View Full Version : The Unvisited Isle - IC

2011-07-05, 06:02 PM
Hello Everyone,
This is your benevolent and friendly dm speaking. First some ground rules, this post is ooc as will all be your first posts, but everything else in this thread will be taken as ic. Please only read spoiler tags marked with your name, no one likes a cheat and it spoils the game for others. Everything posted outside of spoiler will be taken as general knowledge that everyone knows.
Below are your nations stats, and a set of spoilers with your actual stats if they are different from your public stats, this spoiler also contains any info about the other nations stats that your espionage has discovered.

Resources: 10
Population: 8
Espionage: 2
Military (land): 0
Military (navy): 2
Technological research: 0
Magical research: 4
Unrest: 1
Mage starting aptitude:
All level 3,+ 5 level 4 of your choice
Technological advantages:
Larinton technological research 3
Germarctus military (land) 4

Resources: 9
Population: 30
Espionage: -3
Military (land): 3
Military (navy): 1
Technological research: 1
Magical research: 0
Unrest: -5
Mage starting aptitude:
Just the military squads
Technological advantages:
Improved mining
Military (land )4
Your mining techniques come from Larinton

Resources: 8
Population: 13
Espionage: 0
Military (land): 0
Military (navy): 3
Technological research: 4
Magical research: 0
Unrest: -2
Mage starting aptitude:
Technological advantages:
Faster ship building (faster in the water as well as construction)

Resources: 6
Population: 15
Espionage: 0
Military (land): 4
Military (navy): 0
Technological research: 0
Magical research: 0
Unrest: -3
Technological advantages:
wooden constructions
Mage starting aptitude:
Level 1 spells, divine and arcane + 5 extra of your choice
espionage 3
Germartcus (military land) 4

The Family:
Resources: 8
Population: 12
Espionage: 2
Military (land): 1
Military (navy): 0
Technological research: 0
Magical research: 0
Unrest: -3
Mage starting aptitude:
Level one spells from ranger and cleric, +3 level 2 spells of your choice
Technological advantages:
Magic Mirror
Espionage 5
Larinton Technological research 4
Germarctus military land 5

Resources: 6
Population: 13
Espionage: 0
Military (land): 6
Military (navy): 1
Technological research: 0
Magical research: 0
Unrest: 3
Technological advantages:
Wall, advanced siege weapons
Mage starting aptitude:
all level1 sorcery + 3 level 2 of your choice

The Black Horde:
Resources: 10
Population: 15
Espionage: -1
Military (land): 4
Military (navy): 2
Technological research: 0
Magical research: 0
Unrest: 5
Nothing to hide

Resources: 0 ( different system)
Population: 5
Espionage: 10 ( shapeshift)
Military (land): 0
( may use espionage for sneak attacks and gorilla warfare through shapeshifitng)
Military (navy): 0 (as above)
Technological research: 0
Magical research: 4
Unrest: -5
Mage starting aptitude:
All level 4 druid spells and 3 level 5 of your choice
Technological advantages:

Resources: 10
Population: 10
Espionage: 0
Military (land): 1
Military (navy): 1
Technological research: 2
Magical research: 2
Unrest: -2

Mage starting aptitude:
none ( needs research)
Technological advantages:
Best mining speed currently available
Technological research 4

Pertan (NPC):
Resources: 12
Population: 13
Espionage: 0
Military (land): 5 ( if assembled)
Military (navy): 2
Technological research: 0 ( varies with house)
Magical research: 0 ( varies with house)
Unrest: -3

That should cover all the ooc stuff all I want now is for you to read everything you are allowed to, then tell me if you think anything is missing and if anything is unfair, when you have done that post your nations name below along with what spells( from pathfinder book or srd) you are choosing if you get any so I can tell who's who.

Further OOC, along with responses to queries on spells, will be done in http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=11358125#post11358125

Steevo RMH
2011-07-05, 06:29 PM
Howdy, I will be playing as Tethras. Everything looks good on my end. I, surprisingly, have no spells.

2011-07-05, 07:34 PM
Signing in, for Amanar. I would recommend making an OOC thread, and linking to it in the first post.

Fourth level spells:
Lesser Planar Ally
Ice Storm (or, if possible, some researched spell with a larger radius and lower damage)
Hallucinatory Terrain

2011-07-05, 09:29 PM
The Black Horde - No spells :)

2011-07-06, 02:18 AM
The Horselords of Eranah hang on your words, Dee-emm. May they be wise and gracious! One issue though; I lack a pathfinder book, and will be unable to procure one for a couple of months. Will that impede on greater justice?

Also...What do you mean by 1st level arcane and divine + 5 other of your choice. I was under the understanding that all magic could be put under those two categories ^^*

2011-07-06, 02:33 AM
Signing in for Germarctus and great equality!

All looking pretty good to me, see the one query in spoiler tags please GM;

I'm also assuming I don't get any spells strictly speaking, I just have my Tempest squads?

2011-07-06, 02:42 AM
(ooc: A prd for those without the book. http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/)

I will be playing the family.
3 level 2 spells, bard and cleric.

Bard: level 0: all, level 1:all, level 2:Detect thoughts. Invisibility. Tougues.
Cleric (domains: travel, community.) (if domains are allowed.): level 0: all, level 1: all, level 2: Zone of truth. cure moderate wounds. augury.

2011-07-06, 01:32 PM
Here are my spells:

Bull's Strength
Hide campsite
Cat's grace
Hold animal

I hope they're good ones >.>

2011-07-06, 01:51 PM
I'm ready for Senola to do Pretty little ;D

(not sure if i'm meant to put spells here but i will anyway). Okay 5th level spells will be:
Control Winds, Cure Critical Wounds and Baleful Polymorph
Also i was wondering how flexible you were going to be with the shape-shifting?

2011-07-06, 02:03 PM
Digging in to play larinton

2011-07-07, 04:50 AM
Hail the Mighty Emperor of Marchstumm. May his acrid breath annoint your worthless skin.
For spells I shall take the following 3: Acid arrow, Summon Monster II and Flaming sphere

2011-07-07, 07:02 AM
From now on IC

October 1st 1492

The summer has been perfect for farming with long days and regular summer showers. The summer has been quiet with no major conflicts and trading has been going smoothly due to calm seas and easy travel. As birds begin to head north to follow the warmer weather for the upcoming winter and trees begin to lose there summer leaves, nations are looking forward to a hopefully mild winter and and a hopefully prosperous 6 months.

As you sit through another boring meeting with the officials running the country you are informed that trade went well this summer and are subjected to large lists of tax numbers and similar drivel being read out. Your ears perk up as it is mentioned that your mages have found a way to scry far away places but you soon realise that they are just going to use it as another burocratic tool. There have been wide spread rumours of a sailor who has made it through to the unvisited isle and that sailors have been disappearing on the eastern isle, but these rumours are nothing new and often are jsut an excuse for people lost overboard, you make note however that is odd that they have got as far as your official meetings now. Your spys have informed you that there have been large movements of the family in Germartus over the past few months and that Tethras has boats that can outrun anything else on the sea.
Resource income: 10

Your farms have provided more food than normal and your people are very happy with the way things have been going. You nation have just elected the council you sit on deciding matters for the good of the people. A sailor is next up to be heard by the council, he claims that the rumours of someone making it through the reefs have increased, but it sounds to you like more drunken sailor talk. Other items on the agenda is the increase in the family's activity in your realm, every couple of years starting 6 or 7 years ago your nation receives a large quantity of there kind moving through the tundra of your nation. As winter approaches you will soon have to start opening the stockpiled food reserves and abandoning your tundra mines for another year.
Resource income: 9

You are the newly elected emperor of Tethras and are now sitting on the council for your nation. You are informed that farms have been profitable this year and no extra food will be needed this winter. You have also recently worked out how to steamline your ships, making them the fastest and most manoeuvrable thing on the sea. you have also heard that one of your traders made it through the reef through a small pass to the north although these rumours are always around.
Rescource Income : 8


As your tribes move north to the more fertile ground for the winter, you leave your borders to the south less well defended. The rest of your council however feels safe in this as the weather last year has left nations with plentiful food and in a good mood. your mercenaries report back and tell of many rumours of people breaking into the unvisited isle, but this is no different to normal. You hear that Amanar has the ability to scry distant places now, which is much more worrying to your people.
Resource income : 6

The Family:

You sit at a council meeting of the 5 elders of your people in an old building in your ruined city, the festival that occurs every 2 years has just ended. You have pieced together rumours that lead to the almost certain knowledge that there is way through the coral reef between a whirlpool and the reef to the north, apparently this whirlpool has formed inside the reef and damaged it. In other news your nations trade has been going well due to the weather. Amanar apparently can now scry distant places with magic and Tethras has developed ships faster than anything seen before. Eranah the horse people are moving north with the weather.
Resource income : 8

You, the god emperor, reside in your palace overlooking your devoted peoples. They have made plentiful food for offerings and themselves this year and they seem in relatively good spirit. As you sit you feel a stirring in the back of your mind, it is rare that Marchstumm wants to talk to you directly. He speaks of an ancient power fading and things once locked away being uncovered, little of it seems to relate to current matters apart from the expected command to speed up his return to this world, but who are you to doubt the divine word of Marchstumm, his words must have more meaning than your mortal mind can comprehend.
Resource income : 6

The Black Horde:
Your nation is doing well, the slaves worked hard this year brining in plenty of food and resources, you hear little of the outside world as you have done little trading this month and all you hear are the common rumours that someone has landed on the unvisited isle.
Resource income : 10

Your people have created another perfect food crop underground where the weather has no bearing on you, and you are growing to like mushroom soup. You manage to get a good price on a recently discovered iron vein with the family and in exchange they tell of the rumours they have heard. They tell of someone landing on the unvisited isle and that saliors have again been disappearing on the eastern isle but this is a common rumour now and you think little of it. There is little else of note either and you are sure you will have to pay them more to gain anything of use.
Resource income: 10

Your stand in the centre of your island, proud that another year has gone by without hitch, ok so you had to kill a few more of those strange men from the sea this year than usual but overall nothing has gone wrong. As you ponder to yourself one of your trusted friends, a dryad, steps out of a near by tree. "something is stirring arch druid, something that seemed natural has changed outside our island, it does not feel unnatural now but just different", this feeling is confirmed by some of the other dryads and more powerful druids in your nation, something large that seemed natural in the outside world has shifted somehow.

2011-07-07, 07:36 AM
Public Knowledge/Council Announcements;
The annual military parades this year take place in the newly annexed cities, in Germarctus’s western most region. This parade takes place to celebrate the forming of the Germartian council over 300 years ago and the vow of unity the first council members took for the nation. As well as the core infantrymen marching through the streets the formation is headed by the Germarctian ultra-heavy infantry, the famous Red Bears.

The Red Bears are peerless Germarctian warriors donned in blood-red plate and normally carrying heavy weapons (war hammers, claymores, greats-axes etc.) and tower shields. At around 7’ tall and built to match Red Bears pride themselves on being the strongest and hardiest of the Germartian ground forces. The most famous feature of the Red Bear infantry units are with little doubt, their helms; each member wears the preserved head of a great Germarctian brown bear further adding to their intimidation on the battlefield.

This year’s parade also featured an appearance from the more recently formed Germarctian unit, the Tempests; The Tempest units are Germarctus’s answer to magi-combat being magic users who have taken to military service. Tempests are not typical users of magic however and use offensive spells to argument their combat ability, still carrying single handed weapons such as swords and maces. Tempests can be noted by their refractive purple plate mail and black hoods, some onlookers also testify to Tempest’s having glowing purple eyes during the evening procession.

The grand council is pleased to announce to the Free People of Germarctus that thanks to new mining techniques and ever-improving working conditions that the Tundra mines are outputting 250% on last year. Power through Unity and Equality!

(OoC: Action priorities are top down; if I can do one action and not the other please do stuff at the top first!)

Use 1 Tech point for this 6 month period to research crop/farming tech. Ultimate goal is to either develop/discover crops suitable for Tundra or ways to make the newly annexed soil (to the west) more fertile.

The council have agreed to the deforestation of a small(ish) section of forest to the east region, hoping to find fertile ground for crops as well as adding to national resources short-term. If you need me to point out the area on a map please PM me, I don’t want loads gone!

So long as the cost is not too high (i.e. leaves me with less than 2-3 resource) the council wishes to spend resources to purchase more tech points.

If it can be afforded (the council don’t want resources to drop below 2-3 in a given 6-month period) the council see’s it fit to send a moderate scouting party to the middle isle for 6 months (so results turn after next).

The grand council of Germarctus requests permission to begin trade negotiations for access to breed stock of your military mounts and we also hope that we might be taught techniques of mounted combat from your great horseback warriors. We have a wealth of resources and are open to reasonable offers regarding the above requests.
--Find peace through Unity.

@Amanar, Pertan, Tethras and The Family
The grand council of Germarctus requests permission to begin trade negotiations for surplus food supplies your nation may have available. We are not unreasonable and will listen to any offers for any meaningful amount of food trade you may have. While we are primarily looking to bolster food trade we will happily take offers of any other stockpiles your nation may have. We have a wealth of mineral and weapon resources to trade and are open to reasonable offers regarding the above requests.
--Find peace through Unity.

2011-07-07, 08:39 AM
The Black Horde

Public Announcements

This year we have had a plentiful crop, and any nations who desire to trade slaves or weapons in return for our excess food should feel free to negotiate a deal.

Spending 2 resources on improving living conditions.

I would like to offer an alliance between our nations. As two of the major naval powers, together we can secure the sea and with my land forces to back them up we would truly be a force to be reckoned with.

I am also interested in sharing in any advanced farming or sailing techniques that you have access to currently or in the future, in return for some resources.

Finally, in the event that you are lacking in manual labour, I can lend you slave labour in return for some resources.

I would like to extend an offer of alliance between our great nations. With our combined military forces we can take this continent, and with my navy, I can assist you in colonizing other continents.

Also, if you have any need for additional manual labour, I can lend you some slave labour in return for some resources.

If you can manufacture weapons, I would be happy to give you food or lend you slave labour in return.

I would like to offer an alliance between our nations. In the event of a naval threat to yourself, I could supply my navy to aid you; however, in return I would ask that in the event that my nation comes under attack by land, you are willing to transport troops over to aid in my defense.

2011-07-07, 09:55 AM
Public knowledge
Word from the hinterlands is sparse; for what many know, the tribesmen continue their circular migration around the plains. Word is flying around that the shamans of Eranah have predicted a time of great change for all people, regardless of nation. Of course, one only need look at the industrialising nations to know this is factually true.

However, King Huoron Silverwind, acknowledged guardian of Eranah, is pushing for more power inside his nation, claiming that it is time to develop the image of Eranah from one of backwater nomads rummaging for food, to one of pride and justice; of a powerful nation grasping its own destiny with both hands.

Also, as well known fact, sell swords and mercenaries from Eranah are more then willing to server other nations, and as we speak the men and women that form the Warhosts of Eranah are seeking people to work for. For the right price, of course...

-I would like to commence the building of a string of outposts and beacons throughout my land should the price of wood permit it; particularly on my northern frontier and northern coastline, to act as an early warning system against invaders seeking the fertile northlands.

-I would also like to find, and commence negotiations with, the more savage elements of my province, especially the lycanthropes, to see if they can help benefit Eranah. The best case scenario is to find, and convince, enough of these creatures to form a military regiment directly under the kings control.

King Huoron Silverwind, protector of the Eranian's, responds kindly to your offers, and is pleased by your open use of negotiation over force. We are more than willing to sell horses to you; though our stock is of such fine pedigree that it will command a premium price. As for training...Well, that question is difficult. We are fine riders because we spend our whole lives in the saddle, and I struggle to imagine how such an...Immobile nation would understand our lead.

Thus I propose the following. Perhaps you would like to hire a warband? Most likely, it will be the fraction of the price of outfitting a brand new regiment and they will be twice as good as anything you can produce; no offence intended to your mighty military, of course, but even the most majestic of nations requires time and resources to absorb something that is not culturally and tactically theirs.

Also, I propose that you accept an emissary from my people, from my nation to yours. We are neighbours, and it is only fitting we act in a civil nature to one another. It will allow deeper ties to grow; and who knows what the seasons will bring, council? I, for one, wish to reap the verdant harvest of goodwill and faith I have in your people.

Greetings from the Eranian people, fellow travellers. As nomads in kind, we understand your way of life better than any other nation on land or sea. I see no reason why we cannot be allies in future; so let me plant the seeds of friendship here. I understand your caravans often struggle to defend themselves; I hereby offer you the services of an Eranian cavalry regiment - at a discounted price, no less - to help protect you.

A discounted offer is typically reserved for fellow tribesmen of the planes, so I think that makes it clear how much I think we could benefit one another.

Greetings, black horde. Though I appreciate your offer for an alliance, I shall have to politely decline. I have no naval links, and thus naval support is of limited use to me. However, I hope that this does not stand in the way of trade deals in the future; we are more than happy to offer the services of our light cavalry units for the right price.

Greetings from the wild plains of Eranah. Though your nation is defended by nature herself, one cannot stand to loose by seeking extra defence in the form of light cavalry. Their speed makes them perfect scouts, and the kind of soldiers you want defending the frontier of your country. I ask you in person simply because you are on the same continent as I, and that it is my believe that a solid front must be created if we three nations are to defend ourselves from any threats from the north.

At the very least, the exchanging of emissaries would spell the beginning of a mutually beneficial friendship.

2011-07-07, 01:47 PM
In the news of this disturbance the Arch Druid and the council decide it is best to send scouts to the near by "forests" of the two islands unknowing what may be out there after over 1000 years of no contact. The scouts mission is to have a exploration of these "rediscovered" lands and to make contact if possible but to no alert them of there sacred homeland

-to send a scout to Amanar, Pertan, Germactus-
The plan is for each for each of the scout to fly and land in each of these nations Speak to the people of the land, speak to them in the form that they will understand they may be very primitive and a young race; if possible find their arch druid.We need more information on these disturbances. we need to be prepared in case these "different" forces threaten us and the great forests. After we found information like how much power, people and resources these new tribes have report back to Senola.

(The druids of Senola are a very sheltered race who knows little of the "modern" world. Wearing tattered clothing that looks like nature itself wrapped around there body they do no look aggressive if anything lost and confused.)

2011-07-07, 01:57 PM

Niritole's Foreman, Isaac Stonearm, has issued the following statement to the outside world:

The Nation of Larinton wishes to inform you that our tunnels are open to any dwarves or gnomes who wish to join us in safety and security.

We would also welcome the opportunity to trade knowledge with those of you who share our innovative spirit.

@The Black Horde
We would be happy to supply you with weapons and armour to help you defend against the people of Marchstrumm.
However in exchange we would require that you grant your dwarven and gnomish slaves the opportunity to join our nation.
We understand that this process will take time. Feel free to consider your decision.

We understand that you have difficulty producing sufficient food with your limited supply of land. We may be able to help you solve this problem. In exchange, we would be interested to gain some knowledge of the arcane arts.

We will be beginning production of spears and shields, for trade, or in case of war.
We are also beginning a project to dig towards the walls of Marchstrumm, with the aim of possibly undermining them.
Technological research will be focused, to the extent it can be focused, on the production of faster railways, and digging mechanisms.
Magical research will be focused on the divination school.

2011-07-07, 05:00 PM
The nation of Marchstumm sits quiet amongst the hustle and bustle fo the other kingdoms. Missives leaving the cities arrive at other places within the teeth but not a soul can be seen entering or leaving the kingdom save for a group of 3 horse mounted scouts

@All nations
A spike with a skull impaled upon it has been spotted along one of the major routes between your nation and another bearing the tortured mark of a Marchstumm slave. A warning to all those who would consider encroaching upon the mighty empire of Marchstumm

@The black Horde
The spiked head that appears on your border is different to the others scouts may have reported cropping up elsewhere. Upon the tip of the spike is parchment written in blodd. It is a request for parle from the mighty emperor of Marchstumm who wishes a meeting between your great nation and his mighty empire. Should you agree, the letter requests a slave in honour of Marchstumm. Should the black horde reply and give up a slave, the Empire of marchstumm will honour such trustworthiness with a slave of its own. The emperor wishes to disucss the state of the nations and more should the Black horde respond

@ GM
Great feasts are held in honour of the great harvest bestowed upon the nation by Marchstumms almighty power. It is a sign that plans are afoot and soon the great Emperor will have a vision denoting who shall be next to serve the great purpose of Marchstumm. Minimal resources are speant on the upkeep of peasant dwellings, much is speant on the upgrading and building of new officer barracks and uniforms as the country revels in its military might. The Empress holds council with the Ear and Mouth (emperor) of marchstumm in the eastern eye to disucss the visions the Emperor has been recieving (though they do not know the visions are granted by the great Dragon marchstumm himself)

2011-07-07, 05:04 PM
Response to Message from black horde
Great minds do so oft think alike. Resources are scarce for the moment but your might combined with ours would make for un-challengable power. Should you agree to meet, we can exchange information and tokens resembling our newly forged allinace until such time that Marchstumm recieves excess resources which we would gladly donate to any allies Warhost serving a cause we too follow

Steevo RMH
2011-07-07, 06:41 PM

Public Knowledge

The nation of Tethras has just recently finished celebrating the rise of a new Emperor, Arthum Vale. While most of the nation celebrated, renegade mages contined to prove to be a nuisance, causing disturbances and in some extreme cases, burning down some houses. No deaths have been reported and the culprits were caught and sent back to The Tower.


I would like to start research into Blackpowder if at all possible. Obviously starting small with small explosive, but working my way up to guns and possibly mounted guns on ships (if they don't already exist. Will enquire in OOC).
Also, in terms of food, my thinking is that I have more than enough, aka spare to sell if necessary. Correct me if im wrong.
As for the rumours about the way to the Isle, I intend to investigate them and see if there is any truth into the matter.

@Black Horde

I am afraid that I cannot accept the proposed alliance between our two nations. I feel that it is not in Tethras' best to become an aggressive force. Our navy is purely a defensive measure. Which also means that I am very reluctant to trade any naval innovations we have made so far.


I believe we may have some surplus food supples we might be able to trade. We would be interested in any spare mineral resources you might have.

2011-07-07, 08:11 PM
The Black Horde

Regrettably that is not an option. Our nation's might relies upon our slaves, and release a portion of them would weaken both our military and our economy. It is disappointing that you are letting a cultural difference spoil what could be a mutually beneficial trade relationship, however I can understand.

May the next time our nations cross paths be more amicable and tolerant.

We would be happy to meet with your nation, and of course we will give a slave to the great Marchstumm. We can supply your nation with plentiful supplies of food, if you can help better arm our nation in return.

I would also ask a favour involving Larinton. They have rather insolently refused to trade with us unless we allow our dwarven and gnomish slaves to live free within their borders. As a nation with similar ideologies as ours, I am sure you understand how arrogant and offensive this attitude is.

If you would be so kind as to aid me in teaching them a lesson, in whatever form it should take, then not only will a nation that has been condescending to our beliefs be put truly in their place, but if we take their lands, then we will be able to pull off a joint offensive on the lands of Pertan with ease, and with the entire northern continent under our control, no nation will be able to resist us.

Of course if this does not please you then I would be happy to hear your take on this situation, and what you think should be done about it, if anything.

That is regrettable. I was primarily suggesting that we use our joint navy to merely control the western oceans, which would be, in my views, a very defensive tactic, however I understand if there is a cultural gap between our nations, as many view our methods to be extreme.

I hope that we can reach a more amicable and tolerant agreement in future.

I was merely concerned for your extensive coastlines that could allow large armies to land behind your back. If you ever change your mind concerning this please feel free to let me know, as besides manual labour and naval forces, I fear I can offer very little to your nation.

In the light of this however, I would like to offer a non-aggression pact, as in the event that conflict arises between any of our allies, I would like to not lose a potentially invaluable trade partner as yourself.

2011-07-08, 04:50 AM

Pertans fields are coated in corn this season and the noble houses squabble among themselves, as usual, competing to get the best price for there harvest.
Every nation will be contacted by at least one of their houses suggesting that they have surplus food to share this year and will trade with any nation who can pay us a reasonable rate. Our products may be more expensive than the dwarven produce, but who actually likes mushroom soup.

