View Full Version : My Little Pony XIII: Fast/Fine/Fierce Thread

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2011-07-01, 06:00 PM

Trixie's Great and Powerful Guide v1.94b
Fine Edition

Brief Introduction

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic is a reboot of the MLP franchise by Powerpuff Girls artist Lauren Faust, currently viewed by (almost) the entire Internet, not only the intended audience. Here is a place where we discuss the joy of friendship.

> My Little Pony? Seriously?

It's a clever show. It has excellent writing, character dynamics, humor, animation, and generally treats kids seriously rather than condescending to them. It has every right to be a 20 minute corporate committee designed infomercial, but it's not.

> Isn't this a show for little girls?

Pixar technically makes shows for little boys, and produce some of the best animation in the world.

> Okay, fine. I'll give it a try. Where do I start?

No Brony could ask for more. I recommend watching the episodes in order. They're all up on Youtube. Unusually, Hasbro seems fine with having the entire series up in public because they've made no move to bring down any of the episodes. Search for "Friendship is Magic Episode 1" and you should find the series pretty easily... Or search for "Sharing is Magic" Google Doc. That is all.

> Okay, I'm going to watch it but this had better live up to the hype!

Whoa, calm down there. The show is light hearted, optimistic fun but it's not for everyone. It's good fun, the community is good fun, and everyone can do with a reminder that friendship is magic but if it doesn't gel for you we'll love and tolerate you anyway. Plus, you might hit the wrong episode. Ask first?

> Iron Hoof/Fan Theories/Shipping/Binding

All in good fun! If it's not your cup of tea, skim it, but this show has triggered a great creative outpouring from the Internet. Pony themed fan-art is abundant and often excellent. See below for some examples.

> Derpy Hooves/Doctor Whoof

Two minor background characters who were adopted as emblems of 4chan. Derpy Hooves is so named due to an animation error in the first episode that had her eyes facing in different directions; 4chan has assigned her the role of Ponyville's mailpony, and her only line so far has been "Muffins". The show's animators are aware of Derpy's popularity and she's shown up a few times recently with her eyes obviously derped. Currently made canon in Feeling Pinkie Keen and in Faust's picture showcased below, Derpy was deemed important enough to appear in storyboards for Season II.

Dr. Whoof is a pony with an hourglass cutie mark; he and his kin save time and space very quietly off camera.


Ponytar Artists

Crown of Thorns
...and a lot more, too many to keep track of, now.

If you do/don't want to be here, make a note in the thread.

Note that we're looking for more as the above are a bit swamped with requests currently.

New: Official PonyPic Request Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10616651)!

General Resources

Fan Fiction and News: Equestria Daily (http://www.equestriadaily.com/)
FF... Darkly: Equestria after Dark (http://equestria-after-dark.blogspot.com/)
Discussion Image Forum: Ponychan (http://www.ponychan.net/chan/)
Pony Emotes: FiM Emotes (http://kefkafloyd.imgur.com/J8S59)
Pony Images: Ponibooru (http://ponibooru.413chan.net/post/list)
Know Your Meme: Ponies! (http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/my-little-pony-friendship-is-magic)
Allspark MLP Discussion Thread (http://www.allspark.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=76678&st=0&start=0)

Art Resources

OC Pony Creation Guide:

>useful link (http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/048648773b808749ecbcd93b7825d545/22629%20-%20original_character_tutorial%20tutorial.png)<

Deviant Art Links:

Lauren Faust (http://fyre-flye.deviantart.com/)

14 Bis (http://14-bis.deviantart.com/)
ButterSS (http://buttersc0tchsundae.deviantart.com/)
Csimadmax (http://csimadmax.deviantart.com/)
DonKoRR (http://don-komandorr.deviantart.com/)
Irving Zero (http://irving-zero.deviantart.com/)
Johnjoseco (http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/)
Kloudmutt (http://kloudmutt.deviantart.com/)
Palestorm (http://palestorm.deviantart.com/)


How to Draw Luna (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1YoOgNwPp4)
MLP Art Guides (http://s1208.photobucket.com/albums/cc361/DJPon-3/)
MLP Colour Guides (http://kefkafloyd.deviantart.com/)

Kloud TV (http://www.livestream.com/kloudmutt)


On the Design of the Mane Cast (http://cdn0.knowyourmeme.com/i/000/107/092/original/122%20-%20applejack%20chart%20fluttershy%20pinkie_pie%20r ainbow_dash%20rarity%20twilight_sparkle.jpg)

Concept art by L. Faust:

AJ/AJ (http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZtv1PUCI/AAAAAAAABPg/aTDHM_vJ3Ek/Applejack-08.jpg)
Pinkie/Surprise (http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZtjpEWrI/AAAAAAAABPc/vlcKpVmK1FY/Pinkie_08.jpg)
Rarity/Sparkler (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZuba65VI/AAAAAAAABPo/o7oJ1OI4bcE/Rarity_08.jpg)
Twilight/Twinkle (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZuS8XZtI/AAAAAAAABPs/9CPSE6Je1Y0/Twilight_08.jpg)
Derpy/Ditzy (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZtusFdII/AAAAAAAABPk/4VbhxajIt1o/Derpy_11.jpg)

Group Shot (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-zPGxLKSxqsI/Tet-724kmrI/AAAAAAAABoc/74J43JjtvVc/mlplegroupruff.jpg)

5 Best Pictures :

TG&P Trixie 1 (http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYlPoSj31bI/AAAAAAAABKc/yhAESX1bWDU/129879022202-fim_thebestmagic2.png) 2a (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYevesc6Z3I/AAAAAAAABJE/wqYR1YU8-xM/129878791125-Magic_for_Friendship.png) 2b (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYlPoV0tFSI/AAAAAAAABKg/UIrpK2_XUDk/345%20-%20filly%20flower%20Magic%20noel%20Trixie.jpg) 3 (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYevn1UZNyI/AAAAAAAABJI/JQaTPZ7u9kk/1295392718493.png)
Twilight Sparkle 1 (http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYlQKpEFW1I/AAAAAAAABKo/PJmzRBt_g0o/twilight-%28n1298746506900%29.jpg) 2 (http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYgEWabUv0I/AAAAAAAABJg/S1emWO9FjbE/1297919269027.png) 3 (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TYlQAwKvFvI/AAAAAAAABKk/08Q9f1BaGa0/1298478186234.png)
Rainbow Dash 1 (http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TY-tuXX0V5I/AAAAAAAABOE/vPLwNGpCsU8/rainbows_are_awesome_by_adamrbi-d3awtkv.jpg) 2 (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TY-tugAF4JI/AAAAAAAABOI/RYGrQCZySJo/1298478713223.jpg) 3 (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TY-tutzFrYI/AAAAAAAABOM/QP22FdlygtA/1299129766866.png) 3.6 (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TY-vxE-8GgI/AAAAAAAABOY/ktOwjPQ3eiI/130057856759.png)
Fluttershy 1 (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZiSMaDSI/AAAAAAAABPQ/FNLXj6WE0ss/yofluttershybyarborishd.png) 2 (http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZiUXQlvI/AAAAAAAABPU/SCs7qzer-6E/129860262040.png) 3 (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TZPZiWhyIWI/AAAAAAAABPY/r6ClIhygmw0/1297113141466.png)

Pony Games

The most recent one. (http://www.yoyogames.com/games/168448-mlp-fim-the-way-home#)
Pacderpy (http://www.derpyhooves.com/games/pacderpy.html)
Two very similar dash based (http://www.derpyhooves.com/games/dashattack.html) cloud gathering sidescrollers (http://www.derpyhooves.com/games/rainbowdashmini.html)
Pony generator I (http://www.derpyhooves.com/games/custompony.html)
Pony generator II (http://derpyhooves.com/games.php?id=3)
Pony generator III (http://generalzoi.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FiM-Pony-Creator-Beta-210228500)

New: Pinkie licks cupcakes. (http://yeaka.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FiM-Flash-Game-202202384?q=boost%3Apopular%20max_age%3A8h%20frien dship%20is%20magic&qo=22) And a playthrough for it, too. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mUy1UtuNet0)
Collect Cupcakes, Lick Ponies! 2.0 (http://yeaka.deviantart.com/art/MLP-FiM-Flash-Game-TWO-202342576)

Nice Fanwork

AMVs:[BR]Always (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhgzpnTYCXQ)[BR]Communism is Magic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XJHZ4E9tRHM)[BR]Freeze Ray (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SMXhEXQSXSw)[BR]I can go the distance (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYonN9in668)[BR]PonyCraft 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JJbAT1wzS8U)[BR]Still Alive (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=za9f1c93FHY)[BR][BR][B]Equestria Girls EE! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTPqjKk_xCo)[BR][BR][B]Comics:[BR]The Damn Best Comic (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/359/5/9/pinkiedeadpool_by_csimadmax-d35ms08.jpg). Ever.[BR]And The Prequel (http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/107/1/f/pinkiedeadpool_origins_by_csimadmax-d3e936w.png).[BR]And part two (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/147/8/b/battle_for_equestria_02_by_csimadmax-d3hdr5c.png).[BR]And three (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/154/2/1/battle_for_equestria_03_by_csimadmax-d3hz63e.png).[BR]And four (http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/160/a/f/battle_for_equestria_04_by_csimadmax-d3iighp.png).[BR]And five (http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/168/4/0/battle_for_equestria_05_by_csimadmax-d3j5nlu.png).[BR][BR]Metaponies (http://gavalanche.deviantart.com/gallery/29877487).[BR][BR][BR][B]ED Fics:[BR]Twilight Sky Over Canterlot (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-twilight-sky-over-canterlot.html)[BR]Sidelines / Midnight's Tale (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/conversion-bureau-compilation.html)[BR]World Without Rainbows (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-world-without-rainbows.html)[BR]Luxury Lotus Spa Follies (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-luxury-lotus-spa-follies.html)[BR]How Lyra Met Bon-Bon (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/story-how-lyra-met-bon-bon.html)[BR]Letters from Bubbly (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/01/story-letters-from-bubbly-1-10.html)[BR]Swayback Mountain (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/01/story-swayback-mountain.html)[BR]And Life Goes On (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/01/story-your-greatest-fan.html)[BR]The Three Notes (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-three-notes.html)[BR]TGaP Trixie (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-great-and-powerful-trixie.html)[BR]Antipodes (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-antipodes.html)[BR]Progress (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-progress-luna-versus-microwave.html)[BR]Bubbles (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-bubbles.html)[BR][BR]Pony Drinking Game (http://buttersc0tchsundae.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d3cng5n)|
[BR][B]GitP Fics:[BR]Darth BC:[BR][BR]...And Apple Accessories (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/storyand-apple-accessories.html)[BR]Beyond Forever (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-beyond-forever.html)[BR]Fair Feather Friend (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-fair-feather-friend.html)[BR]Forever (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-forever.html)[BR][BR]EsperDerek:[BR][BR]Letters, Letters, Letters (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-letters-letters-letters.html)[BR]Out in the Cold (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-out-in-cold.html)[BR][BR]Grif:[BR][BR]Pony Effect (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/05/story-pony-effect_23.html)[BR][BR]Lix Lorn:[BR][BR]PhantomFox:[BR][BR]Pride Goes Before a Folly (http://phantomfox7.deviantart.com/art/Pride-Goes-Before-A-Folly-211724143)[BR]Sunny Skies All Day Long (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-sunny-skies-all-day-long.html)[BR][BR]PhoeKun:[BR][BR]Catching Rainbows (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-catching-rainbows_17.html)[BR]Chasing Rainbows (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-chasing-rainbows.html)[BR]Fluttering Heart (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/02/story-fluttering-heart.html)[BR]Shades of Midnight (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-shades-of-midnight.html)[BR]Space Oddpony (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-space-oddpony.html)[BR][BR]Raz Fox:[BR][BR]All Hallows Night (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-all-hallows-night.html)[BR]Bright New Days (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-bright-new-days.html)[BR]Misted Stage (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/story-misted-stage.html)[BR][BR]Thanqol:[BR][BR]Grounded (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-grounded.html)[BR]Study in Rainbows (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/04/story-study-in-rainbows.html)[BR]Through A Glass, Derply (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/03/story-through-glass-derply.html)

Art Challenges

MyLP Challenge:

Do you want to try your hand at something fun? Feeling need to draw fanart? How about trying MyLP Challenge?

What it is? Just click on the linked template (http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/363/3/a/my_little_pony_fim_meme_by_don_komandorr-d35y2mv.jpg).

How does that work? Don't be scared, just complete the template to the best of your ability. Have one (http://lh6.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTvCFELvI/AAAAAAAABas/3RaVVEnJms0/my_little_pony_meme_by_gothzilla_alena-d38os5c.jpg) two (http://lh4.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTvRf19mI/AAAAAAAABaw/glvBh-QkZ-c/mlp_friendship_is_magic_meme_by_peppersupreme-d37wpkl.png) three (http://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTvA47e6I/AAAAAAAABa0/h3zzuNlxp80/mlp___fim_meme_by_kitty_kitty_koneko-d35zovy.png) four (http://lh3.googleusercontent.com/_THRVNyZ8xf0/TbFTwJJdSkI/AAAAAAAABa4/oFOMSgU0MHk/my_little_pony_memes_are_magic_by_scruffytoto-d37x352.jpg) examples made by other ponies :smalltongue:

Starting thread and more examples can be found here (http://don-komandorr.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d35y2mv).


[I]Phoe In Ropes is now a thing. Wanna draw something? Tie me up. Have a story to write? Work it in as an easter egg. Want it to be the main focus? Wonderful! I want to see enough material by Thread XI for white pegasus ponies bound in ropes or shackles or what have you to make it the official theme of the thread. Got it? Good!



Great & Powerful Trixie made a bet. A bet I'll procure 12 pictures of Trixie - like the one in my sig, of similar quality - before next weekend. Trixie cosplaying, doing weird stuff, finding herself in unusual situations. So! I need ideas! Sketches of Unicorn ponies (I'm willing to vectorize them for free if they're good enough)! Moments from the show showing ponies with unusual poses and/or designs I could use to inspire myself! Finally, if someone would also like to draw something, I'd be glad to repay in some manner :P

Any takers? :smalltongue:

Important GitP Links

Thread I - Because Friendship Is Magic
Thread II - Now About 20% Cooler
Thread III - The Great & Powerful Thread
Thread IV - Friendship is Sufficiently Advanced Technology
Thread V - Art of the Thread
Thread VI - MUFFINS!
Thread VII - The Grand Galloping Thread
Thread VIII - Friendship is Music
Thread IX - The Best Thread Ever
Thread X - We Trot 'til We Drop
Thread XI - "Mmph!"
Thread XII - No One Can Groove Like the Girls with the Hooves
Thread XIII - Fast/Fine/Fierce Thread
Thread XIV - Boots on Hooves / Bikinis on Top

Operation: Indiscriminate Friendship (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=190593)
My Little Pony: FiM RP Recruitment (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=10617229)
Pony Week Discussion Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=192901)
Pony Crime Pulp Fic/Game Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=204618)

2011-07-01, 06:03 PM
Ponythread has been classified a Level 5 cuteness hazard. Read at own warning.

