View Full Version : My Art (Taking requests)

2011-07-01, 06:10 PM
Hey guys!

tl:dr - Look at my pics, I'm taking requests!

So it's been a while since I posted in the forums here, so I doubt anybody remembers me. Anyway, I missed the community, and since I just graduated with a degree in film and am just sitting around waiting for one of the thousands of places I applied to to call me, I now have ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD. :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, as my first order of business on returning, I'd like to take requests! I've been itching to create things, and since I can't seem to think of any quick one-shot projects myself, I thought I'd turn that over to you guys! So, if you'd like me to draw your original character, or make you a quick sketch of something, let me know!

Here's some examples of recent stuff. I can do several styles, depending on how quickly you'd like it done.

Some of these are kinda big.

Meg Character Design



Pirate's Life For Me



The Pilot

And there's a bunch of others on my Deviant Art as well: http://jlechuga.deviantart.com/

Aaaaaaaaannnnnnndddddddd GO.

2011-07-01, 08:16 PM

Ok, make me GenGame related art of all player characters (BH, SM, MG, JH, SD and KB) and their minions, if applicable.

Go. :smallwink:

(Is there a special reason there's a :P in the title? Looks weird.)

2011-07-01, 08:25 PM
I was hyped up on coffee and thought it would be fun to put it in there. It's gone now...

I don't really know what GenGame is, or those initials, or I might actually try. (Maybe not the minions)

Maybe new rule, one request per person?

2011-07-01, 09:46 PM
Heh, no backing out now. :smallbiggrin:
(Link to GenGame can be found in my sig. You should read it anyway; just because. :smallwink: )

2011-07-02, 01:40 AM
Heh, no backing out now. :smallbiggrin:
(Link to GenGame can be found in my sig. You should read it anyway; just because. :smallwink: )

Oh, I'll do it. You just watch me.

Do you have a character page?

2011-07-02, 11:56 AM
Hum, now there's a idea... no, we don't have one yet. All the player characters can be (at least somewhat) seen in the header of the site, though.

A minor archive binge or using the search on the right might be sufficient though. :smallsmile:

2011-07-02, 05:38 PM
i wish for depresesive neko lady with little plush bunny :)
and red rose with dark brown long hair...

2011-07-02, 06:38 PM
Wow, that is impressive art - I really like it :smallbiggrin:

How could I not request a Grlump in your style:

Name: Grlump the Elder
Race: Gnome
Class: Barbarian

Glump is a portly gnome with a long grey beard who wears all brown. A short brown tunic, belted around the waist. Darker brown trousers with locksley boots. He wears a long cloak with trim at the bottom.

Scar down his face, crossing his left eye and liver spots on the top of his head (he's balding on top) He has a large double handed axe, up to you where you want it to go.

Grlump is a jovial character, quite often eating to satisfy his enormous appetite. I can imagine him with a leg of mutton or something similar. He is quite carefree and not particularly smart, more happy-go-lucky. When I played him it was a rather silly campaign. I ended up with him eating the body of an enemy he slew.

Hope this interests you enough - sorry if it's an overload of info

2011-07-02, 09:45 PM
I'd like to request art of one of my main characters, the Operative.

He's tall and skinny, wearing a black, hooded combat uniform, without insignia or rank. His face is obscured by a gas mask, with the vent on his left side. He also wears black leather gloves and boots.

Most notable about the Operative is that he's actually a ghost. He's partially transparent, and a gray mist is constantly falling from him.

I hope this interests you, but if not, that's okay.

2011-07-03, 04:46 AM
I am on it!

2011-07-03, 04:49 PM
Well alright! Thanks in advance!:smallsmile:

2011-07-03, 07:19 PM
Wow, that is impressive art - I really like it :smallbiggrin:

How could I not request a Grlump in your style:

Name: Grlump the Elder

Ok, early sketch of Grlump:

I'll ink scan and ink it soon. Just want to see if there's anything you want me to add or change.

2011-07-03, 07:32 PM
Ok, early sketch of Grlump:

I'll ink scan and ink it soon. Just want to see if there's anything you want me to add or change.

That's great, no changes necessary - Love what you've done so far...

2011-07-04, 04:28 AM
That's great, no changes necessary - Love what you've done so far...

All done!


