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Imperial Psycho
2011-06-30, 09:31 AM
June, 1550

East Asia Company
The News of the English betrayal sweept across Japan. The Mori and Otomo clans are outraged, and begin talks of an alliance against the invaders. They are currently marshaling their forces for an attack The Shoni clan has refused to attend these talks, claiming they will remain neutral.
The anger towards the East Asia Company has also been directed at the DOFAD, but so far, no clans have made any attempt to dislodge them from Sado Island.

Ukita Clan
The Ukita clan is on the path of war, as their Daimyo, Ukita Naioe, has lead an army of samurai into Mimasaka province (17), laying siege to the castle there. The besieged Urakami sent a messenger to the Ashikaga Shogun in Kyoto, but received no response. Ashikaga armies remain in place around Kyoto.

Death of a Daimyo
The Daimyo of the Oda Clan, Oda Nobuhide, has died suddenly of a strange illness. His son, Oda Nobunaga is named as his successor, though he has a reputation as a delinquent. The funeral for the late Nobuhide will take place within the month.

Ikko Ikki
The Ikko Ikki continue to grow in number, recruiting from the peasant populace all over Japan. A pacifist sect of Buddhists, they believe all are equally saved by the Buddha’s grace. Operating primarily out of a stronghold in Settsu Province (31), they claim to only take up arms to defend themselves from attackers. However, the existence of so many armed peasants makes many uneasy, and many of these peasants have left the fields, leaving no-one to till the land.
The Azai clan, supported by the nearby Miyoshi clan, are calling for an attack on these peasants, to teach them their place. The Ashikaga Shogunate has sent a message of approval.

The Ainu natives in the north of Hokkaido have begun to riot, demanding Abe Clan leave Northern Hokkaido, calling their rule unjust and oppressive.

Player Factions
Abe clan
Territory: Hokkaido (63)
Army: ++
Navy: +++++ +
Wealth: +++++
Honour: ++
Espionage: ++-
Morale: +++-
Miyake Clan:
Territory: Ise (36), Owari (45), Mikawa (46), Shima (66), Totomi (48)
Army: ++
Navy: ++-
Wealth: +++++
Honour: +++++
Espionage: +/+++
Morale: ++++
Hensho Clan
Territory: Kaga (40) Noto (41) Etchu (42) Hida (43)
Army: +++-
Wealth: ++++
Espionage: +++++ -
Honour: ++
Morale: +++-
Yamana Clan
Territory: Iyo (20) Sanuki (21) Awa (22) Tosa (23)
Army: +++++
Navy: +++++
Wealth: ++
Kirigami Clan
Territory: Kai (51) Sagami (54) Musashi (55) Shimosa (58)
Army: +++++
Espionage: ++/++++
Honour: ++++-
Asakura Clan
Territory: Echizen(39), Mino(44), Wakasa(38)
Army: ++-
Navy: +-
Wealth: +++
Espionage: +++
Honour: +++++
Morale: +++++
Shimazu Clan
Territory: Izumi (32), Kii (33), Kwatchi (34), Yamato (35)
Wealth: ++++-
Espionage: +++++
Honour: +++
Morale: ++++
Territory: Sado (64)
Army: ++++
Navy: ++++-
Wealth: +++++
Espionage: +/+++
Honour: -
Morale: ++++
English East Asia Company
Territory: Satsuma (1) Osumi (2) Hyuga (3) Higo (4)
Army: ++++
Navy: +++++
Wealth: +++++
Espionage: +++-
Honour: -
Mutsu Clan
Territory: Hitachi (57) Mutsu (61) Dewa (62)
Army: +++++ +
Navy: +++++
Wealth: ++++
Espionage: +
Honour: +
Morale: +++-
Uesugi Clan
Territory: Shinano 47 Echigo 49 Kozuke 50
Army: +++++
Wealth: +++
Espionage: +++
Honour: +++
Morale: ++++
Major Clans
Ashikaga Shogunate - Overly cautious, they claim control of all Japan, but the clans no longer listen to them. However, they remain in control of a sizeable army, and are known for their honourable conduct. They are reluctant to go to war, however, and their armies rarely venture from their capital of Kyoto.
Leader: Ashikaga Yositeru, Shogun.
Territory: Tajima (27) Tamba (28) Tango (29) Yamashiro (contains Kyoto) (30)
Army: +++++ ++
Navy: ++
Wealth: +++++
Espionage: ++/++++
Honour: +++++
Morale: +++

Hojo Clan - Renowned Castle builders, the Hojo are former Imagawa vassals. Now, through their ambition, their former masters are in vassalage themselves, and the Hojo are more powerful than ever. The Hojo are cautious and ambitious, a dangerous combination.
Daimyo: Hojo Ujimasa
Territory: Suruga (52) Izu (53)
Army: +++/+++++
Navy: +++
Wealth: ++++
Espionage: ++
Honour: +++
Morale: ++++

Azai Clan - Known for their disciplined Samurai Military, the Azai Clan is a small, but growing clan. Their weakness lies in their peasant subjects, who are themselves known for riot and rebellion. The old Daimyo was able to keep the peasants in hand, but the current leader is a weakling.
Daimyo: Azai Hisamasa
Territory: Omi (37) Iga (65)
Army: ++++
Navy: 0
Wealth: +++
Espionage: +++/+++++
Honour: +++++
Morale: ++

Mori Clan - Initially friendly to the East Asia Company and it's trading, they turned hostile as the news spread of the East Asia Companies seizure of Japanese land. Their large peasant armies have small amounts of firelocks from European traders. Additionally, the Mori are expert Sailors.
Daimyo: Mori Motonari
Territory: Nagato (10) Suo (11) Aki (12) Iwami (13) Bingo (14) Izumo (15)
Army: ++++
Navy: +++++
Wealth: +++
Espionage: ++
Honour: ++
Morale: ++++

Sakai Clan: The Sakai clan is a peaceful, relatively small clan. They retain a small samurai army, and moderate naval forces, but prefer peace and prosperity to war.
Daimyo: Sakai Tadsatsugu
Territory: Kazusa (59) Awa (60)
Army: ++
Navy: +++
Wealth: +++-
Espionage: +/+++
Honour: ++++-
Morale: +++

Urakami Clan: A subtle clan, their power based primarily in wealth and secrets, rather than samurai, they are fierce rivals to the nearby Ukita Clan, whose Home territory they occupy.
Daimyo: Urakami Norimune
Territory: Bingo (14) Bichu (18) Mimasaka (17) (Bizen) (19)
Army: ++
Navy: +++
Wealth: ++++
Espionage: +++++
Honour: ++
Morale: ++++

Ukita Clan: A warlike clan, the Ukita have a hatred for the nearby Urakami clan, who forced them out of Bizen province, their ancestral home.
Daimyo: Ukita Naoie
Territory: Hoki (16) Inaba (25)
Army: ++++
Navy: +++
Wealth: +++
Espionage: ++
Honour: ++++
Morale: ++++

Torii Clan: A fairly peaceful Clan, the Torii rely on paying off their neighbours to avoid war. Most clans expect them to fall soon enough, yet none are willing to press the attack while the wealth flows from them.
Daimyo: Torii Mototada
Territory: Shimotsuke (56)
Army: +
Navy: 0
Wealth: +++++
Espionage: ++++
Honour: ++
Morale: ++

Miyoshi Clan: A small, trading clan, the Miyoshi rely on their large navy and peasant army to keep them safe. They are on the rise, having recently overcome the rival Rokkaku and Hosokawa clans.
Daimyo: Miyoshi Nagayoshi
Territory: Awaji (24) Harima (26) Settsu (31)
Army: +++
Navy: ++++-
Wealth: +++
Espionage: ++
Honour: ++
Morale: +++

Shoni Clan: The Shoni clan heavily trade with Europeans, largely the Portuguese. The Arquebus has found heavy use in their armies. The Daimyo has even converted to Christianity. They are considered Traitors by many clans, but their advantage in battle cannot be denied.
Daimyo: Shoni Tokinao
Territory Hizen (7) Chikuzen (8)
Army: ++++
Navy: ++
Wealth: +++
Espionage: ++-
Honour: +
Morale: +++

Otomo Clan: The Otomo Clan were the first to trade with Europeans. However, they turned away from them when they began occupying Japan, and maintain their disclipined Samurai Armies. However, the spread of Christianity in their lands erodes their morale.
Daimyo: Otomo Sorin
Army: ++
Navy: ++++-
Wealth: +++
Espionage: ++
Honour: ++++
Morale: ++
Minor Clans
Oda Clan
Daimyo: Oda Nobuhide (deceased)
Location: Owari (45)
Vassal of: Miyake Clan
Army: +++
Navy: +
Wealth: ++
Espionage: -
Honour: +++
Morale: +++

Takeda Clan
Daimyo: Takeda Shingen
Location: Kai (51)
Vassal of: Kirigami Clan
Army: +++
Navy: 0
Wealth: +++
Espionage: 0/+++
Honour: ++
Morale: +++

Ito Clan
Daimyo: Ito Yoshisuke
Location: Hyuga (3)
Vassal of: East Asia Company
Army: +-
Navy: +++
Wealth: ++-
Espionage: +++/0
Honour: ++
Morale: +-

Maeda Clan
Daimyo: Maeda Toshiie
Location: Kaga (40)
Vassal of: Hensho Clan
Army: +
Navy: ++
Wealth: +++
Espionage: +++
Honour: ++++
Morale: ++-

Ikko Ikki
Daimyo: None
Location: Across Central Japan
Army: 0/++++
Navy: 0
Wealth: +
Espionage: -
Honour: ++++
Morale: +++++