@ Germarctus
The house of Triworg would happily fill your nations food deficit, however we would of course require payment for our crops. What particular volume are you looking for as the more you but the cheaper we will sell to you. I understand you work as a unified group so our standard going rate for enough for 6 months food for a population of (population 5) would be 2000GP, should the need arise I would also consider selling food for military services, however the Black Hoard and Marchstumm currently remain quiet

@ Marchstumm
Dear neighbour,
House Regat understands your religious views are different to others and that you wish to threaten us with your skull, however such things frighten the peasants and it is really of no benefit to either of us. Pertan is a neutral nation and will trade with you or any other nation if the price is acceptable, we have no intrest in attacking you or in conflict of any form between our nations so if you will kindly not leave your religious marks around the place, we will kindly not have to inflate prices as we will be able to pay our peasants less

2011-07-08, 05:45 AM
GM: (ooc: do I now have 16 resources? 8 to start and 8 income? Also I was going to do a short RP piece with each post. Also what do you mean by Germarctus military land 5)

Drogo sat his wine on the table, scratching his nose as he rested back in his chair, bulbous and red it was easily his most prominent feature. The gnome stifled a yawn as Tess kept going on and on, he smiled quickly across the table before his eyes found the invention diagrams. Soon he was lost in thought, so dazed he barely realised when his name came up.

“...if you agree Drogo.” The master engineer grinned to cover his misdemeanour, “Certainly.” The three other Halflings all looked up in surprise, Tess barrelled on unawares. “I think that concludes the meeting. I will talk to you all tomorrow, and see you all in 2 years.” The Halflings filed out slowly, Drogo sighed and took another swig of his wine, what had he agreed to.

Plans this turn (mirror piece locations.):
Drogo is travelling with a caravan to Larinton. He is taking invention information, leaving behind any form of weapons, mainly architectural innovations including defences. (2/4 technology)

Kreal is travelling to Eranah. (supporting if accepted.) (1/8 resources. 1/12 pop.)

Tess is travelling to Germartus, organising trade, weapons from there to the black horde and food from there back again. (ooc: not sure if this needs mentioning as it is trade, but I focused on the mentioned products in their posts.) (3/8 resources into trade.) (7/12 of population)

Samira, staying in the capital, head of espionage running it. Espionage this year is being used to try and discover the other nations that are seeking the centre island (1/5 esp), as well as looking for weaknesses in markets (3/5 esp). Most espionage is focused on the southern continent, although Larinton does have a few feelers being sent to (1/5 esp). (1/8 resources) (1/12 of population)

Lorian, organising several ships to take a party to the centre island. (1/8 resources)

All excess resources goes into trade or my capital.

Shortly after the message is sent a Halfling appears before King Huoron Silverwind. Taller than the average Halfling, he has sharp brown eyes and light brown hair. He is dressed in common affair, covered with a light leather jerkin, yet he holds himself with a confident air.

“My name is Kreal and I have been sent with a counter offer. You extend the hand of friendship and offer discounted troops, how about more of a general partnership. We are preparing an exploration and troops would be useful as this will be travelling into uncharted territories. If you provide scouts and warriors for this expedition we would be willing to share the results of the trip. We will fund the ships and the initial resources along with our own experienced travellers.

As a sign of good faith I have been ordered to remain with you here and aid in unification of Eranah under you for at least the initial part of this endeavour. With your blessing we will begin stabilizing trade routes between any tribes willing to cooperate with you, we can also import any goods that will help your effort. This should help to bring a solid cash flow and stability to your country. We will advertise the use of Eranah mercenaries in business we use out of state as well. Does this sound agreeable?”

2011-07-08, 06:06 AM
A non-aggression pact works well in both of our nations interests; however, I cannot control what the mercenary warhosts will do. While I fully support a non-aggression pact, I cannot guarantee that you wont see Eranian's on the battlefield. I hope you understand that these men and women are merely fighting for their very livelihood, and that I will, with the signing of this pact, never use the state army to commence, or aid, a sovereign attack on your nation

The king, a broad man, scarred from a hard lifetime of combat, smiles at the halfling, and makes a point of bowing down to his level in a sign of respect.

"This counter-offer you make is enticing, and I warmly accept this proposal in the name of Eranah. You are welcome to stay here as a guest of the royalty, for I am sure that you will have no trouble adapting to our lifestyle; alas, it bares great similarities to your own."

"We shall support this venture of yours wholeheartedly; however, at risk of sounding blunt, I would like to know what you expect to find in the untamed places of the world. Opportunity, to be sure, but do you have any details? Also...Where in the world is this venture to take place?"

2011-07-08, 07:33 AM
The Halfling’s grin almost splits his face. He forgets himself releasing a short whoop, seemingly unaware of where he was. He quickly calms himself; however the other Halflings seem less reserved. He returns back to the conversation looking slightly abashed as the rest of the party start unloading casks of watered wine and Halfling ale and performers start stringing instruments. He glances over his shoulder and turns back with a slight shrug, “Any excuse for a party. I hope you don’t mind, your men are welcome to join, the drinks and entertainment are on us.”

He stretches out his hand to shake. “I would be honoured to stay. We will have caravans ready to move to the tribes you select. If a small guard of show is with each caravan under your name, it would cast you in a favourable light; we will also advertise that we only trade in Eranah through you. Most caravans need no defence, a single rider or two would be all that was needed for show. They would be treated and paid well.” A cheer went up from behind as a Halfling started hurling daggers high into the air. From the way he stumbled he was obviously heavily inebriated, but he still managed to keep 5 of the blades dancing in the air, much to everyone’s amusement.

“The venture I mentioned is to the isle of reef. We believe we have found a means to reach it. We believe the natural materials available there could be of untold value. We also have reason to believe our ancestors once walked that land, and may have held great secrets.” The Halfling turns for a moment, “ALE!” The revelry quietens for a moment; the Halflings all seem to stop whatever they are doing. A dark green bottle is carried over to Kreal from the nearest caravan. Once it is in his hand he takes a long, deep drink, brown liquid running down his chin. After a moment he wipes his mouth, holding out the bottle to the king. “Share a drink with me?” There seemed a great air of ceremony about the act. All the Halflings are watching you.

If you drink:
It tastes like nothing more than sugared water.

2011-07-08, 08:50 AM

Responding to national messages (2/3);

The grand council is pleased to hear from King Huoron himself and his offers of both stock breed cavalry and that of mercenary force and most generous indeed. Please do not deem us impolite if we do not take you up on these offers immediately, we as a people must decide carefully what actions are best for the nation’s great future. We do hope however, that the offers you make to us this day remain open in the near future.

In the mean time we hope that we can make current trade between our great nations more official on a public level in a move of goodwill between our people.

We will happily accept an emissary from one of our closest neighbours if only as you say, to harbour goodwill and prosperity between our great nations. It is our hope this gesture will allow for faster and fairer negotiating for both sides in the future for if/when the need arises.
--Find peace through Unity.

The grand council is pleased to hear from the great nation of Tethras and your offers of food trade are most generous. Please do not deem us impolite if we do not take you up on these offers immediately, we as a people must decide carefully what actions are best for our nation’s great future. We do hope however, that the offers you make to us this day remain open in the near future

In the mean time we hope that we can make current trade between our great nations more official on a public level in a move of goodwill between our people.
--Find peace through Unity.

The grand council is pleased to hear from The House of Triworg and your offers of food trade are most generous. Please do not deem us impolite if we do not take you up on these offers immediately, we as a people must decide carefully what actions are best for the nation’s great future. We do hope however, that the offers you make to us this day remain open in the near future.
--Find peace through Unity.

2011-07-08, 10:02 AM
Responding to messages (2/3)

Such pathetic threats of economic warfare are an insult to the nostrils of Marchstumm. We would never wish to trade with such an insolant flea

@The Black Horde
The Emperor is pleased with your understanding and can forsee a prosperous future in the alliance between the only two nations worthy of existance. We shall send a detatchement of our finest Seige Sorcerers who shall accompany he who will be acting on our Emperors behalf to commune with your nation. Hopefully he will do his job well, as he will be your slave to take (he is not aware of this, our Emperor has such a delectable sense of humour),we shall meet at the end of the season. We would much appreciate resources but first we must establish some understanding of your nations capabilites and requirements military wise so that we can best offer you most suitable engines of devine destructive power. As such, your soon to be slave will negotiate on our behalf the terms of an unarmed party invistigating your army to the extent you permit. Such an offering will be the first in our nation's histroy, needless to say a betrayel in such a momentous period can have only one consequence. One the voice of Marchstumm is most excitewd to test upon those petulant mud eaters. They will be no match for our arrows and fire shall cleanse their squalid holes. In the name of the almighty Marchstumm, welcome brothers at arms.

The armies of Marchstumm have begun preparations for the first offensive war in their histroy, they have bode their time well and the potential alliance with neighbouring Black horde will allow the land to bathe in the cleansing smoke of Marchstumm's rage. Should the Envoys from the great nations come to an agreement, hell's own fury shall find its way south.

Your pathetic attempts to live in squalar with such a huge potential slave labour force is laughable to the extent of insulting. we do not wish to share a border with such insolance. Be sure you improve your standards of living and establish a supperior race or we shall be fgorced to help you.

2011-07-08, 11:45 AM
News and Rumors, fresh from Amanar

Amanar's trade has been busy as always over the past few months, with both fishing and mining producing high yields for the time of year. The nation's open trade has continued to grow, bringing the country resources, taxes and news. Most of the nation's mines, merchants and fishermen continue to operate at full capacity into the autumn.
Rumours suggest that Amanar has been working on improving its shipyards, looking to increase their fishing capacity.

Resources allocation:
4 Resources: Improving shipyards- both fishing and naval capacity. Effectively, 2 points towards Military (Navy), 2 points to Resources.
2 Resources: Reinforce border defences facing Germarctus. Any mountain passes should be held by at least some military presence.
1 Resource: Espionage improvement- Priorities are:
a) counter-espionage in Amanar
b) Germarctus (military movements, political changes)
c) Tethras (technological developments, politics)
1 Resource: Supplies for School of the Arcane.
Spell use and Training detailed in PM.

Unfortunately, our own food situation is also relatively precariously balanced. We rely on out fishing industry, since our small nation is lacking in farmland. We would, however, be interested in some other resources- we can always use more lumber for our shipbuilding industry. Would you be interested in some trade agreements? If so, we would be interested in sending an ambassador your way for some negotiations.

Most of our land defences are sadly situated in rocky mountain passes, and as such are probably not very suited to light cavalry. We would always welcome an ambassador, of course.

Obviously our arcane abilities are some of the greatest assets of the nation. We would not trade away such treasures lightly. However, there are always possibilities, depending on what you have to offer. We would be interested in some of your fodo resources, but this isa seocndary concern- out current trade keeps us reasonably well supplied. Some technological information would be useful to use, and is something we would be more interested in trading. Maybe we can send an ambassador your way, who can conduct more direct negotiations.

We find it interestign that you managed to place a spiked warning sign in the center of the sea. Would you be interested in some magical assistance in your endeavors? We can offer you basic magical training, possibly in exchange for a supply of resources or something similar. Obviously this would require more negotiation. After all, without some form of magical defenses, your nation would be at the mercy of any hypothetical magical attack.

The Family:
We might be interested in supplies of various materials to supplement our own trade. In particular, lumber and food supplies would be appreciated. In exchange for a steady supply of these materials or other, we might be able to supply you with some of the basics of our arcane research. Obviously any trade along these lines would require further negotiation.

We note that your technological research is beyond compare. As fellow pursuers of knowledge, you should not be surprised to learn that we might be interested in some of yours. Would you be interested in sharing some of your advances with the nation of Amanar? Obviously this would require further formal negotiation, and the exchange of ambassadors would be beneficial for any possibilities to be solidified.
We also notice that you are having some trouble with your arcanists. We might be interested in aiding you in dealing with this- we have some experience in the ways of magic and might be able to aid in your defence, or simply help to remove the problem from your lands. If you are interested in our aid in defending your nation from any threats of a magical nature, we would be happy to help (for a small fee, of course).

2011-07-08, 12:11 PM

Responding to national messages (Final outgoing messages for season);

The grand council is pleased to hear from the great nation of Amanar and your proposal of trade agreements interests us greatly. Your requests for lumber come at a fortuitous time as we will soon have plentiful stocks. However please do not deem us impolite if we do not take you up on these offers immediately, we as a people must decide carefully what actions are best for the nation’s great future. We do hope however, that the offers you make to us this day remain open in the near future

We would be more than happy to allow an ambassador of your nation within our borders for when we start negotiating trade deals. As mentioned before however we must politely delay proceedings until the council reaches agreements on other matters of economy and trade.
--Find peace through Unity

2011-07-08, 01:08 PM
The "Court", if a large tent containing many elite-looking soldiers can be described as such, is somewhat bemused by the sudden joviality of the halflings, but the joy is infectious, and soon many of the other men and women around start to let themselves relax, both examining this new tribe with curiosity, while enjoying their strange ways.

As the drink is presented, the Eranian's also hush; the tribesmen and women of the plains being familiar with unusual traditions, and the need to pay respect to them. The king simply smiles, bowing his head to Kreal as he approaches, before taking the bottle that's offered to him. Without hesitation, he takes a long, deep drink of the ale, noting it's unusual flavour, but making no qualms of it. With a warm smile, he offers the drink back to the halfling, the bottle noticeably lighter now.

"Consider the agreement signed in my name." He says while the lul in chatter continues. "I hope that our continued friendship will last many moons, and that the harvest we reap taste as pleasant as your ale." The men and women of Eranah nod, keeping their reserve for now, but seem interested in continuing the evening's revelry.

We do not feel offended; take as many seasons as you require to decide on important matters of defence. But we do feel that public trade between our two nations would lead to many benefits. There are many similarities between our nations; for all men are equal before nature's whims, and the discipline only the hardships of combat can bring are a valuable virtue for both of us. Yet I'm sure that by learning from each other's differences, we can become better nations as a whole.

Steevo RMH
2011-07-08, 07:57 PM


I understand completely and will happily keep the offer open to you for as long as we have surplus food supplies available. I also agree with your suggestion to make current trade between our two nations more official.


It is good to hear from fellow persuers of knowledge. I would indeed be interested in the possibilty of exchanging information between us or working out some other sort of deal.
As for the problem with the renegade mages, it has not got to the level where I might require assistance from another nation just yet, although your offer of assistance is most appreciated.

2011-07-09, 04:25 AM
The family

We aren’t especially interested in any arcane developments you could offer us, although we can certainly increase our lumber and wheat trade through your great nation. What arcane research would you be prepared to exchange if we went down that route?

A cheer went up from the Halflings again as the king drinks. “Trust.” Kreal makes a small toast before taking another swig and handing the bottle back, to be put back in the caravan. “Tonight we celebrate!” The revelry begins again.

2011-07-09, 04:42 AM


Our house is sorry to hear that, however we will remain open to trade as I am aware you have very little in the way of farm land and our advanced farming techniques may be of use to you, I am sure we will speak again when a harsh winter comes and leaves your stomachs growling

@ Germarctus

We are always open to trade food with those in need, although I cannot guarantee the price will remain this low, the price of food is constantly changing and you must understand that one does have to feed himself, and keep his household in good stead

2011-07-09, 05:52 AM

@The Black Horde
We assure you, we understand the need to replace your slaves. But humans and orcs breed so rapidly, I'm sure you could come to some arrangement to transfer your dwarven and gnomish populace over the next, say, 400 years?
We would wish that no more be born into slavery, who will die in slavery.
If you cannot, I understand, and we will await a more amenable successor.

We are patient, but it is desirable that the process begins soon (if only ceremonially) so that our people can understand that you are not an oppressor, and not an enemy, but can be a useful ally against the true threat.

Indeed, a trade of information would suit our needs well. We have some technology that could aid you greatly in your mining works, as we have been perfecting ours for centuries.
We welcome further discussion.

While we are perfectly happy with our food situation, the state of our ale is rather lackluster. If you could produce some hops and barley for your next harvest, we can supply you with some variety in your diet, or, if you prefer, some minerals or other produce

Due to lack of significant interest in food trading this year; the surplus crops will be used to feed farms of cavefish, producing more meat for the coming year; which will hopefully improve the mood of the populace.

Due to the threats being issued by Marchstrumm, a project will be begun to ensure that no unnecessarily large routes exist in the upper reaches of Larinton. There should be few already, but closing what few exist (other than a diplomatic entrance into Niritole) should ensure our safety; except in case of the mountain's destruction.

2011-07-09, 12:29 PM
Regrettably still not an option. When we no longer need our slaves we will free them but until then I am afraid it is not happening.

These terms are acceptable. I look forward to trading with you in future.

This is absolutely fine and understandable. We would also appreciate it if you could send an initial sample of weapons for our forces as well, however it is understandable if you do not wish to. I will, however, dispatch a small shipment of food to your nation in good faith as soon as possible, along with a slave for the great Marchstumm.

I look forward to the arrival of your delegate.

Send 1 unit of food to Marchstumm

2011-07-09, 03:40 PM
@The Black Horde
Is there some specific circumstance that would remove your need for slave labour?
We would love to come to some arrangement which would allow us both to achieve our needs.

2011-07-09, 04:24 PM
Final Messages

@Black Horde
Such a show of new found loyalty and honour does you proud, your eyes shall feast on glorious tools of murder whence you shall meet our ambasador. When we have an agreement, they shall be but the first in an endless torrent of destructive power delivered to your nation. Larinton will be the first crushed fly benath Marchstumms relentless torrent of sufferring and the Black horde shall forever be known as Marchstumm's one and only ally

Arrangements are in place, an ambassador from Marchstumm and the Black Horde shall meet at the end of this 6 month period and arrange terms of their alliance and Marchstumm will exchange a slave (the negotiator) and some seige weaponry in return for the supplies already making their way towards Marchstumm's Teeth

Your silence is taken as ignorance, you shall suffer the consequence of pestilance in the face of our Lord Marchstumm

2011-07-10, 05:13 AM
April 1st 1493

This winter has been a mild one and as spring arrives many green shoots can be seen rising from the fertile farmland. The easy year has caused a minor drop in piracy and crimes across the nations and most nations enter the coming year in good spirits. New rumours in the pubs and docks across the land suggest a great sea serpent devouring ships in the western seas and although this is probably just a story made up to impress someone, it is bringing good business to the ale serving premises of the land.


Your nation is doing well under the favourable weather, you are producing enough food to supply your people and your military parade inspired confidence in your council. You sit again in a meeting waiting listening to the state of the country. You are informed by a well built farmer that research is going well towards creating a fertiliser to make farming possible in the north and that a suitable fertiliser should be found in the next few months. He also informs you that an area of trees has been cleared to allow for more farmland to test this new fertiliser, and that if a steady trade of lumber can be set up with Amanar, more could be easily cleared.
Unexpectedly, Eranah requested a large shipment of wood this season, allowing you to sell at a rate that will make the labour costs back.
You receive a pigeon from your newfound colony on the central isle. They have made passage to the unvisited isle however only 2 remain of the crew. As the boat travelled through the pass there was a large whirlpool, obviously the cause of the new found pass, this in itself was not the end of the ship, as soon as they were fighting for control against the currents, strange fishy looking people boarded the boat and caused mayhem, killing many of the crew. The boat was dragged down into the sea leaving only two alive. Along with the note you receive a scrap of paper with a rough map drawn on it.
You also hear a strange occurrence has happened in your capital, a seemingly mad man arrived suddenly and started asking questions of people about the construction of our houses and the coins we exchange. When apprehended they spoke in broken common and demanded to see our chief bandit, this would not normally be brought to your attention but after locking them in a dungeon for a night we returned in the morning to find the room entirely empty.
One of the Family’s elders, Tess, also visits your nation
Resource income: 9
Resource total: 10

The Black Horde

Your farms begin replanting for the coming summer season, and your slaves work tirelessly to keep the nation going. Pleased with your new alliance you begin to outfit your barracks with better beds and increasing their food ration. This makes your slaves a lot happier and your unrest drops to 4.
Unfortunately your farms cannot produce food over the winter periods and so you receive a lot less resources this season
As April approaches Marchstumms enjoy appears they bring the slave to trade along with 3 siege engines, great catapults decorated in large spines and dragon head sculptures. You are not sure if this gift is to honour your new alliance or a show of power, attempting to scare you.
Resource income : 5
Rescource total : 13


As your people move south, you are in good spirits, your new found friendship with the Family has inspired your people and the increased trade between your tribes help to unify your people as a whole. On top of this it has been easier to convert some of the savage tribes to your people than you thought, for a guaranteed 2 meals a day and a horse to ride on with you some join up almost immediately, although some outright refuse and very few individual tribes send more than a few younger members. The main problems of the integration will be there clear lack of discipline and riding skills, they often struggle to keep up with your own tribes and other than forming a mob, they are a long way from a cohesive unit. To fully form a military unit out of them it is clear you will have to train them intensively and breed more horses to replace those they will be using. This would be easy if they were not spread sparsely among your tribes, your lifestyle does not easily lend to large numbers of untrained people.
As you begin construction a series of beacons across your nation, which you hope to complete in another year or so provided you keep providing the gold to buy the wood your people feel in good spirits as talk begins of who will get to sail out with the Halflings to this new uncharted land. (OC unrest drops to -4)
Your mercenaries and spy’s tell you of a similar expedition that has already left from Germarctus last month and of strange tales of disappearing mad men and women that have visited several other nations. You also hear of large amounts of communications accoutring between the Black Horde, Marchstumm and the dwarven nation in the north although that is far away and other than a larger than normal amount of traffic you find nothing useful.
you manage to obtain wood from Germarctus at a cheaper price this year as they seem to be deforesting areas of there nation.
Resource income : 6
Resource total : 9


Your trees begin to sprout fresh green buds as and you begin again your council with the high druids. You have had less visitors this month and your scouts have returned. The dryads, who are much more sensitive to this sort of thing, sense that the situation in the outside world has turned slightly worse but not significantly.
The scouts you sent out tell of a strange world, much of the forest is gone, replaced by strange constructions of stone and they tell of the metal coins in the chests you found being exchanged for food and other such things. The ones who went south tell of a small arrangements of buildings called Amanar nestled between mountains, this land was busy with humans and other species who walked on two legs, they all spoke common but when questioned about the land they insinuated that your scouts were mad. The same happened to the west, there lies a large forest with collections of these constructions built into gaps, in parts they were even chopping down trees to make more room for these constructions. That scout to was called mad and then both were put in metal chains, at which point they transformed, and returned. They speak of the natives knowing nothing of shapeshifting and bring maps and drawings of the lands and races occupying them, they also seemed to know nothing of druids. The westerly land is called Germarctus and the “city” is Ferdain.
The one who went north found more helpful people who presently asked for some of the shiney things that the others spoke of being traded in the south. They informed her that the land was pertan and it seemed a much friendlier place. Although there were no forests or trees atall, the lands were covered in growing plants with a few constructions in huddles around the place. The man answered many questions until tiring of the talk and saying his time was worth money, the shiny round things apparently. If brought them to him you feel sure he would be happier to talk.


