View Full Version : For a few Gold Coins More IC [3.5]

2011-06-29, 09:45 AM
You have been marching for days and though your feet are sore, your horses having been requisitioned, your spirits are high.

It is actually a fine early spring evening as you are moving near the shore of the Moonsea heading to whichever township may be next on your way to try again.

Though the roads are far not empty you have been walking for the past few hours without having seen anyone on the road and you are glad for the fact. You are all comrades, battle brother or however one can call warriors that have bled together against a common enemy.

The memories of the past weeks swirl in your mind as you make camp under the stars a little off the road. You remember the glorious beginning of the campaign financed by Lord Darius, master of Werner and Merian two small towns at the Western Edge of the Moonsea.

You knew, as did most of your now scattered comrades, that Lord Darius was a member of the organisation known as the Black Network and that his rule was as ruthless as was tyrannical but despite that the cause was a good one. Recent attacks in the surrounding area from Greenskins coming from the Dragonspine Mountains had forced the Lords hand especially after for reasons unknown his allies from Zhentil Keep, Teshwave and Phlan had refused to send military aid.

For that reason a mercenary company was formed under the leadership of two of Darius'es lieutenants. Sergeant Miklos the One Eyed who was in charge of the proper military group and Lieutenant Odox the Half-Elven who was in charge of the skirmish element to which you belonged. All in all 200 souls had joined as the pay was good and your chances high.

The mission was a success. The greenskin forward camp had been found within days and all your enemies exterminated. Interrogation of prisoners revealed where warrens were located and suprise attacks en masse but also ambushes against their leaders proved extremely effective. Within two and a half months your leaders called the campaign a success as no greenskin had been spotted in the area for more than a week and a half. Further more numerous orc and hobgoblin childre had been taken prisoners to be sent as slave labor to Zhentil Keep in an effort to correct whatever mistake Darius had done.

It was during the march back that the news arrived. The local miners guild had declared a strike that had gone on for 6 days as shafts in one of the major iron mine had collapsed causing the death of many workers and craftsmen. The leadership of the miners had petitioned Lord Darius to send clerics to assist and perhaps even intervene to allow for the use of High Magic to return victims back to life.

The Lord had refused. The miners had escalated and as a result the smiths of the townships had run dry and joined in the strike demanding higher pay and better conditions. The message from Lord Darius to your mercenary group was simple. Move towards the mine and break the strike making an example of the ring leaders and all those that did not stand.

During the campaign the company had lost approximatelt 60 men. From the remaining 140 almost half said no as they would not stoop so low as to accept money for attacking innocents and more importantly their country men. With mutiny in their hands the Sergeant and the Lieutenant took back all that they have given to those that would not join, but allowed them to keep any loot they had collected, and allowed them to leave to avoid losing men in such an internal strife. While the Sergeant cursed and spat promising swift death to the "traitors", the Lieutenant promised that no sanction would be taken just as long as noone did anything foolish.

It has been two weeks since then. You have made your way towards the North considering that Phal and the surrounding villages are a better bet than approaching Zenthil Keep. Initially your group was bigger as you had stuck together but since then you became even more fragmented. The four of you had formed strong bonds and had been operating as a combat team during the campaign and as such have bonded even further, perhaps even trusting each other.

To the north west, a mere two days journey you know that the city of Sawar may offer opportunities though there are other smaller villages scattered around that could potentially offer rewarding jobs for a group such as yours.


You are currently around the campfire having settled for the night. Feel free to make introductory posts, describe physical appearance etc... this gives you the opportunity to get a few posts in before you set out on the road!


OOC post here: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11310913#post11310913

2011-06-30, 09:11 PM
Trekker sits a few paces from the fire. Always making sure that his back can be turned on an enemy when needed. He kept his bow close at hand whenever awake, and even when sleeping. His leathers were brown and never dirty for more than a day as he was meticulous about keeping clean. It is known by his companions that he is no friend to the greenskinned and was bred a mercenary from the start. "I cannot believe we are branded traitors for doing what is right. Also we turned our backs on people who could have used our help, so is the life of a sell-sword," he stated solemnly. "I can take third watch tonight," he continued as he laid his bed roll out. One eye shut, he kept an eye on his companions. "I am unsure about the fate of our previous contingent, hopefully we will not be against them later," he said as he peered at the stars.

2011-07-03, 04:55 PM
Leokas sighs disconsolately and nods. His lean figure casts a stark shadow in the flickering light of the fire, and his wavy brown hair is unkempt and tangled. His double-bladed sword lies near at hand, as always.

"You speak truly, friend. The propaganda against us will make it difficult for me to return to my town - the only reason I left was to get revenge against the greenskins for slaughtering my friends."

2011-07-04, 05:04 PM
True, but it's just what we had to do. What other choice might we have had? We certainly couldn't just let that happen.

As Kero speaks, he idly loads an arrow.

2011-07-05, 01:55 PM
"We could do the right thing. Go back, face our peers and past employers, and save those miners."

2011-07-07, 12:33 AM
Inasulis reclines next to the fire, his large frame stretched out and clearly relaxed. The firelight plays off of his chainmail and greataxe.

"The right thing? Personally, I think the right thing is to just keep moving away from this area. The campaign against the greenskins was fun, but I have no desire to get caught up in a civil war. Besides, cities always make me a little uncomfortable." Inasulis peers around at the wilderness, "Out here is where I belong. I would just as soon keep traveling and see where our next opportunity lies. And while it is unfortunate, Leokas, that you will have difficulties, I assure you that life on the road can be quite enjoyable."

Inasulis peers around, and sets his longbow next to his right hand. "You all go ahead and rest now, I'll take first watch."

2011-07-07, 01:26 AM
"No, you're quite right, Inasulis," Leokas agrees. "As much as I'd desperately like to go there, make an example of the other mercs, and clear our names, there are but four of us. I do not think we would stand much of a chance in the current circumstances."

He sighs again. "But I would so like to see my friends again. Ina, wake me up when you go to bed and I'll take second watch."

Then he lays down in his bedroll and rolls attempts to get some sleep, ensuring his sword is within reach.

2011-07-07, 05:22 AM
"Onward we go then, no point wasting our lives for a cause that is neither ours nor paying," Trekker shrugs then lays down to sleep.

2011-07-07, 09:43 AM
The night passes uneventfully. The weather during the night is a low southern wind that though warm does not make things uncomfortable and as each of you wakes up for his own shift you feel relaxed and rested.

As the sun rises, Trekker, the last to be on duty wakes the rest of you and you begin your day with a decent warm breakfast.

You pack up and continue on your way and as the first couple of hours pass you begin to realise that there seems to be an increased mounted rider activity on the roads today. Nothing major but your experience and particular skill set allows you to notice it as the time passes.

You have just passed a group of farmers who are using oxen to move a cart loaded with produce when from some distance you see a rider your recognise coming from the North. As he approaches you recognise Sergiusz, one of your former comrades that was very often taking care of your wounded. He looks tired and worn out and so does his horse. As he sees you he pauses momentarily as if uncertain of how to react but in the end he comes close stopping his horse a dozen or so feet away from you, his left hand on the pommel of his scimitar while his right is ready to snap and make the horse gallop away.

You all remember that Sergiusz was one of the most vocal individuals speaking against the attack on the mines. As he waits there, waiting for you to engage him in coversation you also notice that he smells of sweat or worse, even from this distance.

please roll sense motive along with your posts.

2011-07-07, 09:59 AM
"Hail Sergiusz! A hard ride at your back and before you it seems? What news have you?" Trekker belts out as he slowly approaches their previous comrad.

Sense Motive

Edit: color

2011-07-07, 10:06 AM
He focuses on you intently as if trying to read your thoughts or something of the short as you speak.

You on the other hand cannot read him though it could be because his movements are slow and his features only betray his tiredeness to you.

