View Full Version : Quick fun character help.

2011-07-01, 03:18 PM
The DM has allowed me to use all the books and I have to get a character done by sunday next week but I'd really like to try a psionic fist monk combo... but I don't think it's working to well cause of all the attributes I have to use. However I still like the idea... DM's letting us start at lvl 15 so here's what I have so far.

1st Monk 1- Improved Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist, Improved Initiative, Battle Jumper, Wild Talent (Novar), Psionic Fist Monk abilities, Rage 1/day, immune to hold, charm, claws 1d2/1d2, bite 1d3, Decisive strike (variant class feature)
2nd Ranger 1- Track Animal empathy
3rd Monk 1/Ranger 2- Ascetic Hunter, Improved Natural Attack
4th Monk 2/Ranger 2- Evasion, +1 Wis
5th Monk 3/Ranger 2- Still Mind
6th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 1- Up the Walls Inertial Armor
7th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 2- Expansion
8th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 3- +1 Wis, Hustle
9th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 4- Practiced Manifester Body Adjustment
10th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 5- Quicken Power Psionic Lion's Charge
11th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 6- Mental Barrier
12th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 7- Superior Unarmed Strike +1 Wis, Steadfast Perception
13th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 8- Energy Adaptation
14th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 9- Oak Body
15th Monk 3/Ranger 2/Psionic Fist 10- Overchannel, Expanded Knowledge (Metamorphosis) Catapsi

I was thinking that I might start psionic fist one level later and take a third level in ranger to get endurance but I'm not quite sure.... Any advice would be appreciated.

2011-07-01, 03:21 PM
I would suggest the sword sage or that tashlaora (probably misspelled) from secrets of sarlona they are both better than the psionic fist.

2011-07-01, 03:26 PM
For an unarmed build? would that work?

EDIT: I'm special and blanked I only aw sword sage... Going to look up your suggestion now

2011-07-01, 03:56 PM
Also I was wondering if I would be better off playing a drunken master because that also seems like fun.

2011-07-01, 05:07 PM
I just noticed you had Ascetic Hunter, it's against gestalt rules to double progress something. Like if you were a gestalt sorcerer/wizard you wouldn't have a familiar twice as powerful as normal.

2011-07-01, 06:07 PM
Psionic Fist is better than the basic monk, but not as impressive as, say, Monk 2/Psychic Warrior 13 with the Tashalatora feat. Is there any reason you're throwing Ranger into the mix?