Your farms output food even in these cold months, and you cave fish feed well this year. However rumours of the Marchstumm threat spread quickly as engineering works begin to fortify the cities. You also begin mining under the mountain range towards Marchstumm and have a reasonable tunnel already by the time of this meeting. (unrest increases to -1)
You begin stockpiling weapons made from the ore you have mined and your researchers look into creating a faster cart system and your mages begin looking deeper into the arcane arts of divination and have returned with a break through, you now have the ability to cast level zero divination spells.
As you are no longer trading as many weapons you receive fewer resources from trade for this season. Although Drogo, one of the Family elders, arrives in your nation which bolsters trade.
1 rescources spent on research into better mining carts
1 rescource spent on researching the divine arts
3 rescources spent on creating extra weapons to stockpile
2 rescources spent on beginning to mine into Marchstumm
3 rescources spent on securing the cities fortifications
Rescource income: 10
Total rescources: 10


You feel your nation is prospering under your iron rule and with announcements of war echoing through your city the population grows more restless. You yourself have had no further visions in these last 6 months and your improvements to your barracks have been completed, although they have nothing more than an aesthetic gain.
You have sent your emissary to the Black hoard along with three of your most decorated catapults and the supplies promised by the Black Horde arrive as expected.
Resources spent on war preparations and barracks : 4
Resource income : 6
Resource total : 8


As winter passes and the chill sea breeze is replaces by the warm one of summer your crops again begin to grow and your people can be found more and more often in the parks of your nation.
Your chief scientist has been looking into ways of causing small explosions on demand without the help of magic. Although so far he has only a few unstable compounds that explode on creation, he assures you that research is going well. As he leaves, you wonder if that explains his missing eyebrow.
Your scouting mission returns from the unvisited isle. It seems to have gone well, although the pass is narrow and requires the dodging of a whirlpool on the other side. Your captain was skilled and managed to avoid the rapid and dangerous waters. The captain brings you a map of the beach area around the whirlpool.
Resource income: 8
Resource total :8

The Family

Samira sit again at the end of the mirror communications, the capital has been quiet and the gnomes have been working hard at restoring the city, she even seems to have a roof above her head this time suggesting they have enough roofs for the gnomes and Halflings to sleep under.
Drogo is the first to report in from Larinton. He tells of threatening messages received from Marchstumm about war on Larinton and movements of 3 siege engines from the walls of Marchstumm itself. They also begin development of faster mine carts, something that when complete may be of use to your caravans.
Next is Kreal, who speaks of a generous alliance with the horse people of Eranah. They have agreed to help you in your colonisations of the unvisited isle and in return allowed you to help fortify trade between there tribes.
The third speaker is Tess, who has done a fair amount of trade between Germarctus and The Black Horde. She speaks worrying news of a possible alliance between the Black Horde and Marchstumm.
Lorin has successfully outfitted 5 ships, which although not the fastest ships should hold together in rough seas and be able to skirt the whirlpool you have heard of. They are now outfitted and ready to go, with more than enough room for Halflings and Eranah riders ( and horses).
You yourself know of 2 other missions to the central isle one from Germarctus and one from Tethras, both have already set off but were only one ship and neither seemed as well outfitted as you are. As for gaps in the market, you notice there is very little in the way of trade of research and designs.
Resource income : 8
Total resources: 8


You sit in another boring meeting with officials, they speak of work beginning on the shipyard and reinforcing the mountain passes. “ the reinforcements will take another 6 months but the docks will take a lot longer as it will require a lot of lumber”.
You also hear a strange occurrence has happened in your capital, a seemingly mad man arrived suddenly and started asking questions of people about the construction of our houses and the coins we exchange. When apprehended they spoke in broken common and demanded to see our chief bandit, this would not normally be brought to your attention but after locking them in a dungeon for a night we returned in the morning to find the room entirely empty. Why do they even bring such children’s tales to these meetings.
“our spies in Germarctus reveal no military movement and in tethras all we have found nothing except the usual scientists, often with eyebrows missing, none of them willing to talk”
Finally talk turns to the magical research being done in your colleges. “ the Mages say they can reach out and summon creatures from another plane of existence, in theory, however such magic will take time and it is unknown how long such a spell would take to develop. They also speak of a spell send messages long distances although all they have managed so far is a whispered word across a room. Obviously such research would go faster if we were to provide them with money for increased spell components and such.” Your artificers also speak of being able to bind spells into wands and are working in the technique now.
Rescource income : 10
Resouce total : 14

2011-07-10, 08:09 AM
Public Knowledge/Council Announcements;
The grand council would like to bring to the attention of its people and the nations it would regard its friends in trade and diplomacy the matter of Marchstumm; this barbaric nation has for the most part been quiet and kept to itself, however recent ‘trophies’ found along major trade routes sends us all a chilling message that this nation is not likely to simply stay placid and we urge all nations to stay vigilant.

In light of the recent Marchstumm incident, Germartus will no longer accept communications from Marchstumm. Also anyone found to be putting Marchstumm ‘trophies’ down within our borders will be imprisoned and executed if found guilty of their crime; this barbaric behaviour will not be tolerated by the people.

The grand council this year endorses publicly, trade between itself and the great nations of ERANAH, THERAS and AMANAR. It is hoped that trade remains plentiful and prosperous through the coming seasons.

The grand council would like to thank all the people of Germarctus this season for their efforts and that once again thanks to the Unity of the people we will endure yet another winter with surplus stocks!
--Power through Unity and Equality!

- Continue research into fertilisers.
- Larger areas of the east are to be deforested to build up surplus timber for ships and trade, these areas that are deforested are to be replanted however with faster growing species of tree so we may sustain our timber reserves. The area around our capital (3-4 mile radius) is not to be deforested under any circumstances. (OoC: for simplicities sake I suggest 1 mile sq = 1k of timber if we offer it on top of normal trade.)
- 2R will be spent on enhancing the timber industry workforce as a whole; this includes more planters (tree farmers), sawmills and lumberjacks etc.
- 3R will be spent on another landing party to join up with the survivors on the middle isle. Boats to be dissembled on landing for shelter, multiple messaging pigeons are also going to be issued. Neater versions of the maps we received, will be issued to navigators to better cope with the strong currents around the reef gap.
- More soldiers are to be moved to patrol our nation’s borders; a unit of Red Bears is to be stationed at every major trade checkpoint. ANY Marchstumm forces within our borders are treated as hostile and as such are to be engaged on sight.
- Our actions to this point leave the nation with 5R reserve. It is assumed the bulk of this is food/mineral resource. (OoC: if I have miscounted please PM me.)

The grand council wishes to bring to your Kings attention, surplus timber we will soon have to trade, these stocks will be in addition to already on-going trade so come at a price; we offer 2k gold worth of timber to your nation, this may be traded straight up for wealth (2 resource points) or if you have other resources of similar value e.g. food, horses, etc. we will happily take offers of exchange.

This offer is not obligatory but as a nation who uses a good portion of timber from our own nation the grand council assumes you may take interest.
-Find peace through Unity

The grand council wishes to bring to your nations attention, surplus timber we will soon have to trade, these stocks will be in addition to already on-going trade so come at a price; we offer 2k gold worth of timber to your nation, this may be traded straight up for wealth (2 resource points) or if you have other resources of similar value e.g. food, rare minerals, etc. we will happily take offers of exchange.

This offer is not obligatory but as a nation who uses a good portion of timber from our own nation the grand council assumes you may take interest.
-Find peace through Unity

The grand council wishes to bring your nations attention, surplus food and mineral resource we currently have in our stock-houses. We propose (for a price that you may set) for these resources, that your nation may send us plans and techniques to improve our civilian and military ship design.

It is our worry that without sufficiently able ships our fishing/trading fleet may lag behind that of great sea-fearing nations like you. The people of Germarctus are also more wary of the ‘nations’ of the Black Horde and Marchstumm improving their own military ship design and in the event of possible conflict with these nations we would like to be better prepared for ship to ship engagements.

We understand this is an adventurous proposal and will not take offence to being declined or your nation wanting change in the nature of the trade for such sensitive matters.
--Find peace through Unity.

The council wishes to warmly greet the great elder Tess of The Family and as always an audience with our council can be granted if it would please you.
--Find peace through Unity

2011-07-10, 10:50 AM
Arch druid to the council- "You have all heard what they scouts said about these natives; to the south we have people who live in stone constructs and cut down trees. The south also tried to prevent our scouts from leaving, it is clear that we are not welcome there. Instead i feel we should return to the land of Pertan for they may have no forests but they are trying to grow new life- a vast improvement from the southerners. They want these- things-. They are worth time of audience with there leaders and so we shall send 10 druids back with a bag full. and maybe with this we can regrow there lands and when they re see the right way of mind- perhaps they will assists us with the south.

To the druids who remain in the Senola we must help calm the forest of all doubt- speak to the dryads and inform them we are on a path to return the lands of this world back to the forest it once was. We may not be strong enough for that yet, so learn from the tress, dryads and animals- together we will have natures power to return lands back to how they should be.

*10 druids with a bag of gold coins*
We are here as we would like to know more about the surrounding area. Also anything you know about the southern lands manly the land of Germarctus and the land of Amanar. If you aid us we would be more than happy to help you regrow your lands and call each other by the name of allies.
We have these for you; what are they call again? We hope you are pleased with our offer. If you require more of these shiny rocks then we can come to an understanding over them.

*Gives the coins to Pertan. it isn't a great deal as they were uncertain how much to bring*

2011-07-10, 02:33 PM

Moobimip Pildar, Foreman of Eltiniro has issued the following statement

Food Production in Larinton remains high throughout the winter.

All offers for trade are welcomed.

For a nation ruled by such an ancient and powerful creature, you are certainly impatient and impetuous.

Our standard of living is far superior to that you offer. Only your elven rulers live comparably well, and only the great Marchstumm himself can claim a better life than ours.

If you make an offer that deserves our interest, you will recieve a prompt response. Until then, we will answer at our leisure.

Marchstumm have been making pointless threats to us also.
We appreciate your open stand against them, although with our close proximity it would be reckless for us to make such statements without the promise of aid against them.

Could we count on your support should they wage an unprovoked war?

In addition, I know that your nation occasionally has food difficulties. If you find yourself in shortage in any future winter, our food production is continual, and we would be happy to offer you a fair trade.

We have been led to understand that you have developed advancements in your technology. We also appreciate the great potential of experimental discoveries.
We would love to spend time in discussion with you and hope we may be able to share our knowledge with each other.

2011-07-10, 06:36 PM
The family (not complete, but mainly will be edited to improve writing.)

Kreal shaded his eyes with a hand, from his vantage point on the hill he watched the caravan moving with unusual haste. He sighed slightly, letting his hand fall to the waterskin strapped to his pony. The sun was insufferably warm; the oddity of the day bothered the Halfling as much as the weather. He drank slowly as he thought over the winter. It had been a worthwhile winter and Kreal was pleased to see his work was futile. He smiled as he saw the trail of dust rising on the horizon the approaching party was a good sign. He raised his hand, and below the caravans began to roll to a halt. Hopping up onto the pony’s back he began his decent as a camp was thrown up below.

As the king’s party reached the camp, Kreal rode out to meet them. “Sire.” He bowed his head slightly, but didn’t get down from his horse, offering the waterskin to the man.

“We just finished brokering a deal for a trade route down the west coast, they were eager for salted meats to replenish the winter stores. Halan elected to stay behind so as to sustain a relationship, Tranina still rides with this caravan.” Kreal found himself sheltering his eyes as he looked up at the imposing man, backed by the sun.

“On a more general note, we have 5 ships at the coast stocked and made ready, the Halflings making the voyage are already prepared. We will attempt accommodate as many men and horse as you deem viable to be parted with, only one ship is really needed to fit our portion of the expedition.” Kreal looked back over his shoulder at the caravans, “I have heard some disturbing news of late to the north. Halflings don’t trade people like goods, but there are nations which do up north. They also seem to have brokered some kind of allegiance to one another, the purpose of this I cannot fathom.” Kreal shrugged. “Just a warning of events from afar.”

Drogo made his way towards the inventor’s room; he hopped nervously from toe to toe. He hadn’t seen another gnome in weeks, and he had finally been granted access to someone with any political clout and he only had bad news. He knocked, and after waiting for a moment with no reply, let himself in the racket inside enough of an invitation. The man he was meeting was hard at work on some rather unusual device, and the engineer was more than content to wait until he was spotted rather than intervene. When he was noticed he was greeted with a handshake and a smile, his own felt ashen on his lips.

“I am afraid I come with some rather dire warnings, and little in the way of comfort. This being your land I am sure that this might well be common knowledge, but I feel warnings must be given just in case. The first includes the movement of siege equipment from Marchstruum on Larinton, the second is news of a possible alliance between the Black Horde and Marchstumm. The family are travellers and peace lovers, and as such wanted to extend to a nation such as yours the hand of friendship and any aid you might require, especially a way of acquiring any resources you might need in the future.”

At the same time I am attempting to discover the method for these “faster mine carts” as both an item to trade with Germarctus (mentioned below), and to improve my own caravan design, using espionage. As much energy and time is put in as possible to make sure that the crime isn’t even noticed, let alone the culprit found. This will be done by a group separate from Drogo’s for deniability.

The letter is sealed in an envelope of the purest white, even if it is delivered by a small scruffy halfing child. He hands it over to an administrator who takes it without looking at it in an attempt to remove the child from the premises. It isn’t until much later the letter finds its way into the right people’s hands. It was written simply, but elegantly, with little embellishment or waste of ink.

I would formally like to accept the invitation for an audience, please contact me and I will come at your leisure.

Elder Tess.

Gm turn summary (so far):

Espionage: (1/5 : supporting Eranah, mainly on tribes, shared with the king discreetly.) (1/5: evaluating the rumours in the east sea.) (1/5: Following trade markets and worldwide events (war etc) (1/5: More closely tracking southern continent events.) (1/5: stealing from Larinton (as stated above.))

Resources: (1/8 into aiding Eranah (please mention this in the next update to Eranah.), this is mainly in the form of unbalanced trading to secure trade routes.)) (2/8 to smoothing over espionage) (3/8 into research in capital (into technology used in the past in the ancient city.) (1/8 into restoring the city.) (1/8 stored in the city.)

2011-07-10, 08:15 PM
The Black Horde

We would like once again to remind nations that we are happy to trade our excess food for weapons or slaves, whether they be members of your own population or prisoners of war.

I would like to put 3 resources into training my army.

Also discussion with the envoy, should that be done by PM and copying you in as it's immediate and has no message limit to avoid spamming the forums?

Your envoy has arrived along with the siege weapons, and I would like to congratulate the siege engineers responsible; they truly are magnificent tools of war.

We would certainly be willing to send more shipments of food to your nation in return for more of these incredible constructions.

I hope your inspection finds our army to be pleasing, and I wish to let you know we will be dedicating some resources for the next few seasons to training our troops to be more effective on the battlefield.

Once our troops are better armed, I believe we should begin planning for the attack on Larinton. If you can negotiate an army through the Highlands, I expect a two pronged attack would prove most successful, but we will need to discuss the logistics of such a maneuver and perhaps make a prior agreement as to how to deal with the spoils of war.

Presently we cannot see any way in which our slaves could become unnecessary, as everything in our nation, right down to our political system relies on our system of slavery.

2011-07-11, 02:12 AM
Eranian public news and announcements

The tribes are happy as the summer month’s return, the wise leadership of the great khan proving itself time and time over. The northern tribes find plenty in nature, and they take it as a symbol from the gods that Huoron Silverwind is the rightful guardian of Eranah. The central elven tribes are as isolated as ever, their mastery of horsemanship unparalleled, but word flows through the land that even their elders – warriors of worth many hundreds of seasons – are impressed with the flow of the nation. In the hardier south, the public agreements with Germartus are giving the tribesfolk plenty to do, trading freely with lands in the past they may have plundered.

All nations are reminded that Eranian mercenaries, the finest light cavalry in the world, are up for sale for those who need their expertise.

Plans for the next six months:
-Try and breed some more riding horses; although ensure a percentage of them are somewhat stockier as to take the girth of our new-found savage races.
-Attempt to train the savage regiment how to fight from horseback using reserve horses, and teach them military tactics, focusing on both mounted and infantry skirmishing.

The king nodded slowly, listening to the words of the Halfling while taking a drink from the man’s waterskin. Returning the skin, he hopped down from his horse, his guard doing the same, hoping that the Halfling may perhaps see him better now.
”Ah, your invaluable trade is a great asset to our nation, and I thank you personally for your ventures into the wilds. It’s not something your typical merchants would try.” He offered a wicked grin, before continuing. “On the subject of soldiers for your expedition, I should ask how large these boats are, so I can better understand how many soldiers to send. But be sure, friend, that I shall spare as many as I can.” He slapped the Halfling on the shoulder, as if speaking to some battle-brother, before pulling the Halfling closer into an embrace. However, as he whispers into your ear, he reveals its purpose.
“I have…Made agreements with those who call themselves the Black Horde. Slavers the lot of them. I do not feel safe while they prowl the world. They have already subjugated one nation like my own and I do not want to risk being the second. Know that I have signed a non-aggression pact with them, to ensure that they do not bother me; however, I feel an attack on your caravans would count in my eyes a sovereign attack on my own people, for I treat you as such…
He pulls away, smiling. [b]“Feel safe, but that’s no reason to be bold though; don’t try and start a fight that we can avoid.”[/b[ The rest of his guards **** eyebrows, unsure of the context of the conversation, but shrug it off. He’s a king, he has a right to scheme.

Your offer of wood is highly valued, and we shall gladly do business with you. Two-thousand is a good and reasonable price to pay for the privilege of your goods. Also, I have a question. Does the mighty Germarctus have a heavy cavalry regiment? Or perhaps Dragoons (Mounted infantry)? I ask out of curiosity. Also, we applaud your stance of the blighters of Marchstumm. We, too, found their foul totems, and I do not feel it is in our best interests to leave ourselves vulnerable to those from the North.

Steevo RMH
2011-07-11, 04:46 AM

Public Announcemounts/Rumours

With an easy year, even mage related crime had dropped in Tethras. While some people see this as a possible sign that things might finally start to quieten down, others believe it to be a calm before the storm. Rumours of a giant sea serpent in the western seas only add further to this belief, as many in Tethras who believe this rumour, believe it must have been created by renegade mages for some unknown purpose.

I would like to continue with the research into blackpowder, again trying to make a controlled explosive that can then be used to make guns and cannons in the future. Resources used: 4
As for the isle, I would like to return to the island, this time with a crew ready to explore the island. It will the same ship that made it through last time with the same captain, since he has proven himself more than capable. Along with the standard crew of the ship, there will be scientist, explorers, ground troops and supplies so that a base camp can be established on the island and then further exploration can take place.
Running orders for the captain is avoid conflict with any other ships at all costs, using the advantages of speed and mobility to ensure they are not followed or destroyed by other nations. Resources used: 4
Also, all ships have been informed to be extra vigilant for ships from the Black Horde or Marchstuum, or giant Sea Serpents (the last bit usually told to the captain in a more joking matter). If one is sighted, it is not to be engaged unless it makes hostile moves towards them or Tethras. However, its estimated destination should be noted and passed back to the Council and the Emperor. Note this is not be actually sending ships out to look, its more if a ship from the Black Horde or Marchstuum sails near Tethras, we're going to be keeping a very close eye on it.

While we are not in need of food supplies at the moment, we are always in need of mineral resources to further our research.

We would be willing to share some of our knowledge with you for said mineral resources. This knowledge would be designs to help build faster ships, which can be applied to both your trading and military navy. While these ships would not be as fast as Tethran ships, they would be more than able to help keep your navy on a level footing with other nations.

We understand the need to be prepared for the threat posed by both Marchstuum and the Black Horde and are ourselves preparing for the worst.

We would be happy to discuss the possibility of an exchange of knowledge. We are always looking to further our understanding of the world and we would be interested to see what discoveries you have made.

2011-07-11, 05:36 AM

As the seasons turn Pertan's soils are again covered in life. plants and livestock of many different varieties, including a large quantity of hops and barley. Pertan would like to remind people that as well as selling food and ale to countries it is also interested in buying technology and magic that will be profitable to our dear nation.


We have planted extra hops and barley this season and should be able to provide you with Pertan's finest ales, or the raw ingredients when the crops flower


A large and well fed man introduces himself to your druids as James Untal. " We welcome your People to our land and would be more than happy to trade information about our world with you, along with anything else we can provide your people. These things" Pointing at a coin,"are called coins, we trade them for anything you can imagine. our nation of Pertan grows things as you can see and then uses these plants to create food for the other nations and then replants the crops next year. Anything you can do to boos production will be greatly appreciated of course, the more of those coins you can bring us the greater help we can be of you, but i am being uncourtious, please come in. he beccons you into a large stone building, and if you follow him in:
He leads you to a large room with wooden panelled walls and a large wooden table. " A drink for my guests" he calls and a much older man comes forth bearing a tray upon which 2 large bottles rest. "Would the sirs or madame's prefer port or ale?

2011-07-11, 09:09 AM
The once ominous silence that enshrouded Marchstumm has all but dissapated, the eerie nothingness has been substituted for the metalic clangs of blacksmiths and dueling soldiers and messages begin to leak acrross the markets that the fires of Marchstumm burn bright againf or the first time in thousands of years.

@The Black Horde
You are most welcome and your resources were especially enjoeyd by our ruling quater. In return for more of our machines of destruction I propose an exchange program. 1 battalion of my finest soldiers will accompany a handful more of our finest weponry and train as many soldiers as you wish in our art of seige warfare. In return we would request that you provide us with any knwoledge you may have regarding ranged weaponry, as the great scripts of Marchstumm prohibit us from training too much in the field of close combat warfare. At the end of this month we shall meet again and discuss battle plans. We should also set plans for the exploration of this unexpored isle. Untold weapons and treasures could be found there.

The slave from The Black Horde is executed (on the off chance he is a spy). All the resources remaining and pooled into training more members of the military as a mass recruitment drive sweeps the slave pens, promosing freedom in return for conscription. Spies are sent to the foot of Larinton rto report back on preliminary defences and trade frequency. Any and all dwarves and gnomes found near Marchstumm terratory are captured and enslaved

So be it, you shall suffer for the petulance with which your scum covered toungue dares to refer to me, the divine ruler of the Unexplored Isle and voice of Marchstumm.

2011-07-11, 10:17 AM

Rumours are abound that for the first time in many decades there has been a large shift in military deployment within Germarctus, with many more units being seen patrolling the nations borders. Tempests and Red Bear units are also being spotted with increased frequency by the working folk.

- ERANAH is giving GERMARCTUS 2k gold for large quantities of lumber, which is to be taken from our new timber farms in the north regions.

- TETHRAS may be sending improved ship design to GERMARCTUS for the price of 3k gold this season, and 3k gold next season. (OoC: I assume this would bump our navy score to a respectable 2?)

- These actions if they all resolve would leave GERMARCTUS with 4R reserve, mineral and lumber reserves will be lessened through increased export but the grand council should have more gold reserves.

Responding to nation messages (2/3):

The grand council sends its warmest regards to your offer of acceptance and we will without delay begin shipping the addition lumber once we receive the 2K gold.

Without divulging too much information we as a nation don’t use the noble steed for much more than transport, it has never been within our creed or culture to use them for active military force. The grand council is aware of your nation offering mercenary force which in the current climate is a wise move.

It saddens us that the barbaric nation of Marchstumm has blighted your roaming plains with such awful trophies. However with news of Marcghstumm’s great forges stirring once again it is with a sense of some urgency we ask for a possible allegiance between our two nations, as surely between our great military forces we can quash the Marchstumm war-machine if the need arises. The grand council anticipates conflict soon, as we have been asked to provide military protection for many nations closer to the barbaric Marchstumm and so it is our hope both our nations, combined might be able to send such aid if the need arose.
--Find peace through Unity

The grand council of Germarctus proposes that for 3k gold worth of mineral resource over this season and the next, we may have access to blueprints/designs for faster navy vessels.

With the news of Marcghstumm’s great forges stirring once again it is with a sense of some urgency we ask for a possible allegiance between our two nations, as surely between our great military force and your unparalleled navy we can quash the Marchstumm war-machine if the need arises. This allegiance would of course mean that we would come to your aid god-speed if the armies of Marchstumm were to attempt something as foolhardy as an invasion of Tetheras.
--Find peace through Unity

The grand council shall have an audience opening very soon for the esteemed elder Tess. We would request that elder Tess help us better prepare responses by sending us a list of issues of discussion. We anticipate discussion of trade and of the ever-growing threat Marchstumm poses to all, however if there are other topics please let us know.
--Find peace through Unity

The grand council understands the concerns Larinton have about open conflict with Marchstumm. Germarctus would of course be willing to offer aid of military force should Marchstumm be as foolhardy as to march against your great mines and mountains. It is with a sense of some urgency then, we ask for a possible allegiance between our two nations. It is our believe through unity of nations and their people we may ultimately be able to stop open conflict from starting.

The offer of food is also welcomed, although at current we have a plentiful national store. We would propose instead to you that if war were to arise we may ask for large scale mineral trade either for gold or military aid. These extra minerals would ensure our great army will not tire against the Marchstumm scum.
--Find peace through Unity.

2011-07-11, 12:00 PM
Replies from Larinton

@The Family
The engineer reached into his pocket and pulled out a watch; staring at its face intently for several seconds.
Pildar will want to discuss this with you herself. If you could come with me?

He led the foreign gnome through a twisting maze of passages, some of which made Drogo feel slightly claustrophobic, opening two doors with strange and complicated locks along the way.
Be aware, she doesn't often deal with outsiders; none of us here do. I mean, most outsiders can't even fit and with that he let out a nervous laugh, before knocking on an ornate stone door.

A minute later it swung open. Standing behind it was a short, wizened old gnome; behind her, a pile of clockwork, chemicals, and diagrams, sprawled around what looked like it might have once been a desk.
After exchanging introductions, and listening to Drogo's explanation, Foreman Pildar looked over her notes.

Your news of Marchstumm is merely confirmation of what we already suspected. But that The Black Horde may be allying with them? That is more worrying. With luck, it is only a defensive pact.

As for your offer of aid, we are most grateful. We may not be able to pay well at present, due to the dire urgency of our situation, but we can pay with knowledge, or pay you properly once the threat is passed.

And if war spreads; Larinton will welcome any members of the Family who wish to ride out threat under the protection of the miles of stone above us.