Chosokabe Clan
Daimyo: Chosokabe Kunichika
Location: Tosa (23)
Vassal of: Yamana Clan
Army: +
Navy: +++
Wealth: ++
Espionage: ++
Honour: +++
Morale: +-

Date Clan
Daimyo: Date Harumune
Location: Mutsu (61)
Vassal of: Mutsu Clan
Army: +++
Navy: +
Wealth: +-
Honour: +++
Morale: +++

Ainu Natives
Location: Hokkaido (63)
Vassal of: Abe Clan
Army: ++
Navy: -
Wealth: +++
Espionage: 0/+++
Honour: +-
Morale: ++++

Toki Clan
Daimyo: Toki Yorinari
Location: Mino (44)
Vassal of; Asakura Clan
Army: +++
Navy: 0
Wealth: +++
Espionage: +
Honour: ++++
Morale: +-

Honma Clan
Daimyo: Honma Yoshihisa
Location: Sado (64)
Vassal of: DOFAD
Army: +
Navy: +++
Wealth: ++-
Espionage: ++
Honour: +++
Morale: +

Baba Clan
Daimyo: Baba Yorichika
Location: Shinano (47)
Vassal of: Uesugi Clan
Army: +-
Navy: 0
Wealth: +++
Espionage: ++++
Honour: +++
Morale: +


2011-06-30, 09:41 AM
Abe Clan to Ainu Natives [++-]
"We take offensive that you would call our rule oppressive, we have done nothing to harm your people since taking power. Nonetheless, we have no desire to cause your people further grievance. If you swear allegiance to us as our vassals, we will grant your northern Hokkaido."

Imperial Psycho
2011-06-30, 09:43 AM
Ainu Natives to Abe Clan
"Why must we swear allegiance to you? This is our land. You Japanese are the invaders. We were left alone before your clan came.

2011-06-30, 10:06 AM
Hensho Clan [esp +++++]

Ukita Clan

We know of your anger toward the Urakami, and we would like to offer our aid in gaining back your homeland. We are willing to either help attack or thwart any underhanded tricks they may be trying to accomplish. We will be looking for payment if you wish our aid.

2011-06-30, 11:01 AM
Miyake Clan

to Oda Clan:

My condolences for the loss of your father. He was a great and honourable man.

to Ito Clan:

The foreigners have invaded Japanese land, slaughtering the honourable hosts in a show of deceit and perfidy.

On my honour, I will do the utmost to liberate the land from under their yoke. I trust you will offer them no aid.

to Yamana Clan:


I trust you are of one mind with me on the matter of expulsing the dishonourable foreigners from Japanese soil. We are willing to unite our strength to yours in order to accomplish this task, and we are intending to gather more allies. Even if some Clans feud with each other, when a foreign power invades, we must all stand as one.

to Kirigami Clan and Asakura Clan:

My fellow Daimyos,

I would like to call both of you for a meeting to discuss the fate of our clans and Japan itself. It is important we act quickly in the face of recent events that threaten to destabilize the realm.

2011-06-30, 11:12 AM
Abe Clan

To Miyake Clan [+++-]
We would like to offer you our assistance against the foreign invaders. We have a mighty fleet at our disposal to help with this effort, but more significantly, we have the espionage capacities to ensure any messages you send are not overheard by the foreigners

2011-06-30, 11:19 AM
Miyake Clan

to Abe Clan:

((OOC: You do? Your Esp kinda sucks. :smalltongue:))
Any help will of course be welcome, and expected of true Japanese. The weapons and ships of these 'British' and 'Swiss' are exceptionally powerful and advanced.

2011-06-30, 11:20 AM
The Yamana

To the Miyake Clan
We were about to suggest the same to you. Perhaps we could coordinate our attacks with that of the Mori and Otomi? The Yamana have invited them to a conference on our Island, where we can discuss the final details of an attack.

To the Mori Clan
Greetings, noble Mori. The Yamana have heard about the dishonorable foreign scum who have stolen parts of Japan, and we too are outraged. Would you consider sending a general to our Isle, to discuss an alliance to drive the foreigners out of Japan? We believe the Honorable Miyake and the Brave Otmoi will also be attending.

To the Otomi Clan
Greetings, noble Otomi. The Yamana have heard about the dishonorable foreign scum who have stolen parts of Japan, and we too are outraged. Would you consider sending a general to our Isle, to discuss an alliance to drive the foreigners out of Japan? We believe the Honorable Miyake and the Brave OMori will also be attending.

To the Chokosabe Clan
Greetings, noble friends. Would you be interested in enacting a set of "war games" between our two clans? This would be done with no bloddshed, to act as a training excersise and entertainment for our people. We would keep our navies in fighting shape, and we could learn tactics from eachother. Are you interested?

2011-06-30, 11:21 AM
To Miyake
((OOC: Ah, yes. It looked higher last time I saw it. :smalltongue:
Oh well, I'm still in.))

2011-06-30, 11:23 AM
Kirigami Clan to Sakai Clan [++++]
Honorable Tadsatsuga,

No doubt, you have noticed the violence in the winds as well as I. In my efforts to restore the honor of the leaders of our people, it has been a comfort to know that the Sakai Clan is a neighbor of integrity. As our land prepares for war upon itself, the idea that those with strength of character should stand by one another comes to mind. If it is within your interest, I would like to discuss terms of trade and mutual defense. I hope to hear from you soon.

Daimyo Niroka Kirigami

Kirigami Clan to Takeda Clan [++++]
Loyal Shingen,

It has come to my attention that the territory that your clan is responsible for borders the ambitious and militant Hojo Clan. I regretfully admit I am only familiar with them by reputation, and would like to know more, and thus wish to defer to your insights. In particular, I wish to know whether or not you believe they would pursue hostile action toward us to expand their borders in the near future. If this is a matter you feel must be discussed at length, I will send either Godachi Kozuka or Ukeshiko Tsuchi to speak on my behalf, depending on which you believe is more relevant to the situation. I would normally seek to attend such matters personally, but I seek to negociate terms with the Sakai Clan.

Daimyo Niroka Kirigami

2011-06-30, 11:30 AM
Miyake Clan

to Yamana Clan:

We will be attending. I trust we can call other clans who have expressed the honourable intention to fight the foreign scum? The Abe clan has a mighty navy, and though far away, are willing to join.

to Abe Clan:

There's to be a strategy conference in the lands of the Yamana clan. You should participate, to hone our plans.

((Hey Ganurath. Don't ignore my message. :smalltongue:))

Imperial Psycho
2011-06-30, 11:44 AM
Ito Clan to Miyake Clan
You have our blessing, though we are unable to act ourselves. Too many have already been executed for resisting.

Chosokabe Clan to Yamana Clan
We would be willing to send some of our samurai to such an event.

Takeda Clan to Kirigami Clan
Lord Kirigami
The Hojo are cowards. They hide in their castles, and only rarely venture out. They will not trouble you unless you offend them. Even in this case, our armies will hold them.

Sakai Clan to Kirigami Clan
Honorable Niroka
I would meet with you, as one Daimyo to another, to discuss such agreements. I would be happy to receive you in my home in Kazusa Province.

2011-06-30, 12:07 PM
Kirigami Clan to Miyake Clan [++++]
Honorable Masasada,

As much as I would wish to attend such a discussion, arrangements are being pursued closer to home to safeguard the territory my Clan is responsible for from more immediate threats. Rest assured, however, that the well-being of our nation's people and the stability of the land are our utmost priorities.

Daimyo Niroka Kirigami

Kirigami Clan to Sakai Clan [++++]
Honorable Tadsatsuga,

The rider delivering this message shall arrive not long before I cross the border. I look forward to speaking with you in person.

Daimyo Niroka Kirigami

Kirigami Clan to Takeda Clan [++++]
Loyal Shingen,

That is a comfort, particularly with the agenda of the Mutsu Clan to the north remaining an unknown. I will be in talks with the Sakai Clan for a time, and Kozuka will oversee matters of governance in my stead, and if trouble arises I ask that your missives be directed to him until I return.

Daimyo Niroka Kirigami

2011-06-30, 12:12 PM
Miyake Clan to Kirigami Clan:

All right. Please inform me whenever you might have the opportunity.

2011-06-30, 01:06 PM
English East Asia Company Need espionage ++++ to read

To Ito Clan
We know you have been talking with our enemies. Unless you are feeding them misinformation, do not try our patience.

To Shoni Clan
We appreciate your neutral stance over our prescience on this beautiful island. The Otomo and Mori resist what you embrace, and hopefully you can work with us to get them to see the light.

Whatever our long term plans for this island is, we need to ally to fight of the collation of these native clans that will come after us. So far our spies have told us that Miyake Clan is organizing the rest of japan against us, with the Kirigami Clan, Asakura Clan, Yamana Clan, Abe Clan, Mori Clan and Otomi Clan are possibly aligning themselves against us, meeting somewhere in Yamana to discuss how to defeat us.

To Urakami Clan
While we may seem the least likely person to help you, we are prepared to help you against the Ukita by giving you some western weaponry for your help spying and "other acts" against the other clans.

2011-06-30, 01:33 PM
The Yamana

To the Miyake
Of course the can attend. Their navy will be of great help in fighting the foreign scum

To the Abe
Greetings, noble Abe. The Miyake have told us that you are also planning to attack the dishonorable foreigners. THe Yamana are holding a conference to discuss tactics and troop divisions for said attack, and we'd be honored to have you attend.