He stays silent for a few more seconds as if trying to think what he wants to say and then shakes his head.

"Well met" he says over strained teeth. "Were you with them? Were you involved?" he continues as he looks at you intently.

2011-07-07, 10:16 AM
"With whom? Miklos? No, we left a while back, we are the only companions we have left now. Is that where you ride now," Trekker questioned.

Trekker will stop a few feet from Sergiusz as the smell asails his senses.

2011-07-07, 11:08 AM
He pulls back and you now see a hint of fear in his tired eyes.

"THERE WERE INFORMANTS! TRAITORS!!!!" he says, his tone approaching hysteria.

"They stayed with us so they could gather information. They know everything! Everything!!! You! Are you with them? Answer me now or by Mieliki I am going to break my vows and kill you all!" he almost screams his knuckles turning white from the strength he puts as his fingers tighten around the grip of the scimitar.

2011-07-07, 11:43 AM
"I can assure you that we are no traitors. We only saw fit to leave a situation we did not agree with. Were the miners the ones that came against you? Do they hunt you still," Trekker responded with great fervor as he took a step back.

2011-07-07, 12:17 PM
Inasulis listens to the exchange, trying to figure out Sergiusz's ravings. "Calm down Sergiusz. We're here on our own, for ourselves. Rest a bit, and gather your thoughts."

Inasulis lets one hand casually fall near his throwing axes... just in case.

Sensing them motives: [roll0]

2011-07-07, 04:21 PM
There were traitors. So, they must be us? What sense does that make? Even worse, there are four of us, and but one of you. Regardless of how you feel about us right now, to attack would only be suicide. As Inasulis said, calm yourself.

Sense Motive: [roll0]

2011-07-07, 04:51 PM
"Just tell us what happened, Sergiusz," Leokas appeals, trying to be as calming and nonthreatening as possible. "Where were there traitors? Who did they betray? Were you with the attack on the mines?"

Sense Motive: [roll0]
Diplomacy to calm him, convince him we're friends: [roll1]

2011-07-07, 05:58 PM
It is Leokas that realises that the man before him has been driven to the edge of madness from fear. You realise that its not just him being tired but rather that he has not slept and it is the reason he acts strangely energetic.

His eyes are sunken, indicating malnutrition and his skin color very pale. Before you can try and convince him more he launches in a tirade yet again.

"It was you, all of you and more! What are we to do than run away?" he continues to mumble.

"But I can show you! I can yes! The fate of all traitors! We are all dead men walking! Let alone the fact that the riders keep being allowed to pass" he says as indeed a rider seems to be moving also on the road but ignores you and continues on his way.

"Stop him! He and I both show you though I need to focus..." he says in broken language.

The man turns to move away of path and unto more forested area.

2011-07-07, 08:38 PM
"I know not of what you speak," Trekker says to Sergiusz.

"You there, care you to enlighten us as to where you are going and what you have to do with this man's accusations," He calls out to the passing rider.

2011-07-07, 11:35 PM
Inasulis stares after Sergiusz.

"I wonder what drove him to be like that. I'd like to be prepared if it's something that we might run into as well. Any thoughts on going after him?"

2011-07-08, 02:13 AM
The new rider who is just passing is a young man, mid twenties, seems well built and is unshaven. His clothes are that of a courier and as soon as he sees that you approach and call out to him he spurs his horse on trying to escape.

Sergiusz turns around and sees the scene and you all see him go even more pale.

"Stop him! He has them! He has the first of them and probably the most recent ones! For the love of the Gods stop him and then I will take you there and saw you everything!" he almost screams at you seeing as most have bows or ranged weapons of some kind.

Should you wish to do something, at the beginning of the round you are all 40 feet away from the rider.

He "acts" last.

2011-07-08, 05:25 AM
Trekker will pull his bow and cast an arrow at the horse making a hasty get away.

Attack Roll

2011-07-08, 08:43 AM
Because you never know

Ride check to stay on saddle DC 5 [roll0]

Resolving the first action but still waiting for the rest to say what they do before he gets to act.

The arrow flies true and plunges at the rear of the animal as it is moving but the rider holds on.

2011-07-08, 11:27 AM
Kero shoots the rider while sidestepping, hoping to get a better shot.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Skirmish: [roll2]

2011-07-08, 09:54 PM
Leokas immediately takes off at a sprint, charging at the fleeing courier and making a lunging stab against the horse.

Charge 40ft to the horse, then attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
And I have -2 to AC until the start of my next turn, I guess.

2011-07-09, 08:34 AM
ride check [roll0] - Use horse for cover
ride check [roll1] - Ride check not to fall off

The sword blow does indeed hit the hind leg of the large animal and the arrow of Kero's is also heading straight for the man.

With a quick movement though he shifts his body and lowers himself avoiding it. It does hit the horse though and once again it whinies in pain.

The poor beast is now sporting 2 arrows and an ugly bloody gash.

Waiting for Archwizards action... the horse looks severely wounded...

2011-07-09, 10:26 AM
Figuring that anyone trying to get away that badly must be worth talking to, Inasulis also charges after the horse, pulling out his greataxe as he does so.

Speed is 40', so charging should be no problem, and drawing greataxe as part of move action, etc.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]+[roll2]

2011-07-09, 10:38 AM
The blow that Inasulis was about to make would have been a deadly one. Unfortunately as he charges through the field towards the road where the rider is he trips over a rock and almost loses his balance.

dc 10 dex check please.

In the mean time the riders looks at all of you with anger in his eyes and draws a crossbow firing it at Leokas and then spurs the horse to move away.

[roll0] - in case of crit confirm [roll1]
damage [roll2]

Leokas you get an AoO against the horse.

2011-07-09, 10:39 AM
He misses by the way.

2011-07-09, 11:06 AM
Cursing as he trips on a rock, Inasulis tries his best to avoid falling and hurting himself.

Dex: [roll0]

2011-07-09, 11:58 AM
He manages to regain his balance and does not fall prone on the ground.

Both you and Leokas get an AoO actually as the horse moves away from the treatened area at full speed as opposed to disengaging.

2011-07-09, 07:48 PM
As the horse attempts to move away, Leokas spots an opening and strikes again with his sword.

AoO: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

And my AC is back to normal (17)

2011-07-09, 09:06 PM
Trekker launches a second arrow into the horse.

Attack Roll

2011-07-09, 11:43 PM
Fueled by the slight humiliation of having stumbled, Inasulis furiously swings his greataxe at the retreating horse.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-10, 02:16 AM
Both the arrow from Trekker and the blow from Leokas miss.

Inasulis though makes up for his earlier misstep and his blow does a huge gash on the horses side.

The creature rises on its two feet in pain, anguish and fear and collapses to the ground falling on the rider who is knocked back and prone the horse falling on him

"You bastards, you will hang for this!" he calls out from under the body of the animal.

Sergiusz who had not moved a muscle during the attack rushes closer after dismounting and starts tending the wounds of the horse ignoring the struggling man. He lifts a finger and mutters some words and then touches the latest biggest wound and it starts slowly closing.

As he does so he looks at all of you seriously.

"Its the rider that is the evil one, not the poor horse!!! Take care of him while I take care of this poor thing!"

2011-07-10, 03:53 AM
Leokas quickly moves to the man and stands over him, holding his sword out slightly so as to hang loosely over the man's neck.

"Just tell us what he's talking about, and maybe you can get out of here with your head still attached to your shoulders."

Intimidate: [roll0]
Not sure if I get a bonus for him being helpless.. add it if you feel it's warrented :smallwink:

2011-07-10, 09:03 AM
"It was about stopping the rider and keeping him alive, the horse cannot talk," Trekker states frankly as he approaches.

2011-07-10, 10:35 AM
The man's courage dissipates quickly as you approach him and he stops trying to get up as Leoká's points the sword at him.

