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2011-06-27, 03:33 PM
Breaking News
Ottoman Broadcasting Company
“Tensions were high today in Mexico city where the Mayincatec ambassadors have sealed the embassy. For the past several weeks both sides have been involved in tense negotiations regarding the yearly ‘flower war’. For those of our viewers not native to this region, the Mayincatec religion requires continued sacrifice in order to sustain the gods.

Each year; the old, penitent, convicted, and sentenced sacrifice or are sacrificed to the gods. Each god requires a different sacrifice, and most are relatively benign. However some require human sacrifice and particularly war captives. In order to keep a constant supply the Mayincatec made treaties with Mexico, as well as several other nearby nations, to participate in yearly mock wars in exchange for not being conquered.

The Anarchist situation has been a source of difficulty in this area, and so the Mayincatec informed Mexico that they would have to make up the difference this year. The purpose of the talks was to determine exactly how many captives would be taken. The Mexican government has been adamant that the new quota would be ruinous to the economy and moral of his country.

Be sure to tune in later tonight when a panel of experts will debate this issue and the likely outcome.”

“Thank you Gina. In other news the Caliph has released a statement saying that continued suppression of Muslim culture in the German States would be considered an act of war on the Islamic Brotherhood and ground for holy war. This comes in the wake of recent unrest when the Prussian parliament passed a law forbidding the wearing of prominent religious paraphernalia in public schools. This outrage against the perfectly legitimate cultural practices comes in the wake of increased hate crimes against innocent Muslims living under infidel rule. The Ottoman Broadcasting Corporation has partnered with the office of the Caliph to open a relief fund for oppressed Muslims which have been approved for use in charitable contributions.

Finally, the Qing general Sun Pin has declared for the tenth straight year that he intends to conquer the unincorporated areas of south-east Asia. As before there has been considerable troop massing on the border. Local governments are unconcerned. The President of Vietnam had this to say earlier, ‘typical Han posturing and bluster. There will be another urgent budget matter at the troops will be recalled. Honestly, it seems this is just the military’s way of showing the actually do something. A laughable claim considering the near century of inaction by that bloated bureaucratic nightmare that pretends at soldiery.’

That from Vietnamese president Hochi Min. This has been the pre-evening news, tune in after prayers for updates on these developing international situations with Abdul and the rest of the excellent staff at OBC. This is Akmed Muhammad signing off.”

International News Network
"For those of you just joining us welcome to the International News Networks Evening Report, I am Hans Meeker reporting from Amsterdam."
A handsome news caster smiles into the camera t deliver the news,

"Several stories of interest today, tensions are rising between the Ottoman Empire and the Prussian Allied Holdings over the Caliphs threat of war. We were unable to gain a statement from any of Parliaments representatives but several minor officials told our reporters that Parliament is in deep deliberation over their next course of action."

"Indeed, in Africa the Last Kingdom is again stirring trouble, their feud with the Totalitarian State of the Congo is boiling up again and fighting has begun to pick up steam. Mali and Songhai continue to keep their borders closed to African refugees and have not made any military actions evident, most likely ignoring the conflict yet again. Political analysts say that the Austro-Hungarian Empire has shown signs of mobilization towards Africa which has many countries including such as the Polish Kingdoms and Prussia breath a sigh of relief."

"In lighter news, King Fernando of Spain has begun the selection process for his daughter Isabella's husband. He was quoted as saying, 'In my advanced age I feel like now is the time for my daughter to select a husband so the throne may have an heir.' he then goes on to describe that Eric of Poland and Amare of Ethiopia are both strong contenders for the selection."

"That's all we have for now everybody, this is Hans Meeker reporting for the International News Network. Goodnight everybody."


The Empire of Mali & Songhai
Economy +++
Military ++
Research +++++ +++
Espionage 0/+++++ +++
Morale +++++ +
World Opinion ++

Economy: +++++ +
Military: +++++ +++++ +++++ +/0
Research: +++++
Espionage: ++++/0
Morale: +++
WO: +

Economy: +++++
Military: +++++
Research: +++
Espionage: +
Morale: +
WO: +++

Economy: +++++
Military: ++/+++++ +
Research: -
Espionage: +++++ +/+
Morale: +-
WO: +++-

The Austro-Hungarian Empire
Economy ++-
Military +++++
Research +++
Espionage +++++
Morale +
World Opinion +-

Economy: ++++
Military: ++
Research: ++++
Espionage: +
Morale: +
WO: +

Economy: ++
Military: +
Research: +
Espionage: +
Morale: ++++
WO: ++++

Economy: ++++
Military: ++++
Research: +
Espionage: +
Morale: ++
WO: +

Economy: +
Military: 0/++
Research: +++
Espionage: +++++ +/++
Morale: ++
WO: ++

The Polish Kingdom
Economy ++-
Military -
Research ++
Espionage +++++ +/++
Morale ++
World Opinion ++

The Confederated Northern Tribes
Economy ++
Military +++++ +++/0
Research +-
Espionage +-
Morale ++++
World Opinion 0

Nuevo Espana
Economy ++++
Military 0/++
Research +
Espionage +
Morale +++
World Opinion +++

The South African Republic
Economy ++-
Military -
Research +
Espionage +
Morale ++++
World Opinion ++++

The Last Kingdom
Economy +-
Military ++++
Research +-
Espionage +-
Morale ++++
World Opinion -

Prussian Allied Holdings
Economy +-
Military ++++
Research ++
Espionage 0
Morale ++
World Opinion +++

Totalitarian State of the Congo
Economy +-
Military ++++
Research +-
Espionage ++++
Morale +
World Opinion +


The Northern Alliance (ragingrage)
Economy: +++++
Military: +++
Research: ++-
Espionage: +++++
Morale: +
WO: +-

The Democratic Republic of Russia (Sithis)
Economy +++++
Military ++-
Research +++
Espionage -
Morale +++
World Opinion ++++

The Darwinists (Wolfbane)
Economy ++
Military ++
Research +++++
Espionage ++++-
Morale +++
World Opinion +-

The Oceanian Confederation (Murska)
Economy ++
Military +-
Research +++++
Espionage +++++
Morale +-
World Opinion +++

The Grand Empire of Britannia (turalisj)
Economy +++
Military ++++-
Research ++++
Espionage ++
Morale ++-
World Opinion ++

Astoria (Togo)
Economy +++
Military ++
Research +++++
Espionage +++++ +/+++
Morale +++
World Opinion -

The Anarchists (Theolonius)
Economy: +++
Military: +
Research: ++
Espionage: 0/++++
Morale: +++++
WO: +++++

O.A.S.I.S. (Honorbound)
Economy: +++++
Military: +
Research: +++++
Espionage: +++
Morale: ++
WO: ++

The Southern Alliance (ArcaneStomper)
Economy: ++++
Military: +
Research: +++++
Espionage: +++++
Morale: +-
WO: +-

Japan (Forum Explorer)
Economy ++
Military ++
Research ++++
Espionage ++++
Morale +++
World Opinion +++

The West (curtis)
Economy +++-
Military +++++
Research +++-
Espionage ++/+++++ +
Morale -
World Opinion +-

UAE (yugi24862)
Economy +++++
Military ++++
Research ++-
Espionage ++-
Morale +++
World Opinion +

2011-06-27, 04:07 PM
The Oceanian Confederation (5 Esp)

to Northern Alliance:


We in Oceania would like to set up a trade agreement between our two fine nations.

