View Full Version : Dawn Of Umbra [D20 Modern]

Milo v3
2011-07-03, 10:43 PM
Projects:Zephyrus & Orchid
Location: Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
You look out at the grounds. Four test subjects were escaping across the Concrete Carpark. Three seemed like they were going to make it. They ran into the woods. Not together, they might not of even seen each other.
But one stopped moving. He landed behind one of the cars. Luckily the guards didn't see him. Then seconds later you hear the sound of sirens. The group escaping couldn't stop to help the fallen even if they wanted to now. So they ran.

Projects:Pheonix, Iron & Freeman
Location:A shack just Outside Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
You've finally escaped. To Umbra you were weapons. Not even weapons, prototypes of weapons.
You all had to kill to escape. You know that they would've killed you. They probably would kill if they ever found you again.
You are now in a shack just outside the grounds of Delta Facility. Its made of a rotting wood, which helps hide it in the wooden surroundings. Making it practically invisible in the night.
You could still hear the sirens from here. But you couldn't hear the search parties. Maybe they stopped, or maybe they're preoccupied.....

2011-07-04, 12:25 AM
Pheonix held on to her hands shaking as she looked at them and they were covered in dried blood. She searched her pockets and pulled out two severed fingers which she dropped on the floor.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-04, 01:16 AM
Twitch sat in a corner trying to make sense of the last hour. He breathed deeply trying to keep himself from throwing up. He had never killed and it was horrifying. To try and keep it together he decided to ask the obvious question.
What now?
He hated talking. Whatever the answer he knew it was bad it was always bad.

2011-07-04, 09:17 AM
"Ugh," mumbled Lance as he tried to sit up. He held a hand to his hand which was throbbing with pain. After a few seconds rest, he was able to push himself up. He slowly began to make his way over to the person who had been left behind. Another person with him could be very useful. Every second he was looking around for danger or anything else.

Move silently: [roll0], Spot: [roll1]

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-04, 10:13 AM
Twitch looked up trying spot a sink or bucket in the decrepit shed. The other guy he escaped with (he didn't really know his name) looked like he was going out. The shakes were starting to come back he felt his teeth chattering.
Search [roll0]

2011-07-04, 05:44 PM
Harold rubbed his arms. His body had been hurting since he woke up. The drugs must have let him ignore the pain. He saw the girl staring at a pair of fingers she had dropped on the floor. He approached her slowly not wanting to stress her out any further. He knelt down to pick up the fingers and discarded them. Staring at them wouldn't make her feel any better.

Milo v3
2011-07-04, 06:00 PM
Projects:Zephyrus & Orchid
Location: Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
You slowly sneak over to the person who feel behind. Apparently you weren't noticed by the guards. You look at the person. It was a caucasian girl, about 12 years old with long blonde hair and wore what looked like a blue straitjacket. An empty needle stuck out here left arm.

Projects:Pheonix, Iron & Freeman
Location:A shack just Outside Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
In the shack is some wooden boxes, a small table, a small sink, a bookshelf, and an old carpet.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-04, 06:33 PM
Twitch got up and walked over to the sink hoping that it still worked. He needed to get rid of the blood. They probably had trackers that were some weird dog hybrids or mutant creatures that could track them by psychic echos or something. Either way he needed to get rid of the blood. He washed his face off and asked the girl her name.

2011-07-04, 08:53 PM
Pheonix attempted to shrug off her eternal pain to answer.

Pheonix: I am... Identification number 0423 of Thanatos. Last time I was addressed I was called Pheonix.

2011-07-04, 09:17 PM
"I don't suppose you have a name from before all of this, do you?" Harold asked. "I'm Harry," he introduced himself, "but when I was asleep... They called me Iron." He looked down at the floor for a moment. A bit of anger and fear began to well up inside of him. "But not anymore. I'm awake now, and they're never doing that to me again." That alleviated his fear a bit, but not as much as he had hoped. He went back to rubbing at the aches in his arm.

2011-07-04, 09:30 PM
Lance bends down and slowly shakes the girl. "Hey, come on, wake up. Please wake up. Come on, come on," he whispers to her. He looks at the needle and any liquid still remaining in there and attempts to identify it.

Would that be Knowledge (Earth and Life Sciences)? I guess so. Roll: [roll0]. Also, you can stop calling me Subject #729. I like Zephyrus.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-04, 09:32 PM
Pheonix and Henry "Iron" names Twitch filed away for later in his head.
"My name is Walter but call me Twitch."Suddenly his body spasmed and his head twitched to the left.
Looks like the spasms are restarting he thought. At least his teeth weren't chattering anymore.
"Thats what the guards called me anyway."
"We should rest and start moving soon this wont be a safe place for long"

Milo v3
2011-07-04, 10:45 PM
Projects:Zephyrus & Orchid
Location: Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
Only the tinest amount of liquid is left in the needle. It is clear but the smell is very familiar. Its a common smell in Umbra. It was a severely powerful Tranquilizer.

2011-07-05, 09:11 AM
"OK, at least she's not dead," he mumbled to himself. Lance looked around quickly, before deciding that he needed to get out of there. There was no time to try and treat it now. With both hands he picked her up and threw her over his shoulder. Luckily she didn't weigh too much, however Lance didn't know how long he could carry her for. Especially since he still had a headache. Opting to forgo stealth, he pulled out his gun in one hand and began to run into the woods where the previous group had gone.

Wait, is Sheila (Project Orpheus) with me?

2011-07-05, 09:37 AM
Pheonix clenched her head.

Phenoix: We're escaping... We're escaping... How can that... Why am I...

She was confused as her recent acts are going against everything she was trained for.

Milo v3
2011-07-05, 06:46 PM
Projects:Zephyrus & Unknown
Location: Woods outside Umbra Facility Delta
As you step into the woods you hear the sound of guards shouting behind you. They must of seen you.
You could only make out three words from what they said.
"Projects ..... should ... .... .. Aniketos ...."

Projects: Orchid
Location Umbra Facility Delta
You see Zephyrus run into the woods with a girl in his arms. You also see the guards turn and see Zephyrus. The guards leader then get out a silver phone and start to talk.
"Projects have escaped the compound. Should we call for Aniketos?"