Many Moods of Ponythead: Repost

More ponymotes:


2011-07-01, 06:03 PM
This thread feels a bit plaintive.
Also, I'm going to finish a bit of my Cold War!Ponies fanfic. Hopefully I'll have something to show within the next couple of hours.

2011-07-01, 06:04 PM
Sleep well, Trixie, and thanks for the new thread!

2011-07-01, 06:07 PM
Eh, just posting this here for Brazen_Shield.
KH FanFic Chapter One (https://docs.google.com/document/m?id=1HPqC0icjdwKFbwh_nIENLQ3JW2D_QvNJbe5SkqfvQGw&hl=en_US)

2011-07-01, 06:23 PM
My Little Pony XIII: Time to Rest Your Sleepy Head?

My Little Pony XIII: Enough Ponies, Go The **** To Sleep?

2011-07-01, 06:26 PM
We finished that last thread fast. It only took 6 days.

2011-07-01, 06:29 PM
No wait! Pony Thread XIII: Can't Sleep, Thread'll Eat Me!

2011-07-01, 06:39 PM
No wait! Pony Thread XIII: Can't Sleep, Thread'll Eat Me!

I favour "Can't sleep, Scootaloo will eat me" for some reason.

Hello and welcome, everyone, to pony thread NUMBER THIRTEEEEEEEEEN.

2011-07-01, 06:40 PM
I'm a slow poster.

Also, I wasn't aware how many Celestia images there were in my folder. Time to sort that out. Celestia edition. Biggest image dump so far.

http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/180/f/4/600th_da_pic_by_johnjoseco-d3ketrg.jpg (http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/art/600th-DA-Pic-215682604)
http://th05.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/165/a/4/birth_of_the_sun_by_kloudmutt-d3ixpbr.png (http://kloudmutt.deviantart.com/art/Birth-of-the-sun-213204087)
http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/157/3/2/daybringer_by_sagebrushpony-d3i98hp.png (http://sagebrushpony.deviantart.com/art/Daybringer-212062525)
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/158/a/2/warrior_celestia_by_lunarapologist-d3ic6o4.jpg (http://lunarapologist.deviantart.com/art/Warrior-Celestia-212200132)
http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/172/d/2/princess_celestia___soldier_by_diegotan-d3jltqy.png (http://diegotan.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Celestia-Soldier-214329562)
http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/128/6/9/equestria_royal_guard_recruit_by_equestria_electio n-d3fwck6.png (http://equestria-election.deviantart.com/art/Equestria-Royal-Guard-Recruit-208102038)
http://th07.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/179/4/f/you_missed_a_couple_spots_by_johnjoseco-d3k8h74.jpg (http://johnjoseco.deviantart.com/art/You-Missed-a-Couple-Spots-215386384)
http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/174/5/3/he_must_work_so_very_hard_by_gonzahermeg-d3jslg8.jpg (http://gonzahermeg.deviantart.com/art/He-must-work-so-very-hard-214645400)
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/170/0/9/trolles___celestia_xd_by_spyrotailz-d3jb0x5.jpg (http://spyrotailz.deviantart.com/art/Trolles-Celestia-XD-213825641)
http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/165/4/1/celestia_and_philomena_by_nenaclaudia-d3ixkb2.jpg (http://nenaclaudia.deviantart.com/art/Celestia-and-Philomena-213197582)
http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/160/4/7/sun_regent_by_voaxmasterspydre-d3ih3q7.png (http://voaxmasterspydre.deviantart.com/art/Concerns-of-the-Sun-Regent-212429599)
http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/177/7/d/celestia_thinks_about_space_by_zutheskunk-d3k3i41.png (http://zutheskunk.deviantart.com/art/Celestia-thinks-about-space-215154289)
http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/157/b/d/camelestia_by_yamino-d3i7u0a.jpg (http://yamino.deviantart.com/art/Camelestia-211997098)
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/178/3/6/study_break_by_ace_windham-d3k6lzc.png (http://ace-windham.deviantart.com/art/Study-Break-215299272)
http://th03.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/181/a/8/what_should_of_been_by_uber_kitten-d3kkkbs.jpg (http://uber-kitten.deviantart.com/art/What-Should-of-Been-215950312)
http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2011/129/d/9/princess_celestia_by_blackm3sh-d3fykd8.png (http://blackm3sh.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Celestia-208205468)
http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/155/9/2/princess_celestia_by_purplefairy456-d3i00xb.jpg (http://purplefairy456.deviantart.com/art/Princess-Celestia-211632815)

2011-07-01, 06:42 PM
...how is this a pun?

It's a play on words, which I (apparently) foalishly thought was close enough. But close only counts in horseshoes and hoof grenades.

As for ponified California, I'm fond of Gallopfornia. If you say it right, they're almost the same.

Brazen Shield
2011-07-01, 06:58 PM
Eh, just posting this here for Brazen_Shield.
KH FanFic Chapter One (https://docs.google.com/document/m?id=1HPqC0icjdwKFbwh_nIENLQ3JW2D_QvNJbe5SkqfvQGw&hl=en_US)
I am at work right now but I will read it soon!

2011-07-01, 07:05 PM
The thread is dead, long live the thread.

No problem! I just hope you'll give mine a good look once-

*eyes my in-progress Lunafic :smalleek:*

Look! A distraction!

*casually brushes under carpet*

I wasn't talking about yours. Really. You gave her PERSONALITY. She was trying to rule but wasn't being treated with respect, so she was having to wrestle with her desire to put them in their place Nightmare Moon style.

My frustration is more with the combination of badfics that I have to read and reject for ED and the fact that having Luna in your fic seems like the fastest way to get a 5 star.

Occasionally I seriously consider doing my ultimate pander-fic

"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result."

Just to see how it's received.

2011-07-01, 07:08 PM
*pops in, turns into a pony again*

Okay, I really need to get used to that.

*looks up at thread*

Uh, who's Dinky?

2011-07-01, 07:08 PM
"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result."

Let's 'telephone' that premise into the ultimate monster.
"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge."

2011-07-01, 07:10 PM
Let's 'telephone' that premise into the ultimate monster.
"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge."

I can read the glowing reviews now.

2011-07-01, 07:10 PM
I am at work right now but I will read it soon!

Then I'll also leave this here for you too. The beginning to chapter two for your commenting pleasure.
** --KH FanFic Chapter 2--
** --Part 1 of ?--
Sora felt something licking his cheek. It was warm and moist. He opened his eyes and saw that a dog was licking his cheek. The dog was brown and white with a collar around his neck. Its tag read 'Herds'. Sora opened his mouth and a large key fell out. It seemed familiar. It had a handle and the key part looked like a crown. He gave a wary look at the dog and said, "Where did you come from, boy?"
The dog gave a happy bark and ran off. Sora got up quickly and chased after him.*
"Wait!" he yelled, galloping after him. He galloped through the alley, eventually ending up at a shop. It was labeled 'Cid's Store'. He pushed the door in cautiously, and saw a grumpy looking tan coated pony at the counter. He had spiky blond hair with a pair of goggles. He moved the toothpick in his mouth around impatiently. He noticed Sora at the door and spoke.
"What'cha need, kid?" he asked.
"I'm not a kid, gramps." retorted Sora.
"I am not that old!" said the pony angrily, "If you aren't here to buy something, get out!"
"Where am I?" asked Sora.
"Oh, you're new around here, huh? You're in Traverse Town, kid. It's where most ponies go when their world is destroyed. The currency here is Muney." explained the pony, "And I'm Cid."
"What's Muney?" asked Sora.
CID took out a large golden orb.
"This is a Muney Orb. You press them into your Muney Pouch and they stay safe in there."
"Woah, so you can just pull them out whenever?"
"Yup! All the stores here use Muney. Here, since you just got here you should take this." Cid handed him a bracelet with intricate designs on it. Sora put it on his arm.
"What does it do?" he asked.
"It makes you tougher." replied Cid, "Now get out of my shop!" he pushed Sora out onto the streets. Sora looked at the bracelet and then saw the dog from earlier disappear down an alley. He galloped after him and when he got to the alley the dog was gone. Sora looked around when suddenly, those pitch black ponies with the yellow eyes melted up from the ground. They closed in on him.
You have a weapon that can combat the heartless.....
Light began to meld into form around his mouth. It became that same key sword that he left in that alley before.
....The Keyblade.
Sora took the 'Keyblade' and sliced into the first 'Heartless'. The beast dissipated into darkness and dropped Muney.
"Oooo! Muney!" cries Sora, and he sliced into another Heartless. And another and another. He eventually beat them all and Muney was all over the place. Sora picked it up and put it into his Muney Pouch, he was now 300 Muney richer. He saw the dog walk into another alley and he gave chase once more. He found that the dog had once again managed to disappear on him. But this time, a tan unicorn wearing a leather bomber jacket and with a strange sword on his back came out of nowhere. The strange pony's mane fluttered a bit in the slight breeze, it was quite spiky.*
"Hello, Keybearer." said the strange pony.
"Key-what now?" said Sora.
"Give me the Keyblade, now!" commanded the pony.
"No! It's mine!" cried Sora, drawing the Keyblade that he thought was in his mouth still.
"Fine, then I'll just take it from you." said the pony, drawing his sword. It seemed to be a combination of a gun and a sword.*
Ten minutes later, Sora was uncoincess.

2011-07-01, 07:16 PM
Let's 'telephone' that premise into the ultimate monster.
"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge."

"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge. This plan will take place at the DJ-PON3 concert the following evening."

2011-07-01, 07:20 PM
Some responses from last thread:

Or you're probably right. I suppose I could psychoanalyze things to an unnecessary degree, but it sounds like it mostly boils down to mikeejimbo liking Fluttershy. :smalltongue:

I can't deny that.

Not at all! You're just going through the next stage of the bronification process. Your subconscious is experiencing a sort of gag reflex, trying to purge the pony out of your system while you sleep. A futile gesture, but a perfectly natural one. Once they start popping up in your dreams, you've got a few days, a week at the most before the full integration is compleat, and the dreams should become more commonplace as your body reaches stable levels of pony.

Now, if you accidentally OD on pony before stability is reached, you may experience a few hallucinatory side effects. Nothing too bad, it's just the equivalent of your subconscious getting its stomach pumped. Which is to say, it will be bad, and you might start mistaking your friends and (former) colleagues as cast members. Should that happen...well, let's just say you should enjoy your stay in Equestria while it lasts.

Ah darn. I think I may be too late, since I have certainly not slowed down on the pony intake. If I call my boss Princess Celestia, I'll know. Also it'd be awkward because my boss is male.

2011-07-01, 07:20 PM
"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge. This plan will take place at the DJ-PON3 concert the following evening."

"... with a guest duet by Octavia and Lyra. As well as a surprise appearance shaking things up in the form of Rainbow Dash with an electric guitar."

Think that's enough? Or shall we go further just to see if we can?

2011-07-01, 07:22 PM
"... with a guest duet by Octavia and Lyra. As well as a surprise appearance shaking things up in the form of Rainbow Dash with an electric guitar."

Think that's enough? Or shall we go further just to see if we can?

I have not yet begun to spin!

"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge. This plan will take place at the DJ-PON3 concert the following evening with a guest duet by Octavia and Lyra. As well as a surprise appearance shaking things up in the form of Rainbow Dash with an electric guitar. But will the plan fall apart when Lyra and Trixie have a fight for the affections of Twilight?"

2011-07-01, 07:24 PM
oh my god 0:46 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l7Lw0pXPSU&feature=related)

This is my inner Derpy voice now.

2011-07-01, 07:26 PM
I have not yet begun to spin!

"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge. This plan will take place at the DJ-PON3 concert the following evening with a guest duet by Octavia and Lyra. As well as a surprise appearance shaking things up in the form of Rainbow Dash with an electric guitar. But will the plan fall apart when Lyra and Trixie have a fight for the affections of Twilight?"

"This fight becomes awkward when Lyra attempts to woo Twilight by proposing on one knee in highly unnatural fashion (for a pony). Things go from bad to worse when Bon Bon arrives to see this. Then Pinkie arrives with her sister, Purple Pie, and her sister's new beau, Hoity Toity. After that, everything gets weird."

2011-07-01, 07:37 PM
oh my god 0:46 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-l7Lw0pXPSU&feature=related)

This is my inner Derpy voice now.

That. Was. Awesome.

*resumes lurking*

Lord Raziere
2011-07-01, 07:39 PM
We finished that last thread fast. It only took 6 days.

6 days? at this rate, it will catch up to the Dominic thread in.....

37- 13.....= 24...

six times 24.....

144 days! approximately five months! it'll be up to thread 37 by Christmas!

2011-07-01, 07:40 PM
"This fight becomes awkward when Lyra attempts to woo Twilight by proposing on one knee in highly unnatural fashion (for a pony). Things go from bad to worse when Bon Bon arrives to see this. Then Pinkie arrives with her sister, Purple Pie, and her sister's new beau, Hoity Toity. After that, everything gets weird."

And the best part?

"At the very end, it turns out it was all part of Princess Celestia's plan to solidify her control over Equestria. Now, her thinly-veiled plan for world domination is complete. So begins her new reign of terror."

2011-07-01, 07:41 PM
Not if we speed up! Five days, anyone?

2011-07-01, 07:47 PM
My frustration is more with the combination of badfics that I have to read and reject for ED and the fact that having Luna in your fic seems like the fastest way to get a 5 star.

And thus Luna managed to perform the ultimate troll, becoming more popular than even her trollish sister.

2011-07-01, 07:49 PM
"This fight becomes awkward when Lyra attempts to woo Twilight by proposing on one knee in highly unnatural fashion (for a pony). Things go from bad to worse when Bon Bon arrives to see this. Then Pinkie arrives with her sister, Purple Pie, and her sister's new beau, Hoity Toity. After that, everything gets weird."

I feel like at some point in this, everything would suddenly have to become Scott Pilgrim with ponies...ahhh, even more hipster Lyra to love!

2011-07-01, 07:54 PM
I feel like at some point in this, everything would suddenly have to become Scott Pilgrim with ponies...ahhh, even more hipster Lyra to love!

And you say it like it's a BAD thing.

2011-07-01, 08:36 PM






Occasional Sage
2011-07-01, 08:49 PM
Your six-panel makes me smile.

2011-07-01, 09:09 PM
Bloody. New thread already? http://i.imgur.com/2c0gc.jpg

2011-07-01, 09:09 PM
So I have this weird idea to write a whole rap song featuring the main cast, plus Derpy. One thing that's slowing me down is that I don't have a rapper name for Rainbow Dash.

Here's what I have so far

Pinkie Pie: Ol' Dirty Pinkie
Twilight Sparkle: Twilight Spizarkle (she doesn't understand the whole rap thing)
Rarity: Rare I. T.
Applejack: MC Rapplejack
Fluttershy: Notorious C-U-T-E.
Derpy: Derpinem.

I also liked that six-panel.

2011-07-01, 09:14 PM
Wiz Kaprisma?