"Okay okay! I'll talk. No need to get all emotional about it. I'm just following orders!" he whimpers and reaches for the sactchel he carries and throws it towards you.

Sergiusz in the mean time whispers a few words at the horses ear ignoring your comments and the man for the time being. He seems somewhat more relaxed now that the rider has been stopped and he has something to occupy himself with.

The horse slowly rises on its hoove and moves away with Sergiusz who turns to watch what you do. The rider maintains his position on the ground and keeps his hand visibly away from his crossbow and shortsword.

2011-07-10, 05:54 PM
Leokas catches the satchel and kicks the man's weapons out of reach before sheathing his own sword. He then opens the satchel and rummages around, searching for whatever the man was tasked with delivering.

2011-07-10, 10:51 PM
Inasulis watches the whole exchange with the rider on the ground with a detached sense of curiosity, wondering what all the excitement it about.

"Well, Leokas, what's so exciting about what this man was carrying anyway?"

While waiting for an answer, Inasulis keeps a wary eye on both the downed rider and Sergiusz, not really trusting either of them.

2011-07-11, 02:20 AM
The satchel is filled with wanted posters. Most are Dear or Alive but you identify some which are only "Dead" and some only "Alive". The prices on people's heads range from 250 gold to 1000 gold. All in all there are multiple copies for 16 men.

With a degree of horror you realise you recognise most, if not all, of the faces on the wanted posters. They belong to members of your former mercenary company that did not go through with the orders to attack the miners.

Deeper in the satchel you also find a small notebook that has half a dozen or so names, once again all of them of members that were part of the group that left. For those particular names there are no posters.

Your faces and your names are in neither group. Sergiusz's is in the group whose name is written in the notebook.

You also find a small pouch with 60 gold in the satchel and a silver seal with the letter Z on it.

2011-07-11, 04:10 AM
As Leokas rifles through the papers, his movements become more and more urgent and his panic is apparent on his face.

"Ohh boy, this is bad, guys," he says when he finishes investigating the notebook. "Wanted posters," he says, holding one up as an example, "all for our mercenary friends. And more of their names, including his -" he indicates Sergiusz with a tilt of his head, "- in this notebook. But our names aren't in either."

He pauses, investigating the silver seal. "And this," he murmurs, trying to remember if he's seen the seal anywhere before.

Knowledge (Local) to see if I recognise the Z seal: [roll0]

Finally, he turns to Sergiusz.

"Sergiusz," he says in as soothing a tone as he can manage under the circumstances, "what do you know about this? What's the difference between the names in the book and the names on the posters? Why aren't the four of us in here?"

2011-07-11, 07:12 AM
"Well, either they have special plans for us or they have forgotten, either way we will be looking over our shoulders," Trekker surmises as he starts looking in both directions down the road for more riders. Trekker then draws another arrow an knocks it waiting to stop the next rider.

2011-07-11, 07:32 AM
Sergiusz looks a bite more relaxed now that he has taken care of the horse.

He strides over to where you are and smiles.

"I apologise for my earlier behavior. Its been quite a few tiring days and nights without sleep." he says honestly.

"The posters are those about who they knew and have had time to set the bounty up..." he says as he looks at the rider who is still on the ground.

"Now the note pad... thats the important thing. One of the people that did not join the massacre was Corporal Blaine. Corporal Blaine was the Quartermaster. He had the names, addresses and all information of all of us. Since they haven been unable to find him they rely on capturing a few of us, interrogating them, or rather torturing them and getting as much information out of each one as possible. They then send riders to pass that information along by changing horses without stopping until more posters are printed... I guess my name came out from the last batch of torture in a village near here." he says as he spits at the rider.

"This bastard son of snake was with them. They caught my two best friends and had the executed as soon as they revealed where the Corporal is... you see we where in a group with the Corporal. He stayed back at our hiding hole while we went for provisions in the village. This whole business is still new and we didnt expect that they will be there already. They caught the others but I managed to steal a horse and escape... They dont have all the names yet but if they have caught the Corporal they soon will..." he says sadly.


You do recognise it. You know the symbol very well. It is the "calling card" of the Black Network, also known as the Zhentarim. Contrary to common belief not every Zent is a Zhentarim. Zents and Zentils are simply names for the locals and the standing forces of Zenthil Keep.

The Zhentarim are a half-secret organisation of the worst of them. Plotters, manipulators, slavers and overall the worst bunch of people anyone would ever want to meet or deal with.


Sorry if I dont make it very clear... just to clarify it in an OOC version

a) The "establishment" has started looking for those that deserted.
b) They dont have all the names or know everyone yet.
c) They hunt down those they know and they torture them to get more names.
d) A person they really wanted to get their hands on was Corporal Blaine who as the Quartermaster had information on almost all the regiment.
e) He and three others were hiding in a village near here. A day ago the group came out to gather provisions from the village.
f) They were captured (Sergiusz escaped) and might have talked about where the Corporal was hiding. For sure though they were interrogated and the names on that list were produced.

"Perhaps if we go to the village there might still be time" he says with hope in his eyes.

2011-07-11, 07:46 AM
"Looks like we need to get there and stop this problem quickly," Trekker sneers as he keeps an eye on the horizon.

Totally OOC but, can anyone say The A-Team?

2011-07-11, 10:31 AM
"Wait, you're saying they don't have my name? Not even a sketch of my face?" Leokas' eyes suddenly shone with renewed hope. "Then if we can get to them before they... 'interrogate' the Corporal, we can still be clear!"

He looked around at each of the others. "We absolutely have to get to the village and stop these men. Look, they're members of the Zhentarim," he says, holding up the silver seal. "I'm sure if you've heard of them, then you'll have no qualms about thinning their numbers a bit, if need be."

2011-07-11, 11:13 AM
Sergiusz nods as well.

"The village is a little less than a day from here. I can take you there if you want. The Corporal is a tough one... even if they found him and managed to catch him he wont talk easily... there might still be time..." he says with some certainty.

"What do you plan to do with... Him" he says pointing at your prisoner who is still cowering on the ground.

Seeing that your attention is once again focused on him he grovels even more if that is even possible and whines "Please, please, let me go... I am just a messenger, I am just following orders... take my horse, take the posters, take even the notebook so your crooked friend is not acknowledged as part of the rebels... I promise I wont tell anyone..." he says but you are not convinced about that last part.

2011-07-11, 12:23 PM
Looks around for other people, seeing that no one is watching turns his arrow to the zhentarim rider, and pulls back the string on his bow. "No one has to know you ever saw us," Trekker says with determination in his eyes. "As I have always felt, the only good zhent is a dead one!"

2011-07-11, 12:36 PM
Just for the shake of being correct :

A person from Zhentil Keep. Not all Zhents are members of the Zhentarim.

A defunct term for the military of Zhentil Keep to distinguish them from members of the Zhentarim.

Can refer to either the organization itself or members of the organization (can be singular or plural).


2011-07-11, 01:07 PM
OOC: I know. My character is not as discerning as I am. To a merc from his region, they all are the same.

2011-07-11, 01:50 PM
Inasulis grumbles "I had so wanted to avoid getting involved in this. However, we might as well go see if we can help this corporal. Trekker, would you hurry up and kill that idiot."

2011-07-11, 02:27 PM
Trekker lets loose the arrow, aimed at the zhentarim's heart.

Attack Roll

2011-07-11, 03:17 PM
The arrow, carried by cold, murderous intent against a defenceless prisoner finds its target. The man cries out and turns with the blow.

Before any of you can react he jumps back up and flings a well balanced knife on Trekker.

"Vipers! By Bane you will all be flailed" He yells out.

Combination of feats makes it a sneak attack against flat-footed
[roll0] - crit confirm [roll1]
damage [roll2] x 2 if crit
And fortitude save if it hits.

