View Full Version : La ligne claire

2011-07-01, 09:51 AM
Style is everything.

It occured to me today that OotS is a La ligne claire (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ligne_claire) style comic. The story is not as straightforward as Hergé may have liked it, and the style partly is a result of the workings of paint programs and RBs choice. However RB claimed it could not have been drawn any other way and that is something I agree with; It is easier to accept fantasy if it is not realistic at all, or maybe ultra realistic.

Anyway, I am sure I would have liked it less if it had the traits of contemporary American superhero comics:smallyuk:, but now I grew up with European comics that was heavily influenced by La ligne claire. So go OotS!

(Heh, I guess this could also have been posted in the thread for things u never noticed before:smallsmile:)