View Full Version : Dungeon Fighter Online, The Unofficial Thread: Act X is ON!

2011-06-29, 09:57 PM
I just hope that this is the first of many threads. In the meantime, I'll get back to the Serious Questions soon. (I need suggestions.)

So, if you play Dungeon Fighter Online (or, for you PAL region-ers, Dungeon & Fighter), you may have noticed that there was a big update today. And by big, I mean the BIGGEST Neople has done for their arcade/MMO masterpiece. (one man's opinion!) Act X: Rebirth as it is known, adds a new class, the Thief, which South Korean players have been thoroughly enjoying for the past year, is finally within our grasp! Wahoo! The level cap also was booster to 70, and 9 new dungeons were added. The fatigue point system, which never hindered my gameplay, was also removed in favor of the "blitz" points, which increase AS you play, and get you bonus EXP in return, meaning longer play sessions equals bigger characters.

Personally, I've not been following this update nearly as much as I would have, but I'm sure someone has. I'm not thrilled about the Blitz points, but hey, most people will be.

My biggest goal with this thread, however, is to set up the Chocolate Hammers guild, after the TF2 server run by Giant in the Playgrounder members, so we have a nice community within the game, for anyone to be able to join, and have someone to run dungeons with.

That is all, thank you.

2011-06-29, 10:02 PM
Man, I really want to play this game. Pity it isn't available in Eur-

(or, for you PAL region-ers, Dungeon & Fighter)

Wait. Does that mean what I think it means? Because if it does, OHMYGOSHSOEXCITEDNOW!

Edit: Apparently it doesn't mean what I thought it did. Bah.

2011-07-01, 08:52 PM
Can haz Link? :smallfrown:

2011-07-01, 08:57 PM
Can has what?

Oh, to the site, sure. You bet. (http://dungeonfighter.nexon.net/)

2011-07-01, 10:11 PM
Man this game looks killer! I'm going to have to check it out!