View Full Version : The Sunstone IC

2011-07-01, 04:09 PM
As the darkness fades and the world stops spinning, you open your eyes and look into the clear blue sky.
The sun is shining brightly but it’s difficult to concentrate on that, since you have an headache, as if you just been hit by a warmace.

As you pull yourself up, you look around and see others scattered around this open patch in the forest. Some of them human, some of them orcs. You don’t see a lot of movement, probably most of them are still out cold or even dead. Almost the entire group you were with is right here, not many are moving though.

This forest does look familiar, even the spot looks like you have been here before, but you directly notice some changes. The tree’s aren’t the same. The vegetation doesn’t seem just like it was and those rabbit holes you found lately, are gone.

2011-07-01, 04:50 PM
When Serun regains his consciousness his hand reaches instinctively towards his spellbook, while he looks around (spot: potential enemies) and tries to stand up.

Urgh where am I, what happened? Serun thought, before checking if his fellow soldiers were still alive, while also keeping an eye on the Orc bodies

Spot: 6 ((well yeah it is just a quick glance I am more worried of my fellow soldiers :smallsmile:

2011-07-01, 04:55 PM
Eskober rises from where he'd fallen, his face casting about for something. His eyes look haunted, as though he'd had nightmares. The dark voice in the back of his head continues to speak to him, taunting his weakness, entreating him with promises of power. The power of stolen souls, to feed on those he kills with his own blade until he possesses the strength to be the hero he wants to be. He hefts his blade, and prays that one of the orcs lived, so that he doesn't need to kill a human.

"Heroes don't kill their comrades, heroes don't kill their comrades, heroes don't kill their comrades..." is the line he repeats as he walks towards the nearest orc.

2011-07-02, 06:36 AM
Confused Dogan tryes to reach his club.

He shouts: Sniffer i hope you are OK! Where are you big sack of drool!?

Drogan stands up and look a round to see if he can spot sniffer, any orc that is still alive or, finally, any of his companions.

2011-07-02, 10:36 AM
You look around and check the others. Most of your company are dead or dying. Too far gone to help them recover. The sergeant sits against a rock, breathing heavily. All the orcs died except two of them who wear black robes instead of armor like the others. They are unconcious but look stable.

Sniffer is sniffing on one of the dead orcs, he doesn't look like he just woke up.

2011-07-02, 06:28 PM
"Whoah, I.. can't remember drinking that much.. last.." even before Oscar can finish his sentence, he remembers more about the events that happened before. They weren't drinking, they were on a chase.

"So the chase.." Another flash of his memory returns. They quit the chase after losing track.. "We, ..., were on our way back after not finding those orcs" as he looks around he sees the bodies scattered around, "I guess they found us?
I can't even remember last time I lost a brawl, someone must have caught me off-guard".

His background and affinity with nature will cause him to immediately notice the change in the natural environment. "And what happened to the trees? and plants?"

He stands up and immediately checks to see if his two little figurines are still in his pockets. Only after he finds them, he picks up his greatsword and walks to the sergeant, "Sir, can you tell us what happened?".

{OOC: Do we have an OOC thread? or do we do it like this or maybe in spoiler tags?
I guessed Oscar wouldn't be the first to notice the "stable but concious" orcs but he might be the one to notice the environmental changes}

2011-07-02, 06:43 PM
Serun starts collecting the tags of the dead while praying: "May you continue your journey after this life"

After this he checks on the Orcs. One of you might know more about what happened. thought Serun before shouting to the sergeant: "Sir I would like to take at least one of these into custody for questioning!" Serun readies readies a charm person to be cast on the first orc that stirs, just in case.

((Well I am using the recruitment thread as a OOC thread right now, it might be better if we have an official one. Warn me if I want to do too much in one post I am still learning. yay for spelling my own name wrong >.<, although I did do it consistently: Serun Bakersun is his name... not Sevrun))

2011-07-02, 07:11 PM
Eskober hears the Sevrun's shout, and simply shrugs. In a single swift motion he stabs one of the unconscious orcs, in a definite motion to kill (coup de grace).