We also have some other matters you might be interested in, but as they are more covert, you should contact us over a more secure channel if interested.

((Drop me a PM if you're interested in some possible Espionage cooperation.))

to Russia:

Hello, our friend.

You might be interested in a trading agreement with the Confederation? Other than that, of course, what we already discussed should still be ok. We both know the situation, right? If there is any further confusion, do not hesitate to contact us more privately. :smallsmile:

to Darwinists:


As neighbours, we should pursue warm relations. One of the best ways to do that is by removing barriers of trade and travel. Would you be willing to reciprocate on this matter?

Also, if you are still interested in technological cooperation, we're always up for it. Drop us a message over some more private channels if you find such a deal is in your interest.

to Britannia:

Hello, friend.

Would the great Britannia be interested in a trading agreement with the Confederation?

Other than that, I trust our other deals still stand. If there's anything you're unsure about, contact us over private channels.

to Astoria:

Good day, my associates.

In addition to what we have already discussed, which we should probably solidify into an actual full-fledged plan soon over more private channels, would you be interested in a trading agreement with the Confederation?

to the Anarchists:

Greetings, friends.

Your glorious achievements have not gone unnoticed. Your work for the good of humanity brings hope to us all.

Would you be interested in signing a trade agreement with our nation?

I trust everything else is proceeding as planned? If there is any confusion, feel free to contact us privately.


Good tidings, friend.

Any comments or additions to what we discussed earlier? If not, shall we call it a plan?

Other than that, I trust you would be interested in a trading agreement?

to the Southern Federation:

Hello there.

Well, things are getting heated all over, eh? I'm just wondering if you're still up for what we talked about. If so, toss me a new message over some more private channels with the details.

Other'n that, do you think you'd be interested in a trade agreement with our nation?

to Japan:


We wonder if your nation would be interested in a trade agreement, and maybe something further? Details included. Reply ASAP, thanks.

to the West:


Would you be interested in a trade agreement with our nation? Some luxuries might go a long way towards placating your disgruntled population.

to UAE:

Hello there!

Would you be interested in signing a trade agreement between our two nations? Or perhaps even further cooperation? If there's anything special you want to work out, send the details over more private channels.

2011-06-27, 04:13 PM
The Northern Alliance Esp:+++++

As the World draws out of its dark age, the Leader of the Canadian Alliance (Huark Iceson) makes a speech to his people.
People of Canada. People of Alaska. People of Siberia. No...People of the Northern Alliance!
As the world opens back up, the Northern Alliance will open with it. We are already pursuing trade with many nations, and we will not be cast to the wayside of the World. We are the Northern Alliance, and the World will know us.

To the The Empire of Mali & Songhai
Greetings mighty and noble Empire. Would you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, know that if you ever require our espionage service, we will be there.
Lastly, if you have any technologies for sale, please contact us. We would be very interested in purchasing these, as your technological development is probably the strongest in the world.

To the MayaIntec
Greetings, mighty and Noble empire. Would you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, we open up our land for any of the mock wars you hold. The arctic terrain might make the wars much more interesting, and a refreshing change from the Normal

To the Ottomans
Greetings. Might you be interested in trade with the Northern Alliance?

To China
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, if you require any additional troops for your attack on the defiant Asian nations, the Northern Alliance would be glad to loan you some.

To the Austian-Hungarian Empire
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To Kazakhstan
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To India
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Carribean
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To Mexico
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Polish Kingdoms
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Confederated Northern Tribes
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, would you be interested in a defensive alliance, or an alliance of different sorts? We are to northern-based nations, and together we could aid one another.

To Nuevo Espana
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the South African Republic
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Last Kingdom
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Prussian Allied Holdings
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Totalitarian States of the Congo
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the Democratic Republic of Russia
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, might you be interested in a economical and defensive alliance? We are both northern nations, we both have strong economies, and North Siberia is a member of the Alliance. I think we have much to offer each other.

To the Darwinists
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, please contact us if you have any technologies for sale. We would be very interested in purchasing them.

To the Oceanian Confederation
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, the Alliance would be very interested in a more private meeting between our two Nations. If you send an ambassador to the port of Vancouver, we could communicate in a much more secure way. Alternatively, we could send an ambassador to you, though we would need to know where he should go.

To the Grand Empire of Brittania
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To Astoria
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To O.A.S.I.S
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, from one ice-bound Nation to another, might you be interested in a Defensive alliance? Though we might not be able to directly aid each other, due to being so far apart, the alliance might act as a deterrent.

To the Anarchists
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, if you need it, the Alliance could offer its trade routes to better spread your ideology.

To the Southern Alliance
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, from one alliance to another, might you be interested in a full defensive and economic alliance? I believe we both have much to offer the other.

To Japan
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?

To the West
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, as your northern neighbour, would you be interested in a defensive alliance?

To the UAE
Greetings. Might you be interested in opening up trade with the Northern Alliance?
In addition, might we able to get a reduced price if we buy your Oil in bulk? We need large amounts of it to heat our people's homes.

2011-06-27, 04:15 PM
The Oceanian Confederation

((Oh, almost forgot:))
To all NPCs:

Would you be interested in a trade agreement with us?

To Northern Alliance:

Of course. Our ambassador will be arriving in Vancouver shortly.

2011-06-27, 05:42 PM
The Anarchists

Northern Alliance

Victor Dumas, an ex-Britannia Officer, turned Anarchist emerged from the wooden hut, when the first rays of light illuminated the snow covered land of the former Canada, now Northern Alliance. He carefully took of his shirt and breathed in the ice cold winds of the North. The two buckets of water the Anarchist left near the door had ice on the surface, which he broke with a loud crack, before splashing their contents over his half-naked body. The cold bit into his flesh and it began to get numb. Dumas picked the heavy log he prepared yesterday and began his daily training regiment. He worked his body, forcing it to move and heave despite the cold, the will over flesh.

The Northerners lived in the lands forgotten by the rest of the world. The maintenance of the towns in the conditions of the northern climate was a costly affair, the logistics were a nightmare. When the poles flipped, no wonder then the people were abandoned and chose to make a new government for themselves. A government, that hasn’t served them well. There was a lot of dissatisfaction with the Northern Alliance in the many small towns and close knit communities. Their land was inhospitable and barren, but the minds of the people were a fertile ground for the Anarchists.

Victor Dumas was one of the people spearheading the philanthropic programs, the Anarchists maintained around the world. He has approached the leaders of the small towns and villages and helped them to formulate grievances against their government as well as proper actions to take in order to see them addressed. The first step to any of the philanthropic programs was establishing a strong community that could take initiative, decide what needed to be done and use the funds to their best effect. The Anarchists often spoke against a number of charities for their gross misuse of money and misguided efforts. Corruption and stupidity wasn’t something they would tolerate in their own philanthropic operations.

