View Full Version : AVB - Amberley

2011-07-03, 12:57 AM
Arriving at the address from the advertisement, you find yourself before a small manor in Old Town. A placard on the wall next to the front gate reads "Feierabend."

2011-07-03, 03:32 AM
Amberley motions to Brian to knock on the door as she stands a step back taking in the details of the house.

"Hopefully one day very soon Brian we will also be able to afford such a place" she comments.

2011-07-03, 11:10 PM
The manse is surrounded by a fence. When you knock at the gate, a servant at the guardhouse there opens a window and addresses Brian.

"May I help you, sir?"

2011-07-04, 01:28 AM
"Good day good sir. I represent Lady Amberley Vail, of House Vail, and she is interested in helping a young lady into finding a missing cat. I believe this is the address?" he asks and gives a short bow and then waves over to Amberley.

She approaches slowly and regally and inclines her head.

2011-07-04, 04:28 AM
"Oh, indeed, you have come to the right place. Please, let me get someone to assist you."

A few moments later, a servant exits the house and approaches the gate. As the guard unlocks and opens the gate, the servant says, "Welcome, welcome. We've had a few visitors today, but none like yourself. Please, do follow me inside. I trust you have brought your card?"

2011-07-04, 04:36 AM
Amberley motions to Brian to stay a respectful 5 steps behind as she joins the servant.

"I assume that by card you mean my papers and titles?" asks the dragonborn.

"If that is so then I most certainly have" she says with a soft smile "You say there have been many others interested in finding the cat to please her ladyship?"

As per background (and like before) the idea is that she does have some minor title. Not huge off course, much better than rif-raf and they are "country nobles".

I assume we have some form of papers for that? ID of some kind!

2011-07-04, 04:38 AM
Just a little card with her name and title on it, like a business card, a common courtesy amongst the nobles of Aldhaven. I'm sure she has a few.

2011-07-04, 04:41 AM
Amberley hands a small, intricate and very flowery card to the servant as they walk. A small, recent, change seems to have been made on the cards adding an inlaid symbol of Bahamut at the back of the card.

2011-07-04, 04:54 AM
The servant shows you inside and to a small sitting room.

"Please, have a seat while I fetch your card to the madam who has lost her cat. Feel free to help yourself to the drinks."

He indicates a small wet bar near the back of the room.

2011-07-04, 04:59 AM
Amberley relaxes a little. She takes in the details and has Brian pour her a drink. When the man looks at her with a raised eye brow she grins.

"One must do as is expected of her" she says trying to get into the role her father always wanted for her. "We are dealing with important people now Brian. Please try to remember it and be at your best behavior." she says as leans back enjoying the refreshment.

2011-07-04, 05:07 AM
Upon sipping the drink, she finds that, despite the fancy bottle, it is quite bitter. The quality of drink is rather poor, like what you would find in a common tavern.

Just as she is realizing this, the door opens and a young woman of about 14 enters and gives a very slight curtsy.

"Hello, I'm Walda Feierabend. I have heard you might know something about my kitten."

2011-07-04, 05:12 AM
Trying to hide her suprise at the quality of the drink she quickly rises and curtseys. Brian, practiced more than her also gives a deep bow towards the girl.

"Hello, miss Walda. My name is Amberley Vail. Though I do not currently know about your kitten I am here to inquire about him or her. I assure you that I will find the poor little thing and return it to you safe and sound." she says reassuringly not wanting her suprise to become visible.

"Could you tell me everything about the cat? How does he look like, what is his name, favorite treats and games and where was he lost or where was he when you last saw him? The more information you provide me with the higher the chances!" she says pleasantly.

2011-07-04, 05:19 AM
She shoots a dark look over her shoulder at the servant who showed you in. He quickly ducks out of the door, closing it behind him.

"Hmpf. Jasper is an adorable kitten, he black and white and adorable. He likes dire beaver best of all, and he ran away while I was visiting daddy at his fortress at the river. Jasper ran north into the stinky docks, and daddy wouldn't let me follow him."