The rest of you can act afterwards.

2011-07-11, 03:26 PM
Fort Save

2011-07-11, 03:41 PM
Kero quickly reacts, shooting while retreating.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Skirmish: [roll2]

2011-07-11, 03:43 PM
As the dagger hits Trekker on the shoulder it does not seem to cause alot of damage. Just a small nick.

Before he has time to laugh off the pitifull attack of the man he collapses on the ground unconsious.

Unconsious for [roll0] rounds
A minute later you take another fortitude save DC 11 if you fail that you stay unconsious for [roll1] hours

As mentioned, others can take actions.

2011-07-11, 04:56 PM
Leokas delivers a series of deft, dancing blows with his double ended sword.

5-foot step if necessary to get next to the man, then full attack.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]
Offhand Attack 1: [roll2]
Offhand Damage 1: [roll3]
Offhand Attack 2: [roll4]
Offhand Damage 2: [roll5]

EDIT: Oh god! I'm completely inept!

2011-07-11, 06:37 PM
The two arrows and the blade blow are enough to make the man drop. He is not dead but dieing and will perish in a few moments as far as you can tell.

Sergiusz looks at you impatiently and calls out.

"Slap you comrade around until he wakes up, take anything you need and lets move out... I can lead you to the village and we take it from there..."

2011-07-11, 10:14 PM
Inasulis drags the rider's body to the side of the road, looking for a suitable section of underbrush to help prevent discovery of it.

2011-07-12, 03:22 PM
He finds a particularly large bush that is half concealed by some trees. Unless a predatory animal was to drag the corpse out this should be good enough and it wont be visible from the road.

If he searches him he finds another 2 poisoned throwing daggers but nothing else of significant value.

When you are done, and after Trekker wakes up again a few minutes later, Sergiusz starts walking towards the way you had seen him come but this time not so close to the road but rather actually using the edge of the forested area as cover.

The trip to the next... scene so to say takes half a day or so. So if your characters want to say something, interact with each other feel free to do so.

I am currently out of office for a couple of days so this gives you enough time for that :D

2011-07-12, 03:37 PM
Ok, cool.

"Well, that was unexpected and unpleasant. Should have expected that from a zhentilar dog," Trekker states as he stumbles up to his feet.

2011-07-12, 04:45 PM
"Napping on the job, eh, Trekker?" Leokas teases. "We should be prepared for similar tricks when we face the Zhentarim next," he adds as he starts following Sergiusz.

2011-07-12, 06:08 PM
"Indeed, well, off we go," Trekker says as he follows.

2011-07-12, 06:10 PM
"Indeed, well, off we go," Trekker says as he follows.

2011-07-13, 12:07 AM
Inasulis does a quick search of the body and puts the two daggers away before hiding the body in the bush.

Inasulis shakes his head at the banter of Leokas and Trekker and says "Let's get a move on. No need to be around here if and when that body is found."

As they get ready to go, Inasulis takes care to keep an eye on Sergiusz, still not trusting him.

2011-07-15, 05:25 PM
The hours pass and the tension is building. Every now and then your guide, Sergiusz, stops and checks the ground. You are almost sure he seems to be talking to the grass or a stone but cant confirm it as you dont hear anything.

Eventually your suspicions are confirmed when he seems to gasp and look worried after he does the same thing once again.

No matter how much you prob him he refuses to say anything. Yet another hour passes and as tiredeness settles he informs you that the village should be just ahead over the next hill, less than twenty minutes walk from where you are standing.

Another 10 minutes pass and you are indeed half-way up the afformentioned hill.

Spot checks and any reactions to the above please.

2011-07-15, 06:21 PM
Inasulis grumbles a bit from time to time, not sure what Sergiusz is up to.

As the group climbs the hill, he looks at Sergiusz and asks, "You sure this village is going to be receptive to our arrival?"

Spot: [roll0]

2011-07-15, 07:37 PM
Trekker keeps an eye to their backs for more riders, as he acts as though he understands their guide's strange behavior. "This should be good, finally a place to see real people."


2011-07-16, 01:41 AM
Leokas is far from happy with the situation, but figures this is the only way to clear his name, so what choice does he have but to listen to the madman.

As they go up the hill, he is immediately on the lookout for any danger in the surrounding countryside, especially coming from the village.


2011-07-16, 07:22 AM
It is with some apprehension that you all see something that troubles you.

Flocks of carrior birds, crows mostly, seem to be circling just over the ridge of the hill. Sergiusz motions you to move further of the road and stay low. He himself starts crawling forward.

Those of you that follow and indeed check over the hill are met with a gruesome spectacle.

A large elder oak tree set approximately a mile from the village has some very nasty fruit hanging from the branches.

You see three bodies hanging, crows flying all around them. Even from this distance you see that not only have they been hanged but they seem to have been tortured or mutilated first though the details are not clear yet, thank the Gods for small mercies.

What makes the seen even more horrible is that among the branches of the tree you can see a childrens tree house and even a makeshift kids swing descending from one of the biggest branches.

Sergiusz gasps and almost pukes managing just barely to hold the bile inside as a soft breeze brings the smell of bodies left in the sun for more than a day.

2011-07-16, 06:09 PM
"Once more, uncalled for death, this must end," Trekker chokes out as he looks away.

2011-07-16, 08:02 PM
Inasulis looks on the display with contempt and mild revulsion. "I knew coming up here was a bad idea. This is a sign that we need to get out of here." Inasulis pauses a moment and looks at Trekker, "Do you really think the four of us have a chance to stop this?"

2011-07-16, 08:10 PM
I think we do, but we'll have to get stronger first. In this condition, we'd stand no chance.

2011-07-17, 03:54 AM
Sergiusz looks back at you a bit more focused.

"No you fools. These men, these are our old comrades. They are the ones that the Zhentharim caught when I escaped." he says the shame obvious on his pained face.

" If they managed to get the location of Blaine of them they will have moved on... we need to see if there are any clues to gather from the village and then follow them. If we fail to act now all of us will end up hunted" he says with some urgency.

2011-07-17, 04:54 PM
Inasulis glares at Sergiusz, "For someone desperate for help, your tone could use some work. You say we need to go to the village? Fine, let's get a move on."

2011-07-18, 01:46 AM
"Look, everyone needs to calm down," Leokas urges, attempting to ignore the scene below them. "I think we can allow this man some slack, given the situation. He is absolutely right, though - he doesn't need our help, we all need each others help!"

2011-07-18, 05:20 AM
"This we can do, Serg is the only one we know they know. Keep a stiff upper lip, we'll find their numbers and take them smartly." Trekker looks with concern at his companions.

2011-07-18, 12:01 PM
The man glares back to Inasulis.

"I need help? They have my name and identity already my.... friend... I am doomed. You on the other hand may still have a chance... so I AM HELPING You and you would do good to remember that!" he says in a loud outburst.

Hearing what the rest of you say he nods and starts approaching the village taking a semi-circle approach and giving the hanging tree a wide berth.

2011-07-18, 01:25 PM
Trekker will follow Serg and look less suspicious than he.

2011-07-19, 06:23 AM
Leokas follows at a distance, attempting to remain silent and undetected.

Move silently: [roll0]

2011-07-19, 02:36 PM
Inasulis shakes his head in mild disgust, thinking Being led around by a crazy person, not sure I need this. But then again, it's not like I have anything better to do, and this land has so far been interesting.

"Whatever," Inasulis says, "I'll take up a flanking position to the side of our progress."

With that, Inasulis moves off the group by approximately 100' and attempts to follow silently while hiding.

Inasulis has a feat to move at full speed with no check penalties.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2011-07-20, 09:35 AM
Moving slowly ahead, or rather moving fast ahead while still hiding in the case of Inasulis, proves easy. Though as you approach you do see movement from the city as well as smoke coming up from the chimneys of numerous houses noone seems to be guarding the perimeter or paying attention to your approach.

