View Full Version : Neverending Dungeon: Kul'gulan

term1nally s1ck
2011-06-28, 04:21 PM
The air surrounding you fairly hums with the residue of magic, an aftereffect of the spell that brought you to this place. A quick glance reveals that you are in a small room, devoid of any life save for yourself. The sound of dripping water can be heard faintly, and the stone walls are slick with moisture. In complete defiance of logic, a torch is already lit, resting in a sconce near the room's single door.


There is a door at C-4, south side.

DM notes:Sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=302761)

2011-06-28, 05:23 PM
Kul'gulan will move slowly towards the door, taking ten on a search check of every square he and then tapping it with his pick hard enough to set off any triggers before entering it. If the ceiling is lower than 10 feet he will also search the ceiling for traps before moving under it.

Then he will take 20 on a search check of the door.

term1nally s1ck
2011-06-28, 05:25 PM
ceiling is 20'.

You discover nothing on your way to the door.

2011-06-28, 05:33 PM
Then assuming he also finds nothing at the door, he will open it.

2011-07-02, 09:59 AM
What happened?

term1nally s1ck
2011-07-07, 02:05 AM

Opening the door reveals a corridor to the east and south.

To the east:
Split north/south after 10'.
Door north after 30'.
SPlit north.south after 60'.

The corridor goes further, but I do not believe you can see further.

To the south, you see:
A split east after 20',
A T-junction at the end of the corridor after 30'.

2011-07-07, 03:52 PM
Kul'gulan will move slowly down the hall with the following process for each square:

take 10 searching each wall
take 10 searching the ceiling
take 20 searching the floor
tap floor with pick hard enough to set off any pressure pads
enter square

He will go east at the first split, and then north, and continue to follow the wall on his left until he finds something.

2011-07-15, 05:26 PM
Kul'gulan will find any trap on the walls or ceiling of a square he enters with a Search DC of less than 18, and that of any floor he enters with a DC of less than 28. It will take him 5 minutes and 18 seconds to reach the bend, assuming he finds nothing.

2011-07-25, 09:02 AM
As you walk out the door you find a trap and slam it with your pick. Darts launch at you.

oi... I believe I may have almost killed you just there.

As you continue south you take the first east branch. When you go to turn north you notice a door on the wall. Do you want to still continue north?

2011-07-25, 12:01 PM
I guess I didn't say that if he found a trap he wouldn't tap it with his pick, but in the future, whenever he finds a trap with search checks, he will attempt to disable it. Also, I see that I forgot to mention that he cast lesser vigor and persisted it, so I will do that now and wait for the damage to go away before continuing.

He will take 20 on a search check of the door before opening it, and disable any traps he finds.

2011-07-28, 10:27 AM
The door is not trapped. It sounds like there is something in the room, but the door makes it too hard to hear anything specific.

2011-07-31, 07:29 PM
Sorry I didn't post for a bit. Kul'gulan will open the door.

2011-08-05, 10:26 PM
Opening the door reveals the following room:
There is a door at A-2, another at E-4, south side and another at E-3. There is a human wearing a chain shirt and holding a longsword standing behind a beast with patchy dark fur that covers its unhealthy shrunken black skin in some places. Open sores dot its hide and a feral, catlike head glances with it's blank eyes at the wall in front of it.
Roll Initiative and tell me your first action regardless of the result. If the result depends on the creatures action let me know as well.

2011-08-09, 05:13 PM
initiative - [roll0]

Where is Kul'gulan on that map? a5? b4?

