'rents were murdrd by goblins so now I make them falls on the grnd bettr! That's right, the Ranger is the Shonen protagonist who's sworn a vendetta against a certain group of creatures. Combine that with a "Signature Combat Style" and you know what you've got? That's right, a really visible ninja. They rip off, like all anime does, the Druid, by giving them a "faithful hound" or some ridiculous thing like that. Right out of Naruto, and the levels even practically match up! Oh, and the Swift Tracker ability? "Hey guise, we can look for Sasuke even faster now!" And at just 17th level, the can just stand right in front of you if you're outside and not be seen. If that isn't a ninja, I don't know what is.


Let's read the Rogue's main class feature, shall we? "Sneak Attack: If a rogue can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. "
she can strike a vital spot for extra damage
vital spot for extra damage
Hello (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g1fr5vk72M)! Nothing else needs to be said here, except this is a blatant attempt at Wizards trying to make a ninja and succeeding.


Ah, finally, the classic pointy-hatted wizard an his slightly weaker cousin. There's nothing anime about these two! I mean, they fit in perfectly with my realistic Western Medieval setting. And they also barely get class features! The Sorcerer's a bit more powerful, though, because he can cast any spell he wants whenever he wants. Perfect for when you decide a lightning bolt works better than a fireball in a certain situation.

Tune in next week for our next sourcebook, the PHB II!

Complete Adventurer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11291363&postcount=12)

PHB II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11292629&postcount=47)

Complete Arcane:
Warlock is from the originally posted link, Warmage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11377989&postcount=48) and Wu Jen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11378216&postcount=51)

Thanks to NeoSeraphi for the help!

2011-06-26, 04:40 PM
There is one post extremely similar to this, but it only handled a few.This looks like it can be a lot of fun, though. :smallsmile:

2011-06-26, 04:43 PM
PHBII? You mean the one that has that weeabo knight? More like samu-knight, amirite?

2011-06-26, 04:44 PM
There is one post extremely similar to this, but it only handled a few.This looks like it can be a lot of fun, though. :smallsmile:

Well, I linked to the BG thread, but if there was one here I wasn't aware! I hope to do a sourcebook per week, just base classes (maybe two per week for the ones with only three or four base classes), and maybe move on to PrCs later if I feel up to it.


PHBII? You mean the one that has that weeabo knight? More like samu-knight, amirite?

Oh, yeah, one of the top ten most broken things in D&D. (http://board8.wikia.com/wiki/Bokonon_Lives's_Top_Ten_Most_Broken_Features_of_Du ngeons_%26_Dragons_Version_3.5)

2011-06-26, 04:45 PM
Also, what's with barbarian magic being Ex? If I can get angry, I can get angry whenever I please! It's not like I can only get angry a certain number of times per day, then it magically refreshes after I sleep for the night! Sure they named it rage, but it's really should be called spells!

Some people try to say that they can only use a limited number of rages per day because they get tired, but what if they become a Frenzied Berserker? Then they can spend all their lower level rages, but still have a higher level rage remaining! The only way to explain that is spell slots.

2011-06-26, 04:48 PM
The only way to explain that is spell slots.

Or drugs. Remember what the wise men say. Cherchez l'argot.

super dark33
2011-06-26, 04:54 PM
there is a PhBII? :smallconfused:
never heard bout it.

2011-06-26, 05:00 PM

2011-06-26, 05:02 PM
Oh, yeah, one of the top ten most broken things in D&D. (http://board8.wikia.com/wiki/Bokonon_Lives's_Top_Ten_Most_Broken_Features_of_Du ngeons_%26_Dragons_Version_3.5)

Is that supposed to be serious? (The list, I mean.)

Yes, disproving that argument is pretty much exactly what this thread is about.

2011-06-26, 05:03 PM
Is that supposed to be serious?

Do you think that the Soulknife and Dragon Shaman are overpowered aspects of 3.5? :P

2011-06-26, 05:05 PM

Oh, now here's a good one. You're so "Inspiring" you make your friends fight better? Psh, like that's realistic! And you can make your friend's weapons light up through your interperative dance moves? Ha, sounds just like some of the crazy stuff those writers over at Jump Comics would come up with. Then, because you tell your fellow adventurers about the power of friendship, they can suddenly jump over a friggin' canyon! Not to mention the fact that he's so good at playing his pied pipe he can make all the little animals friends with him. Where is that in Western culture? Huh? This anime stuff is really starting to bug me.There is only one other place I have seen bards with abilities like those of the D&D class.
Macross. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAWUue_Cf9g)

And the only place I've seen gaining the ability to phase out of reality as an extension of pressure-point-based martial arts skills is Fist of the North Star (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n371zCCYpts). Really, the resemblance is pretty uncanny, except that Kenshiro has stupidly high ability scores and can use Quivering Palm at will.

2011-06-26, 05:07 PM
Oh thank you, good sir. Finally, someone willing to defend the integrity of the noble Western medieval classes like the druid and the wizard.

Allow me to help:

Since you're doing the honors of the PHB and PHB II, allow me to start with the Complete Adventurer book.

Ninja- Wow, they really just went for the zinger here, didn't they? They gave the ninja a Ki pool too, so not only is it ripping off Naruto (which is the only anime based around ninjas ever. Wait, what about? No.), but also Dragon Ball Z. So this chakra/ki stuff is based on the Wisdom stat. I don't know why, ninjas usually fight with intellect and dexterity. The reason is because they want ninjas to seem less like their true Japanese counterparts and more anime by linking their class features to a divine casting stat. And the monk. Can't forget the monk. Plus, this class gets bonuses to Jump, Tumble and other stuff. These bonuses are actually higher than the Acrobatics feat provides! So here I am with my dwarf rogue, taking Acrobatics at level one (like all good rogue builds do), and here comes some shonen ninja boy who not only jumps higher than me, but can run up walls and deal extra damage with his Shuriken that he throws from the shadows! How am I supposed to compete with that?

Scout- But the ninja is obviously anime. Let's move on to the scout. Oh man, the scout. I move so fast that I deal extra damage AND you can't hit me, even though I'm standing still when you attack me? Tell me, has Yoruichi got a good lawyer? Because she needs to sue this class for stealing her Shunpo. And not only that, but he's so fast that even when he's standing still, he can't be picked up by the giant or swallowed by the tarrasque! When he's standing still! It's like "whoop! Nope, you missed me, try again!" It's like the Matrix, and we all know that weaboo stuff was inspired by anime.

Spellthief- I'm sorry, what? You gain the ability to steal other's attacks? So, we've got Yoruichi getting on the Scout for Shunpo, now we need to get Super Buu on the phone and tell him someone else has the ability to absorb other people's attacks. I stab you in the back, and all of a sudden you can't use your waterbending! Sound familiar, Ty Lee? And as the OP pointed out, Avatar is the single most anime shonen show ever. Not only that, he can take their resistance to energy, their spell-like abilities, and even deal extra damage while doing it! Now, not only is the spellthief anime, he's also OP. A class that gets both 3/4 BAB AND arcane spellcasting? And he can choose ANY sorcerer spell that's abjuration, divination, enchantment, illusion or transmutation? He gets to choose from the FIVE best schools, he doesn't even have to worry about all those crappy conjuration spells loading up his spell list! Yes, the loss of evocation is harsh, but he gets the ability to turn invisible and protect himself, and even tell others what to do! (Hopefully they'll release an ACF that lets you drop transmutation to get evocation back) And to make things worse, he can absorb spells too! I'm looking at you, Super 17! How dare WotC disgrace the name of DBZ by copying their best written villain of GT, unarguably the best saga of the Dragonball universe, period?

Wow, Complete Adventurer should change its name to Complete Shonen. Seriously.

2011-06-26, 05:08 PM
I find this thread disappointing. It ignores the fact that Wizards, due to being able of just about anything, make perfect characters to make your setting not just anime, but any kind of anime you desire!

You want to have that fighting Shonen feel? Use prestidigitation to turn your hair golden, use overland flight and spend your days flinging fireballs and shouting "Kamehameha!"

You want to want to implement the Mon genre? You have a familiar just for that! Even better, you can truly Catch 'Em All with summon monster and simulacrum.

Harem comedy is your thing? Charm person and other enchantments! Finally, a plausible explanation for why the socially inept nerd is swarmed by attractive ladies!

You want to be one of those protagonist who, upon the face of danger, flip out and turn into humongous beasts? Polymorph! Shapechange! Rage! Tevlar's Transformation!

You want to be the boy with your own remote-controlled robot? Craft some constructs! Make them big enough and you can even fit a cockpit there!

You want to Be A Master? Mirror Move for all your instat expert needs!

