View Full Version : Hakke Rokujūyon Shō

2011-07-01, 04:44 AM
ok, so i recently saw Snap kick and that one Iron Heart tactical feat (as well as the Tiger one) and i got in my head this amazing idea that i really love, but i'm trying to figure out the most effect way to go about it.

There are several ways to add an attack to your full attack. FLurry of blows, whirling frenzy, snap kick, two weapon fighting, Imp Xeph burst (the feat that lets you make an extra attack instead of increase your speed).

There are several ways to substantially increase your damage on many attacks. The ironheart tact. feat allows you to add damage (and with one, attack bonus) to ALL your attacks (against that opponent), Karmic strike + the first one to get lots of attack of opportunities, dont take em, and then get bonuses.

There are several ways to keep an enemy from running so you can do these two full attack combos, "tanking" maneuvers. tripping. Stunning fist.

but there are so many prerequesits and variables i'm going mad. For instance with snap kick, thats a feat and it might need two weapon fighting. Even if it doesnt i'd want better unarmed damage since thats the bonus attack. which would require monk/swordsaging it and maybe taking superior unarmed strike. More feats!! Two weapon fighitng is a feat. The Xeph feat is a feat. So i guess i'm trying to figure out how i can get the most amount and strongest attacks with the most effective feat combos (another example is dipping barbarian for whirling frenzy. No Feats! but i can only do it once per day so i'd need a feat to get more rages!)

there is also MAD. Str or dex? for Dex i'd need more feats (weapon finesse), i could primarily go strength but then i'd need class combos that didnt take away abilities when i wear armor, but i guess if i'm going iron heart its warblade anyways). Then combat expertise requires Int, oh need Dex for combat reflexes, Wisdom for Monk/SS AC bonus and stunning fist. So if i use all my options i'm going to go MAD. but i know i dont need em. getting a 5 hit combo out by lvl 10 seems reasonable. that would only be 3 extra attacks i dont need all these options.

Problems: Excessive multiclassing. Major MAD. Feats. Multiclassing synergy (i.E. Fighter and Monk=Bad synergy).

oh and then there is the idea of actually not sucking. and the synergy of certian abilities and if i'm reading them right. for the former for a second i though the "Waste a turn to get +5 dmg next turn" was bad . but then i realized i'd get that +5 to all attacks against that enemy, and it stacks. so if i succeed on 3 touch attacks, that s+15 damage each attack. Further, since the only modifier is that the attacks deal no damage, does that mean i can trip or stunning first with them? and there must be some synergy with the fact that those touch attacks dont have to be on my turn (but i guess the only way i'd get those is with AoO and i'm getting +4/+4 for not attacking, rather than +5 for touch attacking)

I'd like this to give me the feel of my character by 10 ish (or rather 5 to 10, I dont mind feeling like an apprentice fighter in early levels but if i'm 10 and cant be amazing i'd feel bad) and use no real homebrewing (at worst refluffing)

2011-07-01, 04:58 AM
Sounds like you can get this with Warblade and Monk, with maybe a Fighter dip. I can help with the MAD - take either Kung Fu Genius (Dragon Compendium) or Carmendine Monk (CoV) and you can toss WIS out the door, as Int will be fueling your monk abilities instead.

For the rest, I'm not much of a melee guy, so someone else will have to help you with the actual combo.

2011-07-01, 05:45 AM
indeed, which would throw stunning fist out the door. I dont think i put emphasis on another major issue . Keeping guys in melee range so i dont have to keep chasing them down.

Without stunning them there is tripping... which i'd like a second opinion on if that should be able to work with that Touch attack iron heart feat, and I guess the Goad feat , but thats a standard action so couldnt use it with maneuvers and the whole point of the build is full attacking and thats ANOTHER feat.

So if there is anything else thats good. Of course it might be pointless, if i'm a melee guy the only guys who are going to run are either skirmishers and casters or well roleplayed NPCS. so against melee it might not be an issue.

I tried to google CoV and got nowhere (though i just suck at websearches) whats that from?

found it sorry

2011-07-01, 06:33 AM
indeed, which would throw stunning fist out the door.

Huh? Both Carmendine Monk and Kung Fu Genius apply Int to your stunning fist DC as well as your AC bonus. They even apply to Quivering Palm, should you choose to use it.

2011-07-01, 05:07 PM
oh i meant wisdom was a requirement for the feat, but forgot that monk bonus feats you get even if you dont meet requirements.

2011-07-01, 06:24 PM
Eight Trigrams 64 Palms
This might interest you. (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=6002.msg198300#msg198300)