The village, as you see when you approach closer is comprised of two dozen wood and brick houses, a large inn or tavern towards the western edge of it and a handful of other buildings that stand out.

"The one with the large door is the village elders residence. He is a friendly, jolly fat man that shared with us some food when we first came to the village before the rumor that we were hunted came. The one with the huge chimney is the smithy, no weapons or armor there, just pots, pans and horse shoes. Lastly there are a couple of richer folk that have fancier homes and a trader that carries anything from food stuff to house goods. Other than that there are no real guards or soldiers, the elder has two sons who are battle-worthy but nothing much" he says as you close in further.

At the edge of the village to the north of your position you see one building stand out. It stands out because it is half-burned and there are two armed and armored men searching the debris.

" That is the place where we were hiding... I guess those two are the rear-guard though there may be more in the village. We can either attack them or we can try and sneak into the tavern and ask around if anyone knows anything about the details of what happened..."

2011-07-20, 09:46 AM
"Two quick arrows and those guards are dealt with. We can then mask them in the debris and move about a little more freely," Trekker offers as he readies an arrow.

2011-07-20, 09:51 AM
"No objections from me... but perhaps we should check if there are others prowling about the city? Not that we cant take them by suprise but you never know... still killing those two sounds like a good idea if you are confident you can do it without them making noise or calling out..." says Sergiusz as he inches closer.

Unless you have stopped further away you are all approximately 120 feet from the city, laying low on the fresh spring grass that surrounds the village.

2011-07-20, 10:13 AM
Trekker will advance another 20ft closer to the guards and fires two shots. "Someone may want to back me up on firing shots at them," Trekker whispers as he moves up.

Rapid Shot = 1 extra attack both attacks at +6, Bowslinger = +2 vs flat-footed bringing total bonus for shots to +8
1st attack
1st damage
2nd attack
2nd damage

2011-07-20, 03:24 PM
The first attack was a nat 1. Roll me a dex check please.

2011-07-20, 03:29 PM

2011-07-20, 03:36 PM
Leokas attempts to move closer to the town, remaining hidden, planning to take care of any unwanted attention coming their way.

Hide: [roll0]

2011-07-20, 04:03 PM
The first arrow Trekker fires is loosed but the string almost snaps as he pulls to far.

He manages to only get a slighly blooded figure and he quickly fires a second arrow which finds its target.

The soldier cries out in pain but does not collapse.

In the mean time Leokas has managed to approach closer using buildings and trees as a cover.


2011-07-20, 06:33 PM
initiative: 1d20+
Edit: failed, I'll roll in the OOC thread

2011-07-20, 06:44 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2011-07-20, 09:09 PM

2011-07-20, 10:54 PM
While Trekker was firing, Inasulis will get as close as possible to the guys he is firing at.
Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Let me know how close he gets, then I'll decide actions from there.

2011-07-21, 07:18 AM
"Well that could have gone better," Trekker whispers aloud as he shakes his fingers.

2011-07-22, 08:34 AM
Initiative order as follows:


Inasulis and Leokas have approached within 40 feet of the two guards.

Post actions people and also Inasulis and Leokas spot and listen checks -after- you take your actions.

2011-07-22, 08:43 AM
Firing two arrows again a the guard that was hit last time.

Rapid Shot -2
Attack 1
Damage 1
Attack 2
Damage 2

2011-07-22, 08:54 AM
Kero advances while firing.

Skirmish: [roll2]

2011-07-22, 08:56 AM
Dex check: [roll0]

2011-07-22, 07:41 PM
Nodding to his comrades back atop the hill, Leokas bursts from hiding and charges the nearest of the two guards, striking with one edge of his blade when he gets close enough.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Spot: [roll2]
Listen: [roll3]

2011-07-26, 09:33 AM
The barrage of arrows as well as the well timed charge attack drop the first and closest guard he does not even have time to call out.

Kero in the mean time manages to regain his balance and focus as he almost also trips in what seems to be a recurring theme.

The other guard though is faster on his feet and unharmed. With a swift move he draws out a whistle and blows it and also draws his morningstar with blinding speed and taking a quick step he attacks Leokas.

[roll0] - in case of crit confirm [roll1]

His efforts though to alert possible other warriors and attack cause him to miss as he swings far too wide.

Inasulis from his vantage point sees all of the above plus that there are two horses hidden to the sides of the tavern that were not visible from your earlier position.

2011-07-26, 09:49 AM
Trekker will advance 5 ft and fires on the remaining guard.

Rapid Shot -2
Attack 1
Damage 1
Attack 2
Damage 2

2011-07-26, 09:50 AM
Attack two crit confirm


2011-07-26, 12:27 PM
Inasulis attempts to sneak up on the guard attacking Leokas.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]
To try and deny the guard his Dex bonus to AC.
If can set up flanking, add +2 to the attack roll.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4]

2011-07-26, 08:38 PM
Now that the guard has entered close combat, Leokas can focus more on his swordsmanship than his positioning. He performs a deft series of maneuvers, striking with both blades of his sword, taking advantage of the fact that Inasulis is now behind the guard, distracting him further.

Full Attack - I'm assuming Inasulis is flanking.
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1] + Sneak Attack [roll2]
Attack 2: [roll3]
Damage 2: [roll4] + Sneak Attack [roll5]

2011-07-26, 08:40 PM
Although the guard managed to parry one of Leokas' strikes, it leaves him off-balance, and Leokas is able to deliver a devastating blow into the man's side with his second strike.

Crit confirm for attack 1: [roll0]
Extra damage if crit confirm hits: [roll1]

2011-07-29, 07:55 AM
Inasulis does indeed manage to sneak behind the man and indeed he catches his opponent unaware.

Unfortunately though he hears the clang as his blade is blocked by the chain armor the man is wearing. It does give time to Leoka's to manage a very good blow that sends the man reeling and you see blood coating his teeth.

The arrow also strikes the man and it buries itself deep on his shoulder and he cries out in pain and drops to one knee. Despite his injuries though and seeing the body of his dead comrade that was not given the opportunity to surrender he twists his weapon in his hands and attacks Leokas dropping his shield and grabbing the weapon with both hands.

"DIE TRAITOR" he calls out.

Power attack for 2 and using the weapon two handed.

[roll0] - crit confirm [roll1]
Damage : [roll2] - in case of crit [roll3]

His blow would have been a deadly one had it managed to strike the man and indeed the head of morningstar almost buries itself in the ground from the impact.

I believe it is dragonsamurai and archwizard again. Conundrum and Stanley pause before posting next round actions.

2011-07-29, 09:47 AM
Kero retreats from the man with the morningstar while firing another arrow.

Skirmish: [roll2]

2011-07-29, 11:40 AM
Inasulis grunts with effort as he attempts to end this fight.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2011-07-29, 12:28 PM
The blade punctures the mans lungs cutting through the armor this time and he collapses. He dies before he touches the ground.

Dragon both you and me seem to have really angered the dice gods!!!! seriously.

You hear a fair amount of yelling coming from the tavern next to which the horses are located.

You have one action each.

2011-07-29, 01:05 PM
Trekker will run toward the town, trying to get a better angle.

2011-07-29, 02:23 PM
Inasulis looks down at the corpse and says, "You first."

He then hears the noise from the tavern and tries to find somewhere to set up an ambush from.

Move towards the tavern and try to find somewhere to hide.
Move Silently: [roll0] Not really sure this is necessary since the folks in the tavern are being quite noisy, but JIC.
Hide: [roll1]

2011-07-29, 09:43 PM
Leokas glances at Inasulis and nods, moving to the other side of the tavern and similarly finding a hiding place - essentially attempting to flank the tavern.