2011-06-26, 05:08 PM
Do you think that the Soulknife and Dragon Shaman are overpowered aspects of 3.5? :P

Also Dragon Disciple and Monkey Grip. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-26, 05:10 PM
What's wrong with anime, and shonen-style rulesets anyway?
(runs away before getting flamed)

2011-06-26, 05:13 PM
I have no idea. I was introduced to Manga and Anime after RPGs (and through RPGs), so at first I always shouted "Fireball!" whenever I saw Kamehameha. Then I became a bigger manga nerd, and started shouting "Kamehameha!" when using my Fireballs. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-26, 05:16 PM
I have no idea. I was introduced to Manga and Anime after RPGs (and through RPGs), so at first I always shouted "Fireball!" whenever I saw Kamehameha. Then I became a bigger manga nerd, and started shouting "Kamehameha!" when using my Fireballs. :smallbiggrin:

heh. I shouted "fireball!" a lot after watching several episodes of Slayers.

2011-06-26, 05:16 PM
I have no idea. I was introduced to Manga and Anime after RPGs (and through RPGs), so at first I always shouted "Fireball!" whenever I saw Kamehameha. Then I became a bigger manga nerd, and started shouting "Kamehameha!" when using my Fireballs. :smallbiggrin:

What? Fireball is CLEARLY Burning Attack (Frieza was a level 3 monk at the time, so he dodged it with Evasion)

2011-06-26, 05:22 PM
What's wrong with anime, and shonen-style rulesets anyway?
(runs away before getting flamed)

Nothing, but one of the common 'arguments' against the Tome of Battle is that it's 'too anime'. The original thread that this is expanding is to prove how much of a load of crap that is.

2011-06-26, 05:25 PM
This HAS to be a joke topic. I mean, you mentioned the Cleric as being Western and not at all Anime, yet you don't make a mention of Fullmetal Alchemist's "Scar"?

2011-06-26, 05:28 PM
This HAS to be a joke topic. I mean, you mentioned the Cleric as being Western and not at all Anime, yet you don't make a mention of Fullmetal Alchemist's "Scar"?
Scar is pretty clearly a Monk with infinite Quivering Palm.

Das Platyvark
2011-06-26, 05:37 PM
This HAS to be a joke topic. I mean, you mentioned the Cleric as being Western and not at all Anime, yet you don't make a mention of Fullmetal Alchemist's "Scar"?
Scar is not a cleric. He may have some vague religious bent, but look at the actual abilities. Let's see. He can....blow stuff up, break stuff, and blow more stuff up.

2011-06-26, 05:47 PM
Okay, then, what about Alexander Anderson from Hellsing? Neju Na Melmas from Tenchi Muyo? Wolfwood from Trigun? Or Ivan Isaacs of... well, Priest?

Also, proof that D&D is becoming anime: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134764

2011-06-26, 05:47 PM
Nothing, but one of the common 'arguments' against the Tome of Battle is that it's 'too anime'. The original thread that this is expanding is to prove how much of a load of crap that is.And besides, Western mythology has guys who get so angry they turn into freakishly strong monsters with Sculpted Physiques (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SculptedPhysique) surrounded by flaming auras, fighting guys with swords that shoot lasers powerful enough to destroy mountains.

2011-06-26, 05:48 PM
Okay, then, what about Alexander Anderson from Hellsing? Neju Na Melmas from Tenchi Muyo? Wolfwood from Trigun? Or Ivan Isaacs of... well, Priest?

Also, proof that D&D is becoming anime: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=134764

Are you kidding? Alexander Anderson is very clearly a paladin. It's his freaking name! (The Paladin)

2011-06-26, 05:50 PM
Scar is a cleric who prepares nothing but various version of Inflict Wounds and Shatter. :smallbiggrin: He gets to other things once he gets off his high horse and accepts the other arm his brother created.

2011-06-26, 05:50 PM
Are you kidding? Alexander Anderson is very clearly a paladin. It's his freaking name! (The Paladin)
Anderson can't be a Paladin because he's actually competent at what he does. Crusader, though? I could see that.

2011-06-26, 05:54 PM
Anderson can't be a Paladin because he's actually competent at what he does. Crusader, though? I could see that.

Crusaders don't actually kill undead like paladins and clerics do.

2011-06-26, 05:56 PM
Crusaders don't actually kill undead like paladins and clerics do.
Paladins couldn't turn Undead on the turningest day of their life with an electrified turning machine. Crusaders, on the other hand, kill undead the same way they kill everything else - exceptionally well.

2011-06-26, 05:59 PM
I find this thread disappointing. It ignores the fact that Wizards, due to being able of just about anything, make perfect characters to make your setting not just anime, but any kind of anime you desire!

You want to have that fighting Shonen feel? Use prestidigitation to turn your hair golden, use overland flight and spend your days flinging fireballs and shouting "Kamehameha!"

You want to want to implement the Mon genre? You have a familiar just for that! Even better, you can truly Catch 'Em All with summon monster and simulacrum.

Harem comedy is your thing? Charm person and other enchantments! Finally, a plausible explanation for why the socially inept nerd is swarmed by attractive ladies!

You want to be one of those protagonist who, upon the face of danger, flip out and turn into humongous beasts? Polymorph! Shapechange! Rage! Tevlar's Transformation!

You want to be the boy with your own remote-controlled robot? Craft some constructs! Make them big enough and you can even fit a cockpit there!

You want to Be A Master? Mirror Move for all your instat expert needs!

But my Wizards all have pointy hats and only cast fireball! They can't be anime at all!

What's wrong with anime, and shonen-style rulesets anyway?
(runs away before getting flamed)

All them weeaboo fitan magicks! It doesn't fit with my Completely Realistic Medieval European SettingTM, unlike Wizards!

This HAS to be a joke topic. I mean, you mentioned the Cleric as being Western and not at all Anime, yet you don't make a mention of Fullmetal Alchemist's "Scar"?

Yes. This is a joke topic. Good job.

2011-06-26, 06:00 PM
Paladins couldn't turn Undead on the turningest day of their life with an electrified turning machine. Crusaders, on the other hand, kill undead the same way they kill everything else - exceptionally well.

Now that I think about it, perhaps Anderson is a Ranger with Favored Enemy (Undead). He wields two weapons, which are made out of silver (inferior against most, but superior against vampires)

2011-06-26, 06:02 PM
Paladins couldn't turn Undead on the turningest day of their life with an electrified turning machine. Crusaders, on the other hand, kill undead the same way they kill everything else - exceptionally well.

Not that clerics turn undead that well unless the DM feels nice and supplies them with low-HD cannon fodder...

2011-06-26, 06:06 PM
Not that clerics turn undead that well unless the DM feels nice and supplies them with low-HD cannon fodder...
Clerics have a higher effective level than Paladins, and are likelier to have more uses.

2011-06-26, 06:13 PM
Clerics have a higher effective level than Paladins, and are likelier to have more uses.

3 levels don't make much of a difference. Often a monster will have more HD than you anyway, and "driving undead away" is almost always a bad idea. You want them destroyed, with a Greater Turning. And on the contrary, paladins are likelier to have more uses. They have more reasons to pump Charisma.

2011-06-26, 06:15 PM
More importantly, why are we talking about turning? Did Alexander Anderson ever do anything remotely close to turning Alucard? No, he just chopped his head off.

2011-06-26, 06:16 PM
More importantly, why are we talking about turning? Did Alexander Anderson ever do anything remotely close to turning Alucard? No, he just chopped his head off.

I have no idea who that is. I'm just here for the snark.


2011-06-26, 06:20 PM
3 levels don't make much of a difference. Often a monster will have more HD than you anyway, and "driving undead away" is almost always a bad idea. You want them destroyed, with a Greater Turning. And on the contrary, paladins are likelier to have more uses. They have more reasons to pump Charisma.
More reason, sure - but CON and WIS and STR are knocking at the door, saying they want to have a chat. Clerics have more free stat points to throw around.

2011-06-26, 06:24 PM
More reason, sure - but CON and WIS and STR are knocking at the door, saying they want to have a chat. Clerics have more free stat points to throw around.

A Chaladin who isn't adding Charisma to everything on his sheet, even to his Bonus Languages, isn't really trying.

2011-06-26, 06:25 PM
Adding Charisma to everything? That sounds dangerously like Spiral Power to me! Anime! Anime! Anime! :smalltongue:

2011-06-26, 06:27 PM
Adding Charisma to everything? That sounds dangerously like Spiral Power to me! Anime! Anime! Anime! :smalltongue:

CURSES. I was so close to redeeming the paladin. Guess he's just as anime as the rest of them!

2011-06-26, 07:00 PM
But my Wizards all have pointy hats and only cast fireball! They can't be anime at all!Nope, still anime. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UbBiASeEEk)

Your party cannot contain any of the following:

A guy who doesn't really know how the rules work, so he played a fighter.
A guy with an obscure combination of classes and templates which give him strange abilities.
A wizard who devoted all their spells to making big explosions and does so even when it's not appropriate.
A cleric of a peaceful god who constantly runs around hitting things. Or for that matter, anyone who is Lawful Stupid.
The party composition of a fighter, two types of spellcaster and a rogue.
Players who have trouble remembering details of the plot but will undertake any quest if promised gold
Players who attempt to loot everything, no matter how improbable it would be for it to possess treasure.