2011-07-01, 09:18 PM
So I have this weird idea to write a whole rap song featuring the main cast, plus Derpy. One thing that's slowing me down is that I don't have a rapper name for Rainbow Dash.

Here's what I have so far

Pinkie Pie: Ol' Dirty Pinkie
Twilight Sparkle: Twilight Spizarkle (she doesn't understand the whole rap thing)
Rarity: Rare I. T.
Applejack: MC Rapplejack
Fluttershy: Notorious C-U-T-E.
Derpy: Derpinem.

I also liked that six-panel.

R-Dash? I've heard rappers with worse names than that. :smalltongue:

2011-07-01, 09:20 PM
D.J. De-yash!

2011-07-01, 09:22 PM
So I have this weird idea to write a whole rap song featuring the main cast, plus Derpy. One thing that's slowing me down is that I don't have a rapper name for Rainbow Dash.

Here's what I have so far

Pinkie Pie: Ol' Dirty Pinkie
Twilight Sparkle: Twilight Spizarkle (she doesn't understand the whole rap thing)
Rarity: Rare I. T.
Applejack: MC Rapplejack
Fluttershy: Notorious C-U-T-E.
Derpy: Derpinem.

I also liked that six-panel.

DJ Rainboom?

2011-07-01, 09:23 PM
DJ Rainboom?

MC Rainboom it is.

2011-07-01, 09:27 PM
D.J. DASH3R (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un4xsX160I0)?

2011-07-01, 09:27 PM
Last night I had a dream that I was looking for My Little Pony merchandise. And I found some, but then I was looking specifically for Fluttershy stuff, which they didn't have much of. I did find a Fluttershy sticker, though, and some wooden boxes with a more stylized representation of her on them. But I decided just to get the sticker. Then I found a penny, and on the tails side, instead of the Lincoln memorial, was Fluttershy.

Should I be worried?

nah, you'll be fine. Maybe one day, you'll realize that this is the dream, and truly, you are pony.

Because you have to pay rent and need food and clothing and the economy sucks?

Aye, that's true. I Should probably start lookin' into putting that MT degree to use though, or maybe sheriff training. Something that's actual, fulfilling work.

Of course, then I'd have more money for pony, but less time for pony. That's a hard choice...

This is actually the thread where I brought it up. I first discovered thorn when I was trying to learn some Old English, though that fell through...

I did find out later that Icelandic still uses it, and that Icelandic is surprisingly close to its Old Norse roots.

What resources were/are you using? Old Norse is on my 'to-do' list of learning, but I'm not going to learn anything other than some more English without someone to actually speak at in the proper way.

This is TOTALLY how Lyra runs. I'm sure of it.

Poor Lyra. She lives in a world inherited from the humans, and is he only one to realize it. She tries so hard to live by their spirit, but it makes her life terrible.

Yeah, I don't think I'd want to see her suddenly boosted up to a really huge role, but it would be nice to at least see her pop up occasionally, if only so that she could get a canon personality of her own established.


I did? When?

Well, I thought you did over the last day or two, but maybe not. My sense of time is, admittedly, nigh-crippled. It may have just been my perception.

*pops in, turns into a pony again*

Okay, I really need to get used to that.

*looks up at thread*

Uh, who's Dinky?

The fanon child of Ditzy Doo. Dinky Doo is a unicorn who, one day, wants to fly just like mommy.

"Luna falls in love with Derpy and Dinky is sad as a result, so she hatches a plan with Trixie for revenge. This plan will take place at the DJ-PON3 concert the following evening."

No, no. You have to keep it somewhat subtle.
Besides, now you're just being silly, rather than testing a hypothesis. Keep the variables to a minimum, since you won't be able to have a control set.

6 days? at this rate, it will catch up to the Dominic thread in.....

37- 13.....= 24...

six times 24.....

144 days! approximately five months! it'll be up to thread 37 by Christmas!



Bobcat, I still have no idea what to call RD. I'll ponder, though.

2011-07-01, 09:30 PM
D.J. DASH3R (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Un4xsX160I0)?

Silly filly, DJs aren't rap artists! Rap artists use more derogatory language about mares!

2011-07-01, 09:36 PM
Poor Lyra. She lives in a world inherited from the humans, and is he only one to realize it. She tries so hard to live by their spirit, but it makes her life terrible.

Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall. She doesn't know what the fourth wall is, but she has the ability to break it. Lyra, on the other hand, is well aware of the existence of the fourth wall and the world beyond it. Nopony believes her rantings about a world of 'humans' who walk on two legs and slouch in chairs. Nopony believes that Equestria is actually all just an imaginary world created by these humans for amusement. But Lyra knows. Lyra knows, and is studying the humans to learn their way so that some day Pinkie will shatter the fourth wall and Lyra will become Equestria's new god.

2011-07-01, 09:38 PM
Weekend arts: Oh look all those emoticons I just need to shrink stuff down to make! Also, pinkthulu. And whatever Amish Pirate wants once he remembers he has a free crossover pass.

2011-07-01, 09:39 PM
Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall. She doesn't know what the fourth wall is, but she has the ability to break it. Lyra, on the other hand, is well aware of the existence of the fourth wall and the world beyond it. Nopony believes her rantings about a world of 'humans' who walk on two legs and slouch in chairs. Nopony believes that Equestria is actually all just an imaginary world created by these humans for amusement. But Lyra knows. Lyra knows, and is studying the humans to learn their way so that some day Pinkie will shatter the fourth wall and Lyra will become Equestria's new god.

Or at least make a good living in the human world as a carnival attraction. Win/win, really.

"Come see Lyra, the talking unicorn!"


"You better skip town, Lyra. I'll distract them."

Ah yeah. Living the dream.

2011-07-01, 09:43 PM
Pinkie Pie breaks the fourth wall. She doesn't know what the fourth wall is, but she has the ability to break it. Lyra, on the other hand, is well aware of the existence of the fourth wall and the world beyond it. Nopony believes her rantings about a world of 'humans' who walk on two legs and slouch in chairs. Nopony believes that Equestria is actually all just an imaginary world created by these humans for amusement. But Lyra knows. Lyra knows, and is studying the humans to learn their way so that some day Pinkie will shatter the fourth wall and Lyra will become Equestria's new god.

Of course. That's why Lyra is best pony ever. Because she knows.

Cripe, why am I gushing about Lyra these few days?

2011-07-01, 09:43 PM
MC Rainboom it is.

SWEET! I have officially been useful.

2011-07-01, 09:48 PM
Of course. That's why Lyra is best pony ever. Because she knows.

Cripe, why am I gushing about Lyra these few days?

Because you've yet to set history right before you can jump to another pony.

2011-07-01, 09:49 PM
This is interesting. (http://distoorted.livejournal.com/683.html) Now I see what all those 8-bit songs were for.

2011-07-01, 09:50 PM
Lyra's too mainstream. I vote we establish a new thread favorite.

I vote... Roseluck. http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/150/5/6/56e334de29449a34f7921250cd96b86e-d3hmgr3.png

What horrible secret is SHE hiding?

2011-07-01, 09:54 PM
Lyra's too mainstream. I vote we establish a new thread favorite.

I vote... Roseluck. http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/150/5/6/56e334de29449a34f7921250cd96b86e-d3hmgr3.png

What horrible secret is SHE hiding?


Gotta be Zecora.

2011-07-01, 09:57 PM

Gotta be Zecora.

But Zecora's already the best zebra. We also already know her horrible secret (she's on a secret diplomatic mission to get help against Shaka Zulu Giraffe).

2011-07-01, 10:00 PM
I vote... Roseluck. http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/150/5/6/56e334de29449a34f7921250cd96b86e-d3hmgr3.png
Someone sure loves their Japanese characters with this one.
[EDIT] Nevermind, that's the artist's name.
http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/160/0/1/0168d9c92bc74690e7223e0db38f8020-d3f06pj.png (http://maishida.deviantart.com/art/Art-Request-Roseluck-206601463)
How the heck did she end up with a name like Roseluck, anyways?

2011-07-01, 10:03 PM
Roseluck is the Gladstone Gander of Ponyville, her life, for the most part, an unending sequence of lucky events?

Or she was born to parents who thought they were infertile, so they felt lucky to have her?

2011-07-01, 10:05 PM
Lyra's too mainstream. I vote we establish a new thread favorite.

I vote... Roseluck. http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/150/5/6/56e334de29449a34f7921250cd96b86e-d3hmgr3.png

What horrible secret is SHE hiding?

No more Guardalopolis? Poor guy only had the spotlight for half a thread before he vanished.

2011-07-01, 10:06 PM
I have to wonder about all the ponies who get named something that is completely unrelated to their life/cutie mark. Like, one named Coconut Cream who turns out to be alergic to coconut and has a cutie mark in industrial construction.

2011-07-01, 10:09 PM
Oh right. Guardopolis.

... Eh, I'm happy to boost them both.

Edit: Maybe they change their names. I also think some of them go by nicknames (I don't think that Granny Smith's real first name is Granny by a long shot, though I do fully endorse the idea that this means that Applejack's full name is Applejack (insert human name here) Smith).

2011-07-01, 10:12 PM
What resources were/are you using? Old Norse is on my 'to-do' list of learning, but I'm not going to learn anything other than some more English without someone to actually speak at in the proper way.

Well, I didn't have a whole lot of options, so when I tried to learn Old English, I was using a book (I know, I know; I really do channel Twilight Sparkle some days). I wish I could have taken a course on the subject, but there was no time. I never studied Old Norse particularly, but Old English is similar, thanks to the Danish occupation of Britain early on. Afraid I don't have much helpful advice, other than learning a declined language (assuming you speak english or similarly non-declined language as your first) is hard.

Silly filly, DJs aren't rap artists! Rap artists use more derogatory language about mares!

But...what if all the artists are mares?

Ah yeah. Living the dream.

I support you Lyra! I believe in you!

Cripe, why am I gushing about Lyra these few days?

I have no idea...it couldn't possibly be late-stage silliness setting in. (Quick DBC, get the hats! We're going to need all of them...)

Lyra's too mainstream. I vote we establish a new thread favorite.

I vote... Roseluck. http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2011/150/5/6/56e334de29449a34f7921250cd96b86e-d3hmgr3.png

What horrible secret is SHE hiding?

If we're choosing new background/random ponies, I'm going to have to cast my vote for Fizzypop. That fic made me want to bring her happiness even if I have to force everypony to love her!

2011-07-01, 10:12 PM
I have to wonder about all the ponies who get named something that is completely unrelated to their life/cutie mark. Like, one named Coconut Cream who turns out to be alergic to coconut and has a cutie mark in industrial construction.

Maybe it has something to do with their hair color (not mane, the body). Maybe it has something to do with how their parents thought they would be a certain way when they named them. Maybe they didn't bother to change their name to suit their new circumstances. I don't know.


2011-07-01, 10:21 PM
Maybe pony names subtly encourage/discourage them to certain pursuits? Like subconsciously, perhaps?

Or maybe a pony gets to pick a new name at her Cuteceaņera?

2011-07-01, 10:24 PM
I pick Roseluck mostly because I think she has a legitimately beautiful design, in my opinion, and to the best of my knowledge no major fanfiction or fan theories about her.

Guardopolis, we know his tragic backstory, which I'll rewrite here.

Guardopolis, the son of wealthy businessponies Tom and Martha Opolis, had his childhood ended at age 8 when they were brutally arrowed down before his eyes in a back alley after a trip to the opera.

Guardopolis swore revenge and spent the next 20 years preparing himself physically and mentally, traveling the orient, learning science and turning himself into a grim warrior of the night. He returned to Canterlot ready to take back the night for the common pony.

And then he found out that there hadn't been a single major crime in all the years he'd been gone. So he joined Celestia's royal guard instead.

We know that he has a crush on Celestia (unknown if it's requited or not), and may possibly visit Luna's room on Thursday nights.

2011-07-01, 10:45 PM
We know that he has a crush on Celestia (unknown if it's requited or not), and may possibly visit Luna's room on Thursday nights.

Rumor has it he hasn't been trimming his fetlocks as much recently...

*cue dramatic music*

Unrelated: The Great and Powerful Everypony

http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/fb584b0f5d43ad6cb38f844db9c16432/30046%20-%20applejack%20fluttershy%20great_and_powerful_eve ryone%20luna%20pinkie_pie%20rainbow_dash%20rarity% 20spitfire%20The_Great_And_Powerful%20Trixie%20twi light_sparkle.JPG

2011-07-01, 11:10 PM
But... but how can it be everypony without Derpy?

2011-07-01, 11:12 PM
So, someone made me watch MLP last night. And this morning.

... It is now past midnight, I have work at 7 AM, I can't stop playing Winter Wrap-Up, and fanfiction ideas have taken form and are dancing around the room singing at the top of their lungs.

Someone help me.:eek:

2011-07-01, 11:14 PM
I have something for this.

The forums are refreshing now,
And what you said will keep.
Jobs are a must for paying bills
So go the hay to sleep.

2011-07-01, 11:16 PM
So, someone made me watch MLP last night. And this morning.

... It is now past midnight, I have work at 7 AM, I can't stop playing Winter Wrap-Up, and fanfiction ideas have taken form and are dancing around the room singing at the top of their lungs.

Someone help me.:eek:

I got this.

Step this way please, the pink one would like to have a word with you.

2011-07-01, 11:23 PM
They've done it. They've finally done it! My superweapon is compleat:


Mystic Muse
2011-07-01, 11:26 PM
They've done it. They've finally done it! My superweapon is compleat:


Still beaten by Filly Fluttershy.

2011-07-01, 11:26 PM
They've done it. They've finally done it! My superweapon is compleat:


I dub her Muffin. Because that is the only name cutesy enough for her.

"Dinky, why does your mom keep looking at me?"

Unrelated, I want a PMV of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc3OnSQc48s&feature=related

2011-07-01, 11:30 PM
I dub her Muffin. Because that is the only name cutesy enough for her.

"Dinky, why does your mom keep looking at me?"

Unrelated, I want a PMV of this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc3OnSQc48s&feature=related

I vote this as our new thread avatar.


Now, we need parents for her. Preferbly four now, to one-up Midnight.

2011-07-01, 11:35 PM
Apple Cobler (aka the one Pinkie kicked)




2011-07-01, 11:37 PM
I vote this as our new thread avatar.


Now, we need parents for her. Preferbly four now, to one-up Midnight.

Why of course the little filly has four parents! That's the exact number of cuteness engineers I put on her project...er, I mean...that's silly!

Four parents! What will you think of next?

2011-07-01, 11:38 PM
... two parents. Blues and Apple Cobbler. Midnight's genetic code is confusing enough.

"The third helix appears to be made of rainbow."

2011-07-01, 11:39 PM
Still beaten by Filly Fluttershy.

True, but he said cuteness weaponized, not cuteness converted into a weapon of mass destruction.

Mystic Muse
2011-07-01, 11:39 PM
Why of course the little filly has four parents! That's the exact number of cuteness engineers I put on her project...er, I mean...that's silly!

Four parents! What will you think of next?

Nine parents.

EDIT: You probably don't want to know.

