View Full Version : [Pathfinder] Pure Crossblooded Sorcerer?

2011-07-06, 03:33 AM
Character Info:
Level 1 Human Sorcerer (Serpentine/Draconic or Serpentine/Celestial)
Name: Raven Spellmartyr (Lawful Good)

Stats: 25 points
Str: 8
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 8
Cha: 18+2(Human Bonus) I Might lower this to 17 for no penalty to dex and str

Feats: Am going to be conjuring a lot and summoning after level 6
Human: Combat Casting, Improved Initiative or Toughness.
1st level: Spell Focus (Conjuration) (Augment Summoning later)
Later levels: Any recommended Meta-Magic feats? (Merciful Spell sounds fluffy for Lawful Good, not to mention +0 spell level)

Favorite Class bonus: extra Spells known from being human (HP or Skill until 4th).

The obvious ones.
Sleep or Color Spray
So for my next game (which will probably not be in a while) I was originally gonna go pure Serpentine Sorcerer but with the release of Ultimate Magic and thus Crossblooded sorcs. I was thinking of changing my character into a Serpentine plus Draconic or Celestial.

My reason for liking Draconic Serpent is that fluff wise he could wear the mark of Ouroboros and fit that image in later levels.

Celestial serpent on the other hand is really fitting because of his touch of divine from being a scion of surabar (Shackled City) and also being Lawful Good just makes it fun to roleplay.

Now the really question is... is it worth it?

Loosing one spell known each spell level isn't so much for me because I've asked my DM to allow my sorcerer to get his bonus spell a level earlier so I will at least have the bonus spells when I get to new spell levels. (DM is also a good friend, although very Lawful Evil)

So what are your thoughts? Which of the crossblood combinations would you take? any advice for my character is appreciated (feats, spells, etc).

Also any good ideas for Traits? (Scion of Surabar is free)

[Books Available: Core, APG, UM and anything Pathfinder SRD. Also GM has allowed complete books from 3.5 and well anything else from 3.5 if asked, though I want to stick to Pathfinder if possible]

2011-07-06, 04:11 AM
If I remember, a human can swap out their favored class bonus to HP/Skills for more spells, in case you didn't already know that.

Are you planning on fighting in melee, or generally being close to enemies? Because if not, I don't see how combat casting will help that much. Toughness is alright, as more health is always nice, but could be replaced by something better I think. Improved initiative is a solid feat though.

All I got really, my knowledge is rather limited on PF for now.

2011-07-06, 05:08 AM
Thanks for your input Xanmyral, I already knew about the favored class bonus human sorcerers get, it was in the Character Info. (please see top of post's Spoiler for info on character atm)

And no I expect never to be in melee if i can help it, BUT, I've played shackled city before to a point and not wanting to be in melee was hardly ever an option :smalltongue: (surrounded or being attacked by something with reach was pretty normal)

2011-07-06, 08:00 AM
One trait to consider would be the " Indomitable Faith" trait. It gives you a +1 Trait bonus on will saves. That would help offset the cost of crossbloodedness.

Personally, I would suggest the Draconic bloodline over Celestial, if only because the damage boost from the bloodline arcana combines well with the Lingering Spell (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/feats/metamagic-feats/lingering-spell-metamagic) metamagic feat.

2011-07-06, 09:22 AM
I've decided on taking Draconic/Serpentine for two reasons,

1. Dragon Resistances + Snakeskin will mean a natural armor bonus of +7 by level 17!
2. Wings from draconic (nothing to be said really, I like unlimited air time)

Also I never really mentioned why I like Serpentine over everything,

Mostly its because of Serpent’s Fang and Scaled Soul in conjunction with a Conductive reach weapon, it sounds awesome. (Channel power through weapon)

Also, Indomitable Faith is a good idea, also thinking of lowering my charisma 1 points so my str and wis become 10 and thus not too much of a penalty to Will saves.

I'll have to consider Lingering spell if i see that I'm using damaging area spells at all.

Thanks for your input.

2011-07-06, 09:30 AM
I've decided on taking Draconic/Serpentine for two reasons,

1. Dragon Resistances + Snakeskin will mean a natural armor bonus of +7 by level 17!

There is no exception text allowing those items to stack, so at best you'll get the better of the two natural armor bonuses.

2011-07-06, 09:36 AM
They are both untyped natural armor bonuses as far as I can tell so my group would rule it as stackable.

2011-07-06, 09:40 AM
They're both untyped natural armor bonuses as far as I can tell so my group would rule it as stackable.

Natural armor is a bonus type, unfortunately. To make them stack, you would need language similar what is listed in the Dragon Disciple.

2011-07-06, 09:44 AM
The way I see it is that I'm gaining Natural armor progressively from two sources and thus would stack.

But in the end it depends on my DM I suppose.

Though I do see now what you mean from reading the dragon disciple.

edit: Actually I think these would stack "These armor bonuses stack." though serpentine doesn't say it, it does say "you gain a +1 bonus to natural armor"

2011-07-06, 09:48 AM
But in the end it depends on my DM I suppose.

You remind me of my players. Godspeed, good sir.

2011-07-06, 09:56 AM
My DM likes me for my enthusiasm for all things RPG but hates me for my game breaking characters (Ah the story breaking Whisper Gnome Batman.. err... Beguiler)

I have toned it down to just to just efficiency optimizing, I hate useless abilities.