View Full Version : 4e Oneshot - Cliffrunner

2011-06-30, 01:17 PM
The group stands in the cave, a small hole above filled with glowing light from the Ettercap hovel. An arachnid head pokes through, gazing around quickly before turning to stare right at you.
`Remmmember, we knnnow its downnn their, but we do nnot knnnow what` it chitters, its Common understandable, but heavily accented `The tracks suggest onnnly Kruthik, but there is always Kruthik. Donnn`t bother us, we use the Guilder innnsennnce. Whatever it is, it two farmmmers are gonne already. We must get back to the harvest. We have quota`s. You unnnnderstand, I ammm sure. I mmmmu-`
t breaks of suddenly, dancing backward, four arms pushing it out of sight with a loud trilling `Rrrrrmmmmmmm! Collapse! It must be Bennneath the tunnne-` before it is cut off by the collapse of its house. The tunnel falls in on you, stifling wet earth and dry dust- but you manage to get the way of the main fall of debris.

You are standing in a Kruthik Mushroom farm- patches of moss, specially cultivated, give of a dull green light, illuminating the room you stand in (6). The wall opposite the door consists of rubble, wet earth and dust.

You hear a hiss too your left- Turning, you see a pair of small lizards, jaws open, hissing at you. One spits, the resulting gob of flem melting into the floor-Acid!

Roll Initiative

2011-06-30, 01:31 PM
initiative: [roll0]

$taunche climbs to his feet and makes to furiously roll up his sleeves before realising he doesn't have any. Speaking up in his mechanical voice, he decided to chide them.

"Youse punks just picked the wrong fella t'a mess with. People say I'm big six an' you dumb palookas is gonna find out why."

2011-06-30, 02:06 PM
Since you wont be here tomorrow, may as well have some fun now

initiative - [roll0]

It looks like you are on your own, for now!

The Lizards rear up, screaming loud and high - anything in the farms coudl hear such a noise.

what do you do?

2011-06-30, 02:09 PM
Shaen climbs to his feet, dusting dirt off his long coat, loosely belted at the waist and situating his hat as he nods to $taunch. Stepping to a supporting position just behind and to his side, Shaen raises his cane, the clockwork head starting to spin and grind revealing several shaded lenses and crystals.

Initiative: [roll0]

2011-06-30, 02:26 PM
Seeing the hideous lizards rear back to attack, $taunche decided that they might look better pinned up on the wall.

"Youse lugs better prepare for justice!", he cried.

Scraping his three-toed foot against the soil, he brandished his famous lance and took off like a flash into the first of the reptilian spitters.

Standard Action: Charge the crap out of one of the lizards with Ardent strike. If it hits, it is subject to my divine sanction.
TO HIT: [roll0] (has +1 for charging)
Damage: [roll1]

Move: N/A

Minor: Divine Sanction on the other lizardman.

2011-06-30, 02:28 PM
The lizards flick their heads towards the noise, letting out another screech.

Just_Ice- you go first. The others can roll initiative when they get here. Remember, I am AFK in half an hour, so they can filter in overnight.

2011-06-30, 02:51 PM
Sorry Just_Ice:smallredface:.

Your attack hits, scrapping a ragged gash along the little lizard, splattering blood onto its companion. Its cry becomes a keening wail, its companion distracted whirling at the dusty Warforged. You notice a strip of cloth, dusty and ragged, tied round its neck.

Both of you, and anyone present, perception check please

warlawk, Shaen, your up

2011-06-30, 02:58 PM
Perception: [roll0]

2011-06-30, 03:10 PM
Map with enemy positions- Lizard 1 an lizard 2. If we are keeping track of position, please edit in yourself, choose a color, preferably the same as your speaking text in the game, and just cover a square in it. Watch your movement. Just_Ice, which lizard did you attack? http://i55.tinypic.com/28bbpqo.jpg

$taunche - You notice spidery writing across the pieces of cloth- but they are too dirty to read. There are spiderweb cracks across the top of the door. You can feel a light rumbling through your feet, like standing on the deck of a zeppelin when the engine starts up. To learn more about the cracks and rumble - Dungeoneering or Nature check.