2011-07-05, 09:07 PM
Let's assume I was busy with something else, and Tydude woke up and went out on his own.
Sheila finally finished double checking all of the new project's possessions for bugs. One could never be too safe. She returns to where she left him, only to find him gone. Looking up, she notices him by the trees, carrying what she can only presume to be another experiment. "What has that fool gotten himself into. I'd better go to the trees and see if I can evac him before the Guards stop him." Sheila carefully moves into the trees in the direction that her rescue is headed, looking ahead for dangers.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-05, 09:29 PM
Twitch moved away from the sink after getting most of the blood off his arms and face. The girl looked to be in bad shaped he hoped she would be alright. He decided to take a look outside see if any searchers had gotten close.He opened the door just enough to stick his head out and looked around.
Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Milo v3
2011-07-05, 09:38 PM
Projects:Orchid, Unknown & Zepherus
Location:A forest just Outside Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
You reach the trees unseen, the guards distracted by talking with the Higher Ups.
You can see Zepherus about 60ft away he is still holding the girl.

Projects:Pheonix, Iron & Freeman
Location:A shack just Outside Umbra Facility Delta Grounds
Outside is another person he is holding a gun and a girl.

2011-07-05, 09:45 PM
I can see the shack, right?

Milo v3
2011-07-05, 09:50 PM
[Roll] You can Barely see it. Moss has covered it and it looks hit a small hill.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-05, 10:03 PM
What is he wearing. If it looks like inmate clothes we have on, I try to subtlety get his attention. If looks like he's got something else on, like a guard uniform, I quickly duck back inside.

2011-07-05, 10:07 PM
"Alright, this is good. Someplace secret to hide," Lance thinks to himself. He then opens the door as silently as he can, gun held at the ready just in case.

Move silently: [roll0].

Milo v3
2011-07-05, 10:08 PM
He has brown hair, and dark blue eyes and is wearing black and grey clothing similar to yours and irons. While the girl is wearing Blue and Grey clothing like Pheonix.

Lance you see three people inside this decrepit shack. One girl, two males. You recognise them as the people who left the girl.

2011-07-06, 08:47 AM
"Hello?" says Lance to the group. "I..uh, I brought someone for you." He lays down the girl on the floor, but still keeps his gun at the ready and the door slightly open. "She's been tranquilized with a very strong tranquilizer. I can try to help her recover faster, unless one of you would rather do it."

2011-07-06, 08:50 AM
Sheila sees Zepherus approach the shack, and follows him. She keeps the shack in-between her and the facility, and listens to the conversation inside to make sure it is safe.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-06, 10:19 PM
Twitch looked at the girl on the floor and remembered the various times he had gotten drugged. It was never a pleasant experience. He didn't know anything about the stuff but this guy apparently did. But he was still cautious of the guy with the gun.Twitch looked at the gun a then to the owner before answering.
"Come in, but unless you intend to shoot us put the gun away. We had more than enough of that tonight."
He moved back his hands starting to shaking.

2011-07-06, 10:24 PM
Phenoix was confused and she questioned why she was acting this way.

Pheonix: Why... I'm not supppose to be doing this... Why...

2011-07-06, 10:47 PM
Umbra must have done a lot worse to this girl than what they did to Harold. Harry was kept asleep and under constant control with drugs. Drugs he was lucky enough his "experimentation" allowed him to grow past. The girl was probably not so lucky. "It's alright. You escaped because you had to," he said, attempting to sound as comforting as possible. "They've done something to your mind that makes you think this is wrong. But you have to believe me, something inside of you still knows what they did was wrong." He looked down at her hands. both his and her's were still covered with blood. "Come on, let's go wash our hands," he said motioning towards the sink.

Milo v3
2011-07-06, 11:03 PM
While your talking the siren from the Umbra Facility suddenly stops.
Omeganaut please roll a spot check for Orchid.

2011-07-06, 11:33 PM
Pheonix shoved Harold away. Anger can be seen in her eyes through her oddly long hair.

Pheonix: Blood does not disturb me! I am 0423 of Thanatos! Trained to kill! Trained to obey! That is my purpose! That is my only purpose! Or at least... It was...

Pheonix slumps down to the ground.

2011-07-07, 12:14 AM
Harold lifted his hands up and stepped back. "Alright, I know when to back off," he said to the dejected girl. "Just keep in mind that you said you were 'Trained.'"
She still isn't awake yet, he thought. But she's getting there. After that, he went to go wash his hands.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-07, 12:58 AM
Twitch watched the exchange in silence not wanting to but in or disturb the other guy. The whole exchange put Twitch on edge especially when she said "trained to kill" He was already nervous enough. Every second spent here only made him more worried about discovery and what they would do to them if they were caught.

2011-07-07, 07:45 AM
Sheila looks up at the facility, trying to figure out why the siren would stop. She can't immediately think of any good reason why they would stop the siren, unless law enforcement or a rival corporation is on to them, in which case they would all soon be free! But it is too soon to assume the best.[roll=spot]1d20-1[/spot]

Milo v3
2011-07-07, 07:57 AM
Past the trees you see a large Black, Brown and Green robotic humanoid walking through the forest. A Chain Gun was attached to its Right Arm and a shield (Which resembles a riot shield) came out of its left arm.
It faced the shack. Then from the inside of the Robotic Body you hear a young male voice (Probably 14 years old).
"Targets located, One, Two, Three, Four, Five. One Unaccounted."

2011-07-07, 08:29 AM
"Alright, you guys seem safe enough," said Lance. He put his gun in it's holster, but left the door open in case he needed a quick escape. "I can try to get her to recover quicker from the drug," he said, motioning to the girl on the ground. "If nobody has any objections, I'll get right to work."

Treat injury: [roll0], assuming there's no objections.

2011-07-07, 09:17 AM
Sheila reacts quickly, picking up a piece of rock and throwing it at the edge of the shack. She picks up another piece of rock, and starts circling around the shack to try to get behind or at least perpendicular to the robot. She also looks for anyone watching the robot at the facility.


Milo v3
2011-07-07, 05:57 PM
Projects: Zepherus, Freeman, Iron, & Pheonix
Location: Shack Outside Umbra Facility Delta
The girl stirs and but doesn't awaken.

Projects: Orchid
Location: Outside Shack
The Robotic Body instantly turns its head to where you threw the rock. It seemed to be focusing on that location. Luckily it didn't seem as if it saw you.