2011-07-04, 06:33 AM
Amberley nods considering the information.

"Your father owns the fortress? May I ask what his name and position is?" she asks wondering if she getting herself too deep.

"I have heard that the docks are incredibly dangerous and that is why your father thought it best to avoid you going there. Do not worry though miss. I will do my best to find him..." she said with a very positive smile trying not be patronising.

"Are there any stores that offer dire beaver meat that you know off? It may be hard to find such a beast just prowling around" she says hopefully.

"Also should I discuss any potential finder's fee with your father or with you?" trying to show to the girl that she considers her important.

2011-07-04, 06:36 AM
"Well, the city owns it, but it's still his. Gah, you're so dumb. He's the leader of the army, duh.

He just doesn't want me associated with those people who live there. I'd never go there, but Jasper ran away!

Oh please, the river is infested with them! Just try to go swimming and they'll eat you.

1,000 gold if you bring him back unharmed."

2011-07-04, 06:40 AM
Amberley does not even flinch at the insult. She recalls that she was also like this with everyone she considered below her and grins.

"Very well. I shall do so." she replies to the girl and curtseys again before excusing herself and taking Brian with her.

Once out and assuming they are indeed escorted outside she looks at the guard in the entrance and addresse's him.

"A brief question my good man. Miss Walda mentioned that her father is head of the "army". Could you clarify this for me? I am not from the city and I was not aware there is a standing army at the Fortress..." she says wondering if the man will indulge her.

2011-07-04, 06:43 AM
"Well, ma'am, the City Watch functions as about half police force and half defensive army. But with all the years of peace, they've gotten pretty soft."

2011-07-04, 06:52 AM
"I understand. Could I ask what his first name and title is? I mean I understand his last name is Feierabend but how should I address him where I to meet him?" she asks before departing.

Once out of earshot she turns to Brian and lowers her voice.

"Brian. You are to return to the house and then you and Petra as well as the sergeant should ask around your respective circles what people know about the Fortress, the Feierabend and their leader and about any stores selling dire beaver meat just in case. You are free to rest after that. I shall try to find if there are any dire... beavers and then return home" she says before taking off.

She heads towards the river looking for signs of beaver dams and larger colonies. She does so invisible.

Brian -gather info about the Master Feirabend:
[roll0] time [roll1]
[roll2] time [roll3]

Petra - gather info about beaver meat
[roll4] time [roll5]
[roll6] time [roll7]

Sergeant - gather info about the Fortress and City Watch
[roll8] time [roll9]
[roll10] time [roll11]

Feel free to add any modifiers to them :D.

Amberley uses the lesser invocation to go invisible.

Edit: Brian keeps failing me soooo badly.

2011-07-04, 07:08 AM
"Baron Oswald Feierabend, but you should call him Lord Feierabend as is tradition."

Brian spends all day to learn that Oswald Feierabend is a Baron who owns a small manse in Old Town and is employed as part of the City Watch.

Petra learns that beaver meat is considered to be unappetizing, and only the poorest people eat it. As such it is never carried in local shops; however, their pelts are highly prized and can often be found made into luxury goods.

Sergeant learns little more about the Watch than you already know. Their main garrison is simply called The Fortress, which is built on a small island in the middle of the river. King's Causeway stretches from the gate in the city wall in Old Town to the Fortress and from there to the Docks on the other side of the river.

King's Causeway look like this (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/0/05/St_Michaels_Mount_from_the_Causeway_-_geograph.org.uk_-_167799.jpg) only larger and with a large gatehouse on each end.

2011-07-04, 07:17 AM
That looks pretty cool and very defensible!

The above she hopefully learns much later when she will eventually return at the flat.

Currently Amberley is walking up the river, invisible and looking for any evidence of beaver activity.

Every now and then she uses her strong wings to propel her in the air and spends a few seconds overseeing the area to get better vantage points and spot any creatures from a distance.

