View Full Version : Full Arcane and Divine progression

2011-07-03, 05:56 PM
OK, I know about Mystic Theurge, Arcane Heirophant and Fochlucan Lyrist, but what other PrC am I missing that give full arcane and divine spell progression? And what book/s are they in?

I promise, I'm not being lazy. I've done a lot of poking, I'm just not finding everything, I'm sure. Thanks in advance.

2011-07-03, 06:00 PM
There's True Necromancer in Libris Mortis I believe.

2011-07-03, 06:06 PM
There's True Necromancer in Libris Mortis I believe.
That one's not full. It loses two levels of each progression over the course of 14 levels.

But no, there aren't may full progression PrC's for Arcane / Divine.

2011-07-03, 06:21 PM
Green Whisperer (Dragon Mag) is Bard/Druid only, but full casting over 5 levels, as I recall.

2011-07-03, 07:09 PM
There are lots of Theurge-esques to mention for other combinations, and often new types of magic include one or two types of theurge-esques for combining their own and arcane or divine magic, but for just Arcane/Divine your options really are about as limited as what you've already found.

The Geomancer can give you full arcane or divine progression if you want. Mostly it's just a means to take one type of spellcasting and put it on a cleric chassis, like giving a wizard casting in armor, wisdom-based casting and better HD/saves/BAB. You get some little form alterations too but they're mostly minor; the absolute climax of those abilities is merely (Ex) flight at the late ECL 12.