2011-07-07, 07:26 PM
"Hmm, that seemed to work a little. I'm sure I could get it if I had enough time, but.....well, we don't have time," he looks at the group around him. They don't seem to be in any shape to move right now. And neither is he. "Also, does anybody know anything about an "Aniketos"? I heard some of the guards talking about it." In the meantime, he begins to think about it himself.

[roll0]. I guess that would be a Knowledge(Technology) roll? If it's something else you can just roll it.

Milo v3
2011-07-07, 07:32 PM
You remember that in Greek mythology Aniketos was one of the two sons of Herakles (A.K.A. Hercules). The Name Aniketos means "The Unconquerable One".

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-07, 07:47 PM
Twitch didn't remember if he had heard of this "Aniketos" while he was locked up. But he did remembered the guards usually talked in the cafeteria. He tried to remember if he had overheard anything.

Untrained intelligence check: [roll0]

Milo v3
2011-07-07, 07:59 PM
Twitch you remember something.
"Big Armor"

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-08, 04:56 PM
"I think there were some guards talking about some armor that came in a few days ago. They referred to it as an Aniketos model. Didn't hear much more than that. They seemed eager to try it though"
He bent down by Phoenix to check on her.
"Hey Phoenix you got enough energy to move soon?"

2011-07-08, 05:05 PM
"A suit of armor? That makes sense from what I can remember. Aniketos was an ancient Greek son of Hercules who was supposedly unconquerable. If they've made an unconquerable armor..." he trails off and shudders.

2011-07-09, 11:42 AM
Orchid takes her pair of brass knuckles out of her pocket. She really should have thanked the street tough she charmed for them more, as they really come in handy. She continues moving to a position near the robotic suit's path with some elevation where she could jump onto the suit if it move closer to the shack

Prepared action to jump and attack the suit if it approaches within about 50ft of the shack. Possible necessary rolls [roll0][roll1][roll2][roll3][roll4]

Milo v3
2011-07-09, 05:56 PM
Projects: Zepherus, Freeman, Iron, & Pheonix
Location: Shack Outside Umbra Facility Delta
As you move to a better position the robotic suit begins to walk towards the shack amazingly quickly you leap onto the suit. You hit it with knuckes but it doesn't seem to respond other than pushing you off with its hands.
"Last target located. Mission 4.3 Return them to Delta alive."

The chain gun on its right arm began to turn.

Projects: Zepherus, Freeman, Iron, & Pheonix
Location: Shack Outside Umbra Facility Delta
You hear the sound of something slamming into metal. And the sound of a chaingun turning.

2011-07-11, 01:12 AM
Phenoix searched her memories for knowledge of the "suit of armour." Sensing danger, she instinctively pulls out her beretta.

(Intelligence Check)
17+1 = 18

Milo v3
2011-07-11, 01:19 AM
You remember that Aniketos are war mechs that are allowed to accomplish there mission whichever way they see fit. As such they are prone to destroying the surroundings.

2011-07-11, 02:56 AM
Pheonix checks her clip for ammo.

Phenoix: A war mech... I believe our best chance of surviving is by spltting up... It can't track all of us at once but that would mean one of us will be returned to to the facility.

2011-07-11, 08:25 AM
Hearing the sound, Lance pulls out his Pathfinder from it's holster. Not that he expects it to do much against an unbeatable war mech. But before the group does anything rash, he first turns to them and says, "Give me a second. Let me think this over."

So, first I'll try to think of a strategy using knowledge(tactics). I can do that, right? Roll: [roll0]. If I have a minute of time, I'll try to plan (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/MSRD:Smart_Hero_%28Class%29). Necessary intelligence roll + smart level: [roll1].

Milo v3
2011-07-11, 06:21 PM
Your not 100% sure but you think that his armor is probably heavy causing it to not be able to manoveur properly. You think you might be able to use this to your advantage.
And then your mind starts to form a plan.

If you have enough time your Plan will give you and your allies +2 on the first 3 rounds of combat. +1 on the fourth round. +0 on the fifth round.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-11, 09:04 PM
"I highly doubt they will wait to let us talk strategy, we need to run now."
Twitch moves towards the door and looks out. He also prepares to run.

2011-07-11, 09:19 PM
Sheila, worried about the armor's potential, dives for its leg to try and slow it down. She is really worried about the lack of response from the shack, and she hopes the experiment she rescued will have the presence of mind to get out NOW!!! In the mean time, the only thing to do is slow the machine down. Hopefully the servo-motors aren't prepared to have a person pulling on the legs.

2011-07-11, 09:39 PM
Sorry, forgot the rolls [roll0][roll1]

2011-07-11, 09:42 PM
"Hey! You at the door!" yells Lance to Twitch. "Look, you're right, we do have to get out of here now. Everybody needs to. This thing isn't very mobile, so we may be able to move around it faster than it can turn it's gun. I doubt we'll have any chance with shooting it, so just try to get out of it's sight," he looks around at the group, wondering if any of them will make it. He then asks, "Who wants to carry the girl?"

Milo v3
2011-07-11, 09:43 PM
When you look outside Twitch you see a large Black, Brown and Green robotic humanoid in the forest. A Chain Gun was attached to its Right Arm and a shield (Which resembles a riot shield) on its left arm.
You also see a girl.

Orchid you pull down on its legs. You hear the joints groan.
"Annoying Insect."
It lowers its left arm at hits you in the back with its upper wrist.
4 Damage

2011-07-11, 10:09 PM
"I'll carry her out," Harold volunteered, as he kneeled down to pick up the girl. "So I suppose the plan is to pick a direction and run, or do we stand any chance in a fight at all?"

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-11, 11:42 PM
"RUN!" Twitch yells as he runs out of the cabin trying to get behind the nearest trees for cover.

2011-07-12, 12:44 AM
Pheonix runs through her own thoughts which was something she had only recently gained and as a result there was much confusion. Morality was something that appeared lacking and also something she has never felt before. Self perservation was there though but it was also recent. She believed that whatever controls the Aniketos should be intelligent enough to see through deceit and that was her ticket out of here.

Phenoix: I will provide a distraction then and allow you enough time to get the girl out of here.

She exits the shack and creates a sharp whistle to draw the Aniketos' attention.

