View Full Version : [3.5] Combat Specialist Build

2011-07-04, 11:30 PM
I was recently commissioned by one of my friend's players to make a tripping character. After looking at the possibilities, I reckoned that it aint quite worth it to use just tripping, and that many of the special attacks in the PHB flourish under similar conditions, in similar characters. This is what I've come up with, and I hope that you guys might give me some insight before I ship this one out to it's customer.

The Combat Specialist (CS) is a build, not a class, that takes full advantage of the combat rules in Dungeons and Dragons Edition 3.5 (DnD 3.5). While more than capable of holding it's own in a fair fight, the Specialist gains a tactical edge by using special attacks outlined in the Player's Handbook (PHB). The Combat Specialist tends to focus on one weapon which they use as an instrument in unconventional fighting.

Strength: Strength (STR) is paramount to the CS, as it not only is the modifier for melee attack and damage rolls, but also determines the outcomes of many special attacks, and is a prerequisite for many advanced combat feats (STR > 13).
Intelligence & Dexterity: Both Intelligence (INT) and Dexterity (DEX) are required for advanced combat feats (STAT > 13). Dexterity also plays into some special attack outcomes, and Armor Class (AC).
Others: The other ability statistics: Constitution (CON), Wisdom (WIS), and Charisma (CHA), are really your call to make, and help define your character outside of this build. That said, having a high CON score is suggested, as it will increase your survivability in battle, or Hit Points (HP).

Human: Humans are the suggested race for this build, as they have no outstanding faults, and gain a precious extra feat at first level, which can be used to improve advanced combat capabilities.
Half-Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, and Half-Elves: These races have no statistic essential to this class diminished, and all gain some bonuses that may be beneficial to your unique iteration of the CS build. The Half-Orc is an exception, as it's INT is diminished, making it more difficult to take certain feats, but their increased STR can make up for this if you can afford the loss.
Midgets: The two peace-loving hippie midget races, Halflings and Gnomes, have everything against them; namely Size and STR. While they both have a stat modifier that could be useful to a CS character, their diminished STR and size put them at a massive disadvantage (-5) when using Special Attacks.

Fighters: Fighters are the most obvious choice for the CS build, with a fully advanced Base Attack Bonus (BAB), as well as a bonus feat selection that caters to an advanced style of play, and enables the practical use of advanced maneuvers early on.
Barbarians, Paladins, and Rangers: Barbarians, Paladins and Rangers are all blessed with the same fully advanced BAB as the fighter, but each suffer an acute lack of bonus feats, and their own unique stupidity. Barbarians and Paladins have alignment restrictions, and rangers waste their combat mastery on two un-useful methods of fighting.
Monks and Rogues: Monks and Rogues have a combat style that, while slightly weaker than the above classes, favors, and makes the best use of the less than chivalrous tactics employed by a Combat Specialist.
Bards, Clerics, and Druids: These classes lack any distinguished combat ability, but can make use of the fighting tactics offered by this build to an effect that ranges from mildly helpful to amusing.
Sorcerers and Wizards: Just don't.

Apart from looking into skills that have an obvious combat application, for example: balance, bluff, hide, move silently, and tumble; Skills are open for you to develop your character the way you want to.

Advanced Combat Feats, such as those available to fighters as bonus feats, are suggested for a CS character.
I personally suggest beginning with:
Combat Expertise (Unless monk): Prerequisite for Improved Trip and Disarm, as well as providing flexibility in defense.
Improved Disarm: Provides a +4 bonus to disarm attempts, and negates the Attack of Oppritunity (AoO) associated with engaging in a disarm.
Improved Trip: Provides a +4 bonus to trip attempts, and negates the AoO, as well as allowing a follow through attack on any successful trip attempt.
And then exploring and investing in the Dodge, Power Attack, and Weapon Focus feat trees.

A Combat Specialist uses His/Her weapon as a tool to engage in special attacks, as such it would be wise to choose a weapons that is both Two Handed, and capable of use in Tripping. Two Handed weapons gain a +4 circumstance bonus in all disarm attempts, while having a weapon usable in a trip attempt negates the possibility of your attempt backfiring. Examples of such weapons from the PHB include: the Flail, both heavy and dire (gain an extra +2 circumstance bonus in disarm attempts on top of their existing +4); the Halberd (which gains a x2 damage bonus against charging opponents); the Guisarme (which has the added bonus, and penalty associated with reach weapons); and the Spiked Chain (which has reach, can damage adjacent enemies and gains an extra +2 bonus in disarm attempts)
Other trip capable weapons include the light flail (+2 bonus on disarm) and the whip (incapable of damaging armored opponents, is reach 15ft, incurs attacks of opportunity as if ranged, but is very stylish and Indiana Jonesy)
Other two handed weapons are readily available in the weapon charts of all source books.

