View Full Version : In need of Hybrid D&D RPG/Wargame Help (Balancing multiple CRs)

Lord Loss
2011-06-26, 05:27 PM
I'm going to be running D&D 3.5 as an RPG/Wargame, with the PCs taking the role of commanders of various opposed armies. I'm not sure, however, how to price creatures by CR. Apart from the PCS, who will be higher levels, the units will be purchased with points before the game begins. CRs range from 1/3 to Five or Six.

There are going to be around four players organizaed into either four or two teams (I'm not sure) and each faction will have a theme (one player wants to be the undead/necromancer faction, for instance).

How should I price each CR in order to create balanced armies? How many points should I attribute in order to create large enough armies that aren't so large that they'd slow an IRL game too much? Finally, how many gold pieces should I give the players to build their stronghold, arm their soldiers and give their PC magic items?