Move Silently: [roll0]
Hide: [roll1]

I just realised I'm a thief with no ranks in Move Silently OR Hide.

2011-08-01, 06:37 AM
Hehe thats nice ;)

A moment later and as you approach and set up three figures step outside in a hurry.

One of them is dressed just like the guards you just killed and looks worried as he sees the bodies as soon as they walk outside.

The other two are more striking though and dont seem as concerned.

The first is a human dressed in black clerics vestments though you clearly see the glint of armor from under them. He has an ornate mace in his belt but currently he is only wielding a shield and a gauntlet on his right hand. He is in his mid thirties and seems very well groomed and his clothes are of the finest quality.

The second is a young tiefling wearing a breastplate and wielding an oversized bastard sword as well as a steel shield and he looks towards the cleric for his command.

Both of them seem battle ready and alert.

2011-08-01, 07:12 AM
OOC: New Initiative?

Trekker will try to place an arrow between the cleric's eyes.

Crti Conf if needed
Crit Damage if needed

OOC:Don't knwo if you use called shot rules, or just resolve it however, but it is worth a shot. Cross your fingers boys.

2011-08-01, 09:21 AM
We dont use called shots in this (and in most) DnD games cause the result is blind, one-handed, one legged PCs cause killing an NPC with 1 blow may be fun but NPCs come from the NPC generating factory... PCs on the other hand stay the same...

You can make called shots against items though... so you can have a ready action to shoot the potion someone tries to drink... or use sunder and break his weapon...

A critical can have the fluff description of hitting between the eyes...

The Cleric raises his shield on the last moment and your arrow is deflected.

His eyes focus towards your location and he smiles as he motions to the tiefling.

"Take him, alive or dead does not matter... but make sure the head is intact" he says with a smile.

And yes initiative please... your above arrow counted as the suprise attack.

For them:

[roll0] tiefling and guard
[roll1] Cleric

2011-08-01, 09:24 AM
Initiative: [roll0]

2011-08-01, 09:27 AM
Inasulis watches the arrow go flying by, and hears the command to kill his teammate. He steels himself for combat.

Init: [roll0]

2011-08-01, 09:47 AM

OOC: Hoope the guys can wait and hide til he passes them. Too bad i didnt get a crit, that would have been golden.

2011-08-01, 04:47 PM
Leokas looks over at Trekker with some chagrin, not entirely convinced that he has taken the best course of action.

Oh well, nothing for it now, he thinks, preparing for battle.

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-08-01, 06:47 PM
Order is

Tiefling and Guard

Also in the future would you object if I roll initiative for all of you to speed things up?

Kero and Leokas actions please (if Conundrum posts first I will slot it after)

2011-08-01, 07:10 PM
Please do!

Kero fires an arrow.


2011-08-01, 10:47 PM
Leokas delays, waiting until the enemies have moved into a more advantageous position before he strikes.

However, he spends the time carefully studying the cleric, seeing if he has any magical auras or effects active which Leokas could use to his own advantage.

Delaying my action until after the bad guys have moved.

Spellcraft to detect magical auras or effects: [roll0]

Also, please do roll initiative for us. It's not such a riveting action that I feel compelled to always do it myself :smalltongue:

2011-08-02, 04:29 AM
Yes sorry about that. I should have suggested it earlier... some times people are eager to make all the rolls for their characters but this just slows down things in a pbp...

Also dragon you didnt say WHO you shoot at... regardless the 12 doesnt hit any of them so...

Kero fires an arrow that makes the guard drop his head and turn to look at your direction with worry obvious in his eyes. He reluctantly approaches you though he doesnt attack this round as he has to get next to you.

The Tiefling ignores Kero and continues approaching the target he was ordered to kill.

He charges Trekker waving the bastard sword expertly and...

Human Guard does double move to end up next to Kero.
Tiefling charges Trekker:
[roll0] - crit confirm if crit [roll1]
[roll2] - if crit damage [roll3]

he manages to bypass his targets defences and deliver a punishing blow!

Leokas in the mean time waits patiently for his opponents to move in such a way as to make things beneficial for him. He does not manage to discern any particular magical auras though this could be from the fact that he has had few seconds to do so.

Inasulis, Treker and Leokas can act and then its the Clerics turn.

2011-08-02, 04:59 AM
Leokas bursts from cover, seeing the tiefling as the most immediate threat. Plenty of time to deal with the cleric later.

He moves up quickly behind the tiefling Utilising the distraction of fighting two enemies to his best advantage, he brings his sword down on the man's back.

Attack: [roll0] (including +2 from flanking)
Damage: [roll1]
Sneak Attack: [roll2]
Crit confirm: [roll3]
Crit damage: [roll4]

Crappy damage rolls. :smallannoyed:
Should definitely hit though, seeing as he'll have -2 AC from his charge.

2011-08-02, 05:11 AM
It indeed hits and the tiefling calls out in anger as your blade finds a spot that is not covered by his armor.

Your sword runs red with blood and it is a good blow but it doesnt go as deep as you would have like it to.

2011-08-02, 05:18 AM
Trekker grimaces in pain as he draws an arrow.

Rapid Shot on teifling -2
Attack 1
Damage 1
Attack 2
Damage 2

2011-08-02, 07:04 AM
The first arrow hit and buries itself on his shoulder and the tiefling yelps in pain looking at both of you more seriously than before

I assume you take 5 foot step back or something to that effect? Cause otherwise firing a bow in melee causes an AoO...

2011-08-02, 08:08 AM
Indeed, sorry, forgot to include my movement. But it won't make much difference soon i'm guessing.

2011-08-02, 01:36 PM
Insaulis follows Leokas towards the Tiefling, attempting to gang up on him and bring him down as quickly as possible.

I'm assuming the Tiefling hasn't noticed me yet, so going to continue to try to move silently/hide:
MS: [roll0]
H: [roll1]
Move into a flanking position, trying to get +2 for flanking, deny Dex bonus via hiding, and also take advantage of the -2 AC for charging. Power attack for 2 (max allowed).
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] + [roll4]

Values here assume flanking is successful.

2011-08-02, 02:16 PM
The 5 foot step would have mattered if he had taken the AoO!

Thankfully Inasulis's lethality made this a non issue.

Just as Trekker backs of Inasulis jumps up and takes his spot swinging his axe from out of nowhere.

The Tiefling is indeed suprised and his charge had left him open, before he has a chance to raise his shield the scout-barbarian lops the damned villains head off.

The cleric looks in awe for just a moment. His frowns and his features contort in hatred and anger.

He slowly raises his gloved hand and it seems to catch on an unholy black fire. The next moment you hear him clearly invoking the power of Bane.

"Oh Master of Tyranny! Smite them I implore you. Avenge your fallen servant and punish the transgressor. Show him what awaits him in the afterlife!" he screams towards Inasulis.

Inasulis indeed feels a terrible pressure build inside his head as if a malevolent presence is trying to make your head explode...

The cleric also moves to make sure his back is on the wall of the tavern.

Inasulis needs to make a will save.

And also from the top, next round.

2011-08-02, 02:20 PM
Now I am glad I didnt kill the Teifling. 'Course i meant the guy would have killed me if he hit me again or the cleric for that matter, i am squishy.

Next action when it is Trekker will rapid shot the cleric.

Attack 1
Damage 1
Attack 2
Damage 2

2011-08-02, 02:26 PM
Inasulis grunts in effort as he tries to resist whatever is affecting his head.

Will saves on the melee guy, no fair :smalltongue:
Will Save:

Well damn, 17 had better save ;p

Glaring through the haze of effort and pressure, Inasulis focuses on the cleric. "You are going to die, like your friend here, for that."

