View Full Version : Tome of Magic: Vestige quick list

2011-06-27, 12:26 PM
Because I can't stand sifting through some 30 pages of vestiges to figure out what abilities I want for my binders, and I can't remember what ability came from where or what level I get it at, I made a quick list, similar to the quick descriptions of spells.

Legality: I used quick, brief explanations of vestige powers, in line with the sorts of details people typically post with. I focused more on what abilities CAN do, omitting limitations (uses/day, which abilities have 5 round delays, etc). Reading the forum guidelines, it should fall into the "explaining in general how it functions" category. Still, if this is too much information, I can pare down descriptions further or delete the tables in their entirety.

I believe I have succeeded: This list should be useful enough to give you an idea of what abilities do, but so limited that it's impossible to create a binder with these lists. It is my hopes this will prove a valuable resource for players who already possess Tome of Magic.

Level 1:
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Darkvision|Darkvision 60
|Fire breath|1d6/level fire damage in a line
|Ram attack|Gain horn attack
|Dwarven step|Ignore armor's penalties to move speed
|Halo of fire|When struck, opponents take 1d6 fire damage
|Improved sunder|As feat
|Medium armor proficiency|As feat
|Resistance to fire|Fire resist 10
|Ruinous attack|Double damage to objects with melee
|Hide bonus|gain +4 on hide checks
|Low-light vision|gain low-light vision
|Precise shot|as feat
|Ricochet|attack 2 adjacent targets with 1 attack roll
|Weapon proficiency|proficient with bows
|Disguise self|as spell
|Faster ability healing|heal 1 point of ability damage every round
|Naberius's skills|choose a number of skills equal to con bonus. you may make these checks untrained
|Persuasive words|as command spell/ suggestion spell
|Silver tongue|take 10 on diplomacy and bluff; no penalty on rushed diplomacy checks
|Cold iron and magic attacks|melee attacks considered magic and cold iron for overcoming damage reduction
|Far hand|move objects from a distance; attack deals 1d6 and bull rushes
|Feather fall|as spell
|Ronove's fists|monk damage as binder level
|Sprint|gain +10 move speed[/table]

Level 2
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Mad soul|immune to wis damage
|Maddening moan|everyone within 30' save vs daze
|Natural armor|add half Con to natural armor
|Shield self|Share half damage with chosen target
|Confusing touch|target touched is confused for 1 round/3 levels
|Immunity to transformation|resume normal form as a free action at will
|Shield proficiency|as the class feature
|Weapon proficiency|proficient with axes
|Bird's eye viewing|summon a bird; see what it sees
|Invisibility|Invisible (as the spell) as a full round action
|Poison use|do not risk poisoning yourself
|Sudden strike|1d6 + 1d6/4 levels sudden strike
|Call armor|summon full plate armor
|Heavy armor proficiency|as feat
|Move ally|swap positions with close ally
|Savnok's armor|gain DR beaten by piercing attacks[/table]

Level 3
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Jester's Mirth|As Tasha's hideous laughter
|Locate item|Sense direction of item within 100'
|See the unseen|See invisibility at will
|Sense trickery|+4 sense motive, appraise, and spot vs disguise. Always detect sleight of hand
|Sneak attack|2d6+1d6/5 levels sneak attack
|Aura of sadness|adjacent creatures take -2 attacks/saves/ skill checks
|Focalor's breath|target blinded for 1 round
|Lightning strike|strike a target with a bolt of lightning, 3d6+1d6/3 levels
|Water breathing|breathe air and water
|Heavy magic|save DC for magic items increase by 2
|Karsus's senses|detect magic
|Karsus's touch|dispel magic (as spell) with a touch
|Karsus's will|use spell trigger items as if a wizard
|Dance of death|move up to your speed and attack all creatures you pass
|Paimon's blades|proficient with rapier and short sword; weapon finesse feat
|Paimon's dexterity |gain +4 dexterity
|Paimon's skills|gain +4 tumble and perform (dance)
|Uncanny Dodge|as class feature
|Whirlwind attack|as feat[/table]

