View Full Version : IC: A Game of Thrones

2011-07-05, 10:43 PM
(All npc speech is in blue)(For all of you)You awaken in a dry sweat from a horrifying nightmare. You can't remember what happened but it shook you to your very soul. Grabbing an object important to you...

(for Tyrus)You grab your holy symbol and offer a prayer to Moradin. A knock on the door of your room reveals the high priest of Moradin, Sir Joffy. The gray haired and bearded dwarf enters your room. "In Moradin's honor, you have been summoned to the palace, lad. The times are changing with the dire events happening. You look after yourself lad, and have a pint for Moradin before you go. Let the Light of Moradin guide you."

(for Threan)You grab your crossbow and awaken in your room in the inn. You put down the crossbow and pick up the letter requesting your attendence on the king. After placing it down, you arise and dress.

(for Sorin)You grab your quarterstaff and your small bag holding your dirt, holly and mistletoe. These reminders of nature calms you and you are read to face the day. You briefly glance at the letter from the king that is on a soft green leaf. You commune with nature, regaining your spells if you had cast any and quickly dress, eager to find someone to give your hopefully newfound coin to.

(for Tardok)You grab your mace, ready to smash something with it before settling down. You can feel your connection to the dragon and it soothes you, although you feel a little weird. the weirdness passes quickly and you study the letter from the king ingraved on the dragonscale of your patron dragon before getting ready for your day.

(for Ril)You grab Martin's hand as he brushes you awake. "A bad dream boss?" he asks you in his way. You notice that he appears to have been unaffected and has slept soundly. Martin helps you out of bed and to get ready and then prepares himself. You briefly glance at the writ, authorizing your release from this prison and the very nice cell you are in.

(thats everyone; if you have problems with whats here, please pm about where your character would be starting out at)

2011-07-06, 07:08 AM
Ril woke up shocked from the nightmare. He had no nightmares since his early childhood, and never had such a horrifying one. "Yes, a bad dream, Martin." ...and it better not repeat itself or we'll get a case to solve with no one paying, he didn't add.

Ril often dealt with shady area of laws and customs while providing his services to whoever pays well, so he was not new to this prison, either as a prisoner or as a supplier of such. As former, because he never resorted to outright criminal activity, his visits always ended quickly. As later, his visits were even more brief, not like of those supplied. How long it was before next visit? Who knows... "Let's go, we are leaving this place."

2011-07-06, 07:43 PM
OOC: There's too much blue going on. Switching Sienna

Tyrus stands up, nodding. "I am ready, the call of the palace shall be answered, and Moradin's light shall shine on those that are behind these events." Tyrus looks at Sir Joffry with a twinkle in his eye, "And, of course, there shall always be time for a pint in Moradin's honor. Be sure to have one as well, after all, we cannot possibly honor Moradin too much."

2011-07-06, 09:40 PM
Cleaning himself up before leaving his chambers Tardok was glad the kobolds slept in another area of compound, no use worrying the help and all. When he had finished he collected the rest of his belongings and made for the door not knowing what threats were to unfold for the kingdom or when his skills would again be needed at this place.

Tardok likely would have moved for his Dragon Spirit amulet over the mace since the later is mostly for image rather than actual utility.

2011-07-08, 10:59 PM
(Bold Slate Blue for Threan's speech)

The storm was fierce, the ship wrenched in the surging tide, planks creaking and warping, the waves crashed over the brow as a lightning bolt illuminates the scene before him, an infinite moment when that which you fear most is realized, for from the black sea there rose such a leviathan that it shook him from his slumber

Awakening in a dry sweat, Threan found himself upright, crossbow clenched in his hand. The stale air hung about his room. The familiar rattle and banter from the street below lacked the higher notes the seabirds usually added to the mix, and it only served to worsen his mood. Rising from his bed he crawled to his bag and extracted his 'notebook', a decrepit compendium, not quite comical in disproportion (it was in fact once a large human sized tome), it appeared to have gone for a dip in the sea a few times, its tattered pages bound with several strands of twine, loosely knotted, the binding long since worn off. Its pages filled with various scripts, diagrams, and other pages, affixed or stuffed in between. At one point the first few pages contained arcane script, Threan's own notes and modifications, information on effective targets and so forth have blended much of the writing, making it difficult to read for others. (though his handwriting alone is hard enough to read.) Skimming through, reading and memorizing a few handy spells he forgot about on the way, marking them and/or making annotations, he began to relax, the memory of the nightmare slowly fading, so that soon he could not recall enough to find the creature, but it didn't much matter now, his mood improved and mind set. Pulling out the invitation from the Lord Regent, thus relieving it of its bookmarking duty, Threan dressed and gathered his things, chucking his notebook back into his bag. Setting out, he purchased another flask of hard liquor before making to the stronghold that was the royal palace, knowing this was going to be one of many long days. Nothing good can come from the summons of a false prince.

2011-07-09, 02:07 PM
Sorin takes a brief stroll through the woods after his contemplations, visiting places important to him and checking waterholes and game trails to be sure everything is peaceful. Stripping a few small branches while he walks he weaves a primitive bracelet out of the supple green strips of wood. With this keepsake of the place that has been his home recently, Sorin heaves a deep sigh and prepares to return to the polite lies and artificial social constructs of man. With a loud whistle he calls Meer to his side. Resting his hand on the massive cat's head, he scratches idly, savoring that last moment in the woods before following the summons to go meet the prince and see what good he can salvage for the common man out of the messy dealings with royalty.

2011-07-12, 10:14 PM
(For all of you except for Rhaegar) You arrive at the palace. Guards bar your way before you each presents your letters. You then allowed into a waiting room where you are required to remove all your weapons and place them on a table that is being by guarded by a quad of kingsguard, all dwarves clad in black with blackened axes. They promise to guard your weapons with their lives.

A quad of kingsguard led by a tall human dressed in white robes greets you coldly. "I am Profion, master of the mage's council. Seneschal to the Lord Regent Prince Alstair. The Lord Regent is busy currently; we shall enter when he is ready to see you."