2011-06-30, 03:11 PM
I fell asleep:smalltongue:



Raze step forward. Staring at the Lizard with his Saphhire eyes, The Wood-Metal-Warrior draw his longswords, Lifedrinker and Razorwind. The wind of his soul rush within, he is once more ready to be a engine of destructions for his enemies.

2011-06-30, 03:17 PM
OoC: I attacked lizard two.

Dungeoneering check: [roll0]

2011-06-30, 03:17 PM
Dont worry about it Salbazier, this will be running for a few days, a bit slower than tonight. Feel free to drop in and out as you have to, but keep track of yourself.
Raze`s perception check-You notice spidering cracks over the door.

Raze, unnoticed by the lizards, has the initiative as Shaen dusts himself off. What do you do?

$taunch`s Dungeoneering check That door won`t be coming down on its own any time soon, but a good attack would bring it down fairly easy. You recognize the rumble of a burrowing beast under your feet! From the rumblings you can tell that it does not use hands, or some form of burrowing claw.That it isn't deforming the soil about its passage says it is not too close to the surface.

2011-06-30, 03:38 PM
Swinging the blades in a near-invisible flurry he strikes at the lizards

Move: if needed, moving to the square in front of lizard 1.

Minor: Hunter's Quarry at Lizard 1

Standard: Twin Strike -
Lifedrinker at lizard 2 [roll0]
DMG: [roll4]
Razorwind (the normal +2) at lizard 1 [roll3]
DMG: [roll1] plus Hunter's quarry [roll2]

EDIT: wrong quarry
EDIT2: wrong damage roll all over in fact. :smallsigh:
EDIT3: Twin strike are supposed to add STR to damage. Substract 5 from each damage, please. Sorry for inconvenience :smallfrown:

2011-06-30, 03:52 PM
Both attacks land, the lizard with the first gash sporting a new, clean slice across its side, ripping off the cloth around its neck. The second strike takes the distracted first lizard completely by surprise, Razorwind leaving a red line across its led, scattering scraps of scale.

From the floor beneath, a scrabbling digging can be heard- a small mound of earth forming behind Shaen. It burst open, scattering wet loam, smelling of mushrooms, vomiting up a pair of black small black and yellow worms, barely as long as your arm- four tentacles surround a griffon-like beack in teh center of their otherwise featureless face.

Initiative- (both) - [roll0]

They strike, both grabbing at his legs with their beaks, before ripping at his ankles! attacks Vs Shaens AC of 17

2011-06-30, 03:56 PM
Thumbing the stud on his cane a few times to get the correct lens, Shaen brings it up before his body. Opening one eye wide a wispy bit of power seems to seep from the socket, snatching it from the air with his free hand Shaen guides the the magic into the focusing lens which directs the power forward in a blinding lance of ephemeral light which streaks forward, lancing into the face of the closest lizard.

Warlocks Curse Lizard 1 (minor)
Eyebite attack roll vs will lizard1 (standard) [roll0]
Eyebite Damage [roll1] Curse damage [roll2] and I am invisible to that target until my next turn.

Perception [roll3]

2011-06-30, 03:59 PM
warlawk- Sorry warlawk, trouble with the dice roller.

right, hopefully this will work now.



Grrr, aparently you cannot roll new dice in edits....
Well, this is for practice anyway...

The two worms attacks scrape of the buckles and leather covering Shaen`s legs- only a single attack gets through!

2011-06-30, 04:09 PM
[roll0] 2 damage to Shaen

Tasting blood, the succsesfully atacking worm dives back under the dirt, leaving a trail easily seeable-and strikeable.

Sorry warlawk, you can take your turn again if you want, I new I would have to get the hang of this. apparently, when using the forum dice roller, you cannot roll new dice in an edit, and if you preview a post, they do not work at all

If Warlawk wants to take his turn as it was instead of a new one- the first lizard glances back at Shaen and sneezes, before turning back to the fray.

2011-06-30, 04:44 PM

If Warlawk wants to take his turn as it was instead of a new one-

Heh, tempting as that may be with bad rolls... lets just let it run on. Much easier to just play things as they roll than try to be extremely solid on exact initiative orders and such. No worries at all, lets just work on getting a good flow going :)

2011-06-30, 04:55 PM
Right, new round, roll initiative!