2011-07-01, 11:39 PM
... two parents. Blues and Apple Cobbler. Midnight's genetic code is confusing enough.

"The third helix appears to be made of rainbow."

Oh, fine. Just two then... razzinfrazzin falcons making me be reasonable

2011-07-01, 11:40 PM
"Muffin, you aren't allowed to go to Pinkie's parties anymore. She plays too rough."

"But Moooooom."

"You listen to your mother, Muffin. You shouldn't come back from a party with a neck brace. What was she thinking, randomly cartwheeling into her? Can I get you anything, honey?"

"Just play me something on your saxomophone."

(twitch) "Yes. On my saxophone."

2011-07-01, 11:43 PM
"Muffin, you aren't allowed to go to Pinkie's parties anymore. She plays too rough."

"But Moooooom."

"You listen to your mother, Muffin. You shouldn't come back from a party with a neckbrace."

"But it was awesome Mom! I met this cool pegasus named Scootaloo, and she's a filly like me!"

"Scootaloo? Is she the reason you tried to do a triple backflip off the roof of Sugarcube Corners?"


2011-07-01, 11:47 PM
So, someone made me watch MLP last night. And this morning.

... It is now past midnight, I have work at 7 AM, I can't stop playing Winter Wrap-Up, and fanfiction ideas have taken form and are dancing around the room singing at the top of their lungs.

Someone help me.:eek:

sorry, mate. The help we have to offer is probably not what you're asking for.


There is a fever of pony.
The cure? More pony.

2011-07-01, 11:48 PM
Just another day at The Apple Pit, Ponyville's only apple bakery and jazz/blues club. Come for the apple cobblers (the house specialty), stay for the music.

2011-07-01, 11:49 PM
sorry, mate. The help we have to offer is probably not what you're asking for.


There is a fever of pony.
The cure? More pony.

The cure is more awesome than the disease!

2011-07-01, 11:53 PM
Just another day at The Apple Pit, Ponyville's only apple bakery and jazz/blues club. Come for the apple cobblers (the house specialty), stay for the music.

This needs to happen~

2011-07-01, 11:55 PM
"But it was awesome Mom! I met this cool pegasus named Scootaloo, and she's a filly like me!"

"Scootaloo? Is she the reason you tried to do a triple backflip off the roof of Sugarcube Corners?"


Oh no. Oh no.


2011-07-01, 11:59 PM
Oh no. Oh no.


It's the silly, Grif. It's metastasized to your independent processes. Every nerve and neuron is now a carrier of the silly gene.

I'd take off my hat out of respect, but... Well, you know.
*puts on an additional hat*

2011-07-02, 12:03 AM
Well, I know that the Apple Pit now exists in my ficworld. I just need an excuse to bring it up.

"Ah didn't know y'all liked this sort of music, Soarin."

"I didn't used to, but Highfly plays it constantly and I guess I became a fan by osmosis. Plus, the sign out front said they used 'Farm Fresnh Sweet Apple Acres Apples,' so I knew they were doing something right."

"Oh you flatterer."

"Flattery implies I don't mean it."

Spitfire: You two are TERRIBLE to double date with.

2011-07-02, 12:05 AM
It's the silly, Grif. It's metastasized to your independent processes. Every nerve and neuron is now a carrier of the silly gene.

I'd take off my hat out of respect, but... Well, you know.
*puts on an additional hat*

I have you know that I have a Lyra inner voice now.

Don't deny it... you love writing about ponies...

... Shut up.

Yeah. Woe is me.

2011-07-02, 12:06 AM
Speaking of Fluttershy merchandise, is there any way to get a Fashion Fluttershy? I don't know why but I have this funny feeling...like an itch... a drive... to collect Fluttershy things.

2011-07-02, 12:06 AM
I have you know that I have a Lyra inner voice now.

Don't deny it... you love writing about ponies...

... Shut up.

Yeah. Woe is me.

Who does she sound like, considering she's never had a spoken word?


2011-07-02, 12:06 AM
Well, I know that the Apple Pit now exists in my ficworld. I just need an excuse to bring it up.

"Ah didn't know y'all liked this sort of music, Soarin."

"I didn't used to, but Highfly plays it constantly and I guess I became a fan by osmosis. Plus, the sign out front said they used 'Farm Fresnh Sweet Apple Acres Apples,' so I knew they were doing something right."

"Oh you flatterer."

Blues dancing is pretty romantic...time for Soarin's charm to really sweep AJ off her hooves.

EDIT: Also I must know, who do you pair with Spitfire DBC?

2011-07-02, 12:08 AM
Blues dancing is pretty romantic...time for Soarin's charm to really sweep AJ off her hooves.

"Flattery implies I don't mean it."

Spitfire: You two are TERRIBLE to double date with. Don't you agree?

And I don't know. I honestly don't think of Spitfire much. She didn't leave much of an impression on me.

I feel like such an odd man out in this fandom. I never seem to like the popular ones.

2011-07-02, 12:10 AM
Who does she sound like, considering she's never had a spoken word?


Kinda like Twilight and Dash mixed together. :smalleek:

Ha, cowboy hats seemed to work. It stopped.

2011-07-02, 12:10 AM
"Flattery implies I don't mean it."

Spitfire: You two are TERRIBLE to double date with. Don't you agree?

And I don't know. I honestly don't think of Spitfire much. She didn't leave much of an impression on me.

I feel like such an odd man out in this fandom. I never seem to like the popular ones.

It's ok, I only really paid attention to her once all the fanfics started popping up. That's actually why I asked, my fanon is still in 'survey' mode with her.

2011-07-02, 12:16 AM
It's ok, I only really paid attention to her once all the fanfics started popping up. That's actually why I asked, my fanon is still in 'survey' mode with her.

Yeah... I've never seen anyone make her interesting. She's kinda quiet and authoritative, which is the closest we have to an "in" with her character.

The fun background characters have quirks that you can extrapolate from (Soarin, Big Macintosh, Photo Finish, Braeburn, Carrot Top (sounds kind of ditzy, "We couldn't fit it all in"). With Spitfire... you have that she's Dash's idol, which is something we know about Dash, not her as a person.

Which means that she's more tabula rasa than Luna OR Derpy, despite having far more lines.

But when in doubt, she's there with Braeburn. Because everypony loves Braeburn.

2011-07-02, 12:24 AM
"Flattery implies I don't mean it."

Spitfire: You two are TERRIBLE to double date with. Don't you agree?

And I don't know. I honestly don't think of Spitfire much. She didn't leave much of an impression on me.

I feel like such an odd man out in this fandom. I never seem to like the popular ones.

Why did you edit your post? Your last response was so good too. :smallfrown:

2011-07-02, 12:25 AM
Which means that she's more tabula rasa than Luna OR Derpy, despite having far more lines.

I can see your point. In a case like this, a part of me really wants to see an interpretation of her character that's in a completely different direction than existing fanon. Perhaps a fragile artiste?

2011-07-02, 12:25 AM
Why did you edit your post? Your last response was so good too. :smallfrown:

Because Fluttershy said


Shipping Big Macintosh with somepony who isn't me is naughty and makes me want to cry.

2011-07-02, 12:27 AM
I left for my D&D session and you people already have four pages. That is literally a page an hour. Sort of. Whatever.

Anyway, I think I might have just displayed the most advanced form of pony infection I've ever seen. Story time!

*my brother is a fellow brony, btw*

So I've just finished my first honest session as a DM. I'm seeing the players out the door, all had fun, good times. I turn and see my brother, silhouette framed in the door. He looks...disappointed? Confused? Accusatory? Maybe he didn't like something in the session? Did I mess up or something?

I ask him what's wrong. He just shakes his head. "Goddess of time, Amish? Really?"

I was confused. What was wrong with the matron deity of the main city? Did I do something wrong with it?

He shakes his head again. "Think back to what your description was, and you tell me."

I think back. I had said this was a goddess concerned with the passage of time. In the early days of the city, the farmers had a really strict growing season, and their lives depending on the seasons changing on time, the days being the right lengths, and so on and so forth and oh gosh I've made Celestia the matron deity.

And it was completely unintentional.

Not only have the ponies invaded my subconscious (I've had the dreams too), they are now planting suggestions and ideas. I have been Inception'd with/by ponies. And they've let me figure it out. WHY HAVE THEY LET ME FIGURE IT OUT.

Clearly this means it is too late already. We are all doomed. The world will fall to ponies, the party will be compleat. And the pink one will arrive as scheduled.

2011-07-02, 12:29 AM
I can see your point. In a case like this, a part of me really wants to see an interpretation of her character that's in a completely different direction than existing fanon. Perhaps a fragile artiste?

You know, I really really cannot see her as that. Especially given her position in Wonderbolts. How does one end up in such if she's a fragile artiste?

Yes... embrace the pony. They make you compleat.

2011-07-02, 12:32 AM
Shipping Big Macintosh with somepony who isn't me is naughty and makes me want to cry.

Big Mac and Flutter? I am totally seeing that.

2011-07-02, 12:32 AM
It'd help to know what you mean by fragile artiste.

2011-07-02, 12:32 AM
You know, I really really cannot see her as that. Especially given her position in Wonderbolts. How does one end up in such if she's a fragile artiste?

My hypothesis: it's the uniform. When she puts it on, she's part of the team, they're all depending on her, and it's go time. She puts it all on the line and works with them to make some of the best aerial displays in Equestria; that's her chosen medium. But everyday, once she's back out of the locker room and the suit is put up, she's totally different, scanning all the papers for reviews, almost compulsively, but mortified if even the tiniest thing is off.

It's that attention to detail and drive that got her to perfect her flying and opened doors to the Wonderbolts in the first place, but perhaps it's tearing her apart now?

EDIT: Although in all honesty, that was just what popped into my head first. My point is I'd like to see a contrarian take on Spitfire's personality...whatever it was.

2011-07-02, 12:35 AM
My hypothesis: it's the uniform. When she puts it on, she's part of the team, they're all depending on her, and it's go time. She puts it all on the line and works with them to make some of the best aerial displays in Equestria; that's her chosen medium. But everyday, once she's back out of the locker room and the suit is put up, she's totally different, scanning all the papers for reviews, almost compulsively, but mortified if even the tiniest thing is off.

It's that attention to detail and drive that got her to perfect her flying and opened doors to the Wonderbolts in the first place, but perhaps it's tearing her apart now?

EDIT: Although in all honesty, that was just what popped into my head first. My point is I'd like to see a contrarian take on Spitfire's personality...whatever it was.

So... a Rarity's version of the Wonderbolts? :smalltongue:

Derp. I mean Wonderbolts' version of Rarity. Brain herp derping me again.

2011-07-02, 12:37 AM
So... a Rarity's version of the Wonderbolts? :smalltongue:

Mayyyyybe... :smalltongue:

2011-07-02, 12:38 AM
Ah, okay. I could see that. An all consuming perfectionism that's prevented her from really enjoying anything.

Purple Pie: Spitfire, we need to talk.

Also, yes, Fluttermac was the first ship I was ever willing to seriously consider.

Image Dump: Gateway Drug Edition




You've done stolen mah heart, Fluttershy.



And I've saved the best for last. This image is what made me like the idea of their pairing.

http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/e275fa54f465b018db05e9d492d53174/14619%20-%20artist%3Alittletiger488%20big_macintosh%20flutt ershy%20shipping%20transparent.png

2011-07-02, 12:39 AM
Because Fluttershy said


Shipping Big Macintosh with somepony who isn't me is naughty and makes me want to cry.

I'm sorry Fluttershy, but you really need to get over it. Ponies are going to pair whomever with whomever else, and you need to learn to just not look at the ones you don't like as canon.

Besides which, Rainbow Dash really doesn't appreciate all this two-timing.

2011-07-02, 12:42 AM
I'm sorry Fluttershy, but you really need to get over it. Ponies are going to pair whomever with whomever else, and you need to learn to just not look at the ones you don't like as canon.

Besides which, Rainbow Dash really doesn't appreciate all this two-timing.

Well, see, it's the Fluttershy in my head, so she's protective that way.

The Fluttershy in your head wonders why you've been spending so much time talking about Lyra lately.

2011-07-02, 12:43 AM
Ah, okay. I could see that. An all consuming perfectionism that's prevented her from really enjoying anything.

Purple Pie: Spitfire, we need to talk.

Also, yes, Fluttermac was the first ship I was ever willing to seriously consider.

Image Dump: Gateway Drug Edition




You've done stolen mah heart, Fluttershy.



And I've saved the best for last. This image is what made me like the idea of their pairing.

http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/e275fa54f465b018db05e9d492d53174/14619%20-%20artist%3Alittletiger488%20big_macintosh%20flutt ershy%20shipping%20transparent.png

And then Spitfire gets her Beyond Forever moment where we find the perfect but largely unsuspected ship for her!

Also, your Fluttermac image dump is d'awwwww

Also also, if you were to maybe make a Fluttermac story in the vein of IASiF after the Soarinjack has been completed, I might become a very happy robot...

2011-07-02, 12:44 AM
Ah, okay. I could see that. An all consuming perfectionism that's prevented her from really enjoying anything.

Purple Pie: Spitfire, we need to talk.

Also, yes, Fluttermac was the first ship I was ever willing to seriously consider.

Image Dump: Gateway Drug Edition


That has potential alright.
Soarin: Spitfire, we been through this for the fiftieth time.
Spitfire: Not good enough, we need to pass that ring by 0.32 seconds after take-off, not 0.35 seconds.

Also, the first image was cute. Poor tree.

2011-07-02, 12:44 AM
Also, yes, Fluttermac was the first ship I was ever willing to seriously consider.

It may take me some time to get over jealousy of Big Mac to start shipping them.

Er wait...

Hahah right it would be very silly to be jealous of - yeah - forget I said anything...

2011-07-02, 12:46 AM
And then Spitfire gets her Beyond Forever moment where we find the perfect but largely unsuspected ship for her!

Also, your Fluttermac image dump is d'awwwww

Also also, if you were to maybe make a Fluttermac story in the vein of IASiF after the Soarinjack has been completed, I might become a very happy robot...

Surprisingly, while I love Fluttershy, I find her very difficult to conceive of storylines for.

In fact, to put it in perspective, I have never come up with even a fleeting idea for a Fluttershy centric story. I have had fleeting ideas for Dinky, Carrot Top, Derpy, Photo Finish, Luna, Celestia, Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Rarity, Scootaloo's noncanon father, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Trixie (who is a pony I like a lot less than most of the secondary cast) and everypony in the main cast except Twilight Sparkle (another blind spot in my creative powers).

Spike is another blind spot.

2011-07-02, 12:51 AM
How Octavia discovered her special talent wasn't cake baking:


2011-07-02, 12:53 AM
How Octavia discovered her special talent wasn't cake baking:


"ACHROMATIC CATHERINE PIE, YOU GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW. I am SO disappointed in you! Purple and Pinkie worked VERY hard on that enormous cake for the family reunion and now it's ruined! You'll be doing extra rock duty for a week!"

2011-07-02, 12:58 AM
Surprisingly, while I love Fluttershy, I find her very difficult to conceive of storylines for.