Profion looks you over and waits by the doorway with his quad. You can use this time to interact with each other.

(for Rhaeger) You are summoned before Alstair. You arrive in the throne room to see Alstair sitting on a wooden chair next to the throne, carved from obsidian and upon which sits a crown of metallic thorns. You recognize the crown as the Crown of Thorns. Looking briefly at the throne, you see that all of the obsidian where the king would sit is fashioned as razor sharp spikes stabbing into the center of the throne.

Alstair glances up from the papers he is reading to look at you. "Rhaeger, it has been some time. How are you, my friend? I was displeased to be called back here. Your reports of your last mission were incomplete. Understandable in the charge you had been appointed. I have summoned some who my father commanded to be watched. They were reported as strong and true, loyal in all things, as can be surmised. However, I would consider it....better...if I had someone with these ones. In these times, many who would have been considered loyal are not, and several already have proclaimed themselves against the throne. Balstan for one, the king's traitor son, who swore by Moradin's witness to destroy everything his family has built. Also you know of my elder brother Vorstan, heir to the throne who resigned his rights to join the Dragonhunters in the north. But aside from that...I wish you to be my eyes and ears in this party of mercernaries or adventurers or loyal subjects I shall appoint to carry out important tasks for me. Your orders are simple: Help them as you can, and if they prove...disloyal or easily misled, see to it that they rest easily in the earth or earn their rest through fire or your steel. Should it be so required, I shall dispatch two quads of the kingsguard to assist you in dealing with them.

I shall expect you to use your best judgement in this matter. I am placing great trust in you as my fathers have done so before me. May Moradin give you good judgement and a strong arm to wield your weapons. Do you have any questions or requests of me? If not, then i shall soon have them summoned to speak with me." Alstair says.

2011-07-12, 10:36 PM
"My lord, the Targaryens have been loyal to your family since NoHooMak the Repentant Black appointed us the guardians of his friend. That shall never change. Shall I follow tradition and conceal myself while they are here, so I may observe them myself?"

2011-07-13, 12:35 AM
Tyrus nods at Profion, "We await our summons." Tyrus then finds a place to sit, as best he can in his armor, and starts to meditate over his holy symbol of Moradin.

2011-07-13, 01:58 AM
Ril took a look around to have his first impression of people around him - who they are, what they are, emotional state they may have at the moment and so on; this was what he always did, except that this time it was done in open so everyone in the room knew they were evaluated by this gnome. "Ril Baskel. Investigation. Repossession. My associate, Martin."

2011-07-13, 03:26 PM
Alstair shrugs. "Do as you wish, but when I introduce them to you, be ready to stand forth." He says.

2011-07-13, 03:30 PM
"Of course, lord."

He hides behind the throne.


2011-07-13, 04:14 PM
"Tardok Scalibeard," Tardok says, watching the others as he placed his mace upon the guarded table. "I'm a jeweller by trade, but I also have additional skill related to the lingering effects of magical incantation and the workings of magical devices."

2011-07-13, 11:20 PM
Sorin tries his best to keep out of the way as they are situated in the waiting room, wanting only to find out what's going on and get to business. As introductions are made, he meets the eyes of each other person in turn. "Sorin, naught but a wanderer" he offers by way of introduction. His manner is friendly, though not entirely at ease in these fine surroundings.

2011-07-14, 07:16 PM
placing his crossbow on the table away from the others Threan studies the others assembled, noting the inquisitive gnome and said, I am Threan Glim Garrik Daergel of Stormwind, of Daergel Trust Historical Society. If it was written it can be known, and it has been a habit of my family to know. Eyeing the Seneschal and his guard, then again to those assembled, Threan moved to a wall and proceeded to skim through his notebook.

2011-07-15, 03:25 PM
Profion seems to feel something. He speaks. "the lord regent will see you now." he says. He leads you into a massive throne room.

The throne room is decorated with tapestries of all sorts of scenes. At the opposite end is a huge throne made of obsidian with a metallic crown lying on teh seat. Next to it sitting in a wooden chair is a well dressed halfling who studies you. A tall human woman in black leather armor stands at his shoulder.

You are brought before the halfling and introduced. Profion announces, "Lord Regent Prince Alstair, defender of the realm and keeper of the keys. Greetings to you, Regent, from these your humble servants." He says. He motions you to introduce yourselves.

2011-07-15, 03:41 PM
Tyrus bows to the regent saying, "Greetings Lord, I am Tyrus Talenorn of the church of Moradin. It is my pleasure to serve and aid in whatever capacity I may."

2011-07-15, 08:07 PM
"Tardok Scalibeard," The dwarf says, bowing deeply - for a dwarf - before continuing to speak. "Warden of the northern mines, and emissary to the kobold denizens that labour beneath those great rocks. Just as I have served thee in the realms of the dragons I serve you now in the presence of the Obsidian Throne."

2011-07-16, 01:24 PM
"Sorin Tanninson Sire, how may I be of service?" Sorin accompanies his words with a simple bow, his long hair still tied in a knot at the nape of his neck from travel falling to one side of his head when he bows.

2011-07-16, 09:08 PM
Bowing slightly, Threan started quietly, but spoke clearly Greetings Lord Steward, I am Threan Glim Garrik Daergel of Stormwind's Daergel Trust Historical Society. It is an honour to be here.

2011-07-17, 12:41 AM
"Ril Baskel, investigator" gnome bows to the regent "and Martin Tosa, my aide. At your service."

2011-07-17, 12:20 PM
Alstair speaks, "Greetings loyal subjects of the crown. I thank you for coming. I have a task i would wish performed by you. I need someone to investigate some events that have transpired. I would prefer independent agents, since they can be trusted to be deniable. Some of these investigations might turn up something damaging to someone on the council and it is best if it were someone not directly employed by the kingdom doing so. You can be trusted to keep secrets, yes? I shall pay you well.