The West

The library had one wall torn down. Everybody could see the man standing on a stack of books with a noose around his neck. He was in his late years, looking gaunt and exhausted. For a second, his eyes settled on a pair of people walking on the street outside of the library. They caught his gaze and hastened their walk, pretending not to see him. Ashamed and powerless. Nobody was going to go against the King of the Town, Jervis Mallory and his band.

The murderer, rapist and genuine sadist, has walked straight to the old man, checked the noose with a smile and then pulled a book from the stack beneath his feet. ''Moby ****. I’m not into that'', he pulled another book, making the old man shift his weight as the stack beneath his feet grew unstable for a second. ''Lord of the Rings… What ****'', he flung away several books, until his next try brought him a journal with a busty blond on the cover ''Well, you got lucky, there is something interesting to read here.'' The old man finally found his footing on the greatly reduced stack of books. ''Your daughters better keep me from reading too much tonight, or I’ll be back for another book in the morning'' Jervis smiled and started walking away. He stopped a few steps short of the door and slowly turned. Somebody was standing in the space of the torn wall.

''Why, if it’s not Jeremiah Bennett. Finally got balls to stop yapping and die like a man''. Jervis grinned. He didn’t bother going for his guns. The sniper on the roof of the town church was going to take care of this nuisance. ''and what shiny thing you’ve got there. Don’t tell me you are playing a sheriff now.'' The golden star with a letter A of the Anarchist movement, pinned on Bennett’s shirt indeed looked like a sheriff’s star. ''Sheriff's come to town, just like in the movies, eh'' Jervis snickered and sent a text to the sniper. In seconds the head of the self-proclaimed lawman was going to explode in shower of blood and bone. Just about now. His grin grew strained. What was Jackal waiting for? Jeremiah Bennett lifted the shotgun up. ''You know, why I haven’t acted before? I was waiting for some friends from across the border. Your men are either dead or dying. Most had their throats slit during the night. The South Americans are some real scary guys, you know''.

Jervis felt a line of sweat run from his forehead, down his cheek and then drop on the ground. ''What I was doing here. It was Anarchy. No laws. Nobody telling us what to do, not even those *******s from Phoenix. No nothing. Why the **** are you interfering? You are a ****ing Anarchist!'' His calm was completely gone and he practically shouted the last word.

''And you are a ****ing beast. An animal without any right to call yourself human. When the mad dog shows up in your neighborhood, you put it down. Not because King, Pope or Democrat tell you to do it. But because you protect your life and lives of other people.’’ The shotgun blast took Jarvis straight into his chest, before he had a chance to draw his gun. The Colombian sniper could have done the job, without Jeremiah getting close and risking his hide. But some some things had to be done close and personal. People were gathering outside of the library. So few. Most preferred to sit things out in their houses, like frightened mice, listening to the cats fighting outside. But at least some still had it in them. Some spirits weren’t crushed yet. He’ll need to explain them the situation. Right after he’d cut the rope, holding the former mayor.

Across the West

Jeremiah Bennett’s group wasn’t the only one acting along the West’s Mexican border. The many local Anarchist groups, reinforced by the former revolutionaries from South America, were hunting down the worst scum that used the civil war and collapse of the law to murder people and pillage the land.

Mexico (GM, pending approval)

Enrique Rojes shook hands with the man, alongside whom he fought in the Mexican revolution. They have overthrown the depraved Colonialists regime together, but its remnants persisted. The have continued to grow and manufacture drugs, just as they did, before their downfall. The scale was smaller, but they still did a lot of damage. The West weapon dealers, who supplied the revolution with weapons, now were trading their guns to other side – Colonialists Insurgents, in exchange for the drug money.

The Anarchists operations in the West were meant to bring safety to the North American people. But it could also benefit Mexico, if the weapon trade at the border was shut down. That’s why Rojes was here. If he could get cooperation of the Mexican intelligence services, he’ll have the information that would be very useful to the Anarchists in the West. And it might be the final straw to break the Colonialists, once and for all in Mexico.



Northern Alliance

I’m using + Economy in the Northern Alliance for various philanthropic projects, using them to build up community cooperation and spirit. Also, is Northern Alliance decided to burn Economy for a fast boost to Moral – Anarchists have organized people to address their problems to the state, so it would seem like any Moral Boosting investment right now is due to Anarchist’s interference.

(I’m not hiding my actions. Anarchists are acting fully in the open. There are no calls for revolution – just reform. For now.)


I’m supplying + Economy to aid my Anarchist-Sheriffs. I’m not going after the Three Beasts of the West (curtis government), but after the worst kind of criminals, walking the West right now.


I’ve invented the Colonialists-Drugs thing, since it’s close to what happening IRL).

2011-06-27, 06:05 PM
The Northern Alliance

To the Anarchists
As Victor Dumas is visiting the different towns within the Alliance, a post officer delivers a letter to him.
Greetings, Mr. Dumas. Your efforts within the many remote communities of the Alliance have not gone unnoticed. The Alliance's government is very thankful for your efforts, and we would be glad to aid them. Though we will undoubtedly aid these communities with their grievances, we can not do so without your said in identifying these complaints. Would - temp econ help your aid of these communities?

2011-06-28, 02:32 AM
The Democratic Republic of Russia

Confrence Room, The Kremlin, 5:59 P.M.

It had been a long time since Artyom Lenin had felt fear.

But as he sat in front of the cameras, he was afraid. Afraid of saying the wrong thing. Afraid of making a fool of himself, of his country. Of the people who had elected him. But there was nothing for it now. Deputy Premier Yuri Soyuznik was standing behind the camera, "Thirty seconds Artyom." He nodded in acknowledgement. Showtime.

Russian National News

"...and that was the weather. Looks like it's going to be a cold one! Anyway, it's time to go live to Premier Lenin, as he gives his first major speech since taking office!"

The scene transitions to Artyom Lenin, a fairly young man, only in his early thirties. With his goatee, resemblance to his famous ancestor is easy to see.

"Greetings, people of the DRR. It's been a while since I had a chance to talk to you. I would have liked to earlier, but it's been a very busy time, getting my administration organized. But now, it's time for us to begin the real business.

You elected me to continue on the course of making the DRR an even more prosperous nation. And I fully intend to do so. But I'll need your help. I'll need you to be the industrious, hard working, amazing people that have always made up the DRR! Because it is you that make the country what it is, not me. If we are to become great, you must be great. And I think we can be.

Having said all of that, one of our greatest values and greatest dreams is that of peace. And I have decided to begin actively pursuing that goal. To that end, I would like to announce that we will be hosting a conference, here in Moscow, with the goal of beginning fully international cooperation. Representatives from any nation are invited to attend. I hope this will be the first step towards peace and prosperity for the entire human race.

Hopefully, I will have more announcements in the coming days, but for now my friends, my comrades, good night and good luck. Thank you."

The scene fades back to the news anchor. "Stirring words from our Premier. We'll be here to give our commentary on what he had to say, after these messages..."

