View Full Version : Mysterious nights in Madrid (IC)

2011-06-28, 02:28 PM
Jezebel arrived to Madrid two years ago. There following an advice of a friend from her past, she got a nice job helping to improve the online security system of an organization whose name is unknown (Although she has already discovered that its name is "Black pawn" and owns some warehouses in a little town near Madrid). Soon she bought a nice apartment.

Some months later Jezebel was told that another vampire was moving into the attic apartment that was inmediately upstair to hers(the old lady that lived there passed away some months ago).

Vasco does not hold a very strong relationship with his Sire, since she soon get tired of him. Anyway when Vasco couldnt keep practicing his art she helped him to improve his "showman skills" and to meet the right people in order to be able to arrange some really well paid shows each month. Soon Vasco had enough money saved to buy a little flat. One of his contacts told him that that a "new vampire" was coming to the city, and he decided that buying the attic apartment that was near her was a good idea since he thought it was an easy way to get a new ally. Soon, Jezebel and Vasco met and seemed to get along well (Since Jezebel also thinks that allies are vital).

Felix "lived" in Barcelona many years, but some problems with your "brother" arised and the vampire that ruled the chapel there has adviced you to move to Madrid, at least until things get better. He told you an address and said that he will take care of the accommodation expenses.

Last week Jezebel recieved a message from her old friend telling her that he needed her to host someone for some time at her home and that she will get paid for it. He told her that it is a vampire from another clan (Jezebel is still does'nt know much of the vampiric society) and that he was going to carry along a big amount of books with him.

A taxi has just arrived, Felix is coming out of the car and another car that seems to be full of books) is also waiting Jeze is waiting in the front door of the house (She lives in a 6th floor) Vasco is watching through the window.

2011-06-29, 06:58 AM
Jezebel's hand is perched delicately on the door-frame as she watches the taxi's passenger arrive. Adjusting the silk scarf around her neck, she takes a few steps into the night. "Hello?" She calls, as her her pale brown eyes search the streets.

2011-06-29, 06:09 PM
Well this is quaint, let's hope I do not attract too much attention here. And let's hope that The quarters will properly house my library... Felix will step out of the cab and grab one of his bags. Hello. You must be Jezebel.. Felix will walk up to her and shake her hand. I apologize for the inconvenience, but know I appreciate the hospitality. Felix will wait to be shown his quarters before beginning to unload his belongings, taking great care to not damage any books in the process. Once he is unpacked he will explore his new home.

2011-06-29, 09:02 PM
Vasco skulks at a window, his eyes intently scanning the newcomer, and then his belongings as they are hauled into the apartment building. The newcomer himself looked unimpressive, but the books peeking out of his luggage looked like serious business, and a kindred who hoarded knowledge could be dangerous indeed - or helpful. A smile flashed across Vasco's face as he pivoted abruptly in place, arms instinctively swirling with the movement to exaggerate it, and strode to his apartment.

[Assuming none of y'all's plans change this...]
45 minutes later, he's standing outside Jezebel's door, straightening his suit. He quickly checks that none of his tricks are poking out, paying particular mind to two flowers he's carefully stashed in his sleeves - a purple iris for Felix and a pink rose for Jezebel. Confident he's prepared, he gives three solid knocks on the door.

2011-06-30, 12:55 PM
Bel shakes Felix's hand with her lip curled slightly, before showing him around the apartment she owns. "Do try not to enter my room, the equipment is quite delicate. Not to say you can't explore everywhere else, of course." She comments to Felix, once he has finished his unpacking.

Hearing the knock on the door, Bel licks her lips and opens the door with a flourish, knowing that not many people would come a knocking at her door during the night. "Greetings, Vasco." She curtseys.

2011-06-30, 05:01 PM
A perfectly acceptinle request, and along the same lines I ask that no o e touch my collection of books, some are rather old and require a delicate knowledgable hand when handling them. So since I am new to the city perhaps you could fill me in on the details, such as who's the prince/primogen and where is Elysium? Are there any restricted feeding grounds?. Felix will cut off as he hears the knock at the door.