Milo v3
2011-07-12, 12:58 AM
Aniketos looked up and saw Project Freeman run. Aniketos's gun started up and aimed at Freeman. Then just as it was about to fire. Its head turned to the Project which recently whistled.
"Your tricks won't work."
His arm pointed at Twitch and fired.
The bullets burst through the air but slowler than most bullets, nearly stoping just as they hit you.
11 Damage

2011-07-12, 01:27 AM
Lets hope they won't thought Pheonix. She unloads a 9mm round at the war mech, aiming for the joints in the legs and she begins running in the opposite direction of the facility. She uses the trees and bushes as cover as she gained distance from the facility, the shack and the war mech.

14+1 = 18

2,6+0 = 8

Milo v3
2011-07-12, 01:41 AM
You bullet hits Aniketos's left arm. It doesn't pierce the armor but it does leave a dent. It turned back to face you.
"A double bluff. And I was told you were still confused."

His chain gun began to spin again.

2011-07-12, 08:19 AM
This is not going well, thought Lance. He runs towards the direction Twitch had gone, making sure to use the trees for cover and continually moving back and forth. Now that he's gotten a look at the machine, he begins to think of any weaknesses it may have.

Knowledge(technology): [roll0].

Milo v3
2011-07-12, 06:04 PM
You realise that you could easily use terrain, the fact it is holding back, and its now weaker joints against the mech.
For the rest of the battle Lance can use His Int mod instead of Str or Dex with attack rolls.

2011-07-12, 07:38 PM
Sheila hopes that no-one can see her from the facility. It would be a pain to have to move somewhere else where she couldn't help refugees from their terrible experiments. For now, however, she moves behind the robot, trying to find a hold where the robot would have trouble hitting her. [roll0]

2011-07-12, 08:02 PM
"Alright," he says to the girl in his arms, "let's both hope they have this stupid thing distracted." Harold turns right out the door and runs around to the back of the shack.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-13, 01:47 PM
Twitch knows if he doesn't get out of this place he is going to be dead meat. Twitch runs as fast as he can trying to put as much distance and foliage between him and the machine gun.While running he tries to think of away to use the forest more effectively to escape.
Knowledge:Tactics [roll0]

2011-07-14, 07:56 PM
Lance hides behind a tree and yells to everyone, "Use the trees for cover and aim for the joints! Stay spread out to distract it!" Then, he fires a shot, aiming for it's weakened joints.

Attack: [roll0]. That would be +1 for base and +2 for intelligence modifier. If it's outside 20 feet, -2 for each range penalty increment. Possible damage: [roll1]. I don't think there's any modifiers there, correct? Tell me if I'm doing anything wrong, this is my first combat.

Milo v3
2011-07-14, 08:50 PM
Project: Orchid
You move around it and try and get a grip one the Behemoth, but to no avail. Its armor is too smooth and you fail.

Project: Iron
You run out with the girl in your hands. You can see a Mech and a female trying to grab its legs. The mech doesn't notice you as you run around to the back of the shack.

Project: Freeman
As you run you realise that because of its size it probably can't manover properly in this terrain.

Project: Zepherus
The Bullet fires from your gun and bolts through the air. The bullet flies right past the Aniketos and hits some leaf-litter behind the mech.
That was fine Tydude.

2011-07-14, 08:59 PM
Seeing four people running out of the shack would have caused her to stop and worry if the intense training hadn't taught her how to keep awareness while digesting new information. Since the shack is hopefully empty (I don't see how any more could have fit in there), Sheila takes off, angling away from both the robot and the facility. She weaves in between the trees, trying to throw the targeting systems on the suit off, hopefully making her harder to hit.

Milo v3
2011-07-14, 09:06 PM
Project: Orchid
The Behemoth aims his arm at you as you weave through the trees. It fires a short burst at you. Most hit the trees but a few hit into you back.
2 Damage

2011-07-14, 10:41 PM
Pheonix whistles again to gain the war mech's attention. She fires a round at it, aiming at the joints in the legs again (Anything resembling the kneecaps basicaly). She then turns and continues running away from the facility while attempting to put as much distance and obstacles between her and the mech as possible.

4+3 = 7

5,2+0 = 7

Milo v3
2011-07-15, 03:58 AM
The Mech turns chain gun ready to fire. After you fire the mech moves to the right, and balances itself on a thick tree. As such you miss the mech completely. The continues to aim at you while you move through the forest.

2011-07-15, 09:01 AM
Lance curses his tiny gun, really wishing he had picked up something else. Then, like he saw Phoenix do, Lance fires a shot at Aniketos and then runs away. He tries to stay away from the other survivors so as not to be an easy target.

Attack: [roll0]. Possible damage: [roll1]

2011-07-15, 09:53 AM
Sheila curses the experiments that are firing back, as they are obviously terrible shots, and all they are doing is drawing more attention to the escape. Giving up on them for right not, she continues running away from the large portion of the group, and tries to get out of the woods as swiftly as she can.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-15, 12:15 PM
Twitch continued to run no wanting to slow down in case that Mech started to come after them. He looked around for any of the others to see how far they were.

Milo v3
2011-07-15, 06:06 PM
Your bullet hits the Aniketos's leg. You couldn't see how much (if any), damage you dealt to the Armor.

As you run the trees seem to be sparcer. You might be nearing the edge of the forest.

You run through the woods and past obsticles like an instinct. You can see Harold, the girl, Pheonix, and lance.

2011-07-15, 08:49 PM
While she runs out of the heavy cover, Sheila looks for a spot where she can see anyone running out of the forest, but be somewhat hidden and have some cover from the mechanical suit.

Milo v3
2011-07-16, 07:47 AM
You find you can see an empty road infront of you. On the otherside of the road it is slope leading up a hill, with several rocky outcrops which can provide the cover you seek.

2011-07-16, 08:05 AM
Phenoix fires another round at the war mech, aiming at whatever resembles a knee cap on it again. She then runs as far as she can from it, putting as much distance and trees between her and it as possible.

20+3 = 23

2,5+0 = 7

2011-07-16, 08:12 AM
Shelia finds a perch above the road where she can see the edge of the forest for hundreds of feet in every direction. She looks out at the woods where she can still hear echoes of the robot's clunking and hopes that the group shows enough intelligence to make it out alive.