Full size image on my Deviant Art. GITP would probably ban me for life if I posted a 5000 x 5000 pixel image. It's here if you want it, though: http://jlechuga.deviantart.com/art/Grlump-The-Elder-216554445

Next up, Neko girl and the Operative (gonna be a tricky one but sounds like fun.)

Dark Apprentice, I'm saving yours for last because it's the most involved. Obviously.

2011-07-04, 04:42 AM
Wow, that's brilliant.
Thank you so much! :smallbiggrin:

2011-07-04, 05:29 AM
Predictable request time! :smallsmile:

There's a monster that haunts my nightmares:


The Arcani are a specialized form of Inevitable, a spirit of abstract law. The Arcani are Law at it's most senseless, bureaucratic, oppressive, mindless, emotionless, thoughtless and terrifying. They exist to enforce Law indiscriminately, treating the most petty act of littering with the same gravity as treason or deicide.

The Arcani "itself" is a featureless iron mask. There are no markings for any facial features on the mask, but it does form a very vaguely triangular shape to fit the nose. A seam runs down the centre of the mask. The eye holes are large and oval shaped, the oval thinner than it is tall, and nothing can be seen through them except empty whiteness. This whiteness shows up even in utter darkness - it's not a light source, rather a portal to nowhere.

The mask, when placed on a humanoid, binds to flesh and transforms the being into an Arcani proper. The Arcani has the base physical structure as the base creature, but it's dress becomes uniform with the rest of it's kind. An Arcani wears a heavy navy grey trenchcoat over a black chain shirt, which itself is worn over a long-sleeved black singlet. It also wears gloves, long pants and covered shoes. An Arcani carries an unadorned, mass-produced longsword and a hand crossbow for weapons. Normally Arcani keep the hood of their coat up, which prevents any skin from being seen whatsoever.

I've had a picture (http://imageshack.us/m/854/4589/sketcharcani.jpg)or two (http://imageshack.us/m/853/6771/arcanig.jpg)done of this thing before, so I have a specific request for pose: I'm interested in seeing it standing as if it was ready for a duel. Sort of a blank mockery of a swordsman's ready position, the over-straight backed and unnaturally stiff stance of something that's head sword stances described in only the vaguest senses.

I can pay you in positive emotions.

2011-07-04, 07:26 AM
I can't help but notice that you dropped the very first set of requests. Is it because of the lack of a character page? :smallwink:

2011-07-04, 09:27 AM
Great stuff! Exactly what I've been seeking. How would you like to draw a webcomic that I've written? ( or at least draw a cool monster I invented? )

2011-07-04, 04:34 PM
i wish for depresesive neko lady with little plush bunny :)
and red rose with dark brown long hair...

Ink of Nekogirl. I forgot the hair is supposed to be long, but I'll fix it before coloring.


2011-07-04, 05:16 PM
Ink of Nekogirl. I forgot the hair is supposed to be long, but I'll fix it before coloring.


Very impressive, I like it :smallsmile:

2011-07-04, 06:40 PM

Neko girl finished! Kind of a big picture.

2011-07-05, 03:47 AM
Looks really good!

2011-07-05, 03:48 AM
Could you draw me an Orange power ranger? Technically an original character, since there's never been an orange ranger.
Prefer if you make up your own style instead of copying one of the show's suit designs...

2011-07-05, 04:42 AM
Would it be possible for you to draw one of my RP characters for me? She's from a 3.5 homebrew game set in the Ragnarök Online Universe.

Name: Pixie Foxx (Yes, yes such an original name, I had a brain fade a few years ago, the name stuck)
Race: Human
Class: Assassin or Assassin Cross (Take your pick, the outfit design can be found here Assassin (http://www.cuasglobal.net/elysian/rokchars/Character_Assassin.jpg) Assassin Cross sprite (http://www.freewebs.com/xclanknight/rebirth_2.gif) Assassin Cross official art (http://kana.hanyuu.net/image/3f0975f2b8184697ea7fed9212c95d97/Konachan.com%20-%2014117%20assassin%20assassin_cross%20ragnarok_on line%20weapon%20white_hair.jpg). Please note that she wears the male outfit without the shoulderpads, and if you go for the cross uniform it's closer to the sprite than the actual art work.)