First, i would like you to find out how the king died. My new mages are too busy to find out. Can you? i shall pay you 2000gp apiece if you could follow this trail to its conclusion.

Second, i want you to find out what happened to Dofstan. It's important i know, but my spies and scouts are currently very busy, aside from one, and so i need you to check it into this too. I shall pay you 2500gp each for the completion of this task.

Third, a new dubbed knight was found dead this morning by the town guard. I would like you to investigate because she was a fond friend of mine. I can pay you 3500gp each for this.

Are you agreed? here are some writs from me to let you do stuff if need be. I shall have one of my own with you, to help you and be my eyes and ears. (Calling out) Rhaeger! Come meet your comrades." Alstair says.

2011-07-17, 12:56 PM
Rhaegar steps out from the shadow behind the throne, black leather armor covering him from neck to toes. His black shield and black staff on his back are the only accessories visible. The scales on his head are a dark gray with black stripes.

"Rhaegar Targaryen, operative to the royal family. My clan has sworn ancient oaths to protect and serve the family. I hope that we can work together towards the Crown's goals in this matter amicably." If there was a slight menace to his tone, it did not sound deliberate.

a picture of Rhaegar out of his armor:


2011-07-18, 01:10 AM
I will investigate the matters and tell what I find, although I would prefer the payment not as a fixed amount per person, but as an equal share after reasonable expenses - this would simplify doubts about paying from one's own share for common benefit.

To be started, we'll need a list of persons who will answer all sort of questions. This might take an extended amount of time. I think, we'll start with medics, witnesses, guards, friends of victims, and proceed from there.

I suppose here that the fact of us performing an investigation is not a secret, is it?

2011-07-19, 02:05 PM
"Sire, I agree that perhaps pooling the reward to allow for expenses may be the best choice as it would allow us to use the appropriate resources without worrying overly about shorting our own reward. I would ask however that my share of the reward for our services be used to fund a few new soup kitchens and perhaps provide clothing and repairs for orphanages and medical supplies for those churches which help the poor. While we are working I will keep an eye out for any places which I specifically feel could use the help as I have no use for such riches. While my own talents lie outside the realms of investigation specifically, I believe I can be of use in support of those with skills more specifically suited to that aspect of the mission."

2011-07-20, 10:51 PM
Tyrus nods and says, "I certainly have no problem with the pooling suggestion that has been offered. Ril certainly brings up good suggestions, so I'm content with starting there."

2011-07-27, 01:10 PM
Alstair replies. "It is known that you are performing an investigation for me. What do you mean by pooling? You may ask anyone any questions you desire. They will answer them. (to Ril) If you desire, your reward can be used in that way." He says.

2011-07-27, 02:17 PM
"I believe, my liege, that he is wishing to combine our payments into one account of the net worth rather than payment for each specific person." Tardok answers, "It is not a bad idea giving the number of missions presented, but at least for the moment it may rely too much on a trust that has yet to be earned within our collected assembly."

2011-07-27, 04:11 PM
"Oh, I trust each and every one of you myself. About as far as I can spit. So, three yards."

2011-07-27, 10:57 PM
Ril raises an eyebrow at lizard and waits. He wonders if his new would-be employer and his henchman are playing dumb for some reason or what.

Sense Motive vs prince: [roll0]
Sense Motive vs lizard: [roll1]

2011-07-28, 03:15 PM
(Planswalker will need to roll a bluff check if he is trying to play dumb. Not rolling for Alstair)

(to Ril) You can't tell with Alstair. In fact, you are finding that you can't read him at all and think he seems to be on the level.

(to all of you, except Rhaeger) Alstair leans towards you. "I don't see why i should yet trust you enough to just hand you money. Aside from the grave importance my late father held in your survival, I don't find myself to terribly impressed. You speak of getting paid in large quantities, being given large amounts of money, and yet have done nothing to warrent such a generous reward from me. (Motioning with hand [those interested can make spot checks]) Let us see how you do with your first tasks and then perhaps we can discuss a change in payment arrangements. Do you have any further questions for me? If not, I have very important business to attend to." Alstair says.

(For Rhaeger) You receive a gold coin from Profion.

2011-07-28, 03:34 PM
Rhaegar wasn't trying to play dumb, he just doesn't see it as his place to comment about pay at all. He's there to do the job, and the money is only a way to improve himself so he's more effective in the future.

"I thank you, my liege. I shall use the coin wisely." He places it in his belt pouch.

2011-07-28, 07:40 PM
Tyrus steps forward, "My lord, we did not broach the subject of money, you did. We came at your summons. We did not ask for money. I think, perhaps, you may have misunderstood our intentions. You spoke of paying each of us individually for our efforts on your behalf. We were merely saying that if you were to pool the money as a lump payment to the group, rather than as individual rewards, we would appreciate that. The assumption is always that we would complete the tasks before asking for payment. I'm sure you have more faith in the church and in Moradin than to suspect that one of its servants could be so crass as to ask for rewards you offer before completing the tasks you requested."

2011-07-28, 08:34 PM
Alstair smiles at the reply. "It seems one of the things father told me about you was true. I shall pay you a lump sum then. Since there are 6 of you, you shall receive 12000gp for completing my first task, 15000gp for completing my second task and 21000gp for completing my last task of those tasks i have for you at this time. Do you have any questions?" Alstair asks.

(Everyone gets 500 xp for talking with Alstair and for Tyrus' answer to Alstair's little test.)

2011-07-28, 11:21 PM
No more questions. I suppose Rhaegar has a list of persons already involved, and we'll start to interview them right ahead.

Ril bows ans is ready to leave.

2011-07-28, 11:31 PM
"Oh, do I? Why would that be? I have just arrived here myself to answer the summons. Please explain to me how it is I have already learned this. I would love to hear it."

2011-07-29, 12:39 AM
Well, if you don't, no problem. If no one has it, we'll just have to start from scratch.

2011-07-29, 07:11 AM
"I'm sure my liege will give us all the knowledge he can to ensure our success."