(OOC:And that shows why I'm not a speech-writer. Also, not going to go through every nation and ask for trade, I'm just going to assume with international commerce all up in here, anyone who isn't hostile towards me is probably trading with me.)

The Oceanic Confederation (Esp +++++)

I do indeed remember what we talked about before. We have begun work as we speak, and hope to have results sometime soon. We will keep you posted. Also, is there any chance I could get some of your data security experts to come and give my people pointers? My networks have more holes in them than some sieves.

The Northern Alliance(Esp +++++)

What kind of economic alliance did you have in mind? Free trade agreements, non-compete agreements? What specifically?

As far as a defensive alliance goes, that is a possibility. There are no great threats to us currently, but the future is always uncertain. I will need time to think on this. I will get back to you.

Also, there is one last thing I'd like to ask you about. Our data security is, how should I put it, less than great. Is there any way some of your people could come over here and train ours up a bit?

(OOC: Also, I think it might not be a bad idea to have some canon reason/way that eastern Sibera joined the Alliance. As far as how they did, I'm thinking they peacefully voted to seceded from the DRR, and being a peace and democracy loving country, the DRR allowed them to do so. You have a why?)

Kazakhstan (Esp +)

Comrades, it seems to me that we have a lot of the same problems, and quite a few of the same potential threats on our borders. What would you say to the beginnings of cooperation between our two nations? For now, I could offer free trade between our two nations.

2011-06-28, 12:11 PM

Russian Conference

The Anarchist Movement will send a representative to the conference.

Oceanic Coalition

Anton Chalikov looked at the ocean from his room. The Burmese embassy had an excellent view and the ocean breeze felt wonderful against his face. Chalikov was a well known Anarchist Diplomat, representing the many nations, that chose to follow the Anarchist path. The Somalian and Nigerian embassies have offered to host him as well, but he selfishly chose the one with a better view.

The Coalition was a nation held by the barest of threads. The people united under its flag were different, and uncertain in their vision of the future. Nobody knew, if Oceanic Coalition would still exist a year from now. That’s why Chalikov decided to come to these negotiations personally. The Anarchism united people of many nationalities, beliefs and conflicting visions. For a long time people expected schisms and internal differences to tear the movement apart. Yet Anarchists stayed united and flourished, not despite of their differences, but because of them. Anton Chalikov had the weight of experience and this unique background of managing different voices of Anarchism. He could guide the Coalition's leaders to a greater unity, make the thin threads binding them together into an unbreakable pattern of a true nation. And in the process, win them over to the Anarchist's cause. After all, he was a selfish person.

Chalikov closed the glass door to the balcony, picked up the file with notes on the Anarchists scientific advances, for the discussion on the technological cooperation pact, that was supposed to be held that evening and left the room.

Northern Alliance

''You can translate this aid into reduction in taxation as well as initiate reforms that would allow for greater political and judicial autonomy of the local communities. This will empower them to be more proactive and productive, as well as give people the sense of responsibility for the future of the Northern Alliance, many people currently lack.''

Last Kingdom

The Somali sends its diplomats to the Last Kingdom to negotiate an access for the Last Kingdom to the Somali ports. They are also to make inquires about the situation with Totalitarian Regime of Congo.

To West/GMs Only

Since your Def. Espionage is pretty good, no point in concealing my actions. I’m not supplanting your leaders specifically, but rather hunting the worst type of criminals, currently operating in West. Some of them would be in charge of towns. For now I’m steering clear of your loyalists, unless they’ve committed truly monstrous offenses. In cases, when I kill rulers of the towns, if the locals set up half-decent government, my people move on. If that government is pro-Anarchist, good for me. If not, ah well.

The size of towns I operate in, depends on the chances my men have in taking out the criminals. I guess the larger cities will have stronger bands controlling them, so it would depend on my own strength (GMs ruling here). Of course, if some insane psychopath is murdering people by thousands, my men will try to take him out, against all odds.

Most of my operations a in the south, but I’ll be moving north, should my operations succeed.

P.S. If you don’t make a post/PM, stating you use your Military and Espionage against me, they won’t affect my progress.

To GM Only


Northern Alliance

I’m looking for moderate concessions, enough to establish foundations of a proto-Anarchist state. I’m currently looking for reformation, rather then revolution. The mechanics of Northern Alliance state as it is will remain (for now), but I’d like to begin cultivating stronger communities and individual’s resistance to the more coercive and oppressive elements of the regular state (wars, taxation, censorship), especially when they are unjustified. Pitchforks and torches, if Northern Alliance tries something shady, rather then apathy or blind obedience.

Oceanic Coalition

I'll be using Chalikov's political skills and the credibility Anarchist movement lends him, to cultivate good relations with Coalition's leadership and steer them to a greater cooperation and greater unity. He'll carefully try to advise them on the ways to make Coalition internally stronger.

2011-06-28, 12:26 PM
Oceanian Confederacy

to Russia:

Agreed. We will send some advisors over, as long as you work on improving your defenses we will point out weaknesses and make sure you don't fall prey to the usual mistakes.

((I'll put it in the EoT.))

Russian Conference

The Oceanian Ambassador will be present.

Anarchy in the OC

It seems everyone wants to meet the famed Chalikov and shake his hand. To say he is well-received would be an understatement. However, once all the formalities and celebrations are over, things boil down to a group of people. The real VIPs of the fledgling nation, and the real conversation, was about to begin.

2011-06-28, 12:53 PM
The Northern Alliance esp:+++++

To the Anarchists
We see. We will do as you advised.

To Russia
We will attend this conference. Peace is good for all.
On the economic alliance, I meant almost exactly what you said. Free trade between us, and a non-competition agreement.
((Why: When the polls flipped, Russia simply did not have the resources to continue to look after the inhabitants of Siberia. When the Northern Alliance formed (consisting of only Alaska and Canada) they saw it as an alternative option, and a referendum was held to see whether they would stay as part of Russia, or join the Alliance. They joined the Alliance.))

2011-06-28, 02:51 PM

Oceanic Coalition

Anton Chalkin makes a short speech to the gathered VIPs:

''The mankind needs a path to the future illuminated by the bright vision of scientific progress. Yet for a long time now, the world has seen nothing but terrible destruction wrought by the misuses of technology. That is until the formation of the Oceanic Coalition. There is now a vision of future, that we, Anarchists, can believe in. I speak about the path of the Tara Ihab. We will provide you with full assistance of our laboratories, as long as you stay true to that vision. I trust the Oceanic Coalition. I trust that you will master the Technology and won't let it control you. Let us work together for the betterment of Mankind.''

A treaty is proposed, by which the Anarchists will provide full assistance of its laboratories (+ Research) to the Oceanic Coalition, as long as its scientists work for the betterment of Mankind and don't engage in weapons development, subject to the restrictions of Red Button Weapons Ban (RBWB). The Anarchists will publish the RBWB to the general public during the Russian Conference.

To GM Only

There is a mistake in the PM I've sent about my stats, since I've forgotten, I've traded + Research for Military. I'll replace it with another WO +.

2011-06-28, 02:57 PM
THe Oceanian Confederation

Anarchist Meeting (PM-level)

"We would be delighted to work with your scientists for the good of all humanity.