2011-06-30, 06:24 PM
"And a good evening to you, my dear." He bows and produces the pink rose, holding it out to her. "I brought you something. Though it pales in comparison to your beauty, it was the best I could find. I do hope you're not offended. Ah!" He straightens, eyes on Felix. "You have a guest! I had heard you were expecting a friend." He starts towards the man, then freezes mid-stride, turning back to Jezebel. "My apologies, I forgot my manners for a moment. May I come in?"

2011-06-30, 06:52 PM
"I could deign to accept your apology." Bel says with a smile, taking the rose between her fingers and slipping it into the pocket of her top. "You're always welcome, Vasco."

2011-07-01, 08:38 AM
"Excellent! You always were so gracious..." He swept past her to Felix, proffering the iris with another bow. "Greetings, good sir. My name is Vasco, and it appears that I will be your neighbor of sorts and, if you don't mind, I should hope to be your friend, as well." He rises from the bow with a smile.

2011-07-01, 10:32 AM
Felix will give a slight bow back Nice to meet you Vasco, since I am new to the city I could use a few friends. I was just asking about the local kindred politics, anything you have to add would be very useful and appreciated.

2011-07-01, 03:04 PM
Bel waits for the short greetings between Vasco and Felix to end before stepping up to the conversation. "I don't know much of the politics myself. I prefer to stay indoors, most of the time. I know there's Stygia, a bar that's near a theater and a museum. I've been begging Vasco to take me to the theater, but alas, no luck."

2011-07-01, 08:58 PM
Vasco grimaces a bit. "Theater is so dull and lifeless. They just repeat the same words they've said a thousand times, in the same tones, and make the same movements. There's no passion."

He turns to Felix. "As for what's happening... not much, at the moment. The Sabbat are acting out, as always, and they seem to have gotten some of the attention they so crave. But among the more civilized, things are quite calm. I'd be glad to help introduce you around."

2011-07-02, 07:29 AM
Felix gives a slight bow of acceptance to Vasco, That would be much appreciated, I would hate to step on the wrong toes early during my time here. I've already unpacked the bulk of my belongings if the offs is good for this evening?

2011-07-03, 10:41 AM
"Any night I don't have a performance. You just tell me when and we'll be off." He spins towards Bel. "Will you be joining us? I'm sure your friend would appreciate at least one face he recognizes being present."

2011-07-03, 10:55 AM
"Oh..." Bel takes a brief look towards her room. "I think I could spare the time. It's not like I'm going to be employee of the month any time soon." Twisting on her heel, she glides towards the door, swinging her overly large purse up in stride.

2011-07-03, 07:16 PM
Excellent! Then let's go exploring.. Felix will follow Bel out. As they depart Felix will make small talk, nothing too deep or interrogating. (I assume one of the two of you have a car and we take that?). Felix shows the most interest in seeing where elysium is as well as any racks or for idden feeding areas. After that he'll request to see where the "must see places" are.

2011-07-04, 01:56 AM
Bel lets Vasco drive, using the car she'd bought for herself some time ago but never learned how to drive. "I'm unsure as to where the forbidden feeding grounds are, except for where the Sabbat is." She chimes in once the subject of forbidden feeding grounds comes up

2011-07-04, 05:38 PM
Well the Sabbat are definately to be avoided. Tell me, what is their strength and power center here?

2011-07-06, 09:12 AM
"Y'know what, if you see any Sabbat coming your way, run or fight. It's as good a plan as any, without having to go searching for them yourself.". Bel responds to Felix, with her forehead pushed against the window. "Worst comes to worst, I get free space in my apartment again." She adds, a smile teasing at her lips.

2011-07-06, 06:37 PM
"There's really nothing to worry about. They're short-sighted rabble-rousers. Their power base is wherever they happen to gather - and they're none too subtle about gathering. So if you see a bunch of the savage idiots, just walk a few blocks away." He takes the scenic route to the Ellyseum, pointing out random landmarks and telling grand (and often entirely made up) historical tales and tidbits about them.

2011-07-14, 08:27 AM
Felix chuckles at Bel, then looks himself up and down.If I stay and fight, it's likely you will have that free space. I don't like to underestimate people... especially those that others consider 'rabble'. Felix will enjoy the sights of Madrid as they travel around town.