2011-07-29, 03:12 PM
Alstair frowns. "I shall have someone assist you since Rhaeger is not one who has been given this information. Sariya will assist you in locating individuals that you might consider wanting to talk to." Alstair says. He whistles.

A small stout halfling girl makes her appearance. She is dressed in some very plain clothes and has a large waraxe strapped to her back. She smiles at you. "Howdy, I'm Sariya. You lots supposed to be tha ones who need helps yes?" She says in mildly broken common.

2011-08-01, 09:17 PM
Tyrus nods at Sariya and says, "Greetings Sariya, we do indeed require some assistance. My name is Tyrus, and I am from the church of Moradin. Prince Alstair has tasked us with looking into some troubling events of late, namely the death of the King, the death of a new Knight, and the disappearance of Dofstan. In each of these matters we would be greatly assisted by finding out everyone who was nearby when these events occurred and to also, with the Prince's permission of course, visit the bodies of the fallen."

2011-08-03, 08:07 PM
Sariya smiles at you as she leads out from Alstair's presence."So where do you want to go first?" She asks.

2011-08-03, 10:42 PM
Ril smiles back. "I think we should visit those who found the bodies and those medics or others who examined them afterwards, in any order, maybe starting with those nearby or those who are now on duty."

2011-08-03, 11:03 PM
Tyrus nods, "Sounds good to me."

2011-08-04, 09:38 AM
Threan cut in, We should not go all together though. If others are aware of our task then they will make every effort to hide the truth from us. Those willing to question witnesses should do so while the others look for any clues that might remain. If it was a direct assassination (the assassin was in the same room actively engaged in the act) or more subtle, there will be evidence. Nine people interrogating would just waste time.

2011-08-04, 11:00 AM
Yes, it might be reasonable to work in parallel, just take detailed written notes, so that we will not miss any important details. I will be taking notes myself, that's for sure.

2011-08-04, 11:14 AM
"That will work well, for as you can guess, my skills are not those of the silver tongue."

2011-08-04, 12:00 PM
Tyrus chuckles. "While my skills are not with the silver tongue, I am sure I can help shed the light of Moradin upon those we question to aid in a fruitful investigation. Now, unless we need something else from Prince Alstair, or, naturally, he needs something from us, I suggest we retire to another room to plan and let His Highness attend to other business."

2011-08-04, 01:13 PM
Yes we've wasted more than enough of the Steward's time. Sariya, we'll need the names of the people last seen with the king, those who would be brash enough to act upon their ambition, or had most to gain by his absence. Tyrus and Ril, will you investigate the death of the king? I will seek out the true heir to the throne, lest our inaction allows this steward full reign. I trust your faith in Moradin and your skill should suffice in uncovering the truth. Sorin, Tardok, what say you?

2011-08-04, 01:54 PM
OOC: Oops, my bad. In re-reading an earlier post, I realized russdm had already moved us out from Alstair's room. Ahh well.

Tyrus says, "I would like to spend today learning the names and whereabouts of those to be questioned, and then begin that questioning tomorrow. I would like to spend an evening in meditation and prayer to Moradin before such interrogations."

2011-08-04, 04:11 PM
Sariya shrugs. "Well, anybody could call on the king when they wanted to. But the only people who were with when he went to bed was his page. The page found him dead, see. I actually haven't seen that page yet, but i haven't gone wondering around the palace that much yet. The town guard found the dead knight's body on a riverbank. The kingsguard discovered the dead guards leading to Dofstan's room...er oops. I wasn't supposed to mention that. (to Tyrus) You want to stop already? But it isn't even midday yet." Sariya says.

(it is about 10am or 11am, in game time. you had your audience at 9:45am, but the audience happened at 9:50am instead. Having finished it and leaving, it is 10:10am in the morning in game time.)

2011-08-04, 04:12 PM
"I'll help with the examination of the scene." Tardok says, "My skill with people is rather lacking, so instead of disrupting any interrogation I shall try to turn my magical abilites towards means that may be inaccessible to more mundane search methods."

2011-08-04, 04:19 PM
Tyrus shakes his head, "I made no mention of stopping. I merely stated that I would prefer to not question anyone until tomorrow. Given the plethora of issues, spending a day organizing who was involved in which scene, where those people are, if they have known confidants and associates, and similar facts would hardly seem to qualify as a lost day. And it seems there are more facts about these issues we need to learn anyway. Holding back information merely impedes our progress."

2011-08-04, 04:31 PM
Sariya sighs, "I wasn't supposed to tell you so that you could make your determinations about things or so Alstair said. He thought that i should tell you stuff, but first let you say or see what you find, to see if anything got missed. But yeah, there were dead guards leading up to Dofstan's room. I was supposed to tell you when we got to the hallway or before it so you would be aware you would see it. I guess i should have you told now anyway. (Shaking her head and slightly holding it) I really don't like doing this whole thinking thing. hurts my head." She says.

2011-08-04, 05:16 PM
Frowning slightly, Threan turned to the halfling, stating I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Threan Glim Garrik Daergel of the Daergel Trust Historical Society. I make a point of uncovering things, and I'd rather not have to work through your lies as well as those of the nobility. Your responsibility is to assist us in our task. The guards who first encountered the scene may also be of use. Those closest to the Prince would be worth questioning too if they are still present, as well as those last seen with him. I'd like access to both the prince's chambers as well as the king's chambers and surrounding rooms in order to properly conduct this investigation.

2011-08-04, 05:22 PM
Sariya brightens. "Sounds fun. I think we can do that. Although, other than the guards who encountered the scene, the others you mentioned are dead or missing. Alstair sent off one of his spies, to find them but that spy came back saying that he was unable to find them. Now i think Alstair has that spy helping you out. (mutters something) So where do you want to go? Find people? or visit the scene of the crimes?" Sariya asks happily.

2011-08-04, 05:36 PM
"The subject of my previous mission has no bearing on the current one. It is best to leave such things behind so that we can better focus on the task ahead."