If they go first and one (and only one) of them ends their turn adjacent to Kul'gulan
enter punishing stance and use stone bones
attack - [roll1]
damage - [roll2]+[roll3]

If two end their turn adjacent
enter punishing stance and use steel wind
attack b - [roll4]
damage b - [roll5]+[roll6]
attack h - [roll7]
damage h - [roll8]+[roll9]

If Kul'gulan goes first and can move to be adjacent to both of them without provoking attacks of opportunity
move to be adjacent to both of them without provoking attacks of opportunity,enter punishing stance, and use steel wind
attack b - [roll10]
damage b - [roll11]+[roll12]
attack h - [roll13]
damage h - [roll14]+[roll15]

If Kul'gulan goes first and can't
move to be adjacent to the beast, enter punishing stance, and use stone bones
attack - [roll16]
damage - [roll17]+[roll18]

2011-08-10, 07:46 PM
You come in from A2 and attack. Your attack. Fails to do much of anything except annoy the beast you are attacking.

(I will update with another post w/ rolls and actions for them)

2011-08-10, 09:25 PM
1. I thought he was going north. Was he?
2. If he entered from A2, he would be able to reach both of them without provoking(moving A2-B2-C3), so the third spoiler. How does that only annoy the beast?

crit confirmation on the human - [roll0]
crit potential extra damage on the human - [roll1]+[roll2]

2011-08-12, 10:27 AM
You were traveling east and turned to go north. If you are travelling north the door can't be there as it is a hallway. The door was to the east, meaning you entered the west side of the room.

If you enter a square threatened by your enemy you provoke AoO. By moving into range you provoke an AoO so I utilized spoiler 4.

2011-08-19, 09:06 PM
I was about to send a PM when I realized that I hadn't actually posted here.

Don't you provoke when you leave a threatened square, not when you enter one? If you provoked when you entered, he would provoke in the fourth spoiler too.

2011-08-23, 08:40 AM
I actually misread the notes and thought there was a reach weapon involved. There is not, so it is indeed spoiler 3 for your actions.

Give me a will save please!



2011-08-23, 09:38 AM
uh oh...


2011-08-23, 03:29 PM
As you approach the creature a burst of color flies into your face. There is some stinging and other unpleasant sensations, you manage to shrug them off though and continue to fight.

2011-08-23, 06:35 PM
Do the attacks hit? Is it Kul'gulan's turn again? Was that save made before Kul'gulan got to them? what do they do during their turns?

2011-08-26, 09:39 AM
You don't get to know if the attacks hit (well if they did damage at least). Its a common desire in D&D, but it doesn't make sense.

It is indeed your turn. You approached (no AoO) and attacked. On their turn they performed their actions. The only one you noticed was the spell. You made your save.

2011-08-26, 01:42 PM
I have tons of questions about what he sees, but they probably won't change his actions. I also just remembered that Kul'gulan has knowledge devotion.

various knowledge checks, because I don't know what type the beast (or the human) are
religion - [roll0]
local - [roll1]
dungeoneering - [roll2]
arcana - [roll3]
nature - [roll4]
planes - [roll5]

Kul'gulan will use stone bones on the human, and then switch out of his punishing stance.
[roll6] plus knowledge devotion
[roll7]+[roll8]plus knowledge devotion

2011-08-30, 07:58 AM
Your attack misses. As you look at the creature you can't quite make out what it is, your memory is failing you or you've never seen his kind before.

Angered by your hits and your more recent miss the human throws more colored sand in your face. As it hits it erupts into a spell.

Will save and actions!

DC 15, if you fail color spray hits you.

2011-08-30, 10:04 AM
will save - [roll0]
actions in the next post

2011-08-31, 09:15 AM
[roll0] Rounds unconscious, blinded, and stunned
[roll1] Rounds Blinded and stunned
1 round stunned


DC 10+damage above fort save or... death :smallfrown:

2011-08-31, 08:53 PM
He has 9 rounds of being coup-de graced? If these next nine are all natural 20's than he might survive.

2011-09-02, 08:18 AM
Being stunned doesn't render you helpless I don't believe. Only the unconscious part. However if you fail the first one I believe it ends you.

Apologies for your death, but NED is cruel like that. Feel free to start a new character. Post it in the recruitment thread.