View Full Version : [Qwixalted] An alternative rules-set for Exalted

2011-07-04, 06:44 AM
I hadn't seen this (http://aakin.net/qwixalted/doku.php)until recently, it's an alternative system for Exalted based on the 1st edition quickstart, some stuff from 2nd edition and various ideas from nWoD.

To quote some of the goals:

What is Qwixalted?

Qwixalted started as the temporary name for my project of expanding the 1st Edition Exalted Quickstart and streamlining the 2nd Edition's complexity until they melded into one glorious magic material amalgam.

That was the original idea anyway. Things have a way of changing though. The name got thrown around so much that it kind of stuck and the original RPGnet thread drew so much interest and so many different ideas that this wiki was born.

I had an idea for what Qwixalted was, but then so did so many others on RPGnet. Qwixalted became bigger than me. It started as a game and became a philosophy. We love Exalted, but we don't need their rules. Not when we've got ours…

And the most important bit, how it works:

How does it work?

Similar to the Quickstart rules, each character knows only 5 Abilities (Example: Dawn, Zenith, Twilight, Night, and Eclipse for Solars) with each of these Abilities covering their associated skills. Abilities are rated 1 to 6 and they form the dice pool for almost every roll.

I took a hint from (new) World of Darkness and simplified the base mechanic into Ability - Difficulty = Pool. A single success accomplishes any task, though more successes sometimes do a better job. Combat ends up as (Ability + Weapon Damage) - (Defense + Soak). With the defender using only static values, combat smooths out nicely!

What I'm most proud of, however, are the Charm rules. Instead of complicated, labyrinthine, convoluted, and arcane charm trees, all Charms are reduced to 6 basic keywords. Solars have Overwhelming, Reaching, Multiple, Paced, Supernatural, and Holy. Learning a charm means buying a keyword and attaching it to a skill (Example: Blazing Solar Bolt is reduced to a Melee attack using Reaching + Holy). Simple, fast, and flexible!

Why bother?

Why use Qwixalted?

In addition to the streamlining above, I made a few very specific design choices:

Excluding Flurries - Only one attack per turn, nWoD style.
Simplifying Combat - No DV penalties, just move and attack on your turn.
Reducing the “Whiff Factor” - Exalts always roll at least 1 die, and a missed attack grants a bonus to the defender's next roll.

These are problems I always had with Exalted and things that I feel needed to change if the game was to be playable. That is, playable for me. And the shloads of others that feel Exalted is ridiculously crunchy.

In short, Qwixalted is all flavor and no frustration.

The page with the rules on is here (http://aakin.net/qwixalted/doku.php?id=complete_rule_sets). Still digesting it, but I think it's pretty neat.

2011-07-04, 09:16 AM
There is such a thing as oversimplification, and a quick glance makes me believe that this is it. In the extreme.

Would not play.

2011-07-04, 01:01 PM
It's better than the official Exalted system, but still not going to be my system of choice for running Exalted.

2011-07-04, 02:49 PM
There is such a thing as oversimplification, and a quick glance makes me believe that this is it. In the extreme.

Would not play.

Given my love of Wushu, it wouldn't surprise you to say I disagree with the sentiment.

It's better than the official Exalted system, but still not going to be my system of choice for running Exalted.

Wouldn't be my first choice either (Strands of Fate is), but at least I now have an alternative choice should my group prefer something closer to the original*.

*Though they've said outright that while they'd happily play Exalted once more, they'd never play it with the native system again.

2011-07-08, 07:12 AM
Here's a sextet of God-Blooded characters:

Here's an initial pass at a group of X-Blooded, scheming in Yu-Shan (from your concept here (http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?573432-Exalted-God-Blooded-Heaven-s-Rejects)). All were made using the Heroic Mortal stat breakdown and 10 additional XP. I didn't include Motivations, Intimacies, or Combos/Spells, as those are things that I usually put on the players.

Dappled Brassia - Socialite with a Dark Side; "The Face"
Child of the Orchidaceae, God of Exotic Orchids (possibly by way of Mariliaq a'Lam)
Warrior 1, Priest 4 (Performance), Scholar 2, Criminal 3, Broker 4 (Socialize)
Contacts 2 - Party People (+1 Major, +1 Range),
Influence 1 - The Social Set (+1 Rank, + Scope)
Influence 1 - Cash Money (+2 Rank)
Manse 2 - Garden (+1 Amenities, Cannot be Scryed)
Performance - Supernatural, Paced, Transcendent
Socialize - Reaching, Transcendent
Combo Ideas
Performance - Paced, Transcendent: Be amazing at oration and acting for an extended period of time.
Socialize - Reaching, Transcendent: Make everyone in the room believe you or restore social decorum.