I require two things for my defense to succeed; a potent explosive, and knowledge of the route Marchstumm intend to take through the hills to reach us.
Once Marchstumm's weakness is revealed, the Black Horde should reassess their allegiance.

She turned to speak to the engineer
Lead him back to the railways; and feel free to discuss your work with him en route

Did you notice the spailins on the flange of the track? Increases the efficiency by 5% That was my idea, and the flighties, and the....

@The Black Horde

1) Consider your allegiance carefully. Marchstumm may seem strong, but they wish to wage a foolish war against the Mountain. They do not have the capability to win. Let them fail, and you will have their lands for your own.

2) We know you wish to purchase prisoners of war. Should we successfully persuade the Mountain to allow Marchstumm's soldiers to live; would you be willing to trade slaves for slaves? Say, 5 marchstumm soldiers for 3 of our kind.

The Great Dragon will not be pleased when he learns that you wish to waste his people, and his resources, attacking the Mountain. Had he wished to wage war on the Mountain, he would have done so himself.

Without his breath; the Mountain is impervious to your strikes. And without his wings, you cannot escape the Mountain's retribution.

Talk to us of trade, or leave us alone. Attacking the Mountain will only lead to your downfall.

Due to a hurried situation, with Marchstumm threatening us, we will be sending you the diagrams for advanced mining machines immediately. We hope you will provide us with useful knowledge in return.

We are especially interested by rumours of your developments in explosives, which could be amazingly valuable in defense.

Such a pact is amenable to us. Agreed.

We're sending information on mining to the people of Tethras immediately. The mining towards Marchstumm will continue, with specific attempts to undermine valley paths that might allow the movement of siege weapons. Research into Divination will continue, and technological research will be looking into the potential of clockwork devices.

2011-07-11, 02:06 PM
The Black Horde

We are choosing our allies very carefully. However this offer is very tempting, and I will get back to you before the end of the season.

Unfortunately we do not have much in the way of advanced weaponry or tactics, as our advantages lie mainly in our numbers, so I'm not sure if we could be of assistance there, however we do have plenty more food that we can supply you with so that you can devote other resources into researching more ranged weapons yourself.

As for the unexplored isle, I believe we first need to secure a proper base of operations on this continent and invest in our combined naval forces first.

Also Larinton has offered to capture your soldiers alive and trade them with us. To quote "Should we successfully persuade the Mountain to allow Marchstumm's soldiers to live; would you be willing to trade slaves for slaves? Say, 5 marchstumm soldiers for 3 of our kind." As these are your troops, should I agree to this so that they keep your soldiers alive if they are captured, so that they may be rescued and serve in future conflicts?

Steevo RMH
2011-07-11, 04:02 PM

We accept the deal. We will have the designs for the ships send to you as soon as possible.
We believe an alliance would indeed be the best course of action with the recent actions from Marchstuum. We accept this alliance, and promise you that should the reverse happen and Marchstuum tries to invade you, we will send all the aid we can.
Our navy has already been put on high alert and have been told to keep on the lookout for not only Marchstuum ships but also ships from the Black Horde.

We thank you for the plans and intend to implement as soon as possible. While we are interested how you heard the rumors, they are partially true. While we are indeed conducting research into controlled explosives, we have not been able to find a compound suitable enough for our needs. However, we have been lead to believe that the research is going well, and we hope for results soon.

We apologize that we do not have the information you were hoping for right now, but as soon as we make the breakthrough, we will send the information to you. As for Marchstuum, we would be willing to assist you if we can, although our strength lies in a navy and I am not sure how useful that would be for you. However, the offer is there.

2011-07-12, 04:10 AM
Your offer of allegiance is most wise, and I would be a fool to turn down such an offer. To cement such an agreement, I will explain why I asked about your cavalry; or hitherto lack of.

It was not an effort to sell you horsemen. That is a decision I know you will make in due course. I, instead, have another offer for you. You see, I have started recruiting Plainsfolk who are...Less adept on horseback. However, with mobility in mind, I need them to be adept at riding, even if I cannot make them fight from the back of a horse. But, at the same time, if they are to be infantry on the battlefield...Well, I said it in our first batch of letters, wise council; even the most mighty of nations cannot absorb what is not culturally theirs.

So here's my offer; I will move this warhost close to your border, and set up camp. In turn, you should send any men or women who wish to learn to ride horses to this camp, along with a few of your own troops. I shall teach your folk how to ride horses along with mine, if you can teach mine how to stand in a regiment and fight with your folk. They shall train and work together, and through equality in hardship and technique, we can more properly knot the bonds between our two nations.

Does this sound agreeable? If so, I shall move the war host at once. If not, I am not offended; after all, moving a warhost to one's border is oft considered an act of war. Still, I would like to ensure the continuation of our mutual defence. This continent will not survive unless we are united

2011-07-12, 04:20 AM

The druids look confused as they have not heard of these beverages before. As the look at the wooded objects. "Do most nations of the new world destroy their forests to use its wood?" *one sighs* "We have much work to do here. Now so you have any water as, we have flown far."

2011-07-12, 05:13 AM
@The Black Horde
The death of our men is homage to the great Marchstumm, they shall not have their sacrifices sullied by being tokens in Larintons petty recovery of midgets. Should an exchange provide you means to assault LArinton spies then do so, but execute my men forthwithe for not taking their own lives in shame

The insolance! How dare you fguess at what marchstumm woudl want! I am his voice and I have both his breath and his tail to burn and smash your pitiful band of rebels! Unless you offer to trade slaves then you simply serve no other purpose than to line the very caves you live in with glorious crimson. Make the most of the time you have left, I imagine trade and resources are hard to come by when the sun is blocked from your every catacomb.

2011-07-12, 05:51 AM
@ Senola
The man fetches you water and pours a glass of deep red liquid for James. "The wood used in this world is oftehn cut down to make room for buildings and such, there are also many areas which cut down the woodland but replace it with more trees so that the demand for wood in this world can be met. So what kind of information do wish to know, and how many of those coins do you have?. Pertan is more than willing to help in any way it can"

2011-07-12, 06:29 AM
How many coins do i have? :P

Thank you for the water. We wish to know of the island to the south, do you send crops to the natives of Germarctus and Amanar? We have many boxes full of coins which we have come into possession of over the many years. The next time we return we shall bring some more.

2011-07-12, 06:19 PM
The family

The Halfling smiles and nods, seemingly as though nothing happened. “Just be prepared, the promise of a trickster has no value.” It rolled off his tongue like a saying. He shrugged as another seemed to come to mind, “And chains of steel are the easiest to break.” They seemed like little more than metaphor, but Kreal made sure to catch the king’s eye. ”Now as for the boats...” Kreal led the king into camp to discuss the details.

Gm: I need to know the information about the boats, size etc.


The old Halfling made her way up the steps of the civic building, cursing with each stair. She stopped at the top to catch her break for a moment, batting away the guards that came to help her. “Damnable stairs, damnable country. Prepare a list of topics.” She snorted a laugh. “If I don’t do something now the caravan will be held up all week, and that is NOT acceptable.” She walked up to the first man with books she could see, loudly stating her name and brandishing her letter of invitation. “My name is Tess, I am quartermaster for my caravan and I have been granted a meeting with the grand council.” It was quickly made apparent that the council weren’t available to be just dropped in on. She was bustled into a small, but comfortable room to wait while one of the council could be found to talk with her. She waited, and it wasn’t long before her patience wore thin, just as she was getting ready to leave in walks a tall man who sits across from her at a table seemingly suited to her height, he looked comically out of place. “Finally.” The elder hurrumphed. “I am here to discuss with you and the council a couple of matters. An alliance between Marchstumm and another nation along with Marchstumm’s movements against another nation completely. Trade, mainly of several inventions for food supplies, ways of increasing mining production etcetera. We also are seeking an explosive or magical or mundane means. The explosive will be used against Marchstumm directly.” The woman sat there oblivious of the position she had put this man before her in, waiting a reply as though he was a king.

(ooc: I took some artistic liberties with this post, tell me if you want anything changed.)

Drogo followed behind silently, his eyes huge as they tried to take in the sights about him. The gnome got more and more nervous as he was led deeper and deeper into the mountains, it was a maze, he almost pitied an army that tried to take this place. When he was introduced to Pildar he was first struck by her beauty. Gnomes are not known for their romantic turns, but when he approached her work table he felt his already red nose, go redder still. It took a moment for him to catch up with her when she started talking.

“I am ashamed that I cannot bring you fairer news, I...erm...wish it was suited to the hearer.” He added lamely. “I do not fear an alliance between two such nations, as neither will give enough rope as to allow the other to hang them. What is an ally you can’t trust?” Drogo smiled comically, hoping it was dashing. “Although we offer aid without seeking any immediate recompense, any knowledge you could spare could be used to trade of food supplies encase of an extended siege, salt and vinegar for prolonging life. I will send scouts out the moment I return to my caravan to try and track Marchstumm’s progress, although there route should be fairly predictable with the forces they are moving, surely fitting three siege machines through the highlands is difficult at best. An explosive might be harder to find but I will send word to my colleges. Would it need to be chemical based, or would magic suffice? A scroll of some kind might be more available if you would have a caster to cast it, we could look for both.”

Drogo finds his voice faltering under her stare and he was rambling as he often did when he was slightly nervous. “I am sorry; I will leave you to work. I shall remain nearby encase you wish for further converse. Maybe even less business related.” He offered weakly. “The Halflings that make up my caravan have brought with them some famous southern wines.” With that he allows himself to be led out and into conversation about carts. It was interesting, and he was already thinking about adaptations that could be made to suit caravans, but there was still a niggling in the back of his mind, a single name, Pilner.

Gm: As stated above can I change my espionage part way through the year (or as soon as this meeting is finished, to tracking Marchstumm instead of stealing from Larinton.), also, using the mirror the elders will discuss the access to explosives.

2011-07-12, 11:06 PM

Throughout summer, Amani emissaries begin arriving at the capitals of many countries. The diplomats seem to be content to discuss trivial matters, with the occasional trade agreement. Most of them aren't mages (or at least don't make it obvious). Back in the capital, work has begun on new dockyards, and the city in general buzzes with activity as it always does in the trading seasons.
Ambassadors have been noted arriving in Tethras, Larinton and Germarctus.

We believe we might be able to come to an agreement, then. If you can supply us with the timber we need to complete our shipbuilding work, we would be happy to pass on our research on some arcane secrets. (Dispel Magic, Invisibility and Web sound good to you?) If you are more interested in resources, we would be happy to make that trade, although much of our capital is tied up in other agreements currently.

Of course, we understand. As a trading nation, we might be able to offer you some resources to aid in your construction, if you would be willing to pass on some technological advances to us. Amanar's craftsmen and mines might be able to help you with your work on your projects if needed.
We are particularly interested in how well our own researchers might combine with yours, but that might be a project for a later date. The future possibilities could be endless

The Family
We can offer you just about any magical ability you care to name. Possibilities which would always come in handy are the secrets of invisibility, the dispelling of enemy magics, and similar useful effects. A reliable supply of food, such as that from your nation, is something we might be willing to part with some of our knowledge for.

We might be interested in some trade of information. If you can outline what arcane work you might be interested in acquiring, we can pass on something if you would be willing to aid us on a more technological front. We could also always use more mages- we might be willing to train some of your arcane spellcasters in exchange for some service time from them on request.

Resource allocation:
Arcane work as beforehand (kicking up the resource supply to 4).

Work on dockyards continues (resources 3- 2 Naval, 1 Fishing)
Border defense 1 resource
Espionage 4 resources (counter-espionage 1, Tethras 3)
Saving 2 resources.

2011-07-13, 04:42 AM
The family


We are seeking a form of explosive for another business partner. If you have a magical ability that would be feasible then business agreements could be made. It only needs to be a single use explosive if the secret of the weapon doesn't want to be parted with.

On another note magics of invisibility could be of great use, the nature of the food resources and the nature of the magics is always important. Would it need to be dureable food, salted beef, or simply cheaper food for a population, wheat for example. Also an indefinite contract will never be taken out, we will need a fixed term for each spell.

A representitive will be sent to discuss this matter, if you can provide a diplomat or place for us to come to.

2011-07-13, 11:05 AM

Shortly before the councillor annual elections begin there is an important message for the unified people of Germarctus and for all other nations;

"The grand council is pleased to announce publicly to all, alliances with the great nations of ERANAH, TETHRAS and LARINTON. This is a great day for unity and progress indeed and we as Germarctians are proud to stand together with such progressive nations! Power through Unity and Equality!"

There is also speak of many councillor candidates for the upcoming elections being outspoken about the 'disgusting' and 'oppressive' regime of the slave nation the Black Horde, some even promising a liberation effort from the Germarctus military and it's allies. Many citizens also desire the next council to take a proactive stance regarding the Black Horde and its dessication of equality.

- Spending 3k gold in addition to other costs, this is going to TETHRAS. With increased naval production it is hoped this will bolster the relatively small fleet Germarctus owns. (OoC: Bumping the score to 2 hopefully.)
- These actions will leave GERMARCTUS with 1R left over. This is likely to be mainly lumber/mineral since the council used its gold reserves to pay TETHRAS.

(OoC: I really enjoyed reading this reply tbh! Made a difference from the plain replies I usually get from other nations. =3)

The grand councillor stirred uncomfortably in his chair and before replying sifted through some paperwork he had to hand.
“The council are not aware of any alliance Marchstumm have officially, I would be as daring as to assume this is the Black Horde? As for Marchstumms hostility we are aware about their movements against several nations, Larinton in particular. It is our intention should any nation be targeted, Germarctus and its allies will aid in defensive deployment.” The councillor paused for breath; looking over to Tess he noticed her expression had not changed his glance quickly shifted back to his piles of paperwork.
“As for explosives I’m afraid we as a nation lack the means either magically or technologically to present anything significant. You must understand as a nation renowned for its strength in steel and arms we do not pursue such technology without need. We are hoping soon however to increase our food production by a significant degree, if and when this happens we will let you know as we will undoubtedly have surplus stocks in food to trade.”

Responding to national messages (3/3);

The grand council finds this arrangement satisfactory, we shall begin sending timber straight away. We shall in turn begin sending units of our magi-knights to the embassy to begin training of these proposed arcane techniques with post-haste.

Without prying too much into your nation’s political business we as a people are interested to know of your relations with the Black Horde, for while we stand against everything this awful nation does we have of yet, heard little from them. It would please us to no end to instigate liberation of this ‘slave nation’ with post-haste, however we don’t wish to look reckless and irrational by waging open war.
--Find peace through Unity

This is fantastic news indeed, we shall make arrangements to send the 3k gold straight away. The grand council is also pleased to hear you accept our offer of an alliance, this is a great day of Unity for both our pound nations.

Without prying too much into your nation’s political business we as a people are interested to know of your relations with the Black Horde, for while we stand against everything this awful nation does we have of yet, heard little from them. It would please us to no end to instigate liberation of this ‘slave nation’ with post-haste, however we don’t wish to look reckless and irrational by waging open war.
--Find peace through Unity

The grand council is pleased to see Eranah staying true to the track of Unity, as you say our nations will stand stronger, together and are happy to hear you accept are offer of an alliance! It is safe to say then, we also accept you agreement of merging forces on the border, for training. In terms of logistics, we shall send 5 units of 30 men and women from our heavy and light infantry cores; they are all willing and able to learn the ways of horseback. In turn we shall train your people the ways of rank and file so that if the time comes both our armies can march together with strength and unity!

Without prying too much into your nation’s political business we as a people are interested to know of your relations with the Black Horde, for while we stand against everything this awful nation does we have of yet, heard little from them. It would please us to no end to instigate liberation of this ‘slave nation’ with post-haste, however we don’t wish to look reckless and irrational by waging open war.
--Find peace through Unity

2011-07-13, 11:28 AM
The Black Horde

I have considered your offer and I am afraid I must decline.

Very well, I have rejected Larinton's offer.

I am slightly concerned by the both this alliance of Tethras, Eranah, Germarctus, and Larinton, as together they represent a strong military that is ideologically opposed to ours. While I am certain that with the element of surprise we can eliminate Larinton before they have any opportunity to rise against us, the others together represent a dangerous threat. While we have a non-aggression pact with Eranah, I fear that they would still use their forces against you with the aid of their allies. We will of course come to your defense if such a situation arises, however early aggression against their allies may dissuade them from such a move.

I am also concerned by Germactus' thinly veiled threats against both of our nations, and I believe that time is of the essence. I think we should mobilize our forces as soon as possible, and take Larinton. If you begin your attack with Niritole, in the west, I can supply naval reinforcements, while assaulting Tirinoel with my land forces. From there we can make a joint assault on Eltiniro, and with all 3 major cities under our control, they will be powerless.

Regardless of whether this is the plan that we use or not, I reckon we should mobilize our forces towards their borders immediately.

In the event that the liberation efforts that Germarctan councilors are clamoring for actually take place, I trust that our non-aggression pact will hold true?

2011-07-14, 02:25 AM
High council, we have begun moving the warhost, and the mutual training effort shall begin at once. May it lead to prosperity between our two nations.

As for the state of affairs with the Black Horde, I currently have a non-aggression pact with them. It does not surprise me that you have heard little from them, for I can see little reason for them to negotiate. The non-aggression pact was to defend my sovereign territory; mercenaries are a loop in the contract however, so take that as you will.

Otherwise, no friendship exists. He offered me naval support in exchange for land support, and I turned down the offer. I am not his friend, comrade, but neither do I wish to make too many enemies. However, for the right price, we'll wage war on anyone, and I'm sure we can "donate" items to your national inventory should war arise.


(Discussed boats with GM IRL, fits one-hundred cavalry all-together)
The king looked over the boats with an appraising eye. "Well, I'm no shipwright, Kreal, but I'd reckon you could fit a hundred cavalrymen in there, give or take, of course. So I guarantee that many soldiers to you; One-hundred horsemen, ready to explore. I'll even put a shaman on there for good measure." He nods, smiling back to the halfling. "Explore, carve away at the edges of the map. Our two clans may well go down in history!"

The non-aggression pact holds, don't worry. We have honour, and no soldier in the employ of the king will invade set foot in your nation. However, do not take this as tacit approval of your slavery, for I too am cautious of your practices.

2011-07-14, 04:46 AM
@ Senola
"The southern continent has 3 peoples upon its soil. We do trade small amounts of food to Amanar and Germarctus and we also trade a minor amount with Eranah, a nation of horse people and nomads to the west. Amanar is a nation of mages, ruled by an emperor they specialise in trading with the other nations and creating new spells. Germartus is a large country founded on the silly ideal that all humans are equal, they sell resources and lumber to other nations. Amanar also has a large naval force whereas Germarctus has a large military force on the land.

2011-07-14, 11:04 AM

Voice of Marchstumm:
We are dissapointed to see such pitiful threats with the mearest of veils brazen the ears of our countrymen. Any act of aggression will be taken as a decleration of war and every nation allied under the same banner shall be punnished equally regardless of involvement should harm come to any one single Marchstist.

@The Black Horde
Agreed. We shall begin mobilising our main invasion force towards the south of our nation at the end of the season. marchstumm bless us all

It is agreed, Marchstumm and The black horde shall begin mobilising forces toward Larinton at the end of the season

2011-07-14, 05:06 PM
"The people of Germarctus and Amanar captured our explorers so we do not speak kindly of them. Though we have not encountered the people of Eranah. If possible we would like to show the hostile southerners that we are not "mad" people but it is them which is in fact wrong.
Is it just you on this northern island? or are there others? Maybe others who have also been treated with hostility"

2011-07-14, 07:20 PM
The family


(ooc: Thanks, I saw it as one of the advantages of my nation, lots of diplomats means lots of RP. Well, as long as I don’t get too many replies at once. ^^ I was just worried about inventing things for other nations but otherwise you can’t get to the point to role-play without a scene.)

Tess nods slowly, a hair coming loose from her grey bun. She tucks it quickly away behind an ear. A tight frown seems permanently plastered on her face. She seems to hold an aura of authority despite her diminutive stature.

“The Black Horde? Yes. Yes. I am not sure if this is a unified assault or more of a defensive pact.” Tess shrugs. “Either way we have offered any support Larinton might need in the defence of their nation, although we hold almost nothing in the form of troops. We sent a few scouts to track Marchstumm’s progress through the highlands. We hope to keep Larinton supplied encase a siege comes to pass. If you need any aid in this endeavour we will happily do what little we can, we would prefer to keep any involvement quiet if that is feasible. Also we would prefer not to be involved in retaliations at this point in time.”

Tess reaches into a pocket, pulling out a card and tapping it between her fingers. “If there is nothing else to discuss I will be heading back to my caravan. If there is anything you wish to discuss in the future, have a scribe deliver this to a caravan and I will come find you Mr....erm...” Tess looks up at the councillor’s face for what must be the first time. “What was your name?”

(ooc: GM: Can this voyage be started this “turn”?)

Kreal nods turning back with the king. “I have volunteered to stay within Eranah, continuing work at unifying your people under you. StageMaster Lorian will be heading this expedition for my people.” Kreal gestured at the flagship of the selection. “If the leader of your troops and the shaman would like to meet her aboard she can run over the voyage details and supplies, she is also in control of communications and entertainment on the voyage. If you every have the opportunity to hear her sing, she is the sweetest of the Halfling bards. Though barely a single caravan of Halflings will be making this trip, we are sending one of the most well travelled of them, which is a large statement.”

Kreal looks over his shoulder, and if the king didn’t know him so well he would of missed the forlorn look in his eye. It is gone when his gaze turns back to Eranah, gleaming with excitement again. In truth Kreal had lived here many years, his caravan weaving up and down the country. Trade had never been strong in Eranah but it was still there. When the opportunity had come to solidifying trade routes Kreal had leapt at the opportunity. Of all the lands he had seen, these rugged plains moved him the most.

“We have a lot to do before they return, we shall make our clans proud.” A wicked grin splits Kreal’s face, as the Halflings begin celebrations for the departure. He looks back at the king, shooting him a laugh. “I am sorry” he adds to a shrug. “Any excuse for a party.”

Steevo RMH
2011-07-15, 04:23 AM

Unfortunetly, we too have had lttile communication with the Black Horde. Recently, they did propose to us that together we should attempt to control the seas, but we rejected the idea on the basis that, as a nation, we are not trying to control anything or advance our borders further. Also, we were a bit uncomfortable with the idea of working with slavers.
What little we know is that based on this proposal, they clearly have a strong navy although I am confident that the Tethran navy is superior to theirs at the moment.


I think a deal could be worked out. Perhaps, as a sea-faring nation like us, you would be interested in some of the advances we have made in naval technology?
We too are interested in what we could create if were to combine our research methods together and would be more than happy to work something out.

2011-07-15, 10:57 AM

Very well, consider the deal made.

On the subject of the Black Horde, we haven't reall communicated with them much. Obviously as a nation that embraces freedom, we believe the slave trade is an inherently despicable concept. They don't seem to have made any particularly threatening moves recently, though.

The Family:
Of course, we would be happy to see a diplomat join us here. If you would send a representative in our direction, we can start working on something.

Naval technology is something we might be interested in, although of course we are more focused on the underlying principles than on the actual applications, since the applications can be developed themselves far more easily than reverse engineering the technology can be.

As far as combined projects go, we would of course be highly interested. Maybe we could send some mages over at some point in the future.