We intend to develop technology that will benefit not only our nation, but us all. We firmly believe that science can be used to boost human advancement, peace, medicine and education. And one of our largest goals in the future is to bring mankind to the stars.

Currently, we intend to focus our efforts on cybernetics. We wish to help the blind see and the lame walk. Mechanical machines could help correct errors in our biological components, strengthening a failing heart or broken lungs. This technology will be shared to anyone in this world who promises to use it for the good of the people, and is willing to agree to share their own advances in return. If this is acceptable to you, we look forward to working with you on it."

2011-06-28, 03:19 PM
Mexico to Mayincatec:
If you insist on your demand for war captives we will require economic compensation. Our population cannot support such a loss as you ask.

China to India:
We are both vulnerable in the midst of the newly emergent powers. We suggest a military alliance, and cultural exchange.

Ottoman Empire to Mali & Songhai:
There was a time when your people were devoted Muslims. What is the state of the faith and the faithful in your lands?

2011-06-28, 03:51 PM
Mali&Songhai to Northern Alliance

No, we do not have anything for sale, we have no need of your services. We will contact you if we believe otherwise.

Confederated Tribes to Northern Alliance

YES! We will gladely ally ourselves with you! We plan an raid on the Brittanian fleet, aid us! We will be unstoppable!

Last Kingdom to Anarchists

We would appreciate negotiations for the use of Somalian ports. Currently we are in another fight with the Regime, they threaten to incorporate us and we will not surrender. They do this often, we can always repulse them, but we worry. They are becoming more aggressive.

Mali&Songhai to Ottomans

We are still devout Muslims, the Caliph still holds sway over our decisions but you can not take this as a sign of welcome. Our faith will always take a back seat if we feel threatened.

2011-06-28, 03:55 PM
The Northern Alliance

to the Confederated Tribes
Hmm...Though the raid sounds interesting, there is also the chance of discovery. Can we risk the chance of an international response? The Northern Alliance could contribute troops, but they would have to look and seem like they would be part of you. If you can do that, we will aid you. If not, then I'm afraid it is much to risky. Already, the world is not very friendly with us both.

2011-06-28, 06:00 PM
The Holy Empire of Britannia

To Spain
From His Most Holy Lord of the British Isles and Emperor of Britannia, the Magnificent Emperor Charles:
I offer my eldest son, Odysseus Ni Britannia, as a suitor to your eldest daughter. It is my sincerest hope that, through this union, our two nations may grow closer together.

To all nations that have proposed trade
We shall do trade with all nations. But know that imports into our nation suffer a 3% trade tariff. Those who wish not to suffer this tax must undergo further negotiations.

2011-06-28, 06:31 PM
Thelonius: So I could prevent your actions by devoting my resources to it? Coolbeans. Well, since your actions are helping me that hardly seems worth it, so okay.

The West Esp. ++++++

Russian Conference

A representative of the West will be attending the Russian conference.


Jeremiah Bennett and his men were moving on to another town. They had it on good authority that the man in charge was absolute scum.

He was also, as it turned out, dead as a doornail. His body, with a bullet through his head, lay outside the town gates, and inside a man waits to meet Jeremiah.

"Alfred Raston-Moore sends his regards," the man announces cheerfully. "This is not our normal way of doing things, offing town leaders, but this seemed the easiest way to meet with the Anarchy that seems to be working its way up through our fine country. First of all, we'd like to thank you, or those you work for; you do seem to be doing us a service. That does prompt the question of why, though. Care to explain the reasoning?"

The Oceanian Confederation

Luxuries, you say? We might be interested, to a small degree. However, things are happening in the West, and that degree might shortly be increasing. We'll keep you posted.

Kind regards,
Rosaline Calvierri.

The Northern Alliance

Trade is good. A defensive alliance is better. The West would be more than happy to ally itself with you.

Yours sincerely,
Rachel Vorne.

GMs Only

Seriously, GMs only in here.

Across the West, in places where anarchy has recently visited, followers of Vorne, Calvierri and Raston-Moore will materialise, filling the many power voids they leave (would this require resource expenditure?)

2011-06-28, 06:34 PM
The Northern Alliance

To the West (esp +++++)
Would you like to announce the defensive alliance? It might act as a deterrent to other nations.
In addition, would you like to open up free trade between our nations, along with a non-competition clause? This would aid both of our economies.

2011-06-28, 06:45 PM
The West Esp. ++++++

Alfred Raston-Moore has released a statement to the rest of the world. It reads: "As of today the West and the Northern Alliance have entered into a defensive alliance. Any attacks made on either of us will be met with a united defense. We hope that this will help both of us prosper, and that our two nations can look forward to a long future of cooperation and coexistence."

The Northern Alliance

Free trade it is. This should hopefully aid both our nations greatly.

2011-06-28, 08:17 PM
The Oceanian Confederation

to the West:

All right. Send us a message whenever you're ready for further negotiations. And know that we're always interested in other business opportunities as well, if you have something in mind.

to Britannia:

We would like to ask for tariffless trade between our fine countries. After all, it would bring further prosperity to us both, in sight of our other deals.

2011-06-28, 11:28 PM
Democratic Republic of Russia

(OOC: No messages for Russia from Kazakhstan?)

The Oceanic Confederation (Esp +++++)

We will be doing that indeed. I thank you in advance for your assistance. And I look forward to meeting your ambassador.

The Northern Alliance (Esp +++++)

I think that kind of trade agreement is most definitely possible. Also, what were your thoughts on assisting us in improving our data security?

And I look forward to seeing your ambassador at our conference.

(OOC: Makes sense to me.)

2011-06-30, 06:37 PM
The Northern Alliance

To Russia
Give us some time on the data security thing. It would indoubtedly be possible, but we need some time to finalize the details ((I'm going to pm the GMs on such a thing.))

2011-07-02, 01:55 AM
The Southern Federation (5 Esp)

Russian Conference
A Southern Federation ambassador will be present.

To the Oceanian Confederation
We agree to a trade agreement. It will help us maintain a stable economy in the face of the Mayincatec's constant demands.

To the Northern Alliance
We can agree to allow a freer flow of goods between our countries, but as for your other offers. Well we are very nearly on opposite sides of the world. We don't really see how an alliance would be feasible. Not to mention that a defensive alliance would almost certainly only see use for us if the Mayincatec attacked us, in which case we would likely be overrun long before any aid arrived.

Forum Explorer
2011-07-02, 02:45 PM

Japan will be attending the Russian Conference.

To Oceanic Confederation
If nothing has changed then we would like to offer our support to the deal we discussed earlier

To China and India
The other nations of the world are on the move. As we all change a common sphere of control I propose a meeting to determine a way to insure that no forgin power upsurps our spheres of control.

2011-07-02, 02:49 PM
The Northern Alliance Esp:+++++

To the Oceanian Confederation

To China and India
The other nations of the world are on the move. As we all change a common sphere of control I propose a meeting to determine a way to insure that no foreign power usurps our spheres of control.
Will this alter our plans? I suggest we wait and see what occurs from it.