2011-08-04, 06:47 PM
Smiling to himself, even allowing himself an interjection h-oh yes of course not. All the same I will investigate the prince's quarters, though all 8 us rummaging around his room would be highly ineffective, and quite noticed. If Ril would examine the king's chambers, we could cover more ground.

2011-08-04, 07:14 PM

2011-08-04, 07:18 PM
"By the by, can anyone in the party speak the languages of heaven, hell, or the abyss?"

2011-08-04, 09:02 PM
Tyrus chuckles again, "Their being dead is not an absolute barrier to asking them questions. As to speaking languages, nope. I never had any facility with learning languages. With the proper assistance from Moradin, I can understand anything written or spoken."

2011-08-06, 03:50 AM
OOPS double post.

2011-08-06, 03:52 AM
Sariya, please, lead me to King's chamber, send his page there, and then assist my colleagues. I think, with page's help I'll find you when I am done with King's chamber.

2011-08-06, 09:17 AM
I've uncovered the formula to comprehending languages, though it would take a moment or two. Ril, take Rheager with you. In fact, I'll go to the prince's quarters now. heading off in what he hoped was the right direction, he meandered the castle, looking for possible clues but primarily looking for the prince's chambers.

2011-08-07, 12:25 PM
Rhaegar will follow Ril.

2011-08-07, 10:26 PM
"Merely direct me where you all think my abilities will be best used," Tardok says as the group begins to seperate. This is not our home, and the paths you all are taking may lead to further trouble if you get lost."

2011-08-08, 04:45 PM
Tyrus smiles at Tardok, "Naturally, but I'm sure Moradin, or one of his faithful servants, will guide our steps and keep us out of trouble."

Tyrus then looks at Ril, "I will go with you to the King's chamber. Perhaps seeing it will help me craft the questions I need to ask him. I only get a very limited number of queries."

2011-08-09, 09:36 PM
Sariya calls over one of the guards to help you out, phiris. The guard will take you where you need to go.

Sariya leads those of you going to the king's chambers to a hallway with tapestries depicting dwarven myths. The hallway ends in a large iron-reinforced wooden door. The door lies open.

Inside the room is a extremely well furnished bed with a small table beside it. A glass mug sits on the table. A sheet covers what appears to be a body in the bed. There is a wardrobe/closet across the room from the door. There is a desk beside the door with parchment and quills and ink.

(For Phiris) The guard takes you to a hallway where several guards are carefully arranging a decent number of slain kingsguard. the kingsguard lie in a path leading from the hallway entrance to the door at other end of the hall. the door used to be a large iron-reinforced wooder door, but now the door is burnt wood and slagged iron, as if the door had been in a terrible fire.

the guard waits patiently at the entrance, ready to direct you further in.

2011-08-09, 11:55 PM
Upon entering the room Ril took some time to stay still and look around. Some things requiring a closer inspection, like the body in the bed and a mug on the table were clearly visible on first sight. Others might not. After standing still and looking around, Ril zapped a wand and examined the whole room for traces of magic and active spells. He was pessimistic about prospects of first pars this, but wanted to be sure he will not be missing anything. Knowing this room's active magical defenses might also be useful. Then Ril zapped another wand and repeated the process, now looking for secret doors and especially secret compartments of any furniture, container, walls and the floor. The search for these could be made in a more traditional way, but that would take longer and somewhat rude. Ril definitely did not want to thrash the king's room searching for something that likely was not there. After finishing with first this quick examination of the room, Ril examined the mug, again, not yet touching anything, to see if it contained traces of any (dried) content.

Satisfied with results, Ril removed the sheet from the body and started to look at it, first from five feet away and then closely, head to toe.

- Anything in this room ever moved since king's found dead? I mean, EXCEPT the door and the cover.

Spot, room: [roll0] or take 20+9 if applicable
Zap detect magic: [roll1]
Zap detect secret doors: [roll2]
Repeat if unsuccessful: [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6]
Spot, mug: take 20+9
Spot, body: [roll7] or take 20+9 if applicable
(rolling Spot as not touching or moving or ransacking anything examined; if any of the rolls should be is Search, add +4)

2011-08-10, 07:17 AM
As Rhaegar is better suited to infiltration and causing a crime scene rather than investigating one, he shall stay back for now and allow those who have skills in such areas take the lead.

2011-08-10, 09:40 PM
(You can take 20 for spot if you want)

You don't detect any magic, you don't detect any secret doors or anything secret. The mug appears to have some kind of red liquid in it.

You spot what appears to be a bottle of some kind by the closet/wardrobe. The body in the bed is the king and he looks like died asleep, looks peaceful.

If you ask, Sariya will tell you that no one has touched anything or moved anything.

Also, the king's page has not been located yet. Also, you detect magic again or you now start detecting some magic.

A massive gust suddenly strikes at you...


Damage if hit by wind gust[roll1]

2011-08-10, 09:42 PM
Those in the King's Bedchamber need to roll Initiative, in the OOC thread please.

Also Sariya screams out, meaning that each of you others do hear her. She is screaming bloody murder.

2011-08-10, 10:01 PM
Initiative Order:

Gust of Wind (since you don't know what it is)

2011-08-11, 12:52 AM
Tyrus stands at the entrance surveying the room, and watching Ril go through his routine. Since Ril clearly has an idea as to what he is doing, Tyrus is content to observe, until Ril examines the King. As Ril finishes his up close examination, Tyrus begins to move towards him at which point Ril is attacked.

2011-08-11, 02:06 AM
Sudden gust of wind tossed Ril around, head first, and crashed him into something hard, causing a definite cerebral concussion and making him unable to quickly react to situation.