2011-06-30, 01:41 PM
Shimazu (espionage +++++)

To Miyake

In the dead of night, a lone figure enters the compound of Miyake Masasada. Quietly, he moves across the rooftop until he reaches the room of the Daimyo. Moving quickly, he places a hand over Masasada's mouth and holds a finger to his own.

"Word has reached the ears of the foreigners of your plan. Tread carefully, for their power is great. It is very likely they will see to it all who attend die.
We will do what we can to stop them."

The first of the guards rushed to the room. A rush of smoke filled the area where the intruder stood, and he was gone.

2011-06-30, 01:56 PM

Werner Brengizer stood on the southeastern shore of, as far as he knew, DOFAD's newest land acquisition. This island wasn't much, but it was a start. And they didn't even have to fight for it! As soon as Linus had mentioned "wealth beyond your wildest dreams" to the local leader, he was basically BEGGING to be hired by the DOFAD. Werner looked across the channel, at the mainland of Japan, and all of its....regulation.

He turns to look at Linus Deiss. "It makes me sick. I wish we could just go in there and deregulate the lot of 'em."

The leader of the DOFAD expedition chuckled before answering. "Yes my friend, I'm sure you would. But you know our orders. We're supposed to make PEACEFUL contact, and attempt to open up trade. THEN we can attempt to begin deregulating the market PEACEFULLY."

"Yah, but it would be much easier to just deregulate it from the end of a pike!

"Perhaps. But these Japanese are supposed to be pretty canny warriors. They're been fighting amongst themselves for years now, and by all indications, they've gotten pretty good at it. And now since that stupid British group deregulated an entire major clan, diplomacy is going to be even MORE difficult than it would have been.

"But if the entire DOFAD..."

"The rest of DOFAD isn't coming until we prove that this can be profitable. For now, it's just us.

"So, you have a plan?"

Linus looks over the channel, at several of the DOFAD ships patrolling the waters. "I've got some ideas..."

Linus waves for Honma Yoshihisa, who is standing somewhat uneasily a few feet away, to come over. "My new friend, could you do me a favor? I have several messages I would like sent, and I think it would be better if some of your people did so..."

(OOC: All the messages being sent to "not the British" are being delivered by Honma couriers. So please don't just murder my messengers.)

Honma Clan (Do I really need Espionage? The dude is right there. I can walk over to him and have a face to face meeting. But Esp +++ if I do.)

I am glad that you have decided to join us. Trust me, you won't regret this decision. With us working together, we will both grow rich and powerful.

Now I promised payment, and I always make good on my bargains. Over the next few months, we will begin to equip and train your soldiers with our arquebus and iron armor. Hell, if the rest of DOFAD lets us, we will even begin retrofitting your fleet with cannons! Soon, you may have one of the more powerful armies in Japan!

Abe Clan (Esp +++)

I understand that the people of Japan aren't to happy with the British right now. But please, Abe no Hirafu, don't lump us Swiss in with them. The British may want to take over your lands and people, but we Swiss? We just want to trade. We'd love to begin trading goods with your people. Things from Europe, the East Indies, even China.

Hensho Clan (Esp +++++)

Lord Toshi Hensho, I understand that your people may be fairly angry at Europeans in general, but please understand that we Swiss are not at all like these British. We aren't here to occupy your lands or attack your people. We are only here to open trade between us. I think you can see the benefits of that.

Mutsu Clan (Esp +++)

Greetings Empress Rikokuto from the DOFAD, and indeed all of Switzerland. I understand how you may not be happy about our presence here right now, but I assure you that our intentions are NOT shared with the British. We are simply here to open up trade between Japan and our nation. Surely this is cause you can get behind?

Miyake Clan (Esp +++++)

Lord Miyake Masasada, I, Linus Deiss of Switzerland and the DOFAD wish to appologize for the British. What they have done is inexcusable, and I wish to assure you that not all Europeans are so bloodthirstly. In fact, we Swiss are simply here because we wish to open trade between your peoples and ours.

Also, I feel I should warn you. I'm sure you've seen the firelock weapons used by the Shoni Clan, correct? The British will be armed with thousands of those. As well as iron armor, and ships armed with cannons. I am not saying you could not defeat them, I'm sure you could. But the lives lost would be incredibly high.

English East Asia Company (Esp +++-)

You British, always jumping in before you think. You've made quite a mess for us you know. You just HAD to invade mainland Japan didn't you? Now you might have ruined this country for all the rest of us Europeans.

But, you have a point. If the natives decide to unite against us, we'll probably have to work together to protect our investments.

But that doesn't mean we like you.

Urakami Clan (Esp +++++)

We Swiss apologize for the behavior of the British, but I wish to assure you, Lord Urakami, that not all Europeans are so murderous. We Swiss merely wish to open trade between our peoples. Surely you can appreciate the benefits that would bring?

Miyoshi Clan (Esp +++)

Greetings Miyoshi Nagayoshi, we of DOFAD would like to begin trading with your people, if you feel that appropriate. I assure you, we aren't at all like the British, we have no designs on taking Japanese land or hurting anyone. We simply come here seeking to trade with your people.

Shoni Clan (Esp +++)

Greetings, Shoni Tokinao. We feel the need to apologize for what the British have done, they are foolish and tend to think with their guns. We would like to assure you that the rest of us are not near as bloodthirsty as them. Which I'm sure you already know. If you would consign to it, we would like to being opening trade between our peoples.

Otomo Clan (Esp +++)

Lord Otomo Sorin, I hope this finds you well. If you would agree to it, we of the DOFAD would like to initiate trade with your people. I understand why you might be reluctant, but please let me assure you. We Swiss are NOT the British. We do not intend to attack Japanese holdings or people. We are simply here to trade with you, if you will let us.


2011-06-30, 01:57 PM
Miyake Clan

What Japanese clan would willingly assist the British scum in dishonourably subjugating Japanese people will be considered a traitor in our eyes and in the eyes of the Gods. No true samurai will suffer the presence of such dogs.

to Shimazu:

Surprisingly enough, the Daimyo isn't utterly furious of this insult to his person and holdings. Assuming your intruder is skilled enough, he might notice his task was much easier than he would have imagined.

Soon after, a note arrives.

"We would prefer our communiques to be in the form of writing, unless a meeting has been planned in advance by both parties, and representatives invited.

However, we appreciate your warning. We will be on guard in the event of a surprise attack - it would only be expected from such dishonourable scum as they."


We will take your warning into account and give it due deliberation.

If you are here simply to trade, we do not mind. Breaking off contact to the outside world would be foolish. We Japanese are not alone on this Earth. The dishonour of giving up territory shall be upon the clan that willingly took you in.

But until you prove trustworthy, watch yourself.

2011-06-30, 02:02 PM
The Yamana

A statement is soon issued, agreeing with that of the Myake.
The British are foreign scum who have came to steal all of Japan. Aiding them is a crime against Japan, is it not?

To DOFAD (Open letter, anyone can read)
The Yamana would be very pleased if you returned to this "Switzerland"

2011-06-30, 02:09 PM
The Abe Clan

To Ainu Natives [++-]
We will consider the matter further. But these sort of discussions take time. We are sure you are patient leaders, but some of your people may not be. If you truly desire northern Hokkaido, you will assist our army in maintaining order.

To The Yamana [++-]
We will send a representative to the conference.

To DOFAD [+++]
Your words make sense, yet you provide no actions to support them. If you truly are not like the English, prove it. Join us in throwing them off Japan. Such an action would surely secure your place here.

2011-06-30, 02:10 PM
The Yamana

To the Abe
Excellent. Your navy is one of the strongest in Japan, and it will most definately be helpful in the attack on the foreigners.

2011-06-30, 02:17 PM
English East Asia Company

DOFAD (+++-)
I would have wished to to trade with these Japanese for awhile longer and come in peace, as you have done. However, our loving Queen told us to invade the Natives, and would have started a full military camain if she could. We did not wisg for it to happen like this, but we are making the best of a bad hand. We do not ask you to like us, just to help us open up japan and deregulate.

2011-06-30, 03:38 PM

Miyake Clan (Esp +++++)

You seem to be mistaking our relationship with the Honma clan. They have ceded nothing to us. They simply been kind enough to allow us to stay as their guests on Sado. And we have paid them for their trouble. You will find that Honma Yoshihisa is very much still in charge of the Honma clan.

We will do our best to prove our good will, if you allow us.

Yamana Clan (Esp +++)

If it proves to be that the majority of Japan wishes us to leave, then by all means we will do so. However, before everyone acts rashly, we beg you to allow us to prove ourselves better than the British. I understand that your people are angry, but please don't let blind aggression be directed at the wrong people.

Abe Clan (Esp +++)

It is difficult to prove our goodwill when very few are even willing to speak with us.

As for assisting in fighting the British...well..there are problems with that. You must understand that our groups represent our respective nations on the other side of the planet. If we go to war with them here, it may spark a war between our nations in earnest. And in all frankness, I'm not sure that's a war my people can win right now.

We can, however, assist you in more subtle ways. The British navy is nearly unmatched in the world, with much more advanced ships and weapons than your own. If you wish, we can help you in negating that advantage.

English East Asia Company (Esp +++-)

Right, yes. Of course. It was your rulers fault. That makes sense. It would have to be, what with your backwards monarchy and all.

Regardless, you're right. If you manage to unify the whole of Japan against us, we'll probably have to work together just to survive.

(OOC: By the way, deregulation is a very swiss idea that comes from their being a Merchant Republic and socity where wealth = power. It probably wouldn't be something that the British would be using.