Level 4
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Earth and Air mastery|As the traits
|Earthshaking step|Stomp; enemies fall prone
|Elemental companion|Summons earth elemental
|Fear immunity|Fear immunity
|True speech|Speak other languages
|Weapon proficiency|Sword proficiencies
|Mount|Summon a warhorse
|Saddle sure|+8 ride
|Smite good or evil|As a paladin
|Sow discord|Force an enemy to attack someone else
|Sure blows|Improved critical
Arete (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070119a)||
|Psionic boon|Gain 13 power points; become a psionic creature
|Resistance|Gain +4 to one save
|Damage reduction|Gain DR 5/-
|Repletion|Able to manifest body adjustment, body purification, sustenance
Astaroth (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a)||
|Angelic lore|As Bardic Knowledge
|Astaroth's breath|Creatures within 60' cone are nauseated
|Honeyed tongue|Gain +4 bluff, diplomacy, and intimidate
|Master craftsman|Gain +4 craft checks; able to craft magic items
|Words of astaroth|As Suggestion spell
|Buer's knowledge|+4 heal, knowledge (nature), survival
|Buer's purity|Immune to disease and poison
|Delay diseases and poisons|Allies don't suffer effects while near
|Fast healing|You gain fast healing
|Healing gift|Cure minor wounds as a standard action or light wounds as a full round
|Track|As feat
|Animal friend|Animals treat you as friendly
|Damage reduction|2/lawful
|Eurynome's maul|Summon large magic warhammer
|Poison blood|bite/swallow whole results in ingestion poison (1d6/1d6 per 3 levels damage)
|Water dancing|as water walk spell
|Deeper Darkness|as spell, but centered on user
|See in darkness|see through darkness, including magical darkness
|Touch of the void|touch deals 1d8+1d8/4levels cold damage
|Turn/rebuke undead|turn/rebuke as a cleric of effective binder level
|Vessel of emptiness|as Flicker mystery (ToM 146)[/table]

Level 5
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Detect Undead|As Spell
|Hide from Undead|As Spell
|Lich's Energy Immunities|Immune to cold/electricity
|Paralyzing Touch|Paralyzes for ½ binder level rounds
|Speak with dead|As Spell
|Undead Healing|Negative energy heals
|Balam's cunning|Reroll attack, save, or skill check
|Icy glare|Gaze attack deals 2d6 cold damage
|Prescience|+1/4 levels insight to AC, reflex saves, initiative
|Weapon finesse|As feat
|Awe of Dantalion|creatures cannot attack you for 1 round
|Dantalion knows|make knowledge checks at +8
|Read thoughts|read surface thoughts
|Thought travel|standard action teleport
|Acidic gaze|gaze deals 2d6 acid damage
|All-around vision|Gain +4 spot/search, cannot be flanked
|See in darkness|See in darkness, including magical darkness
|Swift flight|swift action fly 60' for 1 round
|Air blast|gain a 2d6 bludgeoning melee reach attack
|Combat reflexes|as feat
|Concealing mist|20% miss chance
|Open portal|Open use of open/close spell
|Unlock|open touched lock[/table]

Level 6
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Aura of despair|creatures within 10' take -2 attacks/damage/saves/checks
|Ethereal watcher|become ethereal until you act
|Ghost touch|ghost touch as weapon ability
|Poison bite|gain bite attack
|Pounce|gain pounce
|Soulsense|10' blindsense and deathwatch effect
Desharis (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a)||
|City-dweller|Move normally through crowds; +6 gather information and knowledge (local)
|Infinite doors|Enter door and exit any door within 9000'
|Language of the city|As Tongues spell
|Smite natural soul|Smite animals, elementals, plants, fey
|Spirits of the city|As Animate objects spell
|Inaccessible mind|as Mind blank spell
|Incorporeal movement|incorporeal while moving
|Major image|as spell
|Phantasmal killer|as spell
|Cold iron claws|gain claw attack; overcome DR as cold iron
|Flash of insight|swift action True seeing for a round
|Ipos's influence|vestige save DC and soul binder levels increase by 1
|Planar attenuation|protection from natural effects of a specific plane
|Rend|deal extra 2x claw damage if all claw attacks land
|Freedom of movement|as the spell for 1 round
|Immunity to electricity|immunity to electricity
|Storm strike|next attack deals 1d6 sonic + 1d6 electricity damage
|Swim speed|gain a swim speed
The Triad (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070119a)||
|Psionic boon|Gain 15 power points; become a psionic creature
|Call to mind|Can manifest Call to mind
|Bardic knowledge|As bard class feature
|Empathy|Can manifest empathy
|Diplomacy bonus|Gain +5 diplomacy
|Smite evil|As paladin class feature
|Detect hostile intent|Can manifest Detect hostile intent
|Sense motive bonus|Gain +5 Sense motive
|Weapon proficiency|Proficient with any weapon
Vanus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060407a)||
|Fear aura|Creatures within 10' become frightened
|Free ally|Ally gets brief Freedom of movement effect
|Noble disdain|+1d6 damage vs targets with less HD
|Vanus's ears|Gain +5 to listen or +10 vs evil
|Improved grapple|as feat
|Scent|scent special quality
|Constrict|deal extra damage in a grapple
|Snake bane|as weapon quality
Zceryll (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718)||
|Alien form|Gain pseudonatural template
|Alien mind|Immune to insanity effects; bonus on saves vs mind-affecting
|Bolts of madness|Ranged touch dazes foe for 1d3 rounds
|Summon alien|Psuedonatural version of Summon monster as a sorcerer of your level
|Telepathy|100' telepathy and mindsight feat