2011-07-15, 02:07 PM
October 1st 1493

The summer is hot and dry, many crops die due to droughts. The winds are calm and it soon begins to make people irritable. Many nations find preachers in their streets, promising that this weather is the punishment of the gods and similar stories, but such people have always been ignored since the dawn of time. As alliances are formed and trades are completed, Germarctus re elects its council for the coming year

You sit upon the newly elected council, talking of the latest advances in your nation. You have completed your research into fertiliser and the key to creating it appears to be horse dung. With a yearly supply of this you should be able to keep the lands to the north of your nation fertile, however it does not solve the problem of the dry summer and you will have to buy some food from other nations to provide for this season.
You receive a pigeon from your colonisation effort of the central isle. They say they have landed safely and are setting up camp a little inland, and that they will start exploring the surroundings soon. Unfortunately the two remaining explorers from the previous mission have yet to be found, although the speak of smoke coming from further north along the coastline, they have attached a map and are awaiting further orders
Your trade with Eranah is successful and a friendship is beginning to arise as you mobilise your troupes towards the border of their nation. You also receive a document from Tethras detailing the designs for better ships and with the excess lumber you have from spending money increasing your lumber industry , you may begin construction immediately. As your troops arrive in Eranah, you notice they have constructed tall wooded towers along their coastline.
You have dispatched a unit of your mages to Amanar, along with enough wood for their constructions.
Resource income:8
Resource total :9


You hear nothing more about the disturbance of the outside world and your druids return from Pertan, telling news of all of the nations and warning of the north continent containing a nation of slavers and a nation who are devoted to worshiping a dragon or his descendant on human form or something. Pertan speaks of its willingness to house your people as they return to the world for a fee and will also aid you in any way they can except for open warfare, provided you bring more of these coins to pay for their time. They also speak of a large island that has not been visited for centuries and that recently a passage too it has opened, Pertan plans a colonisation effort and any help on that would be appreciated.
Resource total :20

The hot summer does not affect your food production and your population remains well fed. Your mages continue their research and begin finding more powerful spells (pick 3 level one spells, can you please specify what spells you wish to research in the future). You also continue to mine towards Marchtumm, this is an endeavour which will take a while however you have managed to create several weakened passages that should collapse if an army passes over them. You set your technological researcher to look further into building clockwork devices after completing work on the faster mine carts.
3 resources into mining tunnels
3 resources into research of divination
3 resources into research of clockwork
Resource income: 10
Resource total :10

The Family
At your council meeting you are informed that trading is going well and your expedition has set off without a hitch, you expect a message from them in a few months. Through the use of espionage and cleaver trading you manage to boost Eranah’s economy and help unify the tribes slightly.
From your spy’s you notice that a lot more people have traded in technology this season and that Amanar is researching deeper into some kind of conjuration magic. Germarctus has sent another boat towards the unvisited isle and both the Black Horde and Marchstumm look ready to mobilise for war. Eranah has constructed an early warning system of beacons in their land, a system of torches that can be lit all the way along their costline.
On the plus side Larinton’s defences have been improved and they have mined under a few mountain passes to try and stop the black hordes approach. Some of your small caravans that have been travaling to and from Larinton by land have gone missing.
Although you have discovered nothing directly in your capital, you have uncovered what appears to be an old library and you teams are now searching it to see if any texts have survived.
Tethras does not look far from completing its explosives but you are not sure they will be done in time, Amanar however looks like it may have some spells that would do the job. The mission Tethras sent to the Unvisited isle appears to be only a scouting mission as the ship has returned.
To the north east you hear that Pertan has been talking to some strangely dressed people, if you can call them dressed at all, and doing some kind of a deal.
OC: have you sent any of your mirror fragments to the isle?
Resource income: 8
Resource total : 8

The Black Horde
Your slave worker toil endlessly dragging water from steams to water the crops, although your supplies are low for your population you have enough food to feed your army, which is now ready to mobilise on your command, your rigorous training and slave regime allows your army to be ready much more quickly than other nations.
Oc: if you give me more to work with I can write more for you
Resouce income : 5
Resource total : 15

Your king stands watching as a tribe of horsemen and there shaman board the ships provided by the Family, they are proud ships with fine craftsmanship of the figureheads. They soon sail off towards the unvisited isle. You then return to attend the matters of your council. Your tribes are moving north to survive the oncoming winter, however a small band of warriors remains with the savages you have collected to train the squadrons of Germarctus on horseback combat. Your breeding program is going well and the family have helped fortify trading in your nation by selling at a loss. This has allowed horses to be traded between tribes, creating more offspring and offspring of finer stock. This year you have enough spares to train the Germarctus troops and if the breeding continues next year you should have enough spares to fully equip their unit.
Your spies reveal that The Black horde are moving their troops east towards the mountains and that Germarctus has already sent a second ship towards the unvisited isle. You have also bought enough lumber from Germarctus to finish your beacon system, which now stands proud on the shores of your nation.
Resource income : 11
Resource total : 17


Your crops are thin on the ground this season and you will require extra before the next harvest to keep your population happy, however your mining is going well and you have received the so more advanced mining techniques from Larinton. You have received word from your expedition to the unvisited isle, they send a map of the surrounding area and have set up a base camp, they also tell of a ship sailing under Germarctus’s flag landing further south along the coast and await your orders. They have made it to the isle without encountering any ships from the Black Horde or sea monsters.
Your now eyebrowless scientist informs you he has made a major leap in the development of the explosive, he hands you a dark powder, “This is what I call Black powder, it will explode when exposed to heat, although the process to create it is still very dangerous, given 6 month or so I’m sure we can perfect a method of creating it safely. A small amount such as this would allow you to maybe break the lock on a door or cause a flash in a dark room, but not much more.
Resource income :8
Resource total : 8

You watch from your palace as your army prepares to leave your kingdom. It is a fearsome sight, with a mass of conscripted troops and siege engines like no other. (military land 7 due to conscription of your slaves). They are now ready to move on your command and trample your enemies beneath Marchstumms feet.
You yourself have begun having strange dreams, what could possibly be called visions. Mof them are of mass destruction, but some are a little clearer, suggesting a need to hurry, often filled with images of races and sprints.
Your alliance with The Black horde seems to be going well as they too are ready to move. Their slave has been executed but they have accepted your siege engines gracefully. All that is left is to crush Larinton like the bug it is.
Your scouts have destroyed a few small caravans, probably belonging to the Family. The larger entrances to Larintons cities have been collapsed, which will make it hard for your human sixed troops to fight effectively, the only remaining large passage appears to be the trade route into Niritole. Most of their communication appears to be going through the port.

The warm summer has done nothing for your farms and you will soon need to arrange trade for food for the upcoming winter. The Mages you agreed to train arrive with the lumber you need for your ship construction and improved harbour. With this influx of lumber, work on your ships increases and you have constructed enough naval vessels to outnumber most nations (navy 3).
Your military have constructed basic outpost at all the major passes in the mountains, which can hold a small garrison for a couple of weeks before needing to be restocked.
Your spies return for Tethras bearing news of a ship leaving docks with an odd cargo and very little info of where it is going. Most of their research is kept well hidden however by intercepting their messages you have discovered they are trying to create an explosive to sell to Larinton. You have found no evidence of espionage in your city other than possibly from members of the Family, who pass through on a regular basis.
Your mages inform you that they should soon complete a spell allowing them to bind a creature to this plane. The Artificers are having trouble binding spells into objects, they say they keep “slipping off” after a few minutes, or discharging all at once to rather devastating effect. Finally you have made little progress on the ability to send messages over large distances.

2011-07-16, 05:11 AM
@The black horde
We will now commnece the blockade of larinton from the north. begin your flanking. Marchstumm will rise.

The entire first division of the seige corps, backed up by the Hnads of marchstumm elite troops set-up a blockade around the northern entrances to Larinton whilst the rest are held in reserve and take up positions inside the teeth of marchstumm in preparation for a possible counter-offensive

2011-07-16, 10:30 AM
The Black Horde

(OC: I'll try :P) I'm mobilizing my army towards Tirinoel to begin my assault, and send my navy to blockade Niritole. I'd also like to begin the construction of additional barracks to support any additional slaves I acquire, and I'll give my troops the order to capture as many civilians as possible, and burn the least obedient alive.

I have mobilized our army, and we should be able to launch an effective assault against Tirinoel. I have also sent my fleet to blockade Niritole to aid your forces. I look forward to our forces meeting in Eltiniro.

2011-07-16, 03:13 PM

Public knowledge/announcements:

The annual Germarctian military parades takes place this year in the capital city and as always onlookers are sure that this year’s parade is bigger than ever. Some are surprised at the small number of Tempests that graced the parade for the first time last year but rumours speak of many units moving eastwards toward and even into the mage nation Amanar. It would seem the displays themselves are as charged and energetic as ever and with whispers of deployment amongst the men and women of the army, each unit is keen its show its worth.

The newly elected council have begun the year with opening speeches, many of which promise to start negotiation with the Black Horde nation for all populations freedom and some are as rash to hint at a forceful ‘persuasion’ if the Black Horde were to refuse. A diplomatic convoy is rumoured to have left port not long ago. News of this has led to many citizens requesting to be re-enlisted into the Germarctian army and many more staying on after their basic training is completed.

The Germarctian infantry core is pleased to announce its new co-operative training programme being field-tested with our new allies Eranah. This programme aims not only Germartus to eventually have its own mounted heavy-infantry units but to enable both the great plains folk of Eranah to march under a joint-banner against those who might threaten unity and equality. It encourages newly trained men and women to volunteer.

Representatives of the currently booming timber industry in Germartus, are pleased to report of plentiful stocks traded last year and that with current replanting methodology that supplies should remain steady, a boon to the huge demand for warships from the military, that the dockyards are reporting.

- Two separate accidents, one at a distillery and the other at a wood-housed manure dump, have caught the interest of one of the councillors, particularly the nature of the incident; explosive. It is proposed our nations researchers begin looking into combustible materials and their possible practical uses, whether it be weapons or something else. Large instalments (3k gold) a season will be put into research.

- Orders to be sent to the mid-isle colony; Primary: Establish a strong foothold on the isle and continue to fortify your position. Report any finding of material caches or any other potentially beneficial discoveries immediately. Secondary: Search for the survivors.

- 1k gold this season is to be spent on bolstering our already strong weapon/armour production. Our long-term aim is to produce arms on a more industrial scale to aid inevitable-war efforts and begin arming our allies should the need arise. Thus 1k gold will be spent each season so long as budget allows.

- I am sending a diplomatic convoy to the Black Horde, 3 ships total; 2 new-design warships as protection and a civilian cruiser for the negotiators. Infantry units will be present on all ships for added security.

- Final resource count is 5.

The grand council of Germarctus would request that the offer of trade you proposed a season past be acted upon. 2k gold will be sent to any of your nation’s fine houses that can make up for or current food shortfall (OoC: 5 population worth of food). If it is not wealth that would interest you, the people can offer the equivalent value in mineral or timber.

As a beneficiary of our nation we send fair warning that is it Germarctian intent to begin negotiating for the peaceful surrender of the slave nation in hope of eventual liberation of the many thousands of oppressed people. We doubt you have any ties to the abominable nation the Black Horde but if you did be assured your nations name will not be used in communication or negotiation as we do not wish to bring violence to you through our own actions.

Commander Robert de Montfort, this message reaches you concerning a matter that troubles not only our own nation but that of our allies as well. Too long now the ‘Black Horde’ has been allowed to sweep aside the liberties of its population. Slavery is no way for any sentient being to live by and in such a progressive time the fact your ‘nation’ is still allowed to practice such things is an offence to all those free and equal. It is with this we send a diplomatic convoy to you, as I write this letter preparations are being made for the convoy to leave port.

It is expected that you will allow the convoy to land and meet with yourself and any other important personnel. The security detail accompanying the diplomats will at all times be present to ensure our peaceful negotiations remain that way. We are not unreasonable, we do not expect you to simply turn over every slave all in one season so the negotiations will cover the *eventual* release of all slaves back to their sovereign states if they so wish over 3 even 4 seasons if need be. Any further details are to be discussed during negotiations.

Be warned should our convoy come to any harm during its time within your nation this will be treated as an act of aggression against the people of Germarctus and its allies and we will retaliate with force. Also should we find that your nation has any slaves taken from this nation or worse that you have slavers operating within our borders it will be expected that your cease these operations or expect to receive a suitable sanction for your crimes against our nation.

Reply with haste, this issue shall not be left to fester.

As any ally of Germarctus we see it fit to inform you that we have begun preparations to send a diplomatic convoy to the slave nation of the Black Horde. It is hoped we can peacefully negotiate the eventual release of every enslaved being that Commander Robert de Montfort would claim to ‘own’. Should any of your nations people be found as slaves we will see to it they be returned immediately. There is the unfortunate but likely possibility that this convoy be met with hostile intent; we would ask that if this were to happen that you would aid Germarctus where possible as we are sure your nation holds as much distaste for slavery as your own.

Marchstumm is still a real threat to us all and so we are hoping as one of Germarctus’ allies you will inform us of any movements this nation maybe making against your nation or ours. If you require any aid against the forces of Marchstumm let us know as soon as possible.

Germarctus has recently discovered a new powdered substance that enhances soil for crop growing. Our researchers have named this powder ‘fertiliser’. It is our hope that if your nation have any similar technologies or secrets it wishes to share, we can trade the formula for our new ‘fertiliser’.

Our new timber industry this season has left us with a surplus this season. Germarctus therefore would like to extend an offer of 1k gold worth of timber to your nation, once payment is received we would be able to ship this timber to you by the end of the season.

As any ally of Germarctus we see it fit to inform you that we have begun preparations to send a diplomatic convoy to the slave nation of the Black Horde. It is hoped we can peacefully negotiate the eventual release of every enslaved being that Commander Robert de Montfort would claim to ‘own’. Should any of your nations people be found as slaves we will see to it they be returned immediately. There is the unfortunate but likely possibility that this convoy be met with hostile intent; we would ask that if this were to happen that you would aid Germarctus where possible as we are sure your nation holds as much distaste for slavery as your own.

Marchstumm is still a real threat to us all and so we are hoping as one of Germarctus’ allies you will inform us of any movements this nation maybe making against your nation or ours. If you require any aid against the forces of Marchstumm let us know as soon as possible.

Germarctus has recently discovered a new powdered substance that enhances soil for crop growing. Our researchers have named this powder ‘fertiliser’. It is our hope that if your nation have any similar technologies or secrets it wishes to share, we can trade the formula for our new ‘fertiliser’.

Our new timber industry this season has left us with a surplus this season. Germarctus therefore would like to extend an offer of 1k gold worth of timber to your nation, once payment is received we would be able to ship this timber to you by the end of the season.

The grand council wishes to know how the training of its magi-knights progresses. We would hope of positive results by this time, any issues or news is requested as soon as possible.

Our new timber industry this season has left us with a surplus this season. Germarctus therefore would like to extend an offer of 1k gold worth of timber to your nation, once payment is received we would be able to ship this timber to you by the end of the season.

As any ally of Germarctus we see it fit to inform you that we have begun preparations to send a diplomatic convoy to the slave nation of the Black Horde. It is hoped we can peacefully negotiate the eventual release of every enslaved being that Commander Robert de Montfort would claim to ‘own’. Should any of your nations people be found as slaves we will see to it they be returned immediately. There is the unfortunate but likely possibility that this convoy be met with hostile intent; we would ask that if this were to happen that you would aid Germarctus where possible as we are sure your nation holds as much distaste for slavery as your own.

Marchstumm is still a real threat to us all and so we are hoping as one of Germarctus’ allies you will inform us of any movements this nation maybe making against your nation or ours. If you require any aid against the forces of Marchstumm let us know as soon as possible.

Germarctus has recently discovered a new powdered substance that enhances soil for crop growing. Our researchers have named this powder ‘fertiliser’. It is our hope that if your nation have any similar technologies or secrets it wishes to share, we can trade the formula for our new ‘fertiliser’.
We feel that the new training programme both our nations are sharing is progressing well and our people report tremendous progress towards forming a new mounted military force for Germarctus. If you have any issues of news to report regarding the training please let us know as soon as possible.

Our new timber industry this season has left us with a surplus this season. Germarctus therefore would like to extend an offer of 1k gold worth of timber to your nation, once payment is received we would be able to ship this timber to you by the end of the season.

2011-07-17, 04:28 AM
@the black horde
Let slip the dogs of war!

For the great nation of Marchstumm, kill them all! The army ammassed outside niritole opens fire with its seige weaponry and floods the dwarven corridors with balls of fire, aiming to entrap the enemies cowering within and burn them alive. Also, spies are sent westward to check on the black hordes progress in the moutnain city of Tirinoel

2011-07-17, 02:37 PM
The Black Horde

I'm willing to meet with your convoy, however it is not possible to release our slaves even over three or four seasons. For starters, with the majority of our slaves, their "sovereign states" no longer exist, as most slaves are part of the spoils of war. Secondly, since even I am a slave to the Horde, releasing our slaves would leave us with no nation left at all. I have been investing in improving our slaves happiness and living conditions however. If you can see any solutions to this issue, please let us know, but please use more detail than just "let them go".

2011-07-18, 04:58 AM
Eranah Public knowledge/reports
The comradeship formed with Germarctus has served Eranah well, with a joint training program that shall endeavour to strengthen the military bonds between our nations. In time, it can be seen that these two nations shall be firm friends, united by the cause of freedom and justice. Thanks to their timber, a series of bastions now clearly run along Eranah’s northern border, a testament to Eranian unity; and a warning to those who would dare seek to trample upon this dream.


Things I want to do these six months.
-I wish to look into magebreeding horses, further strengthening my monopoly on truly excellent cavalry. I am prepared to pay for the research if necessary; but if it either costs too much/I am unable to do it, I would like to consult Amanar instead, just as a heads-up. So it would be good to know if this is possible sooner rather than later.

-Send a few small bands of cavalry to scout the northern continent, to watch troop movements and such, each band with a shaman using the message spell so they can transmit these details back home at once, but make sure they take care not to get caught.

As the warhost arrives at your borders, you realise that the king was not asking for the training of petty men and women at arms. The war host is a strange combination of different savage species, with orcs, Lycanythropes, and many shades in between. As they canter into the designated training zone, they seem irregular and somewhat disunited, but by no means do they act in a hostile manner. The head of the warhost, Warmaster Guldien Haan, greets whoever is in charge of your camp, a stoned look carved into his scarred face.

“Greetings, Germarctian’s. We are here to train alongside you, as equals. Our troops seem…Perculiar. But they are twice the man in muscle of any other; it is now up to us to make them twice the man in knowledge ad wisdom too.” He nods as the rest of his warhost dismounts, their armour and equipment varied, but often very light. “We bring horses for your troops, fine stallions that will carry your men into battle; however, in return, could we discuss the forging of armour for the men and women behind me. If they are to fight on foot, they will need the artificial tenacity that only armour can provide.” He speaks well, surprising you somewhat; the stereotype of wildsmen is not to be civilised.

“Also, I have been informed of the kings decisions referring to your offers. For the timber, I happily purchase the one-thousand gold coins worth of timber. However, our need for fertiliser is limited. We do not farm, and as such, a material that enhances agricultural output is somewhat useless to us. We do, however, appreciate the offer. Also, though I know nothing of Marchstumm, the Black horde is moving troops east towards the mountains; we do not know to what ends though.”

Good day to you. Despite the proximity our nations hold, we have never opened up diplomatic channels, and for this I feel somewhat sheepish. We hear you are a bastion of technological progress, and we appreciate that. However, we were wondering if that industrial might could benefit us in any way? I would keenly be interested in a lighter metal, if such a thing exists; something that could be used by a horseman and his steed without slowing him down. Still, it would interest us greatly to hear more from your nation, for though our borders are so close, we feel so far away. We believe it is time to change that, to benefit both of our nations

Steevo RMH
2011-07-19, 08:26 AM
Tethras Public Announcements

The recent summer has been difficult for the Tethran people. With news that a significant amount of crops have died due to the weather, there is a growing concern on whether there will be enough food for the coming winter. And this growing concern adds to the constant worry of magus attacks, which have slowly risen over the summer again.

Firstly, the plans for the ships will be sent to Germarctus. Note, while faster than normal, they are not as fast as a Tethran ship.
The Tethran navy is still on alert for possible attacks from the Black Horde or Marchstuum. All ships are told to report any sightings of ships from either nations and their estimated destination.
I also want to start building some more warships to add to the navy, to help keep ourselves a naval power. Resources used 2.
As for the expedition, they are to ensure the base camp is secure before they begin exploring further, towards the west. They are advised to not take any risks as they are entering the unknown. Also, they are advised to send a messenger to the Germarctus base camp, with the possibilty to joining forces to better explore this isle. Resources used 3.
Finally, continue research on Black Powder, with concentration on the safety but also on getting something like explosives or cannons for ships. Resources used 3.

We would be happy to receive some of your researchers. I feel I should warn you however, that while all the officials will be polite and welcoming, the reaction from any members of the public they meet may be cold. The Tethran public's opinion of mages isn't exactly a secret.

As for the naval technology, we are willing to accomodate for whatever you wish.

It is good to hear from you. It has been a great shame that we have not opened communications sooner. Hopefully, this can be the start of great friendship between our nations.

As for your request, we would need to know what metal you are currently using. If we do not have a metal that can help, we might be able to find something that can work, given time.

We will be willing to help you against any threat from Marchstuum or the Black Horde. Our navy has already been informed to keep track of any Marchstuum or Horde ships that come near us. Any relevant information we get from this will be sent to you as soon as possible.

We would be interested in this 'fertilizer' that you mention as our nation's crops are currently struggling and any help we can find would be helpful. While we do not have anything similar to help with, we are currently working on something that could possibly help gain an advantage over any attack from Marchstuum or the Black Horde. While this research isn't finished, we believe we are close.

We accept the offer and will be sending the 1k of gold to you as soon as possible.

Finally, a report from our exploration team mentioned seeing a ship bearing your flag that had also managed to find a way to central island. We would be interested to hear if you would be interested in joining forces to help better explore this unknown. A messenger has also been sent to your expedition bearing a similar message.

Greetings to the noble houses of Pertan. The recent summer has damaged or killed much of our crops this season, and hearing that you are a great nation with much farming expertise, we were hoping we would be able to buy any excess food supplies you might have. We thank you in advance.

2011-07-20, 09:44 AM
The druids of Senola have decided that caution should be taken when interacting with the southern and northern natives as it is still undecided if they are ready, but there new found allies of Pertan if a different matter. If there is indeed a new land in which they can travel to then it is our duty to go there and assist Pertan to create a civil place that follow the ways of the forest.
So as decreed by the Arch druid, she and many of the spare druids shall fly to Pertan and speed up this venture.


*The druids fly in a land in large numbers, one steps forward towards James Untal manor and requests entry*

"I am Arch druid Resora Barkskin and i would like to inform you that we are fully supportive on your venture to this central island. If they is any assistance my druids can offer then we are at your service, We can fly and swim much further then your people, so use our talents wisely. You know this new world better then us, so we are in your capable hands."

2011-07-20, 03:54 PM
The family

I was wondering if I had worked out the route planned for the assault by Marchstumm, even using the missing caravans as a rough guide.
I had planned to send a piece with the trip yes. Sorry I won’t be able to do a full reply until Friday or Saturday, I am moving into my house in Manchester and it is difficult to get time to get a post.
Also was I able to save resources in my capital?

2011-07-21, 03:39 AM

Well, at the moment, our wisest men and women wear iron chain mail. It is light, and it serves our purposes well. However, we see the world advance around us, and standards of armour are increasing. We wish to maintain our ability to defend ourselves, but we do not wish to radically change the way we fight.

Thus therefore, we need armour made of a material lighter then iron, but just as durable. This would allow a soldier to cover himself in more armour, without adversely effecting his ability to ride, or his speed.

Greetings, wizards of Amanar. We have a proposition for you, one which we hope you will help us with. Our horses are great and powerful, and our riders are keen and practiced. However, we feel we can do better then that. We wish to pursue the practice of mage-breeding; that is, to bring forth the more favourable aspects of a particular horses breeding, while hiding the negative.

We do not expect you to do this for free, and we will help you; for while I am sure you're practiced in magic, I am certain you know next to nothing about breeding horses like our people, especially our shamans. But still, we require your aid, and it would be foolish to put this off any longer, lest the industrialisation of other nations catch up with us.

2011-07-21, 05:01 AM

Smoke and fire can be seen trailing from the only gate in the teeth of Marchstumm, as thousands upon thousands of men and hundred more weapons of destruction march ominously towards the mountain city of Niritole. Traders, innocents and mercenaries are all slain on sight as this massive war host stampedes onwards, unstoppable. Already, balls of flaming magma have been reported, bowling down the corridors of the squalid dwellings of midgets.

3/7 of my army marches towards niritole, 2/7 will circle round to the east to prevent any runners/preliminary aid from reaching the fight. The remaining 2/7 will stand firm and guard the teeth of Marchstumm. The almighty emperor himself marches with the invading army, protected by the fingers andarms of marchstumm elite forces.

2011-07-21, 12:25 PM

Pertans fields are still producing large quantities of food due to our new irrigation system. we offer this food to any nation that wishes to pay us the required amount of 3000 gp per unit, (one unit should feed 5 population for a year). we are also open to less direct trades such as technology and other such things.

With the recent movements of troops in Marchstumm, Pertan is issuing a call to arms to all its citizens.


(are you letting them see your transformations?) We do intend to make a large expedition to this island in the near future however the movements of Marchstumm worry us. Such a nation seems to oppose your way of life and we suggest that if you would be willing to aid us then we can trap there army between 2 countries, destroying their military force and making this a much safer land. you can also help us by scouting a safe way to reach the island by boat

We understand that you oppose Marchstumm and The black hordes ideals, we offer the chance to destroy much of their army.we offer free landing of your troops in Pertan and will aid you in trapping their military force between us and the mountain ranges of Larinton.