2011-06-30, 03:51 PM
The Abe Clan

To DOFAD [+++]
So you take a dishonorable action to save your own skins? We can understand that. The elitists would gladly go to their graves for the sake of honor, we are somewhat more reasonable.

As to the matter of weaponry, how many, and how soon? You know our wealth is nearly unrivaled.

2011-06-30, 05:58 PM
The Yamana

To the Shimazu
Greetings, noble and wise Shimazu. The Yamana are interested in an Alliance, of sorts. The Yamana have a strong military, but our messages can be read by many. You have a weaker military, but your messages are secret to everyone. The Yamana, therefore, offer the Noble Shimazu this: In return for military aid whenever it is neccessary (or a permanent garrison, if you so wish) the Shimazu will include the Yamana in their messaging network, so their messages can not be read by all. Is this acceptable?

2011-07-01, 01:15 AM
Your friendly neighborhood co-gm has finally had time to write all this.

Ukita Clan to Hensho
We are heartened by your interest in helping us reclaim what was once ours. They have shamed us and must pay for that mistake. We are planning to continue our march and take back our lost homeland(19) We would appreciate you from preventing them from sabatoging us. For payment, how about (Temp econ +)?

Mori Can to Yamana
We are eager to begin such arrangements, for these creatures are blights upon the earth, and upon the glory and honor of us all. We will definantly send a general.

Otomi Clan to Yamana
Such talks begin what is key to the advancement of us all: The eradication of the Europeans from our Isles. They are like an open wound: left alone they fester and become infected, which then kills its host. We do not want to see this happen here.

Shoni to English
Of course. There is much joy in peace and trade. However, change sometimes only happens through catalysts, a large one of them is at the tip of a katana. There may be a struggle involved.

Urukami to English
We will agree to those terms wholeheartedly. We seem to have them already breathing down our necks, your weaponry may turn the tide.

Urakami to DOFAD
Trade would be great for both of us. However, we seem to be having a problem with a certain army at our gates. It might be best, to cement our relationship as trading partners, by providing us with weaponry to save ourselves the trouble of losing to much money.

Miyoshi to DOFAD
Trade brings people closer together. With this trade in place, we may prevent further bloodshed.

Shoni to DOFAD
Hopefully you Europeans aren't all the same. We will begin trade with you, praying that these claims are true.

Otomo to DOFAD
You Europeans are all the same. Until you can prove otherwise, trade, or any other agreement is just prolonging the inevitable.

2011-07-01, 01:38 AM
The Yamana

The Conference (Abe, Otomi, Mori, Miyake) PM LEVEL
As generals and admirals of many Nations arrive at the Yamana fortress, they are ushered into a large room, where a simple meal is prepared. The The Daimyo, Kyōryokuna Yamana, begins to speak"Greetings, friends and fellow Japanese. We, as you all know, have gathered here today to discuss our joint attack on the British, who have dared to claim Japanese soil for themselves. The Yamana Can contribute a force of well-trained Samurai, and an around equal naval force ((+++ of each)) Though we realize not all can match our contributions, everyone can help our attack. Noble Abe, do you believe you could lend at least part of your mighty Navy to the attack? Wealthy and Honorable Miyake, perhaps you could not only send a small force, but use some of your wealth to supply our Troops? Strong Mori, Wise Otomi, do you believe you could send your powerful navies and armies to aid in the Attack? Your experience with the vile English should aid in our discussions of Tactics. As he finishes his speech, the Daimyo sits down and waits for a response.

2011-07-01, 02:10 AM

Abe Clan (Esp +++)

How many weapons we can get you will depend entirely on how much you're willing to pay for them. The thing is, I have to requisition more weapons from my government, and that isn't free. Tell me how much you're willing to spend on them, and I'll see what I can get you.

(OOC: I"m not exactly sure how this whole trading for guns is going to work. I'm HOPING it won't be me trading military for econ.)

Shoni Clan (Esp +++)

Thank you for giving us the chance to prove ourselves. We can begin trade whenever you like.

Miyoshi Clan (Esp +++)

I hope you are correct. We can begin trade whenever you like.

Urakami Clan (Esp +++++)

If money is a major concern, you may have to look elsewhere for your goods. To obtain these weapons for you, we would have to requisition them from our homeland, and this isn't done for free.

(OOC: Not sure how you guys are planning on having the gun trade work. I'm really hoping it's not just me trading them military. I sent Imperial Psycho a message about it though.)

Otomo Clan (Esp +++)

I'm sorry you feel that way. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.

2011-07-01, 02:17 AM
The Mori General stands up. Honorable allies, we of the Mori can spare an army of musketmen and their guardians(+-) and a small naval group(+). Hopefully these, combined with the rest of our allies' forces will be sufficient. We will take back this land.
The Otomo General speaks up. We of the Otomo may not be able to provide many forces, but we can explain some tactics that may wreak havoc upon their morale. They are christian, and we have a christian presence in our territroy. We know what may frighten them religiously. We will also be able to send a fleet.(+) Thank you.

Edit: Ninja'd will complete tommorow. For now, Sleep...

2011-07-01, 09:06 AM
Hensho (ESP +++++)


We hope our support grants you victory. We must ask if you plan on continuing your March into their territory? If so we have a few plans that could make your mission easier.


Your cavalry is well known throughout japan
We would like to purchase some for our army. (+ temp econ for - perm military )

2011-07-01, 09:14 AM
Miyake Clan

to Oda Clan:

I realize you are facing some internal trouble due to the recent sad events. However, bad news waits for no-one, and the just war against the English needs men. We call upon you to provide a number of troops to support our advance and the liberation of Japanese land from the dishonourable dogs who have treacherously stolen it. (+- Army)


We can supply - Army and +- Navy. In addition, we are calling our vassals to provide more troops, though the recent death of their Daimyo may hinder this process.

We will decide upon whether we should supply our Wealth once we see the state of the land for ourselves. I trust everyone here has enough military material for a short campaign, which is all this should take.

2011-07-01, 09:17 AM
Shimazu (espionage +++++)

To the Conference

A carriage with the symbol of the Shimazu clan arrives at the meeting area, guarded by four samurai. A servant jumps off the side and runs in front of the Yamana guards, kneeling on the ground.
"Our Lord wishes to be of service to the conference of clans. Will you let us pass?"

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-01, 10:16 AM
Oda Clan to Miyake Clan
There is no response from Oda Nobunaga.

Oda Nobuyuki, his younger brother, agrees to send (+) mil of his forces.

Ito Clan to East Asia Company
We apologise for this message. It was not sent by the clan heads, but by a rebellious retainer. He has since committed seppuku to atone for his dishonour.

2011-07-01, 10:20 AM
Kirigami Clan to Hensho Clan: [Espionage -]

As my lord is away on business, the task of handling such decisions has been delegated to me. I have studied the history and works on the Hensho Clan, and suspect that your intentions for the use of our forces would be incompatible with their training and experience. While your interest in hiring our cavalry is appreciated, we must respectfully decline.

Godachi Kozuka,
Chief Advisor to Daimyo Kirigami Niroka

2011-07-01, 11:14 AM
The Yamana

The Conference (PM Level)
To the Shimazu[Of course, please join us. I offer you my most humble apologies in forgetting to invite you
This is progressing excellently. Already, we have a force of ((+++++ mil and a stronger navy, of +++++ ++-)) I, too, will call upon my subservient Clan, as their navy is strong and perhaps they can contribute some.

To the Chokosabe
Greetings, noble friends. As you undoubtedly know, the English have stolen some Land of Japan for themselves. As many clans go to war, against them, the Yamana do too. We, therefore, call upon your oath to us, requesting that you aid us with your army and navy in the attack. Please, Honorable Chokosabe, your armies and navies will be of great importance during the attack.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-01, 11:23 AM
Chosokabe Clan to Yamana Clan
We will happily provide our ships to assist in this attack. However, our army is small, and we need them to remain, to keep order. We respectfully ask that you allow us to retain our troops here.

2011-07-01, 11:26 AM
The Yamana

To the Chokosabe
That is acceptable. I assume you'll be sending ((+-)) navy to aid us?

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-01, 11:32 AM
Chosokabe clan to Yamana Clan
(++) navy will be at your disposal.

2011-07-01, 11:37 AM
Sakai Border [++++?]
Daimyo Kirigami Niroka arrives at the border between Kirigami and Sakai territory, accompanied by the minimum escort one of his influence would have while still being respectful of his hosts, drawing from the elite ranks in his force rather than numbers. Among his escort, and doubling as an advisor, is the grayed and scarred Ukeshiko Tsuchi, who among his fellows is sometimes referred to as the Tetsubogami due to his weapon of choice and record of success.

2011-07-01, 01:59 PM
The Yamana

To the Conference (Pm-level)
The Chokosabe will supply us with another ++ navy, leaving our final total at ((+++++ mil and a stronger navy, of +++++ ++++-))

2011-07-01, 02:11 PM

The Conference
We can provide what little military we can spare to the assault. We also have... less savory tactics that we can employ to aide this strike. It would be better if all involved did not know.

2011-07-01, 02:14 PM
The Yamana

To the Conference
The Yamana would prefer to not use such tactics, only using them if extremely neccessary. Perhaps you could identify the enemy's troop deployments and weaknesses, to aid in our attack?

2011-07-01, 07:04 PM
Mutsu Clan

Sakai Clan
Your peaceful and friendly people are a welcome sight in these bloody lands. I have interest in meeting with you promptly. Would you be able to grace me with your esteemed precense? It would be lovely if we could have the opportunity to discuss a friendship between our clans.

