View Full Version : Help me beef this character up a little? (E6, 3.5; Swordsage)

2011-07-05, 10:51 AM

I'm trying to design this character for an upcoming Red Hand of Doom game, which I have no experience with. Starting at 5th level, 32 point buy, 9,000 gp. Houserules include a 'second wind', basically a once-per-encounter swift action heal that heals a character 1/4 of their HP, and that resting 5 minutes outside of combat is equivalent to a full rest.

This is also my first time playing a Swordsage, but just going through and picking maneuvers has made me like them a lot already (they have a very interesting mix of abilities to choose from).

My concept for the character is basically a very agile, elegant, and focused warrior-scholar, who wields an exotic straight-sword (something like a jian) and is very good at dodging/parrying/keeping away from attacks. I imagine her as a foreigner from an oriental-themed land; a mysterious, celestial-blooded (specifically I was envisioning a connection to some kind of celestial dragon) girl who was raised in the secluded and scholarly environment of a great mountain monastery.

She is reserved, curious, and ever eager to learn new things. I imagine that she has a fairly extensive knowledge of several fields of study, and as she is right now, is something of a historian, natural scientist, and philosopher, in addition to being very skilled at martial arts. She's also enormously compassionate, and will probably almost never deal a killing blow or cause undue suffering in any way when she can avoid it, and is always willing to help or heal when the opportunity arises.

So there it be; any suggestions/tips/etc would be quite welcome.

Edit: Forgot to mention, it's an E6 game, so we won't be going past level 6, but will gain additional feats as we earn more experience, and may be able to increase ability scores slightly from the special E6 feats.

2011-07-06, 07:13 PM
Nobody? Well, whatever, but I have a quick question that probably has a simple answer: can the ToB classes, specifically the Swordsage though, ready more than one of the same maneuver for an encounter?

2011-07-06, 07:19 PM
Nobody? Well, whatever, but I have a quick question that probably has a simple answer: can the ToB classes, specifically the Swordsage though, ready more than one of the same maneuver for an encounter?

No, you can't ready multiple instances of maneuvers. Makes it harder for Swordsages, but they get more than anyone else.

I'd recommend the Adaptive Style feat, so if you need to you can change your readied maneuvers in the middle of a fight.

Keld Denar
2011-07-06, 07:30 PM
Did you remember to swap out your maneuver at level 4 (which you can do again when you ding 6)? You gain a new maneuver every level, but every other level in between you get to swap out a maneuver. This'll help you chew up some of those 1st level maneuvers you have that you'll never use.

Also, you don't have much gear. I'd recommend you check out Bunko's Bargain Basement (its a thread, google it). At the bare minimum, nab a Necklace of Natural Attacks (2600g SS update), a Cloak of Resistances +1 (1000g, DMG), some Anklets of Translocation (1400g, MIC), and a Healing Belt or two (750g MIC).

For your 6th level feat, I'd get Improved Natural Attack. That'll give you a small damage boost. When you start getting feats from extra XP, you can get Superior Unarmed Strike to further pump your UAS damage. Unfortunately, you'll never be able to take Snap Kick, since it has a BAB prereq of +6.

Another little fun thing to do in E6 is to pick up the Aberrant Bloodline feat chain. Normally, its not really worth it, but hey, E6 has feats! Aberrant Blood is kinda crappy, but Inhuman Reach is SOLID GOLD. From there, Deepspawn and Starspawn are both kinda fun to play around with. Deepspawn synergizes really well with Burning Blade, and Starspawn is just kinda hillarious, and a good way for you to access flight.

2011-07-06, 07:54 PM
This is a bit more high op than I usually get, but you could take Wild Talent to take all the nifty psionic combat powers that thematically fit with ToB classes: Unavoidable Strike, deep Impat, Psionic Fist/Weapon and its big brother...eventually Building up to Psionic Body, which gives you a nice HP cushion. Hey, its e6, and psionic feats ain't bad to have.