If it does, you are playing anime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1QdtEXexKns)

Likewise, if your setting contains elves, dungeons, or a five-headed dragon god you're ripping off Record of Lodoss War (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2vxlZkfW-Y).

2011-06-26, 07:03 PM
It's ... it's almost as if the argument of something being "too anime" is ... invalid!

2011-06-26, 07:05 PM
It's ... it's almost as if the argument of something being "too anime" is ... invalid!

Don't speak like that, man! Acceptance is the furthest step away from change! We can't just allow this to happen, this is a homebrew forum! We can repair it! We have the technology!

2011-06-26, 07:08 PM
Don't speak like that, man! Acceptance is the furthest step away from change! We can't just allow this to happen, this is a homebrew forum! We can repair it! We have the technology!

No. Technology is anime (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oP2Pt6m3yKU).

2011-06-26, 07:10 PM
It's ... it's almost as if the argument of something being "too anime" is ... invalid!

No, it's just ass-backwards. It'd make more sense to say Anime is too much like D&D. :smallcool:

2011-06-26, 07:13 PM
My god... Big Brother is anime!

2011-06-26, 08:42 PM
Hey, you guys know what's anime?



WotC is so dumb, you know? Here they have a perfectly sensible, logical, realistic spellcasting mechanic, and they're deciding to take it and put it on a rogue! That makes this not only a ninja, but a magical ninja! I mean, at least the other classes were trying to make you multiclass to be Naruto, this one just makes him straight off! That's Wizard's problem: they're unbalancing the game by making all of these very specific casting classes. But we all know how underpowered magic is, so let's just look at their real class features. First of all, they can cast magic in armor, which is so OP I want to throw this book out right now. Plus with their d6 HD, they're so survivable I would have to specifically add Mohrgs in just to stand a chance! But now, because of their "Cloaked Casting," their spells are even more efficient because they cast them when their opponents are surprised. Casting spells to take peoples' minds over from the shadows? Gosh, that sounds familiar ... And thanks to their "Advanced Learning" feature, each one of them is a special snowflake, just like every Anime protagonist!

Dragon Shaman

Now here's some top class munchkinry right here, combined with the anime "Embody your spirit animal" shenanigans. First off, for practically no effort, you give everyone in your party no-cost fast healing. Talk about brokenness, this is something our Druids have to pay a whole first level spell slot for! Next, because this bishi is so in tune with the dragon within, he resists the same type of energy as their breath weapon, and also "Let the dragon act through them" in order to be better at what they're good at. Hell, my Sorcerer spent a whole feat on Skill Focus (bluff), and he could get it for free from this class? What a ripoff! Then they can BREATH FIRE?!?!? How does that work if I'm a human? I grow dragon napalm glands because I love dragons so much? That can only be explained by some Wuxia BS. Not to mention they get scales, grow wings, and, "because it's the kind of thing you throw on a Mary Sue as an afterthought," they can heal people with just a touch. This is really the ultimate broken Wuxia class, sheeple. They even explain their support features as "auras," which is the most anime concept EVER. "Stay in my protective nimbus of light, and you'll be protected from acid!"


"I channel the power of my spirit through my blade! Yaaaaaaaaaah!" This here is a weaboo fighter, I don't care what any of you say. That one 'shopped image must be an alternate cover for the PHB II, if you ask me. Gishy? More like bishi. They get armor all the way up to Medium armor, so say hello to casters in Mithral fullplate! This is such a blatant ripoff of Fullmetal Alchemist, amirite? They "Give up" their spell slots in order to "Gain" extra effects with their already broken attacks, which, if you remember correctly, can be spammed all day every day! Not to mention the wording in my edition of the PHB II says they have "Spell-Like Powers," meaning they're even mixing psionics in here somehow! This class is so brokenly wuxia that my head spins. 'Course, people claim that their spells are capped so it's fair, but I say that they can have all the spells they want, they're bound to run out of them at the end of the day! They'll never run out of full attacks though. Also, don't even get me started on the Bleach parallels.


Ah, the imfamous Knight. Here WotC tried, finally, to make a Western class, but instead they just made a Samurai in full-plate. Which they often were. First off, they get d12 HD, making them tougher than any class but the bishibarian and the Warblade. But then, they make the Knight's HP not even matter, with his "Loyal beyond death" ability! That's right, the Knight gets to IGNORE HP DAMAGE. Nothing says Anime like "I'll keep fighting no matter what you throw at me! Throw in his other "Knight's Challenge" abilities and you have a protagonist who's stealing the spotlight from everyone else, making everyone challenge him because his honor is so huge, and basically strutting around like an overconfident peacock wait, no, Shonen protagonist!

2011-07-08, 08:31 PM
Huh, Complete Arcane. I hear its pretty anime.

I can't believe this. Why, WotC? Why would you do this to the sorcerer? He was the most underpowered class in the PHB (The druid was a close second, at least he became immune to all the magical aging that the DM likes to throw at you), but now you take away the one thing he's good at and give it to someone else and make them better at it? So the warmage gets to throw orbs of fire. He really does. Technically the sorcerer gets to throw orbs of fire too, but only if your GM is allowing Spell Compendium/Complete Arcane, while the warmage gets it if the class is allowed to be played at all (It shouldn't).

But yeah. Orbs of fire. Or acid. Or force, if you want. Use Magic Device a scroll of Arcane Spellsurge and you can throw two per round, just like Yusuke's shotgun from Yu Yu Hakusho (If you just throw one, it's like his spirit gun, except he only had 3 uses of it per day. So WotC isn't only ripping off Yu Yu Hakusho, they're letting the warmage do things that Yu Yu Hakusho considers BROKEN)

But yeah. Casting in armor, the OP covered that already. What he didn't cover was that while the beguiler gets to control people's mind from the shadows, the warmage actually gets to deal DAMAGE. As we all know, spellcasting is woefully underpowered, but the sorcerer can still deal some decent damage. (Not as much as a flurrying monk or a Smiting paladin, but more than a fighter. Unless he has Shock Trooper). He also knows all the evocation and conjuration spells on his list! And he has some of the best evocation and conjuration spells ever! Too many times have I seen a foolish conjurer wizard choose spells like summon monster, greater teleport, or stinking cloud over gems like lesser orb of fire and acid arrow. Now all the noobs are kicking themselves because they were screwing up conjurers so bad that WotC had to actually build a class with all the right spells picked out for them.

Not only does the Warmage get to blast stuff, he gets to blast it better. Even though the warmage throws balls of fire that are made from his force of personality (shonen), he is also able to make them deal more damage because he is smart enough to aim them. (Or something). Yeah, it's broken. And anime. My intelligence supplements my magic, even though I have never actually opened a spellbook in my life!

On top of this, it helps give you something to spend all your extra stats on. Sorcerers had to put all of their bonuses into Charisma, Dexterity and Constitution, but with d6 hit dice and armor the Warmage doesn't need Con anymore, so you can put it into something useful: A second casting stat! This is always OP, since you have limitations on one casting stat (only 18 to start usually, and only a +6 item and a +5 item. Now with more points and about 2,000,000 more gp worth of items, you can be slightly more effective than a normal sorcerer at dealing damage!) Just look at the Favored Soul. So broken...

I'll just post this for now, and invite the OP to finish it, after all I enjoyed reading his PHB II review so much.

2011-07-08, 08:38 PM
Now that I think about it, perhaps Anderson is a Ranger with Favored Enemy (Undead). He wields two weapons, which are made out of silver (inferior against most, but superior against vampires)

Needs levels in Bloodstorm Blade.

(Sorry for the late response. Just noticed your post.)

Kuma Da
2011-07-08, 08:56 PM
Yes. This is a joke topic. Good job.

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!

I think we're all ignoring the bigger problem here. It's not about whether DnD is ripping off anime, since that has already been incontrovertibly proven. After all, where else (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superman) are there grossly overpowered fantasy superhumans with energy weapons and powers of flight, or overly melodramatic prettyboy swordsmen (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elric_of_Melnibon%C3%A9) than in the pages of imported manga? The insidiousness of foreign funnybooks knows no bounds.

But there is worse afoot, for as much as Wizards has an established reputation for thoughtlessly plundering (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Record_of_Lodoss_War) the ideas of the east (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_fantasy), those same notions have been plagiarized in turn!

Gentlemen, I give to you the original source. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Journey_to_the_west) I hope Wizards and their monk base class are happy to have mercilessly stolen by distant proxy from real actual Chinese history, for I certainly am not. :smallfurious:

Also, I have this modest proposal for y'all...

2011-07-08, 09:05 PM
Huh, Complete Arcane. I hear its pretty anime.