Level 7
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Chromatic strike|add 1d6 energy damage to melee attack
|Eligor's skill in the saddle|Ride-by attack and Spirited charge feats
|Eligor's strength|add 4 to strength
|Eligor's resilience|add 3-5 natural armor
|Heavy armor proficiency|as feat
|Death attack|as Assassin class feature
|Fiery retribution|3d6 fire damage against opponents capable of precision damage
|Smoke form|as gaseous cloud
|Silent and sure|gain +16 hide and move silently[/table]

Level 8
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
Abysm (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070119a)||
|Psionic boon|Gain 21 power points; become a psionic creature
|Overpower|Manifest a number of psionic powers
Ashardalon|| from Dragon Magic
|Ashardalon's Greed|+EBL to Search and Appraise; Locate Object at will
|Ashardalon's Presence|Fear as spell
|Ashardalon's Vigor|Temporary HP equal to EBLx2
|Fiend's Heart|DR 10/Cold Iron and Fire Resistance 30
|Damage reduction|10/adamantine
|Halphax's Knowledge|gain +16 on Profession (Siege Engineer) and Knowledge (architecture and engineering)
|Imprison|as Imprisonment spell, but duration is 1 round/level
|Iron wall|Wall of iron as spell for 1 minute duration
|Secure shelter|as Leomund's secure shelter spell
|Blindsight|blindsight 30'
|Displacement|50% miss chance
|Whirlwind breath|1d6/level damage in a 60' cone; opponents knocked prone
|Whispering wind|as spell

DRAGON MAGAZINE VESTIGES BY PSYREN (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11298071&postcount=11)

Please inform me of any corrections/typos/additions.

I intend to make a similar list for Magic of Incarnum at some point (the quick lists in the book are absolutely worthless), and if people like this enough, I'll post it.

2011-06-27, 12:34 PM
You might consider putting an asterisk * or dagger † next to the abilities you get from Bind Vestige and Practiced Binder.

Also, if you use {table=head] instead of {table], you'll get the top row nicely styled to stand out, and allow the table to be sorted (which won't be that useful but whatever).

2011-06-27, 12:38 PM
Here's the 8th level one from Dragon Magic.

{table]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Ashardalon's Greed|+EBL to Search and Appraise, Locate Object at will
|Ashardalon's Presence|Fear,as spell
|Ashardalon's Vigor|Temporary HP equal to your EBLx2
|Fiend's Heart|DR 10/Cold Iron and Fire Resistance 30

2011-06-27, 01:03 PM
Thank you both. Added and added. I'll add Zceryll later -- I'm ready to think about something else at the moment.

Is this something people want to see more of? Would bookmark for future character creation?

2011-06-27, 01:16 PM
Bookmarked :smallwink:

I really like things like this list, but I don't have enough time to make them myself, so if you have the time and are willing to do more such lists for other classes, I would be very happy to see them :smallsmile:

2011-06-27, 01:35 PM
You're missing these vestiges (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070307a), and a few others from web enhancements I believe?

Edit: Vanus (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dd/20060407a), three psionic vestiges (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070119a) and Zceryll (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070718). There you go! :smallsmile:

2011-06-27, 01:43 PM
Is this something people want to see more of? Would bookmark for future character creation?
Sure do, and sure have.

I'd like to echo Veyr's suggestion, and to ask that if/when you include non-ToM vestiges, you PLEASE give a source, either a link or a issue and page number, so we can find them again. :smalltongue:

2011-06-27, 02:06 PM
Very nice resource. Thank you.

2011-06-27, 03:06 PM
Somebody should find the vestiges in dragon and post those.

2011-06-27, 03:17 PM
I've been waiting for someone to do something like this, thanks :smallsmile:

2011-06-27, 04:13 PM
Somebody should find the vestiges in dragon and post those.