With my stamina I can fly for 3 consecutive rounds and then glide down. So while invisible I use like 3 rounds of flight to go as high as possible and then glide around.

During a day I can fly (not glide) for 10 minutes (100 rounds) but I try for now at least to not use more than a full 5 minutes of actual flying.

2011-07-04, 07:24 AM
Upon reaching the river, she spots four beavers swimming around frantically after trying to build a dam while a flatboat captain is directing his crew to rip it apart with harpoons and grappling hooks. On closer inspection, it appears that the boat was designed for this very purpose. Looking up and down the river, you spot at least a good 20 beavers. Indeed, the river is suffering a major infestation.

2011-07-04, 07:31 AM
She makes herself appear and hovers for a moment over the boat. She signals the captain that she intends to come onboard and if he motions to her to show permission indeed she does.

She lands carefully and with a somewhat melodramatic way and lifts her eyes to look at him.

"Well met good Captain. I am Lady Amberley Vail and I have my own reasons to be hunting for some of these creatures. Would you share with me any information and what seems to be the problem? There seems to be some kind of infestation going on!" she says worried at the large number of animals.

2011-07-04, 07:34 AM
The captain does not see her, focused as he is on keeping the waterways clear.

2011-07-04, 07:37 AM
She calls out to him then waving her hand her fine clothing but also armored form obvious as she flies above.

"Hail Captain! May I come on board?"

2011-07-04, 07:38 AM
He shouts "Can't really stop you... A bit busy here."

2011-07-04, 07:48 AM
She lands carefully and with a somewhat melodramatic way and lifts her eyes to look at him.

"I apologise for distracting you good captain. I realise you are busy but I do hope what I have planned might help with your problem even a little bit." she says and rises.

"I am Lady Amberley Vail and I have my own reasons to be hunting for some of these creatures. Would you share with me any information and what seems to be causing the problem? There seems to be some kind of infestation going on!" she says worried at the large number of animals.

2011-07-04, 08:11 AM
"I wish I knew. All that's known is that these cursed beavers keep trying to dam up the river. Don't know where they're all coming from, but they're playing hell with shipping."

2011-07-04, 08:18 AM
"Have you seen any bigger speciments or some kind of ... well... colony? Or are you just dealing with the actual dams they built up at this part? I mean something must have happened that increased their population so much right?" she said considering her options.

"I am actually running an errand for the Commander of the Guard but if I can help with this I am sure it would help my reputation and off course the city itself. Is there any Noble or Guild that has hired you to do this?" she asks considering possibilities of the car mission leading her to something more important?

2011-07-04, 08:33 AM
"City hired us to rip up the dams, and since we just finished that for the morning, I've got a few to chat like while they be rolling up the ropes. Don't know nuthin bout no colony. They just swarms in like and starts a building. Afore we got these here ripper barges up and running, they nearly flooded out the causeway. Got some real nasty buggers out here sometimes too.

Oh yeah? What's ol' Marcell got you out doing for him what brings you down to the river?"

2011-07-04, 08:42 AM
"Well its not the Baron himself, though I hope he will take notice of my work. I am working for a family member of his. The details are not important but suffice to say I am actually looking for those... nasty big buggers. I am tasked to find some dire badgers for now..." she said not wishing to share all the details.

"Thats why I said it would help you if I am succesful. Unlike the calm little ones I am sure the bigger and nastier ones may go as far as to attack your boat?"

She paused to look towards the groups of beavers in the waters as before she continued.

"Has the city not considered simply hiring someone to take care of the badgers themselves rather than breaking down the dams they build? If some form of population control was put in place they would not be as much a problem I guess..." she said and paused for a moment. "Is this thing a recent problem though? Did you have similar issues in the past?" she asked trying to see if there was something new causing the problems.

"Oh and when you say... -the city hired you- is there someone particular I could talk to?"

2011-07-04, 09:04 AM
"Baron? Marcell's not a baron, huh..."

He just shrugs.

"Well, I guess if you see any dire beavers round here that you can hunt 'em. Don't really care to tangle me crew up in that. We're done and headed in, but good luck to ya, lass."