I can't believe this. Why, WotC? Why would you do this to the sorcerer? He was the most underpowered class in the PHB (The druid was a close second), but now you take away the one thing he's good at and give it to someone else and make them better at it? So the warmage gets to throw orbs of fire. He really does. Technically the sorcerer gets to throw orbs of fire too, but only if your GM is allowing Spell Compendium/Complete Arcane, while the warmage gets it if the class is allowed to be played at all (It shouldn't).

But yeah. Orbs of fire. Or acid. Or force, if you want. Use Magic Device a scroll of Arcane Spellsurge and you can throw two per round, just like Yusuke's shotgun from Yu Yu Hakusho (If you just throw one, it's like his spirit gun, except he only had 3 uses of it per day. So WotC isn't only ripping off Yu Yu Hakusho, they're letting the warmage do things that Yu Yu Hakusho considers BROKEN)

But yeah. Casting in armor, the OP covered that already. What he didn't cover was that while the beguiler gets to control people's mind from the shadows, the warmage actually gets to deal DAMAGE. As we all know, spellcasting is woefully underpowered, but the sorcerer can still deal some decent damage. (Not as much as a flurrying monk or a Smiting paladin, but more than a fighter. Unless he has Shock Trooper). He also knows all the evocation and conjuration spells on his list! And he has some of the best evocation and conjuration spells ever! Too many times have I seen a foolish conjurer wizard choose spells like summon monster, greater teleport, or stinking cloud over gems like lesser orb of fire and acid arrow. Now all the noobs are kicking themselves because they were screwing up conjurers so bad that WotC had to actually build a class with all the right spells picked out for them.

Not only does the Warmage get to blast stuff, he gets to blast it better. Even though the warmage throws balls of fire that are made from his force of personality (shonen), he is also able to make them deal more damage because he is smart enough to aim them. (Or something). Yeah, it's broken. And anime. My intelligence supplements my magic, even though I have never actually opened a spellbook in my life!

On top of this, it helps give you something to spend all your extra stats on. Sorcerers had to put all of their bonuses into Charisma, Dexterity and Constitution, but with d6 hit dice and armor the Warmage doesn't need Con anymore, so you can put it into something useful: A second casting stat! This is always OP, since you have limitations on one casting stat (only 18 to start usually, and only a +6 item and a +5 item. Now with more points and about 2,000,000 more gp worth of items, you can be slightly more effective than a normal sorcerer at dealing damage!) Just look at the Favored Soul. So broken...

I'll just post this for now, and invite the OP to finish it, after all I enjoyed reading his PHB II review so much.

Oooof, sorry I've been so terribly busy. Nice one though. Definitely gonna be linked into the first post :smalltongue: But anyway, Warlock was covered pretty well in the original thread ...

Leaving, guess what guys? The WU JEN!

That's right guys. Pick your favorite full caster in the PHB. He's just got his role taken over by this guy. I got really curious, so I went to Google Translate, and you know what the translation for Wu Jen into English is? Overpowered! Seriously, check it out guys.

Anyway, this guy is soooooo straight out of a Shonen comic, it's not even funny. First of all, elemental based casting. But rather than having some sensible elements, like Thorium or Anti-Osmium, like I have in my realistic D&D setting with WIZARDS, this guy gets Fire, Earth, Water, Wood, and, prepare yourself, METAL. So not only has he taken over the Druid, Wizard and Cleric's role, but since he has "Metal" spells, he's taken over the Bard's role too! And you know what? I did a bit of research, and guess what culture uses those elements? That's right: Japan. It's almost as if they ripped this right out of Japan, man.

And then, get this. Just like some sort of Zen Buddhist, they abide by "Taboos," like vegetarianism or sobriety. That's so Eastern, I don't know what to say. And they draw their power from this? Pshhhh, drawing power from personal conviction is the most anime thing I've ever seen, and it's just a staple of this class. Guess what else? They can gain "Elemental Mastery" of an element, so they are so familiar with fire it's less likely to burn them. I think that's about as anime as it gets right there. Man, why'd they have to take the Wizard's mechanic and make it so broken?

2011-07-08, 09:13 PM
I love this thread so much. (http://www.mdjunction.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/I_love_this_thread.jpeg)

2011-07-08, 09:13 PM
I love this thread so much. (http://www.mdjunction.com/components/com_joomlaboard/uploaded/images/I_love_this_thread.jpeg)

Glad I could be of service :smallbiggrin: Oh, and that picture's definitely making the tumblr.

2011-07-08, 09:18 PM
Oooof, sorry I've been so terribly busy. Nice one though. Definitely gonna be linked into the first post :smalltongue: But anyway, Warlock was covered pretty well in the original thread ...

Glad to hear it. You kind of ignored my post about Complete Adventurer Shonen altogether, so I wasn't sure if you would like me stealing your thunder again, but I'm glad to see I did it right this time!

The Wu Jen is just a few letters away from wuxia, it's true. Man, who knew that a splatbook about magic would try and take our honest Western classes like wizard and sorcerer and try to bastardize them like that?

2011-07-08, 09:50 PM
Sorry about ignoring it! It's gonna be linked in the first post too, then :smalltongue: Feel free to continue, if you like!

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-09, 08:06 PM
If I were allowed to do ToB, I would complain about how swordsages are an obvious rip-off of firebenders. Because Avatar is anime too, even if it was made in America. It was also my favorite show of all time, until desert wind came along and ruined it for me! :smalltongue:

Edit: can I do it for psionics? Works well with Tashalatora.

2011-07-09, 08:38 PM
hope it is a joke topic. cus all those links to anime are horribly thin.

Barbarian rage being a battle trance? yea if you refluff it it can be. But you can refluff anything for that.You could refluff Polymorph for that if you wanted.

I have no problem with the joke,but when people point at the joke and act like its legitimate truth....scoff.

2011-07-09, 08:44 PM
I have no problem with the joke,but when people point at the joke and act like its legitimate truth....scoff.

Congratulations sir, you have discovered the joke. You may join us and laugh now. :smallbiggrin:

And yes, you CAN refluff Polymorph. The entire point of this thread is to prove that you can refluff anything into anything.

2011-07-09, 08:52 PM
Anyone wants to do Truenamer?

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-09, 08:53 PM
Congratulations sir, you have discovered the joke. You may join us and laugh now. :smallbiggrin:

And yes, you CAN refluff Polymorph. The entire point of this thread is to prove that you can refluff anything into anything.

It's for the people who think ToB is too anime.

2011-07-09, 09:03 PM
It's for the people who think ToB is too anime.

Yeah, and the counter to that is that you can refluff anything into anime, and refluff anything back to western fantasy or mayincatec fantasy or whatever else tickles your fancy. :smalltongue:

2011-07-11, 07:46 AM
Wait wait wait. This thread had a point? Shoot, why didn't anyone tell me? I would've started being transparent about my point pages ago! Not to mention I might've started being sarcastic ...

2011-07-11, 10:19 AM

Three pages and no one mentioned the Sorcerer?

"Hai gayze, my mom some ancestor got some sexy time with a dragon/fairy/aberration/plant/magical beast/elemental (how does this work?)/demon/angel/etc and so I haz magic that I cast naturally, unlike the waizarudo who learns it for years and years"

Which anime is it from?

Well, can't remember many mainstream anime with this, but there is Ponyo (her father is an aquatic druid-like human and her mother is the ocean if that's not "greater elemental" material or above I don't know what is) and once you go underground it piles up fast.

2011-07-11, 10:41 AM
Because the Sorcerer is TOTALLY WESTERN. Your example is SO WRONG because it doesn't have to do with DRAGONS which are ALSO TOTALLY WESTERN and yours is something DIFFERENT so it's WRONG!

2011-07-11, 01:16 PM
You all forgot about the most blatant anime class ever, one that makes me grind my teeth and that should never have been written. Worst of all, it's core! :smallfurious:

Those stupid bards. I mean, they can use music to buff their enemies to insane levels. In Western history nobody has ever played music on the battlefield, ever. I mean, how stupid would it be to inspire your men to great deeds with a flutist or drummer, that's totally non-historical and only based on the anime trope you can't start beating up the bad guy unless the cool music starts playing. Now, you can have your own personal choir to sing "ZA ROVU SHINESU UPON ZA WARUDO" whenever it's dramatically convenient!

Another point are their skills. Not only do they have an INSANE ammount of skills, making the rogue utterly useless, but they have bardic knack. "Oh sorry mr. Rogue, I have never put a rank in pick lock but this ancient sage that lives inside of a mountain learned me this lockpicking technique that has passed down his clan for many generations". More anime than that is hardly possible, all anime protagonists are good at everything. Specialising? Specialising is for westerners. Oh, and did I mention they can also cast spells? Because every anime princess uses magic!

And let's not forget the weapon proficiencies. They mostly use simple weapons but are somehow proficient with the rapier, the most anime weapon ever! A few examples:

http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/176/e/5/__Hetalia_in_action__France___by_Antares_Star_XD.j pg

Seriously, the only reason they're not proficient with katana's is because that would be too obvious!