I'm figuring that since one move action got me to the Tiefling from the tavern, one move will get me to the cleric.
If someone allows flanking, add +2 to the following attack roll (no power attack):
Attack: [roll]1d20+7
Damage: 1d12+6 + 1d6

2011-08-02, 02:36 PM
Gah. The site messed up while posting that. Take 2!

I'm figuring that since one move action got me to the Tiefling from the tavern, one move will get me to the cleric.
If someone allows flanking, add +2 to the following attack roll (no power attack):
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2]

2011-08-03, 05:04 AM
Leokas dashes to the other side of the cleric, flanking with Inasulis. He then strikes with his sword. At the same time, he takes advantage of the cleric's distraction to reach in to the cleric's magical aura and attempt to snatch one of his spells out from under his nose, absorbing it in to his own body.

Move to behind cleric (or beside, depending where Inasulis is).
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]
Crit Damage: [roll3]

Instead of Sneak Attack damage, I use Steal Spell. If the attack hits, I attempt to steal Cure Light Wounds from the cleric. If he doesn't know CLW then I steal one random 1st-level spell he does know. Either way, the Cleric will lose one 1st-level spell slot, and can't cast the stolen spell for 1 minute.

..But I'm guessing that missed, anyway.

2011-08-03, 06:53 AM
Save means no effect! Lucky you :D

Also, I will assume you charged. Simple move action wont reach him and it is the reason the tiefling charged as well...

An indeed he resists! The presence does not manage to enter the thoughts of the man and force him down.

Further more his attack manages to find an opening and he wounds the Cleric of Bane who grits his teeth in responce.

Leokas's attack despite the side flanking as well as the two arrows from Trekker though are not as fortunate and they only manage to strike the shield the man uses and allow him a moment of triumph!

We now need Kero, then its my guard and the cleric...

Just as a reminder to Kero there is a guard that is standing right next to him...

2011-08-03, 08:16 AM
Re: Charge, that's fine if it's required, just remember I move 40 not 30.

2011-08-05, 07:48 AM
Will wait until tonight for dragon and then resolve his action on auto so we can move on.

2011-08-05, 09:44 AM
Kero steps back and fires.

((5-foot step followed by 10 feet of movement, shoot at the guard who was next to me.))


2011-08-08, 12:21 AM
Dragon, just like me it doesnt like you at all... damn diceroller!

As Kero moves away and shoots the guard manages to dodge such a close blow and a glint of triumph is seen in his face as he charges the man calling out a battlecry that... fails to chill your blood.

and confirm in case [roll1]
damage [roll2] and confirm damage [roll]18+2

Meanwhile the cleric LAUGHS towards the two attackers and focuses on the man that actually managed to strike him.

He casts a spell defensively and manages to do without losing concentration and the attempts to attack, using his armed gauntlet the man who resisted his Gods judgement.

Touch attack [roll3]
Damage [roll4]
And + 2 damage from the black flame on his gauntlets.

OOC: Its all your guys turn effectively.

2011-08-08, 12:44 AM

Inasulis screams in pain and flies into a rage after being badly hurt, "YOU WILL DIE NOW!"

Activate Rage ability. Lasts 4 rounds, 2 left for the day.
So did I take 20 or 22 damage? I'm guessing 22, which means I'm at 13 (ow).
Attack with Power Attack (2): [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Note I have 15 AC now. Somebody heal me!

2011-08-08, 12:46 AM
Woo, here's hoping:
Crit confirm: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit: Bahahahaa, given what I had written, what an absolutely perfect time to pull off a critical hit.

Total Damage: 53
Sad thing is all my damage rolls stunk. A 3 (average 6.5) on the first one and then 11 (average 13) on the second.

2011-08-08, 01:45 AM
You got 22!

And may I say Epic! Well placed Crit! 21 is his AC along with buffs etc so... that confirms...

Luckily he uses his Cloak of Shadow and jaunts...

no... j/k :D

As the man before him screams the Banite takes a step forward preparing to finish him off.

He does not expect what is coming though. Instead of cowering his "prey" rages and brings the axe up cleaving the man in half.

You all see a suprised look on the clerics face as he collapses and dies.

The only enemy standing now is the lone guard that went after Kero and turning around and seeing the scene that unfolded behind him he seems in the verge of panic.

Will calculate the XP that you are due and post in my next post btw...

2011-08-08, 05:48 AM
Trekker will advance a few steps (10ft) and fires another shot, this time at the guard.


2011-08-09, 07:19 AM
As Trekker's arrow flies wide, Leokas closes on the guard, talking quickly and quietly to his companions. "No! Take this one alive. Maybe he can tell us more about the situation here!"

He then attempts to strike the guard's weapon from his hands.

So as I understand it, I provoke an AoO - if that hits me (AC 17), the attempt fails. If not, he has to roll higher than:

Disarm roll: [roll0]

on his own attack roll to avoid being disarmed.

2011-08-09, 01:28 PM
So lets see... AoO
[roll0] - confirm [roll1]
And damage [roll2] damage and crit confirm [roll3]

And opposed disarm


As Leokas rushes him the guard raises his sword to try and deliver a weak blow.

Leokas though is faster, more experienced and more capable. He avoids the blow with ease by stepping back for a moment and then his strike causes the man to lose grip of his weapon.

The guard, reluctantly lifts his hands and drops to the ground.

"Mercy! Mercy!" he calls out.

Everyone gains 1500 XP. Those include XP for defeating/killing enemies (including the messenger) as well as story XP for progressing this far.

2011-08-09, 02:33 PM
Clearly still in his battle rage, Inasulis grabs the guard and lifts him into the air squeezing a bit as he does so. "Given what we've seen," he growls, "why should we show you mercy?"

Since in rage I can lift 520 lbs over my head and 1,040 lbs off the ground, I figure picking this guy up and manhandling him a bit should be no trouble.

2011-08-09, 02:35 PM
Put him down. Perhaps he does not deserve mercy, but wea are better than this.

2011-08-09, 02:39 PM
Trekker will motion for Sergieus to come up and then search the man with the bastard sword.


2011-08-10, 11:51 AM
The guard wets himself as he is lifted up.

"I am just a hired blade! I did not do anything wrong sire! I have a wife and kids!!!" he whimpers.

Trekker finds a pouch with 110 gold coins, the bastard sword, a masterwork breastplate, a mw large steel shield and a ring of some kind as well as two daggers hidden in his boots. The tieflings actual gear may be located elsewhere as he seems to have just gotten out when the noise were heard.

2011-08-10, 12:03 PM
Trekker will relieve the man of his 110 gold, pouch, sword, ring and 2 daggers. Before joining the group.

2011-08-10, 01:32 PM
Inasulis snorts in disgust, "Fine." He throws the guard to the ground. "Do what you will with him."

With that, Inasulis goes over to tavern wall and collapses against it, his rage dissipating. The effort of his rage and the wounds he suffered clearly have left him extremely tired.

2011-08-11, 09:45 AM
You hear a few voices from the tavern but the fact that there is fighting inside seems to keep the occupants and patrons of the tavern inside.

The man crawls towards Kero who spoke to his defence and looks up at him.

Ball is in your court by the way...

2011-08-11, 09:52 AM
"So, should we do this here or find a place more secretive," Trekker asks as he walks up and looks at the others.

2011-08-11, 01:01 PM
Inasulis tries to listen in on what is going on in the tavern.

Listen check: [roll0]

2011-08-11, 04:36 PM
"I think we can take care of it here," Leokas says, glancing towards the noisy tavern as he moves to stand over the guard.

"I, personally, have no desire to hurt you. You're just a man doing his job. My companions, on the other hand, I cannot speak for. Tell us what you know - who hired you, what for, anything you think might be useful - and I'll see to it that you leave here alive."

2011-08-13, 06:13 AM
Inasulis glares at the guard. "Better speak up while the nice man is giving you a chance. I am definitely one of the ones he cannot speak for if you don't."