Milo v3
2011-07-16, 08:36 AM
Project: Pheonix
The Bullet hits into the kneecap of the Mech, and drive a hole right through.
"Interesting. One of them actually pierced the hull."

You can see everyone in the woods. Experiments, the mech, and the shack are all in view.

2011-07-16, 08:51 AM
Sheila looks around for the bag she had left when she went running after that stupid experiment. The disguise kit could probably come in handy, as could a change in clothes.

2011-07-19, 06:11 PM
Taking a chance, Harold decides to follow suit of his fellow escapees. Dashing off into the forest but moving slightly diagonally to the others. Fanning out was the best hope for survival.

2011-07-19, 07:43 PM
Lance continues to run, as fast and for as long as he can from the mech. Deciding that he really needs to work on his aim and probably get a better gun, he doesn't take any more shots.

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-20, 12:14 AM
Twitch continues to run, trying to find a way out of the forest. He continues until he reaches the edge of the forest. He looks around to see if he can spot anyone else coming out of the forest.

2011-07-20, 12:50 AM
Pheonix picked up the pace and she no longer fired any shots at the war mech. She focused on escaping and putting as much distance between her and the war mech as possible.

Milo v3
2011-07-20, 12:53 AM
You can see your bag easily in the Parking lot.

You see Lance, Harold & the Girl he is holding running out of the woods.

Aniketos turns and looks at the people running.
The Suit ran after the others then quickly aimed at you and fired. They pierce your chest and burst out your back.
6 Damage

2011-07-20, 07:20 AM
Shelia runs to get her bag, waving but not shouting at the others in a hope to get them together. She also looks around to get her bearings and figure out which way to the apartment she is staying in.

Milo v3
2011-07-23, 07:08 AM
You grab your bag without difficulty. As you think of your appartment you remember that it is in the nearby city. It should be down the nearby road until you reach the Lake, then left down a small street.

Projects: Iron, Freeman, Zepherus, Pheonix
You see Orchid waving at you past the trees. As you look back the Mech, you see it has stopped its pursuit.

2011-07-23, 08:26 AM
Pheonix grunts in pain and sees Orchid waving at her.

Pheonix mutters to herself: A wave? Is she trying to make her position known? What reasons does she have for doing that?

She quietly pulls herself a fair distance away from the war mech and hides in shadow and among trees and bushes. She then keeps an eye on the war mech and the escaped experiments.

(Move silently)
15+6 = 21

16+6 = 22

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-23, 01:08 PM
Twitch really hoped that Mech was too damaged to make its way through the forest. The woman he recognized as the person that was wrestling the Mech before. At lest she is not on their side he thought as he ran towards her.

Milo v3
2011-07-25, 05:28 AM
Project: Pheonix
From your current position you can see Harold and Twitch. The Mech seems to have stopped in its tracks though.

Project: Orchid
You see one of the Experiments running towards you.

2011-07-25, 07:29 AM
Seeing that woman from earlier waving at him, Lance stops for a second to get his bearings.

Hide: [roll0]

2011-07-29, 05:43 PM
"Who the heck is that?" were really the only thoughts on Harold's mind at the time. He had caught a glimpse of a woman fighting the armor, but he couldn't be sure. Either way, she looked like she wanted to get everyone's attention. If she had a plan, that beat out anything he had at the moment. Harold started moving in towards the woman, sincerely hoping she has something worth clumping like this for.

Milo v3
2011-07-29, 06:06 PM
Projects: Iron, Unknown, Orchid and Freeman
You are now all nexts to each other on the other side of the road to the Mech, Lance and Pheonix. The girl in Harolds arms murmering every now and then.

Project: Zepherus
To your right is the others. Behind you is Pheonix, the shack, and the mech.
To your left is denser forest, as is infront of you.

2011-07-29, 08:44 PM
Pheonix observed Orchid gathering the experiments.

Pheonix: Does she have a plan? Sigh... Alright, here goes nothing.

She quickly runs out of hiding and attempts to rejoin with the other experiments.

2011-07-29, 10:09 PM
Lance moves as quietly as possible while still keeping at a good pace towards his right and the others. He hopes they have a plan to get out of here, because right now all he can think to do is run.

Move silently: [roll0]

Sleepy Shade
2011-07-29, 11:07 PM
"WHO ARE YOU?" Twitch blurted out.
Twitch was still mostly running on adrenaline and took a few breathes before continuing.
"Sorry who are you and do you have a plan to escape from here."
He really wanted to ask a few more questions but escape from whatever the guards might send next was his main thought at that moment.

2011-07-30, 10:54 AM
Sheila looks around at everyone. "Alright, lets get out of here. Next step should be getting to probably a public restroom so that we can check for tracking devices. Some of you might have been let escape so they can track others down. I personally had around 20 tracking devices on me or my gear when I got out. After that we should find a place to lay low. I have somewhere in mind, but I'm not sure if that would still be safe, as its rather close to the facility. And in case you are still wondering, yes I am an experiment." With a last concerned look at the girl they had rescued, she leads the group off to look for the nearest mall or large store.

2011-08-01, 11:32 PM
Harold breathed a sigh of relief. She was a experiment like the rest of them and she seemed to be going out of her way to help. "Sounds good to me." he chimed in. Of course, at this point, any plan that put space between him and the armor was good news. Reaffirming his grip on the girl, he follows behind the woman.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-02, 03:09 PM
Twitch was a little disappointed that his question was dodged but let it slide.
He was curious about what she meant when she said "experiment". What did that mean was she an experiment like he was.
A by product of some test surgery that had out lived it usefulness. Or did she mean she was a...
Twitch looked up lost in thought suddenly realizing he was being left behind.
He hurried and caught up to the group wincing as he started to feel the various bullet holes that riddled his body.
"When we stop does anybody have any first aid kits? I could use one."

Milo v3
2011-08-04, 06:08 AM
The group travelled for nearly half an hour when they reached the City. After another four minutes you reach a Mall. Most of it is interior, filled with shops of all types, except the area around the in the centre which is surrounded by Resturants, a book store, an ice rink, and a large Movie Theater.
You are currently outside the carpark which is out the front.

Many people appear to inside the mall, mostly teens.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-06, 10:10 PM
"So do we walk in though the front or sneak in through the back?"
While Twitch was thankful for Shelia's help he still felt a little nervous. Good luck only got you so far. He knew that once the facility was under control they would be sending out a collection squad for them soon.

