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2011-07-02, 07:04 PM
Strange is the night where black stars rise, and strange moons circle through the skies...

Four months. Four months of grueling training and backbreaking work. The Aral military stretches across half the known world, which means that even the Homeguard needs to be in excellent shape. You learned how to fight and more importantly, you learned how to fight as a team with anybody.

After basic training, you went to Luborg, one of the largest port cities in the Aral monarchy. From there you were divided into squads and given your duties and then shipped out again. The five of you were to go the Wall of Holocene on Valster Island. Generally considered an easy assignment, especially in Summer, there are still dark rumors of something wicked in the unexplored forests of Valster, something which the captain of the shipping vessel Wave Skimmer was happy to expand upon during the long voyage.

"The creatures are called langrocken. Misshapen things more beast than man. They live amongst the brambles and weeds in underground caverns. They steal children, snatching them out of their cradles at night, and will not hesitate to attack a full grown man if they have the numbers. And they always do." The captain takes another drink from his cup. "A cousin of mine, who lives on Valster, swears that he saw a group of the beasties take down a horse and gobble it up flesh and bones all in barely a minute."

The captain's tales grow more outrageous the more he drinks and the langrocken grow suspiciously in size and number. If the captain were to be believed, all of Valster Island is overrun with 20-foot tall monsters eating entire villages in one gulp. While you find it easy to dismiss the specifics of his tales as sailor superstition, the thought that something is on Valster is harder to forget.

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/

When you arrive at Valster it is early August. While most places are sweltering in the Summer heat, Valster Island is pleasantly cool with a strong southerly wind. The harbor you've arrived at is small, but it's as close as you can get to the Wall. Further north, the waters grow treacherous and only the foolhardy - or brave - dare risk it.

The trip to the Wall is uneventful. While there are sections of thick foliage in the forests, most of the forest is pretty clear and you make good time. You see a few small animals, as well as signs of some larger ones, but you don't see any langrocken or other monsters.

After four days of travel, you see a break in the forest. As you emerge, the Wall rises up ahead of you. It is at least 20 feet high and make out of huge, weathered blocks of stone. It stretches east, where it eventually meets a sheer cliff and the ocean, and to the west, farther than the eye can see but presumably to the other side of the island. The forest has been cut back at least 300 feet from the Wall. Small, simple guard posts dot the top of the Wall and, after some walking, you can see a much larger structure along with a wooden staircase built into the Wall itself.

You're spotted by a guard before you get to the stairs. He yells down to you and you yell back. They've been expecting you. After presenting the official letter of recognition, you're brought to the commander, who is currently writing in a thick book on a desk in his room.

Seeing you he rises and you salute him. "Welcome to the Wall, soldiers." He says, in a strong voice. You peg his age at around 30 or so. He's spotting a few scars, including a nasty one on his head, but he seems to be in good shape. "I am Lieutenant Orleis, commander of this post. In my years as commander I have had no incidents and I intend to keep it that way. Guarding the most northern point of Aral sovereignty might not be the most exciting job, but I won't have you getting sloppy. My second in command" - he indicates one of the soldiers who brought you to the commander's room - "2nd Lieutenant Vinton, can show you to your rooms as I'm sure you want to get settled in. She'll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Don't worry about your duties as I'll assign them to you tomorrow. Dismissed!"

Vinton shows you to the barracks.

2011-07-03, 02:16 AM
Anton trudges just behind Vinton. The Valster native-son marched in silence, with a hungry grin on his crooked face.

"Our own rooms, eh, marm?"

Anton reminisced over barracks life. He'd miss the hazings and mess hall cards. Weren't too keen on sharing bunks. If he could arrange some personal room inspections by some of the more buxom Homeguard, well...

2011-07-03, 01:59 PM
Korgen grunts as the Commander dismisses them, then quickly falls in step behind Lieutenant Vinton as she leads them towards their barracks. "So, what will our duties consist of while we are here Lieutenant? Oh, and what about the grub, is it edible? Some of the food in training tasted like they scraped the latrines and mixed it with some weeds." Korgen grins as he says the last comment, the food wasn't really that bad, but it had been pretty nasty at times. Thankfully, he was a barbarian, and could shovel down whatever food was available, no matter how foul.

2011-07-03, 02:44 PM
"Our own rooms, eh, marm?"