As to the remainder of your questions, he just shrugs to indicate that he doesn't know then turns to get back to work.

2011-07-04, 09:14 AM
Er... I said Baron thinking Marcel was: Baron Oswald Feierabend

but lets go with it :D

Amberley frowns at her own silly mistake.

"Wait I thought Lord Feierabend was commander of the Watch... who is this Marcell?" she says curiously.

After the man answers she thanks him cordially for his time and information and decides that the research into the details of this issue is something she will have to deal with in the future...

For now she takes off from the boat using her wings to carry her. She continues investigating, turning invisible once more, looking for bigger beaver speciments.

She heads towards where she saw the larger gatherings of the creatures trying to see if she can find any of their colonies where dire ones may be present.

2011-07-04, 09:19 AM
"Marcell Herrman, Commander of the City Watch. Isn't that who you're workin' for?"

2011-07-04, 09:23 AM
"Er not really... I was told Baron Oswald Feierabend or rather Lord Feierabend is head of the city's army..." she says carefully trying to figure out whats going on but ready to turn invisible if somehow this is a bad information.

2011-07-04, 09:27 AM
He and several of the enarby crew start laughing rather hard at that.

"That puff shirt doesn't know which end of the sword to stick in his enemies. Lady, if you're workin for him, then you might want to look for a new boss. The guy's a worthless noble."

2011-07-04, 09:33 AM
She frowns for a moment but then breaks into a smile.

"Well, I take it you mean that he is leader in name but in practice he does nothing? I thought that was a disease that infects most nobles anyway" she said and laughed as well.

"Well guys, for me this is just an errand to get my name out there... whether he is useless or not is besides the point... I would not mind the real people in the Watch hearing I did well..." she finishes and waits for any further comments before proceeding as planned.

2011-07-04, 09:36 AM
"No, he don't run nothing. At best, he's a minor captain over a squad. See, I recently retired from the Watch, and I can tell you he dreams big but he ain't nothing worth talking bout. Ya see?"

2011-07-04, 09:44 AM
Amberley looks rather dissapointed at this and shakes her head.

"Well, I gave my promise to help... I guess I will run this little errand and then stop bothering with him..." she said carefully.

"He is still a Baron though no? Or is that also a lie?" she asked.

2011-07-04, 09:45 AM
"Yeah, but only because he bought the title with the land a few years back. It's not like he ever did anything to earn it."

2011-07-04, 09:52 AM
She is about to reply that most Nobles have done nothing in their life time to earn their titles but then stops considering her own family and her father. She stops herself and smiles at the men.

"I guess so... in the end its all show and games gentlemen... he is making a show of being proactive as part of the City Watch to get himself a name for being a noble that helps the community. The fact that he is a lowly captain may be all the more to his benefit in the upper class circles where he can pretend to have asked to be put so low so as to be closer to the needs of the city" she says calmly.

With that last said she flies away.

She continues investigating, turning invisible once more, looking for bigger beaver speciments.

She heads towards where she saw the larger gatherings of the creatures trying to see if she can find any of their colonies where dire ones may be present.

2011-07-04, 10:07 AM
Around this part of the river and downstreem, the beavers are hunted pretty fiercely. They keep coming back, but the more dangerous specimen are kept at bay.

2011-07-04, 10:11 AM
Wondering how the heck the young girl receives the treat she said she gives her cat Amberley continues her search considering the possibility that the "dire beaver" claim is as fake as the Fathers belief that he is head of the Watch.

She approaches groups of beavers to check if there seems to be a bigger one as she slowly makes her way upstream.

She continues her search for the next 8 hours or until she actually finds something.

2011-07-04, 10:36 AM
Not too far upstream, she finds another flatboat fighting off a beaver attack as they attempt to dismantle a dam. There seem to be two beavers larger than the others, one has climbed aboard and is attacking the workers while the other appears to be attempting to flip the barge.

2011-07-04, 11:36 AM
It is her time to shine she decides.