Empress Rikokuto

I welcome you to visit my clan as soon as possible. I do not find the Swiss to be as much of a bother as the rest of Japan does. My clan is somewhat of an abnormality in these areas, having a central government and myself, a woman, as Empress. Our people should look out for each other and cooperate for our mutual benefit. I look forward to hearing from you.

Empress Rikokuto

Abe Clan
Greetings to our neighbors,

Japan has proved to be a bloody land of late. As Empress of the Mutsu, I would like to establish a friendship with your great people for our mutual benefit. The Mutsu are abnormal and the idea of a woman leading our clan must be strange to you. However, I ensure you that my people are not any less honorable than other clans of the region. We have embraced new ideas, but maintain mostly old, noble traditions. I hope you can see past our differences so that we may work together to survive and prosper in this land.

Empress Rikokuto

Torii Clan
Torii Mototada,

Your peaceful and friendly people are a welcome sight in these bloody lands. I have interest in meeting with you promptly. Would you be able to grace me with your esteemed precense? It would be lovely if we could have the opportunity to discuss a friendship between our clans.

Empress Rikokuto

Uesugi Clan
Greetings to our neighbors,

Japan has proved to be a bloody land of late. As Empress of the Mutsu, I would like to establish a friendship with your great people for our mutual benefit. The Mutsu are abnormal and the idea of a woman leading our clan must be strange to you. However, I ensure you that my people are not any less honorable than other clans of the region. We have embraced new ideas, but maintain mostly old, noble traditions. I hope you can see past our differences so that we may work together to survive and prosper in this land.

Empress Rikokuto

Kirigami Clan
Greetings to our neighbors,

Japan has proved to be a bloody land of late. As Empress of the Mutsu, I would like to establish a friendship with your great people for our mutual benefit. The Mutsu are abnormal and the idea of a woman leading our clan must be strange to you. However, I ensure you that my people are not any less honorable than other clans of the region. We have embraced new ideas, but maintain mostly old, noble traditions. I hope you can see past our differences so that we may work together to survive and prosper in this land.

Empress Rikokuto

Date Clan

If you have any needs, please let me know. The Mutsu are eager to share their gifts with the rest of Japan, especially our friends.

Empress Rikokuto

2011-07-01, 07:21 PM
Kirigami Clan to Mutsu Clan [++++]:
Empress Rikokuto,

Firstly, let me apologize on behalf of my husband for not answering your missive personally, as he is presently discussing terms with the Sakai Clan in their territory. As for what you offer... The advisor acting as his steward would consider such a thing unthinkable, traditionalist that he is, but my husband's rise to power has been founded on respecting the desires and abilities of those who are traditionally dismissed as lesser. However, he also believes in the value of an informed decision, and the specifics of your rise to the throne are shrouded by the rumors and speculation of the courtiers. If you were to provide your perspective on the circumstances of your rise, it would help me speak favorably on your behalf upon his return.

Kirigami Ono,
Wife of Daimyo Kirigami Niroka

2011-07-01, 07:27 PM
The Yamana

To the Mutsu
Greetings, strong Mutsu. We, along with you, have some of the strongest Armies within Japan. Perhaps our two nations could host "war games" between us? We could both learn our weaknesses and strengths from this mock combat.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-02, 10:26 AM
Sakai Border
A modest escort meets Niroka a little way into Sakai lands, and escorts you to the castle, where Sakai Tadsatsugu waits. All the proper courtesys are observed as the escort brings you into the castle. Food is provided for the Kirigami men, and while the Daimyo and his retainers are swiftly taken up to Tadsatsugu himself, who waits flanked by his general, and his son on either side.

"Greetings, honoured guests. Come, sit. We have much to discuss. "

Sakai clan to Mutsu Clan
Our apologies, but matters of state keep the daimyo from leaving Kazusa for now. He would be happy to receive you himself, however.

Torii clan to Mutsu Clan
I would be happy to arrange a meeting between us.

Honma Clan to DOFAD
Honma Yoshihisa seems a little dubious. "Yes.. We have seen what your weapons can do. They will be useful in our defense."

Ainu Natives to Abe Clan
We have no organised army. We will preach patience, but we do not know how many will listen.

2011-07-03, 04:29 AM
The Conference:

((OOC: Since we can't godmod having advance knowledge of British tactics, I'll go for a basic and traditional attack plan.))

Our suggestion would be that we first use our navy to safeguard the passage of our army into the friendly territories in Kyushu. Then, we will march across the border into the foreign-held areas, relying on our intelligence *a nod to the Shimazu* to pinpoint an area of the weakest defense.

Meanwhile, our navy will be going around, intent on finding the location of their navy, most likely in the largest port of the area. We will try to force them into a decisive battle at sea, if they hide in their port we will simply blockade it.

Our army will likewise attempt to force the enemy into a decisive conflict. We will try and eliminate the enemy's army, as eliminating their land does not make them weaker and we have a huge advantage in available manpower.

If they hide in their fortresses, we will siege them and meanwhile free all the other parts of the land they have gained with deceit and treason. If they are foolish enough to split their meagre force, we will hold as one and annihilate all the parts of their forces.

2011-07-03, 11:02 AM
The Yamana

The Conference
The Yamana agree with this plan. It seems effective, and traditionally Japanese. With it, we can easily crush the English and force them out of Japan. Should we begin the campaign immediately

2011-07-03, 11:31 AM
Abe Clan

To the Conference
As soon as possible. We will donate ++++ of our navy to this campaign.

To the Mutsu Clan
We are willing to establish a 'friendship' with your people. Perhaps we could start things off with a mutual trade agreement.

((OOC: This turn we will spend + temp econ to produce goods your people need. If you do the same we can exchange the goods to both our benefit. Hopefully we will receive some sort of bonus for working together))

We are willing to spend ++++ temporary economy on this purchase

2011-07-03, 11:58 AM
Sorry, family emergency. Having to use an iPad for this, forgive me if itt misspells.

Ukita to Hensho
First we worry about taking back our land, then we can work out a plan.

The mori and the otomo clans accept this proposal

2011-07-03, 01:11 PM

Abe Clan (Esp +++)

Alright, we'll put out a requisition and see what amount of weapons we can get for you.
(OOC: Gonna talk to Imperial Psycho and see how this will actually work for sure.)

Honma Clan (Esp +++)

They will indeed. With your leave, we will begin training and equipping your men.
(GM: What would it take to significantly increase the Honma's military and/or fleet?)

Mutsu Clan (Esp +++)

I'm glad to hear it! If you wish, I could come and visit you as soon as I can get there. We could discuss any potential cooperation between our peoples then.

2011-07-03, 02:52 PM
Sakai Land [++++?]
Niroka takes the appropriate seated position, General Ukeshiko being as close as he can without being disruptive so that he can provide relevant input. "My thanks for your hospitality. It's good to know that we have friendly neighbors, especially in these troubled times. As I said, mutual defense and trade are both matters of interest. Would you prefer to discuss trade terms first, or military options?"

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-04, 12:07 PM
It's all really a function of how much honour they are willing to give up. If you want, you can also fund the increase of their military with your own temp econ, but that seems counterinituitive.

Sakai lands
"Let us speak of military matters first. Trade can wait. So, you spoke of mutual defense in your letter. But tell me. Why should we wish to defend you? Your clan is the only one which borders ours lands. Why should we be drawn into your wars?"

2011-07-04, 12:39 PM
Mutsu Clan

Kirigami Clan
Kirigami Ono,

I am honored to receive a reply directly from you. I hope your negotiations with the Sakai Clan go well. We too are interested in cooperating them. Perhaps that will lead to enhanced cooperation between all of our clans.

I appreciate that your clan is interested in the details of my rise to power. Honor is still an important attribute to my people, though most assume we have forsaken it. Upon the unfortunate death of my father and older brother, my ancient and corrupt uncle was in line to rule our people. I could not see everything my father worked for and the well-being of our noble clan thrown away to feed my uncle's greed for wealth. A small uprising was necessary to remove my uncle before he was able to do a significant amount of damage. Those close enough to know my uncle have supported my reign because they know that it was necessary to avoid the complete destruction of our clan. If you have any other questions about the specifics, please let me know.

Empress Rikokuto

The Yamana
Hmmm.. war games would be interesting. We are interested. Are they being hosted in your lands? Will it be mostly games for our warriors or will naval games be included as well?

Sakai Clan
I, too, have political matters to deal with before I will be able to travel to other lands. Would you be willing to receive one of my trusted advisors to discuss things?

Torii Clan
I would love to host your handsome and noble self at my capital city whenever you are available. Please let me know so I can make preparations for your arrival.

Abe Clan
That sounds agreeable to me. We will begin focusing our workers on your needs. Would you be interested in visiting our clan as well?

I would be glad to receive you so that we can discuss cooperation. My people will prepare to receive you at our capital port.

2011-07-04, 12:55 PM
The Yamana

To the Mutsu
The war games could be held on Yamana lands, or on yours. We would of course include Naval games, as the Navy is a large part of any war.

2011-07-05, 02:03 PM
Mutsu Clan

Yamana Clan
We're happy to host these games if you don't object.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-05, 02:18 PM
Sakai Clan to Mutsu Clan
This would be acceptable.

Torii Clan to Mutsu Clan
I will be at your clans capital within the week.