Vinton smiles. "You could say that."

The barracks are on the floor below the commander's room, right at wall level. There are 10 beds, 5 of them obviously unused. Yours, presumably. "These are your beds. There is space underneath them to stow any larger gear you might have."

"So, what will our duties consist of while we are here Lieutenant? Oh, and what about the grub, is it edible? Some of the food in training tasted like they scraped the latrines and mixed it with some weeds."

"The usual. Patrolling the walls, mostly. Helping with maintenance as necessary. Sometimes we send out patrols through the forests, though we haven't sent out many recently. As for food, we don't have a mess, but we do have plates and almost every room has a fireplace" - she points to the fireplace in the barracks; a neat pile of wood is next to it but it's not burning as there's no need now - "for when it gets cold. The storage room is down below. Just the normal rations, I'm afraid. Mark what you've taken on the notebook down there. We don't have a quartermaster, but I can assure you that I check the contents regularly and will punish indiscretion appropriately."

2011-07-03, 03:34 PM
Hobson puts down his heavy backpack with visible relief. "Sounds serviceable enough," he says. "Never was picky about food." He lifts his pack again in one hand and starts walking towards a corner bunk.

2011-07-03, 03:44 PM
Understood Ma'am. I look forward to serving under you in the future Korgen says with a lewd look and a wink. With that, he throws all of his stuff on top of a bed near the back, sorts through what he needs at the moment, then stows the rest under his bunk. What are we doing for the rest of this day? There's still daylight left, and I can't say I feel like sticking around inside this room for the rest of the day. Korgen fidgets a bit, restless, hardly winded from the long walk up here.

2011-07-03, 05:05 PM
Hobson rolls his eyes at Korgen's crudeness. He tosses himself onto the bed, stretches out, and reclines. "I wouldn't mind looking around the place, getting a feel for things, Korgen, if that's what you were suggesting."

He picks his backpack up onto the bed and digs through it. Rope, lantern, most of the torches, and other adventuring gear go under the bed along with his weapons--though he keeps an unloaded crossbow sitting on his lap. "Lieutenant, what's the layout of the rest of the base look like? Watchposts, stairs, and whatnot.".

2011-07-03, 05:11 PM
Sandiya nods once, ignoring Korgen's disrespectful jape. "Understood," she says. Her tone is nearly emotionless. She picks the empty bunk nearest to the fireplace and methodically begins storing her things under it, keeping out only her lantern, the oil, and the thick blanket Eliza had given her before she departed. It was cold in Valster, and the Wall was unlikely to be an exception.

Feather Sigil
2011-07-03, 06:52 PM
While listening to the others talk, Sanguine placed her backpack underneath the nearest bottom bunk to the door, keeping only her weapons. Two quivers across her right calf at an angle, strapped to hang from her leg; one quiver strapped to her back, its blood-red fletchings next to her right ear. Longsword at her left hip, longbow across her torso. After a second's consideration, she placed the two calf-level quivers under her bed as well--the one with the red arrows would always stay with her--and removed her silk rope from her backpack. She didn't care about her proximity to the fireplace--best to be as close to the outside world as could be managed in this room, not to mention as close to the exit as possible should the need to evacuate in a hurry arise. She wanted to go down to the storage room and see what manner of medical supplies were kept here, but the air in the crowded barracks was already beginning to feel thick and hot. Sanguine needed some air, and it wouldn't hurt to examine what she would be guarding for however long her assignment lasted.

"With your permission, Lieutenant, I'm heading to the Wall to get a better look of this place and the structure itself. How many people are assigned to this outpost in total, counting us new arrivals?"


I hope nobody minds that I post in the past tense. If the DM insists I can post in the present tense, but I'm much more comfortable with past tense.

2011-07-03, 09:34 PM
"Lieutenant, what's the layout of the rest of the base look like? Watchposts, stairs, and whatnot."

"As you can tell, the main outpost here is built on top of the Wall. There is the barracks and common area at Wall level, while up above is the commander's room along with the bell room. Private Vincent or Private Patrick, our bell operators, will most likely be in that room at any hour. Down the stairs, built into the Wall itself, is the storage room."

"In either direction" - she quickly points east and west - "the Wall stretches out to the end of the island's sides. A few miles in total. There are posts about every quarter mile, but they're little more than enclosed areas where you could light a small fire."

