View Full Version : Potential power VS Power that's actually used... and how that relates to risk-fun.

2011-06-29, 10:52 PM
Well I got into this discussion over on myth-weavers.

My character was a red wizard. And so has circle magic. As of current I was only planning on making one simulacrum once we got some XP. And use that for circle magic.

But I pointed out that depending on the needs of the campaign I could grab a thought bottle and crank out nine. skyrocketing my personal power to the point where I could probably handle challenges many times my level. due to spell trading and CL boosting shenanigans. Not to mention the fact that at the end of the day... I'd still have 9 copies of me running around.

A poster responded that he thought such a build wouldn't be fun for him because he liked the risks and winning against the odds.

To which I pointed out that since I'm not using it and it takes time to charge up, and simply isn't possible in some circumstances. Thus there was still many risks but it's there, in a good campaign everyone gets their moment to shine. And if mine is pulling out the stops and taking on a small army with multiple castings of summon elemental monolith (Fire) and Hellish horde...

Akal Saris
2011-06-29, 11:21 PM
Meh, I think in a solo game that'd be justified, since the DM can just adjust to your new power level and throw Szass Tam or Elminister or whatever other challenges are now suitable.

In a group game, it's hard to think of other classes that will be able to contribute to the game in a meaningful way at level 9 when you're CL 40 and all your spells are heightened to level 20. And I wouldn't want to annoy my friends by soloing a small army while they watched.

2011-06-29, 11:31 PM
Meh, I think in a solo game that'd be justified, since the DM can just adjust to your new power level and throw Szass Tam or Elminister or whatever other challenges are now suitable.

In a group game, it's hard to think of other classes that will be able to contribute to the game in a meaningful way at level 9 when you're CL 40 and all your spells are heightened to level 20. And I wouldn't want to annoy my friends by soloing a small army while they watched.

Gestalt twentieth level game. They are plenty awesome themselves. And I don't use it, I'd need to pay for all of that.