Done - OP, please add the following:

Level 3
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Ahazu's Abduction|Remove a creature from combat for 1 round on failed save
|Ahazu's Touch|As unholy blight, except creature touched
|Blindsight|As the ability, passive
|Void Mind|Immune to mind- and soul-targeting effects until unbound. If you die while this is active, you cannot be raised.
|Divine Structure|+1 competence bonus for repeating last round's actions
|Lawful Attacks|melee and ranged attacks are lawful-aligned, and do extra dmg to Chaotic creatures
|Primus' Order|As command but neither mind-affecting nor language-dependent, plus you are treated as invisible and silenced to affected creatures.

Level 4
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
Astaroth (Dragon Version, aka Diabolus)||
|Blackflame|All fire attacks/spells deal 1/2 fire, 1/2 vile damage. You gain 3/day fireball.
|Divination|As the spell
|Serpentine Tongue|Bonus to Bluff and Disguise = EBL, +4 vs. evil outsiders.
|Silvered Touch|Metal and natural weapons are treated as silver.
|Arcane Eye|As the spell
|Far-seeing Gaze|+10 DC to all scrying effects
|Seer in Darkness|Darkvision and Low-light vision. +60ft. range if you already have DV.
|Visions of Terror|phantasmal killer, 3/day
|Weapon Proficiency|Proficient with short sword, longsword and bastard sword.
|Blinding Strike|On critical hit, target creature is blinded. Works on undead, and you can crit undead.
|Bluff Bonus|+4 Bluff (is that the best name they could come up with?)
|Kas' Protection|25% Fortification
|Undead Reaper|Your melee and ranged attacks ignore undead DR[/table]

Level 6
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Fear Aura|creatures within 10' become shaken or frightened (your choice) on failed save
|Free Ally|Another ally within 5 ft/level gains either freedom of movement or gaseous form until the end of your turn. The ally gains an immediate move action (which can only be used to move.)
|Noble disdain|extra damage to creatures with less HD/levels than you.
|Vanus' ears|+5 to Listen, +10 vs. evil sources.[/table]

Level 7
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Blasphemy|as the spell, 3/day
|Divine Resistance|SR = 12 + EBL vs. divine spells/SLAs.
|Fire immunity|self-explanatory
|Thrall to Demon|as the feat (see Fiendish Codex I)

2011-06-27, 04:43 PM
Done - OP, please add the following:

Level 3
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Ahazu's Abduction|Remove a creature from combat for 1 round on failed save
|Ahazu's Touch|As unholy blight, except creature touched
|Blindsight|As the ability, passive
|Void Mind|Immune to mind- and soul-targeting effects until unbound. If you die while this is active, you cannot be raised.
|Divine Structure|+1 competence bonus for repeating last round's actions
|Lawful Attacks|melee and ranged attacks are lawful-aligned, and do extra dmg to Chaotic creatures
|Primus' Order|As command but neither mind-affecting nor language-dependent, plus you are treated as invisible and silenced to affected creatures.

Level 4
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
Astaroth (Dragon Version, aka Diabolus)||
|Blackflame|All fire attacks/spells deal 1/2 fire, 1/2 vile damage. You gain 3/day fireball.
|Divination|As the spell
|Serpentine Tongue|Bonus to Bluff and Disguise = EBL, +4 vs. evil outsiders.
|Silvered Touch|Metal and natural weapons are treated as silver.
|Arcane Eye|As the spell
|Far-seeing Gaze|+10 DC to all scrying effects
|Seer in Darkness|Darkvision and Low-light vision. +60ft. range if you already have DV.
|Visions of Terror|phantasmal killer, 3/day
|Weapon Proficiency|Proficient with short sword, longsword and bastard sword.
|Blinding Strike|On critical hit, target creature is blinded. Works on undead, and you can crit undead.
|Bluff Bonus|+4 Bluff (is that the best name they could come up with?)
|Kas' Protection|25% Fortification
|Undead Reaper|Your melee and ranged attacks ignore undead DR[/table]

Level 6
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Fear Aura|creatures within 10' become shaken or frightened (your choice) on failed save
|Free Ally|Another ally within 5 ft/level gains either freedom of movement or gaseous form until the end of your turn. The ally gains an immediate move action (which can only be used to move.)
|Noble disdain|extra damage to creatures with less HD/levels than you.
|Vanus' ears|+5 to Listen, +10 vs. evil sources.[/table]

Level 7
{table=head]Pact Name|Abilities|Description
|Blasphemy|as the spell, 3/day
|Divine Resistance|SR = 12 + EBL vs. divine spells/SLAs.
|Fire immunity|self-explanatory
|Thrall to Demon|as the feat (see Fiendish Codex I)

Very nice job and a big thumbs up from me :smallsmile:.