Description: Pixie has short kind of messy/spikey red hair, green eyes, a somewhat freckled skin and is fairly tanned (lives in a desert region). She's of average height but fairly slim and obviously highly athletic and agile. And fairly flat chested. (We're talking a small B here at the most. Not much body fat on her anywhere.)
She's always wearing a pair of earrings that start with a stud at the earlobe and ends with a ring that wraps around the top of the ear with a chain connecting the parts, and if you draw the gear she always has a pair of katars (or katara, take your pick) and usually a light crossbow. Well that's visible anyway. And yes her clothes don't offer much in the way of armor, she's a firm believer of simply not being there when the blow gets there so favors clothes she can move in over armor that slows her down. (In game terms.. she has a +11 dex mod, and only +4 dex from gear enchantments.)

Personality wise she's fairly short tempered, got a little bit of a jealous streak, is highly mischievous and unpredictable. The sort that will jump from the back of a dragon and land in the back of an enemy if that's the quickest way to get there. (in other words, add reckless to the list) and unless she's in "serious work"-mode she usually has a trademark smirk on her lips and a glimmer of mischievousness in her eyes. Pretty much a trademark trickster. And she's generally considered more along the lines of "cute" than "beautiful" (or whatever word you feel like using there.).

So think you can work with her? Or am I being to complicated? :)

2011-07-05, 08:08 AM

Neko girl finished! Kind of a big picture.

aaaw.... you see me?
is tooo fantastic!

2011-07-05, 10:20 AM
This guy.

Version by Mazeburn in sig.

2011-07-05, 11:42 AM
Could you draw me an Orange power ranger? Technically an original character, since there's never been an orange ranger.Has so. (http://henshingrid.blogspot.com/2009/04/different-shades-of-colors.html) :smalltongue:

2011-07-05, 12:41 PM
I'd like to request art of one of my main characters, the Operative.

He's tall and skinny, wearing a black, hooded combat uniform, without insignia or rank. His face is obscured by a gas mask, with the vent on his left side. He also wears black leather gloves and boots.

The Operative

I went with a bit of a 'night time' theme, so everything is shifted a bit blue. And the silver beretta is just cool. There's a better, higher resolution image version here:


Hope you like it!

2011-07-05, 12:54 PM
Okay, that's pratically made of awesome.

2011-07-05, 05:33 PM
Predictable request time! :smallsmile:

There's a monster that haunts my nightmares:

I can pay you in positive emotions.

I demand 15 positive emoticons as payment. Final offer.



Large Version here: http://jlechuga.deviantart.com/art/Arcani-216844118

2011-07-05, 07:59 PM
Hey there! If you're still up for requests, I always love getting art. I apologize for the long-winded description- I made it in part to flesh out exactly what they'd look like in D&D.

Female theatric bard, tall and thin, with long, straight black hair and pale skin. Facial features depend- described later. Outfit is typically a dark grey robe-like cloak, either hooded or not, of coarse material in place of the normal gaudy bard colors. Clothing underneath is dark, baggy, and non-revealing. Most often seen wearing a white theater mask, either comedic or tragic.

Com and Traj are actually two entities in the same body- if you're to believe them, the embodiments of theatrical comedy and tragedy. If you don't, they're a street-performer with delusions of grandeur.

Comedy is manic, energetic, and particularly fond of scathing insults or elaborate practical jokes. She's constantly moving, grinning, and talking, singing, or teasing. She is inspired primarily by Gilbert and Sullivan plays, with a little influence from "Punch and Judy." Her facial features, while lean, are softened by a grin.

Tragedy is meditative, reserved, and inclined towards philosophical musings or orations. She moves deliberately, and doesn't betray much motion beneath her cloak. Open emotion is generally reserved for acting characters in a play, but she will draw herself into an imposing cool anger when intimidating somebody. She is inspired by Shakespearean tragedies, with some elements of Greek tragedies included. Her somber expression makes her high cheekbones more pronounced.

The mask is a white theater mask that changes expression to suit which personality is out. Their eyes and other facial features are not visible through any holes in the mask. Alternatively, the mask's features may simply be painted on inset regions in black.

Feel free to draw Comedy or Tragedy, I would be happy with either. They rarely get involved in direct combat, but use either a whip or rapier. I have a lot of refs (http://beta.shukumei.org/~Tragedy) of them in their original canine form and as a modern human (at the bottom). You're welcome to pull mask details from any of the versions, and free to draw them in an acting role or something else you think fits.

