View Full Version : 2 pc party

2011-06-26, 11:48 PM
me and a friend are going to have a 2-3 player party and i was woudering how to optamize my bards to do as well as possible with so few other charecters. The other players will be a rogue and possible a barbarian or cleric. Also we sill be starting at level 5.

2011-06-27, 12:03 AM
First of all, what books do you have available?

In general, bards are most useful as buffers and support in combat, and skill monkeys and faces out of it. Especially if you've got two stabby characters to be buffing, inspire courage is very good, and even better if you've got access to a few books outside of core (Magic Item Compendium, Spell Compendium, Eberron Campaign Setting, and possibly Dragon Magic are the big ones). It provides a good, solid attack and damage bonus (or, with Dragon Magic, a +xd6 damage bonus).

If you have a rogue, grease will be a great spell for you, as you can make sure he always gets his sneak attack damage. Since you may be the only caster in the party and will probably be the only arcane caster, you're going to need to focus a little more on casting than bards might traditionally do. Good low level spells for you if you need to "fill in" as a main caster are sleep, the aforementioned grease, and glitterdust. Later, haste will be your friend. If you can, it would be great to pick up a wand of cure light wounds and not waste a spell known on it, if you're the only healer. Use magic device will be great for you, as will probably knowledges and social skills.

I would avoid wading into main combat with a bard's hp. You're proficient in both shortbows and whips, so when you're not casting I'd stay back and either shoot or try to trip with the whip.

2011-06-27, 12:15 AM
i have pathfinder core and advanced player books.

2011-06-27, 12:24 AM
i have pathfinder core and advanced player books.

Ah, you're pathfinder. Sorry, I've only played pathfinder once in a one-shot, so I'm not sure if I can help you much there.

Darth Stabber
2011-06-27, 12:34 AM
i have pathfinder core and advanced player books.

That is probably something to put in the opening post, since the vast majority of us assume 3.5 unless otherwise specified.

I would personally consider the magician archetype, or if you don't have a cleric the song healer archetype. I don't know what book either are in, but they are both available on the pathfinder SRD.

2011-06-27, 12:36 AM
i had look at healing but from what i read on the forums i should just buy a wand.

Darth Stabber
2011-06-27, 12:39 AM
i had look at healing but from what i read on the forums i should just buy a wand.

Oh come on, you don't want to ressurect people with 2min of singing?

I would probably go with the magician archetype then, you are going to be counted on to deliver magics, and that variant is all about that.

2011-06-27, 12:43 AM
k thx now should i go for a dmg style wep or a more staling/hampering wepon (i was lookign at going with a wip so i could mess with my opponests if they get near me till the more hp happy allies are able to hande them

2011-06-27, 12:54 AM
Honestly, any weapon you have is likely to be backup first and foremost. Its spells and songs you will be needing, so pick those and grab whatever you want for a weapon. Rogues are combat monsters, as are barbarians and clerics, that role is handled.

On a side note, there are certain stylistic elements favored on these forums. Among these are full words within the sentence and paragraph structure, including proper spelling, capitalization, and punctuation. It isn't mandated, but it is simply what the culture of the board requests of its denizens.

Killer Angel
2011-06-27, 03:39 AM
Is Glibness available also in PF?
If so, with that and tongue, between a couple of levels you'll be able to simply talk your way out of bad situations... :smallwink:

Jokes apart, it will be useful for "choke points", ala bridge and guards, where your barbarian won't be able to sneak in unnoticed and you don't want to charge, alarming the whole country...