She focuses for a moment on her connection to her God and the fact that she can fly. She feels warm essence fill her as her devotion to her more travelling aspect manifests.

She then performs a flyby attack on the beaver that is on the boat.

"TAKE THAT you beast" she calls out after striking while she continues her movement.

Using my travel devotion to make my movement a swift action for a minute

I then do a "full round action" attack using Eldritch Glaive on the beaver on the boat using the flyby attack so that I move, attack and move again.

And this from invisible

Touch attack [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Edit:Great attack roll... pitiful damage...

2011-07-04, 08:36 PM
You hit the dire beaver on the boat. It turns to try to attack you and is confused when it can find no attacker.

The one in the water continues to try to capsize the boat.

Two workers on the boat attack the dire beaver on board.

The rest of the workers are trying to keep the boat from capsizing.

2011-07-05, 04:32 AM
Reaching the peak of her trajectory Amberley turns back and attacks again using the same trick.

Rince and repeat, attacking from the rear to get that flanking bonus from the 2 sailors already attacking.

Flyby attack with movement as a swift action.

Touch attack [roll0] in case of crit confirmation [roll1]
damage [roll2] - crit damage (if crit) [roll3]

Attacking vs flanked opponent.

2011-07-05, 04:38 AM
She manages to kill the already injured beaver.

The beaver in the water manages to upset the boat just enough that three of the sailors fall into the water.

2011-07-05, 05:59 AM
Pleased with herself but not giving up the fight Amberley swings around knowing she will have to land soon as she feels her back muscles clenching.

Seeing the sailors falling in the water she changes her strategy.

She sweeps down towards the sailor that is closest to the dire beaver and lifts him up and puts him down on the boat where she also lands.

She looks around at the sailors there and calls out as she extends her hand towards the beast.

"Save the others, I will take care of the this thing" she calls to the sailors.

She then focus'es her powers and dozens of small bats seem to appear our of nowhere attacking and blinding the monster


Swift move - flyby.

But rather than attack I use the move equivalent (the normal one) to just grab sailor falling the closest to the beaver.

I then land (the end of the flyby move) on the boat and use Summon Swarm against the beaver as my standard action

He suffers [roll0] damage with the wounding effect (lose 1 hp every round until he gets magical healing or someone to do a heal check on him) and needs a DC 11 fort save or be nausaeted for 1 round.

2011-07-06, 05:24 PM
bump reminder!

2011-07-07, 03:00 PM
Sorry about the delay. Busy work schedule.Frightened, the dire beaver dives underwater and swims away.

2011-07-07, 05:51 PM
No worries! Also keep in mind that unless that dire beaver receives magical healing he ends up dieing from bleeding no matter what (he loses 1 hp around)

Having killed the first and driven of the second of the beasts she turns to help, hopefully along with the other sailord from on board, the remaining two that fell in the water.

"Hail! Is everyone okay?" she asks after they are all back up.

"I am Amberley and I was seeking dire beavers. I guess this was a lucky coincidence. But what happened to you here?" she continues.

2011-07-08, 10:34 AM
"The dire beavers attacked us as we were ripping apart the dam. It's dangerous upstream from the Fortress, but someone has to keep the waterways clear."

2011-07-08, 10:40 AM
"I have heard as much from other boats. Have you seen any speciments that are even bigger in the area or anything out of the ordinary?" she asks contemplating the continued attacks as she approaches the one she killed.

"Also... would any of you nice gentlemen be able to provide me with a sack or something similar so I can take this beast with me?"

How big/heavy is the dire beaver I killed out here?

2011-07-08, 10:45 AM
Dire beavers are medium sized creatures weighing about 170 pounds."There be rumors of massive beavers more horrible than any of these are and sank the first two ripper barges. Don't say I put much stock in those stories myself, but you won't catch me out on the river after nightfall."

2011-07-08, 10:51 AM
"I shall investigate this later on. For now I need to somehow transport this back to the city... I can lift it but I cant really fly if I am carrying it... are you returning to the city any time soon?"