2011-07-02, 02:56 PM
The Oceanian Confederation

To Japan:

All right.

To Northern Federation:

Do not worry about this. Assuming you've read their message to me, I'm willing to state that I have some knowledge of what will come to pass in this conference and that it will not harm or otherwise impede our plans.

However, try to use as secure channels as possible whenever discussing anything approaching details. Just in case. ((OOC: Chinese Esp can read stuff...))

2011-07-02, 04:05 PM
Sent in order posted:

Spoilered for length, whole thing is Esp +. Russia, there is a message waiting for you in here, read only that one.
China to Kazakhstan:
History shows that the Bear desires ever more expansive buffer zones. Would you consider a defensive alliance against Western expansion and imperialism?

India to China:
We would be deeply interested in bringing our people closer together. Also, we will be dropping all barriers to trade as a sign of good will.

China to India:
Wonderful! Along with Kazakhstan we are instituting an economic zone made up of Asian nations. Together we will be able to handle our own affairs without threat from the African and American barbarians.

Kazakhstan to China:
That would be acceptable. However we will not trade one potential master for another. We require assurances that you are not using this as a pretext for invasion.

Kazakhstan to Russia:
We are feeling threatened by some Chinese moves against us, would you be interested in talks regarding Sino expansionism?

China to Kazakhstan:
Marvelous! We are also pleased to inform you that India and we have agreed to an Asian economic zone. This is not like the EU, but a way for us to integrate or economies and broaden our markets. Since you will likely be interacting with the combined Sino-Indian economy would you be interested in participating in an economic advisory council regarding currency exchange rates, border and tariff regulations, and the like?

India to China:
An economic alliance would be insufficient to deter expansionist nations. We propose a joint military organization similar to the NATO alliance of two centuries ago. Each member will agree to devote all its military forces to repel any foreign aggression. Our people will not be subjugated again, and the Britannian government appears hostile to us.

India to Kazakhstan:
We are glad for your participation in the Pan-Asian Economic Zone (OOC note: PEZ from now on;) Your reputation was a strong factor in our considerations. Would you be interested in joining a related organization consisting of military forces from all three countries to protect the sovereignty of all members?

We know you are worried about your neighbors, but we assure you we are just as committed to staying out of any of their major wars as you are. Our combined urging should be sufficient to keep them in check.

Kazakhstan to India:
Your assurances don't mean very much, what with the conditions your people live in. However, we are currently unable to protect ourselves against them. Even with your help, it may not be enough. In exchange for using your economic power to improve the lot of your people we will hesitantly agree so long as the Chinese do the same.

A more educated and empowered population will go a long way to preventing unrest and creating peace in the region. To be honest, we were beginning to suspect China of strong arming this whole thing. We will agree to the economic portion but will hold out on military commitment till we have observed you actions regarding your people.

India to China:
The Kazakhs wont join the military alliance till we improve the conditions of our people. That shouldn't be too hard to do considering our economies. However, our combined forces should be sufficient for the time being.

Kazakhstan to China:
India has convinced us to involve ourselves economically. However, any sort of military participation will be limited to we are sure you are not going to use it as an excuse for war mongering.

Until your WO and Moral are +++ we will not agree to any military alliance. However, should something come up, we will be willing to asses the situation and its cause and may then join you. We hope you will to likewise.

China to India:
We will agree to bring our military on two conditions. The first is that SE Asia be united by our combined forces and made a territory of the alliance. Second, that we the military will be used by vote of the leaders of the alliance as opposed to being usable by the governments of any single nation.

China to India and Kazakhstan:
Since we are all in agreement, would it be acceptable to broadcast news of the alliance as a deterrence to other nations?

Also, due to the concerns of empire, we suggest that all member nations donate half their econ to projects administered by all three nations to improve the conditions of the downtrodden and poor of all nations. Consider this the first resolution proposed.

Kazakhstan to PEZ:
We attach an additional condition that after reaching suitable first world standards of living that the same indicated amount be used to improve the economic development of Kazakhstan. If that condition is met than we vote yes for Resolution 1.

India to PEZ:
We agree to the condition and vote Yes.

India to China:
It will be difficult, but doable. We must be quick, to avoid civilian casualties. We will manufacture some pretext, you will invade with your waiting forces while they are concerned with our own. With two fronts and no unity they will be quickly crushed.

However, our armed forces will be united for this action and it will become the new Pan-Asian Unified Guardians. (OOC note: PUG;)

China to India:
Acceptable, after that lets call the Kazakhs in to oversea civilian treatment to avoid looking bad to the world.

China to PEZ:
We vote yes to all conditions.

PEZ Resolution 1
Passed Unanimously

Pan-Asian Economic Zone (PEZ)
Public Statement:
The three countries of China, India, and Kazakhstan have entered into a series of interlocking economic treaties and cultural exchange programs in order to stimulate the development of the entire region.

To be clear, this is not a military or political union. It is simply a way for the involved countries to improve the material conditions and opportunities for their people.

PEZ to Japan:
Agreed, please send representatives to Beijing for a meeting.

OOC: The political vagaries of the Americas coming soon.

2011-07-02, 04:11 PM


Several prominent leaders of Anarchists organizations have spoken against the oppressive caste system that has reemerged in India, after the Pole-Switch. At this point their main objective seems to be drawing of as many discontent people under their banners as possible. The Anarchists leadership hasn’t yet made it clear, whether violence would be an option in changing the status quo in India.

2011-07-02, 04:24 PM
The Oceanian Federation

to Whatever's There in Indochina:

OOC: We'll attach the stuff about how India and China are preparing to attack them.

We're kind of worried about this. Like, really worried. If you can bog their assault down for a while, we can turn the world opinion against them - your lands are really difficult terrain to fight in, especially against guerrillas. I'm sure we could quickly convince various groups to intervene.

2011-07-02, 07:11 PM
Vietnam, Laos, Burma, Tailand to Oceanian Federation
We think it is mostly bluster. We have placed our militaries on high alert, but long ago learned that China never follows these things through.

Personally, we think this is a plan by China to weaken our economy and national spirit through constant mobilizations.

Forum Explorer
2011-07-02, 07:44 PM

A represenative has been sent.

OCC: should later descions just be marked PEZ meeting?

2011-07-02, 08:35 PM
PEZ/Japan Talks
So, what is it you wished to discus?

Forum Explorer
2011-07-02, 08:41 PM

We would like to discuss the official admittiance of Japan to PEZ.

2011-07-02, 11:58 PM
PEZ to Japan
An interesting offer, but we would need some assurances.

You would be bound by the same rules as the other members. You would also have to agree to any economic resolution passed by majority vote. Tied votes would not be considered passed, and abstainations do not count for or against.

You would also be allowed to join PUG, the Pan-Asian Unified Guard, a unified military force that acts independent of any member nation and represents the entire military power of all participating countries.

The currently passed resolution is the contribution of half of all government discretionary funds (Temp Econ) to be used to raise the moral and WO of all member nations to +++. After that, the same amount will be used to bring Kazakhstan's economy up to ++++.

