View Full Version : AvB - Nash

2011-07-04, 12:16 AM
If you are not Vuann or his DM go away or the piranha from the castle moat will come for you... they mostly come at night.... mostly.

On the other side is a dwarf sitting at a desk with a pile of papers strewn throughout. He glances up as you enter and says, "Oh, another one so soon? Sign this and please don't touch anything else on this table." He pushes a paper your direction.

The walls are bare stone, and behind him is a black door made of iron.

2011-07-04, 04:05 AM
Nash looks at the paper briefly then signs his name at the bottom.

"I'm not much for formality anyways, but what exactly did I just sign?"

2011-07-04, 04:11 AM
The dwarf gives an annoyed grunt as he is distracted from his own paperwork.

"It is a standard non-disclosure agreement." He says without looking up from what he is writting.

After a moment he looks up and continues "This contract ensures, magically and mundanely, that you dont talk about anything you see past these doors..."

After you give him the signed form he places it at the top of his pile and thanks you, he then and waves you on through the black door.

2011-07-04, 01:04 PM
Nash nods at the Dwarf and proceeds through the door.

2011-07-04, 01:16 PM
As he goes through he sees a well groomed, well dressed halfling standing between two large staircases leading upwards.

The halfling smiles and says 'Good day sir. Employer or employee please?"

2011-07-04, 03:15 PM
Nash smiles at the sight of another Halfling. "Employee".

2011-07-04, 03:22 PM
The other halfling smiles at you obviously not seeing many of his kind around here. "Right this way then brother. I am sure you will find everything you are looking for!"

He cheerfully takes you up the left-hand staircase. He opens the door at the top and ushers you on through and then closes it behind you.

On the other side are long hallways with labels describing the sort of jobs offered along that hall.

2011-07-04, 03:32 PM
"My main concern at this moment is to reduce the amount of crime that is leaking out of the city into the surrounding areas. Where would I locate listings that would cover this type of criminal activity? Thieves, gangs, murderers.. Anything like this happening on the edge, or even outside of the city interest me."

2011-07-04, 03:39 PM
The halfling smiles at you in understanding

"Well brother, have a look around and perhaps something will strike your fancy... I understand what you are saying but the jobs here are essentially posted by individuals who want something done directly..." he says before closing the door.

The halls are labeled by category, and the doors with names of employers. Veshna finds that one hall is holding rooms for "problem solving - discreet" and another "personal protection - quiet" that have sword symbols beneath their text.

There are almost always 12 doors per hallway and there seems to be a very large number of hallways.

You have the feeling that you could even spend the whole day here if you were to check out every single door.

Feel free to "make up" a hallway that something your character is looking for using the above two as an example. It should be something that an individual or an organization would pay you to do as these are private jobs as opposed to work for the city itself or for the City Watch.

2011-07-07, 09:28 AM

Are you still interested in this?

2011-07-16, 08:38 AM
Last check about your intentions with this character. Are you at all interested in continuing or is your schedule/preferences stopping you from that?

Just asking to know if I should move you to the inactives list or not...