In fact, to put it in perspective, I have never come up with even a fleeting idea for a Fluttershy centric story. I have had fleeting ideas for Dinky, Carrot Top, Derpy, Photo Finish, Luna, Celestia, Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Rarity, Scootaloo's noncanon father, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Trixie (who is a pony I like a lot less than most of the secondary cast) and everypony in the main cast except Twilight Sparkle (another blind spot in my creative powers).

Spike is another blind spot.

Considering that most fic centered around Twilight involves her either:
a) in a magical malfunction
b) being shipped with Dash
c) being nerdish to an extreme degree
d) adventuring somewhere on the behest of the Princess

A different take on Twilight would be nice actually.

@Filly Octavia

2011-07-02, 01:01 AM
"ACHROMATIC CATHERINE PIE, YOU GET OUT OF THERE RIGHT NOW. I am SO disappointed in you! Purple and Pinkie worked VERY hard on that enormous cake for the family reunion and now it's ruined! You'll be doing extra rock duty for a week!"

And if that wasn't bad enough, they kept the picture to pull out when she brought friends or (especially) colts over, to show them what a cute and enthusiastic little filly she had been.

2011-07-02, 01:02 AM
And if that wasn't bad enough, they kept the picture to pull out when she brought friends or (especially) colts over, to show them what a cute and enthusiastic little filly she had been.

"Moooooooooooooooooooooom you're embarrassing me in front of Hans!"

Mystic Muse
2011-07-02, 01:03 AM
"Moooooooooooooooooooooom you're embarrassing me in front of Hans!"

"Sweetie, why are you dating the leader of the Terrorists from Die Hard?"

That's seriously the first thing I thought of when I heard the name "Hans"

2011-07-02, 01:04 AM
"Moooooooooooooooooooooom you're embarrassing me in front of Hans!"

Nonsense! We're just telling him more about our sweet little Octy! I'm sure he knows just how special you are, after all. Now where did I put that photo of you building the rock fort with your sisters...

2011-07-02, 01:05 AM
An an unrelated note, to my Canadian bronies on the west coast, happy Canada Day!



Octavia: He isn't a terrorist, Mom! Just because a pony doesn't farm rocks you don't have to go insulting him!


Octavia: You don't understand, Mom, he's got the heart of a poet! He's killed a lot of people, but I know he'd never hurt me, and that's so romantic!

Momma Pie: You aren't allowed to read those Twilight books anymore.

2011-07-02, 01:06 AM
I left for my D&D session and you people already have four pages. That is literally a page an hour. Sort of. Whatever.

Anyway, I think I might have just displayed the most advanced form of pony infection I've ever seen. Story time!

*my brother is a fellow brony, btw*

So I've just finished my first honest session as a DM. I'm seeing the players out the door, all had fun, good times. I turn and see my brother, silhouette framed in the door. He looks...disappointed? Confused? Accusatory? Maybe he didn't like something in the session? Did I mess up or something?

I ask him what's wrong. He just shakes his head. "Goddess of time, Amish? Really?"

I was confused. What was wrong with the matron deity of the main city? Did I do something wrong with it?

He shakes his head again. "Think back to what your description was, and you tell me."

I think back. I had said this was a goddess concerned with the passage of time. In the early days of the city, the farmers had a really strict growing season, and their lives depending on the seasons changing on time, the days being the right lengths, and so on and so forth and oh gosh I've made Celestia the matron deity.

And it was completely unintentional.

Not only have the ponies invaded my subconscious (I've had the dreams too), they are now planting suggestions and ideas. I have been Inception'd with/by ponies. And they've let me figure it out. WHY HAVE THEY LET ME FIGURE IT OUT.

Clearly this means it is too late already. We are all doomed. The world will fall to ponies, the party will be compleat. And the pink one will arrive as scheduled.

Will arrive?

2011-07-02, 01:08 AM
Momma Pie: You aren't allowed to read those Twilight books anymore.

Twilight: Not this again...

2011-07-02, 01:08 AM
"Sweetie, why are you dating the leader of the Terrorists from Die Hard?"

That's seriously the first thing I thought of when I heard the name "Hans"

Good lord, that very line of thought made me cackle.

Hans Pie, a solid member of the Pie Family's Rock Farming Business. Also moonlights as a terrorist during his days off.

Now we need a pony John McClane.

2011-07-02, 01:10 AM
Will arrive?

You don't get it, do you? This thing we call the Pink One, it is naught but a pale shadow of its true form; the herald before the queen comes in terrible glory. The party isn't here, it has just begun...

Also, I figured out my request for the crossover: Dexter's Lab, Twilight as Dexter, Pinkie Pie as Dee Dee. Work in background characters as your creativity dictates. Though, I would suggest Trixie as Mandark if he's included.

...how come I've been Inception'd by ponies before I've slipped on "everypony" in conversation? I'm just realizing how backward this all is.

2011-07-02, 01:13 AM
You don't get it, do you? This thing we call the Pink One, it is naught but a pale shadow of its true form; the herald before the queen comes in terrible glory. The party isn't here, it has just begun...

You speak heresy! The dark tree cannot command the Pink One, especially safely imprisoned in Appleoosa!

2011-07-02, 01:17 AM
Personally I see Spitfire being exactly what Dash wants to be, but with a small twist. Dash is still desperate for attention and doing amazing stunts to get it. The problem? How many of those stunts would actually fly in a Wonderbolts show? If Dash wants to be a Wonderbolt she's going to have to hold herself back for the rest of the team. What if Spitfire's already been through that?

Personally that's why (in my personal fanon) Dash is never going to be a Wonderbolt. Or at least she's never going to be happy as one. She's capable of so much more than they are, especially with the ability to perform a Sonic Rainboom. I can't see her being happy with limiting herself based on someone else's abilities. I think Dash is going to end up starting her own stunt team or something after she's realized how much of who she is she'd have to give up to be a Wonderbolt.

Actually, that would make an interesting fic. Dash finally gets to be a Wonderbolt and decides that she isn't happy with this. She learns that Spitfire had to make that choice too, but for her own reasons has accepted the limitations put on her as just a member of a team.

Also! I've been toying with this all afternoon and all night and now it's done.


Sorry for the low quality images. Evidently every battery in my apartment has decided to die and so I can't use my actual camera. I'll get some better pictures tomorrow, I just wanted to throw what I've got up now.

I have learned two things working on this! First, Pinkie Pie's hair is REALLY FUN to make. The second is that I'm never touching cheap paint again. That pony has more coats of one shade of pink on her than most of my Warhammer models have coats of paint in general. And I'm a pretty good painter. So that's a lot. I actually ran out of the colour I was using for the hair and I still can't get it to lighten. I know it dries lighter, I've seen it do so. :smallannoyed: Oh well, now that I'm out of that stupid paint I have an excuse to buy some real paint.

2011-07-02, 01:18 AM
You speak heresy! The dark tree cannot command the Pink One, especially safely imprisoned in Appleoosa!

Heresy? No sir. You speak of wisps and dreams. I speak of the nightmare that I stumble through, and the horrible glimpses of truth my eyes can yet bear. Nopony commands the Pink One. The tree is a farce; a sham. A monument set to mock our arrogance that we should think we understand anything. The Pink One will come whether the tree bids her or not.

2011-07-02, 01:20 AM
Heresy? No sir. You speak of wisps and dreams. I speak of the nightmare that I stumble through, and the horrible glimpses of truth my eyes can yet bear. Nopony commands the Pink One. The tree is a farce; a sham. A monument set to mock us for all time. The Pink One will come whether the tree bids her or not.

And the two faces of the Pink One shall sit in judgement of the party. FOREVER http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/insane.png

2011-07-02, 01:24 AM
I bet you guys are going to start the cult of the Pink One soon. :smalltongue:

Carry on.

2011-07-02, 01:30 AM
Fortunately there is one man who can save us from the Pink One's coming. An interdimensional traveler with powers of portals and electrical talents. A president of the United States, gifted with immortality and psychic powers. The man who defeated Galactus in a dodgeball tournament.

That's right.


Anyone who gets my reference, I love you forever.

2011-07-02, 01:34 AM
The Winnie the Pooh video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FF5btseVDM) has me nostalgiaing hard.

so now at I am awake at 2:20 in the morning thinking how does one go about ponifying Duck Tales, Tailspin, or Rescue Rangers... confound you ponies!

2011-07-02, 01:35 AM
The Winnie the Pooh video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FF5btseVDM) has me nostalgiaing hard.

so now at I am awake at 2:20 in the morning thinking how does one go about ponifying Duck Tales, Tailspin, or Rescue Rangers... confound you ponies!

If you ponify Duck Tales, I'll love you forever. Seriously. CMC for Huey, Dewey and Louis man!

2011-07-02, 01:36 AM
The Winnie the Pooh video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FF5btseVDM) has me nostalgiaing hard.

so now at I am awake at 2:20 in the morning thinking how does one go about ponifying Duck Tales, Tailspin, or Rescue Rangers... confound you ponies!

Aaaaand now the Rescue Rangers theme is going to be in my head all night...

2011-07-02, 01:39 AM
Fortunately there is one man who can save us from the Pink One's coming. An interdimensional traveler with powers of portals and electrical talents. A president of the United States, gifted with immortality and psychic powers. The man who defeated Galactus in a dodgeball tournament.

That's right.


Anyone who gets my reference, I love you forever.

Interesting.... (http://slangdesign.com/rppr/2008/07/actual-play/actual-play-wushu-dodgeball-to-save-the-world/)

2011-07-02, 01:44 AM
Okay, Grif. I was thinking hard about how to do a Twilight centric fic that I'd want to read (which is how we wound up with shipping fics from me), and I remembered an idea I had.

(On an unrelated note, you pointed out that most fics seem to have the plot device of a spell of hers going sour. You're right and I'm ashamed that I didn't notice it as a cliche.)

In fact, I was wrong, I did have a fanfic idea about Twilight that I put out there for any interested party to write.

The premise is: Trixie comes back to town repentant of her previous boastful and selfish ways. She's joined a religious community or just had a personal experience that's changed the way she views things. Twilight Sparkle is highly suspicious. She assumes that Trixie's up to something and goes into Feeling Pinkie Keen levels of stalking.

However, it turns out that Trixie was sincere. At least, until Twilight Sparkle was harassing her constantly. Perhaps, in the climax of the story, Twilight rigs up an elaborate Rube Goldberg type machine to catch Trixie in a relatively harmless crime that backfires and either really hurts or humiliates Trixie. (ala an episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)

Trixie leaves, vowing revenge on Twilight, and Twilight has to write a letter to Celestia saying that she learned, too late, that a pony is innocent until shown to be guilty and everypony deserves the benefit of the doubt.

"Today I learned that when you expect the worst from a pony, you might just be right because you drove them to it."

Edit: Welp, it looks like I love Kairaven now. He found the reference.

2011-07-02, 01:51 AM
Okay, Grif. I was thinking hard about how to do a Twilight centric fic that I'd want to read (which is how we wound up with shipping fics from me), and I remembered an idea I had.

(On an unrelated note, you pointed out that most fics seem to have the plot device of a spell of hers going sour. You're right and I'm ashamed that I didn't notice it as a cliche.)

In fact, I was wrong, I did have a fanfic idea about Twilight that I put out there for any interested party to write.

The premise is: Trixie comes back to town repentant of her previous boastful and selfish ways. She's joined a religious community or just had a personal experience that's changed the way she views things. Twilight Sparkle is highly suspicious. She assumes that Trixie's up to something and goes into Feeling Pinkie Keen levels of stalking.

However, it turns out that Trixie was sincere. At least, until Twilight Sparkle was harassing her constantly. Perhaps, in the climax of the story, Twilight rigs up an elaborate Rube Goldberg type machine to catch Trixie in a relatively harmless crime that backfires and either really hurts or humiliates Trixie. (ala an episode of Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends)

Trixie leaves, vowing revenge on Twilight, and Twilight has to write a letter to Celestia saying that she learned, too late, that a pony is innocent until shown to be guilty and everypony deserves the benefit of the doubt.

"Today I learned that when you expect the worst from a pony, you might just be right because you drove them to it."

Edit: Welp, it looks like I love Kairaven now. He found the reference.

Very interesting take. Very.


I-DEA! This must be written. At once.

2011-07-02, 01:53 AM
Very interesting take. Very.


I-DEA! This must be written. At once.

What mainly keeps me from writing it is 1) lack of specific scenes to flesh out the idea and 2) I have other fics I'd rather write first.

Edit: Also, 3) I've kinda built a fanfic career around writing about ideas that other people wouldn't. I'd rather popularize Photo Finish or Soarin than add another Twilight Sparkle fic to the world.

So once again, this idea is available for anyone who wants to write it.

2011-07-02, 02:08 AM
Surprisingly, while I love Fluttershy, I find her very difficult to conceive of storylines for.

In fact, to put it in perspective, I have never come up with even a fleeting idea for a Fluttershy centric story. I have had fleeting ideas for Dinky, Carrot Top, Derpy, Photo Finish, Luna, Celestia, Big Macintosh, Braeburn, Rarity, Scootaloo's noncanon father, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Trixie (who is a pony I like a lot less than most of the secondary cast) and everypony in the main cast except Twilight Sparkle (another blind spot in my creative powers).

Spike is another blind spot.

I actually had an idea for a Fluttershy-centric story, but it involved a romance and I didn't have a colt for her, without creating a new character. I actually had a pretty good plot built up around such a character, but I might be able to make it work with Big Mac with a few changes. I think, though, I should hold off on writing it until I get used to how pony fanfics usually go. (My plot was essentially something that could be an episode.)

So yeah, that means I have to read a bunch of pony fanfics! Where should I start?

2011-07-02, 02:13 AM
I actually had an idea for a Fluttershy-centric story, but it involved a romance and I didn't have a colt for her, without creating a new character. I actually had a pretty good plot built up around such a character, but I might be able to make it work with Big Mac with a few changes. I think, though, I should hold off on writing it until I get used to how pony fanfics usually go. (My plot was essentially something that could be an episode.)

So yeah, that means I have to read a bunch of pony fanfics! Where should I start?

OP has a good selection. Read it, and Trixie will be pleased. (Use Thread XII's one.)

@DBC I might actually take you up on that. Been meaning to write another one-off and that conspiracy idea I had died due to the sheer number of plotholes I spied in the story.

2011-07-02, 02:23 AM
After the fics recommended in opening, head to Equestria Daily and check out the 5 star and 6 start stories.

@bobcat: I am going to have to eventually find a way to whip you electronically over the net just to get you to finish Fair Feather Friend.

2011-07-02, 02:24 AM
I actually had an idea for a Fluttershy-centric story, but it involved a romance and I didn't have a colt for her, without creating a new character. I actually had a pretty good plot built up around such a character, but I might be able to make it work with Big Mac with a few changes. I think, though, I should hold off on writing it until I get used to how pony fanfics usually go. (My plot was essentially something that could be an episode.)

So yeah, that means I have to read a bunch of pony fanfics! Where should I start?

Well, there's the OP and www.equestriadaily.com

If you want specific recommendations from me, well, I like people to read my stories, obviously. (I'm Bobcat on ED and I have my own author tag and everything!)

