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View Full Version : [3.5/PF] Psychic Warrior Archer help

Fax Celestis
2011-07-05, 12:40 PM
Starting the Kingmaker adventure path shortly, looking for some advice on a psywar archer.

Race: Grippli (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/humanoids/grippli) (+2 dex, +2 wis, -2 str, 30' land, 20' climb, darkvision, +4 stealth in marsh, unimpeded by swamps, net proficiency).
Starting ECL: 1

I was looking at focusing on Wis, grabbing Zen Archery, and then possibly hitting Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and Rapid Shot (probably PBS, RS, then PS). Don't know what to get from there, though. Archery feat support appears to be rather minimal.

2011-07-05, 12:46 PM
Because there's no power attack, monkey grip and/or EWP with bigger bows is one of the few ways of increasing damage. Since you'll be making a lot of attacks, it can add up. Those 1st level psy war powers that give +damage can also be useful.

Psionic Shot and Fell Shot may also be worth looking into, when combined with powers that will make a single attack more powerful.

Fax Celestis
2011-07-05, 12:47 PM
Psionic Shot and Fell Shot may also be worth looking into, when combined with powers that will make a single attack more powerful.

Yeah. I was actually considering about mixing that with the Vital Strike chain. If I'm going to make one big shot, I might as well put all my eggs in that one basket, right?

2011-07-05, 01:05 PM
The upcoming Psionics Expanded has an Archer Path (http://dreamscarredpress.com/dragonfly/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=1099.html) for the psychic warrior.

Because there's no power attack

Pathfinder added the Deadly Aim feat, which is analogous to Power Attack in that system.

The to-hit boost, along with the Deadly Aim (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/deadly-aim-combat) feat, would be a nice source of supplemental damage.

2011-07-05, 01:21 PM
How about taking 4 levels in Monk, Zen archer variant? You get perfect strike for free at level 1, weapon focus for free at level 2, zen archery at level 3, and 2 bonus feats that can be Dodge, Far Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, or Rapid Shot. Plus WIS to ac, fast movement, good saves and flurry of blows with ranged weapons.

Fax Celestis
2011-07-05, 05:24 PM
How about taking 4 levels in Monk, Zen archer variant? You get perfect strike for free at level 1, weapon focus for free at level 2, zen archery at level 3, and 2 bonus feats that can be Dodge, Far Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, or Rapid Shot. Plus WIS to ac, fast movement, good saves and flurry of blows with ranged weapons.

Usually I go "eeew gross monk", but in this instance it actually sounds feasible.

2011-07-05, 07:04 PM
Herp derp scrubbed.

2011-07-06, 04:20 AM
Are you allowed to take non-pathfinder powers? I know there are a few useful sounding archery powers in the complete psionic for psywars.

2011-07-06, 06:56 AM
The upcoming Psionics Expanded has an Archer Path (http://dreamscarredpress.com/dragonfly/ForumsPro/viewtopic/t=1099.html) for the psychic warrior.

Pathfinder added the Deadly Aim feat, which is analogous to Power Attack in that system.

The to-hit boost, along with the Deadly Aim (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/deadly-aim-combat) feat, would be a nice source of supplemental damage.

Oh, cool. Fell Shot with psicrystal containment and psychic meditation might be worthwhile.

Psy warrior bonus feats are actually pretty good since psionics does good things with the action economy.

The Gilded Duke
2011-07-06, 08:26 AM
I'd second going with the Archer path. The Archer path (and some of the other paths) give you bonuses to perception. Perception is the most important skill in pathfinder by far, and is incredibly useful in the Kingmaker adventure path.

Having a wisdom based fully trained perception character with bonuses will help your party out more then any power.

If you have a cavalier in your party, tell them to pick up Lookout as their shared teamwork feat. Otherwise it might be worth it to have the entire party pick up the feat: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/lookout-combat-teamwork.

Full party full attack surprise rounds are really nice.

It looks like the Archer path might get you Stealth as a class skill, it might be good to pick that up too. A stealth trained character with Chameleon up is very hard to see (and helps you give your party full attack surprise rounds)