2011-08-11, 10:16 AM
to his guard, who was first to the scene? what information is already known to the throne? If you do not know then would these guards know anything more? what was the condition of these guards on their discovery? were they strewn about, hanging from the walls or were they in the same positions they are now? who was the guard commander here, and is he among the dead? I'll need to speak to him either way.
noting the possibility of magic, Threan navigated across the guards to the prince's room, taking notes in his notebook. Depending on what he encounters in the prince's room, he will return to the entrance, stopping to inspect the dead for cause of death and cast detect magic, focusing as long as he needs to determine magical auras in the area (particularly the door, though it'd be obvious what kind of spell caused it, but also if the bodies died of magical causes, it would be good to know) Depending on the state of the prince's room, he will begin to question the deceased guardsmen.
Spellcraft if necessary for detect magic (DC 15+spell level or half caster level for non-spell effects, one per aura) [roll0]
(if more is needed I'll roll OoC

2011-08-11, 03:59 PM
The guard answers your questions)

1: Other members of the kingsguard were first on the scene.

2: The guards dead here were found that way and have not been moved. Only sheets were placed over the bodies and those sheets were removed so that the party could view the bodies.

3: The commander of the guard protecting is in more than one place. There are parts of him over there (pointing) over there (pointing) and in there (pointing into the prince's bedchamber).

4: Alstair knows everything that he was told by the mages after they conducted their brief investigation.

The door radiates strong evocation magic on it.

The Prince's room is a complete mess. It appears that had the same furnishings as the King's room: an expensive bed, a wardrobe/closet, a table by the bed. However, everything in the room is either scorched black in large parts, scorched black in small parts and in pieces. It looks like some major fighting took place in this room. Parts of the ceiling overhead is lying on the ruined bed.

A circle of what appears to be a fine black dust is drawn in a cleared space in the room. It appears that the debris was cleared away and the dust laid down in the circle pattern. You detect faint conjuration magic from the circle. You also note patches of spilled blood, with blood by the circle of fine black dust.

2011-08-15, 08:05 PM
Leaping into the air Tardok flys to the far side of the room hoping to get a clear shot on the entity that had materialized in the room.

2011-08-18, 05:31 PM
The gust of wind goes after Tardok, seeing that Ril is where he is.

Gust of wind attacks tardok, [roll0]
Damage if hit, [roll1]

Something suddenly slams into Threan.

Threan's Gust of Wind striking at him, first attack [roll2]
Damage if hit, [roll3]

Second attack by Threan's gust of wind, [roll4]
Damage if hit [roll5]

2011-08-20, 04:40 PM
Trying to find a target within the maelstrom of gusting winds Tardok focuses inward directing his magically sight about the room

OOC: Use See the Unseen (Darkvision 60ft and See Invisible)

2011-08-20, 10:16 PM
Tardok sees the dim outline of what appears to be a cloud that large-sized.

2011-08-22, 05:23 AM
Not considering himself a fighter of invisible, Ril, as soon as he regained control over his body, initiated a maneuver that served him well many times - a rapid tactical retreat. "Follow me, Martin!" Considering that a solid obstacle is a solid obstacle, be enemy visible or not, Ril sprinted towards the door (specifically, the OTHER side of it) and, after Martin escaped, NEARLY slammed it shut. "GUARDS!!! Magical assault!!!"

Ready action (both Ril and Martin): operate the door (let out teammates, shut in gusts of wind)

A bit out of order, but I hope, that's ok.

2011-08-24, 06:33 PM
Tyrus casts Protection from Evil on himself and then moves next to Tardok while drawing his morningstar and saying, "Do you have any idea what is attacking?"

2011-08-26, 03:46 PM
On his turn, Ril and martin run out the door calling out the guards. That leaves Tardok in the room with Sariya. (As far as i know)

(For info about the gust, you can use your knowledge skills)
Who is in what room? I am unsure on who is in what room. This will to determine who the gusts will be to attack.


Ril/Martin-in hallway
Threan-in Prince's room
Tardok-in King's room
Sariya-king's room
Gust 1-king's room
gust 2-prince's room

Please correct me if its wrong.

2011-08-26, 04:47 PM
I think I goofed a little. Tyrus is in the King's room, he was there with Ril. I confused Threan with Tardok in my last post, I will fix that.

2011-08-26, 08:38 PM
the gust of wind with threan will attack him again...

1st attack [roll0]
Damage if hit [roll1]

2nd attack [roll2]
damage if hit [roll3]

The gust of wind with tardok and tyrus will attack each of you...

attack on tyrus [roll4]
damage if hit [roll5]

attack on tardok [roll6]
damage if hit [roll7]

Ril/martin need to make some spot checks at a -5 penalty running panicky out of the room.

2011-08-26, 08:40 PM
seeing if the natural on tardok is a crit [roll0]
if so then damage will be just doubled.

2011-08-26, 08:48 PM
(posting this again, not dropping sorin out since no action has been taken)

Initiative Order:

Sorin (out of fight-in limboy)
Gust of Wind (since you don't know what it is)invisible stalker

So tardok is up now...

2011-08-26, 09:12 PM
Trying to escape the reach of the creature Tardok flies backward and prepares to unleash a blast of fire that could possibly damage it.

Using Cone Shape to try and hit as few non-enemy targets as possible. [roll0] Ref DC 20 for 1/2 damage.

2011-08-26, 09:29 PM
Okay, first off, what size is your cone? Its reflex save [roll0]

also, how far back do you move? you know its a large size creature, so you will need to move back atleast 15ft to get out of its reach to not provoke casting a spell, just provoking on the moving.

2011-08-26, 09:38 PM
Is this thing summoned? If yes, it cannot touch me. If no and it's evil, I get +2 to AC vs. it. Just checking, etc.

2011-08-26, 10:36 PM
The gust of wind strikes ineffectively at Tyrus. (the protection spell does work, but it still has to keep trying to attack you anyway, it just will recoil so you won't take damage. course in one round it will stop attacking you...)

2011-08-26, 11:38 PM
15ft Cone, and do I provoke with a Supernatural (Su) Ability?

