View Full Version : Star Wars SAGA Rebellion Game (IC)

2011-06-28, 10:09 PM
The battle has been raging for hours. The rebels including you have been losing ground in the city as Darth Vader commands his troops to kill the rebel scum.

The room around you is shaking and bits of ceiling tile fall around you and the room is in a complete disarray as it was once the commons for a barracks. Tables are upturned there is blaster marks on the walls. A voice over the intercom comes in and says Attention Imperial troops have entered the base. Go to hanger C and-" The voice cuts off with the loud shrill of a rocket launcher.

There is a door before you half blown off its hinges and beyond it waits your future.

2011-06-28, 10:41 PM
Gran Dorrick

"So the real test begins..." Gran drops his usual attitude, the situation being too grim to be carefree. Wiping the debris off of his blazer, he checks the power pack in his blaster and all the belongings of his that he can carry. Ready for the worst, his expression sours at the announcement. "Hangar C? Just paint a map for the Imperials while you tell 'em..." he mutters. Looking back at his fellow rebels, he poses the obvious question: "Shall we meet our brothers and sisters in Hangar C?"

2011-06-28, 10:47 PM
"Psh, weesha been sittn back, but deysa on oursa turf naw. Kick ass and chew gum, me Boss said... yousa got gum? no?" Capone charges his pistols. "Den weesha do da otha thing!"

2011-06-28, 11:08 PM
Cabur gives Capone a withering glare as he finishes readying his blaster carbine.

"You fool, sieges don't end well for the defenders, and we've already been overrun. We should do as we've been ordered and get off-world. There will be battles we can win in the future. Save your blood lust for those."

2011-06-29, 12:06 AM
Jern chuckles grimly, his damaged breathing mask making it sound more like a death rattle than anything else.

These new companions seems spirited, but could they really stand against the might of the Empire? He had already lost so much; his friends, his Master, even his connection to the Force seemed to be faltering. He had been running for so long...

Jern surveys the damage, thinking back to the skirmishes that had led them to this room. All the fresh-faced young rebels who'd been cut down. He needed to keep fighting for them, for what they had died for. Perhaps their idealism had rubbed off on him.

He ignites his lightsaber, feeling at home in it's fiery orange glow.

"Right then. Let's all stay alive out there."

2011-06-29, 01:48 PM

There was something about the Kel Dor man. J6 had logs of information regarding the Jedi in his memory banks but he had never actually seen one until connecting with Jern.

His hueristics processor whirs. There was something almost...inspiring about him. Is it even possible for a droid to be inspired? he asked himself introspectively. Well, now is not the time for deep thoughts

He turns towards the others and readies his blaster pistol.

"Yes, lets."

2011-06-29, 08:43 PM
Orrick Curovao

Seeing that his makeshift band of brothers (and droids) were in order, he readied to head out the door. "I like your thinking, Jern. Alright, let's get out there, save some lives and, who knows, maybe even make it to the hangar in one piece, heroes one and all!" His blaster at the ready, he approaches the damaged door, painting the route to Hangar C in his mind. He puts a careful hand on the door's edge, his weapon poised, but trembling with the anticipation.

This was war.