I'm going to assume a few things that happened on the journey to the mall.

1. We all know each others names and Twitch finally stopped calling Harold, Henry.

2. During the walk someone patched Twitch up so that he isn't bleeding everywhere.He is still hurt but he isn't leaving a trail of blood.

3. The other experiments have told Twitch the real story of what was going on with the Umbra Corporation and that he was not going to be harvested for organs.

4. The unknown experiment is still out cold.

2011-08-07, 08:14 AM
Sheila pulls the group aside just outside the mall doors. "Alright, anyone who is injured, come with me. I should be able to get some first-aid kits. Everyone else... Wait, does anyone have money? If you do, help the others purchase clothes, then change in the rest rooms. If there is any cash left, get food. We will meet at the food court. Also, try and make it look like our unconscious friend is not unconscious, merely a tired and bored kid. After this we should try to stop by my place to pick up stuff, then see about getting out of this city. It's too dangerous so close to the facility"

2011-08-11, 08:21 AM
Pheonix stared at Sheila.

Pheonix: That sounds reckless and it doesn't seem like you took into account how much we stick out.

She placed her hand over the bloody hole in her armour, the wound has healed but she knew it will draw too much attention. Her eyes waere then drawn by her now extremely long hair which grew from her head and reached down to the ground. She pulls out her machete and cuts her hair down to shoulder length while letting the long strands fall to the ground.

Pheonix: We also have to consider how we are going to hide our weapons...

At the end of her sentence she felt lost and distracted.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-14, 10:17 PM
Twitch listened as they argued back and forth annoyed that it was taking so long.His head hurt and the twitching had come back.
Not to mention the bullet holes were making their presents known.
Excuse me, but why don't we just send in Shelia & Lance. We could wait somewhere else while they get the stuff.
Besides we're still covered in blood and reek.
Twitch looks over to Shelia before continuing.
Didn't you say something about an apartment or something?
We could go there and at least take a shower while we wait.

2011-08-15, 08:34 AM
Lance pondered this all for a moment, then said, "Ok. That sounds good. Take my gun, though. I definitely don't want to be caught with that." He handed his gun to Pheonix, because he's certainly not trusting Twitch with a gun.

2011-08-15, 08:35 PM
Sheila looks around, and then down at her side where the robot hit her. Digging into her bag, she grabs a jacket and puts it on over her shirt. With that done, she finally nods at the suggestions. "Alright, my apartment is 1234 10th street, number 2d. Here's the key, but hurry. When we come back with our first aid kits, we need to patch them up quickly and then get out. Make sure you check Pheonix and the girl's heads, they may have concussions or worse. Unfortunately, I don't think that my apartment will be safe for much longer. Speed is important right now, we can worry about stealth when we get off the radar."

2011-08-16, 02:45 AM
Pheonix takes the gun off Lance as he handed it to her and she begins staring at it as if she was lost in thought. She then suddenly grips onto the weapin hard and begins to shake.

Pheonix: I'm... Not meant to be... Escaping...

Her breathing becomes more rapid and heavy.

2011-08-16, 08:53 PM
Noticing Phoenix's condition, Harold slowly moves to the side. "Hey, I think it's a little late to go back now, especially after that machine tried to put holes in you. They've made it pretty clear they don't want us back. Now c'mon. You were the one talking about subtlety not ten seconds ago, put that thing away."

2011-08-16, 09:25 PM
Pheonix's hands shaked even more and she places the barrel of the gun against her temple. Her trigger finger was twitching, she was afraid, not because she was going to die but she was afraid of why she wouldn't of have been resistant to this action before hand.

2011-08-17, 05:28 PM
"Wow, hey, hey, calm down. Please calm down," says Lance as he instinctively takes a step forward to get his gun back from that crazy experiment. Quickly, though, he decides against grabbing it. It could upset her further. "Look, we can work this out, OK? Just give me my gun back, and we can figure it out from there. OK? Just.. just give it back. He's obviously shook up by this, and stutters through every word.

2011-08-18, 12:26 AM
Pheonix takes a deep breath and calms down.

Pheonix: I am subject 0423 of Project Thanatos. I was trained to serve. I was trained to obey. It was my purpose to exist and now that is gone...

She shivers slightly and stumbles as if a shock tore through her body. She drops the gun.

Phenoix: What am I suppose to do now?

2011-08-18, 07:34 PM
Lance reaches down and picks up his gun. Obviously, he made a wrong choice in giving it to Phoenix. "Thank you," he says with a sigh of relief. "So, um, you're going to head with Harold and Twitch back to Sheila's place. You know, I mean, if you want to. Which, you should. And, I suppose you guys can work something out there. We'll be back soon. Sound good?". He hands the gun to Harold, which was probably who he should have given it to in the first place.

2011-08-18, 09:41 PM
Pheonix felt like that there was something wrong with her. She found herself for the first time disturbed by the blood on her hands. She found this strange as she never had any problems with blood before. She remembered the time which she murdered the doctors which watched over her. Pheonix then remembered all those men, women and children she murdered with no guilt or pleasure when she ordered to along with her fellow soldiers. She suddenly screamed and cried. She believed something was terribly wrong with her but the truth is that she is just a child.

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-19, 02:44 PM
Twitch blinked a few times trying to get what had just happened to process though his head. He finally snapped out of it when his head jerked to the side reminding him that there was other priorities.

"Come on Phoenix well get this sorted out soon."
He tried to coax Phoenix to her feet.

2011-08-19, 09:50 PM
Sheila is a little stunned by the sudden change in Pheonix's demeanor. Catching her wits, she goes over to the poor girl, and tries to soothe her. "It's okay, relax. There is no need to jump to premature conclusions. Just because the purpose they gave you may seem to be gone does not mean your life is meaningless. Let's just put the gun down, and take a breath while we evaluate the situation. Okay?"[roll0] I can't quite remember what mechanics we agreed on for Sheila, but if one applies to boost my roll, I would apply it.

2011-08-24, 07:51 AM
Pheonix stumbled a few steps back. Her breathing was heavy.

Phenoix: Something... Something is wrong with me... I am a failed experiment... I will not be taken back and I... And I must proceed with self-termination... But I can not do it... I am a purposeless and faulty product...

