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2011-06-30, 12:40 PM
Maggots in the Meat

Simone "The Stig" Vern
Working under the inquisition has been... somewhat less exciting that Simone thought it'd be. It has been seven years since the death of his father and his oath to take up his father's mantle. At that time, Simone and the inquisitor Janus Malachi had been in contact a few times and the arbitrator's oath had been acknowledged but after that? Silence.

Once a year or so Simone would receive a small stipend from the inquisition and once he had received orders to deliver a message that he didn't understand to people he didn't know but that was it. His attempts to contact Janus failed more often than not and he felt a bit let down but there was nothing he could do about it.

Then, during one very regular morning on his way to work Simone received a message: He was summoned to take up a mission on a planet far-away. No other information about the mission was given but he was told to make his way to the Soiled Fate, a massive interstellar spaceship currently on his homeplanet's orbit. There, he would receive further briefing. To make things even more difficult, he had only two days to leave everything behind and find out a way to board such a ship before the ship would depart.

Even though it took up nearly all of the money he had saved, Simone managed to board Soiled Fate and get himself a small cabin near the lower decks. There, he could only wait for more information as days and weeks passed.

Vatzlav "Bones" Zusak

Vatzlav quickly learned that life on the streets was quite different from life in the jungle. In the jungle one only needed their strength and wit to survive but in the big hives there was one more important trait: Social skills. Being a loner in the world of gangs was difficult and forced the kid to constantly shift locations. It was only a question of time before Vatzlav's luck ran out.

Local gangs of the slum known as Formal E knew that thugs in the area tended to disappear and knew better than to practice their trade in certain parts of it. Vatzlav, however knew only about two higher class kids who seemed to have wandered to the wrong area. He followed them to an alleway, caught up with them and tried to rob them... which was where the things went wrong. Instead of giving him their wallets, the kids just smiled. Then grinned. Then the grin widened even more and their mouths twisted to massive, gaps filled with many rows of razor sharp teeth the likes of which Vatzlav had never seen. It was obvious that he was screwed and would probably die soon.

At that point, however, the emperor interfered. Vatzlav saw a grenade land between the two monsters and was just able to duck behind a cover before the explosion. After the explosion there were inhuman screams and the steady sound of an automatic gun firing solids that were hitting the ground, walls, and presumably monsters somewhere very near. Vatzlav stayed very quiet and very still until it was silent again. When he dared to look, all he saw was two smoking corpses and a seemingly unarmed svelte dark male standing above them. Vatzlav soon learned that the man was interrogator Jericus Drust, a member of the inquisition and had been hunting the creatures for a good while. After that, it was a matter of moments before Vatzlav had signed up. He was instructed to board a spaceship called Soiled Fate, which was currently on the orbit. There he would receive further briefing.


Time among the mechanicus of Soiled Fate passed relatively easily. There was a lot to do and a lot to learn which was enough for a while... but still left some lacking. The life was awfully simple, with very similar tasks among the same machines being repeated from day to day, week to week and year to year. Even though Raltus learned quickly, there were always a lot of people much more skilled in the arts than he was and at times it could make one feel themselves almost unnecessary. Raltus performed his duties well and without complaints but made sure that his superiors knew that his real interest involved him some day leaving the ship to perform emperor's work elsewhere.

One day, Raltus saw a dark skinned man approach him. He had seen the man around a few times: He wasn't a member of the mechanicus but had visited every once in a while, usually leaving with and occasionally coming with quite exotic mechanical goods and weapons. Raltus's superiors and the man seemed to have mutual respect towards each other so when the man came to Raltus, he was received well. Raltus found out that the man was Jericus Drust, an interrogator of the inquisition and worked under inquisitor Janus Malachi of Ordo Malleus. He was about to send two fresh acolytes on their first mission quite soon and had heard of Raltus and decided to offer him a chance to go along. It didn't take much convincing before Raltus was officially an acolyte of the holy order of mankind.

Raltus was told to continue performing his duties as usual and that he would be contacted soon enough.

Raltus, Bones, The Stig

You feel the spaceship tremble as it leaves the Warp after eleven days of travel. Time of the day has little meaning on interstellar ships but it's close to the end of the second shift, which would translate to early morning for those who were picked up from the previous planet and still cared about such things. Nearly immediatelly after the ship has entered realspace, the intercom of your cabin crackles and you hear a voice that summons you to cabin BA2C near the upper decks.

The upper decks are something completely different than what you are used to: No constant background noise from the engines, the air isn't stale, the cabins are larger, the people - officers of the ship and wealthy passengers - are clearly upper class and everything is more glamorous than in the lower decks. The three of you arrive almost simultaneously to the wide and well-lit hallway in front of the cabin and see each other:

A freakishly tall and pallid man dressed in the rust red robes of Adeptus Mechanicus and wearing the respirator as is the standard for tech-priests, a 16-year old and feral looking kid with ruddy skin and beast furs on his shoulders and a third man that, despite him looking tough and being armed, appears to be the most normal of the lot. [OOC: You can describe yourselves in greater detail in your first posts]

The door to the cabin is wide open and you hear a cheerful and yet eloquent male voice calling out to you "Oh, you're all here already. Excellent! Please, come on in!". You walk inside and see a large room that seems more like a living room of a pleasant upper-class house than a cabin: There is a low glass table in front of a red sofa, a fuzzy black carpet made out of fur, a few comfortable looking chairs, a small bookself on the wall and the voxspeakers in the cabing are playing quiet choirmusic.

There is a svelte, dark-skinned man sitting on the sofa and filling his glass from the bottle of amasec on the table. As you step in, he stands up and flashes a welcoming smile. "Welcome. As some of you already know - would you close the door please - as I was saying, I'm Jericus Drust of the holy inquisition. The three of you don't know each other yet but take a good look: You will soon be taking up your first mission together." he says and gestures you to sit down before sitting down himself.