But as for stories others have written.

http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/story-misted-stage.html?showComment=1307506797109#c394627380505 7658198

Edit: Sorry, Kairaven. I do intend to get it done by the end of the month. When you see it, you'll see why I've been anxious about writing it. And when I get anxious about things, I put them off.

2011-07-02, 02:44 AM
Well, there's the OP and www.equestriadaily.com

If you want specific recommendations from me, well, I like people to read my stories, obviously. (I'm Bobcat on ED and I have my own author tag and everything!)

But as for stories others have written.

http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/06/story-misted-stage.html?showComment=1307506797109#c394627380505 7658198

Edit: Sorry, Kairaven. I do intend to get it done by the end of the month. When you see it, you'll see why I've been anxious about writing it. And when I get anxious about things, I put them off.

Just read Celestia's Teeth. By all that's holy and Luna, twas' the best story of Celestia yet. And a refreshing change from Tyrantestia or Evilestia.

2011-07-02, 02:49 AM
I'm sorry Fluttershy, but you really need to get over it. Ponies are going to pair whomever with whomever else, and you need to learn to just not look at the ones you don't like as canon.

Besides which, Rainbow Dash really doesn't appreciate all this two-timing.

Your retort shifted my mental wavelength. I am now vibrating through the brighter spheres. Trying to come up with a coherent reason why, I boiled it down to this.

I do so look forward to the completion of Rainbows :smallsmile:

"Sweetie, why are you dating the leader of the Terrorists from Die Hard?"

I wish to express joy at your response but emote2lang.exe crashed during it's runphase. Can your software accept direct joy without me having to compress the data first? Or will it corrupt in the upload phase?

If you ponify Duck Tales, I'll love you forever. Seriously. CMC for Huey, Dewey and Louis man!

I want to see this. Scrooge McDuck is one of my heroes. I'd love to see a take on him.

Mystic Muse
2011-07-02, 02:52 AM
I wish to express joy at your response but emote2lang.exe crashed during it's runphase. Can your software accept direct joy without me having to compress the data first? Or will it corrupt in the upload phase?

It can accept direct joy.

I'm glad I made so many people happy with that joke.

2011-07-02, 02:53 AM

Your retort shifted my mental wavelength. I am now vibrating through the brighter spheres. Trying to come up with a coherent reason why, I boiled it down to this.

I do so look forward to the completion of Rainbows :smallsmile:

I realize I didn't express myself well with the line Phoe retorted to. What I really meant was

BOBCAT shipping me with somepony other than Big Macintosh makes me want to cry.

If other people have other ideas, go to town. It's just my internal Fluttershy piped up at the idea of Macintosh dating Spitfire, even for a quick joke.

2011-07-02, 03:56 AM
I realize I didn't express myself well with the line Phoe retorted to. What I really meant was

BOBCAT shipping me with somepony other than Big Macintosh makes me want to cry.

If other people have other ideas, go to town. It's just my internal Fluttershy piped up at the idea of Macintosh dating Spitfire, even for a quick joke.

Having Fluttershy as a conscience must be interesting. Probably more conductive to mental stability than, say, Metal Mask and a Banana, or Baron Awesome and the Druid Droid.

Speaking of, let me check what my consciences are right now?

Jayden: You should set yourself on fire and drive off a cliff.
Charger: Don't do it! You should set yourself on fire and fly a plane into Archduke Hydraopolis' face!
Jayden: Hey, good thinking, kid!
*Consciences high five*

Well, it's still better than that time Raz_Fox was acting as my conscience.

2011-07-02, 04:06 AM
I realize I didn't express myself well with the line Phoe retorted to. What I really meant was

BOBCAT shipping me with somepony other than Big Macintosh makes me want to cry.

If other people have other ideas, go to town. It's just my internal Fluttershy piped up at the idea of Macintosh dating Spitfire, even for a quick joke.

No worries, mate. Didn't mean to offend you or imply that I was offended; I understand very well having preferences. I was just focused out of a fugue, and wasn't directing my comment towards you at all.

This is really awkward. Am I apologizing? I'm trying to, but I'm not sure if I need to. Methinks I need sleep. Har.

Anyway, cheers mate! Don't take anything I say in any bot a positive light, aye? Goodnight everypony. and falcon.

Brazen Shield
2011-07-02, 04:16 AM
No worries, mate. Didn't mean to offend you or imply that I was offended; I understand very well having preferences. I was just focused out of a fugue, and wasn't directing my comment towards you at all.

This is really awkward. Am I apologizing? I'm trying to, but I'm not sure if I need to. Methinks I need sleep. Har.

Anyway, cheers mate! Don't take anything I say in any bot a positive light, aye? Goodnight everypony. and falcon.


Kris Strife
2011-07-02, 04:44 AM

Octavia: You don't understand, Mom, he's got the heart of a poet! He's killed a lot of people, but I know he'd never hurt me, and that's so romantic!

Momma Pie: You aren't allowed to read those Twilight books anymore.

I'd like to think, that since Equestria is such a wonderful place, those books were never written. :smallannoyed:

2011-07-02, 06:52 AM
I'd like to think, that since Equestria is such a wonderful place, those books were never written. :smallannoyed:

I regret to inform you that, even in a place as beautiful as Equestria, true horror exists. It's inescapable!

2011-07-02, 07:03 AM
I regret to inform you that, even in a place as beautiful as Equestria, true horror exists. It's inescapable!

It's true.



2011-07-02, 07:09 AM
I regret to inform you that, even in a place as beautiful as Equestria, true horror exists. It's inescapable!

He's right y'know. Want proof? Green hair. Not terrifying enough for you? PONIES WITH STRIPES. With such horrors in the world some days I wonder why I leave the house at all! http://i.imgur.com/etKD7.jpg

2011-07-02, 07:09 AM
It's true.



http://i.imgur.com/eO5lW.jpg: Burn it with fire!

2011-07-02, 07:16 AM
4 pages? In my sleep? And only two when I am awake?
What, does my very existence somehow slow down the thread? :smalltongue:

2011-07-02, 07:21 AM
http://i.imgur.com/eO5lW.jpg: Burn it with fire!

Burning books with fire is naughty and you shouldn't do it. It makes nasty smoke and the fire could spread and hurt innocent plants and animals. It also takes too long. Just banish it to the sun, it's faster and safer.

Kris Strife
2011-07-02, 07:21 AM
4 pages? In my sleep? And only two when I am awake?
What, does my very existence somehow slow down the thread? :smalltongue:

Yes. It's just like waiting for Santa as a kid. Sooner you go to bed, sooner he shows up. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-02, 07:40 AM
So after 6+ months of constantly seeing a MLP thread here, along with the rise of pony avatars left and right, I decided to investigate this show myself. Got to say, I am impressed. A few minor things didn't sit well with me, but overall I enjoyed it. Thanks for inciting my curiosity on this!

Also: Darthbobcat, I loved the Meet the Spy / Fluttermac picture you posted two pages back.

Really have nothing more to contribute right now. Just debating whether I want to devote the entirety of my free time to catching up on all of the fanfics you guys have been posting left and right.

2011-07-02, 07:43 AM
So after 6+ months of constantly seeing a MLP thread here, along with the rise of pony avatars left and right, I decided to investigate this show myself. Got to say, I am impressed. A few minor things didn't sit well with me, but overall I enjoyed it. Thanks for inciting my curiosity on this!

Also: Darthbobcat, I loved the Meet the Spy / Fluttermac picture you posted two pages back.

Really have nothing more to contribute right now. Just debating whether I want to devote the entirety of my free time to catching up on all of the fanfics you guys have been posting left and right.

Welcome to the herd, sir.

And the answer is 'yes'. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-02, 07:49 AM
Welcome to the herd, sir.

And the answer is 'yes'. :smallbiggrin:

Just be warned that it may, in fact, take the rest of your natural life.

And then you'll descend into ponysanity. Just like the rest of us have.

2011-07-02, 07:49 AM
Welcome to the herd, sir.

And the answer is 'yes'. :smallbiggrin:

Thank you, and I suppose that when you put it like that, I really have no arguments. If they end up half as good as the show, it will be time well spent. Suppose I'll dig into them when I get up tomorrow, depending on if I end up having plans or not.

Just be warned that it may, in fact, take the rest of your natural life.

And then you'll descend into ponysanity. Just like the rest of us have.

Ponysanity? This concept both frightens and intrigues me.

2011-07-02, 07:54 AM
Just be warned that it may, in fact, take the rest of your natural life.

And then you'll descend into ponysanity. Just like the rest of us have.

I find this both ominous and amusing.

2011-07-02, 07:58 AM
Ponysanity? This concept both frightens and intrigues me.

Ponysanity as a word is 40% longer than "Sanity". And that's like there was a 20% cooler explosion... and then there was a 20% cooler explosion AGAIN!

2011-07-02, 08:02 AM
Ponysanity as a word is 40% longer than "Sanity". And that's like there was a 20% cooler explosion... and then there was a 20% cooler explosion AGAIN!

This right here? This is a classic case of ponysanity. Can you imagine? Thanqol was once a normal human being, with normal human thought patterns.

And now...

2011-07-02, 08:08 AM
Now he's up 63.7% of a megarainbow (measurement of awesome). Roughly speaking.

2011-07-02, 08:09 AM
This right here? This is a classic case of ponysanity. Can you imagine? Thanqol was once a normal human being, with normal human thought patterns.

And now...

I was what? When? I don't remember any such thing http://i.imgur.com/dNltC.jpg Are you a spy?

2011-07-02, 08:11 AM
I was what? When? I don't remember any such thing http://i.imgur.com/dNltC.jpg Are you a spy?

So... ponysanity also involves retrograde amnesia? That'll explain my inability to recall... my... human... days... wait. :smalleek:

2011-07-02, 08:13 AM
This right here? This is a classic case of ponysanity. Can you imagine? Thanqol was once a normal human being, with normal human thought patterns.

And now...

I don't know, so far the advantages of ponysanity seem to be outweighing the drawbacks. After all, Thanqol descended into ponysanity, and as a result pulled off perhaps the best lp I've ever seen of Europa III. Are there any serious issues that come up as this condition escalates?

2011-07-02, 08:14 AM
I was what? When? I don't remember any such thing http://i.imgur.com/dNltC.jpg Are you a spy?

So... ponysanity also involves retrograde amnesia? That'll explain my inability to recall... my... human... days... wait. :smalleek:

I remember. I'll always remember. I won't let what we once were be forgotten! This, I, Midnight, vow!

Wait, what? Oh, damn, what was my real name again...uh...right! Midnight!

I don't know, so far the advantages of ponysanity seem to be outweighing the drawbacks. After all, Thanqol descended into ponysanity, and as a result pulled off perhaps the best lp I've ever seen of Europa III. Are there any serious issues that come up as this condition escalates?

I'll just tell you this, it's sometimes hard to type on my keyboard with hooves.

2011-07-02, 08:15 AM
I don't know, so far the advantages of ponysanity seem to be outweighing the drawbacks. After all, Thanqol descended into ponysanity, and as a result pulled off perhaps the best lp I've ever seen of Europa III. Are there any serious issues that come up as this condition escalates?

Allow me to present a case study.

I left for my D&D session and you people already have four pages. That is literally a page an hour. Sort of. Whatever.

Anyway, I think I might have just displayed the most advanced form of pony infection I've ever seen. Story time!

*my brother is a fellow brony, btw*

So I've just finished my first honest session as a DM. I'm seeing the players out the door, all had fun, good times. I turn and see my brother, silhouette framed in the door. He looks...disappointed? Confused? Accusatory? Maybe he didn't like something in the session? Did I mess up or something?

I ask him what's wrong. He just shakes his head. "Goddess of time, Amish? Really?"

I was confused. What was wrong with the matron deity of the main city? Did I do something wrong with it?

He shakes his head again. "Think back to what your description was, and you tell me."

I think back. I had said this was a goddess concerned with the passage of time. In the early days of the city, the farmers had a really strict growing season, and their lives depending on the seasons changing on time, the days being the right lengths, and so on and so forth and oh gosh I've made Celestia the matron deity.

And it was completely unintentional.

Not only have the ponies invaded my subconscious (I've had the dreams too), they are now planting suggestions and ideas. I have been Inception'd with/by ponies. And they've let me figure it out. WHY HAVE THEY LET ME FIGURE IT OUT.

Clearly this means it is too late already. We are all doomed. The world will fall to ponies, the party will be compleat. And the pink one will arrive as scheduled.

Be the judge. Also, you might develop a sudden need to get a pony avatar.

2011-07-02, 08:17 AM
I don't know, so far the advantages of ponysanity seem to be outweighing the drawbacks. After all, Thanqol descended into ponysanity, and as a result pulled off perhaps the best lp I've ever seen of Europa III. Are there any serious issues that come up as this condition escalates?

Gasp! Does this mean I get to count you as a convert!? That pushes me up to 8!

Ponysanity has had me more productive than I've ever been in my entire life; LPs, fics, art, videos, 'round the board. I've never produced more, or faster. If anything, this humanity thing has been holding me back.

I remember. I'll always remember. I won't let what we once were be forgotten! This, I, Midnight, vow!

Wait, what? Oh, damn, what was my real name again...uh...right! Midnight!

Don't be silly. Your name is Princess Mommy. :smallsmile:

I'll just tell you this, it's sometimes hard to type on my keyboard with hooves.

Quit your whining, unicorn :smallyuk:

2011-07-02, 08:28 AM
Gasp! Does this mean I get to count you as a convert!? That pushes me up to 8!

Ponysanity has had me more productive than I've ever been in my entire life; LPs, fics, art, videos, 'round the board. I've never produced more, or faster. If anything, this humanity thing has been holding me back.

Yes, one of the symptoms of Ponysanity is increased creativity. It's really quite impressive!

Don't be silly. Your name is Princess Mommy. :smallsmile:

Oh, right, of course darling, I forgot!

Quit your whining, unicorn :smallyuk:

Hey, sometimes Mommy's horn gets tired from all the magic, and she has to use her hooves. :smallsmile:

2011-07-02, 08:30 AM
Speaking of the LP, are you continuing it into Gal Civ 2? Just asking. You know. Not from any secret desire to see the Terror Star Otto Herbelin blow up a star. Nope. No sirree.

I'm going to sit here like a human now. Because seats with backrests are meant to be used.

2011-07-02, 08:34 AM
Hey, sometimes Mommy's horn gets tired from all the magic, and she has to use her hooves. :smallsmile:

I wish I had a horn. All I've got is a dumb mask, which ponies on the internet can't even see. Dumb rock!

Speaking of the LP, are you continuing it into Gal Civ 2? Just asking. You know. Not from any secret desire to see the Terror Star Otto Herbelin blow up a star. Nope. No sirree.

I'm going to sit here like a human now. Because seats with backrests are meant to be used.

Quite likely, provided I can appropriately manage screenshotting :smallsmile:

Ponies got you covered, bro.



Got you




2011-07-02, 08:38 AM
Ah, okay. I could see that. An all consuming perfectionism that's prevented her from really enjoying anything.