Oh, their flavour, their flavour. "It's unique" all my friends say "it's a travelling musician". I call that a stinking heap of B.S. The bard is your stereotypical traveling swordsmaster samurai that plays a flute, if that's not anime I don't know what is anymore.

But the biggest offence has to be that everything can be keyed of charisma: attack, damage, a lot of their skills, bardic music is keyed off perform, a cha dependant skill etc. Seriously, that means they're either so good because they're just awesome, which is a TOTAL Kamina rip-off, or because they have such huge tits, which we know is a trope that only exists in anime and anime alone. I mean, who cares about natural talent like that of a sorcerer or training your entire life like the fighter, you're good because you're hot, which also means you get all the girls! No heroic character in western fiction ever gets the girls, only bishi bishi kawaii shonen protagonists do!

I swear, if anybody in my gaming group ever comes to the table with a bard PC, I'll throw my DMG at them and go home :smallfurious:.

2011-07-11, 05:20 PM
Wait wait wait. This thread had a point? Shoot, why didn't anyone tell me? I would've started being transparent about my point pages ago! Not to mention I might've started being sarcastic ...

That's exactly what you did... and are continuing to do.

2011-07-11, 05:31 PM
That's exactly what you did... and are continuing to do.


2011-07-11, 05:34 PM
So let's see...Complete Adventurer, Complete Arcane, the PHB, and the PHB II...The samurai and the hexblade both got theirs in the original thread so Complete Warrior wouldn't be any fun...guess we should move on to Complete Divine, huh? mootoall, would you do us the honor, please?

2011-07-11, 05:46 PM
I take back what I earlier said about the bard, btw. Macross is not the only place where music is used D&D-style.

This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyhrKThjEXE) fits even more closely.

2011-07-11, 05:52 PM
Don't forget the Archivist and Dread Necromancer from Heroes of Horror (though nothing immediately springs to mind about those two classes).


2011-07-11, 06:02 PM
Hmm, Shugenja, Favored Soul and Spirit Shaman? Hmm, three more spellcasters ... I'm going to do them when I actually have my books, because right now it'll just look like a rehash of the other ones :smalltongue:

2011-07-11, 06:56 PM
Didn't someone do Favoured Soul already?

2011-07-11, 07:19 PM
It was mentioned in the Warmage entry, but not covered in this thread yet. I only didn't do Warlock because I think Solo's enough of a genius that his is good enough not to redo :smalltongue:

2011-07-11, 08:16 PM
Hey, mootoall, not for nothing, I really enjoyed your first post, but Kaeso goes into a lot more detail than you did on the bard. Would you please link to his post in the OP as well? It's only fair, after all.

2011-07-11, 08:52 PM
Absolutely! I'm glad to accept everyone's help, and I love those who wanna get into more detail :smallbiggrin: Not gonna do the four core full casters though, since of course they're inextricably Western :smallwink:

2011-07-11, 08:55 PM
Absolutely! I'm glad to accept everyone's help, and I love those who wanna get into more detail :smallbiggrin: Not gonna do the four core full casters though, since of course they're inextricably Western :smallwink:

Of course. If only WotC had left them alone instead of trying to make them so damn anime with the warmage and the warlock and the beguiler. Are you going to do the Heroes of Horror classes, by the way? I'm only asking because someone else mentioned them.

2011-07-11, 09:01 PM
Of course, when I get to them. I hope to follow some sort of logical path with the choices, i.e. Completes first, then Heroes of Horror/Battle (does HoB even have any base classes?) then get to the Tome of Magic, and from there, who knows?

2011-07-11, 09:26 PM
Well, the Favored Soul is obviously Anime. Just look at one of their biggest class features. Wings. For nothing. Other characters would have to sacrifice spells or thousands of gold for a magic item to get wings, but noooo, the Favored Soul is just so special that they get them for free. You know who else is so special they get wings for free? Manga protagonists. Wings mean that someone likes you better, and decides to show that. Total shonen trope right there.


Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-11, 09:27 PM
Can I do the anime thing for psionic classes? Or do they count as full casters?

2011-07-11, 09:31 PM
Can I do the anime thing for psionic classes? Or do they count as full casters?

What? How dare you compare those "psychics" to the noble Western profession of wizardry? (Yes, please do. We'd all love to see it, and the OP has been encouraging others, so I'm sure he agrees with me. Right mootoall?)

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-11, 09:49 PM
Does an anime style show made in America count as anime?

2011-07-11, 09:51 PM
Does an anime style show made in America count as anime?

As the OP pointed out, Avatar: The Last Airbender is the most anime show ever.

2011-07-11, 09:56 PM
Psionics are ripe for the picking, if you like. I'm sure LeLouche would have something to say something about it. And yeah, A:TLA is totally the most Anime anime out there.

2011-07-11, 10:19 PM
Psionics are ripe for the picking, if you like. I'm sure LeLouche would have something to say something about it.

Lelouch is either a Dragonfire Adept (Baleful Geas) or a Wiz/Sorc (Geas/Quest), clearly. Considering his low stamina and physical ability but high charisma and genius level intellect, one could lean towards the Wiz/Sorc option, though Geas/Quest would need a shorter casting time (hence why Baleful Geas is a main option; it can be ruled as only a standard action).

2011-07-11, 10:20 PM
Lelouch is either a Dragonfire Adept (Baleful Geas) or a Wiz/Sorc (Geas/Quest), clearly. Considering his low stamina and physical ability but high charisma and genius level intellect, one could lean towards the Wiz/Sorc option, though Geas/Quest would need a shorter casting time (hence why Baleful Geas is a main option; it can be ruled as only a standard action).

See, because of that post, my mind went right to Lelouch breathing fire all over the Lancelot. Now I can't stop chuckling.

2011-07-11, 10:39 PM
I got as far as the Fighter before I stopped reading.

As for that section, Avatar is an American cartoon, not an anime...anime is a Japanese word. I'm one of the types who believes that anime is exclusively Japanese and that American animated shows are called cartoons.
Secondly, the fighter needs his bonus feats to do what he does. Rarely can a fighter efficiently "master all combat forms". Just want to throw that out there.

For the Bard, that's something from the English middle-ages fiction you see everywhere. Besides, the Bard is like a trumped-up cheerleader, really. Cheerleaders are mostly seen in Western cultures.

I don't even know what else I can argue with because I stopped reading it...oh yeah. Just one thing. Anime wasn't really a big thing around here back in the '70s when Gygax wrote D&D. All the concepts existed back then, the mechanics have just changed. I strongly disagree with the idea that D&D is like an anime RPG. (And I never mark "strongly disagree" on surveys. This is my first time using the phrase.)

2011-07-11, 10:42 PM
I strongly disagree with the idea that D&D is like an anime RPG.

Um... Hah, sorry, I just... heh. You might want to, hah, maybe get a wand of Detect Sarcasm next time you see a thread like this. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-11, 10:43 PM
>_> I'd strongly recommend you actually read the thread ... Edit: Oh, yeah, that wand might also do you good. I think I have a partially charged one around here somewhere ...

2011-07-11, 10:52 PM
Um... Hah, sorry, I just... heh. You might want to, hah, maybe get a wand of Detect Sarcasm next time you see a thread like this. :smallbiggrin:

Hey, I only read a few lines of the post. Besides, there are enough people with whom I've had this argument seriously that I just defaulted to assuming it was meant seriously. I'm glad to hear it's supposed to be a joke.

2011-07-11, 10:54 PM
Yup. And with that in mind, read on! And feel free to contribute with the silly arguments you've heard in the past!

2011-07-11, 11:03 PM
Hey, I only read a few lines of the post. Besides, there are enough people with whom I've had this argument seriously that I just defaulted to assuming it was meant seriously. I'm glad to hear it's supposed to be a joke.

Yeah, this thread is for them. And for people who complain that ToB is too anime. And for people who think that fluff is immutable. And for puppies.

2011-07-11, 11:04 PM
I skipped out on an anime convention this weekend. There are better things to do, like build a Truenamer or go swimming in all your clothes.

2011-07-11, 11:09 PM
I skipped out on an anime convention this weekend. There are better things to do, like build a Truenamer or go swimming in all your clothes.

I'm confused, did you buy tickets to this anime convention and then suddenly decide you think they're a waste of time? :smallconfused:

And for the record, it's most fun to swim without anything on at all, in my experience.

2011-07-11, 11:13 PM
I'm confused, did you buy tickets to this anime convention and then suddenly decide you think they're a waste of time? :smallconfused:

And for the record, it's most fun to swim without anything on at all, in my experience.

No, I didn't buy tickets. I was just going to take a train up to Hartford (CT) to go to the con. Then I decided not to.

In my experience, clothes are much better for swimming. Try skinny sipping in a party of four when one of the members of the party is a girl who you turned down a month earlier. And she's drunk.

2011-07-11, 11:16 PM
I dunno, man. Clothes are pretty Anime. I mean, most anime characters wear clothes, right?

