View Full Version : Diopsid Barbarian//Rogue

Darth Stabber
2011-07-04, 06:56 PM
So working on an NPC that might become my own PC in a few weeks, and the race, classes and weapon of choice have already been established
Weapon of choice: Spiked Chain (possibly plural, though Spiked Chain, guisarme, spiked gauntlet hasn't beed ruled out) (free proficency).
Stat rolls: 18, 16, 16, 15, 12, 9
Flaw: ???
Trait: Illiterate

Working out the rest of the character (noting that only 1 trait and flaw are allowed), I'm not sure where to go with him. I threw that combination together just as a funny combination, and now I have to do something with what has been established (and the above established for better or worse). No eberron or forgotten realms please.

2011-07-04, 07:02 PM
Those weapon choices are really rather unfortunate. Going -4/-4 to TWF two-handed weapons is painful, and I don't see any other synergies to make use of the race there. Large one-handers and the Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting feat (CAdv) really work to bring out the racial strengths. Are you sure those weapons are set in stone? It sounds a bit uncertain by the way you list all the things it could be.

Darth Stabber
2011-07-04, 07:07 PM
1 spiked chain is set in stone, the second it mutable.

2011-07-04, 07:15 PM
Actually, scratch what I said. I was trying to make it fit my conception of Diopsid weapon styles. As long as your off-hands are not wielding a two-hander you'll be good as far as penalties are concerned. Indeed, you'll be able to TWF using a two-hander and a light weapon or a one-handed weapon with OTWF.

I do still recommend using a one-hander in the off-hands because if you use a light weapon you can't gain two-handed benefits and you get outdone at the same thing by another race "TWFing" with a two-hander and armor spikes.

So... as far as an actual direction, I guess you could just do anything you like with that free spiked chain. Tripping would be a good bet, with Combat Reflexes and Improved Trip. But on the other hand, it's not like you had to dedicate special resources to getting spiked chain proficiency, so you're not tied to tripping by prior commitment. You could focus on charging and pumping initiative, getting SA in on the opening round and laying waste with regular charger combinations (Shock Trooper + anything).