2011-07-05, 02:19 PM
The Yamana

To the Mutsu
That would be fine. Though we will not be able tosend any troops now, we will send them either ((next turn)) or ((the turn after next))

To the Conference
Well, I believe our campaign can begin. To re-confirm; the Yamana will contribute ((mil/navy) +++/+++, the mori +-/+, the Otomo 0/+, the Myake -/+-, the CHokosabe 0/++, and the Abe 0/++++. This is a total of +++++/+++++ +++++ ++-
We will use the plan proposed by the Miyake.

If you noble allies would allow me to order your navies/armies, to battle, I believe we could deal with the English in a short time.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-05, 02:22 PM
Sakai Clan to Mutsu Clan
This would be acceptable.

Torii Clan to Mutsu Clan
I will be at your clans capital within the week.

2011-07-05, 02:24 PM
Conference and GM:

In addition, Oda clan, our vassals, send + Army.

As the negotiations conclude, the armies begin to move and gather. At a timescale at the GM's discretion, our army will gather into Japanese-held territories on Kyushu. After that, we'll begin the operation as planned by me a few posts above.

2011-07-05, 02:30 PM
The Yamana

Your vassals will provide a small army? Excellent. Our army is know a bit stronger then theirs.

The Yamana forces (+++ mil, +++ navy) group with those of the Miyake, and wait for the attack.

2011-07-05, 02:32 PM
To GM:

And the remaining +- of my Army hunkers down in my strongholds, just in case Nobunaga tries something.

2011-07-05, 02:40 PM
Sakai Clan
I will be sending my most trusted represent to your clan immediately. Please expect him to arrive within the week and treat him with hospitality. Not only does he represent my clan, but he is my cousin - my own flesh and blood. I appreciate you hosting him.

Empress Rikokito

Yamana Clan
Okay, we will ready ourselves to receive your ships and soldiers. What is delaying them from participating in the games, may I ask?

Empress Rikokito

2011-07-06, 12:19 PM
The Yamana

To the Mutsu
You will see, soon. All we will tell you now, for security purposes, is that we dislike the English invasion of Japan.

2011-07-06, 12:21 PM
Mutsu Clan

Yamana Clan
Understandable. The Empress is not thrilled with the presence of the English either.

2011-07-13, 01:04 PM
English East Asia Company (EEAC)

Ainu Natives
Do you wish to win back your rightful island from the invaders? We can grant you weapons far more powerful than the occupiers to fight them, but only + worth this (turn) and more later.

Shoni Clan

We see you have seen the future of Japan, and embraced it. We offer a alliance between your nation and ours, in which we are both independent but join together for purposes of defence and offence against other nations. If you accept this offer, we will ask you to help us against the Otomo Clan this (turn). You will get (6) and any other lands you capture. What is your answer?

Urakami Clan

We will give you + of military this turn and + the next, more to be worked out after that. In return, we ask for an Espionage treaty.

2011-07-13, 05:08 PM
The Yamana

To the Shimazu
The Yamana have something important we would like to discuss with you. Would you be averse to us sending one of our top Diplomats, to converse in the most private way possible?

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 10:42 AM
Turn Two
September, 1550

A Gathering of Clans
The greatest army ever assembled has gathered in northern Kyushu. The gathered clans prepare to cast the English from Japan once and for all. As they near English-held territory, they meet with an army of the Shoni, numbering (++) military. The Shoni General begs forgiveness for his Daimyo's absence from the conference, and requests his army is allowed to join the attack.

+++++ +- military
+++++ ++- navy

Funeral of a Daimyo
The Funeral of Oda Nobuhide has been held. Oda Nobuyuki, the younger son, was not able to attend, as he leads his forces against the English. Oda Nobunaga disgraced himself at the funeral. He arrived in inappropriate clothing, and grew angry during the ceremony, throwing incense and cursing his fate.

For his dishonourable actions, he has lost the support of almost all in the Oda Clan. Only two retainers, his fathers men, who has never met, stand with him. It seems Oda Nobuyuki will become the Oda Daimyo.

A Wedding of a Daimyo
The Torii clan daimyo, aware of a Mutsu plot to force him into marriage, thanks to his spies, has stolen a march on the neighbouring clan. He concealed his army, sneaking past heavy Mutsu forces posted on his border. When the gates of the Mutsu capital were opened to allow he and his small group of retainers to enter, his forces burst from the trees and forced their way into the capital. The empress is believed to be being held hostage.

Torii clan forces in capital: (+) mil.

OOC: Man, the Torii's espionage attempt got a REALLY good roll. :smalltongue:

Ainu Natives to East Asia Company
We accept your offer.

No reply is received from the Shoni clan to the East Asia Company.

Urakami clan to East Asia Company.
A letter of assent is given by the Urakami clan.

2011-07-15, 11:38 AM
Mutsu Clan
The armies of the Empress knew the meaning of haste when it came to the safety of their leader. Spectators from a village on the road to the capital watched as the soldiers marched by, their faces set with determination.

Torii Clan: In person discussion, PM level
Daimyo, you must know that your army will not be able to withstand the military might of the Mutsu. My armies will not be far from the city already. I invite you to flee the capital with your forces to avoid a slaughter of our soldiers and to preserve both of our lives.

The army outside Torii will leave in its entirety to return to the capital. ++++ Military will take back the capital city, using their familiarity of the city to outmaneuver the Torii forces. The Torii Daimyo should have been in the capital city at the time of the Torii invasion, so he is welcome to leave with his army to prevent a slaughter in the capital in exchange for the safety of the Empress. He and his military will be able to leave the city peacefully.

Top secret!
The ++ army previously guarding the southern Uesegi border will relocate to a location near the Torii border but far enough away to avoid immediate detection. I assume the Torii didn't have enough espionage to be aware of the near presence of this guys, too. :P

2011-07-15, 03:18 PM
The Yamana

To All members of the Conference, previously
Well, our troops are ready; and we are even receiving aid from others. However, I would advise caution with the Shoni. Perhaps, use them as a vanguard?

In addition, would anyone mind if I order the troops to March on the English!

To the Shoni
We are delighted that you would provide us with troops. We would be honoured if you would act as a vanguard for the Army.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 03:25 PM
Torii Clan to Mutsu Clan
The Torii clan daimyo seems unphased. "Are they truly willing to kill their Empress? You will order your troops to stand down, or you, your family, and this city, will burn. "

(Torii clan loses + honour for their dishonourable conduct.)

Shoni Clan to Yamana Clan
We have no cavalry, and our troops are mostly armed with the arquebus. I fear they would make a poor van, for they have no defense against enemy horse.

2011-07-15, 03:30 PM
The Yamana

To the Shoni
We see. Then please, take what ever position seems best for you.

2011-07-15, 03:33 PM
Mutsu Clan

Torii Clan
Daimyo, you must see that keeping me captive and holding our capital city will only prove to be suicidal, even if you kill me in the process. You have a small army and it dwells entirely in my capital city, leaving your people and resources undefended. My armies could take advantage of that and destroy and capture it all. They could take back the capital with little loss to their own ranks, though they know it will threaten my life if they do so. I am giving you the chance to settle for a stalemate without any bloodshed. Continuing to occupy my city will only hurt both of our factions. Surely you can see the wisdom in releasing your already loose grip on my capital and me.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 03:44 PM
Torii Clan to Mutsu Clan
"I do not fear death. But nor do I rush to embrace it. You think me a fool? " The Daimyo smiles suddenly. "Even now, the Date march to relieve me. They have been paid well for their service, and we will divide your lands between us. "

A large Date force is spotted moving towards the capital by the Mutsu scouts. Not being aware of the conversation between the Torii Daimyo and the Empress, they do not know what to make of it.

2011-07-15, 03:58 PM

Shimazu to Mutsu
We can help you out a bit... for a price...

2011-07-15, 04:46 PM
Mutsu Clan

Two Mutsu scouts ride out to meet the incoming Date factions.

To Date Clan:
"General Tsukamu of the Mutsu clan demands to know why the Date have massed their forces so close to our capital. The Empress has not called upon her banners. What business do you have here?"

Hello friends,

We are currently under attack by a neighboring clan. They have captured our capital city and our Empress, and they have paid our sworn clan to turn on us. We know we never agreed to a defensive alliance, so we would not ask you to aid us in battle unless you wish to do so on your own account. However, we are interested more than ever in purchasing any military technology you might possess that we do not know of. Did I hear mention of cannons?

General Tsukamu

Shimazu Clan
Your offer comes at the perfect time. General Tsukamu receives the message because the Empress is captive.

"Your assistance would be greatly appreciated at this time. Is there any way we can discuss terms in private? The sooner the better. The Torii are massing forces against us."

Torii Clan
This is treachery. You would turn the Date Clan against us? You underestimate my armies and my allies. My offer stands regardless. It is not too late to save your clan and your own life. Perhaps we could come to an agreement?

While the soldiers outside the capital are unaware of the conversation between the Empress and the Daimyo, they too are not fools. The Date Clan was not called upon and have been silent to all approaches made by the Empress of late. General Tsukamu's forces begin to take defensive positions in the terrain outside of the capital in case their fears are true.

+++ navy are to be sent to a wealthy port of the Date Clan. They will stand by, not attacking unless the Date Clan become hostile.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 04:56 PM
Of course. I merely stated that the scouts were not sure. And that there is some reasonable doubt.

Date Clan to Mutsu
"We march to assault the Torii. They believe us their allies. They will open the gates for us, and that is when we will attack. "

2011-07-15, 05:04 PM
Mutsu Clan

Yes, yes. My message was just a cross between IC and OOC, so it came across as if I was insulted by your doubting the intelligence of my army. ;-)

I added in a message to the Torii in my other post, just in case you didn't see the edit.