Combat Specialists make fine front-line combatants, with their focus on STR and BAB, but can serve in a much greater capacity. By employing the environment, enemies weaknesses and ally's abilities, a combat specialist can tip the scales in their favor. With an in depth knowledge of special attacks, such a character can dispatch both crowds of lowly minions, or high caliber, hard hitting opponents.

2011-07-05, 02:10 AM
With arcane spells like Mirror Move, Polymorph and Heroics, casters can use the tactics here fairly effectively.

This has mainly to do with Size modifiers to actions like Trip and Disarm. Enlarge one size and you get a +4. Enlarge multiple size categories and you get a bonus that BAB can't keep up with, along with strength increases and a comensurate increase to reach. The spells above allow the benefits of training without devoting permenant resources like feats toward them.

For a dedicated specialist...I would put my money on a Psychic Warrior. Utilising a race like Half Giant or Goliath and taking Expansion as their first power known.

The Rabbler
2011-07-05, 03:49 AM
This sounds like you want Haberdash the Masked. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=88633)

EDIT: love the avatar, Commodore.

EDIT2: I really need to sit you down and explain why the weapon focus and weapon specialization feat tree are as bad as they are.

2011-07-05, 09:44 AM
2 levels of Wolf Totem Barbarian get you Improved Trip without needing any Intelligence.

2011-07-05, 11:17 AM
But if you play a human fighter, you can get all of the suggested feats right off the bat.

The Rabbler
2011-07-05, 11:33 AM
But if you play a human fighter, you can get all of the suggested feats right off the bat.

It's always better to get something for free. Wolf Totem Barbarian will get you Rage (or whirling frenzy), Improved Trip for free, Fast Movement (or pounce), Good BAB, and some great HD. Going Fighter 2 instead gets you 1 extra feat (which must then be spent on prerequisites) and less skills.

Instead of going human fighter 1 to get the feat, go human spirit lion totem wolf totem barbarian 2 w/ whirling frenzy. You get a much greater return.

Also, seriously: take a look at Haberdash. If this is for the E6 campaign and you therefore can't take factotum to 8, go for barbarian 2/factotum 3/master of masks 1. It'll get you Int to all Str and Dex checks (including Trip and Disarm) and, with the Gladiator Mask, proficiency with all exotic weapons.

2011-07-05, 12:26 PM
Pardon me, but did you say you were "commissioned" to do this work for a "customer"? Am I correct in saying that someone is paying you to do this in cash money (as opposed to buying pizza and beer for the group that night)?

If so, then you really shouldn't be asking us for advice, which you are then going to sell to some guy who could have gotten the same advice for free just for posting on this board. I don't care if he (or anyone else) reads Haberdash and uses them in a game. In fact I encourage it, and have updated the build based on feedback from people who PM on the site. I am humbled and gratified whenever someone in this community shows interest in my work.

But I do not want you selling what I write to anyone else. In my opinion it is not ethical to plagiarize someone else's work for profit. I imagine that other people on this site may feel the same way.

The Rabbler
2011-07-05, 02:48 PM
Pardon me, but did you say you were "commissioned" to do this work for a "customer"? Am I correct in saying that someone is paying you to do this in cash money (as opposed to buying pizza and beer for the group that night)?

If so, then you really shouldn't be asking us for advice, which you are then going to sell to some guy who could have gotten the same advice for free just for posting on this board. I don't care if he (or anyone else) reads Haberdash and uses them in a game. In fact I encourage it, and have updated the build based on feedback from people who PM on the site. I am humbled and gratified whenever someone in this community shows interest in my work.

But I do not want you selling what I write to anyone else. In my opinion it is not ethical to plagiarize someone else's work for profit. I imagine that other people on this site may feel the same way.

Don't worry, Person_Man, I know this guy IRL and he's simply using an extended metaphor. He's by no means the most experienced member of our group and I highly doubt that one of our group-members would go to him and pay him to build a character.