2011-08-27, 02:18 AM
Spot checks at a -5 penalty:
Ril: [roll0]
Martin: [roll1]

2011-08-27, 09:36 AM
On his turn, Ril and martin run out the door calling out the guards. That leaves Tardok in the room with Sariya. (As far as i know)

(For info about the gust, you can use your knowledge skills)
Who is in what room? I am unsure on who is in what room. This will to determine who the gusts will be to attack.


Ril/Martin-in hallway
Threan-in Prince's room
Tardok-in King's room
Sariya-king's room
Gust 1-king's room
gust 2-prince's room

Please correct me if its wrong.

I thought Rhaegar was in the king's room.

2011-08-27, 12:52 PM
No, you won't provoke, so no worries there.

Due to the fact you are running out of the door, you fail to notice the pool of blood that is on the floor and so slip up and fall over. Martin notices the now dead guards who were alive, and that several of the dead guards from before have apparently gotten up and are attacking live guards...he also avoids slipping through the pool of blood like Ril did.

The gust of wind in the king's room takes 8 damage from Tardok's cone of fire.

2011-08-27, 01:04 PM
Can Tyrus see the (I assume) undead?

2011-08-27, 01:09 PM
Yes, if you look out the open door, since Ril/martin did not close it when they ran out.

2011-08-27, 01:27 PM
[roll0] to identify them.

2011-08-27, 01:29 PM
They appear to be dwarven zombies or such.

2011-08-28, 02:50 AM
Tyrus turns towards the undead abominations brandishing his holy symbol and intones, "Begone from here foul creatures, flee from Moradin's purifying light!"

Standard Action: Turn Undead

Edit: Ooooh, sexy rolls!
Check 23 means I can affect any undead of 10 HD or less.
Damage 18 means I Turn 18 HD worth of undead.
Any undead with 3 HD or less are Destroyed (up to 18 HD worth).

Move Action: Stay next to Tardok

2011-08-29, 10:03 PM
Ril stands up from the pool of blood, finally noticing guards zombies as they were being destroyed by Tyrus. Then Ril draws a wand (CLW) and makes a step out of the doorway. "Shoot somewhere he breathed fire, Martin."

Martin's shot: [roll0] miss/hit [roll1] for [roll2]

(I assume here Ril finally noticed the guards; he cannot see that attacks against Tyrus were ineffective or even the attacks themselves; did fire breath made some outlines visible, if for a moment?)

2011-08-29, 10:28 PM
Roll a spot check on the outline bit, since it would have been hidden in the fire.

Also Tyrus uses his holy symbol and all the undead guards in the room drop to the floor and don't move.

2011-08-29, 10:30 PM
Roll a spot check on the outline bit, since it would have been hidden in the fire.

Also Tyrus uses his holy symbol and all the undead guards in the room drop to the floor and don't move.

2011-08-29, 10:50 PM
Spot: [roll0]
(But there still are some live guards, right? How many?)

2011-08-29, 10:55 PM
you don't see any outlines in the fire, or are there any live guards. However, there is a what appears to be a skull-covered robe wearing figure rapidly running away, looking like their whole zombie plan got upended by a cleric of moradin.

2011-08-29, 11:11 PM
this is in the King's room, right? if not, I apologize for the confusion.

Rhaegar springs from the shadows on the other side of the door as the assumed necromancer goes by and bites at him.

[roll0] versus ff for [roll1] and [roll2] acid and [roll3]

hope you don't object to me retroactively having taken 10 on hide and ms to keep Rhaegar out of sight as I got lost and confused on what was going on.

2011-08-29, 11:14 PM
You surprise the poor necromancer and bite deep into his throat killing him.

2011-08-29, 11:33 PM
"That's one problem down. Speak with dead should now be a viable option."

2011-08-29, 11:40 PM
Tyrus smiles with satisfaction, basking in the demonstration of Moradin's just might. He surveys the room to see who's around and what condition they are in. Trying to keep an eye out for foes, he asks Tardok, "How badly are you hurt, friend?"

2011-08-29, 11:57 PM
"Enough that my demonstration will likely get me killed," Tardok says, hoping to avoid the full brunt of a counterattack.

2011-08-30, 02:19 AM
"Well then, let's see if Moradin can provide comfort for you," Tyrus says. He begins to chant and lays his hands on Tardok.

Spontaneously cast Cure Moderate Wounds in place of Bull's Strength, casting on the defensive just in case.
[roll0], target DC 17.
If successful: [roll1]

2011-08-30, 04:34 PM
The gust of wind in the king's room will go after tardok seeing how it can not hit Tyrus anymore, actually it will go after Sariya. The other gust of wind will go after Threan in the prince's room.

The gust of wind attacks and misses Sariya, who does something to it causing to go poof. You see a big roiling cloud vapor that is fighting something before it simply vanishes. Sariya then speaks up to you. "Thanks for providing me with a distraction." she says.

The other gust of wind attacks Threan; it is invisible...

1st attack, [roll0]
Damage if hit [roll1]

2nd attack, [roll2]
damage if hit [roll3]

2011-08-30, 10:40 PM
Rhaegar will regain his position of stealth and do another sneak bite should another enemy pass by him.

taking 10 on hide and move silently for a 19 each.

2011-08-30, 10:50 PM
"Do you think that the other room might have been attacked as well," Tardok says, landing as gracefully as a dwarf possibly could. "There aren't as many of us moving in that diection and if the enemy is invisible like it was here, our new comrades may need assistance."

2011-08-30, 11:52 PM
Ril zaps a charge of Cure Light Wounds at Tardok ([roll0]). "Hmmm... he did not prepare all that well, as it turns out... If there are other guys like him or things like it running around the palace, that might be dangerous. I wonder what this necromancer tried to achieve, like messing with king's body or something. Right, one or two of us should go help secure prince's room. We will stay here, guard and signal if anything happens."

Then Ril zaps a wand of Detect Magic and starts checking surroundings first and then proceeds to examine necromancers corpse and equipment.