PEG reserves the right at a future date to make membership of PUG mandatory for PEG member nations.

GM level secret
If you plan to take over PEG you will need to invest a lot of effort. Being a member does not mean this will turn into the EF.

2011-07-03, 02:03 AM
Anarchists to Kazakhstan (Esp. ++++)

''We have been working around the world to improve the living conditions and give people the freedom of opportunities in pursuit of wealth, respect and happiness.

Your recent announcement has drawn our attention to the situation in the East Asia, specifically the social strains, caused by the caste system in India. The PEZ will bring the economic prosperity to India, but the current political conditions and artificial restrictions on the social mobility will undoubtedly cause a disproportionate distribution of wealth and widening of the divide between the high caste rich and rights-deprived poor. Our movement have supported several revolutions, but we always found it preferable to direct nations on the way of gradual reformation.

We would like to request your political support in our peaceful campaign to weaken the restrictions of the caste system in India. Our movement can also be of great assistance in any public works projects and anti-corruption initiatives in India. The philanthropic projects we pursue all around the world (our current focus is in Northern Alliance) are famous for their efficiency and complete accountability of every tenge spent. If you could both provide political assistance in securing cooperation of the Indian authorities with our philanthropic organizations and help us convince the Indian government to have Anarchists consultation and oversight in their public works projects and educational reform, India would be able to become a truly stable and prosperous nation.

And India with better educated and content population can contribute more to PEZ, bringing greater prosperity to other members of your economic alliance.''

2011-07-03, 04:34 AM
Oceanian Confederation to Vietnam, Laos and Thailand:

Maybe so. However, the fact that they've recruited India and Kazakhstan for this venture and intend to pour massive amounts of resources to keep their own populations docile during the campaign would be signs of warning to me. Be careful.

Forum Explorer
2011-07-03, 10:20 AM
Japan to PEZ
We understand and have no problems for the most part. However we do have a few questions.

Japan's own economy falls well below ++++. Will we be included into this improvement plan?

What will PUG's role be in domestic affairs?

GM level
I understand. I'm more wanting to create a mutually protective power bloc first that won't be upsurped by a different nation.

2011-07-03, 11:55 AM
Kazakhstan to Anarchists:
We understand your good intentions, and would in almost any other situation welcome your help. Our only concern is the Indian government which consists entirely of the highest caste of Brahmans.

Your intervention may seem to them as the precursor to an attack or attempt to overthrow the government. As part of our development package we have already had them remove the untouchable class and relax class restrictions. Do you have any concrete plans?

SE Asia to Oceanian Confederation:
Indeed. More friends has never gone over poorly with us. Would you perhaps consider a defensive alliance of some kind?

PEZ to Japan:
PUG plays no role in domestic affairs. It exists so as to prevent the chaos of multiple independent militaries working together. While united command can be set up, this often wastes the individual talents of many people in favor of greater conformity. PUG as a single military force avoids this.

Were you to join PEZ, we would immediately propose an amendment to the first resolution committing the discretionary fund to bring all member nations up to ++++ econ, though Kazakhstan would of course be first.

2011-07-03, 12:40 PM
Democratic Republic of Russia

Kazahkstan (Esp +)

Yes, if the Chinese were to actually carry through on their threats, they might actually begin to cause problems.

But what exactly did you have in mind? You seem to have decent relations with the Chinese, is there something we're not seeing here?

The Northern Alliance (Esp +++++)

The more I think about it, with China to my south, and Prussia and Austria to my west, I think a defensive alliance may be prudent in securing my people, as well as your people in Sibera. What do you say, is this offer still on the table?

2011-07-03, 12:46 PM
The Northern Alliance

To Russia
Of course. Would you like to announce our Defensive Alliance to the world, to act as a deterrent?

2011-07-03, 12:57 PM
Democratic Republic of Russia

The Northern Alliance (Esp +++++)

Deterring trouble is always better if possible, so I shall go ahead an make an announcement.

Russian Nation News

"...and in other news, at a press conference held earlier in the day, Premier Lenin announced several new agreements between the DRR and the Northern Alliance. These included a defensive agreement, as well as several trade agreements. This seems to be one of the first of Premier Lenin's at improving international cooperation. Whether of not it will come of anything, only time will tell...

2011-07-03, 01:32 PM
To Russia, Northern Alliance:

Would you terribly mind if I joined your defensive alliance? I believe I will need a deterrent against possible Chinese and Indian aggression in South-East Asia, the nations in which I would like to support with a guarantee of independence. It is unlikely China would push for aggression against four of it's neighbours.

To SE Asia:

Our army is rather weak for now, though we're hard at work improving it to modern standards. However, we will pledge to assist you in guaranteeing your independence. We will sign a formal defensive pact with you. We are also negotiating with Russia and the Northern Alliance for possible aid.

2011-07-03, 01:34 PM
The Northern Alliance

To Russia, Oceanic Federation
I believe that this would be acceptable, for the Northern Alliance at least. Russia, do you have any issue with this?

2011-07-03, 01:36 PM
to Russia, Northern Alliance:

Hmm. Let me contact you over more private channels.


The Oceanian Confederation proclaims a guarantee of the independence of the nations of South-East Asia. It is also announced that a formal defensive pact is being negotiated.

2011-07-03, 05:16 PM
Spain to Britannia

From the Holy Monarch of New Spain Fernando
This is wonderful to hear! The might of Britannia while truthfully disdained by the Spanish, is a powerful force in the world. We would be delighted to meet with young Odysseus and negotiate, however you must know that the Polish and Ethiopians have also presented suitors for my daughter. Though your power is considerable I must weigh their offers as well.

The Confederated Northern Tribes to the Northern Alliance

We have pillaged for centuries without more than a slap on the wrist. Surely you know how it must feel to be looked down on by the more powerful of the worlds nations. Could you not openly support our endeavors? With your support we could sweep away those English tyrants and claim Britannia as our own! Does this not sound pleasing? You would finally be cast to the forefront of the world instead of sitting in the shadows.

2011-07-03, 05:35 PM
The Northern Alliance

To the Confederated Northern Tribes
The Northern Alliance prefers to keep themselves in the background, rather than the foreground. If everyone knows we have aided you, then it will be more difficult for us to make alliances and trade deals. If we are in the background, and few suspect us, we will be able to both aid you.
However, we have an Idea which may allow you to make one, beautiful raid without repercussions. An ambassador will be sent, taking a small boat from Northern Canada around to you, to discuss it in private.

2011-07-03, 05:38 PM

To Ottomans
Greeting holy islamic brothers.We wish you well on your campaigns on Europe, both diplomatic and if needs be military. Contact us if you need something, holy brothers.

To Northern Alliance
We would be willing to lower our oil prices to you, in exchange for help with our research projects.

I'm not talking much, am I...

2011-07-03, 05:40 PM
The Northern Alliance

To the UAE (+++++)
Your proposal interests the Alliance very much. In exchange for the reduction in Oil Prices, we can work together on a research project of your choosing? Do you have any projects in mind?