"With your permission, Lieutenant, I'm heading to the Wall to get a better look of this place and the structure itself. How many people are assigned to this outpost in total, counting us new arrivals?"

"As you wish. Feel free to look around and introduce yourself to the other guards. Right now we're on a skeleton crew of 6 people including the commander. This is, of course, not including yourselves."

2011-07-03, 10:35 PM
Korgen grins at Hobson, who he remembers as being a bit "touched" as his people sometimes called crazy people, always spouting conspiracy theories, even during training itself. Still, he was a likeable fellow, and fun to be around, so Korgen quickly replies "Sure, let's go. Grab a weapon though, can never be to careful!" then, aware that the Lieutenant was still in the room, Korgen looks at her "If that's ok with you, Lieutenant?" with that, Korgen grabs a waterskin, and his light crossbow, then waits for both an answer from Vinton and for Hobson to grab what he needs.

2011-07-03, 11:50 PM
Tapping a finger idly on his crossbow, Hobson snaps away from a stray thought.

"Sounds fine by me. Always... good to know the layout of a place. And I'd be very interested in meeting the bell operators. Maybe get a nice long look from the top of the wall..."

The barbarian was a brute and a boor, but at least he spoke his mind... Hobson hadn't had a boring conversation with him yet.

He looks into his backpack, puts some bolts in a belt pouch, grabs his morningstar, and looks up from the bed. His eyes briefly take in the whole room before he looks at Vinton. "Lieutenant?"

2011-07-04, 01:21 PM
"If that's ok with you, Lieutenant?"

"This isn't a parade ground, private, and you haven't been assigned duties yet. So, go right ahead."

2011-07-04, 01:37 PM
Korgen walks outside the barracks, followed closely by Hobson. Once they are a short distance away, he turns toward Hobson So, where do you want to go explore m'man?

2011-07-04, 02:02 PM
EDITED to reflect my seeing a map:

Hobson stands up and puts on his backpack. He walks to a North window and takes a good look outside.
Spot (take 20): 23
OOC: Hobson's looking for the lay of the land, anything moving--and anything that stands out and might give a reason for the wall to be right here (and he can come up with a reason from some pretty random things.)

Nodding silently to himself, Hobson walks out after Korgen.

"You know, I'm curious to meet the bell men. Shall we?"

2011-07-04, 02:48 PM
Bran's likely exhausted. I shouldn't bother him, Sandiya thinks. She surveys the room, then makes a decision. With practiced, fluid, motions, she grabs her bow out from under her bed and slings the quiver over her shoulder. With a little half-bow to the lieutenant, she leaves, following the other two in silence.

2011-07-04, 03:55 PM
As the rest of his patrol bustles about the barracks, Anton lounges in the common room.

"Ey, Private," he bosses around the first soldier to stumble upon him, "Fetch me a lager. Quick-like. And some vittles."

What a boring place. Anton leans back in his seat and relaxes while he can. He kicks his trail-sore feet up and huffs lazily.

Feather Sigil
2011-07-04, 04:47 PM
With a brisk nod to Lieutenant Vinton, Sanguine left the barracks, walking swiftly but calmly. She made her way back outside the outpost and climbed the wooden stairs, reaching the top of the Wall. Crossing her arms, she looked all around at the structure and to the woods beyond. Then, she took both ends of her rope in hand and lowered the resulting loop over the edge, peering down. She would see just how tall this Wall really was.

I'm going to take 20 on a Spot check, for anything noteworthy on the Wall or in its immediate environs. If there's nothing noteworthy or out of the ordinary, could you describe the Wall's design? Is it taller than the outpost? Then I'm lowering 25' worth of rope: does it hit the ground or not?

2011-07-04, 08:57 PM
If anybody was watching Sanguine they would probably be rather curious at her odd behavior. Luckily for her reputation, nobody is watching as she lowers the rope off the side of the Wall.

Peeking over the edge, you see that the Wall is probably 30ft or so tall. It's a bit hard to see at this angle, of course.

The north doesn't look all that much different from the south. There's a gap of brush-cleared ground and then the forest. Nothing really distinctive. Overhead, big puffy white clouds float on by during a beautiful Summer day with hardly any wind.

2011-07-05, 11:10 AM
With Korgen and Sandiya [presumably] following, Hobson heads up the spiral stairs to meet Privates Vincent and Patrick. He'd always wanted to see one of the bell systems in action--and it was just sensible to make good with the operators.