2011-08-25, 09:42 AM
Sheila carefully moves forward, keeping her upper body steady as she takes tiny steps forwards. She continues to speak in soothing tones. "That is what they want you to think in there. Those men are real monsters. You are just a poor human being who they have done terrible things to. Don't let them dictate your life. You are more than what they say you are. Remember how much they have hurt you? That cancels out any hold they have on you. If you need a purpose, why not stop their terrible experiments. Just look at how they have mistreated this poor girl. Can you really allow them to continue in their horrors unopposed? Let us work with you to stop them. That, as I see it, is your purpose, fellow human being."

Sleepy Shade
2011-08-25, 09:55 PM
While Shelia and Phoenix talked Twitch decided he might as well check on the girl before going off, he pocketed the key, and went over to Harold to see how she was. He also quickly looked around for any prying eyes. Being out in the open in front of a mall felt like a bad idea.

I check on the girl and look around.
Untrained Knowledge to check her health([roll0])
And I take Ten on a spot check ( 10-1= 9)

2011-08-30, 06:34 PM
Harold lowered the girl a little to give Twitch a slightly better look. He didn't know if Twitch had any sort of medical experience but he's seen more surprising things today. "Notice anything?" he asked curiously.

Milo v3
2011-08-30, 08:05 PM
Mall Parking Lot
Twitch you see she is twitching in a way similiar to your hands. Mumbling something in her sleep.
You and Harold can barely hear it.
"No. Pain. Take. Away."
You also don't see anyone else in the parking lot.

Sleepy Shade
2011-09-02, 12:21 PM
Besides that she talks in her sleep. No. It could be a sign she waking up but I'm not sure. I hope Phoenix calms down soon.

2011-09-02, 08:32 PM
Phenoix finally manages to pull herself together, however, she looked emotionless and she didn't say a word.

Sleepy Shade
2011-09-11, 07:12 PM
Twitch looked over at Phoenix she didn't look like she was in a mood to travel but as long as she didn't try to stab him he decided it would have to do.
"Come on Phoenix we need to get going." he turned to Harold and Sheila, "We'll see you at the aparment alright. "

2011-09-11, 08:04 PM
Sheila looks relieved that the tension is over, but unfortunately she knows the agency will be looking for them. "Alright, we'd better get moving. Twitch and Harold, take Pheonix home, and make sure she doesn't have another episode. Don't give her a weapon. Lance and I will get first-aid kits, and food and meet you there."

2011-09-13, 04:39 PM
Harold adjusted how he held the girl, wrapping her arms around his neck so it looks like he's carrying a sleeping child. "Alright, c'mon then. We need to move fast. We don't want any unwanted attention." He then began to move around the outside of the outside of the parking lot to avoid the being out in the open.

Milo v3
2011-09-13, 05:56 PM
Twitch, Harold, and Pheonix then travelled through the streets of the city, the city was dark full of smog obscuring your vision more than twenty feet . Dispite this you eventually reach Shelia's Hotel appartment.

It is significantly cleaner than the outside of the city, multiple lights casting a warm white glow into the whole place. You are currently in the living room which has a large TV, a lounge, and several shelves filled with books. This room connects to a small kitchen, and two bedrooms, and the bathroom. One Bedroom had a single large bed, the other had two small beds.

2011-09-13, 06:11 PM
Sheila takes a moment outside the mall to watch the rest of the group leave. Also, she fixes her appearance after the nasty knock she got from the mechanized man outside the facility. Feeling confident again, she leads Lance into the mall and goes in search of a first aid kit If I understand the wealth system correctly, I should be able to just buy some first aid kits and meals without having to roll or calculate anything.

Also, do we have any ideas of what to do after we presumably flee the city?

2011-09-13, 08:09 PM
Lance follows Sheila around the mall, buying what she buys. She seems to be the most adept to these sorts of scenarios of the group, so it felt safe to be with her. He lets her do all the talking, if necessary.

Basically, I'd like to get some first aid kits and rations. Also some batteries if possible.

2011-09-14, 05:10 AM
Pheonix stumbles into the bathroom with her strength draining rapidly. She heaved herself over the sink and counter and twisted the handle of the tap. She let the water run for a while as she thought deeply about what should be done. She immersed her hands with water to wash away the blood and splashed some more on to her face to clear her mind. She then filled her hands with the cold liquid and attempted to drink from it like it was a makeshift bowl only to suddenly wrap her lips around the tap and fill her stomach with the rejuvenating liquid. She turned the tap off and as she lifted her face, she spotted someone over the counter. It was a woman. She looked tired and frightened. She attempted to touch her face but there was glass between them. She realised it was a reflection and the person in the mirror was her.

2011-09-15, 07:22 PM
"There you are," Harold said as he layed the girl down on one of the twin beds. "You rest there honey, and please try to be sane when you wake up. Speaking from experience, it's harder than it sounds." He was worried this girl would be a repeat case of Phoenix. Up and about, but still stuck in the dream. He got out through pure luck, an oversight. Whatever they did to him in the dream, whatever made him "Iron," made it harder to keep him there. But he was awake now, and he needed to help Phoenix out, and this girl if she needed it.
Harold's body sent him a message in the slight light headedness and a loud gurgling noise. "Carrying a little girl for miles doesn't do good things for being hungry. Hope Sheila doesn't mind us raiding her kitchen before she get's here," he thought, leaving the girl tucked in.

Sleepy Shade
2011-09-20, 03:05 PM
Twitch was in the kitchen looking around the fridge and the cabinets looking for some food.He had headed straight for the kitchen when they got here and he was pretty hungry. As Harold walked in Twitch looked over at him and asked if he wanted any. He was in the process of cooking some hot dogs he had found.
"There are also some chips in the cabinets. If you want any."
Twitch had cleaned him self as best he could but he was really looking forward to that shower.

2011-09-20, 09:26 PM
Since the DM hasn't said anything to the contrary, I'm going to assume we got supplies and food and brought them back.

Sheila and Lance manage to procure the necessary supplies and head back to the apartment. Sheila knocks on the door and plants herself so that anyone looking through the peephole could easily identify her.

2011-09-22, 08:37 AM
After taking a peek through the eyehole, Harold opens the door for Sheila and Lance. "Welcome home," he greets half jokingly, "Did you get everything we need?"