We understand that you oppose Marchstumm and The black hordes ideals, we offer the chance to destroy much of their army.we offer free landing of your troops in Pertan and will aid you in trapping their military force between us and the mountain ranges of Larinton.
We also open trade of our food stock to you and offer a unit of food for free if you aid our military effort quickly
We also understand your stance on slavery however the Black horde holds to much of a threat to our nation to ignore them if they decide to aid Marchstumm in this assault, we hope you understand our stance on this matter.

We understand that you oppose Marchstumm and The black hordes ideals, we offer the chance to destroy much of their army.we offer free landing of your troops in Pertan and will aid you in trapping their military force between us and the mountain ranges of Larinton. Your ships may also help by possibly dropping an army in the black horde in a pincer manoeuvres, we leave this tactic to you to discuss.

Our food offer is open to you and should you help in this conflict we offer you a unit of food for free

From GM: The black Horde ships have moved to block Larintons port

@ Amanar

We understand that you oppose Marchstumm and The black hordes ideals, we offer the chance to destroy much of their army.We offer free landing of your troops in Pertan and will aid you in trapping their military force between us and the mountain ranges of Larinton. Your mages could be of great help in the coming conflict.

We also offer a unit of food for free if you aid us in this conflict magically or otherwise, possibly using your navy to land troops in Larinton or The Black hordes lands if they get involved in the fight.

2011-07-21, 02:19 PM
(yes, the pride of the Arch druid :P)
"We shall help in any way we can. You know the land better so the battle plan shall be left for you. I agree that the defense of your people against these natives takes priority over the exploration. Do you have any other allies who may aid us? If so call for there aid, your control over food supplies should make you very persuasive. I can send a druid or two to fly to the inter island and secure a safe passage to it...
But back to what is at hand; What forces of your own do you have? And what is the plan?

2011-07-22, 11:04 AM

Public mid-season announcements:

The grand council have several announcements for the free people of Germarctus; first and foremost addresses the reports coming in from contacts near LARINTON, we are almost certain that MARCHSTUMM have begun pressing military forces toward the mountain cities of LARINTON however we have yet to hear from the government to confirm any of our suspicions. As a pre-caution we will be sending 10 core-infantry units by ship to the nation of LARINTON to aid in defensive measures, if MARCHSTUMM have breached their city walls.

MACRHSTUMM is a menace and threat to us all. It is with this we ask our allies of ERANAH and TETHRAS publicy, to send aid to our ports where they can so we can stop the MARCHSTUMM war-machine on the northern continent and save the lives of those besieged already.

The less pressing, but by no means less important problem of the BLACK HORDE will continued to be addressed and so our convoy will remain in talks with their nations leaders. It pleases us to say our convoy has not been met with aggression and negotiations continue to progress.

Power through Unity and Equality!

- GERMARCTUS readying 10(/75 deployable) units of core-infantry (roughly 750 men) to be shipped to LARINTON along with 3 tactitions. These men will be shipped to arrive for the end of the season. (OoC: waiting to see if the other nations send aid).
- ERANAH to be sent a unit of timber in exchange for 1k gold. (+1R)
- TETHRAS to be sent a unit of timber in exchange for 1k gold. (+1R)
- TETHRAS also to be sent a copy of our mid-isle map so they may locate our outpost.
- GERMARCTUS will send 6(/15 deployable) Red Bear units and 3(/10 deployable) Tempest units to aid PERTAN along with 2 tactitions. The ships sending these units expect to receive food from PERTAN and will immediately sail back to GERMARCTUS once the food has been transferred.
- In addition to the gold spent to enhance the armouries of GERMARCTUS the gold from timber sales (2k gold, 3 total this season) will be spent immediately on armouries to boost output/quality where possible.
Final Resource count: 5


(OoC: Assume this discussion is not by letter but with the convoy’s diplomats. So these correspondents are separate from the message limit if need be.)

It is our understanding that as of the moment you are the ‘leader’ of the Black Horde, while your continued ‘leadership’ maybe be short lived our discussion is based on the fact that you will continue to make the major decisions for the Black Horde.

First we must discuss why we, a foreign nation would take so much notice of another nations affairs. You openly endorse slavery and by slavery we mean the literal sort where one being may claim ownership over another like animals. You claim yourself to be a slave but the fact is you and a select few are in fact free able to make your own decisions shape your own life. This farce of being a ‘slave to the nation’ is some ideological non-sense that your use to reign control over those below you. You are at best only a slave figuratively, those underneath you have no choice since you own them, they are actual slaves, and this is the moral dilemma we have resolve.

No sentient being should be bound by ownership, no one should be able to claim them as their property. We should all be free and able to make our own decisions and shape our own destinies. Your nation is backwards and quite the opposite of progressive. You seem to be stuck in some traditional, self-perpetuating system that justifies the few to rule over the many by most unethical means.

Our proposal is this; your nation’s current hierarchy of power, while primitive and full to the brim of unethical practices could allow for a free nation with government, without the need for slavery of the masses. Your leadership and system of selection could be left relatively unchanged, we honestly see the slavery as an unnecessary and brutish practice barely justified by tradition and feeble excuse.

If you truly care for the welfare of ‘your people’ then abolishing the use of slaves is an obvious way to progress; free people will be inherently happier as they have a degree of control over their own lives.

It may seem like a big change but the nation stays together and works in very much a similar way to now but people should not be bound by immoral ‘ownership’. The change will be worth the time, if not for you but for the people and it seems obvious to us you care to some degree about their lives. Make the big and first step to unifying your people.

A group of eight or so robed figures wearing heavy plate appear listen intently to the Warmasters words. One steps forward of the rest, he lowers his hood and turns to face the Warmaster. The man is not of an exceptional height or build but there is an air of wisdom about him something that sets him apart from the majority of the infantry men that can be seen marching behind him.

“My name is Eran Mirozov, acting chief tactician for the 31st infantry core of Germarctus, a pleasure to meet you Ser Haan. I hope you don’t mind but we are not a people of grand greetings and other such formalities so we will get to business straight off. Your men are to report to the armoury to receive training equipment and then to the centre grounds to begin drill as soon as they are able. Tents may be set up to the south.
With that out of the way to the matter of the timber, we had expected your king to accept the deal and so the timber is being stored in a warehouse 4 miles from here, I will send word immediately to begin it shipping. The payment of gold can be left with us here, we shall arrange for it to be sent to the people’s treasury. Send our peoples regards to your king for his swift reply.
We welcome the news of troop movements made by the Black Horde, this shall be relayed to the council without delay.”

Eran beacons to a large red tent to his left;

“If you would join us in the administration tent. There are many things we need to discuss before training can get fully under-way…”

The grand council is pleased to hear Tethras is staying vigilant during these troubled times. Germarctian intelligence points towards troop movement from Marchstumm, toward our allies of Lanrinton although we have yet to hear from the dwarven nation themselves. It is with this we ask you to stay wary of Marchstumm ships and let us know as soon as is possible, if you spot any of them.

Regarding the fertilizer powder, we would be very interested to hear of any tradable research you may have either on-going or complete. It is possible we may even be able to work together to better facilitate technological advances since we do have a team (albeit small) of researchers here in Germarctus.

The timber shall be shipped as soon as possible to whichever port you designate.

We have indeed been exploring the central isle with limited success. As an ally of Germarctus we would be more than happy to join our scouting forces with yours to better progress exploration of this mysterious isle. Our exploration team have reported that they have successfully set up an outpost of operations on the isle, with this correspondence we will include a map to its location so that your forces may meet with ours.
-- Find peace through Unity

If the reports of Marchstumm’s army marching on the dwarven nation of Larinton are correct then we shall begin shipping our troops straight away. It is the decision of the council not to send many units of our own however; we shall instead be sending 6 of our Red Bear units and 3 Tempests (OoC: Tempests straight from training in Amanar) to join with your unified forces. What these men lack for in numbers they more than make up with their strength and skill.

This small force shall also be accompanied by two of our veteran tacticians, Vladimier Isvanov and Roma Salvinski. They will be responsible for organising Germarctian troop movement and the merging of our forces with yours upon arrival. We would ask you keep this deployment a secret for now, for we do not wish Marchstumm to know of our troop movements at this time.

We expect upon our arrival for the food to be ready to ship back to Germarctus immediately. On the matter of the Black Horde, we understand they have a friendship with Marchstumm and it would be most unfortunate to see their troops deployed alongside Marchstumm forces. This would not stop us engaging their forces but at the same time our convoy shall still remain in talks with the Black Horde leaders to try and resolve the many issues their nation has.

2011-07-23, 03:38 AM
Eranah 3/3

Comrades, we shall help all we can to help you fight abroad, but understand that we have a Non-aggression-pact with the Black horde, and as such we will make no obviously aggressive moves to them. Marchstumm, however, is a foe that we would gladly destroy. Ask what you require of us, and we shall try our best to match this. If you're dealing with Marchstumm, we fully expect, and have already prepared, warhosts of cavalry.

Also, Pertan has offered me free landing of troops. This could give us an advantage, if you can help me get my troops across the ocean. I am not a naval nation, and I lack the means to properly get across. Transports and escorts would be appreciated.

We would dearly wish to take advantage of your offer, and we shall be sending what little cavalry we can on our own transport. Combined with the Germarctus forces preparing to mobilise in the defence of the law-abiding nations of the north, I hope this shall be enough.

2011-07-23, 11:26 AM

Foreman Sarah Shroomist has issued the following statement

We would like to remind you that while crops grown on the surface may have been ruined by recent events, our crops are still growing well, and we would be happy to trade for goods, knowledge, or favours.
Despite rumours to the contrary, our food is perfectly palatable without a dwarven constitution; with the exception of certain mushrooms. For that reason our trade with the surface will include only mosses, lichens, cave fish, our special variety of potato, and certain, safe, mushrooms.

Foreman Stonearm has issued the following statement:

Due to recent actions by Marchstumm, it has become necessary for us to prepare for a siege. We welcome any allies aid in this effort. We would advise however that the Black Horde should not become a target of opportunity. We are, by preference, a peaceful nation; and The Black Horde, while they may be unwilling to aid us against Marchstumm, have done nothing to bring force against them.

(OC note: I've been mostly without internet for the past week, due to temporary homelessness, and won't have internet at the new place for a while, so may not get many messages out. Will hopefully add some shortly.)

2011-07-23, 11:44 AM
We would be happy to purchase some timber from you, we will ship payment immediately, as the timber will be useful for the war effort.
Additionally, we would like to trade with you our railway technology, an excellent means of transporting goods, and people, long distances; in exchange for the secret of your fertiliser.

In exchange for the secrets of your irrigation technology, we would be happy to offer you knowledge of railway construction. Once produced it will greatly aid you in gathering your people when necessary. We also thank you for the production of barley and hops for us.

@the family
Magical Explosives would certainly be useful. We will take whatever we can get at present. {will write up properly later, as I'm enjoying the RP thread, but don't have time this instant}

We will be trading for timber from gemarctus, we hope to be able to use this in the production of siege crossbows (huge sized heavy crossbows), and will try and se if the understanding of clockwork can aid in their operation.

The divination spells learnt are identify, true strike, and comprehend languages.

The next spell we will seek to learn is Continual Flame.

The mining efforts towards marchstumm will be completely focused on undermining wherever possible now.

If the crossbows can be produced, a 3 man team will operate each pair of crossbows, one reloading, and the other two casting True Strike between turns firing.

2011-07-24, 06:56 AM
ooc: sorry about the delay in this post. I had some troubles in Manchester, should be back on track now though.

GM: (post 1:) I was wondering if I had worked out the route planned for the assault by Marchstumm, even using the missing caravans as a rough guide.
I had planned to send a piece with the trip yes.
Also was I able to save resources in my capital?

Espionage: 2/5 : Following Marchstrumm’s troops. 1/5: feeling out the black horde. 1/5 Amanar explosives exploration, study of the magic they are looking into. 1/5 Looking into pertan’s trading.
Resources: 2/8 into exploring the new library. 1/8 into supporting Eranah. 2/8 into building up defences in the city. (fortifications) 1/8 into building up defensive weapons in the city. 2/8 to be stored with the other one from last time.

Kreal stood, marvelling at the wonder of the beacons. His finger ran across a map of Eranah, tracing its coast. “This is amazing.” He shot a glance up at the king beside him. The man was really coming alive as he ruled, the vigour of a soldier still glowing. Kreal admired the man. One or two of the council members seemed to think he admired him too much; one had tried to replace him here. They wouldn’t be able to though, Kreal held as much power as they did. He sighed and rolled his neck. Kreal would almost go as far to say that he trusted the man, almost. He held out the water skin.

“You have accomplished more development here than in generations. These beacons allow you to defend your nation in a way that compliments your style, rather than a row of forts, which would hem in your men.” Kreal rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry, I ramble. I will keep a caravan within sight of the coast with instructions to spread word inland if a beacon is lit. Your riders are certainly faster, but we would be able to ensure that every tribe heard the call. Riders do go missing.” The act wasn’t entirely one sided, the men on the beacons would be a willing clientele, looking for entertainment and luxuries and while small in number a caravan could reach many beacons in one day. It would also mean Kreal would know once hostilities broke out. It would hopefully stop a tribe backing out of any agreements it made when the time came to fight, especially those far enough from the coast to wave off a threat. In a dangerous land a missing rider could be argued away, several missing caravans would be hard to ignore, especially with the new trade routes. Kreal turned to the king now, an odd look in his eye. His next words were so quiet that only the king could hear. “An armada would almost be a good thing now, give you a way of solidifying the unity you have built. It would also test alliances you have established.” Kreal’s eyes move to the east for barely a moment.

The Halfling laughs loudly as if the king just told the dirtiest of jokes, breaking any tension in the air. “Either way, I need to leave you for a month or two. I have a meeting to attend. I will leave my brother here with orders to continue as we have been doing, stabilising trade routes. I have told him to follow any suggests you may give him.” He winked at the man. “I will be back before you know it.”

2011-07-25, 11:25 AM
@ The Family

You receive a message from your colonisation mission, there appears to be 2 settlements near where the gap is already, they are staying hidden and awaiting further instruction.

Steevo RMH
2011-07-26, 05:03 AM

It has been reported that the Tethran Navy has been mobolized and given authorisation by the Emperor to help in whatever way they can in the reported attacks on Larington.

I believe you said I had somewhere along the region of 30-40 ships total. If so, around half of the navy (15-20 ships) will be heading of to secure Larington's port, namely the one under attack. While they won't make any hostile moves towards the Black Horde ships, if they should make any attempt to stop us or attack us, then the ships will defend themselves, using the my advantages in speed and manuverability to pick of ships (similar to hit and run tactics).

Also, 1k gold send to Germarctus for timber.

We are able to create such a metal, and are willing to do so. However, we would need the mineral resources to make such a metal but this would be the only cost we would require.

While no Marchstuum ships have appeared yet, we must warn you that Black Horde ships have been seen making a move to block Larington's port. Our navy is mobolizing and preparing to make an attempt to control the port's waters so that your troops and any other allied forces can safely land to help Larington.

We are currently researching something which our scientists are calling 'Black Powder'. It has explosives qualities, although we are still working on safely being able to create it. It is our hope that with this, we would be able to keep Tethras and its allies more than safe from any potential threats.

Our expedition on the Isle have also set up a base of operations and have begun exploring westward, whilst a messenger has been sent to meet with your expedition. Hopefully together, we will be able to unlock the mysteries of this island.

The main port for all our trading is Arradel.
(OOC: Note, it is the only port city)

Unfortunetly, as a nation we do not have much of a land based army. However, we are one of the strongest naval powers and we are using this strength to secure Larington's port city so that our allies are able to deploy troops directly into Larington.
As for the food supplies, we would like to purchase one unit of food. We shall be sending the 3k gp immediately.

2011-07-26, 12:29 PM

Amanar is surprisingly well supplied in food considering the bad crops this year. Much of their supplies come from the fishing industry, which was less affected than the farms of other countries. Messengers pass along Amanar's passes and shipping routes to many other countries, carrying missives of all types.

Our training has indeed begun. However you may be not aware of the complex nature of arcane magic- in order to successfully power an arcane spell, the caster does nto need only to be trained in its use, but also to understand the theory which underlies its construction. For this reason our work will need to continue for some time, although by the end of the next season we should be producing a number of results.

On the subject of timber supplies, we are not currently working on anything which would require large quantities of material- our new docks have recently been completed. However, we might be interested if work comes up in the future.

Very well- a combined research project sounds like an effective undertaking to me. We are working on the possibilities of binding elementals, which might works as some form of power source into the future. Currently however, we believe the best option would be to send a team of researchers over, in the hopes that they can aid you in your work and provide their own contributions to aid your projects. At the beginning of the next season, we shall send a team of our researches to work with you- it is possible that some will be mages, but mostly our criteria will be knowledge of the scientific applications behind our work- researchers more than spellcasters.

As far as naval technology goes, what might you be interested in in exchange for information on your technological advancements in the area?

We note that your country is still suffering from rumours of rogue spellcasters and mages. We maintain our offer to aid you with dealing with this problem.

Of course, mage-breeding is a possibility for work between our two nations. We can think of many possibilities for work in this area, which can be discussed at a later date. In exchange for this work, we might be interested in some form of defensive agreement. Any other possibilities would also be considered.

Well, as a cosmopolitan nation we are definitely interested in opposing the slavers to an extent- although we would not consider our military particularly powerful in the conflict. We would be happy to contribute on a diplomatic level, though- and our arcane abilities can be applied if you need. We have both scrying and more aggressive spellcasting at our disposal.

Marchstumm might be a difficulty for us, seeing as we don't have much in the way of siege ability and the country is mostly landlocked.

If you are interested in passing on any techno-magical information, we might be able to contribute to some work. Incidentally, how doesyour country regard Tethras? As the other country at the forefront of research, between us three a partnership might be in order when it comes to science.

Arcane research (focus on Binding and magic items) 3
Land military improvement 1
Fishing industry improvement 2
Saving 4 resources (killing communication with all non-counter espionage work for the winter)

Navy: re-purpose smaller ships to fishing and trade work to support the harsh winter temporarily.

2011-07-27, 04:12 AM


"We are getting reinforcements form the southern continent and the plan is simply to use our superior numbers to trap them between us and Larinton, Possibly landing forces in Larinton or the Black hordes lands to cut them off. As for your aid, we think you would be best sending your weaker units a birds to scout there army's and using them to pick off foraging groups disguised as wild life. we are not sure of your power or magical ability but we suggest your stronger units aid from the sky when combat starts or do tactical strikes against them. If you can scare them into thinking that we are aided by nature herself then this will Greatly reduce there morale.
Finally we suggest you use your powers to fly over the central isle and map it out, allowing us to determine the best landing place."

@ Germarctus
We Greatly appreciate the aid you are sending us, we are also expecting aid from Eranah and possibly Amanar along with a nation called Senola, who I will introduce when you get here. We would greatly appreciate your tactitions help in planning this assault and have attached more details about our military to help them plan on the journey. we sugest we use our forces to form a large military spear headed my your elite troops and distribute some mages among them, we them harras them and block off there escape. Eranah can then use their mobility to make small skirmishes, taking out the siege weaponry and causing confusion.


Thank you for your support, we will issue a full briefing upon your arrival. may we suggest that you ask Amanar for aid in shipping more of your troops as they have a large navy and I believe they will help our cause.

Your naval aid is appreciated, we may need to send soldiers into Larinton to help defend their country and securing the port would be a great help. We ask that you aid us further by providing some of your ships to Eranah and Germarctus to help transport their land troops to Pertan. I hope this is not too much to ask and your priority should be that port.


We would be happy to trade our technology possibly in future,although I would be interested to know more of this rail way system. First however we need to fix your small Marchstumm problem. we have amassed an army to fight the now exposed troops, however we would like some kind of recompense for fighting your battles. possible a peace pact for future and the ability to use your vast powers at research to study joint projects in the future, maybe such things as better farming technology's or building this rail system between our countries to allow faster trade.


We appreciate your assistance and a few mages spread through our troops would be of great assistance, maybe helping in destroying the siege engines. However we feel you would be most useful in transporting the troops of Eranah and possibly Germarctus across the sea to our nation so that we may deal with this problem. I am sure such aid would not be overlooked by any nations.

2011-07-28, 04:02 AM

Public end-season Knowledge/Announcements:

The few northern ports Germarctus has are working to full capacity as ships are launched and loaded by the nation's military and whilst no official word has been given by the Grand Council as of yet, the people all know what's going on; war has begun.

- No major changes from last season in terms of troop movement, it remains 10 core-infantry units shipping to LARINTON and 6 Red Bear + 3 Tempest units to PERTAN. If LARINTON should decline our forces the men will be shipped to PERTAN to reinforce efforts there.
- Our ships are also taking ERANAH troops.
- Preparations for shipping forces will take gold to do this quickly, theGgrand Council have spent 2k gold ensuring there are plentiful ships and supplies.
- If TETHRAS accept the offer, we shall be combining research efforts into developing explosive materials that are safe to handle and produce.
- Final Resource Count: 3

(This correspondence comes directly from the tactitions.) Excellent. Our ships will be leaving port very soon and we expect our task force to arrive not long into the next season. While we shall discuss tactics in more detail when we arrive, the plan you have proposed could well work, although we will need to analyse maps of potential battlefield when we arrive to better assess our options. It is also our intention to join the battle when it is under way, Germarctian tactitions are more at home leading the flow of battle rather than merely commanding from afar, so spearheading the assault would do our forces a great honour.

The Grand Council is pleased to hear of the steady progress you report and we understand magic is something that cannot be rushed. Please keeps us up to date with any relevant information, we look forward to seeing the results of this training.

Our timber reserves are kept high at the moment by our somewhat booming industry so we should be bale to supply you with timber as you require it so future timber trade should be very possible.

It would appear our researchers have similar goals; we ourselves are working toward harnessing the power of controlled explosive materials after several strange accidents in sectors of industry here in Germarctus.

It would appear you have made much more progress than us however. If it suits we propose our research teams share their current and future findings relating to explosives so we may produce a viable material faster. We can also provide significant funding to this project if money is an issue.

Yes, a combined effort from both our expedition teams should help in the swift exploration of this peculiar isle as surely a place as secluded and mysterious as this hides useful secrets.

As you read this letter ships are on their way with your requests of paid timber and samples of the 'fertilizer' to exchange for schematics of your 'rail' technology. We are also sending a medium task force of our core-infantry to help fortify your cities from the Marchstumm threat, these men will also play a tactical role in the battles that will be taking place on the fields of Pertan.

We hope this shipment of men is acceptable, however we understand if you do not wish to accept them and they are under orders to turn back if you so wish.

Our ships are due to set sail at the first opportunity and we have ample room to help ship your forces to the fields or Pertan so we may engage the Marchstumm war-machine. Germarctian tactitions shall be planning the assault and we would appreciate any relevant information you may have that can ensure this operation is a success. (OoC: Bulk of the planning is going to be done next season I'm guessing.)

2011-07-29, 06:13 PM
April 1st 1494
The winter weather is stormy and overcast most days, reflecting the political atmosphere building in many nations. With an army of siege weaponry and sorcerers waiting outside the doors of Larinton and a horde of slaves moving to join them from the east, the northern continent is set for war. As the great siege engines of Marchstumm open fire on the mountains it becomes the talk of everyone in any tavern and most other rumours die down. To top off the unrest in the world Pertan has issued a call to arms of its citizens, reducing their food production in favour of defence, this may leave nations hungry with both major food producing nations scared of the Marchstumm threat.


You island is sheltered from the worst of the storms by the dense jungle although most of your high ranking druids are in Pertan, watching ships roll in filled with men in strange assortments of uniforms, even among what you are assured are the same countries troops. The ones which stand out are Eranahs troops who look much more tribal than the others arriving with many horses and the Tempests from Germarctus some of whose eyes appear to glow purple.


