View Full Version : Background check

2011-06-29, 05:37 PM
Heya giants. Hope we all are playing nice.

Well i have for some time tried to come up with a nice background storry
I wanted to know. If there's a good places one can go get a storry made up for me. See im quite bad at comming up with those thinges. Or maybe someon as the skills to find on up.

Im a Human Druid and for once id like to have a fairly good backgroundstory to base my character on. We start at level 3

2011-06-29, 05:49 PM

Have your druid enjoy doing something that isn't druidic per se. Not something anti-druidic, mind you... but let's say kobolds.

Perhaps your character is quite fond of beating up kobolds.

Druid's your job, but it doesn't have to define everything about you, after all. ^_^ I'm fond of my druids being explorers, who like going to various places - one enjoyed mapmaking and basically documenting everywhere he'd been. He's also fond of the natural world and his oaths result in him not wearing metal and the like, but he's best defined as an explorer.

King Atticus
2011-06-29, 06:05 PM
Have your druid enjoy doing something that isn't druidic per se. Not something anti-druidic, mind you... but let's say kobolds.

Whew...I thought you were going to take that in a completely different direction. :smallbiggrin:

2011-06-29, 09:20 PM
Here's a few ideas I had for druidic back-story:

1. He could be a druid who is far more militant then the average druid due to the fact that the forestry industry is particularly devastating in the area he is from
2.He might have lived his entire life in a city, learning from the druids that maintain the forests outside of the walls (or maybe the parks in the city). He is finally excited to get out of the city and actually get to preform his duties as a druid.
3. perhaps he had a childhood friend that eventually decided to become a logger (or something else suitably un-druidy)
4. Perhaps he was inspired to love the wilds after meeting an awakened animal.

hope this helps

2011-06-30, 11:35 AM
You could also have a social quirk that involves nature. Like being deathly afraid of insects.

2011-06-30, 11:42 AM
My favorite druid dichotomy is the LN druid versus the CN druid. Is nature inherently ordered and logical or is it random and savage?

2011-06-30, 04:28 PM
I know you asked for a specific background from someone but I thought I'd give a few tips for it. Backgrounds are fairly easy when you break them down to their simplests parts: Who, What, Where and Why...

Answer these questions and you can have a very basic background to expand on later.

Who: A Human Druid.
Where: Raised in Random Port City #35
What: You left the city
Why: Because the grove was burned to the ground

Now you can expand on that basic info by applying the same basic questions Or simply filling in the holes. are your parents alive/dead? What was their profession? Do you have siblings and if so, are they also adventurers and what are their classes. Why was the grove burned? Do you know who bruned it? That screams side quest for the DM to send you and the party on.

I like to come up with backgrounds for all of my characters even if the DM doesn't ask for them. It gives me reasons to act scared when my Dwarf Cleric screams out because someone give him ale. His father was a cooper (guy that makes barrels)and drowned in one of the large vats of ale he made. It makes for silly times in a tavern...plus it also can give the DM ideas for plot/storylines...say one of your brothers is kidnapped by the BBEG or thrown in prison on trumped up charges. It's up to you and the party to rescue him.

2011-06-30, 07:38 PM
Well, I've always thought it would be interesting to have a Druid that focuses on rot, decay, and death. It's part of the natural order, after all. Spells would focus on things like Summon Swarm, shaping spells, Blight (might try to refluff it to act more like Flame Strike so it's not horribly limited- justify it by your character's heavy focus on decay), Chill Metal, Contagion, Reincarnate, etc. You can also get Entangle stuff to fit well, as that's what breaks down buildings in the long run. Fungi count as plants for D&D's purposes, so you can put more emphasis on that in a lot of scenarios. Animals can be scavengers or vermin where possible.

Sorry, that's a bit unfocused, but feel free to play around with it as you like. They work with with neutral or evil. Lawful would be focusing on the natural order- everything dies- while chaotic would be focused on the chaos that consumes everything- the rot that creeps in where you try to keep it out, etc.

At any rate, if I played a Druid, that's the route I would take, revering nature for all the most unpleasant parts. If your character is more original, you can keep the background a bit more secretive, and don't have to worry as much about it. If you want one, the first thing that comes to mind is that their parents were killed when he/she was young. They grew up, sought revenge, tracked down the killers, only to find that they had died in the forest (or wherever), and were now so much fertilizer.

2011-07-01, 09:11 AM
Thanks all for lending your minds to the cause, much appreciated.

Will have to think about all this and see if I end up with something I like.