He remembers the histories of Gromov, just one of many ancient states laid to waste by a simple lack of communication. "[Old Aral] So fall the walls of Gromov to the Rūs; a battle once so easily refused..." he sings to himself, remembering the old ballad...

2011-07-05, 02:07 PM
As he followed Hobson, Korgen looked around, examining his surroundings, noting possible venues of attack in case of an assault, and possible means of escape should the unthinkable happen and they become overwhelmed. He's drawn out of his musings when Hobson begins to sing in a strange, yet vaguely familiar sounding language. What ARE you singing Hobson, and what language is it? It almost sounds...familiar.

2011-07-05, 03:15 PM
It's ah, The Siege of Gromov, part of an Old Aral epic cycle by Dalianas the... Elder, I believe. The whole incident was one of the more dreadful examples of the consequences of poor communication..." Hobson says, and smiles. "Of course, the ballad was obviously just a piece of propaganda. Inside job by the governor of Gromov. Why else would the Rūs have let him keep managing Gromov's day-to-day activities?"
Not exactly a people known for their loyalty to dissenters.

Hobson walks up a few more stairs and turns around. "Say, you look tense." He checks the staircase for superiors but only sees the barbarian and the strangely silent knight. "Spot of whiskey?" Hobson pulls a flask out of a belt pouch, takes a sip, and offers it to Korgen.

2011-07-05, 04:20 PM
Sandiya nods. "It sounded nice," she remarks. A faint trace of her old accent remains in her voice, more evident now that she has spoken a little longer. While nearly a decade of being in the Aral Empire had changed her speech and lightened her skin, she still retained Old Aral had a certain cadence that lent itself well to ballads, she reflected. It was harsher than Saarese, but that enhanced it, in a way. "I confess, I know little of history." Most of what Sandiya had learned in Aral was rather less esoteric than history, and she had not had to attend any formal Saarese gatherings for thirteen years. No doubt I'd make a fool of myself if I ever went back.

2011-07-05, 10:29 PM
Korgen eyes the flask hungrily, not having had any strong drink since he left his village months ago Don't mind if I do, actually. Thank you Hobson, you're a pretty alright guy! Korgen takes a deep swallow, relishing the taste and the warm feeling that blossoms in his stomach as it hits That was some good stuff Hobson! Hopefully we'll be able to come across some while we are here, as I don't think that flask will last to many long days here, not to mention if we get stuck on night duty. Korgen hands the flask back to Hobson, then motions him forward so they can continue exploring the wall, it's outlying environments, and maybe meet some of the soldiers that were already stationed here.

2011-07-05, 10:48 PM
"Ah, you're very welcome," Hobson says, securing the flask in his belt pouch again.

He nods and continues up the stairs and into the bell operators' room.

2011-07-06, 03:37 AM
Korgen follows Hobson up into the Bell Operators room, with Sandiya trailing close behind. When they arrive into the room, Korgen begins inspecting their surroundings, looking for things of interest, as well as the private that is usually on duty here.

Feather Sigil
2011-07-06, 09:40 AM
The rope had not hit the ground, that much was certain. She couldn't accurately tell how much distance was between the rope and the ground, but certainly the full length of her rope would reach the ground, by her reckoning. Sanguine pulled her rope back up and stood there on the Wall, looking into the clear sky and taking deep breaths. After a moment of this, she took out her journal and began to write in Old Aran.

I won't deny this is better for me than city duty. Certainly better than that ship, except for the crow's nest. The barracks will be tolerated, but it's nice out here. The commander boasts of having never had an incident, so I imagine whatever is out here can neither scale walls nor tunnel beneath them. I should go back: learn the layout, get used to the barracks and the others.

So she departed from the Wall and returned to the outpost, finding the others in the bell room. The idea of an empire being able to communicate within itself over even the longest of distances was certainly fascinating.

"As I recall, there is a code for interpreting rings? How are they interpreted?"

2011-07-06, 12:24 PM
Sandiya nods courteously towards Sanguine when she enters before turning back to her examination of the bell. After a moment, she turns to the private on duty. They were supposed to introduce themselves to the rest of the soldiers, few that they were. Nothing against starting now. "I'm Sandiya, one of the new recruits" she says by way of greeting. "Is it particularly hard to send a message via the bells?" If worst came to worst, they might need to send a message to the main military without a bell operator...