2011-07-08, 10:57 AM
"Well, we've got one more dam to bust up, but we'll head back in about an hour two. What do you need with a dead beaver anyway?"

2011-07-08, 11:03 AM
" I need the meat to attract a particular animal. It eats smoked dire beaver meat for some reason and since the meat is so bad noone sells it in the city. And I guess selling the pelt might make a few extra coins..." she says with a grin.

"Also if you dont mind I would like to stick around. I can help you out if we run into more of those things and I can help blast the dams they create... For me it will be interesting to see this part of Aldhaven..." she comments as she looks at the river.

2011-07-08, 11:25 AM
The captain welcomes you aboard. The remainder of the hour goes by without incident. The last dam is ripped down, and the normal beavers that built it flee.

2011-07-08, 03:22 PM
Once back in the city she thanks the sailors and heads over to a local butcher and asks if he can cut and smoke a piece of dire beaver for her. She wants roughly one fifth of the meat and he can keep the rest. She asks if possible that he spares the pelt.

2011-07-08, 03:26 PM
"You keep all the meat. I don't want it here. I keep the pelt. Deal?"

2011-07-08, 03:35 PM
"Doesnt sound like a very fair deal considering how the pelt is valuable and the meat is considered the worst quality possible. I need for a particular purpose and not to sell or eat... tell you what. I only need to take two-three portions of the meat and you give me half of what you make from the pelt. You are more a merchant than me so if you try and sell it you are bound to get a better price and its a big animal, big fur..." she counter-offers.

2011-07-08, 03:41 PM
"Yeah, but I have to do the work of gutting, cleaning, skinning, cooking, and all that. You want the meat, you gotta pay for it. You want keep pelt, then pay me in coin. Your choice."

2011-07-08, 03:45 PM
"How much do you need?" she asks annoyed.

2011-07-08, 03:49 PM
"Well, 2 gold to clean the carcass and prep the meat, and another 2 gold to smoke it, which will take a couple of hours, and another 1 gold if you want me to preserve the pelt for you. I don't got the skills to prep it for sale though. You'll have to find a tanner or furrier for that."

2011-07-08, 03:54 PM
"Sounds good" she says and pays the man the 5 gold not wishing to haggle over this. He gives him half the money now and will give the other half upon return

"I shall return in a couple of hours then" she says and departs. She goes to her new apartment, learns the information her servants have gathered, rests, eats and then heads back to the butcher along with Brian.

If everything has worked out fine she gives the pelt to Brian and asks him to take it back home so that she can take it to a tanner later unless if he knows a particularly good one.

She then takes 2-3 portions of the meat and heads for where she was told the cat had last been seen.

Brian - knowledge local for tanners [roll0] + any modifier he may have.

2011-07-08, 11:48 PM
As you approach the Docks across King's Causeway, you spot a cat which looks much like Jasper sniffing around at the gatehouse on the Docks side.He knows that there are a few in Guildsman District.

2011-07-09, 01:33 AM
She turns invisible and unsure if the cats are like dogs, as in having a good sense of smell, she approaches carefully.

When she gets closer she drops some smoked dire beaver meat on the ground close to the cat but not so close that it would scare her.

2011-07-09, 01:37 AM
Sniffing at the air, Jasper notices the meat. Warily he approaches it. When he comes without about 3 feet, he begins to sniff the air again, hissing. Instead of going to the meat, he takes off running to the north.

2011-07-09, 01:39 AM
Damnit... there goes my masterplan!

Amberley still invisible takes off after the cat. Her superior speed and occasional wing flapping are used to try and catch the cat.

40 feet speed and flying :D

2011-07-09, 01:54 AM
Though faster than the cat, Jasper seems uncannily intelligent. He darts under tables, through several groups of people, and down twisting alleys with abrupt turns as he heads north into the slums outside of the Docks. With luck and a quick hand, you might just catch him...In other words, make a d20 roll.

