View Full Version : Ranking Studio Ghibli films

Sunken Valley
2011-07-03, 04:32 PM
Remember when there was a ranking Pixar movies thread a while back where you ranked Pixar movies in the order you liked them. This is the same but with Studio Ghibli. Here are my rankings to start everyone off. I have seen every studio ghibli film available in UK.

1. Spirited Away
2. Pom Poko
3. Naussica
4. Princess Monoke
5. Totoro
6. Castle in the Sky
7. Howl’s Moving Castle
8. Ponyo
9. Kiki’s Delivery Service
10. Grave of the Fireflies
11. Tales of Earthsea
12. Ocean Waves
13. Whisper of the Heart
14. Cat Returns
15. Porco Rosso
16. Only Yesterday
17. My Neighbours the Yamada’s

Your turn playground.

2011-07-04, 02:44 PM
I haven't quite seen all of them, but here's a ranking of those I have seen:

1. Princess Mononoke
2. Porco Rosso
3. Castle in the Sky
4. Spirited Away
5. Whisper of the Heart
6. Howl’s Moving Castle
7. Cat Returns
8. Naussicaa
9. Totoro
10. Tales of Earthsea
11. Ponyo
12. Kiki’s Delivery Service

(haven't seen these)
Only Yesterday
My Neighbours the Yamada’s
Pom Poko
Ocean Waves
Grave of the Fireflies

2011-07-05, 12:56 PM
I don't like ranking things, but I have seen Naussicaa, Spirited Away, Porco Rosso, Princess Mononoke, Howl’s Moving Castle, Kiki’s Delivery Service, and well, I can't really decide which I like in what order. Porco Rosso is probably my favourite, as I have a deep and abiding fascination with the Interwar Period; Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away are also beloved, but it is not like I did not like the others.

Lord Loss
2011-07-05, 01:38 PM
I've only seen Totoro, but I absolutely loved it. It was years and years ago, but I still faintly remember it and really should rewatch it.

Manga Shoggoth
2011-07-05, 01:42 PM
Well, the problem is that the films are very different so there 'aint much common ground to compare them on.

However, I can group them like this:

(0) Films I really enjoyed:

Spirited Away
Princess Monoke
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Whisper of the Heart

(1) Films I liked enough to keep coming back to:

Howl’s Moving Castle
Cat Returns

(2) Films I liked enough to watch a couple of times:

Porco Rosso

(3) Films that I only watched once, but was reasonably impressed with (or, at least, not totally disgusted by) the story:

Castle in the Sky

(4) Films that I only watched once, but was very impressed by the style, even though subject matter didn't grab me:

My Neighbours the Yamada’s

(5) Films that I didn't even finish:

Only Yesterday

(6) Films that I wish I hadn't started:

Pom Poko
Tales of Earthsea

2011-07-05, 02:22 PM
Apparently, my favorite Miyazaki movie wasn't a Studio Ghibli film: Castle Cagliostro.

I can't really rank them because as Manga Shoggoth said, they're so different it's hard to judge.

The one Studio Ghibli film that I saw that I won't show my daughter is Grave of the Fireflies. My god, that is the most depressing movie I've ever watched.

Otherwise, they're all good and I can't differentiate favorites like I can with Pixar.

2011-07-07, 02:35 PM
I haven't seen all of them as well, but here's my rankings:

1. Spirited Away
2. Princess Monoke
3. Howl’s Moving Castle/ Castle in the Sky/ Totoro
4. Grave of the Fireflies
5. Ponyo

Spirited Away will always have a special place in my heart because this was my first Studio Ghibli film. Three films tied for third because it's really hard to say which one was better than the other, and I love them equally. Grave of the Fireflies is fourth, since it was really depressing. Ponyo is in last place because although it had a few great moments, it just didn't have the same magic as the others.

2011-07-08, 08:26 PM
(Since I really can't rank them by number, I am taking a cue from Manga Shoggoth's format.)

Films I really enjoyed and will watch at a drop of a hat:

Spirited Away
Princess Monoke
My Neighbor Totoro (childhood favorite)
Howl’s Moving Castle
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Winds
Grave of the Fireflies

Films that I only watched once/a few times, but was reasonably impressed with (or, at least, not totally disgusted by) the story:

Porco Rosso
Castle in the Sky
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Ponyo (didn't care much for the dub, saw it in the theatre, might feel different with the original)

Films that I haven't seen yet:

Pom Poko
Tales of Earthsea
Only Yesterday
My Neighbors the Yamadas
Cat Returns
Whisper of the Heart
Ocean Waves

2011-07-09, 12:14 AM
Of the ones that I have seen:

1. Princess Monoke
2. Porco Rosso
3. Castle in the Sky
4. Kiki’s Delivery Service


Wow, didn't realise I had seen so few - should try and check some more out in the future.

2011-07-09, 12:39 PM
Of the ones I've seen so far, I'd rank them roughly like this:

1. Spirited Away
2. My Neighbor Totoro
3. Princess Mononoke
4. Kiki's Delivery Service
5. Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind
6. Castle in the Sky
7. Howl's Moving Castle
8. Tales of Earthsea

2011-07-09, 04:01 PM
Have seen Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Princess Mononoke, Kiki's Delivery Service, Nausicaa. Loved: All of them. Ranked:

1. Spirited Away
2. Princess Mononoke
3. Howl's Moving Castle
4. Nausicaa
5. Kiki's Delivery Service

Want to watch: All of the others.

2011-07-09, 05:31 PM
Ranking them is difficult because all of them I saw are great.

But I really like the Wakfu OVA "The Legend of Ogrest" they made, even though there are probably few people who even know that it was made by Studio Ghibli.

2011-07-10, 12:58 PM
Let's see... I've seen My Neighbor Totoro, Howl's Moving Castle, Ponyo, Castle in the Sky, and Kiki's Delivery Service, in that order. Of those, I don't think I could rank them very well; I loved them all. Plus, it's been long enough since I've seen Howl's Moving Castle that I don't really remember it in the same way I do the others. Still, if I had to rate them, it'd go something like:

1. Totoro
2. Castle in the Sky
3/4. Kiki & Howl
5. Ponyo

Totoro was the first one I watched, and nothing really compares to the memories I have of it. I watched Castle in the Sky much more recently, but it really stood out to me. Kiki was the one I've watched most recently, and Howl's the one I saw longest ago (I've watched Totoro since); I'm not sure which one I'd put above the other. Ponyo was great, but it didn't quite compare to the others.

Wow, I need to go watch some more. TO THE NETFLIX!

2011-07-10, 08:16 PM
I saw laughably few Ghibli movies. I'd put them in this order:
1. Princess Mononoke
2. Spirited Away
3. Howl's Moving Castle
4. Grave of the Fireflies

I didn't find GotF too depressing, I find its sadness very overrated. It's more about how much of an idiot the main character is, which is incredibly frustrating - and that's completely intentional, because it's meant to be a tale warning children (yes, they're the intended audience) against pride. I also dislike the political message many people interpret it to have (interpret, because I don't think if that message was intentional).