2011-07-06, 01:05 PM
Hobson offers a brief greeting to Privates Vincent and Patrick and then begins gawking at the machinery, trying to divine its various functions.

He is happy to let the other newcomers ask questions for him, and he makes sure to listen in on the answers.

2011-07-07, 12:14 PM
"Hello, can I help you?" says the lanky-looking private in the bell room. He seems to be bewildered with the large number of people who are trying to cram into the room.

After you introduce yourselves - and he introduces himself as Patrick - you get a better look at the room. It's a pretty simple room, not unlike a scribe's room. There are shelves with thick books and a desk with ink pots and an open book. What's unusual is the lines running through a grate in the window shutter. It runs to a compact, complicated-looking machine with pulleys and thin lines. One line goes to a good-sized bell and the other lines appears to be some sort of pullcord.

"As I recall, there is a code for interpreting rings? How are they interpreted?"

"It's a bit, um, complicated to explain. Most people don't get the concept all that easily. Um, basically there are two types of bell pulls. A short one and a long one. It's pretty easy to tell the difference, when you've been using it for a while but, uh, it would probably be harder for you. Basically, the combination of long and short gives you a letter. Which, you know, spells words."

"Oh, and there's usually a short delay between every thing pulls. It makes it a bit easier to not lose your spot."

"Is it particularly hard to send a message via the bells?"

"Uh, not particularly. You just pull the handle here" - he points it out on the machine - "and it rings the bell at the other end. Um, I guess you need to know how to translate stuff, but both me and Vincent can do that in our head. That's part of the whole training of being a bell operator."

2011-07-07, 12:47 PM
"Pleasure to meet you, Patrick," Hobson says. "The coded alphabet seems simple enough to pick up... maybe you can show me some time, especially if you have, say, a page with the code on it I could memorize."

Hobson bends forward and squints through the grate at the machine with all the pulleys.

2011-07-07, 03:24 PM
Anton lays around. When no subordinates show, he resigns himself to trudging down to the basement to supply himself.

As Anton peeks out the common room, he notes the jabbering coming from the bell operator's alcove. Probably that scrawny little scribe, whazzis-name, Hobbes. Anton was sick to death of the paranoid's theories and ramblings. Nobles killed people. So what.

Anton climbs down the wall's stairs. He lumbers into the cellar to dredge up a bottle of... something. It had been a long enough march sharing the company of those stooges. He needed a stiff drink.

2011-07-07, 03:53 PM
"Good to meet the both of you, maybe I'll get the chance to drink the both of you under the table some night when we're all off duty" Korgen grins at the pair of Bell Operators, always relishing a good drinking match. As for the rest of the room, he looked around a bit bored "Not really sure how you two can stand a duty this tedious. Seems a bit...boring, if you ask me, but, hey, as my mama always said "To each bird his own feathers". With that said, Korgen looks at the others, impatiently waiting to leave and explore more of the Wall, preferably, more interesting areas.

2011-07-07, 04:02 PM
Hobson stands up straight. "'Better bored than dead,' my dad always said... of course, nothing's ever truly boring," he says and shakes his head. "We... do not come from the most industrious of backgrounds."

Hobson nods to Korgen and ever so slowly makes his way out of the room. "I think I'll go get some fresh air out on the wall, enjoy the sun... bit stuffy in here."

Feather Sigil
2011-07-07, 07:30 PM
Sanguine nodded slowly as a mental image put itself together. "I imagine you'd have to ring quickly. You're right: an untrained ear would have a hard time finding the gaps to differentiate the individual words. I think I'd like to see that as well, at some point. Come to think of it, it would be prudent if we all learned the code at some point, just in case one of us had to send an emergency message." She then turned to Korgen. "Well, there's no action anywhere these days. Where would you rather be on duty?"

2011-07-07, 10:41 PM
Sadly, you're right Sanguine. I wish I was back with my tribe, at least there we had weekly wrestling matches to keep ourselves in peak physical shape. Here? It'll take me months of hard work to gain back the muscle I lose in this place. At the very least, I wish we were near a city, with a couple of bars that I could go to when off-duty. he grumbles the last bit Can't even get roaring drunk here or I might fall off that damned wall. Bah! he spits disdainfully on the ground. With that, Korgen takes his leave of the room, joining Hobson outside. So, where are we going next Hobs?