2011-07-11, 11:19 PM
I dunno, man. Clothes are pretty Anime. I mean, most anime characters wear clothes, right?
Some of them. :smalltongue:

2011-07-11, 11:21 PM
I dunno, man. Clothes are pretty Anime. I mean, most anime characters wear clothes, right?

I think you're missing an entire genre of anime there in that assessment of things. I mean, someone around here already mentioned the tentacle-themed spells/invocations...need I say more.

2011-07-11, 11:25 PM
I think you're missing an entire genre of anime there in that assessment of things. I mean, someone around here already mentioned the tentacle-themed spells/invocations...need I say more.

Alright, when someone mentions tentacles it's time to complain about a massive derail. I was planning on doing it earlier by getting us back on track with a rant about elves but I ran out of gas in the middle of it. Does the OP have something to get us back on topic?

2011-07-11, 11:26 PM
Because now both clothes and nakedness are far too anime. The only recourse is to remove my skin too. Because being anime is bad, right? Far worse than having no skin.

2011-07-11, 11:26 PM
Because now both clothes and nakedness are far too anime. The only recourse is to remove my skin too. Because being anime is bad, right? Far worse than having no skin.

There's a living skeleton in One Piece.

2011-07-11, 11:31 PM
Well, you can call elves Anime all you want, but really it's those humans that are the worst. I mean, an extra skill point per level AND a bonus feat? "Hey, my name is Mary Sue, and I can do everything!" Ridiculous. And then, of course, they can mate with damn near everything. Straight out of Tenchi Muyo, if you ask me, with those reproducing spacecraft. Won't be long before we see a "Half-bunny" template, will it? It's really a disgrace how OP that is. God, being human is so friggin' Anime ...

2011-07-11, 11:38 PM
Well, you can call elves Anime all you want, but really it's those humans that are the worst. I mean, an extra skill point per level AND a bonus feat? "Hey, my name is Mary Sue, and I can do everything!" Ridiculous. And then, of course, they can mate with damn near everything. Straight out of Tenchi Muyo, if you ask me, with those reproducing spacecraft. Won't be long before we see a "Half-bunny" template, will it? It's really a disgrace how OP that is. God, being human is so friggin' Anime ...

Yes but elves are scrawny bishonen pretty boys who get bonuses to EVERY stat except Con for no reason because they're literally WotC's fanservice race.

2011-07-11, 11:39 PM
Ok, first off, who needs a super special awesome magical system which is brand new? A plucky, nothing to lose everything to prove hero who breaks all the rules. Sounds pretty anime to me. Add in the fact that he's pulling in souls from all over the place (Spirit Bomb from DBZ anyone?) and it's clear that Magic of Incarnum is a super anime book.

Start with the Incarnate. "I'm so Lawful, I can be more accurate than a fighter even though I should be terrible at combat!" "I'm so Chaos, I run really really fast!" "I'm too Good to be hit!" "I'm so Evil, I can punch you even harder!" I don't know about you, but the last time I saw someone believe in a thing so strongly they got super powers, it was in a thing animated. By Easterners (not that Easterners are bad, they just make anime is all). Add to that the fact that they can do whatever in a given day and it's just like the do-it-all shonen protagonist! "You need a trap disarmed? I'm full of souls which let me do that!" "Also, I can spit acid!" "Also I can fly now!" I'm disgusted.

Totemist? Even worse. At least the Incarnate stuck mostly to things people can really do. Animal powers? I once read part of the back cover of Princess Mononoke before I realized it was weeaboo, so I'm justified to call this anime dross as well. Feather falling Teleporting? I prefer my heroes real, not Wuxia-ing, thanks.

Soulborn... actually he's fine. :smallwink:

How'd I do?

2011-07-11, 11:40 PM
Yes but elves are scrawny bishonen pretty boys who get bonuses to EVERY stat except Con for no reason because they're literally WotC's fanservice race.

And we like it that way.

Now let's talk about how fey, undead and outsiders are basically the same Anime spooky creature.

2011-07-11, 11:43 PM
Ok, first off, who needs a super special awesome magical system which is brand new? A plucky, nothing to lose everything to prove hero who breaks all the rules. Sounds pretty anime to me. Add in the fact that he's pulling in souls from all over the place (Spirit Bomb from DBZ anyone?) and it's clear that Magic of Incarnum is a super anime book.

Start with the Incarnate. "I'm so Lawful, I can be more accurate than a fighter even though I should be terrible at combat!" "I'm so Chaos, I run really really fast!" "I'm too Good to be hit!" "I'm so Evil, I can punch you even harder!" I don't know about you, but the last time I saw someone believe in a thing so strongly they got super powers, it was in a thing animated. By Easterners (not that Easterners are bad, they just make anime is all). Add to that the fact that they can do whatever in a given day and it's just like the do-it-all shonen protagonist! "You need a trap disarmed? I'm full of souls which let me do that!" "Also, I can spit acid!" "Also I can fly now!" I'm disgusted.

Totemist? Even worse. At least the Incarnate stuck mostly to things people can really do. Animal powers? I once read part of the back cover of Princess Mononoke before I realized it was weeaboo, so I'm justified to call this anime dross as well. Feather falling Teleporting? I prefer my heroes real, not Wuxia-ing, thanks.

Soulborn... actually he's fine. :smallwink:

How'd I do?

To be honest, I was not expecting anyone to go after Incarnum. (Not that I thought incarnum was defensible. It literally didn't cross my mind). But yours is really good! And true! Darn those Totemists! They're even more anime than barbarians! And don't even get me started on the Totem Rager...

2011-07-11, 11:45 PM
-Excellent, rational analysis of Magic of Incarnum- Absolutely spiffing, my good Western sir! If I had access to a computer, I'd link it in the first post!

2011-07-11, 11:48 PM
Oh. My. Goddess, have you guys even looked at "Oriental Adventures"!?! I swear WOTC wasn't even trying to hide it so they made a straight ripoff of every anime ever. Not even hiding it like the rogue being a refluffed ninja. It even has a Witch Hunter and Yakuza prestige class!!! Not to mention rules for martial arts, Iaijutsu (sounds like something naruto would use), and psychic duels. Don't get me started on the monsters and new races they added in it.

Or you know what? Lets get started on the new races:

You can now play a talking animal so you can be a sidekick for some magic girl (Cardcaptor Sakura, Sailor Moon). But wait, there's more! You can turn into a humanoid animal for when its time to get serious or, you know, turn into a cat/bunny/bird/bat girl.

An entire race of illiterate weeaboo anime dwarves. They never comb their hair or wear clean shirts and are often drunk all the time. Its like they took the super awesome western dwarf and made him a drunk slob. An entire race of them! I cannot contain my anger at the mishandling of one of the best (and western) races in DnD.

Talking rats... I got nothing.

Spirit Folk:
Here we have a race that lets those damn japanimation nerds play as the spirit of a waterfall or a rock or whatever zen eastern philosophy thingie they want to. All of this godless talk about deities of nature, so unwestern!

Monkeylike humanoids so you too can play as Sun Goku all the way, just drop on Warlock and you'll be throwing kamahahadokens in no time. Not even original they stole it from ancient Chinese story:

I'm surprised nobody didn't use this in the thread yet. Also posting in an epic thread!

@noparlpf You missed out, I at least had a lovely time. Tons of fun panels and a new game for my friends and I to try.

2011-07-11, 11:52 PM
Oh. My. Goddess, have you guys even looked at "Oriental Adventures"!?!

You sir, win. Just like that. You just win.


EDIT: Now someone has to do ToB and the sarcasm levels in this thread may reach a level where I might be sated at last.

2011-07-11, 11:53 PM
@noparlpf You missed out, I at least had a lovely time. Tons of fun panels and a new game for my friends and I to try.

What, ConnectiCon? Nah, I definitely think I spent my weekend better. Besides, there are things at local cons like former high school friends or ex-girlfriends that it's much better to avoid running into. And definitely way too much anime. I haven't even watched anime in years.

2011-07-11, 11:53 PM
Wait, there was an Oriental Adventures book? Oh my goodness, they're not even trying to hide it anymore! How could this be? Well, at least they managed to keep the base classes in that book out of all of the other ones, so we can at least *try* to salvage it.

2011-07-11, 11:54 PM
Absolutely spiffing, my good Western sir! If I had access to a computer, I'd link it in the first post!

I believe you mean "Magic of Incarnum", good sir.

And yes, I agree with Shadowknight. It's no fair, Codenpeg. How on earth are we all supposed to compete with that?

2011-07-12, 12:14 AM
It's no fair, Codenpeg. How on earth are we all supposed to compete with that?

There's still a large portion of the book to comment on. I would have done more but its sleepy time for me. But I have a last request, someone do warforged and Ebberron for me.