2011-07-03, 05:51 PM

To northern alliance
|What we had in mind was that we could collaborate together on one of my research projects. Currently we are designing military tech. Maybe you can send a ambassador to the UAE to talk about this, and maybe set up a embassy? I do not believe we have one in Duabi currently,

2011-07-03, 05:59 PM
The Northern Alliance

To the UAE
An ambassador will immediately be sent. About the embassy, that is a good idea. Is there any office you could give us, for our embassy?

2011-07-03, 07:32 PM
The Northern Alliance

To the GM (Pm-level)
If you're not the GM, don't read thisI said, dont read this!...Please, if you're not the GM, don't read thisYou realize if you're not the GM, and you read this, you're cheating?Like actually cheating, like taking steroids if you play football.I'm transporting + mil of artillery to the Northern Tribes.

2011-07-07, 02:25 PM
O.A.S.I.S. Esp. +++

to The Oceanian Confederation
All of what we have discussed should be okay. We will let you know if anything changes. And we would be happy to open up trade with you.

to Northern Alliance:
We would be happy to open up trade with you. As for the defensive alliance, we would like to wait and see for a bit. We of O.A.S.I.S. like to know whom we ally ourselves with, so we will give you a definite response after the peace conference in Russia.

to Russia:
Would you like to open up trade with us?

to Darwinists:
Hello Neighbor, would you like to open up trade with us? We also would like to invite your some of your biological scientists, and Mrs. Darwin to tour our museum of ancient, and rare creatures.

to Britannia:
'Ello Charles. How do you do? We of O.A.S.I.S. would like to open up trade with you, and we would like to invite you to tour our museum of ancient, and rare creatures.

to Astoria:
Hello, we of O.A.S.I.S. are wondering if you would like to open up trade.

to the Anarchists:
Hello, we of O.A.S.I.S. are wondering if you would like to open up trade.

to the Southern Federation:
Hello, we of O.A.S.I.S. are wondering if you would like to open up trade.

to Japan:
Hello, we of O.A.S.I.S. are wondering if you would like to open up trade.

to the West:
Hello, we of O.A.S.I.S. are wondering if you would like to open up trade.

to UAE:
Hello, we of O.A.S.I.S. are wondering if you would like to open up trade.

2011-07-07, 04:30 PM
Democratic Republic of Russia

Russian National News

This just in! The Kremlin has announced today that the Defensive Alliance currently held between the DRR and the Northern Alliance is to be expanded to include the Oceanic Confederation. The Premier and Deputy Premier both refused to comment directly as to the reason for this, Deputry Premier Yuri Soyuznik was quoted as saying, "...the world is a dangerous place, but will hopefully be slightly less dangerous for our respective peoples. The Oceanic Confederation has always been, as we have, a haven of freedom. We must work together to defend ourselves from outside aggression."

May 8th, 2125, Moscow*

With Moscow being host to, hopefully, quite a few foreign dignitaries in the next few days, no expense is being spared for security. Red Army Guard units have taken up stations in several areas of the city, and are ready to provide assistance should something horrible happen. ORCA fighters are a near constant presence, providing over-watch high above the city.

Most of this heightened security is centered around the Kremlin, and the roadways to Domodedovo International Airport. Police and some elements of the Red Army Guard are being readied to provide motorcade escort for foreign dignitaries. While no trouble is expected, the DRR government is not about to let itself be caught napping.

(OCC: I can go ahead and start the conference whenever, just give me the word.)

O.A.S.I.S. (Esp +++)

Greetings people of O.A.S.I.S., how's the weather at the south pole?

Honestly, I was under the assumption that our nations were already trading goods. If they're not, I'd be more than happy to correct that. (OOC: I was just assuming that the DRR was trading with everyone who doesn't say otherwise, as international commerce tends to include just about everyone.)

Also, if you haven't heard, the DRR is holding a confrence in Moscow in a few days time, trying to promote and organize greater international cooperation. We would be pleased if you would send a representative.

*I don't think the date was ever established, outside of it being 2125.

2011-07-08, 08:26 AM
The Northern Alliance

To O.A.S.I.S
Of course, we will discuss the Alliance after the Treaty. Glad to see you will be there.

2011-07-08, 10:18 AM
O.A.S.I.S. Esp:+++

to The DRR
(OOC:Well I am at the bottom of the world, so I thought mmy trades might be wonky, and also I forgot to put that I am attending in my last message)
Japan will send a representative to the DRR's conference.

2011-07-08, 06:44 PM
To the Russians (Esp+++)
A representative of the Astorian Prevelates will make themselves available for the conference. Obviously, it will be easier for us contribute if we actually receive an invitation, but if we can only attend in the audiance, so to speak, we'll settle for that.

We are intending to propose a SPecial EConomic and Trade Entity (SPECTRE) which would be about promoting trade and sharing 'special resources'. Would this be of interest?

To the UAE
We are very much interested in what occurs in the Middle East, as this represents our only gateway to more civilised lands (such as yourselves) that is not either through the Atlantic, dominated by two superpowers, or through what looks to be an immient war in SE Asia.
We will be watching the balance of power in your district very carefully. I would ask that you think of us as a resource, in the troubles ahead.
And speaking of resources, we of course would prefer a relationship based on mutual aid and respect, but we have no particular objection to being bought.

Strange though it may seem, you are our closest potential trading partner. We are growing troubled by the realisation that most of the world in accessible to us only by travelling through areas that are either heavily militarised, controlled by highly capable superpowers, or involve chartering a course through what appears to be a war waiting to happen.

Might I suggest that we form some kind of naval alliance, if only an agreement to protect eachother's shipping trade and communications, and thus effectively halve the amount of sea each of our militaries has to cover? I believe that we are both vulnerable to naval inderdiction, if only because a great deal of sea lies between us and anywhere we would wish to go...

Furthermore, maybe some kind of joint science project may in order? I have an idea that would benefit both of us, even if shared.

Latestly, I'd suggest that between us we have the greatest experience of building remote secret bases of anyone in the world. I specialise in remote secret laboratories with monorail systems, and boiler suited minions, while you take the more 'extreme weather' approach to secret base building, but surely some kind of cultural exchange program could be developed on this basis.

Maybe an 'Ideal Lair' exhibition, showing the world the latest in high-tech retreats?

2011-07-09, 10:40 PM
To Astoria (Togo, I am still learning nation names, if this is the wrong nation, just let me know)

We of O.A.S.I.S. would be happy to enter a naval alliance with you to protect our trade routes, and trade information, if you have any details on this please send them to us so that we may look them over.

As for the research project, our curiosity is peaked, what do you have in mind?

And for the "Ideal Lair" what exactly do you have in mind. What specificly would you like them to do, and what do you want them to hide? This information will help us further our "Lairs", and their development process.

2011-07-10, 05:44 PM

To Oceania (+++++):

We are interested in perhaps opening a Free Trade Agreement with you to get rid of any trade barriers.

To O.A.S.I.S. (++++-):

We'd love to visit. Expect us to do so soon.
~Dr. Darwin

To The Northern Alliance (+++++):

We appreciate the offer, and will keep it in mind in the future. Perhaps we'll be able to make a deal.