Worm 1, underground, next to shaen- initiative = [roll0]
worm 2- above ground, next to shaen -initiative = [roll1]

Lizard 1, infront of Raze, cut once -initiative = [roll2]
Lizard 2, cut twice, infront of Just_Ice -initiative = [roll3]

2011-06-30, 05:13 PM
Initiative: [roll0]

2011-06-30, 05:16 PM

2011-06-30, 05:20 PM
Heads up guys- I lose internet in 15 minuets. I can get another round in of monster action if Just_Ice is quick about it, then I will be off till after lunch tomorrow probably, around 13 hours. I am having fun so far, dunno about you guys.
/editmeh, Just_Ice can go last :smallsmile:

You guys can take your turns tonight, and the others can feel free to join in, just stick your Sheet in the OOC thread.

2011-06-30, 05:35 PM
The second Lizard coughs and hacks, spitting a glob steaming acid at the new enemy- attacks Raze - [roll0] Vs Raze`s AC of 19
If it hits it will eat a pitted hole into his side, the harsh acid dissolving his wood.
damage (if it hits) [roll1] acid damage.

The second worm sprouts again from underground, aiming another pair of bites at the doppelganger`s legs, exited by its taste of blood.

, if it hits it rips his flesh for [roll3] damage


if it hits it rips his flesh for [roll5] damage

2011-06-30, 06:03 PM
Ignoring his smoking torso, Raze Launches another attack. With the turn of his body, he swings Lifedrinker one after another in great arc, intent to cleave the neck and torso with great force:

Standard action: Thundertusk Boar Strike - both attacks at Lizard 1
Razorwind[roll0] DMG: [roll1]
LifeDrinker[roll2] DMG: [roll3] plus Quarry [roll4]

EDIT: Ow, poor rolls. Ah well.

"Staunch, you may better help Shaen. I can handle this two"

2011-06-30, 06:34 PM
OoC: If either of the lizards attacked guys that weren't me, they take damage from my divine challenge. They also take penalties to hit.

$taunche eyes the worm with indignation. He didn't need to be told twice; Raze practically needn't have said anything at all.

"Youse saps think I'll let you get away with that hooliganism, eh? Attackin' the weak fleshy ones, an' that? Time to find out how sour the lemons really are."

Minor: Divine challenge worm 1.
Standard: Holy strike on worm 1. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Move: N/A, this is a small room

2011-07-01, 12:26 AM
Shaen presses back to the nearest wall as best he is able to allow his companions room to work. Presenting the smallest profile he can and trying to stand on something solid to keep the worms from getting under him, he tries to protect himself as best possible in the cramped confines.

Taking total defense action because there's nowhere to move, and eating two opportunity attacks from worms isn't much better than blowing up my allies with an 'all creatures' aoe, heh. So I'll take Total Defense action +2 all defenses.

2011-07-01, 06:54 AM
Raze- Though your first strike misses, the second lands a mighty blow to its chest, ribs cracking as it is thrown against the wall loosing a cloud of musty dust. Raising its head, the first lizards eyes dart and twitch, flicking between Raze and $taunche, its tiny lizard brain trying to comprehend Divine JUSTICE. It scratches at its head, pupils dilating - and falls to the ground, body going limp.

$taunche- as the first lizard falls to Raze`s strike, and its own attempt to comprehend the JUSTICE that would keep it from attacking the closest enemy-thing. Unfortunately, the odds against you do not seem to be so very high, and your Holy Strike goes wide, missing the yellow-and-black worm.

Shaen- the worms twist their eyeless heads towards you as you hunch defensively against the wall at your back.

Enemy Round


The two worms strike at Shaen once more, beaks clicking.



Vs Shaen`s AC of 17+2 from total defense = 19

Second Lizard

Enraged at its comrades death, the second lizard attempts to spit again at the closest enemy thing, hunching protectively over the first lizards corpse.


Vs Raze`s reflex of 18

However, as it hacks up a glob of acidic flem to spit, its head lolls back- opportunity attack for Raze against the Lizard for using a ranged atack while adjacent to an enemy.

2011-07-01, 06:58 AM
Shaen- again, only the strike of the first worm makes it through your armor

[roll0] damage

Raze despite making an opening for your attack, the lizards acid splashes against your chest once more.

[roll1] acid damage

However, as it attacks its own eyes go wide and pupils dilate- The concept of the INJUSTICE of attacking someone other than its challenger flooding its tiny brain - 6 damage from $taunche`s divine challenge.