2011-07-09, 01:56 AM
Adding dex or something?

I will give you a straight d20 and you can add anything appropriate. Dex is +4 for the record


2011-07-09, 02:06 AM
I added the modifiers to your roll.You manage, for a brief moment, to grab hold of Jasper's tail; however, you don't quite manage to hold onto him as he struggles free. He bolts from you to the left, into a burned out building, and races down a hole in the ground.

2011-07-09, 02:45 AM
Amberley turns invisible again and follows after the animal carefully looking around in the darkness.

Can we assume I also have see the unseen active? Its a 24 hour power... if not I cast that as well before following the cat. And in general from now on at the start of every 24 hours I cast it.

2011-07-09, 03:48 AM
That's fine.The hole appears to be a stairwell hewn in the earth, likely the entrance to the basement of this former building.

2011-07-09, 03:55 AM
Careful not to cause any collapse by hitting a beam or column that may have been weakened from the fire she follows the cat in the basement.

2011-07-09, 03:59 AM
The stairs descend into the charred husk of a basement. Burnt debris litters the floor, while cracked beams hang heavily fro the ceiling. As you step into the wreckage, your boots crunch on broken pottery, bits of plaster, and other burnt out material you'd rather not ponder. The roughly square space is about 30'x30' and has two exits hewn from the ground, one directly before you and the other in the wall to your left.

Jasper is nowhere in sight.

2011-07-09, 04:05 AM
Amberley mutters a few bad words that would suprise her father if he knew she was in burned out ruins right now rather than dancing in some kind of formal ball or other.

She considers that she has no chance to know where the cat went since she is very bad at tracking and the like and thus just randomly chooses where to go.


She heads straight ahead ignoring the left door for now.

2011-07-09, 04:10 AM
Amberley mutters a few bad words that would suprise her father if he knew she was in burned out ruins right now rather than dancing in some kind of formal ball or other.

She considers that she has no chance to know where the cat went since she is very bad at tracking and the like and thus just randomly chooses where to go.


She heads straight ahead ignoring the left door for now.

2011-07-09, 04:17 AM
This room is about 30 feet across but extends a good 70 feet to your left. A door in that direction appears to enter into the room you didn't go to. Burnt wreckage litters the floor, including the charred remains of three great wine casks that crashed through the floor from above when the floor gave way. Two exits on the wall in front of you seem to go deeper into this labyrinth of interconnected basements.

2011-07-09, 04:30 AM
She takes a few moments to listen for any sounds. She doesnt expect to hear the cat, they are notorious for how quiet they are, but perhaps some other sounds in this whole underground area may lead her somewhere.

She approaches each door and tries to listen for sounds coming from there.

Can I take 20 on listen?

If yes my total is: 22

otherwise I spend a couple of rounds listening.


Edit: I REALLY hope I can take 20 now with the above rolls :smallredface:

2011-07-09, 06:27 AM
She hears the sounds of battle, but she doesn't know through which door they come.

2011-07-09, 08:27 AM
She bites her lower lip worried about her choice and goes through the left door out of the two doors that were straight ahead of her.

She starts considering the possibility that the cat somehow is leading her into a trap.

2011-07-09, 10:57 AM
She walks in on a Warforged and an Elf just as they finish slaying a large group of monstrous centipedes.

2011-07-09, 11:17 AM
She approaches carefully and slowly and looks first to see if there are any exits from this particular room.

She also checks if any more centipedes are around.

2011-07-10, 09:21 AM
nudge* hello just saw you were online :smallredface::smallredface::smallredface:

2011-07-10, 05:51 PM
Sorry, I had limited time this morning and could only reply to one or two things.Link to team up thread. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11388855#post11388855)

2011-07-11, 02:22 AM
No worries and I apologise for being impatient.

You kind of messed up my plan by revealing my presence as I was invisible but thats not such a big deal :D

2011-07-11, 10:27 AM
Sorry, I missed the invisibility part.

2011-07-11, 11:15 AM
Not a big deal :D dont worry about it!