Thank you, and have a nice day!

2011-07-05, 09:04 PM
If you're still taking requests:

My Avatar, looking at the clipboard with an '...interesting...' look on its face, possibly having flipped a page to look at the one underneath.

Otherwise, a picture of my favorite dresden RPG character:


Asian sorceress, lightning themed powers. Inkscape doodle gives the general idea of clothings/appearance, and if you're feeling super detailed, her major spellcasting focus was a chained slave bracelet on one hand.

2011-07-05, 09:21 PM
I demand 15 positive emoticons as payment. Final offer.



Large Version here: http://jlechuga.deviantart.com/art/Arcani-216844118

I'll do you 50 (http://kefkafloyd.imgur.com/J8S59)!

Thanks man, looks great! http://i.imgur.com/jaolo.jpg

2011-07-08, 06:35 PM
Could you draw me an Orange power ranger? Technically an original character, since there's never been an orange ranger.
Prefer if you make up your own style instead of copying one of the show's suit designs...

Orange Power Ranger


Lafge version on my DeviantArt: http://jlechuga.deviantart.com/art/Orange-Power-Ranger-217400011

For anybody wondering if I'm doing your request or not, I'm taking them by post order right now, so don't worry, I'll get to yours.

I'm trying to get you guys something really cool each time, so if I disappear for a day or two, it's just because it was a more complex request. I'll try not to skip any if at all possible.

Anyway, on to the next one. Still taking more requests, btw, so feel free to build me a backlog. :smallamused:

2011-07-08, 07:36 PM
Hey, I was wondering if you could do a image of the two players I have in a dnd game I am currently running. They are:

Bjorn Thickwitted:
A young man who has recently left the farm for more interesting prospects. He joined the town watch in the local trade hub and since then has been on the move.

In terms of appearance, he is slightly above average in height and fit, though not bulging in muscles. His hair is a light brown, and is kept at roughly shoulder length and tied back. He also has a full beard, though he does not let it grow beyond his face (so no beard reaching down to the chest or whatnot).

He is currently sporting plate armor, though really you can put him in most anything that is not too bright as I doubt he wears it 24/7. The only major thing with his equipment is a magical sword he owns (a nobleman's ancestral weapon that he acquired on his journey). The sword has a slight blue tint to it, and the hilt is blue and shaped like a horses head (well, except for the grips).

Bjorn's personality can basically be summed up as stubborn. He has many other emotions, but the predominant quirk he has is his ability to dig in and demand that he is in the right.

Geddy Lee:
A priest, Geddy joined up with Bjorn on his adventures and the two have stuck together ever since.

To describe his character, the player just forwarded this to me:
http://img2.gelbooru.com//images/593/088a0def3aa7497dffb4097fe5ecff469a9a9922.jpg?72570 5

And said "Like that, but younger and no pony tail".

He is slightly shorter than Bjorn, is decked out in heavy armor when on the move, and prefers to use a large hammer when he is forced to join the fray.

The defining feature of him is that he is always tired. If they are traveling, he is sleeping in the wagon. At an inn? Lazing about. In an important meeting? Drooping over, like he is about to fall asleep. I always picture him with his eyes half closed, as if he would fall asleep at the drop of a hat.

Also, sorry for the wall of text and thanks in advance!

2011-07-09, 05:30 AM
Anyway, on to the next one. Still taking more requests, btw, so feel free to build me a backlog. :smallamused:

If you're askin'... :smallbiggrin: These pieces have been baller so far, great work.

Character: Jayden Mavel

Preamble: Jayden's a character from a Mage: the Awakening game (alternate reality modern day Earth with secret wizard conspiracies, if you're unfamiliar), and she's an Obrimos which means she specialises in ridiculously ostentatious and direct effects (lightning bolts, fire, levitation, bright lights and big explosions). Within that, she specialises in sound manipulation. She was a relatively meek music student before she was a mage, and Awoke to the Supernal after being convinced to go along to a heavy rock concert. Afterwards, she became a counter-culture rock star, augmenting her natural talent with her magical skill.