2011-09-22, 06:33 PM
Sheila nods quickly before gently but firmly pushing past him and closing the door behind her and Lance. Seeing everyone's attention on her, she asks a quick question. "Does anyone here have any medical training? I am not well versed in proper medicine, and I think someone else would be better able to administer any first aid care that we need. Also, we have hot food."

2011-09-23, 07:04 AM
Pheonix slowly emerged from the bathroom with her hair wet. She spoke with a voice which showed her exhaustion.

Pheonix: I have... But keep in mind that I was a medic, not a doctor.

Sleepy Shade
2011-10-06, 03:40 PM
"Good to see ya Ms.Shelia did you make sure no one followed? did you keep to the shadows? did you check the equipment to make sure there weren't any tracking devices? by the way I call next bath."
Twitch was glad for the rest and food, but he was still paranoid that the guards were looking for them. However the hot food overruled most of his paranoia so he took one the boxes of food and started eating at the table. It was good.

Milo v3
2011-10-15, 08:06 AM
Shiela's Appartment
Night eventually passed. It was a calm night overal, nothing happened other than the mystery girl muttering.
But now it is morning. And three knocks come from the door.

2011-10-16, 08:39 PM
Sheila wakes up quickly, proud of the fact that she did indeed sleep in clean athletic clothes. She pockets her brass knuckles and knife while replying in a sleepy voice "Just a minute" She walks quietly out of her room, checking on each other person in the apartment to see that they are awake and moving out of sight from the door. She then looks out the peephole at whoever is knocking on her door.

[roll0][roll1] If there are any other rolls, feel free to roll them.

Milo v3
2011-10-16, 09:19 PM
Standing on the otherside of the door is a female police officer.

2011-10-16, 09:44 PM
Lance stands up against the wall so that whoever is at the door can't see him. He holds his gun in hand, and waits for Sheila's signal.

Sleepy Shade
2011-10-21, 12:58 PM
Twitch hides in his bedroom waiting for any sign that things are going south. While waiting he tries to formulate a simple plan to escape if they need to.

Knowledge Tactics [roll0]

2011-10-21, 01:48 PM
Harold had volunteered himself for the floor of the bedroom that night. Terrible idea. When he woke up from the sound of someone knocking, he woke up with a stiff back and aching muscles. Actually, most of that aching was probably just from carrying that girl all night finally catching up to him. That and the experiment he went to. He noticed a bit of pain when he first left Umbra's facility, but that was dull and very shallow. Now he felt it soaked through his entire legs and arms, like the feeling after a hard workout only permanent.

Regardless of how he felt he'd have to keep going. He put his ear to the wall waiting for any sign this might go poorly to take action.

Listen check: [roll0]

2011-10-21, 09:45 PM
Pheonix found difficulty sleeping that night, her thoughts were filled with confusion and she was lost on any decision that conflicted her training. Still, she knew that there was some danger in this situation and her self-preservation overrides everything else. She pulls out her beretta and hides in the bathroom, waiting for one of companion's signals.

2011-10-21, 10:33 PM
Sheila, seeing no real alternative, opens the door. At least its only one she thinks to herself. She prays for luck as she hopes the policewoman is not here to arrest the fugitives. "'morning, officer. Can I help you?"

Milo v3
2011-10-23, 08:14 PM
You realise you could use the fire escape if nessisary.

You don't hear anything suspicious.

"Yes I think you can. Firstly are you alone here in his apartment?"

2011-10-23, 11:23 PM
Sheila ponders the question for a second, trying to figure out a good answer. She decides she must know the officer's motives first. "What is wrong officer? If it was a noise complaint I can assure you it wasn't from here.


2011-11-03, 06:30 PM
Lance, hearing Sheila's tone and use of the word, "officer", immediately hides his gun. He can't believe that his instinct when somebody knocked on the door was to pull a gun, but that's what Umbra did to him. He begins to do what he should have done in the first place, which is to think of a plan.

Knowledge(tactics): [roll0]. If I have a minute of time, I'll try a plan: [roll1].

Milo v3
2011-11-03, 08:32 PM
"No it wasn't a noice complaint. We are currently searching people homes in this district for escaped mental asylum patients.
Now please are you alone in this appartment."

2011-11-04, 01:45 PM
Sheila mentally glanced behind her to guess what her friends would be doing as she covered her thoughts with conversation as she plans her response. Her voice stays calm and quiet, and her body language begins to even more strongly hint at sleepiness as she appears to merely be thinking aloud. "That is rather interesting. When did this happen, and from where? I don't seem to recall anywhere near here housing asylum patients that would require a police search. Oh right, your question.., as for others here, there are a couple friends here that are recovering from a rather intense hiking trip we went on. Due to that, they are currently asleep, in fact, you are rather lucky you woke me up. I promise you there is no one here who has escaped from a medical care facility, let alone recently. Unless you have specific reason otherwise, which I can't imagine you have, I would ask you to leave before you disturb them." Leaning forward conspiratorially as she spoke the last few sentences, Sheila makes a plan of attack in case the police officer has a specific reason for targeting the apartment.

Milo v3
2011-11-04, 05:24 PM
While you talking to her, her pupils start to dilate. Then immediately as you stop they return to normal.
"Of course miss."
The Police officer then disappeared down the stairs.

2011-11-04, 07:35 PM
Sheila casually yet quietly shuts the door behind her, then waves the assembled entourage into one of the bedrooms. She speaks to them in a whisper just loud enough to ensure everyone can hear, in case she needs to preserve their cover. "While that may have been a heavy-hanted attempt to make us nervous and flush us out, I worry that that policewoman might have been more than she seemed. If you are not already prepared, please do so. I also would not wish to misrepresent anyone, so if you had any thoughts to your own alibi, i would appreciate them. Also, how is our young friend?"

Sleepy Shade
2011-11-19, 01:44 AM
Twitch peers out of his room and walks to the couch in the front room and starts to think about a possible cover story. He is currently wearing a pair of blue jeans. A old pair of tennis shoes. The blue zip up hooded jacket and a brown t shirt underneath.
Looking up at Lance and ask him
"Hey Lance is there some sort of medical condition I could pretend I have. Something that would look like my constant twitching were symptoms."