Purple Pie: Spitfire, we need to talk.

Also, yes, Fluttermac was the first ship I was ever willing to seriously consider.

Fluttermac wouldn't work. Fluttershy's defining characteristic is her kindness and her drive to care for other. The one time when she couldn't care for the critters at the Gala and was rejected by them it drove her crazy. Really, really crazy. So what would she get from being with Big Mac? He is physical strong and mentally stable, so unless he is very clumsy and gets hurt a lot he doesn't need her. And I don't think Fluttershy could stand that.

And I like the term ponysanity.

2011-07-02, 09:48 AM
I don't know, so far the advantages of ponysanity seem to be outweighing the drawbacks. After all, Thanqol descended into ponysanity, and as a result pulled off perhaps the best lp I've ever seen of Europa III. Are there any serious issues that come up as this condition escalates?

Oooh, that depends on your definition of "serious issues", my good man. Do you mind voices in your head (multiple at once after the condition progresses), occasional bouts of thinking you're some sort of magical equine, or using your literary talents to critique pony fanfiction over the internet instead of doing something useful with it like your English teachers would want? Because heck if I am, I hated English class! Who are they to tell me what stories are or aren't worth my time! And who says I can't start a sentence with "because"? Rabble rabble rabble!

*ahem* Er, right. Sorry. Bit off track there.

Unfortunately for you, it's already too late. You may think you have a choice now, but that's just a common symptom; early stages of delusion and major denial. Trust me, I was there too. You've already posted in a pony thread, and may I be so bold to assume that you've started looking at fanart? The ponies are in your system, lad, and there's no getting them out.

I'm sorry, but you've got the silly. And it's terminal AWESOME.

2011-07-02, 09:58 AM
If you want specific recommendations from me, well, I like people to read my stories, obviously. (I'm Bobcat on ED and I have my own author tag and everything!)

I don't think I've told you how much I love you for linking Misted Stage to anypony who asks for a fanfic recommendation, so... I love you as much as Lyra loves Twilight for linking my story to anypony who asks for a fanfic recommendation.


Having Fluttershy as a conscience must be interesting. Probably more conductive to mental stability than, say, Metal Mask and a Banana, or Baron Awesome and the Druid Droid.


Well, it's still better than that time Raz_Fox was acting as my conscience.

Excuse me, what? I've never acted as your conscience! Well, maybe as your moral mentor and adviser, but never as a conscience, per se.

And I'm pretty sure that the Cheshire Cat is one half of my conscience. I'm not sure who the other one is. It might be the Doctor, which would explain why I've been having these urges to start randomly running places and licking the walls in between tea parties.


2011-07-02, 10:25 AM
New fic

Josh lags onto screen

Josh: Hahahahahahaha I am the only one who can read dragonslayers without going insane

Lags off

Mystic Muse
2011-07-02, 10:38 AM
And then you'll descend into ponysanity. Just like the rest of us have.

Buh-but I don't want to be ponysane. I mean, if that's okay with you. I got Fluttershy on the pony test.

2011-07-02, 10:38 AM
So wait...... if I overdose on pony I can get the mane cast as voices in my head?



2011-07-02, 10:39 AM
So wait...... if I overdose on pony I can get the mane cast as voices in my head?



NO! YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH, SHADOW! :smalltongue:

2011-07-02, 10:40 AM
Guys, guess what I did! I put something new into the MLP:FiM:The Thread:The Game project! I need it would like it looked at (Bonus World: Angmare, which isn't finished yet, and Scions of Angmare under Mooks, also added to the soundtrack). I feel like I'm the only one who remembers the project, with the last three entries in the discussion document being mine. So, please, check it out!


2011-07-02, 10:43 AM
Guys, guess what I did! I put something new into the MLP:FiM:The Thread:The Game project! I need it would like it looked at (Bonus World: Angmare, which isn't finished yet, and Scions of Angmare under Mooks, also added to the soundtrack). I feel like I'm the only one who remembers the project, with the last three entries in the discussion document being mine. So, please, check it out!


Don't worry, I remember the project. I just keep getting sidetracked. This time by a little clay Pinkie Pie.

2011-07-02, 10:44 AM
Buh-but I don't want to be ponysane. I mean, if that's okay with you. I got Fluttershy on the pony test.

It's too late, you have entered the same state! You are ponysane!

And unfortunately, there is no cure! It was thought that perhaps the lull between new episodes would serve as a suppressant for the symptoms at the very least, but it has only so far served to exacerbate the symptoms, not relieve them!

2011-07-02, 10:45 AM
More 60x60 ponymotes! I've been playing with a different method for the eyelashes.

edit: edit for applejacks

Mystic Muse
2011-07-02, 10:47 AM
It's too late, you have entered the same state! You are ponysane!

Oh no. Well, at least the animals still love me.

*gets bitten by an odd mutated looking snake*

....Oh. *sits down and looks sad*

2011-07-02, 10:56 AM
Oh no. Well, at least the animals still love me.

*gets bitten by an odd mutated looking snake*

....Oh. *sits down and looks sad*

Aww, it'll be okay. You probably have mutant snake powers now! That's got to be cool. And everyone loves you, that's got to be nice (I wouldn't know myself, of course, but I assume it should feel good to be loved). They even love you in a way which means they won't make a fuss of you if you don't want them to. You'll be fine. *awkwardly fiddles with one hoof before deciding not to give a pat on the head*

2011-07-02, 11:01 AM
Aww, it'll be okay. You probably have mutant snake powers now! That's got to be cool. And everyone loves you, that's got to be nice (I wouldn't know myself, of course, but I assume it should feel good to be loved). They even love you in a way which means they won't make a fuss of you if you don't want them to. You'll be fine. *awkwardly fiddles with one hoof before deciding not to give a pat on the head*

And superpowers make it easier to MAKE THEM love you.

2011-07-02, 11:03 AM
MLP:FiM:The Thread:The Game project!
Which one is this? I seem to recall two or three MLP RPG projects around somewhere, but I don't recall much of them.

2011-07-02, 11:06 AM
Which one is this? I seem to recall two or three MLP RPG projects around somewhere, but I don't recall much of them.

This one. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t_ZSIp3fUwG6irdj4Rkd38oAUFO6HyQjvkvOQFf6iHM/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1) And the discussion. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R_2W-wjBxnqHEA0Iusy7a7elBI6uUeJxcoiqB2g63rY/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1)

2011-07-02, 11:15 AM
I'm rather surprised it's not in your signature.
Then again, thinking about it, there may be a link in the normal first post...

Ah yes, very self-referal. :smalltongue: I'll look it over in a bit, although I'm not sure if I'm following the fandom/ponysanity close enough to make very meaningful comments.

2011-07-02, 11:16 AM
This one. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1t_ZSIp3fUwG6irdj4Rkd38oAUFO6HyQjvkvOQFf6iHM/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1) And the discussion. (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1R_2W-wjBxnqHEA0Iusy7a7elBI6uUeJxcoiqB2g63rY/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1)

I would, but damn, I plum ran out of ideas to contribute. Need more pure pony to boost my creativity.

2011-07-02, 11:23 AM
I'm rather surprised it's not in your signature.
Then again, thinking about it, there may be a link in the normal first post...

Ah yes, very self-referal. :smalltongue: I'll look it over in a bit, although I'm not sure if I'm following the fandom/ponysanity close enough to make very meaningful comments.

Well, it's not actually my project. I've contributed one mook type and about half a world. Also, I'm not sure how much more I can fit in my signature without going over any limits.

I would, but damn, I plum ran out of ideas to contribute. Need more pure pony to boost my creativity.

I'd help (help?) but I rarely save pony things and tend to see them only through this thread anyway.

2011-07-02, 11:23 AM
Trixie: you have too many messages in your inbox, but my answer was "No problem!"

Figured you might see it here >.>

2011-07-02, 11:29 AM
Wish I had found this one this morning when we were still talking about the crazies. Oh well, better late than never!


Mystic Muse
2011-07-02, 11:39 AM
Aww, it'll be okay. You probably have mutant snake powers now! That's got to be cool. And everyone loves you, that's got to be nice (I wouldn't know myself, of course, but I assume it should feel good to be loved). They even love you in a way which means they won't make a fuss of you if you don't want them to. You'll be fine. *awkwardly fiddles with one hoof before deciding not to give a pat on the head*

And superpowers make it easier to MAKE THEM love you.

*eventually turns into Kerriganshy*. Image below.



2011-07-02, 11:40 AM
*eventually turns into Kerriganshy*. Image below.



Your murderous beasts are such angles!

2011-07-02, 11:47 AM
Wish I had found this one this morning when we were still talking about the crazies. Oh well, better late than never!


Hey, we're not insane, we're ponysane. There's a complete difference!

2011-07-02, 11:49 AM
Hey, we're not insane, we're ponysane. There's a complete difference!

The difference bein' one is complete harmony and the other's mental sickness! (0:44-ish) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyNuriXG3BQ)

Mystic Muse
2011-07-02, 11:53 AM
Hey, we're not insane.

Not all of us anyway.

And don't worry, I'm not insane. Kerriganshy told me I'm not! Isn't that right Kerriganshy?


See? I'm completely sane.

2011-07-02, 11:57 AM
I'm not insane. I'm anti-sane. Much more fun.

2011-07-02, 11:58 AM
Having Fluttershy as a conscience must be interesting. Probably more conductive to mental stability than, say, Metal Mask and a Banana, or Baron Awesome and the Druid Droid.

Nonsense! I had nothing but Lyra's best interests in mind the entire time.

I don't think I've told you how much I love you for linking Misted Stage to anypony who asks for a fanfic recommendation, so... I love you as much as Lyra loves Twilight for linking my story to anypony who asks for a fanfic recommendation.

I'm not sure if this should be read as sweet, or threatening...

2011-07-02, 12:01 PM
Your murderous beasts are such angles!
Would that be a cute angle or an obtuse one? :smalltongue:

2011-07-02, 12:02 PM
Nonsense! I had nothing but Lyra's best interests in mind the entire time.

I'm not sure if this should be read as sweet, or threatening...

I'm sure you do Mr. Druid Droid. :smallsmile:

And why wouldn't my love for Twilight be sweet?

2011-07-02, 12:06 PM
I'm sure you do Mr. Druid Droid. :smallsmile:

And why wouldn't my love for Twilight be sweet?

Oh! Er, Lyra what are you doing here? I was just, um... Hey, I know! Why don't you go get some ice cream? Yeah, tasty ice cream...

2011-07-02, 12:06 PM
I'm sure you do Mr. Druid Droid. :smallsmile:

And why wouldn't my love for Twilight be sweet?

Depends on how much sugar is in the narcotic-laced cupcakes. :smalltongue:

2011-07-02, 12:09 PM
Fluttermac wouldn't work. Fluttershy's defining characteristic is her kindness and her drive to care for other. The one time when she couldn't care for the critters at the Gala and was rejected by them it drove her crazy. Really, really crazy. So what would she get from being with Big Mac? He is physical strong and mentally stable, so unless he is very clumsy and gets hurt a lot he doesn't need her. And I don't think Fluttershy could stand that.

And I like the term ponysanity.

But that was a case of Cutie Mark Failure Disorder. Her cutie mark isn't caring for ponies, it's caring for animals and having a close connection to them. It was the inability to establish a connection that drove her round the bend.

Really, one way you could interpret what you're saying is that she'd inflict injuries on any paramour through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchausen_syndrome_by_proxy Munchausen syndrome by proxy, just from the desire to take care of them.

Plus, maybe Fluttershy wants to be taken care of occasionally.

2011-07-02, 12:10 PM
Oh! Er, Lyra what are you doing here? I was just, um... Hey, I know! Why don't you go get some ice cream? Yeah, tasty ice cream...

Okay, Mr Druid Droid. My conscience would never lie to me right? :smallsmile:

Depends on how much sugar is in the narcotic-laced cupcakes. :smalltongue:

Why, Mr Amish Pony, what a peculiar thing to say. Why would narcotic laced cupcakes ever be involved?

*eye twitch*

2011-07-02, 12:11 PM
Wish I had found this one this morning when we were still talking about the crazies. Oh well, better late than never!

What's that, Cheshire? You think this one is better? All right, then, I'll post it!

http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/82a19dbae2d33fe9251d460a9055c3a2/21506%20-%20Alice_in_Wonderland%20chesire_cat%20fluttershy% 20parody%20pinkie_pie.png

2011-07-02, 12:13 PM
Really, one way you could interpret what you're saying is that she'd inflict injuries on any paramour through Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

This is both grimdark and strangely interesting...I don't know what to say.

2011-07-02, 12:14 PM
Not all of us anyway.

And don't worry, I'm not insane. Kerriganshy told me I'm not! Isn't that right Kerriganshy?


See? I'm completely sane.

Well, alright. Some of us are both ponysane AND insane.

2011-07-02, 12:17 PM
Okay, Mr Druid Droid. My conscience would never lie to me right? :smallsmile:

Why, Mr Amish Pony, what a peculiar thing to say. Why would narcotic laced cupcakes ever be involved?

*eye twitch*

*slowly puts down the cupcake i was about it eat*

2011-07-02, 12:23 PM
*slowly puts down the cupcake i was about it eat*

You know what happens when you reject cupcakes. You need to be reponycated. *brandishes wooden bat with "the kneecapper" fire-etched onto it*

2011-07-02, 12:26 PM
*slowly puts down the cupcake i was about it eat*

What's the matter mister? Do you not like the cupcakes I made?

*Eye twitchy twitchy*

2011-07-02, 12:27 PM
Depends on how much sugar is in the narcotic-laced cupcakes. :smalltongue:

Oh, tons! You've got to have extra sugar in the narcotic-laced cupcakes to mask the flavor. It doesn't work if they don't eat the whole thing, you know! Isn't that right, Lyra?

On an unrelated note, have a cupcake! I made it just for you!

2011-07-02, 12:28 PM
Why, Mr Amish Pony, what a peculiar thing to say. Why would narcotic laced cupcakes ever be involved?

*eye twitch*

Uh...I mean...who said anything about narcotic-laced cupcakes? That's just silly! Ha...ha...ha...

*inches toward door*

2011-07-02, 12:29 PM
Uh...I mean...who said anything about narcotic-laced cupcakes? That's just silly! Ha...ha...ha...

*inches toward door*

eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/pinkone.png

2011-07-02, 12:31 PM
Uh...I mean...who said anything about narcotic-laced cupcakes? That's just silly! Ha...ha...ha...

*inches toward door*


Filly Fluttershy says: It's naughty to turn down food a friend worked so hard to make for you.

How can you say no to that?

2011-07-02, 12:31 PM
Oh, tons! You've got to have extra sugar in the narcotic-laced cupcakes to mask the flavor. It doesn't work if they don't eat the whole thing, you know! Isn't that right, Lyra?

On an unrelated note, have a cupcake! I made it just for you!

Do you have another one? :smallsmile: I love your cupcakes.

Uh...I mean...who said anything about narcotic-laced cupcakes? That's just silly! Ha...ha...ha...