2011-07-07, 11:24 PM
"Don't much feel like bothering the Commander again. I suppose that leaves us with the storage room... or the wall itself. Or the woods. It's a nice enough day out--"

Hobson pauses.

"Er, on the other hand, it might be best to stick to the wall. What do you think? I'm happy myself now that I've seen the bells."

2011-07-07, 11:43 PM
Sanidya nods. "Thank you, Patrick," she says, heading back to the barracks. Her weapons had fallen into a shameful state on the way here, and that had to be dealt with.

2011-07-08, 12:38 PM
"The coded alphabet seems simple enough to pick up... maybe you can show me some time, especially if you have, say, a page with the code on it I could memorize."

"Um, not really. Me and Vincent have it memorized pretty well. Not as fast as actually speaking, I guess, but we got it pretty well." Patrick pauses, furrowing his brow in thought. "Um, I think there might be an old copy in storage, but I don't know whether it's up to date or not."

2011-07-09, 02:03 AM
Korgen grins broadly at Hobson I don't know Hobs old buddy, the Captain of the ship that brought us here has me damn intrigued about the woods now, and who knows if we are going to have any sort of chance to look around in there during the time we are stationed here. I wouldn't mind checking it out if you don't. Your call though, if not I suggest we visit the Storage Room so we can see what kind of Liquor they have down there! Korgen bounces back and forth on his feet, full of energy at the thought of checking out the woods and possibly meeting one of the creatures that crazy Captain kept talking about.

2011-07-09, 02:38 AM
Hobson smiles, looks into the upper corner of his eyes, and nods.
"Hell, let's look at the woods. Lead the way, Korgen!" He is curious to see what on earth the Captain was talking about... no doubt it was some harmless woodland creature that cast a mean shadow.

Besides, as long as the Barbarian takes point, what's the worst that could happen?

Hobson looks out a North window and down the sheer twenty-foot drop. "Er, Korg... How would you suggest we get down there?"

2011-07-10, 01:40 PM
I don't know Hobs, but there's got to be a way down there. Let's go find that vixen of a Lieutenant and ask her if she knows. I mean, you don't put up a wall without a way to get on the other side of it, do you? Korgen grins roguishly, then heads off in the direction of the Barracks, hoping to find the Lieutenant before she gets to far.

2011-07-10, 03:05 PM
Hobson follows a bit behind Korgen, enjoying the sturdy architecture. Not an easy wall to breach... you definitely build this kind of wall to keep something out. The far end of an empire...

2011-07-10, 03:20 PM
Down in storage, Anton signs away a bottle of potato schnapps. He takes a swig of the stiff liquor and climbs the stairs back to the common room. From the wall, Anton spies Hobson and Korgen making their way across the barracks grounds. The dumb leading the blind. Anton takes a longer draw of the liquor and retires to the furnished tower. He had downtime to blow.

Feather Sigil
2011-07-11, 07:28 PM
"I'm definitely coming back at some point, after I find and study the bell codes. Thanks, Patrick, Vincent." With a curt nod to the both of them, Sanguine left the bell room, stepping around Korgen's spit. Lively, energetic, openly flirtatious. Should write that down later. At least he's not like that around me. She made her way down to the storage room, lighting a candle along the way. She looked around for the manuscript that would contain the coded alphabet. Every now and again Sanguine's eyes darted into a nearby corner as shadows danced around her, slithering into the smallest spaces. She knew there was nothing there, but she could not help herself.

OOC: Should I Spot or Search for the bell codes?

2011-07-12, 01:30 PM
Search is the most appropriate.

I know people are going off and trying to explore the Wall, so it's not like you guys have some big goal that needs to get done. I'll understand if you don't post everyday. Basically, just go do your things, and when you're done, I'll just get to the next day.

2011-07-12, 08:15 PM
Hurrying along into the barracks, Hobson and Korgen find Lt. Vinson as she is on her way out. "Er, Lieutenant Vinson, we were wondering how one might access the land North of the wall. Is there a fortified entrance, or a rope ladder? Korgen and I would like to inspect the area, considering we'll be defending against whatever it is lives there."