2011-07-03, 09:22 AM
Sarg rests against the rock, trying to keep his face straight even though he looks like he is in a lot of pain. He's just a stubborn man who will never show weakness untill the end. And that end will come soon, no doubt about that.

As he coughs he speaks with a bitter tone : well I guess this is it. Killed without glory on a wild goose chase.

I don't know what happened, but I can share what I know.
These orcs are the ones that did the robbery, there is no doubt about that. The thing they stole is called the sunstone, a Holy item from our church. We don't know what it is capable off, but we do know that it is magical and powerfull.

As he lifts his hand to give you something, you can see the wound that he covered, a gaping hole in his chest.

keep this with you, it is the most precious thing I have in this life.
Promise me to take revenge, and find the sunstone..

As his eyes open but his soul fades you look into your hand. In there is the tag and the sergeant stripes of your former sergeant.

for now let's use the recruit for pic, when I'm back ill make a oc

2011-07-03, 10:21 AM
Dogan orders sniffer to come back, and gets closer to the sargeat, to see if somehthing can still be done to save him.

As Dogan realizes that he is dead he says: "Race of bastards, always stealing and killing, maybe its revenge time...maybe" Then turns around and shouts at Eskover "Hey you! dont kill all of them! We need information,Torture is always the funnier thing!"

Then he looks at whoever is nearer to the sargeant and tell him "take that thing if you want, i dont really need anything more to get involved into this"

Then Dogan walks toward the nearest orc that is still alive

2011-07-03, 10:36 AM
"Damn Eskover why did you do that!" shouts Serun to Eskover. Hearing the mention of torture he replies to Dogan: "Torture is a crude form of information gathering, you can make a man lie and confess anything as long as the pain stops. Let me take care of this Dogan, I can make him talk without torture." Looking at the robed Orc Serun quickly adds: "We do need to restrain him, he looks like a magic user to me."

Serun still keeps his charm person spell ready to release at the first sign of movement from the Orc.

2011-07-03, 02:09 PM
Eskober turns to the other and rather bluntly states: One's still alive, just like you wanted." With a small quirking of his eyebrow, he wipes the blood from his sword blade on the dead orc's cloak, and then plants it into the ground and leans on it. "Though why you would want either alive is beyond me personally. It's most likely that they'll have no information beyond what we already know."

The voice quietly buzzes away, whispering new messages of how merciful he had been, and how he should continue by applying that mercy to everyone else. The voice is easily ignored now though, and stays at a buzz.

2011-07-03, 03:15 PM
While kneeling down next to the sergeant, Oscar looks at his companion. He sees Eskober slaughter one of the robed Orcs.
He says in anger "How did you ever get accepted in this job?
And how can you even think that they know nothing if THEY stole that sunstone in the first place. Why would they steal anything they knew nothing about.

Even if they were just doing a job they must have had a contractor. Think before you act, man.". Oscar heaves a sigh.

Oscar receives the stripes and the tag from the sergeant with a deep bow. "We will not let you down, sir...

Can we be of any help to you out here, sir?" he asks they sergeant, willing to aid him as much as he can. "Dogan, can you try patching him up? I shall try to assist you".

Oscar aids Dogan in trying to heal the sergeant, if Dogan attempts this

2011-07-03, 05:39 PM
Eskober takes a moment to address Oscar.
I did think before I acted. That fellow over there said he wanted one alive, so he's got one alive. More importantly, I can state that they won't know anything based upon what happened. Whatever it was that hit us hit them too, therefore they weren't prepared for it and won't know what happened. Even if we question them now, at most we'll get a name and a location, the name most likely being an alias and the location probably being a trap. And so, you fellows get one alive because you wanted one alive, but you probably won't get anything from it. Of course, there's always the off-chance that I'm completely wrong and it knows everything from the name of whoever coerced them into stealing your Sunstone to where he sleeps at night. A remote chance is still a chance I suppose. Whatever the case may be, I believe we should take the time to honor the fallen. We have no digging tools, so perhaps we get started building a pyre.