Date Clan:
Ah, interesting. Come, have council with our general. We can discuss how best to retake the capital from the Torii scum.

2011-07-15, 05:16 PM
The Yamana

To Oda Nobuyuiki
Greetings, Noble Nobuyuki. We have heard of your brother's dishonorable behavior, and his fall from Grace with the members of your Clan. We offer many congratulations on the fact you will soon be Daimyo, and we hope your rule will be long and honourable.
If you require any assistance during the transfer of power, please contact us.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 05:24 PM
Torii clan to Mutsu Clan
Torii Mototada signals, and one of his men cuffs the Empress, hard. "You dare speak to me of dishonour and treachery? You who would have had married me by force, kidnapped me, and kept me as a pet in your castle?"

"You, who defies the natural order. A woman who claims to rule a clan. Who claims to be an 'Empress'! You are not of the Imperial line. You are nothing. You are the one who underestimated me. You saw my clan as weak, as a prize for the taking. We will show you, as we have shown many before, the power of the Torii clan. "

Oda Nobuyuki to Yamana Clan
I thank you for your kind words, but nothing is certain. My brother was still named heir by our father, and has the better claim. I thank you for your offer of aid. After we drive off the English, I may call upon it.

Date Clan to Mutsu Clan
I would be honoured to do so.

2011-07-15, 05:36 PM
The Yamana

To the Torii
Greetings, Torii. The Yamana have came upon information that you may find interesting. However, we are not exactly certain whether it would eb better for Japan, to withhold the info. Do you have any incentive for us to aid you?

2011-07-15, 05:40 PM
Mutsu Clan

Empress - Torii Clan
You're a typical man. You jump to conclusions based on such little evidence rather than using your head. I know nothing of this nonsense you speak of. It looks like it's your word against mine, Daimyo.

General Tsukamu - Torii Clan
Two more Mutsu scouts approach the gates of the capital city. The gates open just wide enough to led a single soldier through their gap.
"On behalf of General Tsukamu of the Mutsu Clan, we invite the Torii Daimyo to discuss terms with us so that this stalemate might be resolved."

Date Clan
General Tsukamu meets the leader of the Date forces outside the entrance to his tent. "Your arrival is a welcome sight, now that we know you look to help retake the capital. We are concerned about your plan to attack once the Torii open the gates, though. Any violence towards them may result in the murder of our beloved Empress. Can you think of any way to ensure the safety of the Empress? If not, I invite the Date Clan to join our forces until we negotiate with the Torii.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 05:49 PM
Torii clan to Yamana clan
We can pay for good information. Name your price.

Date Clan to Mutsu Clan
Speed. We have the advantage in numbers. If we can rush to the Empress, we may be able to save her. The element of surprise is her best chance at life. Otherwise, she will almost certainly die.

A Torii clan soldier, who doesn't even seem to be a man of rank, shouts back. "Lay down your weapons and run home, and we might spare your woman leader! " The scouts wait, but no other response is forthcoming. After a some time, a volley of arrows convinces them to turn away.

The Torii clan daimyo spits to show his distaste, and turns to leave the Empress alone. Stopping at the door, he says "No. It is not your word against mine. It is my blade, against your neck. Do you think that is a contest you can win?"

2011-07-15, 05:52 PM
The Yamana

To the Torii
The price we would like is ((+ perm of either esp or wealth))

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-15, 05:53 PM
Torii Clan to Yamana
What you ask is madness. We offer (+) temp econ, and (++) more in a turn. Take it or leave it.

2011-07-15, 06:00 PM
The Yamana

To the Torii
Deal. The Info is that the Date, rather than planning to adi you, plan to betray you and Aid the Mutsu.

2011-07-15, 06:24 PM
Mutsu Clan

Urakami Clan
Greetings to the Daimyo of the Urakami Clan,

Recently the Mutsu Clan fell under attack by our Torii clan neighbors to the south. They currently hold our capital city and are keeping our beloved Empress under lock and key. Our armies are more than enough to overwhelm the Torii armies, but we fear that they will harm the Empress if we take the city back. We have great need of your assistance. We will compensate your efforts, if you are willing. Please let me know if you are interested in our offer.

General Tsukamu

Date Clan
We cannot take such a risk without exploring other strategies first. Give us some more time before we act. Your patience and loyalty will be rewarded by the Empress if she comes out of this alive.

In the mean time, may I ask what the fake deal you have with the Torii is? Did they promise you their fortunes? Our lands? What was it?

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-16, 10:21 AM
Urakami clan to Mutsu clan
Our most humble apologies, but our agents largely otherwise engaged. We may be able to provide some small assistance, but we will expect military intervention against the Ukita in return.

Urakami Norimune

Date Clan to Mutsu Clan
The Usual. They promised wealth and power, as all men do.

Torii Clan to Yamana Clan
A messenger has been sent with your payment. If you wish to see the remaining payment, I suggest you send aid, or we may not be able to provide.

As for your information, we shall see. Not all men are as scrupulous as their leader ,and oftentimes they are poorer.

2011-07-16, 12:54 PM
Esp: +/+++

Mutsu Clan (Esp +++)

(OOC: The DOFAD is not yet aware of the Empress's capture, given that no one really tells them anything.)
Empress, I believe that you offer me that chance to visit your Clan a while ago, is that offer still open? While I am enjoying my time with my host, Honma Yoshihisa, I find myself wishing to see more of your gorgeous country.

Werner Brengizer

Abe Clan (Esp: +++)

My friend Abe no Hirafu, I hope you are doing well. I also hope that the shipment of weapons arrived as hoped.

(OOC: IP didn't tell me what, if anything, the shipment did. Military increase at all?)

Honma Clan (PM Level, since HE'S STANDING RIGHT HERE)

And there you are sir, the finest Swiss weapons. And we will continue to bring in these shipments as much as possible, as long as you continue to act in our service. A fair bargain, yes?

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-16, 01:00 PM
Honma Clan to DOFAD (PM level security)
"Yes. We accept your offer." The Honma clan Daimyo has an odd look in his eye, but he seems sincere.

2011-07-16, 01:05 PM
Urakami Clan Esp: +++++
We will aid you in your conflict. We can begin by sending a great part of our fleet to the Ukita clans to catch them by surprise or we can send them to your lands for defense. Which would you prefer? As for my terms... please ensure that these messages are kept secret, before I continue. That should be no problem considering your knack for secrecy.

General Tsukamu

DOFAD Esp: +++
Werner Brengizer,

Alas, our previous message must have never reached you. I've enclosed a copy:
Hello friends,

We are currently under attack by a neighboring clan. They have captured our capital city and our Empress, and they have paid our sworn clan to turn on us. We know we never agreed to a defensive alliance, so we would not ask you to aid us in battle unless you wish to do so on your own account. However, we are interested more than ever in purchasing any military technology you might possess that we do not know of. Did I hear mention of cannons?

General Tsukamu
Speed is of the utmost importance. The longer our Empress rots in Torii chains, the closer she comes to death.

General Tsukamu

Date Clan Esp: In person!
I don't see why the Empress would have a problem with granting your clan its own land. I know having to serve as a loyal clan of the Empress can be tiresome, but being a land-owning Daimyo will result in increased honor, respect, and wealth. The Torii could not divide our lands if they tried, but the Mutsu armies could easily seize territory for our allies of the Date Clan.

2011-07-16, 01:08 PM
The Abe Clan

To DOFAD [+++]
Thank you for your concern. We received the shipment you sent us and it was very satisfactory.We would be interested in further trade between our two nations. Do you posses any cannons for use on land?"

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-16, 01:09 PM
Urakami clan to Mutsu Clan
Our spies ensure all incoming messages are kept safe, do not worry. Harry the Ukita fleet, and you will have our gratitude, and our support.

Date Clan (PM level secure)
Mutsu province is our ancestral home, and we would not leave it. Unless you propose a division of Mutsu province, we must respectfully decline.

2011-07-16, 01:20 PM
Mutsu Clan

Urakami Clan Esp: +++++
It shall be done. (Starcraft anyone?) In return, we have three tasks to accomplish. In chronological order:

1.) The Date Clan and Yamana clans, both of who were friends of the Empress before the attack, have been in communication with the Torii. I'm sure your people already know of what they've been communicating to each other. Could you relay that information to us? Can we trust either of them?
2.) We need to either get the Empress to safety or we need + of my armies to be smuggled to the Empress's location to free and protect her while the rest of my armies act against the capital. Whichever is easier. The Empress cannot die.
3.) Lastly, whether the Empress is guilty of manipulating the Torii or not, I can not settle for. I need the wedding rumors to be put to an end. It needs to be made to look like the Torii Daimyo seized the capital and the Empress when our backs were turned and tried to force *her* into marriage to take her lands. It should not be that hard to do. He's the one occupying our capital with our Empress in chains..
Will this work for you?

General Tsukamu

Date Clan Esp: PM Level, in person
I cannot give you the Empress's word for she is not here. However, I can give you my word. I will do everything in my power to see if the Empress will grant you a part of her lands. If we defeat the Torii, she will acquire new lands of her own and will want to reward our friends for their part in rescuing her. Is there anything you would prefer to that?

Please move ++ navy that were not being used and + navy from outside the Date Clan closer to the Ukita lands, ready to attack if the Urakami follow through.

2011-07-16, 01:47 PM
Esp: +/+++

Abe Clan

Glad to see the weapons arrived and were what you'd hoped for. And yes, we do have smaller, man portable cannons, but sadly we didn't bring many with us. So the drill will be the same as before, we can requisition some for you, for a price.