Dragonfly Perched on Willows - Disgruntled Child and Fledgling Sorcerer; "The Plotter"
Child of the {unnamed} Censor of the East; "The Mark"
Warrior 2, Priest 3 (Presence), Scholar 4 (Occult), Criminal 2, Broker 3
Allies 3 - Dear ol' Dad
Artifact 2 - Badge of Authority (+2 Presence)
Influence 2- Borrowed Cred from Dad (+2 Range)
Presence - Multiple, Transcendent
Terrestrial Sorcery
Terrestrial Style - Commanding, Encyclopedic
Combo Ideas
Presence - Multiple, Transcendent: Kowtow all of the guards
Spells - Any attack or defense buffs would be useful. Infallible Messenger is a must.

Tarnished Ocre - Celestial Bastard; "The Muscle"
Child of Taren, Celestial Lion
Warrior 3 (Martial Arts), Priest 4 (Resistance), Scholar 3, Criminal 3, Broker 2
Artifact - Golden Gauntlets (+2 MA Attack -1 Initiative)
Artifact - Hide Armor (+1 Soak)
Artifacts - Armor Spere (Spend 1E/scene, +2 Soak but immobile)
Contacts 2 - Celestial Lions (+1 Major, +2 Range, +1 Scope)
Martial Arts - Supernatural, Imperious
Resistance - Multiple, Imperious
Terrestrial Style - Burly, Tenacious
Combo Ideas
Martial Arts - Imperious + Resistance - Imperious: Add E/2 to both Soak and MA DV!
Resistance - Multiple, Imperious: Add E/2 to the Soak of E/2 Allies

Arik Wastrel - Lowest Among the Low; "The Chameleon"
Child of Bizmog, Ex-City God, Current Bum
Warrior 3 (Melee), Priest 3, Scholar 1, Criminal 4 (Larceny), Broker 2
Artifact 2 - Burnished Stone Dagger (+1 Melee Attack +1 Melee DV)
Contacts 3 - The Homeless of Yu-Shan (+3 Major, +3 Scope)
Influence 1 - Can get you what you need (+2 Scope)
Melee - Multiple, Imperious
Athletics - Reaching
Larceny - Supernatural, Transcendent
Stealth - Transcendent
Combo Ideas
Larceny - Supernatural, Transcendent: Hide in plain sight.
Melee - Multiple + Athletics - Reaching: Hit an additional E/2 enemies, up to an extra E/2 Range away.

Dutiful Sparrow - Bottom of the Corporate Ladder; "The Inside-Man"
Child of Peregrine Insight, Chosen of Secrets, and Ryzala
Warrior 2, Priest 2, Scholar 4 (Investigation), Criminal 3 (Dodge), Broker 3
Allies 2 - Various Clerks (Rank 2, Magnitude 2 Low Gods)
Artifact 2 - Blessed Glassed (+1 Awareness & Dodge DV Glasses)
Influence 1 - Rumored Parents (+1 Rank)
Investigation - Reaching, Supernatural, Fated
Awareness - Supernatural
Dodge - Auspicious
Terrestrial Style - Calculated, Impecible
Combo Ideas
Investigation - Reaching, Supernatural: Retrieve hidden information from across town.
Awareness - Supernatural + Dodge - Auspicious: See a surprise attack coming and add E/2 to your Dodge DV to avoid it.

Kupe Tawhiri - Bored Intern and Fire-starter; "The Demolition Man"
Child of Hamoji, Volcano God, Chief God of Wavecrest
Warrior 4 (Thrown), Priest 2, Scholar 3 (Craft), Criminal 2, Broker 3
Artifact 2 - Air Skiff (1E/scene Flight, +1 Sail)
Artifact 2 - Boomerang (Med Range, +1 Thrown Attack)
Manse 1 - Island in Wavecrest (+1 Essence Respiration)
Thrown - Paced, Reaching, Supernatural, Transcendent
Craft - Paced, Supernatural
Combo Ideas
Craft - Paced, Supernatural - MacGuyver your way out of a problem or break something in even less time.
Thrown - Paced, Reaching, Supernatural - Create a surging ball of fire that will explode in E/2 Turns and act as a Hazard rather than an attack.

2011-08-25, 03:51 AM
Holy cow, I was googling around and found myself quoted here!

For anyone curious about how rules-lite Qwixalted can be, check out the more detailed ruleset that I contribute to (curated by the man, aka Daiklave) aakin.net/qwixalted/doku.php?id=daiklave_s_stuff

Feel free to hit me up with questions!

2011-09-02, 04:59 PM
To anyone following this, Daiklave's rules have been updated.

2011-10-10, 04:11 AM
Both sets have been updated again, there's a consideration of the tier below Exalted in both.