2011-06-27, 05:34 PM
Nice lists. I've had something like this on my own HDD for a while, but it didn't include the non-ToM vestiges.

Just a question: what powers should characters with the Improved Bind Vestige and Practiced Binder feats get from Ahazu & Primus? No official ruling exists, but I was curious what the forum thought.

2011-06-27, 05:40 PM
For Primus it would be Divine Structure and Lawful Attacks, in whatever order, as those feats never seem to give the "once every 5 rounds" abilities. I'm not sure about Ahazu (who, by the way, sounds utterly broken).

2011-06-27, 05:49 PM
For Primus it would be Divine Structure and Lawful Attacks, in whatever order, as those feats never seem to give the "once every 5 rounds" abilities. I'm not sure about Ahazu (who, by the way, sounds utterly broken).

Ahazu is strong for his level but I wouldn't call him broken. A creature that saves against his abduction ability becomes immune for 24 hours; his UB only affects one target (as opposed to the actual spell, which can hit an entire party), and the drawback on his VM can give a high-level Binder pause. So he starts off pretty awesome but doesn't scale well.

You also NEED the ISR feat for him, because he can only be summoned in the Abyss. This is obviously not a healthy destination for a level 3/5 Binder.

2011-06-27, 06:56 PM
Yes, unless you happen to be in the Abyss, someone with the Binding feat chain cannot bind Ahazu. To take the Ignore Special Requirement feat, you need to have actual Binder levels, not just the Binding feat chain.

2011-06-27, 07:35 PM
Yes, unless you happen to be in the Abyss, someone with the Binding feat chain cannot bind Ahazu. To take the Ignore Special Requirement feat, you need to have actual Binder levels, not just the Binding feat chain.
Technically, I'm pretty sure a Binder can take Bind Vestige to get to bind an extra Vestige, but only getting a single ability from him.

Could be wrong, though; I haven't paid much attention to those feats. They're not very good, sadly.

2011-06-27, 07:38 PM
Technically, I'm pretty sure a Binder can take Bind Vestige to get to bind an extra Vestige, but only getting a single ability from him.

Could be wrong, though; I haven't paid much attention to those feats. They're not very good, sadly.

Nope they have a special line forbidding binders from taking the feats and if you have the feats and you multiclass into binder you lose them (and they officially do not get replaced).

I made a houserule creating "lesser binds" for binders that operate just like those feats (except for your binding level being normal) that replaced thye dead levels in the binder progression at one point. Seemed like a fun idea and I hate dead levels.

2011-06-27, 08:35 PM
Could be wrong, though; I haven't paid much attention to those feats. They're not very good, sadly.

They have their uses - such as cheating your way into Anima Mage with no Binder levels.

2011-06-28, 07:25 AM
Tenebrous' vessel of emptiness references the Flicker ability; that ability is on page 146 of Tome of Magic. As the only ability I spotted that references another special ability from ToM, I thought a page number might be useful.

2011-06-28, 09:38 AM
Thanks. Bookmarked.

2011-06-28, 09:44 AM
Thanks. Bookmarked.

This. So much this.

2011-06-28, 02:36 PM
An exellent list, bookmarked too. Thank you very much.

Thrice Dead Cat
2011-06-28, 02:37 PM
Pechvarry, I think I love you for this. I... just, wow, thank you so very much. A definite must-have for any would-be binder.

2011-06-28, 05:05 PM
Updated to add the web vestiges. I didn't add the Dragon ones yet 'cuz, 1st off, I don't have access to them. More importantly, it is dragon material. The general vibe is that dragon material is "less 3rd party" when it deals with material we desperately lust after, but it's still 3rd party. I'm thinking if/when I add them, should I add a font color to differentiate them? While I decide how to handle them, they're still available in Psyren's post, so no harm done.

What I've learned so far from this experience: what is up with WotC' absolute obsession with level 6 vestiges?! 9, all said and done.

2011-06-28, 07:16 PM
Updated to add the web vestiges. I didn't add the Dragon ones yet 'cuz, 1st off, I don't have access to them. More importantly, it is dragon material. The general vibe is that dragon material is "less 3rd party" when it deals with material we desperately lust after, but it's still 3rd party.

Did you see my post? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11298071&postcount=11) Already formatted the Dragon ones for you.

As for legitimacy, these are like additional soulmelds, or additional mysteries - more options (that aren't homebrew) are always good.

2011-06-28, 09:08 PM
Probably worth mentioning that if you're going to list Dragon Mag as a "less than official" source, you might want to do the same for the Ahazu (Dungeon Mag).