2011-07-12, 12:33 AM
This thread is really funny and all. And I suppose one of the points is that "anime" is a broad enough genre not to be definable. That said, do you really not see a meaningful dividing line between Asian-myth-inspired stories with all their attendant spirit creatures, demons, etc. and the aesthetic where giant swords, spiky hair, swords that shoot fireballs just 'cause the dude is so bad, and underage action heroes with Pikachu sidekicks are the norm? I certainly don't hate all anime, and certainly don't think anything Asian-inspired should be verboten from DnD, but still would never play in a game (unless in Big Eyes Small Mouth) where the feel was more Dragonball than Fafhrd, more Digimon than Perseus, or even more Vampire Hunter D than Conan. All let's-razz-on-the-grognards aside, you really don't see a difference in tone?

2011-07-12, 12:40 AM
Many Playground threads lack, ignore, blur, or swap the distinction between

"you can if you try"


"a typical player or group will"

Many "X is broken" or "X is under/overpowered" o"r "X will show up Y" threads fall into this category.

A large fraction of people get an 'anime' vibe when they read ToB. Virtually no one does with PHB (and many of the jokes in the OP are forced, like interpreting the barbarian's Con/HP boost during rage as a reference to a particular ability from a particular anime). This is a difference. The fact that you can interpret ToB non-anime-ly or PHB anime-ly just means it's not 100% vs 0%.

My guess as to why is:

The "unrealistic" / "magical" abilities the OP cites repeatedly in the parody-arguments for each class is only one part of the ToB-as-anime vibe. More specifically, I'd guess ToB feels anime to many people because a large fraction of it as of the following form:

- A unique 'super'-attack
- With a unique name that often combines 'nature' and-or 'superlative' elements ("Raging Mongoose")
-That is a separate/declared action (in anime the special attacks are often 'declared' and named in-character)
-That feels more fanciful or less ordinary/realistic to the typical player, nonwithstannding long analyses about actual physics, biology, or medieval combat. Your superior knowledge may tell you that others are Wrong - but for whatever reason it's a common intuition among those less learned than yourself.
-That has as its fluff "special martial warrior who underwent intense training, and might meditate and focus prior to each fight". In other words, the quasimagic-through-training fluff that among PHB classes is most often identified with the monk, also the most wuxia-evoking PHB class.

Of course, this applies to some things outside of ToB; Smite Evil might be the most obvious PHB example. But it comes across as a primary theme and purpose of ToB.

2011-07-12, 01:17 AM
[quote]- A unique 'super'-attack
Except it isn't. At all, actually.

- With a unique name that often combines 'nature' and-or 'superlative' elements ("Raging Mongoose")
Which happened in western swordplay teaching.

-That is a separate/declared action (in anime the special attacks are often 'declared' and named in-character)
...Sopoke? An *ATTACK* is a seperate, declared action. Every standard action in DnD is.

-That has as its fluff "special martial warrior who underwent intense training, and might meditate and focus prior to each fight". In other words, the quasimagic-through-training fluff that among PHB classes is most often identified with the monk, also the most wuxia-evoking PHB class.
Protip: Wuxia is not Anime. Chinese people are not Japanese people. I doubt this is a mistake that irritates them as much as normal "All asians are the same" mixing people tend to do, but it tends to annoy people caught up in it just the same. Don't make it

That's putting aside other points, like "The Swordsage is less obligated to be this as the Monk", of course.

2011-07-12, 05:02 AM
You all forgot the worst reason the Warlock is Anime. The name.

I mean, look at the name of that class. Two parts.

First, War. Spellcasters don't go to war, silly WotC. They can't do research in war. At best, they accompany a small party, but most don't do that, because parties are too anime.

Second, Lock. What the hell, WotC? Now you are stealing the Rogue's lockpicking powers too, and putting them on a caster? Caster's can't open doors!

And then the whole name. They just took two English words they thought sounded cool and put them together. Guess who does that? That's right, the Japanese.

2011-07-12, 05:06 AM
You all forgot the worst reason the Warlock is Anime. The name.

I mean, look at the name of that class. Two parts.

First, War. Spellcasters don't go to war, silly WotC. They can't do research in war. At best, they accompany a small party, but most don't do that, because parties are too anime.

Second, Lock. What the hell, WotC? Now you are stealing the Rogue's lockpicking powers too, and putting them on a caster? Caster's can't open doors!

And then the whole name. They just took two English words they thought sounded cool and put them together. Guess who does that? That's right, the Japanese.

Indeed, good sir, well said.

Those class names aren't real English words like swordsage and warblade. Much less shugenja, ninja, wu-jen and samurai.

WotC, stop watching anime and get your English straight.

Sir Homeslice
2011-07-12, 05:20 AM
Because now both clothes and nakedness are far too anime. The only recourse is to remove my skin too. Because being anime is bad, right? Far worse than having no skin.

Anime characters breathe.

2011-07-12, 05:21 AM
Anime characters breathe.

What do we call this, Reductio ad Animum?

2011-07-12, 05:31 AM
The Epic of Gilgamesh is totally anime....

2011-07-12, 06:16 AM
Another part of my particular style of this parody, and one that others seem to be ignoring a bit more, is that a lot of people make the anime and OP complaint at the same time, and then DON'T DISTINGUISH BETWEEN THE TWO. Hence why I'll say something like "Guys, this is totally anime. It lets you flurry your attacks like three more times than normal. Totally stealing the natural attack routine of the Druid." None of those statements actually relate to my original point.

2011-07-12, 06:41 AM
What do we call this, Reductio ad Animum?

I see what you did there.

John Cribati
2011-07-12, 07:57 AM
Did we have a look at Complete Scoundrel yet? because that's totally Anime.

Avenging Executioner? You know, the guy who lost his mommy so he became a Bad Guy? The sob story that every Anime villain ever gets! Plus, you can hit a guy so hard that all of his buddies get scared of you? BROKEN.

Battle Trickster. He's the guy that goes into battle and just taunts people. Getting all these skills and bonuses and tricks and feats? WoTC, I am disappoint.

Cloaked Dancer? Who sluts it up so she can kill you all silently like? Just like a Female Ninja, who we know are the most Anime you can get.

Combat Trapsmith? The hell is this? Not only can you build "devices" to "trap" people in 6 seconds, but at fourth level, you can effectively pull them out of Hammerspace.

Fortune's Friend is Lucky. Totally lucky in every way. And it gets more broken spellcasting to boot.

I can't continue reading this weeaboo trash.

Am I doing it right?

2011-07-12, 08:09 AM
Very right. That's getting a "PrC edition" link :smalltongue:

2011-07-12, 10:02 AM
And the Archmage.

"I'll be the greatest wizard there ever was!!!111 I'm so much more magey than you, we'll have to invent a new word for how much like a mage I am!"
Sure. And then? "I don't need many spell slots per day, I will just those I have totally powerful! I can use all the elements! And a new super element no one else has! And I love my friends so much, I will never hit them by accident, like a real wizard!" And a hundred thousand weeabos just fell unconcious from sheer perverted joy. The real elements of the world are fire, ice, acid and lightning, WotC, not some silly pure force. You know who else has a lot of force? Every Anime idiot protagonist ever! Way to make normal mages look stupid with this silly class, WotC. Real wizards don't just forget their spell slots. Being able to cast lots of fireballs is what mages are about on high level.

2011-07-12, 10:51 AM
Why, oh why, oh why, do people confuse "Action Hero" with "Anime"?!?

Swordsages, fine, some of the flavour text is a bit Eastern. But Warblades have far more in common with Xena, Hercules, Conan.... or pretty much anyone ever played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Segal, Bruce Willis, or Jason Stratham. Its most physics-defying maneuver, Lightning Throw, is used with impunity by Xena, Captain America, and Batman.

But they are more "Action Heroic" than base D&D tends to be. That's a possible reason not to prefer them for a particular game - some people prefer more gritty realism, more like "Oldboy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ufss5ot_vGE)" than "Watchmen (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ELSGwz7xTmM)". And that's fine.

But it's got nothing whatsoever to do with japanese animation.

2011-07-12, 10:53 AM
That is an excellent question, and you should ask someone who disagrees with you.

2011-07-12, 10:59 AM
That is an excellent question, and you should ask someone who disagrees with you.
I figured this was the official weekly thread for "ToB =/!= Anime".

2011-07-12, 11:01 AM
Meh, snarkiness is the order of the day in this thread. Snarkiness and satire.

2011-07-12, 11:07 AM
Meh, snarkiness is the order of the day in this thread. Snarkiness and satire.
I suppose I could rephrase that into something about how VanDamme, Bruce Lee, Stallone, Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steven Segal, Bruce Willis, Jason Stratham, Christian Bale, Lucy Lawless, and Dwayne Johnson are all "amine" and hence obviously secretly Asians in disguise.

2011-07-12, 11:10 AM
You could, and we would all appreciate it :smallsmile:

2011-07-12, 11:16 AM
I remember seeing a demotivational poster on a thread somewhere with a picture of Asakura Yoh from Shaman King with his oversoul thing going, and the caption said something about Incarnum.