Mutsu Clan

The message from the DOFAD is short and to the point. "We're be there soon."

(OOC: We can negotate arms shipments AFTER your capital is freed.)

The Honshū Coast
Anyone who happens to be traveling on the coast near Sado Island would take note that most of the DOFAD fleet withdrew to port for nearly a full two days. And then the majority of the fleet departed as one, heading north along the coast.

GM, Mutsu Clan, PM Level

Right, so the DOFAD are going to war, and taking +++ Army and +++ Navy to do it.

They're going to head north, smashing the Date fleet if it's encountered. Once they arrive at 62, the army will disembark. If they're unable to make contact with any kind of Mutsu leadership, they will begin marching toward the capital in a bid to help liberate it. If they do encounter Mutsu leaders, they will defer to them as to what should be done. If at any point they encounter hostile forces, they will engage and smash them under the heel of their Swiss boots.

2011-07-16, 02:28 PM
Miyake Clan

The Daimyo condemns the fact that this dispute and attack happened at a moment where the Clans of Japan should be united against a foreign foe.

He calls for an immediate ceasefire upon the honour of both participants, and the honourable settling of grievances after the crisis is over.

2011-07-16, 02:32 PM
The Abe Clan

To DOFAD [+++]
"Understandable. This time we can afford to pay you +++++"

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-16, 03:41 PM
Urakami clan to Mutsu Clan
The First of these tasks is trivial. The Date took money to attack you. They can probably not be trusted. The Yamana sent the Torii clan information, claiming the Date Clan turned against them in turn. Whether you trust them is not my business.

We will begin work on the third task. As you say, it should not be difficult.

The Second task...We have few agents in your area, and far more are devoted to slowing the Ukita attacks. Even with all our agents, it would be a daunting task. The walls will be watched and guarded. (-) Army MIGHT be able to sneak in, if their patrols are watched and it is timed carefully. And they MIGHT be able to reach the Empress in time without an alarm being raised, and they MIGHT not kill the Empress as soon as they arrive.

In truth? I suggest you locate her heir. I do not see your Empress surviving.

2011-07-16, 04:55 PM
Mutsu Clan

Urakami Clan Esp: +++++
Thank you. We know there is no guarantee that we can save the Empress, but we must try. The Mutsu have a few agents of their own, though they are minimal. They know the capital city far better than the Torii army or your agents, so perhaps if they join forces with yours it would increase our chances of success. If you agree to combine our espionage, we will proceed to smuggle the - army to the Empress upon my command.

The raids on your enemy will take place simultaneously with the battle against the Torii.

General Tsukamu

DOFAD Esp: In Person, PM Level
Your overwhelming support will not be forgotten after the battle. I cannot thank you enough.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-16, 05:07 PM
Battle in Mutsu Waters
Swiss frigates are sighted approaching Mutsu province by Date Observers. Fearing a foreign invasion, Date Naval Officers send a force of ships, to discover their purpose.

Acting on their orders, the Swiss ships open fire, swiftly crushing the small Date Force. Acting without orders from their daimyo, the Date Officers deploy the fleet, attempting to slow or stop the Swiss invasion.

The Battle does not last long. The forces had around equal numbers of ships, but a single barrage of cannon fire could sink a Japanese boat. A Single Swiss ship is set alight by Japanese arrows, losing it's cargo of men. The Date naval forces are utterly crushed, and the Swiss Army lands successfully in Mutsu province.

Date lose (+) navy
Swiss lost (-) navy

Shoni Clan to Yamana Clan
We shall take the centre, if it please you.

Date Clan to Mutsu Clan (PM level security)
A messenger rushes in, and delivers a verbal message for Date Harumune. He seems distraught. Explaining, he says "The Swiss... those that call themselves the DOFAD, they have attacked. They destroyed our strength at sea, marching towards the capital. I fear they are allies of the Torii."

2011-07-16, 05:33 PM
The Yamana

To the Shoni
That would be fine

To all conference members
If no one minds, I will initiate the attack. The English will be crushed!

If you have any concerns, raise them within ((3 hours)) Then, I will order our men to victory!

2011-07-17, 01:12 PM
Mutsu Clan

Date Clan PM Level
"Gahh!" The Mutsu general cried out. "The Swiss are on our side... but it seems there was a miscommunication. They did not realize you were also helping us. I know there is nothing that can be done to bring back the lives of your sailors, but we will do our best to make it up to you. First, we must deal with the Torii scum. Get your men prepared for battle. Remember, the Swiss are not our enemies. Do not allow word of the mistake to reach your troops before the battle. We will not tolerate any fighting between our forces."

From the walls of the capitol, troops from the Mutsu Clan, Date Clan, and Swiss armies could be seen preparing for battle. Officers shout orders here and there, lining their troops into battle formation.

GM: (Battle Plans - PM level)
The start of the battles will be when the combined espionage agents of the Urakami and Mutsu smuggle - army into the capitol and reach the Empress.

Operation Empress: - Mutsu army, combined espionage of Mutsu and Urakami
The Mutsu agents know the capitol city well. They will lead a combined group of Urakami and Mutsu agents in sneaking - Mutsu army into the capitol. Inside the capitol, they will make their way to the Empress, as stealthy as possible. Upon reaching her, she is to be secured and protected at all costs. They must do everything in their power to keep her alive.
Seizing the Capitol: +++- Mutsu army, +++ Swiss army, Date army
Once Operation Empress is well on it's way, the combined armies of all three factions will begin the attack on the capitol. I envision two major gates leading in and out of the capitol. ++- Mutsu & Date forces will attack through the northern entrance and + Mutsu and +++ Swiss will attack through the southern entrance. They will outnumber and surround the Torii army. Any Torii forces that don't feel like dying are welcome to surrender. Half of the Mutsu forces will rush to the building where the Empress is prisoner since the remaining Mutsu, the, Swiss and Date Clan should be more than enough to take on the Torii. The Torii Daimyo is to be killed in the battle.

The goal is to rescue the Empress with minimal damage to the capitol. Any looting and burning will be prevented at all costs. If the Date Clan betray us, the navy outside their port is to begin attacking and the combined Swiss and Mutsu will defeat their army.
Invasion of Torii: ++ Mutsu army
The Torii have left their lands completely undefended, keeping their only fighting force walled up in my capitol city. The ++ Mutsu army stationed at the Torii border will march into their lands. They will march directly for the Torii capitol. There, any leaders who betrayed the Mutsu agents will be killed and the city will be seized with as little violence as possible. Groups of the Mutsu army will then systematically seize the rest of the Torii towns, claiming the lands for themselves. With no resistance, there should be little to no violence and we will preserve the towns. The Torii people are now Mutsu people and should be treated as such. Keeping the Torii lands in tact also means keeping their perm Wealth in tact, giving us profit out of this messy endeavor. In addition, particularly good treatment should be given to the Torii agents and espionage system. We will forgive them for aiding their corrupt Daimyo and think our own people have much to learn from them.
Raiding the Ukita Coast: +++ Mutsu navy, + Swiss navy
Simultaneously to the battle at the capitol, the Mutsu fleet outside Ukita will begin to raid and plunder the Ukita coastline. +- will be doing the raiding of the ports while the other half of the fleet stays in reserve. If the Ukita navy shows up with resistance, the Mutsu navy in reserve will flank them, defeating them as quickly as possible. If possible, wealth will be stolen from the Ukita ports. We prefer plundering to burning.
Reserves outside the Date Coast: ++ Mutsu navy, +- Swiss navy
The combined fleets of the Mutsu and Swiss are stationed outside a major Date port. If the Date forces turn hostile against us in the battle at the capitol, they are to seize and raid the port for everything it's worth. There should be little to no defenses, so they can continue to raid Date holdings along the coast.

Imperial Psycho
2011-07-17, 01:50 PM
Date Clan to Mutsu Clan
The Date Daimyo responds with scorn. "Of course. Why not invite foreign dogs to invade? They cannot be trusted. They have no honour. Mark my words carefully. You are inviting a wolf into your home, to deal with a mouse. " Date Harumune leaves, disgusted.

2011-07-17, 01:54 PM
The Yamana

To All conference members (esp +++++)
Well, let us now crush those English dogs. For Japan!

To the GM/Conference Members (PM-Level)
We're attacking the English. By we, I mean all the people who contributed troops/navy to the Army. Use the plan here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11337869&postcount=48) to attack.

2011-07-18, 07:54 AM
House Hensho (esp +++++ -)


How is the war going? We have aid we are willing to sell you depending on what you need. For + temp economy we can send more espionage support or military support. For ++ temp economy we can send both. We also have some information that may be usefull to you, that we will give freely with either of the above contracts.


Do you have any proof of this arranged marriage? We are willing to aid you in getting the evidence in the open or getting you and maybe the empress out of the capitol so you can continue the endeavour elsewhere.


We are appalled to hear of the empress' capture. We are willing to give you aid if you have a plan of action. We do not wish to endanger the empress so we will not act unless you ask for assistance.

2011-07-18, 10:28 AM
For my battle plans, march +++ to Here and camp in a defensive position, then send out raiders to try and make the engage the camped forces. If they bypass, shadow them untill they are weak or attack. On naval matters, send the fleet towards the main enemy fleet, pillaging any undefended ports and towns on the way, and try and force a engagment on our terms. (http://maps.google.co.uk/?ll=33.181238,131.31958&spn=0.69536,1.179657&t=h&z=10)

2011-07-29, 12:59 PM
Mutsu Clan-Torii Clan
OOC: Ya dead yet? Just poking the game.