2011-07-01, 10:26 AM
If Lizard one dies by Lifedrinker? If yes, I gain 5 temp hp

Ignoring another burn, Raze thrust Lifedrinker forward straight at the lizard's mouth.

Opportunity attack with Lifedrinker: [roll0] DMG [roll1]

Rearing back, Raze readies himself for another attack. Lifedrinker and Razorwind dances over the enemies.

Minor action: Hunter Quarry's on Lizard 2 if its still alive, on worm 2 if the lizard has died.

Standard Action: Twin Strike
If lizard 2 is still alive: Razorwind at worm 2, lifedrinker at lizard 2
If Lizard 2 is dead: Both attacks at Worm 2

Razorwind: [roll2] DMG [roll3]
Lifedrinker: [roll4] DMG [roll5]
Plus quarry damage one first attack again quarry's target [roll6]

2011-07-01, 01:19 PM
Keeping pressed back against the wall, Shaen takes heart in seeing his companions dispatching the beasts they are trapped in the room with.
"Gentlemen, your intercession is most appreciated!"

Using Second Wind to heal and gain +2 to all defenses.

2011-07-01, 01:57 PM
Yup, It was Lifedrinker which killed it, though only thanks to the power of JUSTICE.:smallbiggrin:

Raze-Life drinker misses, passing through the lizards open mouth, to scratch at the wall behind. The second two attacks barely graze the now enraged lizard.

Shaen- You form into a defensive stance, blood dripping down your leg from your quickly healing wounds.

edit-Sweet, two pages!:smalltongue:

2011-07-07, 01:13 PM
"Oh, a wiseguy, eh?" $taunche sneers, stubbornly preparing to club the strange and spineless creature with his lance, "Lesse how wise youse is after a double-dose of the ol' Justice, ya mangy knave! An' don't think I forgot thy friend, neither, see?"

As mentioned (perhaps even FORESHADOWED), the knightly machine attempts to clobber the worm with the pommel of his lance, given the close quarters. Not much in the way of of new tactics, but then when the enemy's just ahead of you... He does, however, interpose himself between the dapper warlock and the two monsters.

Minor: Divine challenge worm 2.
Standard: Holy strike on worm 1. Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Move: Nope.

2011-07-08, 10:07 AM
Just_Ice-as you lash out towards the worm it curls around your strike,dipping back into its burrow-hole.

Caught between two opponents the worms waver back and forth, before turning and again attacking Shaen- preferring the warm bloody-fleshy legs to the cold crunchy-metally legs of the warforged. - Worm 1 - Attacks Shaen - [roll0]
VS AC 17
If attack 1 hits - [roll2] damage

Worm 2 - Attacks Shaen -[roll4]
VS AC 17
If attack 1 hits - [roll6]

The lizard hisses once more, its mad eyes wide, and spits twice towards $taunche, attempting to understand the true might of JUSTICE. However, in doing so, it is completely distracted from the closer warforged. - Lizard 2- Attacks $taunche with globs of acid spit.
VS AC 22
Atack 1- [roll8]
if it hits it does [roll9] acid damage
Lizard 2`s attacks provoke an opertunity attacks from Raze.

Edited due to me accidentally taking two standard actions for each monster.

2011-07-08, 12:13 PM
Taking on the opening, Raze try to split open the lizard's head with Razorwind.

Forgot to roll the attack. Rolling OOC (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=11374608&postcount=63)
OA on Lizard2 [roll0]

Unstopping, he continues to rain blows on the two lizards. "Fighting inside a pit like this is really annoying"
Twin Strike on Lizard2 ...aand i add the str to damage again.
Razorwind [roll1]damage[roll2]-5 = 7
Lifedrinker [roll3]damage[roll4]-5 = 5 plus quarry [roll5]

Correction in red

2011-07-10, 04:34 PM
Raze- At your first strike the lizard dodges left, clawed feet scratching the muddy floor as it jumps away from the rapidly cooling body of its companion. At your second strike it steps back again, eyes flitting nervously, as it is pushed back against the wall-but it can go no further. Trapped, it can yield ground no more, Lifedrinker scything the crown of its skull from its head. The lizard falls limp at your feet.