The stormy weather marks the start of your assault on Larinton. You wait patiently for the black hordes armies to arrive. When they finally do they tell a worrying tale. Many of the passes through the mountain ranges have been mined under by the dwarfs, destroying 2 of your siege engines as the rock beneath them collapsed. The chief tactician throws himself at your feet, and offers control of his army to you ( ooc: The Black horde is away for a week so he has given you control for a bit to deal with any issues). Never the less you advance on the main entrance left to Larinton, their main land trade route. Soon your siege engines are roaring, however you make little progress over the 6 months. Any troops sent in by the black hoard are quickly out manoeuvred in the narrow passages. The smaller side passages force your men to stoop and the dwarven warriors can simply destroy your advances by guerrilla warfare inside their tunnels. You also realise after an unfortunate incident in one of the smaller tunnels, all your siege engines are achieving by pounding the mountain are causing passages to collapse. You have however blockaded the entire nation and no messengers can get in or out past your vast armies and with The Black Horde blockading the port, they are completely cut off. With the drought and the stormy weather your army is slowly running out of food and you will have to obtain some more this season.
Your spies tell of Niritole being blockaded but the main force of the black horde pushes Tirinoel with you.
OC: you may read any message spoiler tags to or from Larinton over the next season apart from ones from or to the GM,The Family and senola, although Pertan doesn’t count as GM in this case.
Resource income:6
Resource total:16

The Black Horde

The stormy weather makes planting crops a nightmare. On top of that 90% of your farm workers are busy in the army, marching across the mountains, for this reason your food supplies are dwindling, whilst feeding your own army will not be too hard, it leaves you with no food to export for this coming year.
Another downfall occurs as you march your troops though the mountain passes. The Ground beneath 2 of your siege engines gives way, causing them to fall, damaging them irrecoverably; you also lose quite a few slaves in the disaster as well.
As for your assault down the main entrance of Larinton, it’s not going well. The dwarfs know all the places to ambush your troops, half the passages are too small for your men to fight in and you cannot bring your number advantage to the field in such confined tunnels. Also with only rough sketches of the tunnels from the few slaves to escape it is hard to navigate as the tunnels are dark.
As for your naval blockade, this has gone surprisingly well, although you have only destroyed one ship yourself, you have prevented many from reaching the port. You manage to stop 10 Germarctus ships and destroy one of them and stop a few scouting ships from Tethras. Your ships, although transport mainly, provide enough of a threat in numbers to prevent any trade or messages to Larrinton.
Recently however Tethras’s navy have been harassing you barricade of the port. Although they have yet to break through they will soon, they have sent a messenger saying if you give them passage they will not destroy more of your ships.
OC: you may read any message spoiler tags to or from Larinton over the next season apart from ones from or to the GM, The Family and Senola, although Pertan doesn’t count as GM in this case.
Population : 14
Resource income:2 ( no food to sell)
Resource total:17


The sheltered nature of your farms in cleared out forest has allowed you to farm much more efficiently than other nations in this troubled time, that said your nations heavy reliance on importing food and trading means that in this troubled season your people will have to make do on much smaller rations than usual.
Your research into explosives is going well, although it is a long way from complete; however your tempest unit will take another season of training before they are able to cast the new spells. You have instead dispatched the Tempests who are not currently being trained. Your ships have little room for Eranah troops as well and when you land the few you have transported are quickly sent as scouts. As for your Troops going to Larinton, they meet a blockade of black horde ships outside Niritole port. In the confusion one of your ships is peppered with arrows, destroying a ship and one units worth of men, The other units head onwards to land at Pertan. This information is relayed to you by the captain, who returns on a ship loaded with the promised food.
Your armouries output a record amount of warfare equipment; however a lot of this goes to fully equipping the savages you are training for Eranah. Their training is now complete and you exchange troops back, gaining a fully mounted unit of men in return for what turned out to be a unique unit of savages and lycanthropes. They may not be as polished as your regimented troops but they are just as deadly.
Your Colonisation effort has got little further in exploration however you have a combined map with Tethras now and between your too colonisation efforts you have established 2 villages that between them are self sustaining.
Resource income:8
Resource total : 11


Your research into mage breeding starts although your mages are not quite sure how to start. They attempt to buffet pregnant horses with magic, this has so far only resulted in miscarriages. Your horse men move north for the winter and your savages follow you having completed their training. Unfortunately there is little space on Germarctus’s ships, and when your horses do arrive they are immediately sent scouting. Their ability to whisper messages over a distance will make them invaluable in informing the tacticians of the changing battle. They report that Marchstumms army is indeed allied with the black horde but there superior numbers and siege engines are being held off by the confined space of the entrance tunnel to Larinton. You do however realise they must be getting tired and cannot hold this up forever in Larrinton. It looks like no messages will be able to penetrate the horde outside their doors; it should however be easy to trap them behind the mountains but a large force circling east to catches your scouts and kills a small group. Although the loss is mourned it has made Pertan aware of the force placed to stop forces from the east helping Larinton.
As for your mission to the unvisited isle you hear from your people that the family did not awnser there questions as to what to do so they have set up camp further round the island. They say there are 2 camps already on the isle where the breach has appeared. They have attached a map of the area for you.
Resource income:6
Resource total:17


The weather has again damaged your crops even further and you will need more food this season to keep your population happy. These times of war along with communications with Amanar have brought up a new political group in your nation, The call for the freedom of mages and to do away with the old ideal, and although the following is a small one it may grow if unchecked.
Your ships have found the port of Larinton blockaded and have begun a hit and retreat strategy to try and clear it, so far they have only taken out a few ships as it is hard for them to get near sue to the large number blockading the entrance. They have sent a messenger to ask for passage from the Black Horde.
Your colony is going well and you know have a combined map with Germarctus. The 2 villages supporting each other has made a self sufficient colony and the partnership has aided both nations. Your men however have not done any further investigating as they say the city nearby is full of shadows that move in odd ways and winds that blow dust up on otherwise calm days.
You begin construction of warships to add to your navy with the timber you receive from Germarctus. You also complete your black powder research, realising that it can be created stably if it is created as a small cube and then ground up, the cube itself is stable and burns fairly slowly, however if powdered it becomes volatile. The uses of such powders are large and at your command they begin research into its use in naval weaponry, initial tests of coating arrows in it have failed however.
You have heard nothing from the ship that sent the timber to Larrinton, however they prepaid for the shipment.
Resource income :8
Resource total : 7 ( spending 1 on lumber at the very beginning of the season)

The Family

You hear back from your elder in Larinton. The Marchstumm forces have joined up with the Black Horde and are currently pounding the main entrance of Tirinoel. They also have a force to the east to prevent attacks from that direction. The combat is tiring the dwarfs and although they are holding the fort well, the constant siege engine noise and attacks from the black horde has lowered their moral. In top of this your elder has found themselves trapped in the city with no way to get messages out apart from chatting via the mirror as the port is blockaded by the black horde .
You hear no word back from the spies in Amanar and all you find out about Pertan is that they are dealing with a nation called Senola. They have sold food to a few nations in return for aid in creating an army, probably to try and defend their nation but maybe to aid in the combat.
The library has a few books buried in the back, they appear to be important however the language is old and will take a while to study. As for defence you begin building a wall on the old foundations of the citys wall. This will take a long time but you have also been able to make a few bows of Halfling size to help defend the construction.
Resource income :8
Resource total: 10


You are under siege. Marchstumm and the Black Horde are at your doorstep, your morale is dropping and although you are self sufficient, without outside food and under the constant booming of the siege engines sleep is hard to come by. The black hordes slaves pour into your main trade route but you can easily combat them by ambushing them from the numerous small passages too small for them to fight in. You also cannot get naval aid due to the black horde blockading your port.
You receive the lumber from Marchstumm however you have no access to siege engineers unless you research it yourself and the ship that brought it was unable to leave, although the shipment was prepaid. Your research on finding a continual flame through magic has taken longer than expected due to the morale drop of your nation.
Your undermining has destroyed 2 of siege engines travelling with the black horde and your clockworking is complete allowing you to make basic devices and research more complicated things such as cross bows.
(oc : you cannot read any messages sent to you apart from the ones from GM, Senola and The Family.)
Resource income:10
Rescource total: 14


The harsh winter has meant fishing has been hard on your ships, however your mountains shelters your few farms which pick up the slack from the fishing however the repurposing of ships has cost you some income in trade along with the harsh sea weather. As for your magic research it is going well. It turns out the shape of the object is important and creating the correct length wand has greatly increased the duration of the wands usefulness, although they have yet to perfect the process.
You begin training more men for your land military and buying better equipment where available and you also continue to train Germarctus’s men in the ways of magic. Your Counter espionage has discovered 2 Halflings trying to sneak into one of your universities of magic. They have been imprisoned for their crimes.
Your pubs are dominated by the rumours of war and the alliances forming in the north. This means very little else is discussed and so you cannot pick useful information about the other nations from pub talk.
Research income: 8
Resource total : 16

2011-07-30, 04:28 AM
Eranah: Public news and informaton

There is widespread contempt for the actions up north. Raiding and pillaging is something Eranians all know how to do first hand, but to actually enslave people? To wipe out a whole nation? These two objectives are beyond not only their natural inclinations, but also their practical means. Still, men and women seeking to find glory are attempting to head north in their droves, gold in their eyes as they seek to profit from the war.

Mercenaries are available for sale.

(Also, internet may be limited for the next week. Depends if they have wi-fi in Majorica...)

We wish for transport up north, and we shall pay for passage. Also, magebred horses in return for a defensive pact seems to us as an honourable deal, and one we would be more then happy to uphold.

Though your ships were heaving, and had little room for cavalry, we still managed to cram a (Comparatively) small number of riders on board. Still, they have proven their worth in gold; a beautiful example to what it means to be Eranian. They have scouted, running across the potential battlefields of tomorrow, and they have discovered the following (Copypasta'ed from Chris, naturally) :

"Unfortunately there is little space on Germarctus’s ships, and when your horses do arrive they are immediately sent scouting. Their ability to whisper messages over a distance will make them invaluable in informing the tacticians of the changing battle.

They report that Marchstumms army is indeed allied with the black horde but there superior numbers and siege engines are being held off by the confined space of the entrance tunnel to Larinton. You do however realise they must be getting tired and cannot hold this up forever in Larrinton. It looks like no messages will be able to penetrate the horde outside their doors; it should however be easy to trap them behind the mountains but a large force circling east to catches your scouts and kills a small group. Although the loss is mourned it has made Pertan aware of the force placed to stop forces from the east helping Larinton."

I remind you now that Eranian blood has been spilled getting you this information. Put it to use; for good blood should never be wasted. My horses remain in your service, use them well. They shall continue to scout, while I negotiate with Amanar to ship more horses to you.

Thankyou, before I forget, for training my men. I hope that your men felt equally satisfied with the result. I hope this is the start of a greater union between our nations. We were wondering if we could trade arms and armour for our new unit, for our own well-bred horses. We could get them equipped elsewhere, but we feel it would be...Bad luck, to have them trained by one nation, owned by another, and equipped by yet another still! It would offend the warrior spirits, I am sure.

"I continue to trust you freely inside my country, just as I trusted you all under Kreal. Your peoples compliments are generous, and I can only hope they benefit from the unification of Eranah as much as Eranah herself!" King Silverwind smiled, walking along the beach with Kreal's brother at somepoint. [b]I'm hoping the war in the north will somehow work in the same way as receiving an armada, gathering our people together in a uniform push against tyranny and oppression. This is the first war where the Eranian state has involved itself. Well, I suppose it's the first time there's been a war under the Eranian state!" He chuckles, smiling to the halfling. "Trial by fire, very poetic."

"Anyway, I hear from my men that there are already people on the unvisited isle. Have we identified who?" He ***** an eyebrow, pulling his furs closer to him, warding off the first of the harsh winter chill.

We may have unexploited mineral reserves in our country, and you could use them to further your own industry, and bolster our lands in the process. However, as a nation, geology is not our forte. If you can arm, armour, and provide us with the metal crafting we require, we will happily grant you prospecting rights. Remember, we need light but strong metal. Something that will allow us to ride without impediment.

We are apparently going to be riding to your aid, at least in one way or another. We thought now would be a good time to at least greet you, and ask you to stand firm; not that you would do anything else of course! Stoic dwarves, help is coming.

2011-08-02, 01:23 PM
The Black Horde

Larinton is a demonstration to all those who treat our beliefs and national identity with contempt and self-righteousness. Any nation who is willing to make an attempt to respect our nation will be treated with the same respect.

I am willing to allow your ships passage to Larinton provided no troops or weapons are aboard. We will be searching all ships if you would like passage. It is not our intention to stop trade. We are also willing to take over trade responsibilities from Larinton once we have conquered them.

I will unfortubately be occupied for a while. I leave my troops seiging Larinton in Marchstumm's capable hands until I am available to command them more directly. I look forward to revelling in the spoils of victory.

Right I got internet briefly. Better be grateful this was a bitch to type on my phone :p And I'll allow any ships through my blockade not carrying troops or weapons or carrying Larinton civilians out provided my troops can search them to verify it.

2011-08-03, 05:07 AM

Pertan would like to announce that it is no longer selling food for the coming year. This is in part due to the hostile atmosphere of the northern continent. Pertan strongly opposes Marchstumm and the black hordes assault on Larinton. This not to say Pertan is closed to trade but currently we are more interested in the purchase of intriguing new technology that may aid our nation.

@ Senola

"We suggest you send your druids to scout the Unvisited isle soon as we are Marching tomorrow, ready your druids for war. we also leave it to you to decide whether you wish to reveal your shape shifting powers to the other nations assembled here, however it may help the Germarctus tactitions [plan the fight, on the other hand it may make our mission to colonise the isle more tricky. We also suggest that you be less trusting of these nations outside of this military alignment. They may share our cause now but when Marchstumm has been brought down they will likely care little for our nations safety, They care little for anyone but themselves and will probably try to exploit your nation when they learn of its existence"

@Germarctus, Eranah, Senola

A tall, rather well fed man greets you as you enter his house the centre of the military planning. " Greetings I am Lord Herrod. Please be seated and enjoy our hospitality for a while." With this glasses of port are passed round along with a jug of water and some small food items. There are 6 people sat around the table other than Herrod, The scout leader of Eranah, The Sargent's from the Tempests and Red Bear units of Germarctus and the Commander of there standard troops, The cheif Germarctus tactition and a person clothed in what appear to be rags but on closer inspection appear to be made of leaves. "May I introduce Arch druid of Senola" Proclaims Herrod waving his arm at the person clothed in rags. " These are our close allies who have also agreed to aid our war efforts. They are keen scouts and shock troops, with the ability to manipulate nature itself to their cause. We as a nation are proud to be their allies as well as yours and offer our gratitude for your aid in at least injuring the vast wrong doing that is Marchstumm. We would like the army to leave in a few days but for now, please eat and rest, some of you have travelled a long way"

2011-08-03, 01:00 PM

Public Knowledge/Announcements:

The Grand Council today informs the entire nation that we are as Germarctians, officially at war with Marchstumm and those that may be foolish enough to follow their hap-hazard path. Due to this conflict and blockades across ocean trade routes our national food reserves are being stretched to their absolute limit and we remind each and everyone of you that as Germarctian citizens is is our duty to ensure we all make it through this troubling time on as litle as you can afford.

- If ERANAH accept we will be opening long-term trade for their horse manure, we will trade any surplus resources we have that ERANAH demand. (Weapons, minerals and timber etc.)
- Awaiting research collaboration permission from TETHRAS.
- Awaiting possible naval efforts from TETHRAS for both our navies to engage the BLACK HORDE blockade of LARINTON.
- Continue explosives research, pay 3k gold towards these efforts.
- Prep naval forces for action, pay 2k gold to ensure these forces are ready to deploy by the end of the season.
- Ask for a exploration report from the mid-isle colony, researchers from Germarctus have asked the colony to carry out some basic experiments to test soil quality there.
- Resource Count: 5
(OoC: This message is for your nation's leader, not the military in Pertan) The Grand Council would like to make a request for trade to the Plains folk of Eranah; we are in dire need for a component to create 'fertilizer' to ensure our farms continue to supply our nation with enough food. This particular component is horse manure, something we would assume you have a sizeable amount of. We do not ask for simple charity, the Germarctian timber yards continue to produce large quantities of fresh timber and we propose that in exchange for a steady supply of timber to you that you supply us with as much manure as you can stockpile. Since our armouries are also now outputting more weapons than we need we are happy to send some carts of weapons instead of timber.
--Find Peace through Unity.

The Grand Council wishes to thank you for the maps you have supplied us with of the mid-isle. Now our colonisation efforts are working together we are sure progress there will increase substantially.

Without wishing to sound impatient we are hoping to hear from your researchers soon about a collaborative effort to research materials with explosive properties. While we have not made any major break-throughs are own research is coming along very well and we are sure by sharing information both our nations can benefit from this potential technology sooner.

We hope the situation with the Black Horde blockade of Larinton is not disrupting your navy and it's trade routes like it is ours; one of our convoys recently came under attack by this force and their were unfortunetly Germarctian casualties. The Grand Council proposes a combination of our naval forces to try and destroy this blockade and ultimately aid our allies, Larinton.
--Find peace through Unity

(OoC: This is probably full of mis-types and errors but it should give you the general gist for my battle proposal; if you have a query can you post it in the OC thread, cheers. If you object outright to this feel free to IC it out though... =P) After a days rest the leaders of each nation meet again to discuss the upcoming battle;
A Germarctian tactition produces a map from a leather canister, the map itself has been heavily annotated and it is almost impossible to make out the original features. The tactition clears her throat,
"Since the bulk of the Germarctian forces will be spear-heading the assault we will be assuming battlefield command. There are enough Germarctian battle-tacitions to distribute amongst the armies so all in-situ commands shall passed through our ranks to your units. It is our hope that with an effective plan that battlefield commands will be kept minimal and our army can move quickly rather than get bogged down with command delays. So that you may prepare your fighting forces here is the overview of events we foresee; Headed by 5/6 Red Bear units the main force shall move directly toward the enemy ranks, behind these shall be our Tempests and Senola's shock troops followed by the regulars from Germarctus and Pertan. This force shall push through enemy ranks as far as it can and will be expected to sustain the most casualties."The map is rotated and the tactition traces over toward the side of the main assault,
"Since their forces will be committed to our initial charge we will then use this opportunity to flank with the remainder of our army on the left, here. This will be headed by our remaining Red Bear unit, supplemented by a mix of our infantry and Pertan's.The Eranah head-scout looks puzzled for a moment then speaks out,
"What about our scouts and your newly trained dragoon unit? Surely we can use our mobility to add something to this?" The tactition nods and points to the remaining flank then to the Mrachstumm siege units,
"Since the enemy ground forces will be engaged head-on as well as on their right flank the Germarctian cavalry and Eranian scouts will move past their left flank and straight onto the siege engine ranks. It is imperative we destroy these as quickly as possible for Larinton's mountains will only provide shelter from their monstrous power for so long. It is hoped that this third force can sustain minimal losses since it will be in essence a hit and run manoeuvre however since this is the first time Germarctus has deployed mounted units this will act as a field experiment for us."

Steevo RMH
2011-08-03, 03:36 PM

Posters have begun to appear on the walls of Tethras from a new and growing political group, demanding the freedom of mages from The Tower and to remove the ideals of old. However, in the current climate, the Emperor and the Council appear to be ignoring the group at the moment.

The recent weather has ruined Tethran crops, and an appeal has gone out to all nations asking for any surplus food supplies that they would be willing to trade.


(OOC: I never sent lumber to Larington. I promised to send any completed research in black powder to them. This was before they got attacked. I will still go of having 7 left, but if I'm right about this, and get the resource back, I'll add it too naval construction)
With the research into black powder complete, I would like to begin research into the construction and use of cannons for naval warfare. resources used 4.
The colony is to leave the city alone for now, although they are to keep and eye on it. Instead, they are to investigate the unknown ships that sailed south, making no hostile actions except to defend themselves. Resources used 2.
Continue building naval warships. Resources used 1 (possible 2 depending on above).
The naval forces already conducting hit and run attacks are to continue their attacks. They are not trying to break through the blockade, just weaken it for future attacks. The ships are warned not to take any uncessary risks as ship losses need to be at a minimum, if not non-existant.

We are, at the moment, conducting hit and run attacks on the blockade in an attempt to weaken the blockade. However, while we have not lost any ships, they too have not lost many ships. While we have speed and manouverability, there numbers prove to be to great an advantage.

Which leads me to some good news. Our research into black powder has been a complete success. While we are still looking into how to apply this into naval warfare, we are willing to trade you this information for the 'fertilizer' that you mentioned in previous letters.

As for a joint attack, we strongely agree with the proposal, and suggest that we attempt to get aid from Amanar's navy as well, if they are willing to get involved. While small, they too have a strong naval force which could prove useful in breaking the blockade. We are sorry to hear of your losses, and offer to provide what protection our navy can offer against future attacks.

As for a joint colony on the Isle, our exploration has turned up a city which, to use the words I recieved, is 'haunted'. Oddly moving shadows and dust blown up by the wind on calm days. For now, I have told my men to keep an eye on the city as unknown ships were spotted sailing south inside the reef. We are investigating the matter and ask if you know anything about these ships that we don't.

@Black Horde
The Tethran Navy has no intention of allowing the Black Horde to board any of its ships, having heard of other trading ships being sunk by your blockade in recent months.

We accept this offer. We do have a metal that fits your requirements. We will send some people over immediately, with your permission, to begin prospecting the land and looking for the necessary minerals required. For the time being, we will send over a reasonably sized sample of the metal with the prospectors to see if the metal is what you were looking for.

We know you are not selling any surplus food you may have. However, we are in desperate need of food supplies as the weather has damaged our crops. Your nation also has a problem in defending itself against the likes of Marchstuum and the Black Horde.

Therefore, we write to you with this offer. If you have any spare food supplies, and are willing to trade it with us, we will share the secrets of Black Powder with you. In case the rumors of our creation have not reached your nation, Black Powder is an explosive material, useful for offensive and defensive purposes.

At the moment, we are in desperate need of food supplies. Therefore, we would be willing to trade our naval research for any spare food supplies you might have. If you do not have anything spare, then we are sure something can be worked out.

We look forward to meeting with your researchers and the possible outcomes of our two nations working together.

Again, we thank you for the offer, but for now, we are more concerned with the events occuring in Larington.

2011-08-04, 08:06 AM


As the great nation of Marchstumm continues its seige of Larinton, rumours spread that more men have died at the hand of a dissapointed officers blade and 'natural' hazzards than by any Larinton soldier. After the initial wave and owing to increasingly hazardous weather, the armies at Larinton begin to dig in for the long hall. Larinton is now essentially locked in by a sea of bodies, alive or otherwise.

The emperor, Voice of Marchstumm

Illustrious leaders of great nations, of which there are few, are invited to a pre-vicotry banquet at my new quaters in Larinton north of Niritole. Any and all who wish now to join our mighty army in conquering the north are most welcome at my table. Invitations are on their way. Feel free to take the messengers as slaves, they are of no use to me.

Surrender now, your fate is sealed. No allies are coming to your aid. Lay down at my feet and Marchstumm may feel compasion for your pitiful band of rebels.

Both armies retreat from the tunnels and barricade the exits and entrances with rubble. Many rserves are redeployed in setting up heavily defended supply lines leading to the battle. Seige engines continue their onslaught, resortign to rocks that fall from the mountains to preserve ammunition. Occult sorcerers begin to prepare mass balls of fire to raise the temperature of the enlcsed mountian city to unbearable levels to smoke out the dwellers. This has become a war of attrition.

2011-08-04, 10:56 PM

Amanar seems to have fared a little better than other nations in the current climate due to their fishing industry. They do not appear to be currently taking an active part in the war, but communications move back and forth from the capital to many nations and the Amani ambassadors are frequently engaged in talks in many nations.

Scry on each ambassador each week as a method of one-way communication and to ensure security. Converted naval vessels returned to military service for the summer months. Scrying on Larinton/Marchstumm front as discussed. (building up a corps of summoned Hound Archons, Bearded Devils and Janni, ready to act if needed. Jann are split 2/2 between Astral and Material plane at any one time using Plane Shift ability, switching once per two days).

Resources allocation:
2 Improving fishing industry
2 counter-espionage
1 Mage-breeding program
2 magical research
Saving: 9

A team of researchers has arrived in Tethras- none of them are obviously spellcasters, and all of them seem friendly when the Amani ambassador introduces them. It appears that most of them are less interested in representing their country and more in getting to work on a new project
(Some information on your current projects and where my contribution could go would be appreciated).

On the subject of food, our supply is currently just about meeting demand. However, we have some stockpiled resources which we would be willing to trade if needed- what technology might you be willing to pass on to us?
Also, what is your stance on the Larinton conflict? We might be interested in working to aid the defenders, but would be interested in some more information on the combat situation before we make any moves.

We might be willing to aid your nation in the battle to defend your country. Before we make any commitment, however, some information on the combat situation currently would be appreciated. Any strategic points which need to be claimed, or areas which could be reached from sea would be of particular interest.