2011-07-03, 06:02 PM
As you are grieving over your dead friends, you hear that the last orc is awakening. He lookes as confused as you were when you woke. As he realises who you are, he tries to get up, fear in his eyes.

2011-07-03, 06:15 PM
Ignoring the rant of the soldier Serun notices the Orc regaining consciousness and quickly casts his Charm person on him before he fully regained consciousness.

Hoping his spell worked he asks the Orc in common and draconic: "Do you speak common/Draconic? Can you tell me what you know, about what happened here?"


2011-07-06, 07:10 PM
The orc, still a little confused, looks at you as if he finally sees something he can comprehend. He speaks with a dark voice, not the orcish kind but something more sinister.

as for what happened in the end, I am just as clueless as you are.
We were sent out by our master to retrieve the sunstone from your stronghold. We know it has the power of light in it, and our master would be very pleased to free the world of such a terrible device.

2011-07-07, 04:24 AM
((does he speak in darconic or elven, might be smart to place special languages in spoilers, which I should have done also, I assume I understood him and talk back in the language he spoke :P.))

Serun ponders for a bit about what this Orc said, noticing his strange voice and his knowledge about the sunstone. He replies back in the language the Orc spoke:
"Who is this master you speak and why is such an item as the sunstone so wretched for him?"

(diplomacy if needed: 8 )

2011-07-07, 08:17 PM
(the orc speaks common, he just has a dark tone in his voice.

our master is the one who will cover your world in the deepest darkness from which he himself came.

Before anyone can react, the orc tries to cast a spell but as he weaves the sings and says the words nothing happens.. as if there has happened something impossible, the orc stares at his hands.

2011-07-10, 04:20 AM
"Oh no you don't!" Oscar says as he walks towards the orc. He grabs the orc's hands and holds them behind his back, holding them tightly so the orc can't move them.

(does this require a check? Perhaps opposed strength if he resists.. +4 modifier if dm wants to roll)

2011-07-10, 10:17 AM
Noticing the Orc trying to cast a spell Serun draws his longsword. and readies it at his neck.
"That wasn't a smart move and now Dogan will be allowed to play with you."

(spellcraft to identify the spell the Orc tried to cast: 25 and an take 10 intimidate, if allowed, for the dialogue and pointing stabby ends of swords at a vulnerable neck.)

2011-07-10, 04:06 PM
The orc doesn't resist, still confused about his spell not working. He doesn't look very happy at the moment, and he looks nervously from Serun to Dogan.

for Serun

The spell Blacklight should have been casted by him.
But with your high spellcraft check you also notice that his spell should have worked.

2011-07-10, 09:10 PM
Eskober picks up a fallen weapon, and holds it at his side, awaiting the verdict of the Orc's fate.

2011-07-13, 08:41 AM
Still with a bit of a disbelieve on his face. Serun looks to Eskober and Oscar and says: "Well we better tie his hands and knock him out for now. Dogan can have his fun when he is done and we still need to bury these men"

2011-07-13, 11:59 AM
Eskober shrugs and drops the blade he's holding.

2011-07-14, 06:03 AM
Does anyone have a piece of rope or some cloth? I can attempt to knock him out after we've tied him..

Oscar waits for someone to tie the orc down and then hits him on the back of the head.

(Don't know if I'll post from here again. To speed up, Dabone can make my damage roll, he has my stats on the sheet)

2011-07-14, 11:09 AM
you find some good rope and tie the orc down, Oscar hits him hard on the head and the orc goes out.

Now you are the only ones here, you can have a relaxed look around.
Everything around you seems more alive then what you can remember.
The grass and leafs are greener and the calm sound of animals in the background is almost musical. You really feel out of place covered in blood and the dead around you.

2011-07-18, 03:27 PM
Having finished the business with the Orc, for now, Serun looks around and contemplates for a second about this peculiar feeling of being out of place. Oh well that will be for later for when we are debriefing thinks Serun before continuing to order the things that have to be done.

"ok I think we need at least one man on the look out just in case. We will have to bury our fallen comrades or bring them with us. But I don't know where we are do any of you know?" After having said that Serun walks towards Dogan and asks "How is the Sergeant doing?"