2011-07-13, 06:15 PM
The lieutenant looks at you, Hobson, like you've grown two heads. "I don't know what they've told you, soldier, but our orders are strict. We are to remain on this side of the Wall, not to go gallivanting off into an uncharted wilderness." Her look goes severe, and you have the feeling that it wouldn't be wise to push. "There is nothing living further north except for squirrels and birds. If anybody was foolish to try to live out there, then that is where they would stay."

_/ _/ _/ _/

Sanguine, you spend your time searching through the storage room. It's not exactly a pleasant job. There's cobwebs in a lot of places and a growth of moss or mold or something in the corner. A few of the boxes look like they've been here for years at least. The whole atmosphere is quite oppressive and the perpetual shadows thrown up by the one lantern in the middle of the room doesn't help.

You find the basic rations and water barrels easily enough - they're right out in front. You find paper (mostly good), ink, and some weirdly shaped things that you think are spare parts for the bell system. Some quietly rusting weapons and armor packed in hay. Once, you thought you found the log book, but it turned out that the entire box was just filled with blank books, probably for the logs.

No bell translation book, though. The room's big and you're not even a quarter of the way through, and you're starting to make a bit of a mess.

2011-07-15, 05:36 PM
Korgens shoulders slump as the Lieutenant shoots down their request to explore the area past the wall. He bids the Lieutenant a good day, then starts to stroll along the wall, in the opposite direction of the Lieutenant, looking over his shoulder to make sure Hobson is following. Once they are a suitable distance away from the barracks and the hearing of anyone else, he speaks "So, we are forbidden to go visit the woods. I don't nkow about you, but that makes me want to visit the place even more. For now, we should cool our heels, but once our request to check it out has been forgotten, and we have a few days of patrolling the wall under the belt, I vote we go otu there anyways. Maybe we'll find a way down by ourselves!" Korgen looks at Hobs, sizing up his reaction, hoping he agrees with his idea.

2011-07-15, 08:41 PM
The Lieutenant's reaction told him all he needed to know--this was definitely a wall to keep something out. From the looks of things, it was something they'd dealt with before--and lost to. A sobering thought if nothing else.
"Er, yes, let's definitely take it easy on that front, Korg. Get to know the lay of the land first, see if we ever..." He trails off. "There might be a suitable way down there, I'll keep an eye out and you should too. I don't suppose you have a rope ladder."

He pauses. "I think I'm going to spend some time on top of the wall... get some reading done. Always a pleasure, Korgen." Hobson salutes lazily as he spins away on his heel and walks out into the summer sunlight on the wall.

2011-07-16, 02:04 PM
Korgen returns the lazy salute, bids Hobs to have fun, then wanders back to the barracks, bored and ready for the new day to start so that he can get into the real swing of things.

2011-07-17, 12:13 AM
Hobson goes out onto the wall. He takes a good look at the North end, enjoying the air, finds the shady side, and sits down. He checks his equipment, takes a refreshing drink from his waterskin, and removes his Old Lithian book from his backpack. Nothing like a nice calm day to get some reading done. You really could do better work outside the city... not nearly as many people to keep tabs on.

Hobson makes sure he can see the barracks exit over the margin of his book. Didn't need that Anton fellow sneaking up on him. Or anything else, for that matter.

2011-07-17, 06:37 PM
If nobody has any objections, I'm going to go to the next day.

If anybody has anything that they just have to do before we go to the next day, I can modify my post as appropriate. I don't think there's anything pressing, though, and in-game it's starting to get late in the day anyways.

As the sun set and evening turned into night, you all went to sleep in the barracks. The beds aren't all that comfortable, but they're adequate and you've had far worse quarters.


"Up and at it, soldiers!" bellows Lieutenant Orleis. "Today's the first day that you act like real soldiers of the Homeguard."

Waking up, you see that the only light is the lantern held by Vinton, standing next to Orleis. The sun isn't up yet, leaving the windows outside a matte black.

2011-07-17, 07:29 PM
Korgen opens up his sleep crusted eyes, a bit disoriented. As he wakes up a bit more, he notices there is absolutely no light whatsoever with the exception of the Lieutenants lantern. "What in the world? The suns not even up yet! I thought the days of getting up before the **** crows was over with our basic training!" with his grumbling out of the way, Korgen stands up, buck-naked, because hey, who cares about modesty amongst fellow soldiers, besides it was so god-awful hot in there the night before he'd have never gotten to sleep wearing any sort of clothes. Looking around, smirking as the others start to wake up and crawl out of their bunks, he walks over to his chest and starts donning his clothes and armor. "What kind of weapons do you figure we should bring with us Lieutenant?