Very well, you may consider the pact in force- our magebreeding program has begun, and should be producing results at some point in the future. Incidentally, we might have some ideas for more effective units. It seems likely that winged horses, at the least, could be a possibility in the future.

Our ships are once again available and ready to transport your troops. During the winter a cross-ocean trip would have had serious risks, but now that the weather is calming down the route should be far safer. In return, a boost to our general resource stockpile might be the most effective form of payment- a couple of our internal projects could use some more funding.

If you do not object, we would be interested in sending an ambassador to represent Amanar in any negotiations which might occur in Marchstumm, since the political situation is becoming more complex and we feel we should be represented. If you are worried about defences, any representative would not be a spell-caster.

The Black Horde
If you do not object, we would be interested in sending an ambassador to represent Amanar in any negotiations which might occur in your nation, since the political situation is becoming more complex and we feel we should be represented. If you are worried about defences, any representative would not be a spell-caster.

We are planning on aiding Larinton in the current conflict, through providing transportation for Eranah's troops. In addition, we might be planning on providing more magical aid. Currently a couple units of food would come in very handy for keeping the people of Amanar supplied as you offered previously.

2011-08-06, 08:11 AM
The trio sat around the diminished table, an atmosphere of gloom hanging in the air. Samira passed the wine round to Kreal who drank slowly and deeply. “We need to decide our place.” Samira’s smooth voice, calm despite the tension, shuffling papers. Her eyes rose to meet Kreal’s hard glare, before drifting across to Tess. “We have a lot to lose if we take your course of action Kreal.”

Kreal spat violently onto the floor. “We HAVE a place. I mean to honour it. We have spent too long with our little empire of caravans. It is time to make our name’s known again.”

“KREAL!” Tess was stood now, the only one of the group that could truly be called an elder, she was normally reserved. Her tight grey hair, found up in a bun, her gruff exterior content to let others run the meetings. Her response shocked Kreal. He sat meekly pacified.

“You have no authority to speak this way. You may return to your caravan, offer any aid you see fit, within the borders. We will have no part in this war, beyond the minimum. Prepare relief caravans to head to areas that will see fighting in the coming months. There is a profit to be made here.” Her eyes turn on Samira. “I have looked over your reports and what I find is most disturbing. Continue with the repairs. I will return to Germarctus to keep the caravans moving.” Her eyes move back to Kreal, who seemed to have centred himself better now. She could still see his anger beneath the surface, and she wasn’t sure he would hold to her instructions, but she had done her best. Many were going to die, this was a war the likes of which hadn’t been seen in generations. Sitting carefully back into her cushioned chair her gaze wanders to the window. As the pair leave the room she watches a seagull spiralling gently on the warm ocean breeze, lost in dark thoughts.

What is the situation on the centre island? I plan to set a base up there and use the fast Eranah cavalry to explore the island with the haflings acting as travel guides.

Caravans were prepared to visit areas hit by the war, after the armies had moved on. In an attempt to boost trade.

A caravan train will be set up along Eranah’s coast, to take word inland if the beacons are lit, to speed response. Also they would be taking advantage of lots of bored guards, again to try and increase profit.

Of my resources, 3 will be used to improving the capital, still focusing on defence. This will include fixing the walls and fortifying the bridge. 2 will be used in technology and spell research within the city by the gnomes. 1 will be used in the library for restoration and translation of the works. This should leave 4 to be saved in the vaults there.

For espionage; the majority of it will focus on the armies and troop movements. A small detachment will be sent to look into this new army being drafted with the Pertans. (2/5 on southern armies. 2/5 on northern armies. 1/5 on the new army.)

Drogo made his way up to the same room he had met her in before. Trapped as he was in the city under siege, he was bitterly disappointed to have missed the council meeting. Yet at the same time he wasn’t sure of his own feelings for the gnome he had met before. A twinge of relief at not being able to leave her side. As he approached the door he left his note against it, not wanting to disturb the occupant at this time. it read:

I find myself trapped in your city. My fate and that of my caravan is now inexplicably tied up with that of the city. I offer any aid I can at this present time, but know little of the situation. I do have a method of getting messages out of the city if that would be of use.


p.s The offer for a meal still stands once this is over.


Kreal returned from his two month hiatus with a grin just as wide as before. He seemed to hold a mischievous twinkle in his eyes as he started supplying Eranah’s army. Although he seemed the same, the king could notice something different in his friend’s demeanour, as though he had decided on something he had been toying with before. He quickly relays any information he has on the inner isle.

Gm: Please relate any information I receive from the centre island to Eranah when I get it through the mirror.

You receive reports that Tess has begun organising relief caravans within your borders with supplies to be taken and sold on the front lines. She looks to be buying supplies as cheap as she can at home with plans to carry it after the army and sell luxuries and vital supplies for a profit to the soldiers, far from stores. On this visit to your great nation she has yet to approach the council.

2011-08-06, 01:18 PM
The Black Horde

We would be willing to grant a small embassy within our nation, however we have recently intercepted messages offering potential aid to Larinton. If Amanar joins in the conflict on the side of Larinton we would regrettably be forced to slaughter your ambassador. If this does not arise however we are veru willing to accomodate negotians between our nations.

Regrettably without searching your ships we cannot allow your ships access. Were there some other method of ascertaining the contents of your ships we would be most willing to grant passage to your ships however there is not. As such our blockade will remained closed to your ships.

Any of your troops that are willing to surrender will be spared and made slaves within the Horde.

2011-08-06, 06:16 PM
The trees speak of growing evil across the lands, this evil is spreading across the north and must be stopped. If the forces that seek to counter it fail, then i assure you that nature itself will tear it to pieces.
-Arch Druid Resora Barkskin

With the assurance of Pertan, Senola will send 5 druid to scout the inner Island. The rest of the forces will be stationed with the Arch druid. Keeping the advise that Pertan gave in mind, the southerners will probably try something at a later date after the war. Though the druids are thinking more fondly of the newly introduced "Eranah". And would have decided it would be Greater for more formal introductions.

A woman who was seen earlier from the Germacrtus war briefing steps forward and persents herself. "Greetings, I am the Arch druid of Senola, Your tribe interests our people, unlike many of them you have stayed much further to the old ways, the ways of nature.We believe a time will come that nature will return covering all- Returning the world to how it began. And we believe you may be the people who can help us achieve this. Or have we got you all wrong

For those who may not know us, we are from a place called Senola, and we have pledged our forces to help our allies Pertan. From what we can see, We agree with Germacrtus' battle plan. But i mention now, as it may help our chances of minimal losses.- Who here has heard of shape shifting, for it makes our force flexible. We can attack from the Land and the air, and if the worst happens such as not being able to bring your troops up from the south then we can attack by sea. We are not the largest force, But i thought that you should know our strengths. I don't know if this will change your plan in any way, and if not- We are strong people and will be of use.

And Also we haven't been south for a long stay, Does everyone Ride bears?

2011-08-08, 08:59 AM

Any aid you can offer will be greatly appreciated however we only have one unit of food that can be shipped to you, this has been dispatched as a good will gesture in the hope you will aid us in the conflict

Although this material would be of use to us we really do have very little food to spare at the moment, our peasants who normally work the fields are currently aiding our military efforts. We would be interested mainly in the ability to create such a powder and were wondering about the practicalities of its creation. if such a thing could be created here in Pertan we have a few offers that we could make.

War is upon us, we ride out tomorrow! May the gods smile upon our efforts.

2011-08-10, 02:45 AM


-Support the first generation of outposts by Tethras; free up resources to protect my own people from famine if they give away too much food, although I doubt this will happen.
-Go to war...That little thing.

Efficiency through ingenuity, friend; and it appears you have plenty of the latter. I shall cart out all I can find, but do not be surprised if you are not drowning in it by the next solstice! In return, I haven't really decided. what my nation needs right now. War clouds the future, and the needs of tomorrow may be vastly different then the needs of today. Still, I understand the expedience of keeping your crops ripe, so I will begin sending manure as of now.

You have our permission. Please, feel free to set up a few outposts. Also, we of Eranah extend a had of sympathy to you in your time of famine. We have no food to trade, for we are a self-sufficient nation, with no real agriculture. However, we shall try to look after the men and women you send to your outposts, and give them what we can, at least until your situation improves. We pray that the gods, fickle though they may be, may return to your cause.

((OOC, if the metal is light enough to make nice armour out of it while riding at high speeds, it's the metal for me!))

Winged horses you say? This could be an avenue of exploration. We shall send our best conventional breeders to you at once, and a stock of fine Eranian horses to breed with. As for your transportation, it is of some urgency that I get Cavalry to the north. The gold price can be negotiated while they're sailing. I was thinking 3000GP ((3 Resource)); for the one-thousand men I plan to ship. 1 gold for each horse, 1 gold for each man, and one gold for your no-doubt considerable security for the passage.

Also, I ask your view on the events to the north? Do you have an opinion on the matter?

We also believe in the powers of nature, that is to be sure. However, to revert everything back to nature is a rather high cause, is it not? How would one do such a thing? The industrial nations of Germactus as Tethras plough into the future as we speak, and their influence is strong on my nation. They will not industrialise us, but they do supply us. Feel free to send emmisaries to my nation though; they will find it untouched and unsullied.

The plan is sound. I only regret I do not have more men to throw at those siege engines. But the scouts are ready, and they have signed their contracts in blood now. Consider our payment settled when we loot the victorious battleground.

And no, gratious Druid, we do not all ride bears. The horse lords find them...Too clumsy. Though I'm sure I could give it a fair go...

I don't want to say this too early, but it is in a nomads nature to simply ask; where next from here? If Larington falls, and our military gamble doesn't pay off, wouldn't it leave Pertan somewhat vulnerable? I'm moving troops up as we speak, but I doubt they will be here in time for the battle for Larington. In case of disaster, I can leave the riders up here, and do a little "Creative resource gathering" in their new-found-lands.

This is simply a worst case scenario however. We shall see how the battle fairs in the morning.

2011-08-10, 09:46 AM

Announcements/Public Knowledge:

Over these few months the Grand Council remains oddly quiet making few public announcements. It is common belief that each council member is far too busy in meetings and the like to afford public appearances and with the issues surrounding the ever diminishing food supplies in Germarctus some say this is no surprise.

Many Germarctians have been called to work the fields and there is word Germarctian researchers have armed them with a way to hopefully improve crop yield during these tough times.

The northern docks continue to be as busy as before despite the deployment in the northern continent apparently finished ships continue to be prepared and supplies are streaming in and out of the dock-space at an almost alarming rate.

- Accepting THETHRAS's offer to trade fertilizer knowledge for their black powder tech.
- Researchers are eager to develop various uses for this new black powder tech, suggestions of mining and military use are to be pursued; what ever remains of the 3k gold that was spend at the beginning of the season on black-powder research will instead be spent on this. (OoC: Aiming for small devices that explode, so grenades I suppose. Could be used both in combat/blasting rock for our mining efforts. If other stuff comes out of this research though that's fine.)
- 1k to be spent on logistics surrounding the mass spread of fertilizer on our struggling crop fields.
- If TETHRAS accept our mid-isle expeditions will be joining forces to explore a city mentioned in TETHRAS'S latest report to us.
- Final Resource Count: 4

We graciously accept your offer for the Black Powder tech in exchange for our formula for fertilizer. Our researchers are sure that this new found explosive has almost limitless potential and so we shall keep you informed of any major developments surrounding it's use.

The blockade is indeed troublesome but for the time being Germarctian resources are currently being funnelled toward the war effort in the north. We can provide you with additional ships if this suits but the Council feels that since they are blockading a nation that is for the best part self-sufficient the need to quash this incursion by the Black Horde is not all that great.

Recent events in the northern War might be able to shed light on the ships your expadition has spotted moving within the mid-isle. We have come into contact with a group who refer to themselves as Senolians; they appear to inhabit the mid-isle and their fighting force consists primarily of 'druids', mages who seem to be able to engage closely with the forces of nature. As for the city you mention it would only be speculation on our part but this may well be a Senolian city or simply ruins. If you expeditionary forces are willing the Council proposes we explore this city as a joint effort.
-- Find peace through Unity.

The Grand Council is pleased to hear that you can start supplying us with this important component for our fertilizer and we are sure that surplus can be put to good use, since this manure is an important part to yet another recent discovery. In terms of a fair trade, keep us informed of what your nation requires and we will strive to strike a fair deal for your export.
--Find peace through Unity

(This next section is discussion with your master scout in the north...)
The acting chief tactition straightened out her robes as she walked past the Eranah camp, struggling to see in the dark of the night. She came to stop outside of one of the larger tents, checking over her shoulder to make sure she wasn't followed. She tapped three times on the canvas door and waited,
"Enter", said a voice from within the tent. She swiftly moved in. As her eyes adjusted to the light inside she could see 3 well-built figures, one of which was the master scout.
"The Germarctian tactitions have been discussing your proposal and we see the validity of it. As far we are aware a good portion of Pertan's militia are going to be committed to the field tomorrow and our plan does more or less throw them at the bulk of the enemy force. Pertan is a valuable portion of the north a fertile plain that could be useful to both your nation and ours. The council have always seen this area for it's use, perhaps if like you say; the opportunity arises we can combine our forces to wrestle control of these lands for our own ends. Let's be honest the kings here make a shoddy job of ruling...", the chief tactition looked about cehcking for shoadows outside the tent then continued,
"This is all of course simply talk and we may not have ample opportunity to act on any of this. I have of course sent word to the homeland about this and I'd expect we could have 5x the troops here landing in a matter of months. I leave it to you to console amongst yourselves about this mater. Also as far as Senola may seem trustworthy, I would recommend not mentioning to them any further about this matter for we know not where there allegiances truly lie", the tactition stood up and went to leave the tent, then paused before moving outside. Speaking louder than before she said,
"Oh, please inform your scouts that they are to leave the siege engines intact tomorrow, kill only the operators. These monstrous machines are bound to come in useful if we are to progress towards Marchstumm, or if other eventualities are to be explored.", the tactition pulled the Germarctian salute and left for her camp.

"We march tomorrow for victory and equality! Marchstumm is foolish to think that it may contend with 4 might nations combined, rest assured soldiers of all nations, we will be victorious tomorrow. Power through Unity!"

We hope that the training of our Tempests progresses well and we expect by the end of this season to see some results.

The Grand Council would also ask that you join with talks between ourselves and Tethras regarding the current blockade the Black Horde have enforced around Larinton. While they may pose no direct threat to any of us we are sure than between our nations naval fleets we may again open up trade routes that are under threat from this preposterous use of force by the Black Horde.
--Find peace through Unity

2011-08-10, 11:28 AM

The Voice of Marchstumm

The feast shall be held in my nation's honour at the end of the season. I shall permit one representative from Larinotn to pass unhidered to my tend to meet with the other reperensentitives to discuss matters pertaining this glorious upheaval of the mountain kingdom. Mercaneraies with adequate skill will now be being hired, to those interested please report to our quatermaster who shall test your resolve and then arm you to the teeth. furthermore, any and all who wish to join this great nation may now be granted an officers pass, providing they pay with a slave of their own capturing. Such parties will be granted the immediate rank of officer and live the high life so widely spoken about accross the land

@ The Black Horde
Kill them, kill them all!

2011-08-10, 12:55 PM
Mid season update

July 1st

The bards sing a tale across all the lands, they tell of a great battle between nations. Marchstumm and the horde were said to be devastated as the combined might of Pertan, Eranah and Germarctus swept down upon them, trapping them between an army and the mountains of Larinton. They also sing of nature herself aiding them in the battle and also talk of beasts from hell arriving at the fight, maybe to claim the souls of the fallen.

@ Senola, Germarctus, Eranah

You quickly decimate the forces to the east and utilise Senola and Eranahs mobility to stop runners to the main force at Larinton

@ Senola, Germarctus, Eranah, Marchstumm, The Black Horde , Larinton, Amanar

About 3 quarters of the force mustered to defend Pertan falls unannounced upon the armys siegeing Larinton. This in itself is not a threat and many of the ttackers are slain. but as the battle begins to turn in the favour of Marchstumm, mountain bears and cavalry charge from the mountains, targeting the siege engine crews and most are quickly disabled and chaos ensues. On top of this some kind of demon dogs apear outside your command tents disrupting communications and disrupting The Black hordes control of its troops. Many of the Black Hordes slave army turn on there masters and soon the upper hand falls to Pertan, only a quarter or so of the attacking forces remain but Marchstumms and the Black Hordes forces have been decimated with only a few managing to escape back to their homeland.

@ Senola, Germarctus, Eranah, Larinton

Senolas shock tactics have left them relatively unhurt, losing only a few druids to the fight

Pertan loses most of their troops engaged in the fight leaving only 2 points of military at home and 2 at the battlefeild.

Eranah loses one group of scouts leaving one group left outside Larrinton

Germarctus lost most of its red bear troops placed there, with only a small group of tactitions and the comanders remaining.

You manage to salvage 10 of the more advanced catapults from marchstumm


Military (land) :3

@The Black Horde

Your blockade is untouched but your ground force is decimated. Military ( land ) : 1
population : 8
unrest :


Many of your seige engines have been destroyed or captured, your army lies in tatters
Military (land):2
population : 8
unrest : 5

@ Larinton

Although the siege is ended, it is a costly victory, many lie dead and much needs rebuilding, however your people can sleep easy tonight.

population: 8

2011-08-11, 05:41 PM

The Amani military does not seem to have been present in the recent military battles, although ships of their make have been seen nearby. It seems their vessels have been hired by several factions as transportation rather than taking a direct hand.

3 Additional resources:
1 Mage training program
2 stored.

Slowly replenish archon ranks- on call when needed, otherwise working on training with land military.

We have decided to take you up on your offer. A unit of supplies from Amanar shall be shipped to you in the near future. We hope that any technological advances you pass on to us will be of use.

The Black Horde:
We were planning to send an ambassador to function as the closest thing to a neutral party in any discussion which follows the recent conflict. Interestingly, our position of neutrality is likely to be threatened if it appeared that you were spying on our communications. Of course, such an act of blatant hostility would be a mistake no matter the circumstances, and we hope that nothing of the sort is taking place. If it was, we might have to take action to prevent such an event from occurring in the future.

The transportation you requested should be moving your troops north as this message travels. The mage-breeding programs should also be beginning soon- of course, this will take some time to acquire results.

On the subject of the current conflict, we are trying to remain a relatively neutral party in order to act as such in any negotiations to come. Obviously the invasion cannot be seen in a good light, and we feel we should be cautious about trading with the aggressors.

The training progresses well. We should be able to return your men to you by the end of the season. We are sorry that our work is not complete for the recent conflict, but some things cannot be hurried- and it seems things have worked reasonably well anyway.

As far as the blockades go, we have been handling some trade through them- we are trying to remain relatively neutral, but obviously this aggression cannot be seen in a particularly good light.

We have provided transportation to Eranah, and aided in other ways through scrying and other utility magics. We are only taking a hand where requested ad where we are repaid in kind, however. Our land military is not large enough to work directly, and of course we would rather remain ostensibly neutral. Most nations seems to be taking sides in this conflict, and someone should be available to function as a neutral party if any negotiations need to be undertaken.

2011-08-11, 08:31 PM
The Black Horde

The Aftermath of the Failed Attack
As the sun rises Commander Robert de Montfort's head is dropped over the edge of his balcony by his five most senior officials. The middle one, the youngest of the group, then steps forward and proclaims to the small throng of people gathered, "I, Alana Feralir, am your new commander. Spread the word to your fellow slaves that I will not be making the foolish mistakes that dear Robert did." She spits down towards his detached head. "My first act shall be commissioning the construction of a castle, the likes of which the world has never known. I will also be establishing a small group of the most loyal slaves to serve my every whim. Let it be known that a new age of the Horde has begun!" She turns briskly around and walks back inside Robert de Montfort's house. As she walks past his beheaded body she tells one of the officials, "Tell someone to take his body and throw it in a ditch."

I am sorry for any offence my predecesor caused. He was a fool and he now lies in a fools grave. We are willing to recieve your ambassador, and if he would like I will be sure to include quarters for him in my castle.

I would just like to say I am still very willing to keep an alliance going, however in.the face of such a crushing defeat, we need to spend time and resources rebuilding our army and ensuring a counter attack does not soon follow.

In light of the losses we have suffered I am decreeing a period of forced procreation. All women of suitable age to bear child must reproduce as frequently as possible. All male children must be educated in the ways of war, while all female children must be taught to farm and build.

2011-08-15, 04:56 AM
The dark clouds were rising,
There was no hope in sight,
For poor Larinton,
Eternal was night.

From Eranah they rode,
Proud on their steeds,
From their golden plains,
They met Larinton’s needs.

From Germarctus they marched,
Like bears did they roar,
Thier jeers shook the darkness,
Right to the core.

From Pertan came nobles,
Leading armies so grand,
They will remove the threat,
From this imprisoned land.

With them came winds,
A whisper of change,
Nature itself,
Mustered it’s rage.

The forces united,
And darkness it trembled,
a fearful might,
before it, assembled.

The battle was hard,
The victory bloody,
But darkness is banished,
The forces all muddy.

“Wait, what was that last line?” Marrel looks up at his wife sheepishly. “Ok, so it needs some work. It isn’t like we have much time to work on these things.” The Halfling moved to the back of his caravan, looking out at the crows circling the dead. The crys of the wounded and maimed heard only by dirt and dead, the relief wagons would have no shortage of custom. “Will you be heading to the leaders today? With the offers.” She nods slowly in reply. “To all of them? Even Marchstrumm and the horde?” She looks up at him for a moment, before nodding again, slowly. “But they are evil! Look upon what they have done! This horror is done by thier hands!”
The woman leans back from her weaving, tugging the corners of the bandage to test its strength. it wasn't the highest quality, but it was quick and esy to make in bulk. She doesn't look up as she replys.

“What do you see when you look out there? Can you even tell apart the troops anymore? All I see is an army under one colour, red. These troops were all following orders, and none shall be neglected...providing they can pay.” She snorts a laugh, morbid humour all that survives in such travasty. “Besides, ignoring a client is bad business.”

A verity of relief packages are available for anyone willing to pay. These will be sold to any soldier who approaches, however if an army wishes a bulk order may be taken to be distributed themselves amongst their troops. Also any aid in transport is offered to those with wounded who wish to make it home, even rides in caravans for those rich enough to afford it.

2011-08-19, 09:17 AM
Withered by the traumatic turn of events, the Emperor of Marchstumm is seen wandewring the battlefield, dazed and confused. Screaming at the sky he yells at unseen agents of his doom. Remaining forces retreat back to Marchstumm, carrying with them the now crippled Emperor. Slaves are rituallistically salughetered on the walls, offerings to their god to protect them from any reprisal. Once again, the Empire of marchstumm slips into silence. However, rumours abound of unmarked forces seen entering the moutains and forests to the north, into unmarked territory.

Many of the senior officials amongst the hand of marchstumm, the magic elite who rule with the power of religion, are angered by the embarressment of their emperor. Secretly, under orders of the Emperors wife, the Empress, work begins on rebuilding Marchstumm's army.

Empress Marchstumm:

Such an embarressment can only mean one thing, our soldiers and weaponry have dishonoured our God. It is clear to me that we must seek new ways of fighting our battles, so that we may cleanse the land of such pathetic filth. Take as many slaves as you need and start work on your most feindish imaginings. Arthas! (she points at a robed figure at the back of the room) for too long your words of devilry have gone un-tested. Today, you shall be given the might of the emperors hand to prove to your Emperor your word is true. Seek out the ruinous powers, summon forth the monsters that once fought with Marchstumm and raise the dead to our bidding. Such creatures may once have plauged our kind, but with Marchstumms blessing we shall be allies. Send word to the Black horde of our intentions, any knowledge they may have on the powers of Demons will be of help to us.

One final creed was written into the scroll of Marchstumm, "Suffer not the witch to live, unless thy witch should serve Marchstumm".

@The Black Horde
Empress Marchstumm:

Such an embarressment can only mean one thing, our soldiers and weaponry have dishonoured our God. It is clear to me that we must seek new ways of fighting our battles, so that we may cleanse the land of such pathetic filth. Take as many slaves as you need and start work on your most feindish imaginings. Arthas! (she points at a robed figure at the back of the room) for too long your words of devilry have gone un-tested. Today, you shall be given the might of the emperors hand to prove to your Emperor your word is true. Seek out the ruinous powers, summon forth the monsters that once fought with Marchstumm and raise the dead to our bidding. Such creatures may once have plauged our kind, but with Marchstumms blessing we shall be allies. Send word to the Black horde of our intentions, any knowledge they may have on the powers of Demons will be of help to us.

We will honour our alliance, lest you should take issue with our interest in demons?