2011-07-05, 02:58 PM
And then exploring and investing in [...] Weapon Focus

Unless you're restricted to core only, this is a VERY bad idea. +1 to hit or +2 to damage with one weapon is NOT worth a feat under any circumstances.

And if you are limited to core, you may want to look at Saph's Horizon Tripper.

Hiro Protagonest
2011-07-05, 03:06 PM
*snip* Midgets: The two peace-loving hippie midget races, *snip*

Some friends of mine would like a word with you.



Anyway, do not take the dodge tree, unless you're going for karmic strike. Mobility and spring attack are not worth it. Don't take improved disarm either, your opponent has to have a weapon for it to be any use, and improved trip basically does the same thing.

Take the combat reflexes tree and get a guisarme or spiked chain, your gonna love being able to make every enemy in 10 feet of you fall down. Also, look into the stand still feat in XPH (it has absolutely nothing to do with psionics).

2011-07-05, 03:09 PM
Don't worry, Person_Man, I know this guy IRL and he's simply using an extended metaphor. He's by no means the most experienced member of our group and I highly doubt that one of our group-members would go to him and pay him to build a character.

If that's the case, then obviously I have no issue with it. Again, I have no problem with anyone using anything I write and post online for free. It is the internet after all.

I was just annoyed because over the weekend I spoke to a friend of mine who does paid freelance work for Paizo, and he mentioned that he had stopped posting anything writes online, for fear of it being stolen before he gets a chance to publish it. And my opinion is that to the extent that we as a community can foster and encourage the online sharing of ideas and reward people who write good stuff, and discourage "borrowing" other peoples ideas for profit and outright plagiarism, we should.

2011-07-05, 03:55 PM
Unless you're restricted to core only, this is a VERY bad idea. +1 to hit or +2 to damage with one weapon is NOT worth a feat under any circumstances.

And if you are limited to core, you may want to look at Saph's Horizon Tripper.

Melee Weapon Mastery and its trees would like to have a word. :smallwink:

Anyway, do not take the dodge tree, unless you're going for karmic strike. Mobility and spring attack are not worth it. Don't take improved disarm either, your opponent has to have a weapon for it to be any use, and improved trip basically does the same thing.

Take the combat reflexes tree and get a guisarme or spiked chain, your gonna love being able to make every enemy in 10 feet of you fall down. Also, look into the stand still feat in XPH (it has absolutely nothing to do with psionics).

Dodge tree does have a couple more uses than just Karmic Strike (Elusive Target, Words Given Form, Jaunter) but the variants are typically better (Expeditious Dodge, Desert Wind Dodge, Midnight Dodge). Midnight Dodge is only if you want to use Elusive Target or Words Given Form or if you just want the Essentia and need Dodge as a prereq for something else.

2011-07-06, 11:56 PM
Pardon me, but did you say you were "commissioned" to do this work for a "customer"? Am I correct in saying that someone is paying you to do this in cash money (as opposed to buying pizza and beer for the group that night)?

If so, then you really shouldn't be asking us for advice, which you are then going to sell to some guy who could have gotten the same advice for free just for posting on this board. I don't care if he (or anyone else) reads Haberdash and uses them in a game. In fact I encourage it, and have updated the build based on feedback from people who PM on the site. I am humbled and gratified whenever someone in this community shows interest in my work.

But I do not want you selling what I write to anyone else. In my opinion it is not ethical to plagiarize someone else's work for profit. I imagine that other people on this site may feel the same way.

Hah, don't worry.
1) I'm a Communist
2) Anyone in our group willing to *pay* for optimization would probably do it themselves or go to the Rabbler for help.
3) Unless otherwise stated, I assume all Internet content has a "copyleft" and wouldn't take credit or money for things I find (as well as making sure the OP got credit), and would point them in your direction before making the effort to plagiarize

Sorry for the misunderstanding, I use words basically whenever they're good enough and lying around in my minds' RAM.


2011-07-07, 11:03 AM
Unless you're restricted to core only, this is a VERY bad idea. +1 to hit or +2 to damage with one weapon is NOT worth a feat under any circumstances.

And if you are limited to core, you may want to look at Saph's Horizon Tripper.
Actually its worth it when its also worth +2 to DC, ala Boomerang Daze and standstill