2011-07-12, 11:26 AM
I remember seeing a demotivational poster on a thread somewhere with a picture of Asakura Yoh from Shaman King with his oversoul thing going, and the caption said something about Incarnum.

2011-07-12, 11:35 AM
Bruce Lee is a secret Asian in disguise?

2011-07-12, 11:45 AM
Bruce Lee is a secret Asian in disguise?
Oh totally! It's an excellent disguise! Almost as good as Dwayne Johnson's!

2011-07-12, 08:58 PM
Protip: Wuxia is not Anime. Chinese people are not Japanese people. I doubt this is a mistake that irritates them as much as normal "All asians are the same" mixing people tend to do, but it tends to annoy people caught up in it just the same. Don't make it

That's putting aside other points, like "The Swordsage is less obligated to be this as the Monk", of course.

Remember kids, if you don't like what someone else says on a message board, be sure to insinuate crypto-racism on their part or ascribe one of the stereotypical examples of stereotyping. It's like paper football - you want to go as close as you can to Godwin's Law without triggering it. Always.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-12, 09:55 PM
Remember kids, if you don't like what someone else says on a message board, be sure to insinuate crypto-racism on their part or ascribe one of the stereotypical examples of stereotyping. It's like paper football - you want to go as close as you can to Godwin's Law without triggering it. Always.

Wuxia isn't anime. Would you call something like The Karate Kid or Kung Fu Panda anime?

2011-07-12, 09:55 PM
Remember kids, if you don't like what someone else says on a message board, be sure to insinuate crypto-racism on their part or ascribe one of the stereotypical examples of stereotyping. It's like paper football - you want to go as close as you can to Godwin's Law without triggering it. Always.

Isn't it so gauche of me to remind you that the two countries aren't the same, and that you shouldn't treat them as such? That you've made an error, and shouldn't repeat it? Whatever was I thinking? It's ALWAYS worse to be told you made a mistake than it is to make a mistake.

Seriously, unimpressed. Maybe if you had some content, but as is... meh.

The Glyphstone
2011-07-12, 09:57 PM
Wuxia isn't anime. Would you call something like The Karate Kid or Kung Fu Panda anime?

Kung Fu Panda isn't anime - the characters are anthropomorphic monks - Watership Down and Redwall invented talking animals, and they're both Western books, and Monks are totally a Western invention with their monasteries and poverty vows.

2011-07-12, 11:19 PM
I...I couldn't help but do them. Forgive me, Mootoall, if I fail you, but I think I know where you want to go with this.

Crusader: This class is so awesomely Western that it makes me want to start some plagues or start a war against people who look and speak differently than me. I mean, Crusaders? That sounds an awful lot like the Crusades, which were these super-manly wars in which a bunch of awesome Europeans (read: Westerners) invaded places that weren't as Western and Westernized them, removing silly things like mathematics and literature in the process. Looking at the class features, I see that they're weaker than a Paladin's, but it's okay, because the Crusader is a class that knows its place; in front of the Wizard, taking hits while the Wizard shoots fireballs and, occasionally, lightning bolts. He can also inspire his allies enough to restore their combat vigor, just like awesome Western Crusaders would as they charged past troops, bravely facing their courage. And the Crusader has to be brave, since they don't have a cheap Aura of Courage like the ridiculously Anime Paladin. Heck, Crusader's don't even have Immunity to Disease, but they manage to struggle on without it, just like a real world, Western Crusader would with his plague and syphilis.

Swordsage: I looked at this class for a long time, and when I realized the beauty of it's mechanics, I killed three men in an explosion of America-ness. The Swordsage, despite it's weak class abilities, despite the fact that it doesn't get a new ability every level, serves as a powerful statement: the Wizards of the Coast understand that the obscene, unstoppable power of the Monk has shattered the game, and that they are doing something about it. The Swordsage's only real strong point is it's Maneuver recovery technique; I mean, taking a whole round to get a single technique back, as the class that's best at Maneuvers? That's pretty cool. Other than that, though, I just don't see the appeal for a real powergamer in the mechanics. The point isn't the mechanics, though; the flavor of a Swordsage is as Western as it gets. The whole thing is like the Monk minus the raw, mindnumbing versatility and power, and I find that once you remove that you get a weak, but solidly non-Anime package.

Warblade: Here we go. This is it. THIS. IS. SPARTA! Well, not just Sparta; The Warblade seems to be Wizard's more balanced answer to the Fighter, and despite the significant drop in power (they get, what, half the feats? Less? And they aren't even as good!) the Warblade is still able to model any and every awesome fightingman from Western culture. Captain America? White Raven. Wolverine? Tiger Claw, full stop. Hercules? Stone Dragon, like a man. Conan the Barbarian? IRON HEART SUUUURRRGEEEEE. Everything the broken-powerful Fighter can do, the Warblade can do with just as much flavor, and mechanics that fit into a party of casters with much greater ease. When my Half-Elf Cleric of Pelor with the Good and Healing domains gets cornered, I can expect the Warblade to help me out of that tight spot by granting me extra actions, not by just attacking everything, like a Fighter. When a door needs busted I can expect the Warblade to Mountain Hammer it open, not just sit on his lofty ass like a Fighter. When there's a problem that can't be solved by fighting, the Warblade steps in with a good array of skills, unlike that "too cool for diplomacy" Fighter. In short, the Warblade is everything about Western, and more importantly, American culture, without being polluted with the disturbing might of the 'Anime' PHB warrior classes.

2011-07-12, 11:49 PM

It's...it's so beautiful. This really made my night. Finally, someone who stands up for the Warblade and the Swordsage. This rant made me really want to roll up a bard, just so I could put him against a Tiger Claw warblade and get ripped to shreds.

2011-07-12, 11:53 PM
It's...it's so beautiful. This really made my night. Finally, someone who stands up for the Warblade and the Swordsage. This rant made me really want to roll up a bard, just so I could put him against a Tiger Claw warblade and get ripped to shreds.


Finally, my love of the ToB and my unnaturally powerful sarcasm-glands can be put to use.

This, my friends, is the beginning of a beautiful snarkship.

Pie Guy
2011-07-13, 12:25 AM
Warblade: Because nothing's more Western than putting out the sun BECAUSE YOU CAN! [/breaks table with head]

2011-07-13, 06:32 AM
And now for my next trick:

Europe is Anime.

I mean just look at them. "Ooh, ancient greek philosophy is so cool! Let's put their statues everywhere." Haha. Suure. Ancient philosophy. What else? "Ooh, we'll make a big sports tournament with ancient sports every few years, just like those ancient greeks did, and we'll invite fighters from all over the world who want to be the very best, and give them shiny medals!" What's this, Pokémon? "Our knights fight with swords". Knights? Don't you mean Samurai? They fought with swords! "Our old religions have many, many gods, with elemental powers and super strength and..." Great. Now they are ripping off Shinto, the Weeabo religion. And their so called "great heroes"... Hercules? "I'm so special because my dad was god, and now I have to do twelve quests to unlock my special, special heritage". Blergh. You people make me sick.

2011-07-13, 06:49 AM
Yes RaggedAngel. You've done it. I'm ... I'm so proud. That gets a special spot in the OP, once I get home. This I swear.

2011-07-13, 07:00 AM
I read through this thread and I enjoyed it very much. While listening to a Gundam soundtrack. My life is so anime, I feel dirty already.

Eric Tolle
2011-07-13, 12:28 PM
Say, has anyone noticed how anime anime is? I mean, just LOOK at anime characters- the big eyes, the small noises and mouths, the brightly colored hair- it's totally anime! And then you have stuff like: bishonen, magical girls, harem plots, mecha, super martial arts, Shinto, yaoi subtext amd...it's like anime isn't even bothering to hide the fact that it's really anime!

I think the makers of anime should just be honest and call ourt what it is- anime!

2011-07-13, 03:16 PM
You know what is animoo? Commoners.
You see them all the time in animoo. They can't do anything, they know nothing, and they do nothing useful, like all those other animoo-characters that aren't protagonists and antagonists. Peasents and parents are absolutely animoo, instead of good ol'fashioned european depictions.

Then there's the expert. Do you even know how they are called in animoo? Otaku! They're all obsessed with things, they become experts and they rub it under our noses.

But the thing that is most aggravating in animoo is the aristocrat. They start rich and are famous, just lik you see them all the time in animoo, going to school with their luxus limusine, being born rich and famous. They all have the annoying rich-people-laugh.

How disgusting.

2011-07-13, 03:25 PM
Ooh, NPC edition!

2011-07-13, 03:28 PM
The warrior is the worst of them all. At least the adept has spells, which are less anime than just pulling your sword out of your pants and killing people with it. I mean seriously! The warrior! That's as anime as it actually GETS! And so overpowered, too. They're SO overpowered, they don't even need class features. They're THAT good. The adept saves face a little with those underpowered spells of theirs.

There's a reason they're NPC classes. They're SO good that PCs aren't supposed to take levels in them!