View Full Version : What to take for level 1-3 of a Pathfinder-Eberron Dragonmarked Heir

2011-07-01, 05:13 PM
A friend of mine is running a game using the setting of Eberron, and the rules of Pathfinder. Mostly it's just using Pathfinder stuff, but there are Dragonmarks, Warforged, Eternal Wands, etc. Stuff from Eberron books gets looked at and accepted, rejected or altered as needed.

One of my backup concepts (I'm currently playing a Summoner with the Mark of Shadows) is a Dragonmark Heir based around the idea of getting himself and/or others from A to B – unless you've got someone with Greater Teleport available, you need to have had someone with Teleport actually visit somewhere to have them be able to teleport you there. So, the idea of this character is that he (when he reaches that level) could travel overland to reach the target zone, spend a while there to fix it in his memory, teleport back to wherever the clients are based, then start teleporting people into the target zone.

Currently we're level 4, so I won't be teleporting immediately. With my current plans, what I'd have at that level would be Dimension Leap x 3, Prodigy x 2, Dimension Door x 1, all at Caster level 7. Haven't yet settled on the prodigy ability, more discussion of it below the spoilers.

The big problem I'm running into with the concept is this: What do I do with my first three levels? Three levels isn't very much to get you anywhere.

First three, 'cause we've shifted Dragonmarks around a bit – You still get the Least at 1st level, but you'd normally be getting the Lesser at 6th level. Oh, wait, no feat at 6th level in Pathfinder. So, shift that down to 5th. Which means that the class Dragonmark Heir then has to be shifted down to starting at 4th level, so it's still better than just taking the feats. This is probably okay balance-wise, as Pathfinder classes are generally more powerful than the non-OP D&D ones.

But I'm still left wondering... what do I do with those first three levels.

I want something that both fits the personality/role of the character (which'll be self sufficient, adventurous, slightly arrogant), but also is mechanically useful. Ranger could work for the whole being at home in the wilderness thing, or Rogue to add some stealth to it, but I'm not sure how well that would mesh with his teleportive powers. But something like Fighter or such could work for the armour, or for feats using my mobility. Sorcerer could get me even more movement...

When I was asking around for ideas before, Zen Monk was suggested, for the general mobility of the Monk plus getting off lots of shots.

Looking at the Pathfinder Psionics, Psion-Nomad would give me even more transporty ability, but leave me with very little actual way of doing damage, of doing something other than teleporting around. And whilst there's a great deal of utility in the teleporting, I need something more, I need to be able to do useful damage in a fight, and I'm not sure what what my best option is for such.

So, any suggestions?

Full description of what I'll get when to give you an idea of the mobility of the character under the spoilers:
Character level 1st: Dimension Leap x 2, Prodigy x 1 (Caster level 1)

Character level 4th: Dimension Leap x 3, Prodigy x 2, Dimension Door x 1 (Caster level 7)

Character level 5th: Dimension Leap x 3, Expeditious Retreat x 2, Prodigy x 2, Dimension Door x 2, Adept x 1 (Caster level 8)

Character level 6th: Dimension Leap x 3, Expeditious Retreat x 2, Prodigy x 2, Dimension Door x 2, Phantom Steed x 1, Adept x 1 (Caster level 9)

Character level 7th: Dimension Leap x 4, Expeditious Retreat x 3, Prodigy x 3, Dimension Door x 3, Phantom Steed x 2, Adept x 2, Teleport x 2, Visionary x 1 (Caster level 14)

Not entirely sure what the Prodigy spell will be; Longstrider (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/longstrider) , Feather Step (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/feather-step), and Tireless Pursuit (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/tireless-pursuit), are all possibilities. Maybe Jump (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/j/jump), but it doesn't seem that useful.

Adept is likely to by Fly (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/f/fly), but could be Jester's Jaunt (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/j/jester-s-jaunt), instead. Visionary will probably be either Overland Flight (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/o/overland-flight), or Bard's Escape (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bard-s-escape)

2011-07-02, 02:09 AM
Oh, and the game in question isn't too high optimisation, and is quite talky/political/puzzle solve-y, which is why I do think this character is broadly viable. On the other hand, he still needs to have some damage output, preferably greater than "I have a crossbow!"