UMD rolls: [roll1] [roll2] (if some rolls fail, repeat[roll3] [roll4] [roll5])
Search: [roll6] first, then take 20 for 33

2011-08-31, 07:24 PM
Rhaegar will volunteer to be one of the ones who stays behind to secure the room.

2011-09-01, 05:16 PM
Ril successively zaps Tardok. Ril doesn't detect any new magic except for something...(Roll a Will save + Fortitude save)

Also strangely, you can't find the corpse of the necromancer. It doesn't appear to be anywhere around.

For those of you not in the room with Threan, you hear a massive smashing noise, then the sound of flesh slamming hard into a stone floor, then some weird sound.

(For Threan)You see the gust of wind suddenly turn into a roiling cloud of vapor before it moves in to finish you off. However before it is able to grab you, one of the kingsguards slams you into the wall. The Gust of wind grabs the guard and picks him up and slams him down into the stone floor. Then it appears to look upward before either sizzling or fizzing...(Roll will save)

2011-09-01, 08:58 PM
Tyrus says, "Why don't Sariya and I go investigate that loud noise while everyone else stays here. My protection is still effective, and Sariya obviously was effective. Also, we should not leave one person alone here, just in case trouble returns."

DM - Since my spell is effective for 6 minutes, I'm assuming I can arrive at the other room with 2-3 minutes worth of spell still to go. Let me know if I'm wrong.

2011-09-01, 10:26 PM
"Agreed," Tardok says, "I'll stay here and watch for the creature to return, if nothing else I should be able to get a warning out if we get into trouble."

2011-09-01, 10:58 PM
Saves: will [roll0] + fort [roll1]

2011-09-02, 04:26 PM
(to Ril) Whatever it was, it so powerful that it knocked you out briefly. Otherwise, you can't sense it anymore.

Tyrus goes with Sariya to the other room where you find Threan looking (howevere he does) with what appears a guard on the floor thats a bloody mess. There does not appear to be anything in here dangerous.

2011-09-02, 08:16 PM
Rhaegar doesn't bother breaking his cover to respond, merely waits patiently for now.

2011-09-02, 08:59 PM
"Threan", Tyrus says, sounding concerned, "We heard crashes in this room. We were attacked in the King's chamber, what happened in here, and are you okay?"

2011-09-08, 05:31 PM
(waiting on action. Whats the plan now?) also those who failed the DC 30 saves are now awake and ready to act again.

2011-09-11, 07:59 AM
Ril regained his consciousnes and looked around. He concluded that very little time have passed, as everything around was the same and even Martin was nearly where he was when Ril passed out. "Ohh... that was a really strong magic. I am fine, Martin. Now I will try to find it, whatever it is." Ril used a cherge of Cure Light Wounds on himself, just in case more unexpected thing happen, and started to search everything there is to search in the direction he was facing when he passed off.

Cure [roll0] umd [roll1] or [roll2] or [roll3]
Search [roll4] then take 33

2011-09-13, 04:33 PM
(No problems with using the wand. You don't find anything.)

2011-09-13, 04:37 PM
(No problems with using the wand. You don't find anything.)

2011-09-15, 10:28 PM
Ril scratched his head, looked around, and continued with his investigation, waiting for any palace residents (like guards or servants) to eventually come and handle the mess. First, Ril used his magical Prestidigitation ability to completely clean his clothing from the blood, then carefully sidestepping the pool of blood, went back into King's room and pocketed the bottle for further analysis. Later he examined king's closet/wardrobe, desk, etc., both outside and inside, his bed, and whatever might be under his bed. This time, with all the mess happening around, Ril was less picky about what to do and what not to do in King's room. After searching King's room Ril went outside to examine and search the guards bodies and check if any possessions of theirs were apparently taken or left.

Heal (any apparent abnormalities, except being dead and/or undead, cause(s) of death, weapon(s) used etc.):
- king: [roll0]
- guards: [roll1]
Search everything: take 33

2011-09-16, 04:40 PM
It appears the guards were killed by elven weapons. Strangely nothing from them has been taken. You don't find anything of value or something that you would take, besides the bottle, in the king's room.

2 quads of the kingsguards show up and stand watch in case anything else happens. Sariya mentions that you should examine the prince's room.

2011-09-19, 03:01 PM
Rhaegar will move to the prince's room and look in, taking stock of the situation.

2011-09-20, 06:25 AM
"Hmm... looks like they were killed by elven weapons. I mean, here, by elven weapons... that's kind of insane. Who will let an elf here? Or, more so, armed elf? Sariya, either it is an attempt at framing or you've had a major security breach."

Ril will go with Rhaegar to examine prince's room too.

2011-09-20, 05:40 PM
The dust in the room appears to have been shifted slightly by the Invisible stalker in the room.

2011-09-27, 03:33 PM
The Prince's room is a complete mess. It appears that had the same furnishings as the King's room: an expensive bed, a wardrobe/closet, a table by the bed. However, everything in the room is either scorched black in large parts, scorched black in small parts and in pieces. It looks like some major fighting took place in this room. Parts of the ceiling overhead is lying on the ruined bed.

A circle of what appears to be a fine black dust is drawn in a cleared space in the room. It appears that the debris was cleared away and the dust laid down in the circle pattern. You detect faint conjuration magic from the circle. You also note patches of spilled blood, with blood by the circle of fine black dust.

2011-09-28, 04:44 AM
Tyrus looks around the room and says, "By Moradin's beard... what happened in here?" He then moves to inspect the dust, trying to figure out what it was used for.

Spellcraft to identify what the dust was used for: [roll0]

2011-09-28, 10:42 PM
Rhaegar will slink into the shadows and ready in case there is another attack.

2011-10-27, 07:59 PM
So? what we waiting on here? Or has people left?

2011-10-27, 10:25 PM
I think a month of inactivity indicates a dead thread. Shame, though, you were really going somewhere with this one.

a suggestion I've found for forum rp: keep the party size small. Large parties tend to grind to a halt through noone's fault, just because having to wait on six people takes a lot longer than three or four.