*inches toward door*

*Stands at the door with a whiplash*

Now there mister. We're not done talking are we?

Aw.... he fell asleep.

2011-07-02, 12:33 PM
*slowly brings the cupcake back up to my mouth*

2011-07-02, 12:33 PM
Well I can say this: Unlike some other voices in your heads, I'm at least consistent in my advice towards madness.

Now, eat. the. cupcake.

2011-07-02, 12:33 PM
*Stands at the door with a whiplash*

Now there mister. We're not done talking are we?

B-but we're talking right now! How can we be done if we're talking right now, silly? *nervous smile, inching towards window*

Fellow bronies? A little help?

2011-07-02, 12:35 PM
B-but we're talking right now! How can we be done if we're talking right now, silly? *nervous smile, inching towards window*

Fellow bronies? A little help?

eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. eat the cupcake. http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s168/murderouseagle/ponymote/pinkone.png

I stand by my remarks.

2011-07-02, 12:36 PM
B-but we're talking right now! How can we be done if we're talking right now, silly? *nervous smile, inching towards window*

Fellow bronies? A little help?

*Continues surfing for pony images*

Oh, hey, this is neat! I guess somepony had to make the joke:

http://ponibooru.413chan.net/_images/e19ac4b5f6e340201847f0f3797ac060/30385%20-%20artist%3Acartoonlion%20kitchen_sink%20pinkie_pi e%20rainbow_dash.png

What's that Amish? I was distracted...

2011-07-02, 12:37 PM
B-but we're talking right now! How can we be done if we're talking right now, silly? *nervous smile, inching towards window*

Fellow bronies? A little help?

RUN! CELIESTIA IS HERE! She does NOT look happy.


2011-07-02, 12:40 PM
B-but we're talking right now! How can we be done if we're talking right now, silly? *nervous smile, inching towards window*

Fellow bronies? A little help?

Come now Amish pony, do what that nice pony has to say and nopony will be hurt.

*eye twitch, cracks whip* EAT YOUR CUPCAKE NOW!!.... please?

RUN! CELIESTIA IS HERE! She does NOT look happy.


Oh hi Princess Celestia. You look different.... Want a cupcake?

2011-07-02, 12:42 PM
Come now Amish pony, do what that nice pony has to say and nopony will be hurt.

*eye twitch, cracks whip* EAT YOUR CUPCAKE NOW!!.... please?

...can I get a to-go bag? *meep*

2011-07-02, 12:49 PM
...can I get a to-go bag? *meep*

Why sure Mr Amish pony. Here you go.

*fix a creepy smile*

2011-07-02, 12:49 PM
...can I get a to-go bag? *meep*

You know what else is in narcotic cupcakes? FRIENDSHIP. Not eating it now could cause you to lose a friend. FOREVER.

Aotrs Commander
2011-07-02, 12:50 PM
B-but we're talking right now! How can we be done if we're talking right now, silly? *nervous smile, inching towards window*

Fellow bronies? A little help?

Don't look at me dude, I don't have a physiology. I can eat1 all the cupcakes I like.

Which is none, because I don't like cupcakes.

Fruitcakes, on the other hand...

1YES, before anyone makes any comments, spirit-bound Liches can ingest things (e.g. potions, chocolate (no way I was givin' that up, even in death), spleens), as the ingested matter does not physically fall through our bones is but is instead amalgamated into our systems and excess energy re-radiated on the ethereal plane. In the same way I can sigh, whistle a merry tune, and y'know speak, despite not having any lungs. Spirit-bound Undead can pretty much do anything a living being can do, with none of the disadvantages.

2011-07-02, 12:52 PM
Ponysane? Is that like super sane (http://www.nuklearpower.com/2008/12/16/episode-1072-super-sane/)? Or even Super Sayian?

I'm just sayin'.

2011-07-02, 12:53 PM
Why sure Mr Amish pony. Here you go.

*fix a creepy smile*


*takes bag, falls to the ground*

Narcotics...on the bag...cursed...picking things up with mouth...clever pony...*zzzzzzzzzz*

2011-07-02, 12:55 PM
Ponysane? Is that like super sane? Or even Super Sayian?

I'm just sayin'.

GASP! Super Sayian Ponies?!


2011-07-02, 12:56 PM

*takes bag, falls to the ground*

Narcotics...on the bag...cursed...picking things up with mouth...clever pony...*zzzzzzzzzz*

Damnit. Added too much again. It was supposed to make him suggestible, not put him to sleep.

*slams hooves in frustation*

Now, where am I going to find more ponies to lure Twilight in?

*scans around thread*

Ponysane is the cooler version of sane. It's approximately 20% cooler.

2011-07-02, 12:57 PM

*takes bag, falls to the ground*

Narcotics...on the bag...cursed...picking things up with mouth...clever pony...*zzzzzzzzzz*

See, Lyra. I told you you just needed to make regular tasty cupcakes. He's all yours now!

2011-07-02, 01:01 PM
Ponysane is the cooler version of sane. It's approximately 20% cooler.

*was not a serious question

2011-07-02, 01:04 PM
Damnit. Added too much again. It was supposed to make him suggestible, not put him to sleep.

*slams hooves in frustation*

Now, where am I going to find more ponies to lure Twilight in?

*scans around thread*

*sleep-noms the cupcake*

Hmphphphp...delicious...tastes like...crazy...

EDIT: And hey! Lyrical Musings is up on ED! Nice work Grif! *resumes being passed out*

2011-07-02, 01:28 PM
Gentlemen. We have successfully infiltrated EqD with a LyraxTwilight ship. NOW WE SHALL RULE BLOGPONY!


(Actually, I'm surprised at the speed it was approved.)

Thank you all for the inspiration that is crazyLyra.

2011-07-02, 01:36 PM
Gentlemen. We have successfully infiltrated EqD with a LyraxTwilight ship. NOW WE SHALL RULE BLOGPONY!


(Actually, I'm surprised at the speed it was approved.)

Thank you all for the inspiration that is crazyLyra.

Yessss, this will do nicely...


2011-07-02, 01:37 PM
Gentlemen. We have successfully infiltrated EqD with a LyraxTwilight ship. NOW WE SHALL RULE BLOGPONY!


(Actually, I'm surprised at the speed it was approved.)

Thank you all for the inspiration that is crazyLyra.

Congratulations on your mad racing skills, Grif. You have no soundly beaten and embarrassed me on every front possible. I should... probably not bother finishing at this point. Crazy Lyra belongs to you forever. *tip of the hat, wave of the hoof, leaves a cup of tea on the table and trots off*

2011-07-02, 01:43 PM
Congratulations on your mad racing skills, Grif. You have no soundly beaten and embarrassed me on every front possible. I should... probably not bother finishing at this point. Crazy Lyra belongs to you forever. *tip of the hat, wave of the hoof, leaves a cup of tea on the table and trots off*

Forever? Oh no...http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.jpg


Nah, seriously, I couldn't have done it without you guys. I just translated the adorable madness of the thread into something mere mortals can appreciate.

Hats off to all who pre-read for me and all that shizz. And also specially to you Phoe, for getting me obsessed with Lyra to begin with.

2011-07-02, 01:43 PM
For you fans of older console RPGs, here is pony Ultros.


Also Derpy being cute in a fancy dress. I wonder why she didn't wear this to the Gala?


Congratulations on your mad racing skills, Grif. You have no soundly beaten and embarrassed me on every front possible. I should... probably not bother finishing at this point. Crazy Lyra belongs to you forever. *tip of the hat, wave of the hoof, leaves a cup of tea on the table and trots off*

Psst. *Makes the "don't drink it" gesture.*

2011-07-02, 01:46 PM
Also Derpy being cute in a fancy dress. I wonder why she didn't wear this to the Gala?


Stylish Derpy is best Derpy. She totally deserves an awesome Rarity original design...

2011-07-02, 01:50 PM
So much love and tolerance!

side note - terribly inappropriate image for the ED post.

2011-07-02, 02:05 PM
Gentlemen. We have successfully infiltrated EqD with a LyraxTwilight ship. NOW WE SHALL RULE BLOGPONY!


(Actually, I'm surprised at the speed it was approved.)

Thank you all for the inspiration that is crazyLyra.

Congrats on getting your rampant insanity posted, Grif. :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-02, 02:06 PM
You know. All the comments had one thing in common.

...What did I just read?

Freaking hilarious.

Thank you! Ponysanity shall soon rule the world.

2011-07-02, 02:10 PM
But that was a case of Cutie Mark Failure Disorder. Her cutie mark isn't caring for ponies, it's caring for animals and having a close connection to them. It was the inability to establish a connection that drove her round the bend.

Really, one way you could interpret what you're saying is that she'd inflict injuries on any paramour through http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnchausen_syndrome_by_proxy Munchausen syndrome by proxy, just from the desire to take care of them.

Plus, maybe Fluttershy wants to be taken care of occasionally.

I wasn't thinking of drain cleaner in Big Macs breakfast but more that she will eventual hook up with a total loser. Probably an unemployed slacker who continously cheats on her, followed by the comment "but filly, I love you" and regular interventions by Fluttershy's friends she repels with "but I can change him". Muenchhausen is about getting attention anyway.

Aotrs Commander
2011-07-02, 02:12 PM
I just had one of my thoughts again (which as you all know is a Bad Thing), was I'm too mentally weary to do anything constructive. And, among my random, almost-have-enough-coherent-thoughts-to-write-a-fanfic (if-I-could-work-up-the-effort), I realised there's one thing I don't think I've seen yet with the GaP Trixie (though she's not a favourite of mine, so I haven't looked hard). Wth her being a fairly popular fanon character, I've seen quite few interpretations (not the least being EsperDerek's take) ranging for genuinely villainous (in Lingering Nightmare, albiet with "help") to tragic (initially, in the aforementioned Midnight stories).

But one that struck me out of the blue I haven't seen was an interpretation along the lines of Joxer the Mighty. As after all, he too, started off as sort of a villain (in his debut, he tried to capture Gabrielle). I could totally see Trixie falling into that mould; a sort of well-meaning (and sometimes genuinely heroic) but slightly unlucky/inept (largely because of her overinflated opinion of her abilities). I.e. most of the time, being the buffonish comic-relief, but with occasional slivers of genuine heroism (and geninue ability) creeping in.

Now, don't get me wrong, Joxer was easily my favourite character in Xena. I like that whole sort of character (other examples would be Ron Stoppable and Sokka, or even Johnny English; who at the end of the day in the first movie would have still shot that guy in cold-blood if his gun wasn't full of poop). I'm personally kind of ambivilent about Trixie generally, but I could totally get behind her falling into that sort of role.

So, interesting (or at least different) thought, or am I really just too mentally drained to be coherent?

Whatever, I don't think anyone will deny that Trixie absolutely demands to have a "Joxer the Mighty"-style theme song, right?

(Paging Mr DarthBobcat, your talent in that area far exceeds mine...)

2011-07-02, 02:15 PM
I just had one of my thoughts again (which as you all know is a Bad Thing), was I'm too mentally weary to do anything constructive. And, among my random, almost-have-enough-coherent-thoughts-to-write-a-fanfic (if-I-could-work-up-the-effort), I realised there's one thing I don't think I've seen yet with the GaP Trixie (though she's not a favourite of mine, so I haven't looked hard). Wth her being a fairly popular fanon character, I've seen quite few interpretations (not the least being EsperDerek's take) ranging for genuinely villainous (in Lingering Nightmare, albiet with "help") to tragic (initially, in the aforementioned Midnight stories).

But one that struck me out of the blue I haven't seen was an interpretation along the lines of Joxer the Mighty. As after all, he too, started off as sort of a villain (in his debut, he tried to capture Gabrielle). I could totally see Trixie falling into that mould; a sort of well-meaning (and sometimes genuinely heroic) but slightly unlucky/inept (largely because of her overinflated opinion of her abilities). I.e. most of the time, being the buffonish comic-relief, but with occasional slivers of genuine heroism (and geninue ability) creeping in.

Now, don't get me wrong, Joxer was easily my favourite character in Xena. I like that whole sort of character (other examples would be Ron Stoppable and Sokka, or even Johnny English; who at the end of the day in the first movie would have still shot that guy in cold-blood if his gun wasn't full of poop). I'm personally kind of ambivilent about Trixie generally, but I could totally get behind her falling into that sort of role.

So, interesting (or at least different) thought, or am I really just too mentally drained to be coherent?

Whatever, I don't think anyone will deny that Trixie absolutely demands to have a "Joxer the Mighty"-style theme song, right?

(Paging Mr DarthBobcat, your talent in that area far exceeds mine...)

Actually my take on Trixie is exactly that. A well-intentioned braggrat, who routinely overestimates her own abilities and not above to playing petty tricks to upstage her rivals. (And that'll be my personal fanon as well. I can't see her any other way after the way I written her to so in Pony Effect.)

Aotrs Commander
2011-07-02, 02:25 PM
It also occurs to me that there would totally have to her Jett and Jace counterparts, just for extra comedy value (though I'm not sure how the hay you'd manage to distort their steriotypes to fit it with MLP, but it'd be damn funny to try...)

And I'd also totally be okay with Twilight playing Gabby to Trixie's Joxer, because the potential for comedy is endless (especially if Twilight's not into fillies...)

Also because her name would fit the song...

2011-07-02, 02:35 PM
[QUOTE=Aotrs Commander;11334110But one that struck me out of the blue I haven't seen was an interpretation along the lines of Joxer the Mighty. As after all, he too, started off as sort of a villain (in his debut, he tried to capture Gabrielle). I could totally see Trixie falling into that mould; a sort of well-meaning (and sometimes genuinely heroic) but slightly unlucky/inept (largely because of her overinflated opinion of her abilities). I.e. most of the time, being the buffonish comic-relief, but with occasional slivers of genuine heroism (and geninue ability) creeping in.

Now, don't get me wrong, Joxer was easily my favourite character in Xena. I like that whole sort of character (other examples would be Ron Stoppable and Sokka, or even Johnny English; who at the end of the day in the first movie would have still shot that guy in cold-blood if his gun wasn't full of poop). I'm personally kind of ambivilent about Trixie generally, but I could totally get behind her falling into that sort of role.

So, interesting (or at least different) thought, or am I really just too mentally drained to be coherent?[/QUOTE]

I haven't seen the first episode with Joxer, so I don't know how he started, but Trixie seems to competent for that. She humiliated RD, Applejack and Rarity and at least annoyed the Ursa Minor. And her Cutie Mark indicates that she has talent for magic. Also she lacks the clumsiness and awkwardness that mark a true comical sidekick.

2011-07-02, 02:43 PM
Confound you Amish, your DMing madness is spreading! I'm working on a campaign world right now, and I was already envisioning one of the nations as a principality. Now after reading your post in the last thread, the sheer temptation to have a ruler named Celestia over it all is just excruciating...

2011-07-02, 02:47 PM
Confound you Amish, your DMing madness is spreading! I'm working on a campaign world right now, and I was already envisioning one of the nations as a principality. Now after reading your post in the last thread, the sheer temptation to have a ruler named Celestia over it all is just excruciating...

Do eeeeeetttt....