Personality: Jayden is always full of energy. She never stands still, and is always tensed to give some disproportionate reaction given half a reason. She's more than a little proud and a touch crazy because she's got the potential to level a city block, and doesn't have much respect for mages who specialise in less absolute techniques. She loves music, and loves it deafeningly loud. She sees the world in absolutes, blacks and whites, and is always in favour of kicking down the door instead of sitting back and planning. She's a good person, loyal to her friends and dedicated to the advancement of humanity, but a lot of people are shaken by just how intense she is about it.

Description: Jayden is Asian-American and mixes cute, pretty and scary in about equal measures. She regularly dyes her slightly-longer than shoulder length hair exotic colours - currently purple - and on her scalp underneath her hair is a symbolic magical tattoo of the sun (only the slightest glimpse is visible most of the time). She has dark brown eyes, is relatively short, and a very thin and athletic build. She doesn't have any other piercings, tattoos or cosmetics (she lives a remarkably clean life, despite appearances). Her hands are slightly blackened from regular contact with lightning and fire, and are covered with scars and scratches.

Jayden dresses in an old, battered, and heavily modified lab coat, covered in patches, scorch marks and various other upgrades of convenience. She tore the sleeves off after they got in her way. Underneath, she wears a sleek black long-sleeved singlet and a red tie (the sole remnant of her catholic school upbringing), and black jeans. One of her most notable accessories are her enormous, bulky retro-style headphones, which she absolutely never ever takes off and serve as one of her main arcane tools. An outfit that looks superficially like it makes no concessions to style, but is oddly well put together despite that.

2011-07-09, 06:27 PM
YAY! request thread :smallsmile:

a picture

A written description
This little demon girl have long pale blue hair with orange tips, pale reddish skin and two sets of little horns. She has big, empty, dark purple eyes and a big purple gem on her forehead. As a demon, she’s got red, leather wings, a small tail and pointy, pierced ears her clothes are mostly in shades of purple, including a big bow, and she uses clawed Wolverine-style gloves that also have smaller purple gems on them. She wears handcuffs and a large steel collar

2011-07-10, 01:39 AM
Would it be possible for you to draw one of my RP characters for me? She's from a 3.5 homebrew game set in the Ragnarök Online Universe.

Name: Pixie Foxx (Yes, yes such an original name, I had a brain fade a few years ago, the name stuck)
Race: Human
Class: Assassin or Assassin Cross

So think you can work with her? Or am I being to complicated? :)

I can work with (almost) anything. :smallwink:

I think I missed a couple of the smaller details, though. My bad. This one was a doozy to do but I'm pretty proud of it. Hope you like it:

Pixie Foxx

Full version here: http://jlechuga.deviantart.com/art/Pixie-Foxx-217624869

2011-07-10, 02:25 AM
I love it! Thank you so much! :D:D:D:D

*feels warm, fuzzy and utterly spoiled and will definitely be showing this of during the game on Monday.* :3 (credit given of course, no worries there XD (then again everyone knows I can't draw to save my life.))

By the way, would you be okay with me using this as an avatar too? Feels more right to have my favorite RP Character as my avatar on an RP forum. :smallredface:

2011-07-10, 01:52 PM
I love it! Thank you so much! :D:D:D:D

*feels warm, fuzzy and utterly spoiled and will definitely be showing this of during the game on Monday.* :3 (credit given of course, no worries there XD (then again everyone knows I can't draw to save my life.))

By the way, would you be okay with me using this as an avatar too? Feels more right to have my favorite RP Character as my avatar on an RP forum. :smallredface:

Feel free to use it however you like! I'd suggest making the avatar from the original image instead of the one I put here just because you get higher quality out of it.

2011-07-10, 05:05 PM
Thank you! :3

2011-07-11, 03:34 PM
Great stuff! Exactly what I've been seeking. How would you like to draw a webcomic that I've written? ( or at least draw a cool monster I invented? )

I'll draw the monster if you give me a description. As for the webcomic, I'd have to know just about everything before I could commit to anything. Comics are really large projects. Believe me, I've tried before. I do mostly one offs now because I enjoy them, but a serial is a lot of work.

Send me some writing samples and a story outline and I'll see. At worst, maybe I can draw you some character designs or something. :smallsmile:

[B]Lens Flare the Pegasus[/B


Didn't want to make a whole new post for something that isn't a finished request, so I thought I 'd put this here. It's my pegasus pony. I had the itch to make one, so I did.

I'll get back to those requests now.