2011-07-17, 07:39 PM
Sandiya sits up, looking slightly dazed but otherwise normal. She slips out of her bed, careful to avert her eyes from Korgen. She is wearing a nightgown despite the heat, thin white fabric that serves primarily to make the rest of her look even darker than normal. She dons her clothing in silence, managing to retain a suitable amount of modesty through changing under her nightgown. "What are our duties for the day?" she asks once she is fully dressed. She doesn't sound particularly tired.

2011-07-17, 09:41 PM
Anton blearily peers over the confines of his bedpost. Korgan's undressed state, Sandiya's naked shame, the stirrings of his peers and inferiors. In a show of competitive pluck, Anton springs from his bunk, assembles his uniform and smartly sorts his bed.

The eager grunt stands at attention. Bright and early was the best time for boot-licking.

2011-07-17, 10:11 PM
Hobson starts as he is awakened from an uncomfortable dream. He sits up in a rush and takes a long drink from his waterskin.

.........early. Well.. it is the army. They do regulate such things...

He stands up wearing only short pants and looks around. Korg appears to be--yes, that seems about right.

Hobson turns around and proceeds to put on the rest of his daytime clothing.

When finished, he snaps a smart salute to the Lieutenant and awaits further instructions.

Feather Sigil
2011-07-18, 09:22 AM
The previous day...

Sanguine nearly tripped over a stack of books after dodging what she thought was somebody sneaking up behind her. The world tilted for a moment as she corrected her balance, the lantern shook and sent the shadows prancing about. Time to go... She quickly cleaned up the place and briskly walked out of the storage room without looking back.

The current morning...

Her eyes shot wide open, while the rest of her face was a blank, lifeless stare. The cramped room did nothing to help her sleep, making the call to duty a welcome reprieve. Sanguine quickly removed her gear from her chest and, crouching to one side of her bunk, changed her clothes, concentrating entirely on the act and not on the dark shapes lurking in her dreams. Once her gear was prepped, her weapons and arrows secure and ready, she stood with the others. "Ready for duty."

2011-07-21, 07:08 PM
Orleis shakes his head. "What are they teaching soldiers these days?" he says, sotto voce. Raising his voice, he orders Vinton. "Lieutenant, divide them as we discussed. You'll take the first group out and Coporal Lonway will take out the second group when he comes in."

2nd Lieutenant Vinton steps forward slightly and speaks in a clear, parade ground cadence. "Private Mills, Private Tambre, and Private Ladislas will form up in one group to follow me. Private Nuadel and Private ... Korgen will remain here. Take whatever weapons you feel are necessary." She then walks over to the western door of the barracks and turns around with practiced precision, waiting.

2011-07-24, 07:26 PM
Anton falls in line behind the 2nd lieutenant. He pushes past Mills and Tambre to take the lead. Standing ramrod straight, chest puffed out, his muscled shoulders practically occlude the two lesser Privates from their superiors' notice.

Feather Sigil
2011-07-24, 08:10 PM
Sanguine shrugged as Anton rushed past her. She too fell in behind the lieutenant, but she gave herself an arm's length of distance between herself and everyone else. After checking her longsword, longbow and quivers one last time, she gave a quick salute and stared ahead, ready to start the day.

2011-08-04, 10:17 PM
Korgen grunts as he's told that he will be staying behind alongside Nuadel. Oh well, he thinks to himself, at least she's fairly attractive. Could be worse ways to pass the day then spending it with a comely woman, especially one hardened by months of military training. Glancing over at Nuadel, Korgen speaks to her So, any clue what we are supposed to do while the others are out patrolling the wall?

2011-08-04, 10:52 PM
Sandiya meets Korgen's glance with her serious gaze. "We wait." The statement doesn't seem to be disparaging or even much of an explanation.

2011-08-05, 05:59 PM
Hobson threads on his belt pouch and rummages through his bag, ending up with a crossbow, bolts, and his morningstar.

With a glance back at Korgen and a shrug, he gets in line, unconcerned with being in the rear. He stands at attention. He looks straight through the soldiers in front of him.