Inasulis scowls and mutters, "Can't hear anything worthwhile in that blasted tavern."

Inasulis gets up and searches the cleric's remains.

I assume you (ArcoSan) meant that the fighting outside is keeping the folks in the tavern inside. Not that there is fighting inside the tavern.

2011-08-16, 07:55 AM
That is a correct assumption.

As he doesnt hear anything from outside and heads over to the cleric he finds the following.

The dead cleric is wearing a masterwork scale mail, a masterwork shield and fine quality clerics vestments. He has the heavy mace he did not use and a gauntlet with nasty looking claw like fingers and he is also wearing a necklase, a fine pair of boots and a strange looking cloak. He does not seem to carry a money pouch at all.

At Leokas's words your prisoner shakes a bit a seems to regain his composure.

"I, and the others were hired by Brother Erevus, the man you killed. Actually it was Vereth, the tiefling, that hired us to work for Erevus. He did not tell us what his plans were, he just needed strong men to help him pacify any rebels in the area that had chosen to betray their oaths and turn against their calling as he put it... we just went city by city and searched for any traitors and also had runners send the information on the chain of informants... I do not know much more than that!" he says hesitating.

Then taking another look of the monster with the battle axe he decides against hiding anything.

"Yesterday we came here and found some rebels. Though one of them escaped we caught the other two and they revealed to us the information that a traitor Quartermaster was in the area. The priest sent out the larger contingent of his force along with Sister Carisa to capture him and wait for reinforcements as we had information that he had ways to cloud his thoughts... she and her men reported earlier that they had captured the man and would wait for a high legate of Bane to perform the interrogation..."

2011-08-16, 08:25 AM
"And did they say where they are now," Trekker questions.

2011-08-16, 08:25 AM
Inasulis curses, "Blast it all, no potions!" Inasulis takes the necklace, boots, and cloak.

Turning his attention to the remaining guard, Inasulis snarls "Where can I find some healing potions? And tell us more about this Sister Carisa, and when this high legate of Bane is supposed to arrive."

2011-08-16, 09:02 AM
The man cringes as you yell at him.

"I dont know nothing about no potions!!! I know the two of them had some gear with them in their room but I never saw no potions!" he whimpers.

"I have heard that almost a day from here there is a hilly area where they plan to wait as it is defensible position... I have never been but it is a known location! Sister Carisa had a mean streak, she was the equal of Brother Erevus if not slightly above him... she belonged to something called the Sisterhood of Tender Mercies... I dont know when the High Inquisitor is supposed to arrive but I have heard whispers that he is the high priest of Bane in this entire region. Sister Carisa took a ring from Erevus that is supposed to send forth some kind of animal messenger to bring him back and that is how the communication would be fast... I know nothing more I swear!" he says trying to crawl as far as the rest of you let him.

2011-08-16, 09:23 AM
"There is no reason to be so afraid. We have no reason to kill you anymore. In fact, we could use your assistance in locating Sister Carisa. We look to free the quartermaster before the high inquisitor arrives. Will you help us fight the good fight," Trekker says to the man, stepping into his path.

2011-08-16, 09:30 AM
Inasulis snorts and says, "Which rooms were theirs?"

He turns his attention back to the tavern while listening for the guard's answer. Inasulis scopes out the inside as best he can, surveying the people inside to see if there's a threat.

2011-08-16, 09:34 AM
Depending on what he considers a threat, inside he sees half a dozen scared peasants. The bartender and a serving girl can be seen cowering behind the actual bar.

Your prisoner looks very worried at all this.

"I... I.... after... er... after today I think I should consider changing professions... being a... soldier does not seem like a wise career move... and I dont want to be negative but... going against them... er... well... its not the best thing I can think of doing..." he says worried his words will get him killed.

"As for rooms... I know that unlike us they had asked for a room to be emptied for them two only... the rest of us were staying in the common room..."

2011-08-16, 09:38 AM
"Fine." Inasulis goes and picks up the tiefling's head. He then marches into the tavern and shows the bartender the head. "Which room was this guy's? And he obviously won't be bothering you anymore."

2011-08-16, 09:41 AM
"I appologize for my companion. Please, come inside," Trekker tells the soldier as he offers to help him to his feet. "We are not all cut out for this life."

2011-08-16, 09:59 AM
There are a couple of screams as the bloody head is dragged inside.

The owner looks around and then at the serving girl which you guess by her features must be his daughter.

"Please do not harm us mr. brigand, sir! We are just farmers and have done nothing wrong! We have paid our taxes and we do not understand why such menace is inflicted upon us! The mans room was on the second floor, the large corner room... we will do as you say but please do not hurt us..." he begs.

The soldier follows you inside assuming you push him as he is reluctant to close the distance with Inasulis.

2011-08-16, 10:06 AM
Inasulis scowls and says, "You have nothing to fear from me."

He then goes up to the room described to search it.

Edit: Obviously, still taking due care to be wary for ambushes, danger, etc etc.

2011-08-16, 10:09 AM
"Please excuse my friend, it has been a very rough couple of days and we are distrought over the thought of you fine people being bullied by these Banites," Trekker speaks aloud as he pushes the soldier into the tavern.

2011-08-16, 04:56 PM
Leokas follows the others into the tavern, content with the questioning. He follows Inasulis upstairs, watching his back while he searches the room.

"If the Quartermaster has ways to cloud his thoughts, we might just have time to save him before that Banite gets there," he thinks aloud. "It's a pity we can't intercept that animal messenger from Carisa somehow..."

2011-08-18, 10:40 AM
Hello guys,

I will be away from pc/internet for the next couple of weeks. I can understand if you are not willing to wait and want to drop but I am out on vacation with my bf and wont have access to PC most likely!

In any case, I will put an update later today,...

2011-08-18, 10:41 AM
Its cool, I can wait.

2011-08-18, 03:14 PM
After Inasulis is upstairs the tavern keeper says softly to Trekker.

"I do not know what you mean by bullying... I mean sure they are not nice folk but they protect this area and although taxes are steeps we are bandit free and monster free while they have ruled... they also never took anyone that didnt break any laws so bad folk they may be but bullies not so much... I fear your killing of them though will bring heaps of trouble on our heads..." he says looking worried.

In the meantime Leokas and Inasulis find the room and open the door.

Inside they find a rather large room with two seperate beds and what seems to be provisions for a trip. Two dozen rations, changes of clothes, both for the cleric and the tiefling warrior, some general equipment including quils and inks and other such items.

Lastly, not so much hidden as simple tucked away they find a small chest that contains a holy symbol of Bane made from silver and white gold, 4 vials and 200 gold coins in two pouches of 100 gold each.

2011-08-18, 03:29 PM
"Look, I do not intend to bully. However, the ones that were downed tonight were done so due to their enforcement of tracking down good men and killing them. We are not the deserters they would make us out to be, we just saw no good to come from killing a bunch of miners," Trekker states as he sits.

2011-08-18, 04:37 PM
The serving girl seems a bit braver than the rest of the patrons and she carefully approaches where you sit and offers you a large mug of beer.

As she closes in and leans next to you she whispers.

"Well I for one support you brave warriors! Thank you".

After this show of bravery the other patrons seem to relax a bit though they still keep their eyes on you and the owner gets up from behind the bar.

Your prisoner also sits next to you and so does Sergiusz after turning to check up on Kero.

2011-08-18, 04:48 PM
Digging through the items Inasulis mutters, "Crap, crap, crap, ahh, this is more interesting." He scoops up the chest.

Looking at Leokas, Inasulis says, "You should have the others come up here to see if they need any of these supplies. This food and money will certainly help. Also, take these coins and give them to the tavern keeper, I want him to understand we are not his enemies." With that, Inasulis hands Leokas two gold coins.